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A. B. C.


A. B. C.


A. B. C.


A. B. C.


A. B. C.



6. When will Grandpa arrive?

A. AT 8:00 PM.

B. At 7:00 PM.

C. At 6:00 PM.

7. How is Grandpa coming?

A. By train.

B. By bus.

C. By car.


8.What is the woman studying?

A. English.

B. Chinese.

C. Maths.

9. What is the woman good at?

A. Playing the guitar.

B. Playing the piano.

C. Playing the violin


10. Where is the woman going?

A. To France.

B. To Australia.

C. To China.

11. Who will the woman visit?

A. Her friend.

B. Her brother.

C. Her teacher.


12.How is the weather tomorrow?

A. Cloudy.

B. Rainy.

C. Sunny.

13. What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A. A plan for tomorrow.

B. Programmes on TV.

C. Food for the dinner.


14.What can we know about the speaker?

A. He was a good football player.

B. He will take part in the game.

C. He likes maths and science.

15. Why does the speaker give the speech to the students?

A. To explain the rules of the game to them.

B. To encourage them to play football.

C. To introduce his school to them.





21. Miss Smith is very kind. We all like ____.

A. it




22. We usually have the first class ____ 8:00 in the morning.





23.Get up early, ____you’ll be late for school.





24. —____ T-shirt is this?

—I think it’s Tom’s.





25. I jumped ____ than Bill in the sports meet last year.




D.the highest

26. – Jack, ____ you ride a bike?

–Yes, I can.





27. – Mum, where is Dad?

– He ____ flowers in the garden now.



C.will plant

D.is planting

28. My grandparents____ in that city since 2008.

A.will live


C.have lived

D.were living

29.These model cars ____ in China in 2013.

A.are made

B.were made



30. – Can you tell me ____ to London?

– Sure. Next month.

A.when you will travel

B.when will you travel

C.when you travelled

D.when did you travel



The Phone Call

It was getting dark. Paul looked out of the window and signed (叹气). Dad

said he could come home by 5:30, but it was almost 7:00. Even if Dad came back, it

wouldn’t be much fun playing __31__ in the dark. Paul walked into his room and threw his baseball into the corner. He tried to do some homework, but couldn’t.

The phone rang at about 8:00. It was Dad: “Paul, I’m __32__ , but I couldn’t play baseball with you tonight. I have to finish my work at the office. Maybe we can play this weekend. Oh no. How about next weekend?....”

Paul couldn’t understand why Dad was so __33__ . He threw himself into the sofa and soon fell asleep. His book was still opened to the first page.

The next day at school, Paul didn’t hand in his homework and __34__ a test. Mrs. Green, his teacher, asked him to stay after school. “Paul, you didn’t do your homework.You didn’t pass the test and only got a D. This isn’t like you. What’s wrong?”

Paul just sat there __35__ . “Paul, if you don’t want to talk, I will. I know that something’s worrying with you, but you have to get it out. You need to tell someone.”

As Paul walked home, he thought of what Mrs. Green said. Maybe he didn’t do his homework because he wanted to get his dad’s __36__ . He knew Mrs. Green was right. He decided to take her advice.

When Paul got home, he __37__ his dad. But there was no answer. Then it went to voicemail (语音信箱). Paul began talking: “Dad, I can’t play with you next weekend. I’ve got lots of problems with my homework. Also, I really don’t want to spend another day looking out of the window and waiting. Whenever you __38__ our plans, Dad, it hurts me. It’s not too late to rebuild our relationship, but we have to start small. Maybe you can help me with my __39__ sometime. Dad, I love you.”

As Paul ended the call, he felt much relaxed. He didn’t know whether his dad would be different, but it didn’t matter. He himself __40__ . He expressed his feelings to t he right person. He had a clear head as he was doing his homework that evening.

31. A. baseball B. cards C. chess D. toys

32. A. lucky B. sorry C. surprised D. pleased

33. A. famous B. helpful C. lazy D. busy

34. A. made B. missed C. failed D. chose

35. A. cheerfully B. comfortably C. hopefully D. quietly

36. A. attention B. message C. praise D. trust

37. A. saw B. thanked C. called D. greeted

38. A. prepare B. break C. follow D. question

39. A. choice B. homework C. speech D. decision

40. A. regretted B. complained C. insisted D. changed




My favourite season….


My favourite season is spring, because everything is

getting new and fresh again. I like having picnics and

taking photos with my friends. I don’t like autumn,

because I know that it’s going to be getting cold soon.


Autumn is my favourite season. I love the changing of

leaves. I like the colours. I love the autumn wind that

blows the leaves around. And I often take a walk in that

autumn air with a warm cup of coffee. My least

favourite season is summer, because it’s too hot.


I like summer best. It’s very cool in my hometown, and

it’s nice to have a long and sunny summer. There are a

lot of outdoor activities you can take part in, such as

going camping. My least favourite is winter, because

it’s pretty cold, and you don’t want to go outside.


My favourite season is winter, because there’s a lot of

snow, and it’s very beautiful. When the countryside is

covered with snow, it’s perfectly white. Also, I love

building snowmen with my friends. So I like winter.

41. Matt’s favourite season is _____

A. spring

B. summer

C. autumn

D. winter

42. Where is Anna from?

A. The US.

B. Canada

C. The UK

D. Germany

43. What’s the weather like in Neil’s hometown in summer?

A. Wet

B. Cool

C. Windy

D. Cloudy

44. In winter, Kat loves _____.

A. going camping

B. taking a walk

C. building snowmen

D. having picnics


Bags of Love

Last year, I worked in a middle school near my mother’s house, and I stayed with her for a month. During that time, I helped her do some housework and buy some food.

After the first week, I noticed that the food was eaten up very quickly. Then I began keeping an eye on my mum. To my surprise, I found that she would put some of the food into a paper bag and go out with it at about nine every morning. And finally, I decided to follow her. I saw her taking the food to the street children. She would also spend a lot of time talking and playing with them.

One day, I talked to a neighbour and found out that my mum was well-known in the area. The children were very friendly with her and even thought of her as their own mother. Then it hit me –why wouldn’t she want to tell me about it? Was she worried that I would stop buying food if I found out?

When my mum got home, I gave her a big hug (拥抱).I told her she didn’t need to keep it a secret from me. And she told me something about the children. Some of them lived with an old lady in a small house. Others slept on the street. For years, she was helping the poor street children by giving them food. After she told me everything, I was so moved by how selfless (无私的) she was. She helped others in need. As her son, I was so proud of my mum.

I continued to buy food for my mum after that. But I always added one more bag for her other children.

45. After the first week, the writer noticed that _____.

A. the food was put into a big box

B. his mum followed the children

C. the food was eaten up quickly

D. his mum stopped buying food

46. The street children thought of the writer’s mum as their _____.

A. old grandma

B. own mother

C. new neighbour

D. dear teacher

47. How did the writer feel about his mum after she told him everything?

A .He was proud of her. B. He was confident in her.

C. He was angry with her.

D. He was worried about her.

48. The writer added one more bag of food to _____.

A. make friends with the children

B. get a hug from his mother

C. become well-known in the area

D. help the poor street children


Do you enjoy visiting a museum? Did you ever make a plan before a visit? Every museum must have something that attracts you. And there are many possible ways to enjoy yourself in a museum.

If you follow these steps below, you'll know what is worth seeing and doing, so that you can make the most of your time at the


Decide what museum you will visit. There are so many different kinds of museums and you first need to find one that you like. It's easy for you to choose one and start an enjoyable visit!

Do some research online. Every museum now has a website which allows you to look through the information about it. On the website, you may look for such things as:

?The exhibits(展品)–See what is on show at the museum at all times, and what special exhibitions are held for a short time.

?The history of the museum –There will often be very interesting stories about the exhibits and the benefactors(捐赠者). That can make your visit more interesting.

?Activities –See whether there are talks, tours our special activities on the day when you visit. Many

museums hold some activities that meet the interests of all age groups.

?C ost,food or shortage–It's important how much the visit will cost. You have to decide whether or not you can eat there. You might also need to find out transportation needs, as well as storage for coats, bags etc.

Learn at least one thing on your visit. It is always good to take away something new from your visit.

Plan breaks into your visit. When you walk around, standing here and studying exhibits there, you may become very tired. So it is important to take breaks. A break is a good opportunity for you to think of what you have seen and what else you might want to do in museum.

Take a friend or two. Visiting museums is always a lot more fun when you are with someone else. You can talk over what yo u’re seeing. A friend also brings another way of thinking when you talk about the exhibit.

49. According to the passage, we should first ____.

A. do some research online

B. make a plan for lunch

D. decide on a museum to visit D. choose a friend to go with

50. To make our visit more interesting, we can____.

A. organize activities like special shows and talks

B. read the stories about exhibits and benefactors

C. learn about the interests of all age groups

D. walk around the museum without breaks

51.If we visit a museum with friends, we can____.

A. share the experience with them

B. come up with strange ideas

C. cut down the cost of the visit

D. discuss the next visit plan


New Technology Revolutionizes(变革) Learning

More and more people believe that technologies are great for learning. Today, such teaching tools as iPads are used in a lot of courses, including language, history and science.

Many teachers are supporters of using iPads in language learning. They say that students now have much more time for discussion in the classroom.Instead of spending valuable class time listening to texts or watching teaching videos, students can do this on their own and come to class prepared for discussion.

The teachers also say that iPads allow students to learn at their own pace. Some

students might listen to a dialogue only once and understand it, so they can save time

for doing other things. Other students, however, might need to listen to the same

dialogue again and again to understand it. Using iPads is especially helpful to

students who are learning a language at different paces.

The students who are using the new tool in some courses are also happy. They believe that using iPads is a more enjoyable way to learn (such as listening to stories and watching movies). The class has become much more interesting and creative.

There are other advantages for students. By using iPads, they can pay more attention to the material and learn more. Teaching notes are stored in their iPads and are easy to find .Some students spend more time studying now.“I can listen to my language material or watch teaching videos on the bus, instead of having to wait until I get home,” a student explained.

Many adults complain that technologies such as iPads are doing harm to students. They worry that students might use iPads to download teaching notes and use them to cheat during exams. Some believe that iPads may separate students from each other. If a student spends more time watching videos on an iPad, he will have fewer opportunities to have face-to-face communication with others.

However, technologies are already a part of most students’ day-to-day lives. As for cheating, teachers can ask students to hand in their iPads when they take exams. Education needs to make changes with the times as technology is playing an important part. We should look forward to a wonderful future when iPads and other technologies can add a lot to the classroom.

53.What does the expression“at their own pace” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?

A. According to their own timetable.

B. Without their teachers’ help.

C. Because of their wonderful goals.

D. Against their parents’ hope.

54. From the passage we can learn that____.

A. students with iPads have less discussion in class

B. students get more fun from learning with iPads

C. iPads help students save time waiting for buses

D. iPads prevent students from cheating in exams

55. The writer probably agrees that____.

A. teachers can take control of students’ learning

B. exam results depend a lot on now technology

C. technology in education has a bright future

D. note-taking is as helpful as video-watching


A Special Delivery

Ben and Sally lived in California with their two daughters. Ben liked travelling. 56____________ , but sally stayed home with the girls. Ben and his friends owned a company. People at the company liked to play jokes on e ach other. One day, Ben’s friends wanted to play a joke on Ben and Sally. 57_____The letter said, .

On the same day, Sally also got a phone call. The caller told her that a delivery was

coming. At one o’clock, a truck stopped in front of Sally’s house. The truck driver gave

Sally a rope. An animal was tied to the rope. It was a baby elephant!

58_____________ , and it began eating grass.

Then the driver drove away. Sally stood there and held the rope to the elephant.

She asked herself, “What can I feed an elephant with? Bananas?”

59_____________ . He said, “It’s illegal (非法的)to have wild animal here.” Then the policeman gave Sally a ticket.

Ben’s friends were hiding in the backyard and laughing. They had planned everything perfectly. They had rented (租借)the elephant from a zoo and asked the policeman to write the ticket! Ben’s friends also made a film of everything. 60_____________ .

When Sally learned about the truth, she couldn’t help laughing.


Black Friday

Thanksgiving is always on a Thursday. The day after it has been known as Black Friday. It is the start of the holiday shopping season, and it has been the busiest

shopping day of the year in the US since 2005.

Most stores offer big sales on Black Friday. They open their doors quite early in

the morning. They try to attract shoppers with big discounts (打折). Some items (商

Dear Sally.

I’m having a great time here in Africa. I’m sending a special gift to

you. I hope you like it. Please take good care of it until I get home.

Love to you and the kids,


A. So they sent a letter to Sally

B. After a while, a policeman came

C. The elephant ran into Sally’s yard

D. They wanted Ben to watch the video

E. One summer, he went to Africa on a


品)like TVs and cloths are much cheaper than usual. Stores may even lose money on these items. They hope that shoppers will buy gifts for other people while they are in the store.

Black Friday is a great time to go shopping. However, there are problem. The biggest one is that there are not enough low-priced items. Each store may only have a few. These items are in great need, so people stand in long lines to get them. They may wait three to four hours before a store opens. They may be hoping to get a low price on a TV or computer, but not everybody can get one. Some people leave, disappointed.

The situation makes people worried. Some Black Friday events have been crazy. There have been fights over toys among shoppers. Some workers have even been hurt by large crowds. But most Black Friday events are safe and fun. Still, if you plan to go, you will expect large crowds and a bit of pushing.

So where does the name “Black Friday” come from? It was first used in Philadelphia in the 1950s. The police called this day Black Friday because of the heavy traffic it caused. In the 1960s, stores tried to rename the day “Big Friday”. It did not stick. The name “Black Friday” continued to spread across the country. It seems that it is here to stay.

Now people all over the country take part in Black Friday events. It is even spreading to other parts of the world. Stores have held Black Friday events in the UK, Australia, and Brazil since 2012. In Mexico, stores offer a weekend of discounts every year. They call it “El Buen Fin”, which means “the good weekend” in Spanish. I guess people everywhere like to buy things on sale.

61. Is Black Friday the start of the holiday shopping season?

62. What is the biggest problem with Black Friday?

63. How long may people have to wait before a store opens?

64. Where was the name “Black Friday” first used in the 1950s?

65. Why do people like going shopping on Black Friday?




66. 假如你叫李华,你们学校为配合北京申办冬奥会,倡导人人都做文明中学生。请你根据以下提示,给你的英国笔友Peter写一封邮件,告诉他你认为做个文明中学生什么是重要的,你通常是怎么做的,以及你的感受。

提示词语:think, smile, respect, say hello to, wait in line, on time, happy

1. What is important for a middle school student? (Being polite to

others? Following rules?…)

2. What do you usually do?

3. How do you feel?

Dear Peter,

How is it going? At my school we’re talking about what we should do to b e a good student.









Anything new at your school? Yours,

Li Hua


英语试卷第 1 页(共 8 页) 英语试卷第 2 页(共 8 页) 北京市 2019 年初中毕业暨一模考试 英 语 试 卷 2019.4 知识运用(共 14 分) 一、单项填空。(共 6 分,每小题 0.5 分) 从下面各题所给的 A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1. Terry and I are good friends. are in the same class. A .He B .She C .We D .They 2.Peter often plays basketball his classmates on weekends. A .from B .with C .for D .to 3.My back hurt badly I went to see a doctor. A .so B .or C .and D .but 4.I think swimming is than running. A .interesting B .more interesting C .most interesting D .the most interesting 5.Jack to university in England next September. A .goes B .went C .will go D .has gone 6.My grandma usually dumplings for me on Sundays. A .makes B .made C .is making D .will make 7.Please keep quiet! My little brother now. A .sleeps B .slept C .is sleeping D .was sleeping 8.I a math exam yesterday afternoon. It was quite dif?cult. A .have B .had C .am having D .will have 9.I my cousins since 2016. I miss them very much. A .don't see B .didn't see C .won't see D .haven't seen 10.— I come back to school before 10 o'clock? — No, you needn't. A .Must B .Can C .May D .Should 11. Some new computers to that village school last month. A .give B .are given C .gave D .were given 12.— Excuse me, could you tell me ? — Sorry, sir. I wasn't there at that time yesterday. A .how the accident happens B .how does the accident happen C .how the accident happened D .how did the accident happen 二、完形填空。(共 8 分,每小题 1 分) 阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的 A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中,选择最佳选项。 Reading didn't really change my life until I saw it change the life of a child. Marcus was a quiet boy who lived with his mother in a shelter ( 收 容 所 ) for the poor. Because he was the weakest 13 in his class, he became one of my Reading Help students. Marcus knew letters but couldn't read at all. However, he worked very hard and made progress very 14 . I often gave him books to take home every night so that he could read them with his mother. One day, Marcus didn't bring his books back. He looked so 15 that he was about to cry. When asked why, he told me that someone had taken his book bag during the night. I put my arm around his shoulders and 16 that I would give him more books to take home. "Maybe the person who took your books," I said, "will become a good reader just like you." A few weeks later, I learned Marcus and his mother were being moved to a different shelter across town for safety. I began to 17 what his future would be if he couldn't ?nish the program. Marcus' mother was worried too, so she put him on public transportation every day and sent him all the way across town to 18 with me. Marcus finally graduated from the program as a strong reader. We had a small celebration and I gave him a book to keep. That was the last time I saw Marcus. Although I may never see him again, I'm certain that learning to read changed his life forever. The 19 certainly changed mine. Since then, I've taught many struggling readers, from ages 5 to 75. Each student has increased my love for teaching reading. Each one reminds me what a/an 20 it is to be a teacher working with struggling readers, and how happy it is to see lives changed forever by the simple joy of reading. 学校 班级 姓名 考号 密 封 线 内 不 要 答 题 13.A .runner B .speaker C .reader D .leader 14.A .quickly B .slowly C .carefully D .seriously 15.A .happy B .sad C .tired D .funny 16.A .warned B .reminded C .provided D .promised 17.A .worry B .prove C .argue D .understand 18.A .live B .meet C .deal D .agree 19.A .mind B .notice C .book D .experience 20.A .love B .action C .honor D .memory


英语试卷 姓名准考证号考场号座位号 知识运用(共1 4分) 一、单项填空(共6分,每小题0.5分) 从下面各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 答案:1—5 BCADC 1. Mr. Wang is coming to our school. I can’t wait to see . A. her B. him C. it D. them 解析:Mr. Wang表示“王先生”,指男性,故用him。 2. We planted some flowers the garden yesterday. A. on B. to C. in D. of 解析:指在花园里,介词用in。 3. — Excuse me, is this T-shirt? — It’s 88 yuan. A. how much B. how many C. how long D. how old 解析::由答句可知,问句问的是价钱,故用how much。how many询问数量,修饰可数名词复数;how long询问长度;how old询问年龄。 4. — Lily, _____ you finish the letter in ten minutes? — Yes, I can.

A. must B. should C. need D. can 解析:由答句中的“I can”可知,此处是问你能在10分钟之内完成这封信吗,故用can。 5. This cap is nice, it doesn’t look good on me. A. for B. so C. but D. or 解析:句意:这个帽子很漂亮,但我戴着它不好看。空格前后内容之间存在转折关系,故用but。 答案:6—10 BADDA 6. Julie takes good care of the family dog. She is than her brother. A. patient B. more patient C. most patient D. the most patient 解析:由句子中的“than her brother”可推知,此处要用patient比较级。 7. Sam with his friends every weekend. A. skates B. is skating C. has skated D. was skating 解析:由时间状语“every weekend”可推知,句子要用一般现在时。 8. — Tom, what’s your dad doing? — He my bike. A. repairs B. will repair C. has repaired D. is repairing 解析:问句句意:汤姆,你爸爸正在做什么?由问句可知,答句要用现在进行时。 9. Our school life a lot since 2017. We have more activities now. A. changes B. changed C. will change D. has changed 解析:由句子中的时间状语“since 2017”可推知,句子要用现在完成时。 10. If you want to visit the Palace Museum, I tickets for you tomorrow. A. will book B. booked C. have booked D. was booking 解析:在if引导的条件句中,从句用一般现在时,主句用一般将来时。 答案:11—12 CB


2018年北京市高级中等学校招生考试英语试卷 知识运用(共14分) 一、单项填空(共6分,每小题分) 从下面各题所给的A、B、C、D个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1. My brother and I like football. play it together once a week. A. I B. They C. We D. You you. 2. Happy birthday, Peter! Here’s a gift A. for B. in C. with D. from 3. ——do you usually go to school, Mary ——By bike. A. When B. How C. Where D. Why 4. Many people like pandas they are cute. A. though B. if C. while D. because 5. I go now, or I'll miss my train. A. can B. might C. must D. could 6. Tony is of the three boys, but he is the tallest. A. young B. younger C. youngest D. the youngest 7. Bill likes reading. He picture books with his dad every evening. A. read B. reads C. is reading D. has read 8. ——Paul, what were you doing at nine last night ——I a movie in the cinema with my friends. A. was watching B. watch C. have watched D. will watch 9. David a tennis to play tennis when he was six years o1d. A. begins B. will begin C. began D. has begun 10. ——Lucy, is your uncle a teacher ——Yes,he history for nearly 20 years. A. teaches B. has taught C. is teaching D. will teach 11. A new international airport in the city next year. A. completes B. is completed C. will complete D. will be completed 12. ——Alice, could you tell me London ——Sure. Last Sunday A.when left B. when will leave C. when did leave D. when will leave 二、完形填空(共8分,每小题1分) 阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。 Real Solutions(解决方法)to Problems Thirty engineers were working as a team in a company. They were young and eager to learn. The management decided to teach them about finding real solutions to problems One day, the team was called for a 13 in a hall. They were quite surprised and all reached the hall holding various 14 . As they entered, they found a box placed in the center, full of flat balloons The manager asked everyone to pick a balloon and blow it up. Then they were asked to write their names on their tried, but not everyone was 16 . respective(各自的)balloons 15 so that the balloons wouldn’t blow out. All Five balloons blew out due to pressure(压力). Those who failed to mark their names on the balloons were 17 out of the game. As a result, 25 engineers came to the next level. All the balloons carrying their names were 18 and then put into a room, here and there. The engineers were told to pick the balloon with his or her name on, All the 25 engineers began to search for the respective balloons in a rush. It was almost 15


考生须知 · 2018年北京市高级中等学校招生考试 英语试卷 姓名准考证号考场号座位号 1.本试卷共10页,共五道大题,39道小题,满分60分。考试时间90分钟。 2., 3.在试卷和草稿纸上准确填写姓名、准考证号、考场号和座位号。 4.试题答案一律填涂或书写在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。 5.在答题卡上,选择题用2B铅笔作答,其他试题用黑色字迹签字笔作答。 6.考试结束,将本试卷、答题卡卡和草稿纸一并交回。 知识运用(共14分) 一、单项填空(共6分,每小题分) 从下面各题所给的A、B、C、D个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 brother and I like football. play it together once a week. 【 A. I B. They C. We D. You birthday, Peter! Here’ s a gift you. A. for B. in C. with D. from 3. ---- do you usually go to school, Mary --- By bike. A. When B. How C. Where D. Why people like pandas they are cute. A. though B. if C. while D. because ¥ 5. I go now, or I ll miss my train. A. can B. might C. must D. could is of the three boys, but he is the tallest. A. young B. younger C. youngest D. the youngest likes reading. He picture books with his dad every evening. A. read B. reads C. is reading D. has read , what were you doing at nine Last night -----I a movie in the cinema with my friends. — A. was watching B. watch C. have watched D. will watch 9. David a tennis player, He to play tennis when he was six years old. A. begins B.will begin C. began D. has begun


2018年北京市高级中等学校招生考试 英语试卷 姓名:__________ 准考证号:________________考场号:______座位号:_____ 考生须知 1.本试卷共10页,共五道大题,39道小题,满分60分,考试时间90分钟。 2.在试卷和草稿纸上准确填写姓名、准考证号、考场号和座位号。 3.试题答案一律填涂或书写在答题卡上。在试卷上作答无效。 4.在答题卡上,选择题用2B铅笔作答,其他试题用黑色字迹铅字笔作答。 5.考试结束,请将本试卷、答题卡和草稿纸一并交回。 知识运用(共14分) (2018·北京中考)一、单项填空(共6分,每小题0.5分) 从下面各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1.(2018·北京中考)My brother and I like football. _______ play it together once a week. A.I B. They C. We D. You C【解析】考查人称代词辨析。空处代指My brother and I两人,所以用人称代词we。故选C。 2.(2018·北京中考)Happy birthday, Peter! Here’s a gift ______ you. A.for B. in C.with D.from A【解析】考查介词辨析。根据句意判断:Peter,生日快乐!这是送你的一份礼物。表示“为了;给”用介词for。故选A。 3.(2018·北京中考)—______ do you usually go to school, Mary? —By bike. A.When B. How C. Where D. Why B【解析】考查疑问副词辨析。答语表示方式,提问用副词How。故选B。 4.(2018·北京中考)Many people like pandas ______ they are cute. A.though B. if C. while D. because D【解析】考查连词辨析。句意:很多人喜欢熊猫,因为它们可爱。表示原因用连词because。故选D。 5.(2018·北京中考)I ______ go now, or I’ll miss my train. A.can B. might C. must D. Could C【解析】考查情态动词辨析。can能;可以;might可能;must必须;一定;could会;可能;可以。根据句意判断:我现在必须走了,否则我会赶不上火车了。故选C。 6.(2018·北京中考)Tony is ______ of the three boys, but he is the tallest. A.young B. younger C. is reading D. has read D【解析】考查形容词比较等级辨析。根据of the three boys判断,三者以上比较用最高级;最高级形式前用定冠词the。故选D。 7.(2018·北京中考)Bill likes reading. He ______ picture books with his dad every evening. A.read B. Reads C. is reading D. has read B【解析】考查动词时态。根据every evening判断句中使用一般现在时,主语He是第三人称单数,所以动词使用第三人称单数形式。故选B。 8.(2018·北京中考)—Paul, what were you doing at nine last night? —I ______ a movie in the cinema with my friends. A.was watching B.watch C. have watched D. will watch A【解析】考查动词时态。根据问句中的时间“at nine last night”判断句中动作表示过去时


2018中考英语模拟试卷 第Ⅰ部分选择题(共60分) 一、选择填空。(共15小题,每小题1分,计15分) 1.Wu Yishu came _____first in the second season of Chinese Poetry and she was ____success. A. /,a B. the,/ C. a, a D./,/ 2.---- Yesterday Alice fell over and was hurt badly while she_______a snowball. ----I'm sorry to hear that. A. made B. was making C. makes D.is making 3.I think his advice is of great _____. It’s well worth ______. A. value, taking B. value, to take C. valuable, to take D. valuable, taking 4.There are fewer and fewer tigers in India. The situation will continue ________ humans stop hunting them for their fur and bones. A. if B. unless C. because D. since 5.---- Mike, I haven't seen your elder sister for a long time. ---- She_______ Hong Kong on business for a few days. A. went to B. has gone to C. has been to D. has been in 6.----Jackie alway s gives friends a helping hand when they need it. I’d like to be his friend. ----That’s true. Just as the saying goes, “__________.” A. Many hands make light work B. No pain, no gain C. Practice makes perfect D. A friend in need is a friend indeed 7.Mr. Wu teaches ________ English. We all like ________. A. our; him B. us; him C. us; her D. our; her 8. ---- Do you know our new English teacher? ----Yes. He _________ to be a friend of my brother’s. A. turns down B. turns on C. turns off D. turns out 9. ----Mr Li, I have some difficulty_________ the article. ---- Remember_________ it three or four times at least. A. to understand; reading B. understanding; reading C. understanding; to read D. to understand; to read 10. ----My recorder is broken. Could I use yours? ---- ________, but you have to return it tomorrow. A. I’m not sure B. No problem C. I’m sorry D. I hope so 11. ---- ________ shall we begin the dinner, Mum? ---- ________ your father comes from work, dear. A. When; Until B. How long; Not until C. How soon; Until D. How soon; Not until 12. You ________ drive after drinking alcohol(酒).It's against the law. A. mustn't B. needn’t C. couldn’t D. wouldn’t 13. ----Wechat (微信)is an invention _________can help people talk to friends, share photos, ideas and feelings freely. ----_________wonderful it is! A. which; How B. who; How C. that; What D. who; What 14. ---- The cakes are quite delicious! Can I have one more?


2018年北京市高级中等学校招生考试英语试卷姓名_____________ 准考证号____________ 考场号___________ 座位号________ 知识运用(共14分) 一、单项填空(共6分,每小题0.5分) 从下面各题所恰的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1. My brother and I like football. _________ play it together once a week. A. I B. They C. We D. You 2. Happy birthday, Peter! Here’s a gift _______ you. A. for B. in C. with D. from 3. --- ________ do you usually go to school, Mary? ---By bike. A. When B. How C. Where D. from 4. Many people like pandas _______ they are cute. A. though B. if C. while D. because 5. I _______ go now, or I'll miss my train. A. can B. might C. must D. could 6. Tony is ________ of the three boys, but he is the tallest. A. young B. younger C. youngest D. the youngest 7. Bill likes reading. He ______ picture books with his dad every evening A. read B. reads C. is reading D. has read 8. ---Paul, what were you doing at nine last night? --- I _______ a movie in the cinema with my friends. A. was watching B. watch C. have watched D. will watch


2018年北京中考英语试题 1. My brother and I like football. play it together once a week. A. I B. They C. We D. You you. 2. Happy birthday, Peter! Here’s a gift A. for B. in C. with D. from 3. ——do you usually go to school, Mary? ——By bike. A. When B. How C. Where D. Why 4. Many people like pandas they are cute. A. though B. if C. while D. because 5. I go now, or I'll miss my train. A. can B. might C. must D. could 6. Tony is of the three boys, but he is the tallest. A. young B. younger C. youngest D. the youngest 7. Bill likes reading. He picture books with his dad every evening. A. read B. reads C. is reading D. has read 8. ——Paul, what were you doing at nine Last night? ——I a movie in the cinema with my friends. A. was watching B. watch C. have watched D. will watch 9. David a tennis player,He to play tennis when he was six years o1d. A. begins B. will begin C. began D. has begun


2019 年北京中考英语考前模拟试题第一节单项选择。(本题共15 小题,每小题 1 分,计15 分) ( (从每小题所给的A、 B、 C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 )1. I________a lot but I don't play very often now. A. used to play tennis B. was used to play tennis C. am used to play tennis D. used to playing tennis )2. Bob, an________boy, can write and sing many English songs. A. eight-years-old B. eight-years C. eight-year-old D. eight-years old ()3.—Would you________me________, Mr. Lin? This question is too hard for me. ( ( ( —OK. Let me try. A. help; after B. help; out C. help; up D. help; with )4. Let's________the exercise books before we begin to do our homework. A. put up B. call up C. hand out D. fix up )5. I think________difficult for us to learn a foreign language well in a short time. A. that B. this C. one D. it )6. Her clothes are new, but she wants to________them________to the poor people. A. work, out B. help; out C. give; away D. hand; out ()7.—What are you going to do? ( ( ( —I'm going to put_______ some signs________old clothes. A. up; to ask for B. on; to ask to C. up; asking to D. down; asking for )8.Our parents often tell us not alone in the river in summer. A.swim B.to swim C.swimming D.swam )9.The father is creative enough so many nice toys for his daughter. A.buying B.making C.to buy D.to make )10.I often saw the boys in the river. A.swam B.swimming C.to swim D.swim


2018年北京市中考英语试题 知识运用(共14分) 一、单项填空(共6分,每小题0.5分) 从下面各题所给的A、B、C、D个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳 选项。 1. My brother and I like football. play it together once a week. A. I B. They C. We D. You 2. Happy birthday, Peter! Here’s a gift you. A. for B. in C. with D. from 3. ——do you usually go to school, Mary? ——By bike. A. When B. How C. Where D. Why 4. Many people like pandas they are cute. A. though B. if C. while D. because 5. I go now, or I'll miss my train. A. can B. might C. must D. could 6. Tony is of the three boys, but he is the tallest. A. young B. younger C. youngest D. the youngest 7. Bill likes reading. He picture books with his dad every evening. A. read B. reads C. is reading D. has read 8. ——Paul, what were you doing at nine Last night? ——I a movie in the cinema with my friends. A. was watching B. watch C. have watched D. will watch 9. David a tennis player,He to play tennis when he was six years o1d. A. begins B. will begin C. began D. has begun 10. ——Lucy, is your uncle a teacher? ——Yes,he is.He history for nearly 20 years.


2019北京中考英语试题分析 单项填空 内容覆盖了《义务教育英语课程标准(2011年版)》和2019年《考试说明》中所要求的主要语法项目。主要特点如下: 一、重视基础积累,凸显语用 试题立足对学生英语基础知识和基本技能的考查,涉及的考点均为初中学生英语学习中需要掌握的主干知识和必备技能,符合学生的生活经验、学习特点、认知水平和语言能力,具体内容包括代词、介词、特殊疑问词、形容词、动词(情态动词、动词的时态及语态)和宾语从句,考查了学生在义务教育阶段英语学习的积累。 完形填空 采用记叙文形式,约286词左右,难度属于中等。故事的主题是挫折教育。文章以第一人称记叙了作者精心准备参加竞选班长,但是失败了。面对挫折,作者认识到世界上太多的事情不是我们能把握的,参选经历就是塑造品格的过程,并学会积极对待失败,使自己变得更坚强。主要特点如下: 一、落实立德树人,引领寓教于考 故事贴近学生生活,主人公在竞选班长的过程中从害怕失败到坦然面对,逐步成长,故事引导学生积极参与学校各类活动,激励大家坦然接受挫败,树立信心。 二、注重语篇理解,增强语用考查 综合考查学生在语篇中对词汇的掌握和运用能力,以及对篇章逻辑的理解和把握能力。考查的词汇均为实词,其中考查动词4个,名词2个、形容词和副词各1个。要求学生在了解语篇的基础上,加强语义、语境的深层次理解,具备一定的逻辑思维能力。如第19题,forget,该题较好地体现了完形填空题的解题基本思路:即上下文连贯,不要孤立地做题,体现语篇层面语言和内容的连贯性。 三、注意高频词汇,积累一词多性 试题中出现的词汇如afraid、manage、win、prediction等都是高频词汇。平时的学习中对于这些词的词性、词义与用法要准确无误的掌握。如第16题,picture作动词用,表示“想像”。 阅读理解 阅读理解话题丰富、贴近学生、贴近社会和时代,试题凸显对学生阅读品格的考查,既全面考查学生的阅读理解能力,也注重对学生阅读兴趣和阅读习惯养成的引导,体现了“立德树人”的育人导向。 一、话题承载社会主义核心价值观,落实“立德树人”根本任务 阅读文本内容贴近学生,贴近社会,富有时代气息。自然融入了社会主义核心价值观,坚持立德树人、育人为本,注重对学生情感态度和价值观的正向引导。 比如阅读B篇,女儿自制go-cart参加比赛。在制作的过程中,父亲重视女儿在体验和


2020年北京市高级中等学校招生考试 英语试卷 姓名准考证号考场号座位号. 知识运用(共14分) 一、单项填空(共6分,每小题0.5分) 从下面各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1.Mr. Jackson is a popular writer,and we all like reading books.} A. his B. her C. their D. your https://www.doczj.com/doc/b312875094.html,ually I make breakfast for my family Saturdays. A. at B. in C. on D. to 3. Wash your hands before meals,you may get ill. A. and B. but C. or D. so 4.—you give me a hand? I can't move the box by myself —No problem. A.Could B. Should C. Must D. Need 5.—do you visit your grandparents,Tom? —Twice a month. A.How much B. How often C. How long D. How soon 6.Zhaozhou Bridge is one of stone bridges in the world A. old B. older C. oldest D. the oldest 7.If you take this train,you in Shanghai in five hours. A. arrive B. will arrive C. arrived D. have arrived 8.I on the computer when Frank called me last night A. work B. will work C. was working D. am working

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