当前位置:文档之家› 常见术语及缺陷中英文对照





中文英文備注中文英文備注弧長Arc Length材料Material 基本呎寸Basic Dimension厚度Thickness

錐度Conical Taper X.XX扭曲Twist

擴孔Counterbore or Spotface弧度Camber


深度Deep of Depth翹曲Tilt



個數Number or Times-Places2X孔徑Hole

不測量呎寸Dimension Not to Scale X.XX版次Revision

參考呎寸Reference Dimension(X.XX)呎寸Dimension 斜度Slope切面Section

球直徑Spherical Diameter S?利角Sharp edges

球半徑Spherical Radius SR半剖角Half section

正方形Square□編號呎寸Number Sizes


直線度Straightness—單向公差Unilateral tolerance

圓度Roundness○雙向公差Bilateral tolerance


線輪廓度Profile or a Line剖面圖Cross–Section

面輪廓度Profile of a Surface擠壓Extrusion


垂直度Perpendicularity⊥內應力Internal stress




對稱度Symmtery碰銲Spot Weld

圓跳動Circular Run out凹槽Fluting/Groove

全跳動Total Run out成形Forming

A點A-Ponit基準線Datum Line


配合fit回火處理Drawing temper



螺紋screw或thread剪切力Shear force

回火Tempering剪切銷Shear pin

脆性Brittleness剪切應力Shear stress 脆性斷裂Brittle fracture間隙Clearance

錘擊試驗Hammer test截面收縮Contraction in area

單工序衝床Simple press tool緊配合Driving fit 彈簧Spring開口Throat

執片Shim抗彎強度Bending strength

定位銷Pilot pin拉伸試驗Tensile test

斷裂試驗Fracture test老化Aging

斷裂應力Breaking stress螺母Nut

2、抽樣術語中英文對照 電叻 Nickel plating 無電沉叻 Electroless nickel


中 文

英 文

備 注

中 文

英 文

備 注

電彩鋅 Zinc plate yellow 電金

Gold plating 電藍鋅 Zinc plate clear 拋光 Polishing 電黑鋅 Black zinc plating 焊錫 Solder 橄欖鋅 Olive zinc plating 氧化白 White anodize 電鉛錫 Tin lead plating 氧化黑 Black anodize 電啞錫 Mat tin plating 鈍化原色 Clear chromium 電啞鉛錫 Mat tin lead plating 鈍化金 Passivate gold 電光錫 Bright tin plating 鉻化白 White chromium 電光鉛錫 Bright tin lead plating 氧化深綠 Blue anodize plating 電鉻 Chromium plating

鈍化 Passivation 浸錫

Dip tin


Silver plating

中 文 英 文 備注

中 文

英 文


鈍化 Passivate 螺絲釘 Screwnail 非破壞性試

驗 Non-destructive testing



白口鐵 White iron

鉚接 Riveted joint 半圓螺釘 Button headed screws

鉚平 Closing up 剝落 Peeling

模數 Module 不銹鋼 Stainless steel

內螺紋 Female thread 成套衝模 Die set

加強筋 Gusset 齒厚 Tooth thickness 平頭螺釘

Cap screw 全部 Full

切口 Kerf 衝床 Perforating press

傾斜 Canting 衝擊試驗 Izod test

螺絲攻 Tap 衝頭 Punch 塑性變形

Plastic deformation 垂直切割 Orthogonal cutting 彎曲試驗

Bending test 韌性 Toughness

銹 Rust 復合衝模 Compound press tool

修整 Dressing 焊接 Welding 折彎 Crimping 焊條 Welding rood

中 文

英 文

備 注

中 文

英 文

備 注

嚴重缺點 Critical defect

凈重 Net Weight N. W 主要缺點 Major defect 毛重 Gross Weight G. W 次要缺點 Minor defect

數量 Quantity QTY

允收數 Accept Ac

製造日期 MGF DATE 拒收數 reject Re

運輸日期 SHIP DATE 抽樣計劃 Sampling Plan 成品 Final product

抽樣數量 Sample Size

外觀 Vision 允收品質水準 Accept Quality Level AQL 包裝 Packing 產品編號 Part Number P/N

功能 Function 產品名稱 Description




vibration 振动 sound 音 tone 音(乐音) musical tone 乐音 noise 噪音 acoustics 声学 psychoacoustics 心理声学 frequency 频率 intensity 强度 time 时间 wave form 波形 pitch 音高 loudness 响度 duration 时值 timbre 音色(tone color or quality) tuning fork 音叉 pure tone 纯音 complex tone 复音(composite tone) overtone(s) 泛音 (aliquot tone, harmonics, flageolet tone 即upper partials) overtone series 泛音列 partial(s) 分音(partial tone)

fundamental(tone) 基音(first partial) step 音级(scale step, degree) accidental(s) 变音记号 sharp 升号 flat 降号 double-sharp 重升号 double-flat 重降号 nature 还原号 intonation 音准 octave 八度 range 音域(compass) (voice) register 音区 small c 小字组c great C 大字组C contra C 大字二组C unaccented octave 小字组 one-lined octave 小字一组(one-line) two-lined octave 小字二组(two-line) three –lined octave 小字三组(three-line) four-line octave 小字四组(four-line) temperament 乐律 tempered scale 平均律(equal temperament)


色彩常用术语中英文对照 2007-08-06 16:48:16 (已经被浏览7次) 一.红色类红色red 朱红vermeil; vermilion; ponceau 粉红pink; soft red; rose bloom 梅红plum;crimson;fuchsia red 玫瑰红rose madder; rose 桃红peach blossom; peach; carmine rose 樱桃红cherry; cerise 桔红reddish orange; tangerine; jacinth; salmon pink; salmon 石榴红garnet 枣红purplish red; jujube red; date red 莲红lotus red 浅莲红fuchsia pink 豉豆红bean red 辣椒红capsicum red 高粱红Kaoliang red 芙蓉红hibiscus red; poppy red; poppy 胭脂红rogue red ; carmine; cochineal; lake 鲑鱼红salmon 玳瑁红hawksbill turtle red 海螺红cadmium orange 宝石红ruby red 玛瑙红agate red 珊瑚红coral 金红bronze red 铁红iron oxide red 铁锈红rust red 镉红cadmium red 铬红chrome red 砖红brick red 土红laterite; reddle 郎窑红lang-kiln red 均红Jun-kiln red 釉底红underglaze red 威尼斯红Venetian red 法国红French vermilion 茜红alizarin red; madder red 洋红carmine; magenta 品红pinkish red; magenta 猩红scarlet red; scarlet; blood red 油红oil red 紫红purplish red; madder red; wine red; wine; carmine;amaranth; claret; fuchsia;


一、化妆品类别 二、功效类 三、彩妆类 四、常见名称 五、化妆品 INGREDIENTS(成份)中文标示简介 一、化妆品类别 护肤:skin care 洗面奶:facial cleanser/face wash(Foaming,milky,cream, Gel) 爽肤水:toner/astringent 紧肤水:firming lotion 柔肤水:toner/smoothing toner (facial mist/facial spray/ complexion mist) 护肤霜:moisturizers and creams 精华:serum/essence 喷雾:spa water/spray 乳液:fluid 保湿:moisturizer 隔离霜,防晒:sun screen/sun block 美白:whitening 露:lotion,霜:cream 日霜:day cream

晚霜:night cream 眼部GEL: eye gel 面膜: facial mask/masque 眼膜: eye mask 护唇用:Lip care 口红护膜:Lip coat 磨砂膏: facial scrub 去黑头: (deep) pore cleanser/striper pore refining 去死皮: Exfoliating Scrub 润肤露(身体):bodylotion/moisturizer 护手霜: hand lotion/moisturizer 沐浴露: body wash 二、功效类 Acne/Spot(青春痘用品) Active(賦活用) After sun(日晒后用品) Alcohol-free(无酒精) Anti-(抗、防) Anti- wrinkle(抗老防皱) Balancing(平衡酸鹼) Clean-/Purify-(清洁用) Combination(混合性皮肤)



————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期: 2

德仕科技(深圳)有限公司 品管部中英文对照表(一) 主要缺陷中英文对照 序号中文英文 序 号 中文英文 1 披峰Flash 16 流痕Flow mark 2 走不齐/ 缺胶 Short shot 17 色差 abberration 3 变形/注塑 后变形 Deformation 18 夹水线Weld lines 4 偏模Mismatch 19 碰伤Bump damage 5 起泡Blister 20 银线Silver 6 污斑Grease pits 21 少数量Packing shortage 7 雾化Atomization 22 泛白Blushing 8 烧焦Burn mark 23 发白Whitening 9 油污Oil mark 24 刮伤Scratch 10 气泡Blister 25 气纹Gas lines 11 划痕Scffing 26 混色Color mixture 12 泛黄Yellowing 27 斑点/污 点/ 黑点 Macula 13 缩水Sink mark 28 结合线 14 段差29 拉伤Pull 15 抛光不良Polishing mark 30 水印Watermark 主要测量仪器中英文对照

序号中文英文 序 号 中文英文 1 分厘卡(千 分尺) Micrometer 14 卡尺Caliper 2 C表Dial gauge 15 扁分厘卡Blade micrometer 3 块规Block gauge 16 针规Pin gauge 4 CMM X-Y-Z Coordinate 17 电子卡尺Digital caliper 5 扭力计Torque meter 18 投影仪Projection apparatus 6 高度仪Height gauge 19 直角尺Square master 7 游标卡尺Vernier caliper 20 硬度机Durometer 8 牙规Scre gauge 21 半径规Radius gauge 9 角度规Universal protractor 22 特别塞规Ring gauge 10 拉/推力计Pull/Push gauge 23 弹力计Spring balance 11 塞尺Clearance gauge 24 专用夹具Special fixture 12 工具显微 镜 Tool-measuring microscope 25 千分表Dial indicator 13 1 抽样Sampling 11 抽样计划 Sampling plan 2 样品数量Sample size 12 合格Conformity


计算机编程英语词汇算法常用术语中英对照 Data Structures 基本数据结构 Dictionaries 字典 Priority Queues 堆 Graph Data Structures 图 Set Data Structures 集合 Kd-Trees 线段树 Numerical Problems 数值问题 Solving Linear Equations 线性方程组 Bandwidth Reduction 带宽压缩 Matrix Multiplication 矩阵乘法 Determinants and Permanents 行列式 Constrained and Unconstrained Optimization 最值问题Linear Programming 线性规划 Random Number Generation 随机数生成 Factoring and Primality Testing 因子分解/质数判定Arbitrary Precision Arithmetic 高精度计算Knapsack Problem 背包问题 Discrete Fourier Transform 离散Fourier变换Combinatorial Problems 组合问题 Sorting 排序 Searching 查找 Median and Selection 中位数 Generating Permutations 排列生成 Generating Subsets 子集生成 Generating Partitions 划分生成 Generating Graphs 图的生成 Calendrical Calculations 日期 Job Scheduling 工程安排 Satisfiability 可满足性 Graph Problems -- polynomial 图论-多项式算法Connected Components 连通分支 Topological Sorting 拓扑排序 Minimum Spanning Tree 最小生成树 Shortest Path 最短路径 Transitive Closure and Reduction 传递闭包Matching 匹配 Eulerian Cycle / Chinese Postman Euler回路/中国邮路Edge and Vertex Connectivity 割边/割点 Network Flow 网络流 Drawing Graphs Nicely 图的描绘 Drawing Trees 树的描绘 Planarity Detection and Embedding 平面性检测和嵌入Graph Problems -- hard 图论-NP问题 1 / 20


家纺常用词语中英文对照 家纺常用词语中英文对照 0点 Acrylic weft-knitted blanket纬编腈纶毛毯Acrylic woollen type fabric 腈纶毛绒Apron 围裙 Bath curtain 浴帘 Bath mat 地巾 Bath towel 浴巾 Bed bag 被套 Bed cover 床罩 Bed decoration 床饰 Bed sheet jacquard 大提花被单布 Bed sheet linen 亚麻床单布 Bed sheet set 被里 Bed Sheet被单 Bed Spread; Bed Skirt 床裙 Bed valance床幔 Bedding; bedclot hes 床上用品 Blanket毯子 Bleached bed sheet 全白床单Bleached fabric 漂白织物 Bleached towel 全白毛巾 Blending--spun linen 亚麻混纺布Boudoir Pillow 闺枕 Carpet 地毯 Chenille fabric 雪尼尔织物 Chinese style bed sheet 中式床单Comforter Shell被壳 Cordage 绳 Cotton blanket 线毯、棉毯 Cotton thread tape 线带 Cotton yarn tape 纱带 Curtain窗帘 Cushion cover靠垫套 Cushion靠垫 Decoration装饰布 Door curtain门帘 Door mat门垫 Down-proof fabric 防绒布 Duvet羽绒被 Embroidered 绣花 Fabric Valance帷幔 Fake fur knitted fabric 人造毛皮针织物Fake fur 人造毛皮


焊接缺陷1.裂缝:crack (焊缝/弧坑/热影响区裂纹:weld metal/crater/ heat-affected Zone (HAZ) crack) 2.焊瘤:overlap 3.冷隔:cold lap 4.未焊满: under fill / incompletely filled groove 5.咬边: undercut 6.道间没有圆滑过渡/焊缝凹陷:bum effect / Excessive concave 7.未溶合: lack of fusion / incomplete fusion 8.气孔:gas pore / blowhole (针尖状气孔:pinhole; 密集气 孔:porosity; 条虫状气孔:wormhole) 9.夹渣: slag inclusion (夹钨:tungsten inclusion; 夹杂 物:inclusion) 10.未焊透:incomplete penetration / lack of penetration 11.过度焊缝加强高:excessive reinforce / Excessive weld metal 12.电弧烧伤:Arc strike / Arc burn 13.焊接变形: welding deformation 14.烧穿:burn through 15.塌陷: excessive penetration 16.凹坑:pit / dent 17.过度打磨:excessive grinding

scar 焊疤:18. 19.飞溅:spatter 20.焊缝成行不好:poor profile 21.焊角不足:lack of weld leg 附录 attachment 焊接工艺方法 1.熔焊:fusion welding 压焊:pressure welding 钎焊:brazing welding 2.焊缝倾角:weld slope, inclination of weld axis. 3.焊缝转角:weld rotation, angle of rotation 4.平焊:flat position of welding, downhand welding 横焊:Horizontal position welding. 5.立焊:vertical position welding 仰焊:overhead position welding. 6.向下立焊:vertical down welding, downward welding in the vertical position. 7.向上立焊:vertical up welding, upward welding in the vertical position. 8.倾斜焊;inclined position welding 9.上坡焊: upward welding in the inclined position 10.下坡焊: downward welding in the inclined position 11.对接焊:butt welding 角焊:fillet welding 搭接焊:lap welding 12.船形焊: fillet welding in the downhand / flat position 13.坡口焊:groove welding 14.I 形坡口对接焊:square groove welding 15.Y形坡口对接焊:flare groove welding 16.纵缝焊接:welding of longitudinal seam. 横缝焊接:welding of transverse seam. 17.环缝焊接:girth welding, circumferential welding 18.螺旋缝焊接:welding of spiral seam, welding of helical seam. 19.环缝对接焊:Butt welding of circumferential seam. 20.单面焊:welding by one side 双面焊:welding by both sides 21.单道焊:single-pass welding, single-run welding 多道焊: multi-pass welding.. 22.单层焊:single layer welding 多层焊:multi-layer welding 23.分段多层焊:block sequence, block welding 24.连续焊:continuous welding 打底焊:backing welding 封底焊:back sealing weld 25.自动焊:automatic welding 半自动焊:semi-automatic welding


加工processing 反应性加工reactive processing 等离子体加工plasma processing 加工性processability 熔体流动指数melt [flow] index 门尼粘度Mooney index 塑化plasticizing 增塑作用plasticization 内增塑作用internal plasticization 外增塑作用external plasticization 增塑溶胶plastisol 增强reinforcing 增容作用compatibilization 相容性compatibility 相溶性intermiscibility 生物相容性biocompatibility 血液相容性blood compatibility 组织相容性tissue compatibility 混炼milling, mixing 素炼mastication 塑炼plastication 过炼dead milled 橡胶配合rubber compounding 共混blend 捏和kneading 冷轧cold rolling 压延性calenderability 压延calendaring 埋置embedding 压片performing 模塑molding 模压成型compression molding 压缩成型compression forming 冲压模塑impact moulding, shock moulding 叠模压塑stack moulding 复合成型composite molding 注射成型injection molding 注塑压缩成型injection compression molding 射流注塑jet molding 无流道冷料注塑runnerless injection molding 共注塑coinjection molding 气辅注塑gas aided injection molding 注塑焊接injection welding 传递成型transfer molding


"R,L Co.,Ltd" 模具常用术语中英文对照 模芯Parting Core 局部视图Partial View 冷料# Cold Slag 线切割 Wire 轮廊Contour 螺纹孔 Tapping Hole 连接件 Fittings 斜针Angle Pin 接合Engage 替换镶件Interchangeable Mold Inserts 指定吨位的注塑机Specific Press 水嘴接头Water Fittings 螺纹Eyebolt Thread 回针Stop Pin 二级顶出针Sub-Leaderd Pin 镶件Mold Insert 加硬Harden 唧嘴Sprue 设计筒图Design Preliminary 名称块表Title Block 版本标识Revision Level 材料清单Stock List 制模Build Mold 手动滑块Hand Slide 漏水测试Leak Test 流道排气Runner Vents 抛光Draw Polish 侧抽芯 Side Action 加强筋 Reinforcing

三角撑 Gusset 柱子Bossed 出模斜度Draft 外廊Contour 落单会议Kick-Off Meeting 装卸孔 Handling Hole 运输安全带Moldstrap 码模槽 Clamp Slot 撑头Support Pillar 螺牙1/2-13 Eye Bolt 1/2-13Tap 导柱位 Leader Pin Location 耐落胶 Teflon Paste 偏移量 Offset 水塞Water Line Plug 撬模脚 Ppy Slot 重新加工Reworked 配件Components 补偿Compensation 平面度 Parallel 倒角Chamfer 模胚Mold Base 热嘴Hotnozzle 火花机 Edm 熔接线 Weildline 压机Press 晒纹Texturing 梯形Trapezoid 凸缘、法兰Flange 方铁Spacer Block 顶针板Ejector Plate 顶针底板Ejector Retainer Plate 垫板Retainer Plate


品 質 部 培 訓 教 材 相關常見術語中英文對照

1、衝壓五金工藝常見術語及缺陷中英文對照: 中 文 英 文 備注 中 文 英 文 備注 弧長 Arc Length 材料 Material 基本呎寸 Basic Dimension 厚度 Thickness 錐度 Conical Taper 扭曲 Twist 擴孔 Counterbore or Spotface 弧度 Camber 錐孔 Countersink 拱形 Crossbow 深度 Deep of Depth 翹曲 Tilt 直徑 Diameter ? 彎曲 Coilset / Bow 半徑 Radius R 公差 Tolerance 個數 Number or Times - Places 2X 孔徑 Hole 不測量呎寸 Dimension Not to Scale X.XX 版次 Revision 參考呎寸 Reference Dimension (X.XX) 呎寸 Dimension 斜度 Slope 切面 Section 球直徑 Spherical Diameter S? 利角 Sharp edges 球半徑 Spherical Radius SR 半剖角 Half section 正方形 Square □ 編號呎寸 Number Sizes 平面度 Flatness □ 比例 Scale 直線度 Straightness — 單向公差 Unilateral tolerance 圓度 Roundness ○ 雙向公差 Bilateral tolerance 圓柱度 Cylindricity 規格 Specification 線輪廓度 Profile or a Line 剖面圖 Cross – Section 面輪廓度 Profile of a Surface 擠壓 Extrusion 傾斜度 Angularity ∠ 內徑 Bore 垂直度 Perpendicularity ⊥ 內應力 Internal stress 平行度 Parallelism / / 硬度 Hardness 位置度 Position 變形 Distortion 同軸度 Concentricity ◎ 刮花 Scratch 對稱度 Symmtery 碰銲 Spot Weld 圓跳動 Circular Run out 凹槽 Fluting / Groove 全跳動 Total Run out 成形 Forming A 點 A-Ponit 基準線 Datum Line 配件 fittings 焊接件 Weldment 配合 fit 回火處理 Drawing temper 裝配 fitting 夾具 Fixture 劃傷 scuffing 剪切 Shear 螺紋 screw 或 thread 剪切力 Shear force 回火 Tempering 剪切銷 Shear pin 脆性 Brittleness 剪切應力 Shear stress 脆性斷裂 Brittle fracture 間隙 Clearance 錘擊試驗 Hammer test 截面收縮 Contraction in area 單工序衝床 Simple press tool 緊配合 Driving fit 彈簧 Spring 開口 Throat 執片 Shim 抗彎強度 Bending strength 定位銷 Pilot pin 拉伸試驗 Tensile test 斷裂試驗 Fracture test 老化 Aging 斷裂應力 Breaking stress 螺母 Nut X.XX


五金模具常用专业术语中英文对照表 上模座upper die set成型公form punch 脱料板stripper 垫板subplate/backup plate 下模座die plate滑块CAM slider 垫脚parallel 误检misfeeder 托板mounting plate顶料销kick off 初始管位first start pin带肩螺丝shoulder screw 两用销lifter pin氮气汽缸gas spring 弹簧护套spring cage 拔牙螺丝jack screw 侧冲组件cam section 导正装置guide equipment 漏废料孔slug hole刀口trim line 加强装置enhance equipment 入子insert 护套bushing 整形公restrike forming punch 止挡板stop plate 挂台head 扣位pocket of head 导柱guide post 导套guide bushing 油嘴oil nipple 接刀口mismatch/cookie bites 限位块stop block 挡块stopper 浮块lifter 压块keeper 靠块heel 对正块alignment block 简易模prototype tooling 检具gage/checking fixture 料带图strip layout 闭合高度shut hight 俯视图top view 料带strip 公差tolerance 正视图front view 走位travel 避位/空pocket 退磁demagnetization 间隙clearance 真空热外理vacuum heat treatment 镗孔mill hole 表面外理surface coasting 镀钛TD coasting 沉头counter sink 精锣finish mill 线割wire cutting 穿丝孔first wire hole 斜度taper 镭射laser-cut 上夹板/固定座holder/retainer 下模座lower die set 成刑母公forming die

常见化学术语的中英文对照 (1)

1.TheIdeal-GasEquation理想气体状态方程 2.PartialPressures分压 3.RealGases:DeviationfromIdealBehavior真实气体:对理想气体行为的偏离 4.ThevanderWaalsEquation范德华方程 5.SystemandSurroundings系统与环境 6.StateandStateFunctions状态与状态函数 7.Process过程 8.Phase相 9.TheFirstLawofThermodynamics热力学第一定律 10.HeatandWork热与功 11.EndothermicandExothermicProcesses吸热与发热过程 12.EnthalpiesofReactions反应热 13.Hess’sLaw盖斯定律 14.EnthalpiesofFormation生成焓 15.ReactionRates反应速率 16.ReactionOrder反应级数 17.RateConstants速率常数 18.ActivationEnergy活化能 19.TheArrheniusEquation阿累尼乌斯方程20.ReactionMechanisms反应机理 21.HomogeneousCatalysis均相催化剂 22.HeterogeneousCatalysis非均相催化剂 23.Enzymes酶 24.TheEquilibriumConstant平衡常数 25.theDirectionofReaction反应方向 26.LeChatelier’sPrinciple列·沙特列原理 27.EffectsofV olume,Pressure,TemperatureCha ngesandCatalysts 体积,压力,温度变化以及催化剂的影响 28.SpontaneousProcesses自发过程 29.EntropyStandardEntropy熵标准熵 30.TheSecondLawofThermodynamics热力学第二定律 31.EntropyChanges熵变 32.StandardFree-EnergyChanges标准自由能变 33.Acid酸 34.Bases碱 35.TheProtoninWater水合质子 36.ThepHScalespH值 37.TheDissociationofWater水离解


Gredit Account货方科目 Exch Rate兑换率ASAP As soon As possible尽快 FTP File Transfer Protocol文件传递(输)协议CD-ROM compact disc read -only memory只读光盘存储器UV Ultraviolet紫外线 EC Engineering change工程变更 EV Equipment Variance量具变异 AV Appraiser variance作业者变异PV Part variation局部变异 Characteristic Diagram特性要因图 Stratification层别法 Check list查检表 Histogram直方图 Scatter Diagram散布图 Pare to Diagram柏拉图 Control Chart管制图 CEO Chief Executive Officer执行总裁 VIP Very Important Person贵宾 ERP Enterprice Resource Planning企业资源规划MRP I Material Requirement Planning物料需求规划MRP II Maufacturing Resource Planning制造资源规划OA Operation Analysis作业者变异 Gap Analysis差异分析PC Product Control生产分析 MC Material control物料管控 MTS make to--Stock存货式生产ATO assemble-to-order接单式装配ATM Applicotion Implementation应用系统导入方法 Unorder Receipt无订单的收料 Shop floor车间、职场 Shop floor control厂地控制、车间管理Shop floor production control工厂生产管理 Write书写 Observed观察 Read阅读 Listen听 UCL Upper Control Limit管制上限 LCL Lower Control Limit管制下限 Critical defect严重缺点 Minor defect次要缺点 Packing List出货明细 PCB Printed Circuit Board印刷电路板 PCBA Printed Circuit Board Assemblies 印刷电路板总成常用品质术语中英文对照表


焊接缺陷 1.裂缝:crack (焊缝/弧坑/热影响区裂纹:weld metal/crater/ heat-affected Zone (HAZ) crack) 2.焊瘤:overlap 3.冷隔:cold lap 4.未焊满: under fill / incompletely filled groove 5.咬边: undercut 6.道间没有圆滑过渡/焊缝凹陷:bum effect / Excessive concave 7.未溶合: lack of fusion / incomplete fusion 8.气孔:gas pore / blowhole (针尖状气孔:pinhole; 密集气 孔:porosity; 条虫状气孔:wormhole) 9.夹渣: slag inclusion (夹钨:tungsten inclusion; 夹杂 物:inclusion) 10.未焊透:incomplete penetration / lack of penetration 11.过度焊缝加强高:excessive reinforce / Excessive weld metal 12.电弧烧伤:Arc strike / Arc burn 13.焊接变形: welding deformation 14.烧穿:burn through 15.塌陷: excessive penetration 16.凹坑:pit / dent 17.过度打磨:excessive grinding 18.焊疤:scar

19.飞溅:spatter 20.焊缝成行不好:poor profile 21.焊角不足:lack of weld leg 附录attachment 焊接工艺方法 1.熔焊:fusion welding 压焊:pressure welding 钎焊:brazing welding 2.焊缝倾角:weld slope, inclination of weld axis. 3.焊缝转角:weld rotation, angle of rotation 4.平焊:flat position of welding, downhand welding 横焊:Horizontal position welding. 5.立焊:vertical position welding 仰焊:overhead position welding. 6.向下立焊:vertical down welding, downward welding in the vertical position. 7.向上立焊:vertical up welding, upward welding in the vertical position. 8.倾斜焊;inclined position welding 9.上坡焊: upward welding in the inclined position 10.下坡焊: downward welding in the inclined position 11.对接焊:butt welding 角焊:fillet welding 搭接焊:lap welding 12.船形焊: fillet welding in the downhand / flat position 13.坡口焊:groove welding 14.I 形坡口对接焊:square groove welding 15.Y形坡口对接焊:flare groove welding 16.纵缝焊接:welding of longitudinal seam. 横缝焊接:welding of transverse seam. 17.环缝焊接:girth welding, circumferential welding 18.螺旋缝焊接:welding of spiral seam, welding of helical seam. 19.环缝对接焊:Butt welding of circumferential seam. 20.单面焊:welding by one side 双面焊:welding by both sides 21.单道焊:single-pass welding, single-run welding 多道焊: multi-pass welding.. 22.单层焊:single layer welding 多层焊:multi-layer welding 23.分段多层焊:block sequence, block welding 24.连续焊:continuous welding 打底焊:backing welding 封底焊:back sealing weld 25.自动焊:automatic welding 半自动焊:semi-automatic welding 26.手工焊:manual welding, hand welding 27.车间焊接:shop welding 工地焊接:site welding, field welding 28.堆焊:surfacing welding, building up welding, overlaying welding.


Code Actions to be Taken需采取的措施 00 No Action Taken 无不需采取措施 10 Deficiency Rectified 缺陷已纠正 12 All Deficiencies Rectified 所有缺陷已纠正 15 Rectify Deficiencies At Next Port 在下一港口纠正缺陷 16 Rectify Deficiencies Within 14 Days 在14天内纠正缺陷 17 Master Instructed to Rectify Deficiencies Before Departure 要求船长在离港前纠正缺陷 18 Rectify Deficiencies Within 3 Months 在三个月内纠正缺陷 19 Entrance Prohibition for ship without Certification 未经认证的船舶禁止靠港 20 Ship Delayed to Rectify Deficiencies 船舶延期离港以纠正缺陷 25 After Delay Allowed to Sail (*Specify Date) 延期后允许开航(注明日期)30 Ship Detained 滞留船舶 35 Detention Rised (*Specify Date) 解除滞留(注明日期) 36 Ship allowed to sail after follow-up detention 船舶再次滞留后允许开航 40 Next Port Informed 通知下一港口 50 Flag State /Consul Informed 通知船旗国/领事馆 55 Flag State Consulted 咨询船旗国 60 Region State Informed 通知本区域成员国 70 Classification Society Informed 通知船级社 80 Temporary Substitution of Equipment 临时更换设备 82 Alternative equipment or method used 使用替代设备或方法 85 Investigation of Contravention of Discharge Provision (MARPOL) 违反(MARPOL)排放规定的调查 90 Letter of warning issued 签发警告信 95 Re-inspection Connection with Code 90 根据签发的警告信重新检查 96 Letter of Warning Withdrawn 收回警告信 97 Destination Unknown Information 目的港信息未知 99 Other (Specify) 其他(具体说明)


常用词语汇总 ground floor (建筑的)地面首层 fa?ade幕墙 plan 平面 elevation 立面 section 剖面、截面 Master plan 总平面 Site plan 地形平面 Landscape plan 景观平面 Fin 肋 Louver 百叶 Aluminum panel 铝板 Paving 铺地;铺路材料 Column柱子 Circular/round Column 圆形柱子Square column 方形柱子 Court 庭院 Podium 矮墙,墩座墙 Parapet 护栏,矮护墙 Railing 扶手 Balustrade 栏杆 Retaining wall 挡土墙 Balcony阳台 Bay 单元

Sunshade 遮阳装置 Spandrel 拱肩,层间带;上下层窗空间;楼梯下三角空间Spandrel panel 拱肩面板 Spandrel glass 拱肩玻璃 View angle 相机角度 View 视角 Camera 相机,视角 Dusk/sunset view/ shot 黄昏景 Day view 日景 Night view 夜景 Slab 楼板 Ceiling 天花 Soffit 拱腹(一般指天花的吊顶) Recess 凹入 Downlight 筒灯,嵌灯 Footbridge 人行桥 Pier 桥墩,码头 Rendering 效果图 Animation [,?ni'mei??n] 动画 Model 模型 Massing 体块 TYP=typical 标准 day view 日景 window frames 窗框 move forward 向前移动

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