当前位置:文档之家› 公共管理英语各单元全文翻译



Unit 1

Opening Administration to the Public

Citizens of Bengbu City, Anhui Province, now have the opportunity to be a visitor at municipal(市政的) government meetings, thanks to the government's recent efforts to open its administration-adopting t he Measures for Inviting Citizens to listen to the Administrative Mee ting, which (生效,实施)on December 16, 2001. 安徽省蚌埠市的群众现在有机会出席旁听市政府的召开的会议了,这主要是得益于市政府最近采用并制定的开放式行政管理的措施而邀请市民出席旁听政府的一些行政管理方面的会议。

Ten citizens are invited to be present at each meeting on adminis trative affairs行政事务. The number of citizen listeners invited to very important meeting can vary. The listeners can be deputies(代表) to the city's people's congress, members of the local committee of t he Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, personages(要人,名流) of democratic parties, members of the Association of Indus try and Commerce and others. They must be at least 18 years of age, a nd willingly to be a visitor at the meeting.邀请出席每一次行政事务会议旁听的市民,受邀旁听市民的人数是根据会议的重要程度而定的。旁听者可能是市人大代表、政协委员、民主党派成员、工商企业协会的成员和其他人士等等。应邀旁听人员必须年满18岁,并且愿意出席旁听。

Listeners can (通过??发表意见)the government office in a writte n form.旁听者可以以书面的方式向政府的有关部门反映他们的意见。

Increasing Transparency增加透明度

On the basis of (饮水工程) carried out in some cities and count ries, Guangdong Province has asked its governments at or above county level to open their administrative affairs during the first half of this year.在一些城市和国家落实贯彻解决群众饮水的问题,广东省要求县以上的各级政府在今年上半年里落实让群众旁听政府组织召开的行政事务会议的制度。

All affairs relating to laws and regulations and to administrativ e decisions that people must follow, as long as they do not involve s ecrets of the Party or the Central Government, should be open to the public. Contents are as follows: 只要不涉及到党和政府的机密,所有要求老百姓遵照执行的法律法规、行政决定等事务性会议,都应该向老百姓公开。具体可以公开的会议如下:

--Strategy of social and economic development, work targets and t heir accomplishment政绩 ;

--Process for making big decisions and policies;

--Financial budgets财政预算 and implementation实施、实行

--Distribution and use of special funds and the purchase of impor tant materials ;

--Major capital construction projects and their bidding;(重大资金建设项目)

--Items of public welfare invested by the government;

--Projects examined and approved by the government and their acco mplishments;

--The accomplishments of work the government promised to do for t he public;

--Law enforcement in relation to the interests and rights of citi zens, legal persons and organizations;(与各种机构与法人、市民的利益与权利相关法律的颁布)

--Handling of major incidents;(重大事件的处理)

--Selecting and appointing officials, employing public servants a nd appraising of model workers, transferring workers and staff member s in institutional reforms and other issues of public concern; 推选与委任政府官员、录用公务员与评选先进人物,体制改革过程中人员的调动以及其他公众所关心的事件;

--Administrative functions and the official duties; 管理职能以及官方的责任

--Working content, conditions, procedures and timetable as well a s the result;

--Working principles, commitment and the way to 讼) activities, as well as the investigation results of the cases.

Apart from opening administrative affairs to society, various dep artments of the Guangdong Provincial Government have been required to open their internal system construction, work operations and managem ent, specifically the self-discipline(自律) of officials; income and expenditure of the department; management of human resources, distrib ution of income to workers and staff members as well as their welfare treatment; and other issues.

Knowing government administration is one of people's fundamental rights, and the opening of administrative affairs is the obligation 义务、责任 of the government. The rule to open administrative informa tion has become an indispensable part in the government's administrat ion. In the meantime, opening government administration is also a mai n principle of the WTO, listed on most of its documents. After China' s entry into the WTO, it was required to do better in this field. Chi na's transformation of government functions that of its economic grow th.

A fresh move, the opening of government administration still need s improvement. Experts the state to place great importance on the iss ue by setting up special department to handle related affairs, and de vising (制定)a law on opening government administrations. 第一篇:开放式的公众管理















学术英语 课文翻译

U8 A 1 在过去的30年里,作为一个专业的大提琴演奏家,我花了相当于整整20年时间在路上执行和学习音乐传统和文化。我的旅行使我相信在我们的全球化的世界中,文化传统来自于一个身份、社会稳定和富有同情心的互动的基本框架。 2 世界在快速改变,正如我们一定会创造不稳定的文化,让人质疑他们的地方。全球化使我们服从于别人的规则,这往往会威胁到个人的身份。这自然使我们紧张,因为这些规则要求我们改变传统习惯。所以如今全球领导者的关键问题是:如何使习惯和文化发展到融入更大的行星,同时不必牺牲鲜明特色和个人的骄傲? 3 我的音乐旅程提醒了我,全球化带来的相互作用不只是摧毁文化;他们能够创造新的文化,生机,传播存在已久的传统。这不像生态“边缘效应”,它是用来描述两个不同的生态系统相遇发生了什么,例如,森林和草原。在这个接口,那里是最小密度和生命形式的最大的多样性,每种生物都可以从这两个生态系统的核心作画。有时最有趣的事情发生在边缘。在交叉口可以显示意想不到的连接。 4 文化是一个由世界每个角落的礼物组成的织物。发现世界的一种方式是例如通过深入挖掘其传统。例如音乐方面,在任何的大提琴演奏家的曲目的核心是由巴赫大提琴组曲。每个组件的核心是一个称为萨拉班德舞曲的舞蹈动作。这种舞蹈起源于北非的柏柏尔人的音乐,它是一个缓慢的、性感的舞蹈。它后来出现在西班牙,在那里被禁止,因为它被认为是下流的。西班牙人把它带到了美洲,也去了法国,在那里成为一个优雅的舞蹈。在1720年,巴赫公司的萨拉班德在他的大提琴组曲运动。今天,我扮演巴赫,一个巴黎裔美国人的中国血统的音乐家。所以谁真正拥有的萨拉班德?每一种文化都采用了音乐,使其具有特定的内涵,但每一种文化都必须共享所有权:它属于我们所有人。 5 1998年,我从丝绸之路发现在数千年来从地中海和太平洋许多文化间观念的流动。当丝绸之路合奏团执行,我们试图把世界上大部分集中在一个阶段。它的成员是一个名家的同等团体,大师的生活传统是欧洲、阿拉伯、阿塞拜疆、亚美尼亚、波斯、俄罗斯、中亚、印度、蒙古、中国、韩国或日本。他们都慷慨地分享他们的知识,并好奇和渴望学习其他形式的表达。 6 在过去的几年里,我们发现每一个传统都是成功的发明的结果。确保传统的生存的一个最好的方法是由有机进化,目前利用我们所有可用的工具。通过录音和电影;通过驻在博物馆、大学、设计学校和城市;通过表演从教室到体育场,合奏的音乐家,包括我自己,学习有用的技能。回到家中,我们和其他人分享这些技能,确保我们的传统在文化桌上有一席之地。 7 我们发现,在本国执行传统出口的是国外激励从业者。最重要的是,我们对彼此的音乐发展出了激情,并建立了相互尊重、友谊和信任的纽带,每一次我们都在舞台上这都是可触及的。这种欢乐的互动是为了一个理想的共同的更大的目标:我们始终能够通过友好的对话解决任何分歧。我们相互开放,我们形成一个桥进入陌生的传统,驱逐往往伴随着变化和错位的恐惧。换句话说,当我们扩大我们看世界的镜头的时候,我们更好地了解自己,自己的生活和文化。我们与我们的小星球的遥远的行星有更多的共同分享,而不是我们意识到的。 8 发现这些共同的文化是很重要的,但不只是为了艺术的缘故。所以我们的许多城市,不仅是伦敦,纽约,东京,现在即使甚至是中小城市正在经历着移民潮。我们将如何吸取同化有自己独特的习惯的人群?移民不可避免地会导致抵抗和冲突,就像过去一样?有什么关于德国的土耳其人口的阿尔巴尼亚人在意大利,北非人在西班牙和法国?文化繁荣的引擎可以帮助我们找出如何集合可以和平融合,同时不牺牲个性身份。这不是政治正确性。它是关于对人而言什么是珍贵的承认,和每一个文化已经给予我们世界的礼物。


英文翻译练习(一) The status of Philosophy in Chinese culture has always been regarded as a comparison with that of religion in other cultures. In China, Philosophy is the concerned field by each educated one. Long time ago in China, a person would firstly accept enlightened education in Philosophy if he could be given education. Children should read the Analects, Mencius, The great Learning, The Doctrine of mean once they entered school. The Four Books were regarded as the most important documents after Song(regarded as “new Confucianism”in west).When children began to learn words, the commonly used textbook is Three Words, in which every three words a group, every six words one sentence, and the even sentence rhyme has rhyme, easy to read aloud and easy to remember. In fact, this book is used to learn words for Chinese children. The first sentence of Three Words “Man’s nature is good at birth.” Is the basic idea of philosophy of Mencius.


汉译英 Unit1 1.无论你是多么富有经验的演说家,无论你做了多么充足的准备,你都很难在这样嘈杂的招待会上发表演讲。(no matter how) No matter how experienced a speaker you are, and how well you have prepared your speech ,you will have difficulty making a speech at such a noisy reception. 2.就像吉米妹妹的朋友都关系吉米一样,吉米也关系他们(just as) Just as all his sister ’ s friends cared about him, Jimmy cared about them 3.汽车生产商在新车的几处都印有汽车识别号码,以便帮助找回被盗的车辆。(track down)Car manufacturers stamp a vehicle identification number at several places on new cars to help track down stolen vehicles. 4.老师回来时你敢告我状的话,我就不再和你说话了。(tell on) If you dare tell on me when the teacher gets back I won’t say a word to you any more. 5.有些老年人愿意独自过日子,但大多数老人选择和儿女一起生活。(on one’s own) Some elderly people prefer to live on their own while the great majority choose to live with their children. 6.现在需要面对的事情是:如何筹集创建公司所需的资金。(reckon with) Here is something that needs to be reckoned with: how to get the necessary finances to establish the company. Unit2 1.被告是位年仅30岁的女子,她坚持称自己无罪 The defendant, a woman of only 30, kept insisting on her own innocence. 2.总体看来,枣、豆类以及一些多叶的绿色蔬菜是最好的铁质来源。 All tings considered, dates, beans and some leafy green vegetables are the best sources of iron . 3正餐时不供应饮料,饮料会影响消化。 No beverages are served with meals because they interfere with digestion. 4.考虑到那个地区受欢迎的程度,提前订旅馆是明智的。 Taking the popularity of the region into consideration, it is advisable to book hotels in advance. 5.服药后若有呕吐感,请立即停止服用并立刻咨询医生。 If you have a feeling of wanting to throw up after taking this drug, stop taking it immediately and consult your doctors as soon as possible. 6.总结这次讨论时,他说双方都要好好考虑怎样以最有效的方法来解决这一问题。 Summing up the discussion, he said both parties should consider the most effective way to solve the problem. Unit3 1.在思维方面,与他的行为一样,他是非常传统的。 In his thinking, as in his behavior, he is very traditional. 2..教师一旦同意接受新的教学计划,他们就得面对新计划所带给他们的压力。 Once the teachers agree to accept the new teaching program, they have to face the strain it puts on them. 3.从长远看,大学毕业后继续深造而不是直接参加工作是值得的。 In the long run, it is worthwhile to pursue one ’ s study after graduatin g from university instead of going to work directly. 4.由于这所学校的办学宗旨是品德第一,所以道德观和学习成绩受到同样的重视。 As the school operates on the Character First principle, moral values and academic achievements are stressed equally. 5.据说,原定于这个月召开的会议将推迟到下个月召开。


第一单元? 如何发表演说 斯蒂芬·卢卡斯? ???? 在人类创造的万物中,语言可能是最卓越的一项创造。通过语言,我们可以分享经验、阐明价值观念、交流思想、传播知识、传承文化。确实,语言对于思想本身至关重要。和流行的信仰不同的是:语言并不是简单地反映事实,而是通过对事件意义的思考来帮助人们感悟现实。? ???? 优秀的演说者尊重语言并懂得如何驾驭语言。语言是演说者展示才能的工具,对于他们来说,如同其他职业的工具一样,语言也有特殊的功用。作为一名演说者,你应该意识到话语的意义,并懂得如何准确无误地使用语言,使其表达清楚,趣味横生,恰如其分。? 如同数字对于会计的重要性一样,准确地使用语言对于演说者至关重要。在没有确切知道一个词语的意思之前,千万不要盲目使用。碰到没有把握的词语,一定要查词典追根究底。当你准备演讲之前,一定要不断地问自己:“我究竟想说些什么?我究竟想表达什么样的意思?”因此,对于一篇演讲稿的用词来说,必须准确无误。? 如果语言表达清楚无误,听众就能很快抓住你的意思。鉴于此,演说者应该使用那些对于大多数人来说非常熟悉的词语,这些词语不需要任何专业背景就能够理解;演说者应该使用那些表达具体而不是相对抽象的词语;并且千万不要乱堆砌辞藻,哗众取宠。? 准确生动地使用语言能够使你的演说贴近生活。有一种方法可以使你的语言更加生动形象,那就是通过展开联想或创造语言图示。通过使用表达具体的词语、明喻或者暗喻等手法可以展开想像。明喻是对事物不同之处的比较,不过有些是相同的:它们总是包含“像……一样”或者“如同……一样”这样的连词。暗喻是一种隐性的比喻,它能够把两个形式不同但是有一些相通之处的事物联系在一起,暗喻不包含“像……一样”或者“如同……一样”这样的连词。? 另一种让你的演说生动形象的方法是注重语言的节奏感。有四种修辞格可以让你的语言富有节奏感:排比、重复、头韵和对比。排比是将一组或一系列具有相似结构的词语、短语或者句子排列在一起;重复是在一系列短句或者长句的开头或者结尾使用相同的一句话或者一组词语;头韵是指邻近或者相邻的几个句子中的首个词语的辅音字母相同;对比是将一些意思相反的词语或者句子并列在一起,通常使用排比结构。 恰当地使用语言是指语言的运用要符合特定的场合、特定的观众和特定的主题。同时,恰当地使用语言还意味着演说者要有自己的语言风格,而不是模仿他人的口吻。如果演说者的语言在各个方面都能够做到恰如其分,那么这篇演说成功的机率就会大大提高。??????? 优秀的演说并不是空穴来风、缺乏论据的决断。演说者必须找到强有力的论据来支持其观点。实际上,熟练地使用论据经常是区别一篇优秀演说词和一篇空洞演说词的关键所在。一般来说,通常有三种论据材料:事例、统计数据和证词。? ???????在演说过程中,你可以使用一些简明扼要的例子——比如过去发生的一个很具体的事件——有时候,你可以罗列好几个简明的例子,借此增强听众的印象。扩展性的例子——描述、叙述或者奇闻轶事——通常长一些,但更具体。夸张性的例子描述想像中的情形,这种例子能够将相关的想法有效地传达给听众。这三种例子都能够帮助演说者理清思绪、加强印象或者使演说更加娓娓动听。为了使表达更加富有效果,例子应该生动活泼,丰富多彩。 只要演说者对于统计数据用之得当并且加以解释,这些数据将有助于有效地传达信息,听众也能从统计数据中获益匪浅。最重要的是:演说者应该对统计数据了如指掌,并且运用得恰如其分。由于数据很容易操纵和捏造,因此,对于演说者来说,一定要确保图表没有张冠李戴,并且要确保统计方法正确,数据来源可靠。?


第九单元医学 Text A 谁还需要医生?在变化的时代洪流中与时俱进 费格斯?沙纳汉所有的一切都早经由前人说过,但是没有人听,于是我们不得不总是返回起点,从头开始。 ——安德烈?纪德 通常情况下,医生大都具备适应变化的能力。但随着变化的脚步逐渐加快,他们会不断面临挑战,所担任的角色也会遭到不少质疑。尽管医学界在医药方面已经取得了不少成就,但是现代社会对医疗职业却存有的越来越多的疑问;尽管与之前相比,人们变得越来越健康,但是健康仍旧是人们所关注的热门话题。因此,随着人们对医疗职业的职业满意度越来越低,替代医学逐渐兴起。美国的新 闻杂志借由其封面大声喊出,“谁还需要医生啊?”,而很多医学杂志的评论标题也充斥着负面的情绪:“不高兴的医生”;“现代医学一成不变”;“医学作为一种艺术的失败”;以及“医生会有未来吗?”而这种情绪也在皇家医师学会的报道中有所体现,他们报道的对象正是在变化大潮中不断变化的医生角色。报道中出现了一些对医生不利的词语与表达:“医疗职业……处于劣势”;“心神不安”;“很多医生看起来都不快乐”;“医生……过时了”以及“医生的角色需要清晰的解释”。因此, 人们呼吁医生们在塑造未来的过程中能够担当起更加积极的角色。对医疗行业来说,明智之举就是培养更多的领导能力,重点关注如何能使人们保持健康的状态,以巩固医疗行业对社会福利的影响。但是目前,医疗行业存在的最大挑战将会是 在“伙伴关系”方面,也就是医生和病人之间的关系——医患关系。 十多年前有社论观点做出预测称,正是超级专业化,分子医学以及冠以“循证”的一切这些因素促进了医疗行业的变化,而最彻底的变化是在医患关系方面。 这种关系错综复杂,容易受到社会潮流的影响。而过去的分析倾向于侧重医生们如何确诊疾病,而当前难以捉摸的诊断已经很少见了。而对于病人来说,医患关系的好坏结果也取决于医生的职业福利,因此这方面需要获得人们的关注。随着世界变化日新月异,人们的职业也应在变化的大潮中面对挑战,做出相应的回应,所以医生个人需要与时俱进,并且要思考如何能够信心十足地面对挑战,并且享 受挑战。这里并不是指通过某些“熟能生巧”来提高工作技能或者委托给继续医学 教育进行新的资格认证就能达到的。这里关乎的是医学态度与医学方法。 医生终将会适应经济,社会以及人口学的潮流,但是在面对未来科学技术的进步时,有些人仍会遭遇挑战,或者无法跟上科技进步的脚步。上文提到的现代医学所感受到的不安与焦虑中,究竟有多少是来自信息技术对医患关系产生的影


Americans are much more likely than citizens of other nations to believe that they live in a meritocracy, i.e. Government by people selected according to merit. But this self-image is a fantasy: America actually stands out as an advanced country in which it matters most who your parents were, the country in which those born on one of society’s lower rungs have the least chance of climbing to the top or even to the middle. And if you ask why America is more class-bound in practice than the rest of the Western world, a large part of the reason is that our government falls down on the job of creating equal opportunity. The failure starts early: in America, the holes in the social safety net mean that both low-income mothers and their children are all too likely to suffer from poor nutrition and receive inadequate health care. It continues once children reach school age, where they encounter a system in which the affluent send their kids to good, well-financed public schools or, if they choose, to private schools, while less-advantaged children get a far worse education. 美国人可能比任何其他国家的人都更相信他们生活在一个精英制度之下,人们推选的政府也是据其优势。然而,这个自我形象是一种幻想:作为先进国家,实际上美国的突出特点是出身至关重要,在这个国度里,来自社会底层的人几乎没有机会爬到社会中层,更不用说社会顶层。 如果你要问为什么实际上美国比其他西方国家都要阶级分明,主要原因就是我们的政府在创造公平机会方面的失败。 这种不公平很早以前就开始了:在美国,由于社会安全网存在漏洞,这就意味着低收入的母亲和他们的孩子完全有可能存在营养不良,得不到足够的医疗服务。孩子到了上学年龄这种情况也不会得到改观,他们所遇到的体制是富人可以送自己的孩子到资金充足的好的公立学校上学,如果愿意,还可以从送到私立学校上学,而穷人孩子接受的教育却非常差。


新视野大学第三版book1英语课后翻译答案 Unit1 苏格拉底是古希腊哲学家,被誉为现代西方哲学的奠基人。他是一个谜一般的人物,人们主要通过后来的一些古典作家的叙述,尤其是他最著名的学生柏拉图的作品去了解他。苏格拉底以他对伦理学的贡献而闻名。他的教学法亦称为苏格拉底法,即通过提问和回答来激发批判性思维以及阐述观点。该方法在各种讨论中仍被普遍使用。他还在认识论和逻辑领域作出了重大而深远的贡献。他的思想和方法所带来的影响一直是后来的西方哲学的坚实基础。苏格拉底是古代哲学史上最丰富多彩的人物。他在他那个时代已威名远扬。虽然他未曾建立什么哲学体系,未曾设立什么学派,也未曾创立什么宗派,但他的名字很快就变得家喻户晓了。 Confucius was a great thinker and educator in Chinese history. He was the founder of Confucianism and was respectfully referred to as an ancient “sage”. His words and life story were recorded in The Analects. An enduring classic of ancient Chinese culture, The Analectshas had a great influence on the thinkers, writers, and statesmen that came after Confucius. Without studying this book, one could hardly truly understand the thousands-of-years’traditional Chinese culture. Much of Confucius’thought, especially his thought on education, has had a profound influence on Chinese society. In the 21st century, Confucian thought not only retains the attention of the Chinese, but it also wins an increasing attention from the international community. Unit2 圣诞节是一个被广泛庆祝的文化节日,全世界有许许多多的人在12月25日庆祝这一节日。它是为了纪念耶稣基督的诞辰。该节日最早可追溯到公元336年。渐渐地,这一节日演变为一个既是宗教又是非宗教的节日,越来越多的非基督徒也庆祝圣诞节。如今,圣诞节在全球被作为一个重大的节日和公共假日来庆祝。不同国家的圣诞节风俗也各不相同。现代流行的圣诞接风俗包括交换圣诞贺卡和圣诞礼物、唱圣诞歌曲、参加教堂活动、摆放各种圣诞装饰品和圣诞树、举行家庭聚会以及准备一顿特别的大餐。对小孩子们来说,这个节日充满了幻想和惊喜。据传说,圣诞老人会在圣诞夜从烟囱进入每户人家,给乖巧听话的孩子带来礼物。由于圣诞节送礼物以及许多其他方面推动了基督徒和非基督徒的经济活动,圣诞节也因此成为商家的一个重大活动和主要销售季。 According to the Chinese lunar calendar, August 15 of every year is a traditional Chinese festival-the Mid-Autumn Festival. This day is the middle of autumn, so it is called Mid-Autumn. One of the important Mid-Autumn Festival activities is to enjoy the moon. On that night, people gather together to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival, looking up at the bright moon and eating moon cakes. The festival is also a time for family reunion. People living far away from home will express their feelings of missing their hometowns and families at this festival, all expressing people’s love and hope for a happy life. Since 2008, the Mid-Autumn Festival has become an official national holiday in China.


Deciding on a topic 决定一个主题 As a college student of science and technology,you are often required to write a literature review about a certain topic,or a 1500-word term paper.In either case,the writing is a complex process which involves choosing a topic,searching for relevant materials,and compiling a reference list.Hence the first thing you need to do is to choose a research topic. 作为一个研究科学技术学生,你通常需要写一个关于某一主题的文献综述,或一个1500字的论文。不管是哪种,写作都是一个复杂的过程,涉及选题,查找资料,编写参考清单。因此,你首先需要做的是选择一个研究课题。 A topic is what the essay or research paper is about.Choosing a topic for your literature review or research paper requires careful consideration.A topic that is too specialized or the general may bring many problems in terms of the time you can devote to the research or the sources of information available on the topic.How do you choose a topic which is possible to research?There are four principles: 主题就是文章或研究论文是与什么有关的。为你的文献综述或研究论文选择一个主题需要仔细考虑。一个太专业或太宽泛的主题可能带来的诸多问题,影响你花费在研究或与主题相关的信息资源上的时间。你怎么选择一种可能的研究课题?有四个原则: 1)Interesting.If a topic holds your interest,you will most likely working on it.However,you should also be aware of the interest of your readers.For example,if your readers are from different disciplines or academic backgrounds,your topic should not be too specific. 1)有趣.如果一个话题引起了你的兴趣,你将很有可能在它上工作.但是,你也应该知道你的读者的兴趣.例如,如果你的读者是来自不同的学科或学术背景的,你的主题不应该太具体。 2)Important.You also have to consider the value of the topic you are likely to choose,both academic and social.And essay without practical or theoretical value will probably not attract readers. 2)重要.你也需要考虑你可能选择的课题研究的价值,包括学术的和社会的。没有实践或理论价值的论文可能不会吸引读者。 3)Manageable.Narrow down your topic to make your paper manageable.For example,if you want to discuss the history of a disease,it may not be possible for you to cover all the important ideas in a 1500-word essay. 3)可控的.缩小你的主题,使你的论文易于管理。例如,如果你想讨论一种疾病的历史,你或许不可能用一篇1500字的文章来涵盖所有重要的想法。 4)Adequate.You have to ask the question:Can the topic I have chosen be researched?One criterion is that you mast make sure that there are adequate source materials available on the topic.Avoid a topic that has very limited information about it,for it is difficult to carry out your research without previous studies. 4)足够的。你必须问这个问题:我选择的话题能被研究吗?一个标准是,你必须确保这个主题有足够的可用的源材料,避免一个仅有非常有限的信息得主题,因为没有以前的研究,你是很难进行你的研究的。 Formulating a research question 制定一个研究问题


Conveying of most building concrete from the mixture or truck to the form is done in bottom-dump buckets or by pumping through steel pipelines.(大多数建筑混凝土从散沙到塑性是通过底部卸料的吊斗或钢管泵运输的)The chief danger during conveying is that of segregation. (运输中的主要危险是隔离问题)The individual components of concrete tend to segregate because of their dissimilarity.(由于混凝土的成分不同,所以要分离它们)In overly wet concrete standing in containers or forms, the heavier gravel components tend to settle, and the lighter materials, particularly water, tend to rise. Lateral movement , such as flow within the forms, tends to separate the coarse gravel from the finer components of the mix.(处于容器或模型中的过度潮湿的混凝土,其中较重的砾石组分应该沉降,较轻的材料特别是水应该升高。横向运动,例如形式内的流动,应该将粗砂砾与混合物的较细组分分开。)The danger of segregation has caused the discarding of some previously common means of conveying, such as chutes and conveyor belts, in favor of methods which minimize this tendency.(由于分离存在的危险,像是溜槽和传送带这样以前常用的运输方法已经被淘汰了,而采用最小化这种趋势的方法) 大多数建筑混凝土从搅拌机或卡车到模板内的输送是由底部卸料吊斗或由泵通过钢管完成的。输送中的主要危险是骨料离析。由于混凝土的成分的互异性所以容易发生离析。处于容器或模型中的过渡潮湿的混凝土,其中较重的砾石组分易于沉降,较轻的材料特别是水容易上浮。横向运动,例如模具内的流动容易将粗砂砾与混合物的较细成分分开。离析的风险使得人们废弃了之前经常采用的输送方式例如溜槽和传送带而采用使离析风险最小的方法。 Placing and Compacting of Concrete Placing is the process of transferring the fresh concrete from the conveying device to is final place in the forms. Prior to placing, loose rust must be removed from reinforcement, forms must be cleaned, and hardened surfaces of previous concrete lifts must be cleaned and treated appropriately. Placing and compacting are critical in their effect on the final quality of the concrete. Proper placement must avoid segregation, displacement of forms or of the reinforcement in the forms, and poor bond between successive layers of concrete. Immediately upon placing, the concrete should be compacted by means of hand tools or vibrators. Such compacting prevents honeycombing, assures close contact with forms and reinforcement, and serves as a partial remedy to possible prior segregation. Compacting is achieved by hand tamping with a variety of special tools, but now more commonly and successfully with high frequency, power-driven vibrators. These are of the internal type, immersed in the concrete, or of the external type, attached to the forms. The former are preferable but must be supplemented by the latter where narrow forms or other obstacles make immersion impossible. 浇筑是将新拌好的混凝土通过输送装置输送到其在模具中的最终位置的过程。在浇筑之前,必须清除钢筋上的浮锈,清洁模具,对于以前的混凝土吊车的硬化表层也必须进行适当的处理和清洁。浇筑和捣实对混凝土的最终质量有重要的影响。正确的浇筑必须避免离析,模具或模具内钢筋的位移以及相继浇筑的混凝土层之间的不牢固粘接。浇筑后应立即用手工工具或振捣器将混凝土捣实。捣实是为了防止变成蜂窝状,确保混凝土与模具和钢筋紧密接触,也是对之前可能产生离析的一个部分补救。捣实以前是使用各种特殊工具手动夯实来实现的,而现在更普遍和成功地采用高频率的电动振捣器来完成。浸入混凝土中的是内部形式,附着在模具上的是外部形式。前者是更期望的但是由于狭窄的部分或其他障碍物不可能浸没,所以后者肯定存在。


一、改译 宰客slaughter customers(cheating customers) 自学self learn(study on one’s self) 彩票colorful tickets(lottery) 救火save a fire(Firefighting) (电脑)死机systerm dead(computer crash) 吃食堂eat the canteen(eat in the canteen) 风凉话cold word(sarcastic remark) 太平门safe door(emergency exit) 三角债triangle debts(chain debts) 扣帽子put a hat on(put a label on) 文化程度cultural degree(education level) 抓紧时间grasp time firmly(hurry up) 来信写道the latter writes(the letter reads) 提高英语水平raise the level of one’s English(Improve one’s English) 胸有成竹have a bamboo in one’s stomach(have a well-thought-out plan) 二、直译 大海捞针Look for a needle in the ocean 猫哭耗子假慈悲Cat cry for mouse 嫁鸡随鸡嫁狗随狗Marry a chicken with chicken married dog follows dog 挥金如土Spend money like water 易如反掌As easy as to turn one's hand 打草惊蛇To beat the grass and frighten away the snake 呆若木鸡Dumb as a wooden chicken 千里之行始于足下Every journey begins with the first step 瑞雪兆丰年A timely heavy snow promises a good harvest . 跑得了和尚跑不了庙Run a monk can not run the temple 三、重点翻译 她经常在邻里之间搬弄是非 She always makes mischief between neighbors. 她毛遂自荐来这所学校当老师 She recommending herself to be a teacher in this school. 正真的好朋友应该是雪中送炭 True friend is who provides you timely help. 我要有个三长两短,你给我娘捎个话 If something happens to me, please give my mother a massage. 留得青山在,不愁没柴烧 As long as the green mountains are there, one need not worry about firewood. 你这人真的是狗嘴里吐不出象牙 他对你的许诺不过是个空头支票而已 His promise to you just a blank check. 我喜欢那套房子,但美中不足的是离上班的地方太远 I like that house,but the fly in the ointment is too far away from the work place.


新视野大学英语(第二版)读写教程2 1至7单元课后翻译答案总结 IA:她连水都不愿意喝一口,更别提留下来吃饭了。 She wouldn’t take a drink , much less would she stay for dinner. 他认为我在对他说谎,但实际上我讲的是实话。 He thought I was lying to him , whereas I was telling the truth. 这个星期你每天都迟到,对此你怎样解释? How do you account for the fact you have been late every day this week? 他们利润增长的部分原因是采用了新的市场策略。 The increase in their profits is due to their new market strategy. 这样的措施很可能会带来工作效率得提高。 Such measures are likely to result in the improvement of work efficiency. 我们已经在这个项目上投入了大量时间和精力,所以我们只能继续。 We have already poured a lot of time and energy into the project , so we have to carry on. IIA: 尽管她是家里的独生女,他父母也从不溺爱她。 Despite the fact that she is the only child in the family , her parents never baby her .

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