当前位置:文档之家› 2006年深圳市中考英语试题








26. —Have you seen ______umbrella here?

—you mean ______black one? It was here a minute ago.

A.a n, the

B. the, a

C. an, a

D. the, the

27. ---How old is the baby?

---He is ______.

A.s ix-months-old

B. six-month-old

C. six-month

old D. six month old

28.----How long have you lived ______Shenzhen?

----________ten years.

A.i n, For

B. in, Since

C. at, For

D. on, Since

29.----What ____news it was!

----Yes, all of the children were____.

A.e xcited, exciting

B. exciting, excited


exciting, exciting D. excited, excited

30.----Travelling by pane is _____than travelling by


----Yes, but it is not so ______as travelling by


A.q uickly, cheaper

B. more quick,


C.q uick, more cheap

D. quicker, cheap

31.----Germany will be _______popular with the visitors

this year.


----Because the 2006 World Cup soccer ______ there.

A.m ore, is hold

B. much, is held

C. more, is held

D. much, is hold

32.----Jim finds ______easy to remember all the English


----_____a smart child he is!

A.i t, What

B. that, How

C. this, What

D. it, How

33.----Excuse me, Sir. Could you help me to look

______my child? I can’t find him anywhere in the shop?

----OK. What does he look_____?

A.a fter, like

B. for, like

C. like,

around D. like, out

34.---What _______your father doing at eight yesterday

evening, Sandy?

---Let me see…Oh, yes, he was ______a newspaper. A.W as, reading B. were, watching C. was, looking

D. were, seeing

35.---Where is Sally?

---She______ to Hong Kong. She______ yesterday.

A.w hat, left

B. has gone, left

C. has been,

has left D. has left, went

36.---Your coffee smells ______.

---It’s from Hainan. Would you like _______?

A.w ell, it

B. nice, this

C. good, some

D. wonderful, little

37.---Mum, I think I’m ______to get back to school.

---Not really, my dear. You’d better ______at home

for anther day or two.

A.s o well, stay

B. so good, to


C. well enough, stay

D. good enough, to


38. ---Look at these signs. Which sign should you follow if you

see the red traffic light on?

A.B. C.


39. ----Did you go to the school party last night?

--- Yes, I did. ______.

A.S o did Tim

B. So Tim did

C. Tim did so

D. Tim went so

40. ----Do you know _______?

----Yes, I do. She came here on foot.

A.w here Kate came from

B. how Kate came


C.w hen Kate came here

D. why Kate didn’t

come here





Do you have a plan for your future? Our country has its plan. It tells what China hopes to __41___

in the next five years.

The plan promises higher pay, better education and __42__pollution by 2010. If the promises all come true, Chinese people’s __43__will change a lot.

_44___the plan, people in the country will

benefit(利益) a lot. For example, the government will _45__safe drinking water to 1,000 million countryside people in 2010. __46__roads will be built to connect all towns and villages. So people living in the rural areas will soon drink running water __47__dirty well water.

As the plan describes, China will make steps forward

in science. Chinese spacemen will land on the __48__. China might build its own big planes. If you go to university _49__air in 2010, you will probably find that the plane is not from Boeing (波音) or Air Bus. It’s made in __50__.

41. A. be B. do C. make

D. have

42. A. more B. little C. less

D. fewer

43. A. life B. house C. clothes

D. food

44. A. In order to B. According to C. So far

D. As for

45. A. offer B. take C. bring

D. carry

46. A. Far B. High C. Low

D. Broad

47. A. in front of B. because of C. instead

of D. tired of

48. A. North Pole B. moon C. earth

D. sun

49. A. through B. on C. with

D. by

50. A. Europe B. America C. China

D. France




Sam dreamed of having a dog as his friend, but Mum didn’t let him keep one because there wasn’t room for it at home. His dream came true when a new neighbor, Mr Brown, moved in with a lovely dog named Bailey. Sam was very happy. After school he played with Bailey and trained her. Sometimes Bailey stared at Sam with her bright eyes that seemed to say “We are best friends”.

One day Sam came home after school. He saw Bailey looking over the fence, whining(呜咽). Sam dropped his bag

and ran to the fence. In the garden half-lying against the tree was Mr Brown. He had a fall and broke his ankle. Sam called an ambulance immediately. When Mr Brown was in hospital, Sam looked after Bailey and took her for a walk every day. He also trained Bailey to sit and shake hands with people. At the pet show, Bailey won a prize for the best trained dog. After Mr Brown came home from hospital, they ate a welcome home cake happily.

51. Was Bailey Sam’s own dog?

A. Yes, it was.

B. No, it wasn’t

C. It was Sam’s friends

D. It was Mr Brown’s friend

52. How did Sam and Bailey become best friends?

A. Sam loved dogs very much

B. They were good neighbours

53. What happened to Mr Brown?

A. He lost his dog

B. He cut down a tree

C. He fell down and broke down his ankle

D. He was looking over the fence, whining.

54. How did Sam know something had happened in the garden?

A. Bailey showed his.

B. Mr Brown was whining in the garden

C. He saw Mr Brown half-lying against the tree

D. Sam got the news on his way home after school

55. From the story we know _____.

A. Sam loved his own dog very much

B. Mr Brown and Sam trained the dog

C. Sam and Bailey got a prize at a pet show

D. dogs can be people’s good friends if we are good to them


Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to China Air, Flight CA 5038 to Japan. Our flight will take about four hours. We would like your attention for three minutes while we explain the safety guild for this flight.

Please take a look at your safety guiding card. You can find the card in the pocket on the back of the seat in the front of you. Please read it carefully before the plane takes off.

Your seatbelt should be fastened whenever the seatbelt sign is switched on. We hope that you fasten the seatbelt all the times.

The exits are at the front and the back of the plane. If there’s an emergency, please use the exit closer to you.

We have toilets both in the middle and at the back of the plane. Please don’t use the toilets when the danger signal is on.

We are going to serve lunch at 11:30. It’s 9 o’clock now and we are going to serve you some snacks and drinks first. We hope you enjoy it. While we are serving meals, please move your seat back to its right place for safety of the passenger behind you.

If you need any help, please let us know by switching on the button next to light above your head. We will come to you as soon as possible.

We wish you a pleasant flight and thank you for choosing China Air.

56. Where can you hear this talk?

A. On a train.

B. On a bus

C. On a plane.

D. In a plane factory

57. Where can you find the safety guiding card>

A. By the light

B. Above your head

C. On the back of your seat

D. In the pocket on the back of your front seat.

58. How soon will they serve lunch?

A. In two hours

B. In three hours

C. In two and a half hours

D. In one and

a half hours

59. How can you let the air hostesses know if you need any help?

A. It’s not mentioned (提及)

B. By moving your back seat to its right place

C. By calling them with a phone above your head

D. By switching on the button next to the light above your head

60. Which of the following is true?

A. There are two exits on the plane

B. the toilets are at the front and the back of the plane

C. It takes four minutes to explain the safety guild for the flight

D. Your seatbelt should be fastened whenever seatbelt sign is switched off


Humans have four blood types (血型). They are blood type A, B, O and AB. The table below shows all kinds of possible blood types of parents and their children.

61. If both parents are blood type O, their children must be _____.

A. Blood type A

B. blood type B

C. blood type AB

D. blood type O

62. If a father is blood type A and a mother is blood type B, then their children’s blood types may be _____.

A. any blood type

B. blood type A and B

C. blood type AB and O

D. blood type A, B, and AB

63. If both parents are blood type AB, then their children can not be ____.

A. blood type A

B. blood type B

C. blood type AB

D. blood

type O


Life is like throwing and catching four balls in the air. You call the balls work, family, friends and minds. You will soon understand that work is a rubber ball. If you drop it, it will bounce back (弹回). The other three balls are made of glass and easy to broken, so you must know to protect them. But how?

Don’t shut love out of your family by saying it’s hard to find. The quickest way to get love is to give it; the fastest way to lose is to hold it closely; and the best way to keep love is to give it wings.

Don’t think than you are not so good as others. It is because we are different and each of us is special. Never mind if you fall behind others. It’s never too late to learn. Knowledge is a weightless treasure which you always carry easily.

Don’t let your life pass through your fingers by living in the past or in the future. If you live well today, you live all the days of your life.

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is hard to guess and today is

a gift. That’s why we call it “the present”.

66. Which is not the name of a ball talked about in the passage?

A. Work

B. Health

C. Family

D. Mind

67. “ To give it wings” means to __________.

A. hold it closely

B. give love freedom

C. get ready for love

D. keep love out of your family

68. Why is knowledge a treasure you can always carry easily?

A. Because it is heavy

B. Because you can’t protect it

C. Because it’s never too late to learn

D. Because it is a treasure without weight

69. From the fourth paragraph, we know that_____

A. People must have plans for the future

B. people would rather live in the past

C. people who live well today will live well every day

D. people who live in the past or in the future will not have long life

70. What do you think is the best title of the passage?

A. Why is today a gift?

B. What to protect in our life?

B. How to protect the balls of life? D. Where are the four balls of life?



71. This bike belongs to me.

72. The tree is too tall for the cat to climb.

73. What’s your weight?

74. Read more, and you will improve your English.

75. I failed to catch the early bus this morning.


76. 假如你是学生Jacky, 为了改进学校的工作,请根据一

下提示给校报英语版的编辑(editor)写一封信。(要求:必须写在答案卷上,不要逐句翻译, 80-100词)

参考词汇: suggestions, more rest, homework, sleep, after-class, activities, rich and colourful, food, dishes

Dear editor

Best wishes

Sincerely yours


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