当前位置:文档之家› 英国自然地理英文版




Good morning everyone, before our presentation, I want to share a video with u which is about the country we’re going to talk about later.

从北京往西大约8000公里,就是欧亚大陆的西部终端,从这里跨国一道海峡,有一个岛国,国名叫The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,我们通常称作英国。About 8,000 km west from PeiKing,it’s the western end of Eurasia, from where we can cross a strait, and we can find an island country called The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Usually, we call it short as the United Kingdom.

这个国家的面积仅有24万平方公里,在今天也只有6000万人口,但是在世界近代历史上,它却占有非常特殊的地位,它是第一个迈进现代社会的国家,The country has only 24 million square kilometers territory, with a population of only 6,000 million people today. However, in the modern history of the world, it plays a very special role, as the first country who has stepped into the modern society.

在18世纪和19世纪的时候,它是世界发展的领头羊,自豪的英国人曾经以日不落帝国来形容自己的国家,因为在19世纪末的时候,它的殖民地遍及亚洲,非洲,美洲,大洋洲所有大陆板块,总面积达到930万平方公里,统治着世界上3亿多的人口,In the 18th and 19th century, it was the world leader in the development. And pride British has ever called themselves as the John Bull, cause in the 19th century, its colonies had already covered all the continents: Asia, Africa, America, and Oceania. Therefore, the total Area of the United Kingdom reached 9.3 million square kilometers at that time. And the UK dominated the more than 300 million of the world population.

究竟是什么原因,让这个原本在海洋中安详飘荡的小岛,孕育了超凡的能量,改变了自己,也影响了世界呢?and What’s the reason for the originally floating island in the ocean gaining the extraordinary power to not only change itself but also affect the world?


After watching this video, I want to ask u an interesting question which has confused me for a longtime. That is when translating “英国”into English, which of the following name is the right name? A,B,C or D? I’m so happy that ur all smarter than me, yeah, the answer is all above. Then I’ll give u an explanation through this map.we can see that Located in northwestern Europe, the United Kingdom consists of the Great Britain, Northern Ireland and nearly many islands around it. And the Great Britain composed of three parts: from north to south, they are Scotland, England, and Wales. Although being made up of 4 countries, As its capital is still in London and its mainland is still England, usually we still call the UK as England, or Great Britain.


From this map, we can also find it that the UK is surrounded by the oceans. So it has a temperate maritime climate, which is mild and humid throughout the year. But the weather changes frequently each day. For example, it often rains suddenly, so the British people always go out with an umbrella. And the conversations between strangers usually star from talking about the weather, like” it’s a nice day, isn’t it? That is to say, when communicating with British people, talking about the weather will show your friendship..

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