当前位置:文档之家› 【重庆医科大学】医学遗传学英汉互译整理




1、单基因遗传病(monogenic disorders)

2、常染色体显性遗传病(autosomal dominant inheritancedisease,AD病)

3、完全显性遗传(complete dominant inheritance)

4、不完全显性遗传(incomplete domina inheritance)

5、共显性遗传(codominant inheritance)

6、条件显性遗传(conditional dominant inheritance)

7、延迟显性遗传(delayed dominant inheritance)

8、常染色体隐性遗传病(autosomal recessive inheritance disease, AR 病)

9、X-连锁隐性遗传病(X-linked recessive inheritance disease, XR病)

10、交叉遗传(criss-corss inheritance)

11、X-连锁显性遗传病(X-linked dominant inheritance,XD病)

12、Y-连锁遗传病(Y-linked inherifance disease)

13、医学遗传学(Medical Genetics)

14、多基因遗传病(Polygenic disorder)


1、血红蛋白病(hemoglobinopathy disease)

2、融合基因(fusion gene)

3、镰状细胞贫血(sickle cell anemia,Hb S病)

4、分子病(molecular disease)



2.癌家族cancer family

3.家族性癌familial cancer

4.遗传性肿瘤hereditary tumor


6.着色性干皮病xeroderma pigmentosum

7.干系stem line

8.众数modal number

9.旁系side line


11.生长因子growth factor

12.信息转导蛋白single transduction protein

13.蛋白激酶protein kinase

14.核内转录因子transcription factor

15.原癌基因proto oncogene

16.肿瘤抑制基因tumor suppressor gene


18.隐性癌基因recessive oncogene

19.肿瘤转移基因tumor metastatic gene

20.肿瘤转移抑制基因tumor metastatic suppressor gene


1.多基因遗传病Polygenic disorder

2.数量性状quantitative character

3.质量性状qualitative character





3.遗传平衡定律law of genetic equilibrium

4.基因突变gene mutation

5.自然选择natural selection





4、主缢痕primary constriction

5、次缢痕secondary constriction




9、核型分析karyotype analysis


11、性染色体sex chromosome

12、带型banding pattern

13、染色体畸变(chromosomal aberration)


15、双雄受精(diandry) 双雌受精(digyny)

16、超二倍体(hyperdiploid) 亚二倍体(hypodiploid)

17、单体型(monosomy) 三体型(trisomy) 多体型(ploysomy):

18、减数分裂染色体不分离(meiotic non-disjunction)

19、后期延迟(anaphase lag)

20、嵌合体(mosaic) 衍生染色体(derivative chromosome):

21、缺失(deletion,del) 部分单体型(partial monosomy) 末端缺失(terminal deletion)

22、中间缺失(interstitial deletion) 环状染色体(ring chromosome,r)

23、重复(duplication,dup)——部分三体型(partial trisomy)

24、倒位(inversion,inv) 臂内倒位(paracentric inversion) 臂间倒位(pericentric inversion)

25、易位(translocation,t) 相互易位(reciprocal translocation) 罗伯逊易位(robertsonian translocation)


27、先天愚形(21三体综合征,Down syndrome)

28、18三体综合征(Edwards syndrome)

29、13三体综合征(Patau syndrome)

30、5p-综合征(猫叫综合征,Cri-du-chat syndrome)

31、先天性睾丸发育不全综合征(Klinefelter syndrome,克氏综合症)

第四章 翻译的技巧参考译文

第四章翻译的技巧 Skills in Translation .课堂互动2:翻译句子(参考译文) 1.The sky turned to a tender pallet of pink and blue. 【译文】天空变成了一块由粉红色和蓝色构成的色彩柔和的调色板。 2. She had never let him know—never breathed a word. 【译文】她根本就没让他知道,从未透露过真情。 3.The president now is on a poverty tour. 【译文】总统目前正在访问贫困地区。 4. She doctored in the countryside. 【译文】她在农村当医生。 5. The old man carefully doctored the split in the cane chair. 【译文】老人仔细修补藤椅上的裂口。 6. The mayor of New York City is the Time magazine’s 2001 Person of the Year. 【译文】纽约市市长是2001年《时代》杂志的风云人物。 7. The girls all like Bob because he is a football captain. Nothing succeeds like success. 【译文】所有的女孩子都喜欢鲍伯,因为他是个足球队长。有本事又有人缘。 8. An expensive failure can be made into an asset if you’ve learnt from it, but Monsanto still has some learning to do. 【译文】失败的代价虽然昂贵,然而只要你能从中汲取教训,那也是一笔财富。不过,曼山托公司仍然需要总结教训。 9.In the social production which men carry on they enter into definite relations that are indispensable and independent of their will; these relations of production correspond to a definite stage of development of their material powers of production. 【译文】人们在自己生活的社会生产中发生一定的、必然的、不以其意志为转移的关系,即同他们的物质生产力的一定发展阶段相适合的生产关系。 The sum total of these relations of production constitutes the economic structure of society —the real foundation on which rise legal and political superstructures and to which correspond definite forms of social consciousness. 【续】这些生产关系的总和构成社会的经济结构,即有法律的和政治的上层建筑建立其上,并有一定的社会意识形式与之相适应的现实基础。 The mode of production in material life determines the general character of the social, political and spiritual processes of life. It is not the consciousness of men that determines their existence, but, on the contrary, their social existence determines their consciousness. (Karl Marx: A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy) 续】物质生活的生产方式制约着整个社会生活、政治生活和精神生活的过程。不是人们的意识决定人们的存在,相反,是人们的社会存在决定人们的意识。 (卡尔·马克思《政治经济学批判》) 10. There is no month in the whole year, in which nature wears a more beautiful appearance than in the month of August. Spring has many beauties, and May is a fresh and blooming month;but the charms of this time of year are enhanced by their contrast with the winter season. August has no such advantage. It comes when we remember nothing but clear skies, green fields and sweet-smelling flowers —when the recollection of snow, and ice, and bleak winds, has faded

成人本科学位英语 英汉互译练习及解析

1.我们应该不遗余力地美化我们的环境。 We should spare no effort to beautify our environment. 2. 在建立个人网站前,先问问自己,为什么想要一网站,想要达到的目标是什么。 Before you build a personal site, ask yourself why you want one, and what you want to accomplish. 3. 在造访一个提供网站空间服务的网站时,你会看到种类繁多的方案可供选择,哪一种价位可以给你多少网络空间及多大的传输流量。 When you visit the site of a Web host,you’ll see a wide variety of plans-so much space and so much network traffic for so much money. 4. 典型的网站包括图像、文字及图片,比较精心制作的网站还有动画、影像、声音和其他额外的内容。 Web site typically contain graphics, texts and pictures, while more elaborate ones include animation,video, audio and other extras. 5. 关于网站设计,有许多是很吸引人的,也有许多则令人泄气。 There are many things about Web sites that are appealing and many that are just plain frustrating. 6. Pizza came to the U. S. with Italian immigrants; the first U. S. pizzeria opened in 1905, and pizza became one of the nation’s favourite foods after World War Ⅱ。 It is now popular worldwide. (英译汉)比萨随着意大利移民引进美国;1905年第一家美国比萨店开业了,第二次世界大战后比萨成为全美国最喜爱的食物之一。现在比萨畅销全世界。 1.这架班机正点起飞吧? Is the plane on schedule? 2.准备好机票与登机牌。 Let’s get our tickets and boarding pass ready. 3.如果有退票的,请通知我。 Please notify me if there is any cancellation. 4.请于起飞前一小进到达机场。 Please be at the airport at least one hour before departure? You’ll be late if you don’t arrive in one hour before leaving. 5.我需要提前多少天付款订票? How long in advance of the flight must I pay to confirm the booking? 6. Promises are often like the butterfly, which disappear after beautiful hover。(英译汉) 承诺常常很像蝴蝶,美丽地盘旋然后不见。 1.只要走一下就到了吗? Is it within walking distance? 2.我儿子骑在我肩上看游行。 My son rode pickaback on me to watch the parade. 3.其实我一点都不喜欢我现在的工作。 The fact of the matter is I’m not enjoying my new job at all. 4.他有边吃饭边抽烟那让人讨厌的习惯。 He has the irritating habit of smoking during meals. 5.如果我今早没忘了把油箱加满,我们不会没油的。 If I hadn’t forgotten to fill up the tank this morning,we wouldn’t be out of gas. there any charter flights?(英译汉) 有包机航班吗? 1、A:有什么我可以为您效劳的吗?


"The days that make us happy make us wise." John Masefield when I first read this line by England's Poet Laureate, it startled me. What did Masefield mean? Without thinking about it much, I had always assumed that the opposite was true. But his sober assurance was arresting. I could not forget it. Finally, I seemed to grasp his meaning and realized that here was a profound observation. The wisdom that happiness makes possible lies in clear perception, not fogged by anxiety nor dimmed by despair and boredom, and without the blind spots caused by fear. Active happiness not mere satisfaction or contentment often comes suddenly, like an April shower or the unfolding of a bud. Then you discover what kind of wisdom has accompanied it. The grass is greener; bird songs are sweeter; the shortcomings of your friends are more understandable and more forgivable. Happiness is like a pair of eyeglasses correcting your spiritual vision. Nor are the insights of happiness limited to what is near around you. Unhappy, with your thoughts turned in upon your emotional woes, your vision is cut short as though by a wall. Happy, the wall crumbles.The long vista is there for the seeing. The ground at your feet, the world about you people, thoughts, emotions, pressures are now fitted into the larger scene. Everything assumes a fairer proportion. And here is the beginning of wisdom. “快乐的日子使人睿智。”--- 约翰 梅斯菲尔德第一次读到英国桂冠诗人梅斯菲尔德的这行诗时,我感到十分震惊。 他想表达什么意思?我以前从未对此仔细考虑,总是认定这行诗反过来才正确。 但他冷静而又胸有成竹的表达引起了我的注意,令我无法忘怀。 终于,我似乎领会了他的意思,并意识到这行诗意义深远。 快乐带来的睿智存在于敏锐的洞察力之间,不会因忧虑而含混迷惑,也不会因绝望和厌倦而黯然模糊,更不会因恐惧而造成盲点。 积极的快乐–并非单纯的满意或知足–通常不期而至,就像四月里突然下起的春雨,或是花蕾的突然绽放。 然后,你就会发觉与快乐结伴而来的究竟是何种智慧。 草地更为青翠,鸟吟更为甜美,朋友的缺点也变得更能让人理解,宽容。 快乐就像是一副眼镜,可以矫正你的精神视力。 快乐的视野并不仅限于你周围的事物。 当你不快乐时,你的思维陷入情感上的悲哀,你的眼界就像是被一道墙给阻隔了, 而当你快乐时,这道墙就会砰然倒塌。 你的眼界变得更为宽广。你脚下的大地,你身边的世界,包括人,思想,情感和压力,现在都融入了更为广阔的景象之中,其间每件事物的比例都更加合理。 而这就是睿智的起始。 "The days that make us happy make us wise." John Masefield when I first read this line by England's Poet Laureate, it startled me. What did Masefield mean? Without thinking about it much, I had always assumed that the opposite was true. But his sober assurance was arresting. I could not forget it. Finally, I seemed to grasp his meaning and realized that here was a profound observation. The wisdom that happiness makes possible lies in clear perception, not fogged by anxiety nor dimmed by despair and boredom, and without the blind spots caused by fear. Active happiness not mere satisfaction or contentment often comes suddenly, like an April shower or the unfolding of a bud.


中考英语翻译-英汉互译(含解析) (后附详细答案) (绝对精品试题,提高实战能力,值得下载打印背诵) 一、翻译 1.翻译下列句子 (1)Daniel needs to________ (改变他的生活方式)now. (2)Do they need to buy ________ (两千克胡萝卜)? (3)The hair clip________ (和我的粉色外套搭配). I'll take it. (4)I want to buy some presents________ (和Amy的不同). (5)She always walks a long way to school, so she________ (最需要一双鞋). (6)They visit houses and ________ (和里面的人玩游戏). (7)________ (欣赏满月)is not much fun for children. (8)The jeans look quite nice. May I________ (试穿一下)? (9)Some dogs just don’t know ________(怎样取乐). (10)Apple juice ________ (尝起来好). 2.我明白了,你是—名老师。 ________ ________ .You are a teacher. 3.根据汉语提示,用句末括号内的英语单词完成句子。 (1)昨天哈利上学迟到了。 Harry ________ school yesterday. (be) (2)王先生因病住院了,他的女儿正在照顾他。 Mr. Wang is ill in hospital and now his daughter ________ him. (take) (3)很多废弃物能变成像纸一样的材料。 Many waste things ________ a paper-like material. (turn)


THE NECKLACE Mathilde Loisel was one of those poor girls, pretty,charming and romantic,who,in spite of their romantic dreams,are married to a mediocrity.Her husband was a clerk in the Ministry of Education. One evening her husband came home with an air of triumph. “I have something nice for you,”he said,giving her a large envelope. She tore open the envelope,which contained the following printed card: “The Minister of Education and Madame Georges Ramponneau have the honour to request the company of Monsieur and Madame Loisel at the office of the Ministry on Monday evening,January 18th.” She did not seem delighted.On the contrary,she flung the invitation card on the table,and said spitefully: “What's that to me?” “Why,my dear,I thought you'd be pleased.You like a dance,don't you?You hardly ever go out,and this is really a good chance for you.I had no end of trouble to get it.Every one wants it,you know.All the officials will be there,but only a few clerks are invited.” She looked at him ruefully and exclaimed: “What do you expect me to wear at a party like that?” It never occurred to him that she had no pretty dresses nor jewels.He replied hesitatingly: “Why,the dress you wear when you go to the theatre looks very nice to me.” She burst into tears.Why did she marry such a dull,stupid fellow?Only because she was born into a poor family.Oh,cruel trick of destiny! “What's the matter?”he asked anxiously.


有关印刷的专业术语 彩盒: retail box/color carton 礼盒:gift box 说明书:manual/booklet 贴纸: label 商标:brand 木盒:wood box 卡牌:tag/card 海报:poster 杂志:magazine 1、纸质:paper stock /(raw) material 书纸:WFUC(wood free uncoated)/ Woodfree 铜板:WFC(wood free coated) / Art paper /Gloss Artpaper/ C2S ---Coated two sides 哑粉:Matte coated paper / Matte/ Matt 单粉:SBS C1S 双面白或者单粉:WBB(White back board)? 粉灰:CCNB / grey back (灰底)/ FBB(folding box board)(微软的称法) 牛皮纸:kraft paper 坑纸:Corrugated Paper Flute A(A坑) 纸板::pasteboard 双灰板: grey board 再生纸:recycled(循环) paper 合成纸:synthetic paper 格拉辛底:glassine paper 胶底纸:adhesive label 可移胶底纸:Removable label 非可移胶底纸:Permanent label 彩纸:printed paper 卡纸:Paperboard,board , card board 面纸:Top sheet 底纸:Liner sheet 2、印刷颜色 ink information/printing 单黑:black ink only, 专色:PMS,special color 四色:4 colors CMYK----- Cyan 青, Magenta 品红, Yellow 黄, black 黑3、尺寸 size /dimension : 长:length 宽width 高 Height 深 Depth 厚度:thickness 展开尺寸:open size/flat size 成型尺寸:close size/finished size 内尺寸:inner size 外尺寸:outer size 压线:score line 4、说明书装订和页数page and bindery 单张说明书:leaf let /leaf Manual booklet: 此一般为单黑说明书 Brochure:小册子一般为彩色说明书 页数:page count 页码:page number(NO.) 页 page 版panel;单张single sheet,切边 trim to size 对折 fold in half 3折 3 fold 风琴折:concertina fold accordion fold 骑马钉saddle stitch,staple 胶装perfect bound /binding Wire 钉 Wire-O binding YO圈 锁线:scwing 规格:specification 简称specs 车中线:single sewing 精装书:case(hard) bound book cloth book 空白页:unprint page blank page 未切页:uncut pages 封面:Cover 内文:Text/content


说明:翻译题目在四六级考试中占5%。为中翻英题目。 翻译题目破题通法: 1、精研2006年6月24日至2009年6月共七套新四级翻译真题,或2006年12月至2009 年6月共六套新六级翻译真题,彻底搞懂每个考点,诸多考点反复重考; 2、背熟四、六级考试核心词组; 3、掌握四、六级翻译核心语法点,如虚拟语气、倒装句、定语从句、状语从句、主语从句等。 例题:请在5分钟内填空完毕。 1、Because she knew French, she (比我们有利). 2、It’s important that the librarian(确认图书按时归还). 3、The regulations doesn’t (生效) until the first of March. 4、My mother wanted me to (从事教育工作). 5、After arriving at your new university, the following may assist you in (减轻文化冲击所带来的紧张感). 1、答案:had an advantage over the rest of us 解析:1)词组:have an advantage of(比…有利) 2)时态:根据前半句的knew,此处应使用一般过去时 2、答案:make sure the books (should) be returned in time 解析:1)从句:主语从句it is important that … 2)虚拟语气:此处主语从句应使用should + 动词原形,should可以省略 3)语态:此处“按时归还”应使用被动语态be returned 4)词组:make sure(确认) 3、答案:come/go into effect 解析:词组:come/go into effect(生效)


韩刚B2A“译点通”笔译独家秘笈之:汉译英十大技巧 一、中文结构“三步走”。主要是指涉及政府外宣类题材的句子结构划分技巧。所谓“三步走”,具体是指:中文长句中,第一步给出理念、指导方针或原则,第二步具体阐述在这种方针原则的指导下都做了什么或者要做什么,第三步给出结果或者要实现的目标。在具体行文时,可以按照“每一步”信息的多少进行“逐步”切句或者灵活整合。有了“三步走”原则,长句一点儿都不可怕!这一汉英句式逻辑分析技巧在实操训练中非常实用也极易掌握!详见各循环相关实例分析。 二、“孰轻孰重”要分明。主要是指中英句子结构差异:中文结构“前轻后重”,中文结构事实、背景在前,表态、判断、结论在后,英文恰恰相反,是“前重后轻”。结构差异了然于胸,“表态判断为主,事实背景为从”,在翻译时有了这样一个主从句框架搭建原则,逻辑一目了然,译文自然“行云流水”!详见各循环相关实例分析。 三、结构搭建“三剑客”。主要是指汉译英时结构搭建常用的三个功能词或形式,即as, ing, with。译文结构好不好,它们说了算!可以不夸张地说,谁尽早熟练掌握了这三个功能词或形式,谁就能尽早步入汉英翻译的殿堂!详见各循环相关实例分析。 四、同义重复“并译”行。主要是指中文具有前后呼应、信息重叠的特点,经常使用四字甚至八字表达同一意思,英译时必须压缩合并减译,提取核心意思,力求简洁、流畅,如:骄傲与自豪,千山万水,你中有我、我中有你,等等。中文还有一个典型特点,即“双动词现象”,如:调整和优化,提高和加强,保障和改善民生,加强和完善。以“调整和优化”为例,这两个词在具体上下文中往往属于同义动词,调整的目的就是优化,而优化就是一种调整,直接取同义翻译即可。详见各循环相关实例分析。 五、“千变万化”增张力。主要是指中英翻译要“千变万化”,“同义发散”,选取不同角度对同一内容进行诠释,使用同义词进行替换等等,以此来凸显英文语言的多变性。这与平时大家学习英文写作的要求完全一致,即,同义词替换多多益善!要从写作的高度看翻译!详见各循环相关实例分析。 六、具体、概括“不相容”。主要是指汉英翻译的原则之一“舍宏观概括、取微观具体”。中文里往往会在具体信息后添加概括信息,如:“以人为本”的理念、“先到先得”的韩刚B2A“译点通”: 90天攻克CATTI三级笔译6


第五次课 I.应该没有考Change of voice 被动语态和主动语态的变化 Four situations when passive voice is used in English: 1.When the agent is not known or is not necessary to know 2.When emphasis is on the action or the object rather than on the agent 3.When the speaker is not willing to reveal the agent 4.When use of passive constructions can help link the sentence with its context 可以翻译成英语被动句的汉语句子包括(反之亦然): 1.有标志的汉语被动句:“受、挨、遭、遭受、被、得到、给、叫、让、由、为……所、加以、予以、等等” 2.无标志的汉语被动句:形式主动,意义被动 3.部分无主句可以翻译成英语被动句 4.一些习惯用语可以翻译成英语被动句或It句型:“有人、人们、大家”作主语;“据说、据报道、据推测、据估计、据信、可以肯定、必须指出、有人主张、众所周知 等等” 他粗心大意,应当受到批评。不用被批评 He should be criticized for his carelessness. 这个问题必须在适当的时候予以处理。不用被处理被动语态在翻译的时候尽量不用被字 The problem must be dealt with at an appropriate time. 代表将由民主协商选举产生。 The representatives will be elected after democratic consultation. 艾滋病病毒只能通过血液或其他体液传播。 The AIDS virus is only transmitted by blood and other body fluids. 血债要用血来还。 Blood debts will have to be paid in blood. 到现在为止还没有得出结论。 So far no conclusion has been arrived at. 为这事已经拨了大笔款项。 A large sum of money has been put aside for that purpose. 可以有把握地说,会议会如期举行。 It may be safely said that the meeting will be held on schedule. 人们发现橡胶是很好的绝缘体。 Rubber is found to be a good insulating material. 据说人在弥留之际都要回顾他的一生,就像看一部电影,一切都历历在目。 It is said a dying person tends to recollect his whole life, like seeing a film. II.不考Positive and Negative ways of expressing an idea Negation in translation: 正说反译/反说正译法。为了使译文忠实而合乎语言习惯地传达原文的意思,有时必须把原文中的肯定说法变成译文中的否定说法,或把原文中的否定说法变成译文中的肯定说法。


第二章英汉语言对比 A comparison between English and Chinese 第一部分 Part One If one wants to be a qualified translator, one should, first of all, have a penetrating study and careful comparison of the similarities and differences between these two languages so that one may find the corresponding laws and methods in the translation between them, do translation effectively and ensure the quality of translation. 刘重德《文学翻译十讲》 Procedures of today ?Similarities between English and Chinese ?Differences between English and Chinese (vocabularies and grammars) ?Exercises in class ?Assignments of today 英汉语言的相同之处 similarities ?词类划分: ?汉语: 实词(content word): 名词、动词、形容词、副词、代词、数词、量词 虚词(empty word):介词、连词、语气词、助词(结构助词“的”、“地”、“得”,时态助词“着”、“了”、“过”,情态助词“吗”、“呢”、“吧”、“啊”、“嘛”、“了”等)?英语: 实词(content word): 名词、动词、形容词、副词、代词、数词 虚词(function word):介词、连词、冠词、助动词(shall, will, have/has, do/does/did/done, be) ?英语量词,汉语冠词 ?E.g. a chair, the earth, a book, etc. 英汉语言的相同之处 similarities ?词类划分 ?句子要素:都有主语、谓语、宾语(表语)、定语和状语的划分。特别是主语和谓语,从本质上来说都是英、汉两种语言的主要组成框架(S+V+O/P) e.g. I like your new hairstyle. 我喜欢你的新发型。 It is cute. 它很可爱。


1, Research shows that successful language learners are similar in many ways. 研究表明,成功的语言学习者在许多方面有共同之处. 2, language learning is active learning ,learners should look for ever chance to use the language. 语言学习是一种主动的学习,学习者应该利用一切机会去运用语言. 3, learning language should be active independent and purposeful. 学习语言应该主动的,独立的.有目的地学. 4, learning a language is different learn maths. 学语言不同于学数学. 5, The teacher often offer us successful experiment in language learning. 老师经常将成功的语言学习经验传授给我们. 6, They find it hard to master a former language. 他们发现要掌握一门外语是困难的. 7, The research shows that success people are similar in many ways. 这项研究表明成功人士在许多方面是相似的. 8, Successful language learners not only depend on book or teacher. 成功的语言学习者不只依赖书本或者教师. 9, We are willing to our friend. 我们愿意帮助我们的朋友. 10, We should learning new things independently actively and purposefully. 我们应该独立的,积极的并且有目的地学习新东西. 11, Paying fax is the duty on every citizen. 纳税是每个公民应尽的义务. 12, American often say that there are only two things a person can be sure of in life. 美国人常说他们一生中有两件事逃脱不了. 13, Because three levels of government in the united states,so have three types of taxes. 正因为美国有三极政府,税收也有三种. 14, Some states have an income tax in addition to sales tax. 某些州除了征收销售税还征收收入所得税. 15, Americans complain that taxes are too high and that the government uses their tax dollars in the wrong way. 美国人抱怨税收太高,政府也没有正确使用税收. 16, China leads the world with it’s silk products. 中国以其丝绸产品领先于世界. 17, Sales tax vary with the price of the good you buy. 销售税随你所购物品的价格而变. 18, People always complaining about the constantly rising prices. 人们总是抱怨着不断上涨的物价. 19, mother said that she spent too much time on TV everds. 妈妈说她每天花太多的时间看电视. 20, there are 1000 visitors a day on the average. 平均每天有1000名来访者. 21, The Atlantic ocean is only half as big as the pacific ,but has more then 4,000 miles wide. 大西洋只有太平洋的一半大,但有4000多英里宽. 22, It take him quite a while to go to sleep last night. 昨晚他过了好一会儿才入睡. 23,There are so many ads on TV that it is hard to remember how many there. 电视里的广告太多,无法记住有多少. 24, many wrong ideas about the Atlantic Ocean made people of Columbus age unwilling to sail west. 许多错误的想法导致哥伦布时代的人不愿意西行. 25, The sailors were afraid that they might meet bad weather. 水手们担心他们会遇上坏天气. 26, This Mountain is half as high as mountain catch in tai. 这座山有泰山的一半高. 27, On the average ,There are 45students in each class of the school. 这所学校平均每个班有45人. 28, Climate affects the growth of plants . 气候对植物的生长有影响 29, My work keeps piling up. 我的工作越积越多. 30, Information that does not make any sense to you is difficult to remember. 你难以记住对你毫无意义的信息. 31, Association refers to taking the material we want to remember and relating it to something we remember accurately. 联想旨在将我们要记住的与已经记住的信息准确的联系起来. 32, Make group the words into similar categories is good for remember. 将单词分组有利于记忆。33,Needless to say ,if the books in a library are kept in random order ,it is very difficult for readers to find what they want. 不用说,如果图书馆的书陈列的毫无章法,读者不可能找到他们所要的书。34,Forming an integrated image with all the imformation placed in one’s mind can help preserve it in one’s memony. 将信息处理为一幅完整的画面存在脑海里,可以帮助保持记忆。 35,Their research focuses on adults’ learing skills. 他们的研究主要集中在成年人的技巧上。 36,it is meaningful to know how to use these phrases. 知道这些短语怎么用是很有意义的。37,the adult group consists of fifteen people. 成年组是由15人组成的。 38,needless to say ,we all know the facts very clearly. 不用说,我们都非常清楚这个事实。 39,memory refers to the ability to remember the past events and experiences. 记忆指的是能记住过去的事情和经历的的能力。 40,I always associate that song with my school life. 我总是把那支歌同我的学校生活联系起来。 41,she and her husband have different views on many problems. 她与她的丈夫在很多问题上观点不一致。 42,could you say something about taxes. 你能谈谈一些关于税收方面的问题吗? 43,bring me a glass of beer ,please. 请给我一杯啤酒。 44,you uncle never says anything at home,does he. 你叔叔在家里一句话也不说,是不是。 45,what are the customers complaining about? 这些顾客在抱怨些什么? 46,did he travel in france or in italy last summer? 去年夏天,他是在法国还是意大利旅行? 47,did you see the advertisement in a newspaper or in a magazine? 你是在报纸上还是

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