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附件2: 湖南大学研究生专项奖学金评定办法 为营造良好的研究生成才环境,完善研究生培养竞争机制,根据学校专项奖学金评定工作部署,特制定本办法。 一、评选范围 全日制在校二年级以上的硕士、博士研究生。进入硕士学习阶段超过3年和进入博士学习阶段超过4年的研究生不参加评选。 二、评选基本条件 (一)拥护党的各项路线、方针和政策;遵纪守法,尊敬师长,团结同学,积极参加各项活动,思想品德好。 (二)坚持参加体育锻炼,身体健康。 (三)热爱所学专业,勤奋学习,刻苦钻研,成绩优秀,科研、论文工作突出,并符合下列条件之一: 二年级硕士研究生: 已修满24个学分,所修课程考试成绩(基础英语成绩不计入,下同)加权平均分数不低于80分,单科成绩不低于70分,考查成绩良好以上。攻读学位期间在公开发行的学术期刊上以湖南大学名义发表(含已接收,下同)1篇及其以上与本专业相关的学术论文,本人为第1作者(或指导教师为第1作者,本人为第2作者,下同)。 三年级硕士研究生: 已修满培养方案规定的毕业所需学分,所修课程考试成绩加权平均分数不低于80分,单科成绩不低于70分,考查成绩良好以上。攻读学位期间在公开发行的学术期刊上以湖南大学名义发表1篇及其以上与本专业相关的学术论文,本人为第1作者。

博士研究生: 已修满培养方案规定的毕业所需学分,所修课程考试成绩加权平均分数不低于80分,单科成绩不低于70分,考查成绩良好以上。攻读学位期间在公开发行的学术期刊上以湖南大学名义发表4篇(工科3篇)及其以上(排名前2位)与本专业相关的学术论文,其中至少有2篇本人为第1作者。 攻读学位期间获省(部)级三等奖以上科研奖励(排名前5),或在省(部)级以上科技竞赛中获三等奖以上奖励(排名第1),或有1项以上个人发明专利者(排名第1),所修课程考试成绩加权平均分数不低于75分,单科成绩不低于65分。 所修课程考试成绩加权平均分数的计算办法为: (单门课程成绩×该门课程学分数)累加之和/总学分数(四)在同等条件下符合下列条件之一者优先评选: 1、全国“挑战杯”竞赛获奖者; 2、所发表的学术论文被三大检索收录,或被《新华文摘》、《人大复印资料》、《高校文科学报文摘》等收录者; 3、获校级以上三好学生、优秀研究生、优秀研究生干部、优秀党员或优秀团员、团干等荣誉称号者。 三、评选程序 (一)个人申报 符合申请条件者到各学院研究生教学秘书处领取申请表(研究生院网页下载专区可下载),如实填写申请表(要求打印),并根据《湖南大学研究生专项奖学金评定科研计分办法》(附后)进行自评分,于11月6日以前将申请表和相关证明材料,交各学院研究生秘书审核。 (二)学院初评、推荐


湖南本科高校 学校名称主管部门所在地层次网址 军国防科学技术大学长沙市本科https://www.doczj.com/doc/b92977103.html,/ 01中南大学教育部长沙市本科https://www.doczj.com/doc/b92977103.html,/ 02湖南大学教育部长沙市本科https://www.doczj.com/doc/b92977103.html,/ 03长沙理工大学湖南省长沙市本科https://www.doczj.com/doc/b92977103.html,/ 04湖南师范大学湖南省长沙市本科https://www.doczj.com/doc/b92977103.html,/ 05湖南科技大学湖南省湘潭市本科https://www.doczj.com/doc/b92977103.html,/ 06湘潭大学湖南省湘潭市本科https://www.doczj.com/doc/b92977103.html,/ 07吉首大学湖南省吉首市本科https://www.doczj.com/doc/b92977103.html, 08南华大学湖南省衡阳市本科https://www.doczj.com/doc/b92977103.html,/ 09湖南工业大学湖南省株洲市本科https://www.doczj.com/doc/b92977103.html,/ 10湖南农业大学湖南省长沙市本科https://www.doczj.com/doc/b92977103.html,/ 11湖南中医药大学湖南省长沙市本科https://www.doczj.com/doc/b92977103.html,/ 12中南林业科技大学湖南省长沙市本科https://www.doczj.com/doc/b92977103.html,/ 13长沙学院湖南省长沙市本科https://www.doczj.com/doc/b92977103.html,/ 14湖南城市学院湖南省益阳市本科https://www.doczj.com/doc/b92977103.html,/ 15湖南工程学院湖南省湘潭市本科https://www.doczj.com/doc/b92977103.html,/ 16湖南理工学院湖南省岳阳市本科https://www.doczj.com/doc/b92977103.html,/ 17长沙医学院湖南省教育厅长沙市本科https://www.doczj.com/doc/b92977103.html,/ 18衡阳师范学院湖南省衡阳市本科https://www.doczj.com/doc/b92977103.html,/ 19湘南学院湖南省郴州市本科https://www.doczj.com/doc/b92977103.html,/ 20湖南涉外经济学院湖南省教育厅长沙市本科https://www.doczj.com/doc/b92977103.html,/ 21湖南商学院湖南省长沙市本科https://www.doczj.com/doc/b92977103.html,/ 22湖南文理学院湖南省常德市本科https://www.doczj.com/doc/b92977103.html,/ 23怀化学院湖南省怀化市本科https://www.doczj.com/doc/b92977103.html,/ 24湖南科技学院湖南省永州市本科https://www.doczj.com/doc/b92977103.html,/ 25邵阳学院湖南省邵阳市本科https://www.doczj.com/doc/b92977103.html,/ 26湖南人文科技学院湖南省娄底市本科https://www.doczj.com/doc/b92977103.html,/ 27湖南工学院湖南省衡阳市本科https://www.doczj.com/doc/b92977103.html,/ 28湖南第一师范学院湖南省长沙市本科https://www.doczj.com/doc/b92977103.html,/ 29湖南女子学院湖南省长沙市本科https://www.doczj.com/doc/b92977103.html,/ 30湖南财政经济学院湖南省长沙市本科https://www.doczj.com/doc/b92977103.html,/ 31湖南警察学院湖南省长沙市本科https://www.doczj.com/doc/b92977103.html,/ 湖南专科高校 学校名称主管部门所在地层次网址 01怀化医学高等专科学校湖南省怀化市专科https://www.doczj.com/doc/b92977103.html,/ 02湖南中医药高等专科学校湖南省湖南省专科https://www.doczj.com/doc/b92977103.html,/ 03邵阳医学高等专科学校湖南省邵阳市专科https://www.doczj.com/doc/b92977103.html,/ 04益阳医学高等专科学校湖南省益阳市专科https://www.doczj.com/doc/b92977103.html,/ 05株洲师范高等专科学校湖南省株洲市专科https://www.doczj.com/doc/b92977103.html,/ 06湖南税务高等专科学校湖南省长沙市专科https://www.doczj.com/doc/b92977103.html,/ 07湖南科技工业职业技术学院湖南省湘潭市专科https://www.doczj.com/doc/b92977103.html,/ 08湖南环境生物职业技术学院湖南省衡阳市专科https://www.doczj.com/doc/b92977103.html,/ 09湖南水利水电职业技术学院湖南省专科https://www.doczj.com/doc/b92977103.html,/ 10湖南安全技术职业学院湖南省湖南省专科https://www.doczj.com/doc/b92977103.html,/


湖南大学专业硕士学位授予基本要求 一、前言 为明确专业学位硕士的培养要求,保证培养质量,促进专业学位硕士教育的发展,依据《中华人民共和国学位条例》、《教育部关于加强和改进专业学位教育工作的若干意见》、《教育部关于做好全日制硕士专业学位研究生培养工作的若干意见》等文件及各专业学位的设置方案,结合学校实际,制定本要求。 二、培养目标 所培养的硕士研究生应具有科学严谨和求真务实的学习态度和工作作风,掌握本专业(或职业)领域的理论基础和系统的专门知识;具有较强的运用现代科学理论和方法解决本专业(或职业)领域实际问题的能力或从事新材料、新工艺、新技术、新产品、新设备的开发能力;掌握解决本专业(或职业)领域实际问题必要的实验、分析、检测或计算的方法和技术;掌握一门外语技能,能够熟练阅读本专业(或职业)领域的国内外科技资料和文献;掌握和了解本学科领域的现状和发展趋势。 三、能力要求 专业学位硕士通过学习和训练应达到以下要求: 1.熟悉本专业(或职业)领域中相关的文献资料,获得所从事行业领域开展工作所需的背景知识。 2.能够综合运用所学知识,掌握所从事领域相关的先进理论与方法,解决本专业(或职业)领域的实际问题。 3.具备在实践工作中发现和分析问题的能力,综合运用所学知识,对所需解决的问题能提出切实可行的解决方案。 4.了解本专业(或职业)领域的发展前沿,善于发现与学习并掌握新的理论、方法,应用先进思想和经验,具有开拓创新的思维与能力。 5.具有较强的沟通、交流与组织协调能力。 四、学位论文

1.学位论文选题应来源于应用课题或现实问题,必须要有明确的职业背景和应用价值。 2.论文必须做到理论联系实际。论文要运用运用科学理论、方法和技术对所研究课题进行分析、研究并提出解决策略或方法,体现解决实际问题的能力。 3.学位论文可采用调研报告、应用基础研究、规划设计、产品开发、案例分析、项目管理、文学艺术作品等形式,具体形式应以各专业学位设置方案为依据。 (1)以应用基础研究形式提交学位论文时,论文撰写必须在较扎实的专业理论基础之上进行,应广泛并针对性地吸收国内外关于所研究课题的研究成果。参考文献不少于30篇,其中外文文献不少于5篇。 论文撰写应符合《湖南大学研究生学位论文撰写规范》,论文字数一般为1到2万字。 (2)以调研报告等文字形式撰写学位论文时,应做到体例结构规范,方法科学、合理,观点明确,阐述准确、清晰,并有一定的创造性,论文格式应参照《湖南大学研究生学位论文撰写规范》。论文字数不少于1万字。 (3)以设计或作品等形式提交学位论文时,设计或作品应符合有关国家标准、行业标准及各教学指导委员会确定的撰写规范。 五、论文答辩与学位授予 专业学位硕士研究生,修满培养方案规定的课程和学分,成绩合格,完成学位论文工作,经指导教师及学院审查同意,可提请论文评阅和答辩。 学位论文评阅通过后,可组织论文答辩。答辩委员会成员组成由各学院审批。答辩委员会一般应由3至5名本学科及相关学科的正、副教授或相当专业技术职务的专家组成,原则上应有1至2名研究生本人单位以外的实践部门副教授或相当专业技术职务及以上的专家参加。 达到培养目标、通过论文答辩的研究生,经学位评定委员会审核通过,可被授予专业学位。


附件: 湖南省普通高校优秀学生党员名单 (共计635名) 中南大学(65名): 吴克李沈鑫付媚郑越何冬冬孙惠婷潘宏旭朱玮刘祺陈长杨柳王首正李亚萍张丽丽赵瑞玉李浩杰王及时肖果胡文根陈欣怡邝扬帆史美清李志远巩宇鹏刘筐兴李梦甜张瑞楷王恩青张松龚婷陈云王雅洁韩明唐浩能马礼兵郭辉马世昌王婷马健强钟智彭小清张晖辉王堃孔祥星孙玫喻正源刘文硕刘鹏赵娟鲍寅祥李松柏刘若华周江王朵张萍何聪聪吕同舟王潇雅杨俊峰郭明霞朱启的陈志文李康康董轩萁蔡圳阳 湖南大学(50名): 朱辉辉龙军许展鹏马晓倩刘俊骅叶拓杨佳驹张群艳刘金洋谷祎杨贤贤赵鹏熊炜平金益锋颜胜杨晓龙何威利李释然李非凡米宁康静郝静茹马思佳宋铁山尹言太曹鹏飞朱欢邓惠月于中春李亨

石海芳文丹艳何梅胡是亚李志岳培豪耿玉坡刘鹏飞普庆玲陈丽平周凯曾雨晨谷亚云张倚胜孟奕君吴泳婷郑刚罗芳陈浩冯凤 湖南师范大学(35名): 罗凤辉王萌张元强柳艳刘芳龚磊薛临桃黄璐冯思月黄江霞陈璐佳袁颖迟立庆李艳华吴思芬王家俊谢姗姗谭栗黄维李丽华陈淼张磊杨卓何苗卜海松许宽王雪超刘雯龚雅丽何清宇罗帅肖和龙苏招红尹美庆张伟 湘潭大学(38名): 罗雄温正邹彩娟代支祥刘孟娟彭婉君李葡阳刘新梅云宇龙朱少双陈善士陈晓康峻鸣刘彬海王睿刘淑姣俞航潘晨曦张娟胡艳黎王绪四刘臣琦张小艳伍威左玲孙伟杰何奇黎育全张宏亮陈奇芳刘丹刘艳丽补国斌苏杰陈君刘容昭唐俐付冶建 长沙理工大学(30名): 王菁曹前罗海娟王文亭杨骏罗敏学王旭杨兰李杰华王峰曾立军林绿浩

庞欣强刘丹杨丹妮白彦瑶邢睦赵永福赵英孜李斌文侯永盛王荣泉吕傲傲子李树典刘小兵黎拿云申军辉万翀昊李佩雯张悦湖南农业大学(28名) 谢庆高喆黄晓波李亚夏凌峰周珏橙刘亮杨宇雯陈枋谢汝婷刘英春谢旭旭罗立琼谭凤李金彪沈杨仲伟茂张倩男王鄂湘蒋星宇李国栋余晶吉江艳孟莉叶强彭琼罗寅赵一超 中南林业科技大学(28名): 李加茹刘婧赵菁菁潘永婷简浩韦宝婧何婧张镇正陈楚琳谢晓娜钱雯孙祥喆杨伶俐杜晶李鹏飞张艺玲仝昊飞郝广奇陈高新曾游贺之宜赵勤王晖艳邱亚群范超洪奕丰周亮孙宏骥 南华大学(28名): 曹传银史向甫宋丽扬陈晓菲吴斌陈晓凡周贤健刘振昊殷齐逊侯三英邹倩妮廖艺璇邓亚雄廖欢应上云孟静姚捃曾巧苗尤若颖李骏杰彭爱芳代才龙孙敬睿周益名伍沛李霜霜滕念成刘登辉


根据教育部《湖南大学关于选拔普通高校优秀考生进入研究生阶段学习的通知》文件精神,结合学校实际,对普通高校毕业生进入硕士阶段学习提出如下要求。 一、报考事项安排 1.每年报考我校的考生很多,要早复习,早准备。按照考试范围复习。 2.我校考生,到学校考试中心,办理内部试卷。 3.每年有很多考生,不知道考试重点范围,不知道考试大纲要求,盲目复习,浪费时间和精力,复习效果很差,影响考试。 4.每年有很多考生,选择错误的复习资料,解题思路及讲解答案都是错误的,具有误导性,不利于复习。 5.学校为考生正确复习,印刷内部试卷。 6.内部试卷:包含考试范围、历年真题、考试题库、内部复习资料。 7.专业课,学校出题。一定要按照内部试卷复习,每年都有原题出现。 8.内部试卷联系QQ363.916.816张老师。学校安排邮寄,具体事项联系张老师。 二、选拔对象条件 1.普通高校本科毕业生,主干课程成绩合格,在校学习期间未受到任何纪律处分。 2.身体健康状况符合国家和学校规定的体检要求。 三、招生专业计划 1.招生要求和专业,详见《教育部选拔普通高等学校本科毕业生进入硕士阶段学习招生及专业总表》。 2.学校计划招收全日制硕士研究生和非全日制硕士研究生,《硕士学位研究生招生专业目录》公布的拟招生人数(含推免生),实际招生人数将根据国家下达我校招生计划、各专业生源情况进行适当调整。我校部分专业将另设计划用于接收调剂生,具体事项及拟招生人数将在初试成绩公布后另行通知。 四、报名资格审核 1.报考考生按照《教育部选拔普通高等学校优秀毕业生进入研究生阶段学习专业对照及考试课程一览表》以下简称《专业对照及考试课程一览表》选择报考专业,并填写《教育部普通高等学校毕业生进入研究生阶段


2020湖南考研时间安排 一、初试时间 2016年全国硕士研究生招生考试初试时间为:2015年12月26日至12月27日(每天上午8:30-11:30,下午14:00-17:00)。超过3小时的考试科目在12月28日进行(起始时间8:30,截止时间由招生单位确定,不超过14:30)。 考试时间以北京时间为准。不在规定日期举行的硕士研究生入学考试,国家一律不予承认。 二、初试科目 初试方式均为笔试。 12月26日上午思想政治理论、管理类联考综合能力 12月26日下午外国语 12月27日上午业务课一 12月27日下午业务课二 12月28日考试时间超过3小时的考试科目 每科考试时间一般为3小时;建筑设计等特殊科目考试时间最长不超过6小时。 详细考试时间、考试科目及有关要求等请见《准考证》及考点和招生单位公告。 延伸阅读: 考研英语阅读题必考题型解题技巧 句子理解题: ①返回原文找到原句。

②对原句进行语法和词义的精确分析(找主干),应该重点抓原句的字面含义。若该句的字面含义不能确定,则依据上下文进行判断。注意:局部含义是由整体决定的。 ③一般来说,选项中的正确答案与原句意思完全相同,只不过用其他英语词汇换种表达而已。 ④句子理解题的错误选项干扰项特征:推得过远。做题时应把握住推的度。 思路:对句子微观分析?不行就依据上下文?选择时不要推得过远。 推理题:“最近原则” ①标志:learn,infer,imply,inform ②看是否可以通过题干返回原文或依据选项返回原文。一般要围绕文中的一两个重点进行推理。推理题无论通过题干能不能定位, 我们都要把它固化到文章的一两点上。 ③依据原文的意思进行三错一对的判断。先不要进行推理,若有一个选项跟原文的意思一模一样, 则该选项必然是正确答案。推理题不是考察我们的想象力,它实际是考察我们原文中的某几个点 如一个、两个点所涉及的问题我们读透了没有。因此,不推的比推的好;推的近的比推的远的要好。 ④推理题的最近答案原则:不推的要比推的好,推的近的要比推的远的好,直接推出的要比间接推的好。(原文的某句话变个说法) 注意:做题时不能想得太多,推得过远。是否把原文读懂才是 关键。


湖南大学研究生院简介 湖南大学坐落在湖南省长沙市岳麓山下,是由岳麓书院衍续至今、办学历史悠久的全国重点大学,直属国家教育部,是国家“211工程”和“985工程”重点建设的高校,2004年经教育部批准正式成立研究生院。 学校设有29个院系,拥有12个博士学位授权一级学科,69个博士学位授权二级学科,171个硕士学位授权学科、专业,6个专业学位授权,57个本科招生专业;建有2个国家重点学科,12个博士后科研流动站;学科专业涵盖哲学、经济学、法学、教育学、文学、历史学、理学、工学、管理学、医学等10大学科门类。现有教职工4600余人,其中,专任教师1840余人,教授、副教授950余人,中科院院士2名,工程院院士2名,双聘院士6名,国家“百千万人才工程”第一、二层次人选8人,首批新世纪百千万人才工程国家级人选5人,“长江学者”特聘教授6人、讲座教授5人。现有全日制在校学生29540余人。其中:本科生22330余人、研究生7200余人。校园占地面积156.5万平方米,校舍建筑面积103.9万平方米。学校藏书360多万册,订有中外文数据库140多个,提供统一检索平台,可实现跨库检索。校园网设备先进、覆盖面广、功能强大,教学、办公楼实现了1000M网络互联和10/100M的桌面网络连接,教工宿舍和学生宿舍已接入互联网和校园网。 学校在教学上保持和发扬“重基础、重质量、严管理”的传统,积极开展教育教学创新工程,人才培养质量在社会上享有良好声誉,具有“基础扎实、思维活跃、适应能力强、综合素质高”的特色。学校设有国家工科(化学)基础课教学基地、全国大学生文化素质教育基地。近年来,获得国家级教学成果特等奖1项,一等奖2项,二、三等奖8 项;获得国家精品课程7门,国家优秀博士论文2篇。通过稳定本科招生规模,大力发展研究生教育,形成了从学士、硕士到博士教育的完整的人才培养体系及高层次人才的培养格局。新中国成立以来,已为国家和社会培养了16万多名高级人才,其中有13名校友当选为院士。近五年,学生参加挑战杯、力学竞赛、数学建模竞赛、TCL杯竞赛等一系列国家级和省级竞赛,共获得省级以上奖励705项次、1028人次。 学校发挥基础好、学科综合性强的优势,在不断提高基础研究水平的同时,致力于解决国民经济建设中急需解决的理论与实际问题。设有2个国家重点实验室、1个国家工程技术研究中心和11个部、省重点实验室和工程技术研究中心。已形成化学工程、土木工程、建筑设计、机械制造与车辆工程、机电一体化及自动控制、计算机应用技术、材料科学与工程、环境工程等科技集团力量,管理科学与工程、国际贸易学、金融学、会计学等都已成为管理学和经济学领域的重要研究力量,人文社会科学研究呈现出良好发展势头。学校“985工程”二期重点建设“化学生物科技创新平台”、“汽车先进设计制造技术创新平台”、“现代结构与桥梁科技创新平台”和“经济开放与贸易发展哲学社会科学创新基地”,科研力量得到进一步的整合和优化。“十五”期间共承担各级各类科研项目5024项,获得国家自然科学二等奖1项、国家科技进步一等奖1项、国家科技进步二等奖4项、第三届中国高校人文社会科学优秀成果二等奖1项。


Unit 1. When today ' high-school seniors are asked what they plan to do after graduation, most say that they intend to get a bachelor's degree. They have been told that their generation has only “ one way fcygetting at least a bachelor 'degree, in the hope that it will eventually lead to a professional job. In a recent survey of high-school seniors conducted by the National Center for Education Statistics,85 per cent of the respondents said they planned to get a bachelor's degree. And, although 20 years ago only 45 per cent of high-school graduates went on to college, today 68 percent actually matriculate, with the majority enrolling in four-year or two-year programs designed to allow them transfer to four-year institutions . According to conventional wisdom, the rapid rise in the number of students attending college is cause for national celebration . But our research suggests that instead , it may be cause for national concern. Why? Because for many young people, the “torueinvaaradigm 例子)is not realistic , given their academic talents and the labor-market projections. Students ranking below the top third of their high-school graduating class too often fail to earn as bachelor purpose of preventing the US from bombing the place. 3. Nobody in the family is more dedicated to operating the real estate business than Judy. — .Because of the economic depression, real estate agents are in the dilemma of whether to lower prices or let sales fall off. 5. More often than not, Mr. Smith earns great profits by careful investment of his capital. 6. John did not make much of a mark in his studies at school, but he excelled at sports. 7.Ordrly transition of responsibilities is a condition for the long-range prosperity of a family business. 8. You had better have a clear picture of prospects before formulating a plan for investment. 9. Although sculpture is a time-consuming art, there are still some people following it as a profession. 10. The software company is in the midst of being transformed from an individual proprietorship to a joint venture. Unit 3 . automobile move America through work and play. Wheels spin, and people drive off to their jobs. Tires turn, and people shop for the week food at the big supermarket down the highway. Hubcaps whirl, and the whole family spends a day at the lake. Each year more wheels crowd the highways as 10 million new cars roll out of the factories. One out of every six Americans works at assembling cars, driving trucks, building roads, or pumping gas. America without cars ? It ' s unthinkable. But even though the majority of Americans would find to imagine what life would be like without a car; some have begun to realize that the automobile is a mixed blessing. Traffic accidents are increasing steadily, and large cities are plagued by traffic congestion. Worst of all, perhaps, is the air pollution caused by the internal-combustion engine. Every car engine burns hundreds of gallons of fuel each year and pumps hundreds of pounds of carbon monoxide and other gases into the air. These gases are one source of the smog that hangs over large cities. Some of these gases are poisonous and dangerous to one ' s health, especially for someone wit a weak heart or a respiratory disease. One answer to the problem of air pollution is to build a car that does not pollute. That ' s what several major automobile manufacturers are trying to do. But building a clean car is easier said than done. So far progress has been slow. Another solution is to eliminate car fume altogether by getting rid of the internal-combustion engine. Inventors are now working on turbine-powered cars, as well as on cars powered by steam and electricity. But most of us won ' t be driving cars run on batteries or boiling water for a while yet. Many auto makers believe that it will take years to develop practical models that are powered by electricity or steam. Key to the translation from Chinese to English: 1. The automobile was improved very rapidly after it was invented and soon displaced horses. 2. We may have to cut down on the number of privately owned cars and depend more on public mass transit systems because cars pollute and maim or even kill people. 3. While wheels (automobiles) have brought with them better or more convenient transportation, they are guilty of many sins, such as air pollution, traffic accidents and traffic congestion. 4. Americans are noted for their love for cars and great job mobility. 5. If only advances in fuel quality and efficiency and in technology would radically reduce the emissions from automobiles. 6. A highly developed highway network has made possible the easy movement from coast to coast in the United States. 7. The very thought of the speed at which the beautiful avenue was constructed electrified every visitor; the road had only recently been torn covepyto lay drain-pipes not long ago. 8. Environmentalists have denounced automobiles, believing they are a major factor in the production of dirty air. 9. Many new residential complexes have risen up in the suburbs of drug treatments for specific illness to improving the overall quality of life . To accomplish that mission, Eisai developed a wide array of new products. And that, in turn, would require broad involvement and commitment. He encouraged innovative activity and created an environment in which employees ' efforts would be accepted and rewarded .Soon there were proposals for 130 additional HHC projects and by the end of 1996, 73 projects were under way . Now, the company has moved from sixth to fifth place in the Japanese domestic pharmaceutical industry, and Eisai customers and competitors view the company as a leader in health care. Key to the translation from Chinese to English: 1. He is an experienced banker and an acknowledged trade expert, not to mention an excellent managing director. 2. Regardless of danger, volunteers from an Italian organization for peace have gone to Baghdad, the capital of Iraq, to form a "body shield" for the transportation. 10. Despite their love for cars, many people lend credence to the extensive use of the public transport system, which can cut down on traffic congestion. Unit 4 . Children are now leaving home in late adolescence —an earlier age than in the past. Adolescents are no longer involved in making an economic contributiontcsthe family. In fast, there major economic impact is as consumers. Therefore, the family has little reason to keep the child home as an economic contribution. It is becoming increasingly common for young people to leave home for college or to live with someone else when they become employed. Not only do family have fewer children but they have them in school and out of the home at younger ages than in the past. 's degree if they enroll in college. Th&oday it can be said that wheels run America. The four rubber tires of the cost of such failure ------- i n both dollars and unmet expectations -------- i s rising and beginning to erode public confidence in our system of higher education. Key to the translation from Chinese to English: 1. Today's university students are struggling to establish themselves, but they still have ambiguous feelings about their future. 2. A man cannot find himself without finding a center beyond hi. So the idealism of the undergraduate experience must help the student transcend himself. 3. We eagerly hope that the lessons leaned in the university will reveal themselves in our performance in the workplace and further education. 4. It cannot go unchallenged to say that the 4-year undergraduate experience is the only path to success in life. 5. We run the risk of making critical decisions, not on the basis of what we know, the findings of investigations, and the data of experiments, but on the basis of blind faith in professed experts. 6. Our task needs a large group of well-informed, caring young people who can band together, learn from each other, and actively participate in the four modernizations. 7. If it is to endure, the new school should help the students not only acquire a sold basic education and become competent in a specific field, but also be ready to commit themselves to others. 8. It is not too much to say that if undergraduates excessively devote themselves to examinations, the will push competence and commitment to the fringes. 9. I didn't even speak to him; much less discuss the reconstruction of your school with him. 10. Some people think examinations are second to none, but some think examinations have a lot of disadvantages. Examinations leave us an open essential question --- what influence do examinations exert on education? Unit 2 . A small family-owned company, Eisai, was one of the original manufacturers of vitamin E, and it maintained a strong research commitment to natural pharmaceuticals. Over the years, it developed drugs for the treatment of cardiovascular, respiratory, and neurological diseases. The company experienced steady, modest growth, and in 1992 sales reached 197 billion yen and profits approached 13 billion yen. Although it was the sixth-largest Japanese pharmaceutical company, Eisai was a relatively small player in an industry in which global competition was increasing while growth in the domestic market was slowing down. In 1993, Haruo Naito took over as president from his father. Before that, he had chaired Eisai -ys^ivsirategic planning committee. During that time, he had become convinced that the company ' focus on the dis and manufacture of pharmaceuticals was not sustainable for long-term growth against large, global competitors .Two years after becoming president , Naito formulated a radical new vision for Eisai that he called Human Health Care . It extended the company 'focus from manufacturmetropolitan cities because of the availability of convenient public


湖南大学研究生奖助学实施办法(试行) 为不断优化研究生潜心学业、健康成才的环境,完善拔尖人才培养机制,进一步提高研究生培养质量,根据学校实际,特制定本办法。 一、博士生奖助学 1.设立博士生助学津贴,资助额度为1.5万元/年,一般按四年发放,直接攻博生按五年发放。直接攻博生、硕博连读生和应届毕业硕士生通过公开招考录取为全日制脱产博士生,均自动享受博士生助学津贴;非应届毕业硕士生通过公开招考录取的全日制脱产博士生,需本人申请并经学校审核批准才能享受博士生助学津贴。 2.设立助教岗位,鼓励博士生导师设立助研岗位。助教岗位津贴为55~65元/每教学时,由学校提供;助研岗位津贴不低于1.2万元/年,由导师项目经费资助。凡享受助学津贴的博士生,经导师同意,均可申请助教或助研一种岗位。 3.设立博士生校长奖学金,主要资助对象为三年级和四年级博士生,每个年级80名,资助额度为1.5万元/年,并配套提供1万元/年的科研基金(其使用按学校有关科研基金管理办法执行)。特别优秀的一年级和二年级博士生也可申请博士生校长奖学金。 4.对于同时获得研究生国家奖学金、博士生校长奖学金的博

士生,不再另行发放博士生助学津贴。 5.在获得国家奖学金的三年级博士生中评选10名博士生,作为学校推荐参评教育部“博士学术新人奖”的候选人。 6.在获得教育部“博士学术新人奖”的四年级博士生中评选4~6名博士生列入学校优秀博士资助计划。 二、硕士生奖助学 1.设立硕士生助学津贴,为所有正式录取的全日制脱产硕士生提供3000元/年的资助,按两年发放。 2.为全日制脱产硕士生设立助教岗位,助教岗位津贴为35~45元/每教学时,由学校提供。 3.鼓励导师为全日制脱产硕士生设立助研岗位,助研岗位津贴为3000元/年,由导师项目经费提供。 4.为全日制在读硕士生设立助管岗位,助管岗位津贴为500元/月,由设立助管岗位的有关单位提供。 5.全日制脱产硕士生均可申请国家奖学金。 三、研究生业务费并入研究生奖助学体系。学校对研究生答辩予以补贴,补贴标准为硕士生每人300元、博士生每人600元。 四、超过学制的博士研究生,学校不再发放助学津贴,由导师给予资助。 五、本办法从2013年1月起施行,由研究生院负责解释。2010至2012年级博士生,2011至2012年级硕士生均按照本办法执行。

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