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原产地证 附样本

原产地证 C/O为CERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN的简称,意思为“原产地证书”,以下为具体内容。 一、原产地证书的作用 原产地证明书(CERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN)是出口商应进口商要求而提供的、由公证机构或政府或出口商出具的证明货物原产地或制造地的一种证明文件。原产地证书是贸易关系人交接货物、结算货款、索赔理赔、进口国通关验收、征收关税在有效凭证,它还是出口国享受配额待遇、进口国对不同出口国实行不同贸易政策的凭证。 二、原产地证书的类型 根据签发者不同,原产地证书一般可分为以下三类: ①商检机构出具的原产地证书, 如:中华人民共和国检验检疫局(CIQ)出具的普惠制产地证格式A(GSP FORM A);一般原产地证书(CERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN)。 ②商会出具的产地证书, 如:中国国际贸易促进委员会(CCPIT)出具的一般原产地证书,简称贸促会产地证书(CCPIT CEERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN); ③制造商或出口商出具的产地证书; 在国际贸易实务中,应该提供哪种产地证明书,主要依据合同或信用证的要求。一般对于实行普惠制国家出口货物,都要求出具普惠制产地证明书。如果信用证并未明确规定产地证书的出具者,那么银行应该接受任何一种产地证明书。现在我国多数出口商习惯于使用贸促会出具的证书。 三、原产地证书的申请 根据我国的规定,企业最迟于货物报关出运前三天向签证机构申请办理原产地证书,并严格按照签证机构的要求,真实、完整、正确地填写以下材料: ①《中华人民共和国出口货物原产地证书/加工装配证明书申请书》; (见附页)此处显示一份《一般原产地证明书/加工装配证明书》图5-1(国际商务单证103) ②《中华人民共和国出口货物原产地证明书》一式四份; ③出口货物商业发票;

普惠制原产地证明书(FORM A)填制要求

由于给惠国实行减免关税产生的差额,使受惠国出口商品的价格具有更大的竞争能力,吸引进口商购买更多的受惠产品,从而扩大了受惠国制成品和半制品的出口,增加外汇收入,促进工业化。(就像中国的有些产品比如丝绸,以普惠制就吸引了国外的一些进出口商到中国来进口中国的丝绸。有了普惠制证明进口商就可以减免关税降低成本)。 普惠制原产地证明书(FORM A)填制要求 1.1证书号:普惠制原产地证书标题栏(右上角),填上检验检疫机构编定的证书号。 证书号编定规则ZC314*/070001 zc314*-公司注册号07-2007年0001-企业流水号 1.2第1栏:出口商名称、地址、国家此栏出口商公司名称应与注册时相同。必须打上国名、地址。 例:SHENZHEN HUAYELONG IMPORTS & EXPORTS LTD. SHENZHEN,CHINA 1.3第2栏:收货人的名称、地址、国家除欧盟25国、挪威外,此栏须填上给惠国最终收货人名称,不可填中间转口商的名称,此栏须打上国名欧盟25国、挪威对此栏是非强制性要求,若第二栏进口商国家和第12栏最终目的国都是欧盟国家,则可以与第12栏国家不同,也可以不填详细地址,只填上:To Order。36个给惠国及输入代码为:欧盟25国(305法国France、303英国Uni t ed Kingdom、306爱尔兰Irelan d、304德国Germany、302丹麦Denmark、307意大利Italy、301比利时Belgium、309荷兰Netherlan ds、308卢森堡Luxembourg、310希腊Greece、312西班牙Spain、311葡萄牙Portugal、315奥地利A ustria、330瑞典Sweden、318芬兰Finland、327波兰Poland、321匈牙利Hungary、350斯洛文尼亚Sl ovenia Rep、352捷克Czech Rep、353斯洛伐克Slovak Rep、334爱沙尼亚Estonia、335拉脱维亚Lat via、336立陶宛Lithuania、108塞浦路斯Cyprus、324马耳他Malta)、137土耳其Turkey、331瑞士S witzerland、326挪威Norway、116日本Japan、601澳大利亚Australia、609新西兰New Zealand、501加拿大Canada、344俄罗斯Russia、347乌克兰Ukraine、340白俄罗斯Byelorussia、341哈萨克斯坦Ka zakhstan。 1.4第3栏:运输方式及路线(就所知道而言)一般应填上装货、到货地点(始启运港、目的港)及运输方式(如海运、陆运、空运)。 例:FROM DONGGUAN TO SHENZHEN BY TRUCK,THENCE TRANSHIPPED TO HAMBURG BY SEA. 转运商品应加上转运港,例:FROM SHENZHEN TO HONGKONG BY TRUCK, THENCE TRANSHIPPED T O HAMBURG BY SEA。对输往内陆给惠国的商品,如瑞士、奥地利,由于这些国家没有海岸,因此如系海运,都须经第三国,再转运至该国,填证时应注明。例:BY VESSEL FROM SHENZHEN TO HAMBURG,IN TRANSI T TO SWI TZERLAND. 1.5第4栏:供官方使用 此栏由签证当局填写,正常情况下此栏空白。特殊情况下,签证当局在此栏加注,例:(1)货物已出口,签证日期迟于出货日起,签发“后发”证书时,此栏盖上“ISSUED RETROSPECTIVELY”红色印章。(2)证书遗失、被盗或者损毁,签发“复本”证书时盖上“DUPLICATE”红色印章,并在此栏注明原证书的编号和签证日期,并声明原发证书作废,其文字是“THIS CERTIFICATE IS IN REPLACEMENT OF CERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN NO.…DATED…WHICH IS CANCELLED”。 注意:在录入后发证书时,请在申请书备注栏注明“申请后发”,否则计算机退回。 1.6第5栏:商品顺序号 如同批出口货物有不同品种,则按不同品种分列“1”、“2”、“3”……,以此类推。单项商品,此栏填“1”。1.7第6栏:唛头及包装号 填具的唛头应与货物外包装上的唛头及发票的唛头一致;唛头不得出现中国以外的地区和国家制造的字样,也不能出现香港、澳门、台湾原原产地字样(例如:MADE IN TAI WAN,HONG KONG PRODUCTS等);如货物无唛头应填“N/M”。如唛头过多,此栏不够填则打上(SEE THE ATTACHMENT),用附页填打所有唛头(附页的纸张要与原证书一样大小),在右上角打上证书号,并由申请单位和签证当局授权签字人分别在附页末页的右下角和左下角手签、盖印。附页手签的笔迹、地点、日期均与证书第11、12栏相一致


附表2 原产地证书格式 * A Certificate of Origin under China-Chile Free Trade Agreement shall be valid for one year from the date of issue in the exporting country. 4

Overleaf Instruction Box 1:State the full legal name, address (including country) of the exporter. Box 2: State the full legal name, address (including country) of the producer. If more than one producer’s good is included in the certificate, list the additional producers, including name, address (including country). If the exporter or the producer wishes the information to be confidential, it is acceptable to state “Available to the competent governmental authority upon request”. If the producer and the exporter are the same, please complete field with “SAME”. If the producer is unknown, it is acceptable to state "UNKNOWN". Box 3: State the full legal name, address (including country) of the consignee. Box 4: Complete the means of transport and route and specify the departure date, transport vehicle No., port of loading and discharge. Box 5: The customs authorities of the importing country must indicate (√) in the relevant boxes whether or not preferential tariff treatment is accorded. Box 6: Customer’s Order Number, Letter of Credit Number, and etc. may be included if required. If the invoice is issued by a non-Party operator, the name, address of the producer in the originating Party shall be stated herein. Box 7: State the item number, and item number should not exceed 20. Box 8: State the shipping marks and numbers on the packages. Box 9: Number and kind of package shall be specified. Provide a full description of each good. The description should be sufficiently detailed to enable the products to be identified by the Customs Officers examining them and relate it to the invoice description and to the HS description of the good. If goods are not packed, state “in bulk”. When the description of the goods is finished, add “***” (three stars) or “ \ ” (finishing slash). Box 10: For each good described in Box 9, identify the HS tariff classification to six digits. Box 11: If the goods qualify under the Rules of Origin, the exporter must indicate in Box 11 of this form the origin criteria on the basis of which he claims that his goods qualify for preferential tariff treatment, in the manner shown in the following table: Insert in Box 11 The origin criteria on the basis of which the exporter claims that his goods qualify for preferential tariff treatment Goods wholly obtained P General rule as ≥ 40% regional value content RVC Products specific rules PSR Box 12: Gross weight in Kilos should be shown here. Other units of measurement e.g. volume or number of items which would indicate exact quantities may be used when customary. Box 13: Invoice number, date of invoices and invoiced value should be shown here. Box 14: The field must be completed, signed and dated by the exporter. Insert the place, date of signature. Box 15: The field must be completed, signed, dated and stamped by the authorized person of the certifying authority. The telephone number, fax and address of the certifying authority shall be given. 5


原产地证明(精选多篇) 第一篇:原产地证明 办理原产地证明(商检局) 一、原产地注册证书 1、办理机构:上海市出入境检疫局(商检局); 2、过程: (1)办理原产地证注册 地址:中山东一路81号 (2)提供的资料: a.营业执照、组织机构代码证、外贸批准证明 b.填写表格(20元),指定手签人并贴一寸照片一张,加盖中英文公章 c.电脑录入注册(100元) (3)当天取证(大约半小时),划归办理具体事务的分局(按办公地址划分) 二、开具的原产地证明 a.每个国家都有一个限定办理的时间(以航班日期为准),如逾期办理,写情况说明(逾期),经批准后方可办理。 b.办理及领证人员登记,提交办理人员身份证复印件及原产地注册证复印件,加盖中英文公章。(首次或以后有更改) c.至商务中心填写、录入(录入费用40元),提交:

箱单 提单 发票 普惠制产地证明书申请书(商品名称多,在反面填写:中英文名,h.s编码,毛重,金额,箱数) 区域性优惠原产地证书预录补充申请书(两个申请书,2元/套)以上复印件及申请表均需盖章(带好公章及印泥) d.校对无误找海关人员审核、盖章 e.在原产地证上盖公司公章(一式三份)及签名,公司拿两份 第二篇:原产地证明 原产地证明 中华人民共和国原产地证书(certificateoforiginofthepeople’srepublicofchina)简称原产地证书,又称普通产地证书,是证明本批出口商品的生产地,并符合《中华人民共和国出口货物原产地规则》的一种文件。它由商务部统一规定和印制,并由国家质量监督检验检疫总局或中国国际贸易促进委员会签发。如果信用证或合同对签证机构未作具体规定,一般由检验检疫总局出具。 (一)原产地证书的申请


原产地证明书样本 原产地证明书样本。 sampleertifiateoforigin asia-paifitradeagreement 1.goodsonsignedfrom: refereneno. issuedin……………. goodsonsignedto: 3.foroffiialuse 4.meansoftransportandroute: 5.tariffitemnumber: 6.marksandnumberofpakages: 7.number andkindofpakages desription ofgoods: 8.origin riterion 9.gross eight orother quantit:

10.numberanddateofinvoies: 1 1.delarationbtheexporter: theundersignedherebdelaresthattheabovedetailsandstatement sareorret:thatallthegoodsereproduedin ………………………………. andthatthepliththeoriginrequirementsspeifiedforthesegoods intheasia-paifitradeagreementforgoodsexportedto ………………………………. ………………………………. plaeanddate,signatureofauthorized signator1 ertifiate itisherebertifiedonthebasisofontrolarriedout,thatthedelar ationbtheexporterisorret. ………………………………… plaeanddate,signatureandstampof ertifingauthorit notesforpletingertifiateoforigin i.generalonditions: toqualifforpreferene,produtsmust: a)fallithinadesriptionofprodutseligibleforprefereneinthel istofonessionsofanasia-paifitradeagreementountrofdestination;


C15 中澳自由贸易区优惠原产地证 C15.1 签证国家:澳大利亚 C15.2 证书编号规则 中国澳大利亚自贸区优惠原产地证书的编号共16位,按以下规则编制:“A”+年份(2位)+原产地申请人备案号+流水号(4位) C15.3 各栏填制要求 a)第一栏:注明中国或澳大利亚出口商详细的依法登记的名称和地址。 b)第二栏:生产商名称、地址、国别 填写生产商详细的依法登记的名称和地址(包括国家)。 - 如证书中包含不止一个生产商的货物,应列出其他生产商的详细名称和地址(包括国家)。 - 如出口商或生产商希望其信息保密,可注明“应主管部门或授权机构要求可提供”(Available to the competent authority or authorised body upon request)。 - 如生产商即为出口商,请在栏中填写“同上”(SAME)字样。 - 如生产商未知,可在栏中注明“未知 "(UNKNOWN)。 c)第三栏:收货人名称、地址和国别 注明澳大利亚进口商(如已知)详细的依法登记的名称和地址。 d)第四栏:运输方式及路线 填写运输方式及路线(如已知),详细说明离港日期、运输工具编号以及装货和卸货口岸。

e)供官方使用栏 - 如果原产地证书是后补发的,则应在此栏注明“补发”(ISSUED RETROACTIVELY)字样。 - 如果原产地证书是经核准的副本,则应注明“原产地证书正本(编号日期)经核准的真实副本”(CERTIFIED TRUE COPY of the original Certificate of Origin numberdated)字样。 f)第五栏:备注 - 本栏可填写客户订单编号或者信用证编号,以及其他可能涉及的事项。 - 如发票由非缔约方经营者开具,应在本栏注明开具发票的经营者名称、地址及国家等信息。 g)第六栏:项目号 注明商品项号,项号应不超过20项。 h)第七栏:唛头及包装号 如有唛头及编号,则注明包装上的唛头及编号。 i)第八栏:包装数量及种类,商品描述 详列每种货物的货品名称,以便于海关关员查验时加以识别。货品名称应与发票上的描述及货物的协调制度描述相符。如果是散装货,应注明“散装”(IN BULK)。当商品描述结束时,加上“***”(三颗星)或“\”(结束斜线符号)。 j)第九栏:HS编码。 对应第8 栏中的每种货物,填写协调制度税则归类编码(6位)。


普惠制原产地证书格式 A (FORM A)填制规范 普惠制原产地证书采用联合国贸发会统一规定的证书格式,一正二副。正 本为绿色,印有扭索图案底纹,第一副本为白色,第二副本为黄色。证书用英 文或法文填制,证书共有12栏,各栏填制要求如下: 标题栏(右上角),填上检验检疫机构编定的证书号。在证书横线上方填上 “中华人民共和国”。国名必须填打英文全称,不得简化。 Issued in THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA (国内证书已将此印上,无需再填打。) 第1栏:出口商名称、地址、国家 此栏带有强制性,应填明详细地址,包括街道名、门牌号码等。例: ZHEJIANG TEXTILES IMPORT AND EXPORT GROUP CO., LTD. NO.165 ZHONGHE ZHONG ROAD, HANGZHOU, CHINA (杭中国地名的英文译音应采用汉语拼音。如ZHEJIANG(浙江)、HANGZHOU (温州)等等。 州)、WENZHOU 第2栏:收货人的名称、地址、国家 此栏应填给惠国最终收货人名称(即信用证上规定的提单通知人或特别声明的 收货人),如最终收货人不明确,可填发票抬头人。但不可填中间转口商的名称。 欧盟、挪威、瑞士对此栏非强制性要求,如果货物直接运往上述给惠国, 且进口商要求将此栏留空,则可不填详细地址,但须填:TO ORDER。 第3栏:运输方式及路线(就所知而言) 一般应填装货、到货地点(始运港、目的港)及运输方式(如海运、陆运、空运),该栏还要填明预定自中国出口的日期,例: ON/AFTER JUN.26, 2012 FROM HANGZHOU TO LONDON, U.K. BY AIR. 转运商品应加上转运港,例ON/AFTER JUN.26,2013 FROM SHANGHAI, CHINA BY SEA V IA HONG KONG, THEN IN TRANSIT TO S WITZERLAND. TO H AMBURG, GERMANY 第4栏:供官方使用(官方声明) 此栏由签证当局填写,正常情况下此栏空白。特殊情况下,签证当局在此 栏加注,如:(1)货物已出口,签证日期迟于出货日期,签发“补发”证书时,


原产地证明书样本(精选多篇) 第一篇:原产地证明书样本 原产地证明书样本 原产地证书是证明货物的生产或制造地的文件,简称原产地证,原产地证书在国际贸易中往往被进口国用来作为实行区别关税待遇和实施国别贸易政策管理的重要依据,例如最惠国待遇、政府采购、保障措施的正确实施等等,因此具有待定的法律效力和经济作用。下面是亚太贸易协定的原产地证明书,供大家参考。 samplecertificateoforigin asia-pacifictradeagreement (combineddeclarationandcertificate) 1.goodsconsignedfrom: (exporter’sbusinename,address,country) referenceno. issuedin……………. (country) 2.goodsconsignedto: (consignee’sname,address,country) 3.forofficialuse 4.meansoftransportandroute:

5.tariffitemnumber: 6.marksandnumberofpackages: 7.number andkindofpackages/ description ofgoods: 8.origin criterion (seenotes overleaf)9.gross weight orother quantity:10.numberanddateofinvoices: 11.declaratio(本文来自)nbytheexporter: theundersignedherebydeclaresthattheabovedetailsandstateme ntsarecorrect:thatallthegoodswereproducedin ………………………………. (country) andthattheycomplywiththeoriginrequirementsspecifiedforthe segoodsintheasia-pacifictradeagreementforgoodsexportedto ………………………………. (importingcountry)

《〈中国东盟自由贸易区〉优惠原产地证明书》FORM E的填制说明

《〈中国东盟自由贸易区〉优惠原产地证明书》 FORM E的填制说明 签发《中国——东盟自由贸易区》优惠原产地证书的国家和代码:105 文莱Brunei、107 柬埔寨 Cambodia、112 印尼 Indonesia、119 老挝 Laos,PDR、122 马来西亚 Malaysia、106 缅甸 Myanmar、129 菲律宾 Philippines、132 新加坡 Singapore、136 泰国 Thailand、141 越南 Vietnam,给予关税优惠的商品为HS编码中1-8章的农副产品,该项下的产品享受零关税待遇。 1.证书号:证书标题栏(右上角),填上检验检疫机构编定的证书号。 证书号编定规则 E0533020****0001(一共15位) E-FORM E 05-2005年 33020****-公司注册号(9位) 0001-证书流水号2.证书的第1、2、5、6、9、10、11栏内容和填制要求参见《普惠制原产地证明书》FORM A相应各栏的填制要求。 3.第3栏:除运输方式及路线外,还需填制“起运日期,运输工具名称及卸货港” 4.第4栏:官方使用 不论是否给予优惠待遇,进口成员国海关必须在第4栏作出相应的标注。 5.第7栏:货物名称和HS品目号 货物品名必须详细,以便验货的海关官员可以识别。生产商的名称及任何商标也应列明; HS品目号为国际上协调统一的HS品目号,填6位数HS品目号。 6.第8栏:原产地标准 货物为出口国完全生产的,不含任何非原产成分,填写“X”; 货物在出口成员国加工但并非完全生产,未使用原产地累计规则判断原产地标准的,填写该国家成份的百分比,例如70%;


原产地证明样本 SAMPLE CERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN Asia-Pacific Trade Agreement (Combined declaration and certificate) consigned from: (Exporter’s businename, address, country) Reference No. Issued in ……………. (Country) 2. Goods consigned to: (Consignee’s name, address, country) Official use 4. Means of transport and route: item number:6. Marks and number of Packages: 7. Number and kind of packages/ description of goods: 8. Origin criterion (see notes overleaf)9. Gross

weight or other quantity:10. Number and date of invoices: 11. Declaration by the exporter : The undersigned hereby declares that the above details and statements are correct: that all the goods were produced in ………………………………. (Country) and that they comply with the origin requirements specified for these goods in the Asia-Pacific Trade Agreement for goods exported to ………………………………. (Importing Country) ………………………………. Place and date, signature of authorized Signatory 12. Certificate It is hereby certified on the basis of control carried out, that the declaration by the exporter is correct. ………………………………… Place and date, signature and Stamp of


原产地证明书样本(DOC) 原产地证明书样本 原产地证书是证明货物的生产或制造地的文件,简称原产地证,原产地证书在国际贸易中往往被进口国用来作为实行区别关税待遇和实施国别贸易政策管理的重要依据,例如最惠国待遇、政府采购、保障措施的正确实施等等,因此具有待定的法律效力和经济作用。下面是亚太贸易协定的原产地证明书,供大家参考。 SAMPLE CERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN Asia-Pacific Trade Agreement (Combined declaration and certificate) 1.Goods consigned from: (Exporter’s businename, address, country) Reference No. Issued in ……………. (Country) 2. Goods consigned to: (Consignee’s name, address, country) 3.For Official use 4. Means of transport and route: 5.Tariff item number: 6. Marks and number of Packages: 7. Numberand kind of packages/ description of goods:

8. Origin criterion (see notes overleaf)9. Gross weight or other quantity:10. Number and date of invoices: 11. Declaration by the exporter : The undersigned hereby declares that the above details and statementsare correct: that all the goods were produced in ………………………………. (Country) and that they comply with the origin requirements specified for thesegoods in the Asia-Pacific Trade Agreement for goods exported to………………………………. (Importing Country) ………………………………. Place and date, signature of authorized Signatory 12. Certificate It is hereby certified on the basis of control carried out, that thedeclaration by the exporter is correct. ………………………………… Place and date, signature and Stamp of Certifying Authority


一般原产地证明书(以下简称CO证书)共有十二栏, 各栏的填写方法如下:产地证标题栏(右上角),填上签证当局所规定的证书号。具体规定如下: A、证书号码示意图如下: 例如:证书号C063800000050045是注册号为380000005的单位2006年办理的第45票CO证书。 B、签证当局已经签发的证书,申报单位如需要更改,须提出更改申请,并退还原签发证书。更改证的号码与新证的编码规则一致,但改变流水号。 C、如原签发的证书遗失,经签证当局同意重发证书,重发证的号码与新证的编码规则一致,但改变流水号。 第一栏:出口商的名称,地址,国别 例如:NINGBO SKYLAND GROUP CO.,LTD. ROOM 1209,FT MANSION,93 EAST ZHONGSHAN ROAD NINGBO CHINA 注意:此栏是带有强制性的,应填明在中国境内的出口商详细地址,包括街道名、门牌号码等。出口商必须是已办理产地证注册的企业,且公司英文名称应与检验检疫局注册备案的一致。若中间商要求显示其名称,可按如下方式填写:“出口商名称VIA 中间商名称”)。 第二栏:收货人的名称,地址,国别 例如:JENSON & JESSON, LANGE MUHREN 9, F-2000, HAMBURG, GERMANY 注意:一般应填打外贸合同中的买方、信用证上规定的提单通知人或特别声明的收货人,如果最终收货人不明确,可填打发票抬头人。为方便外贸需要,此栏也可填上TO ORDER 或TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN。 第三栏:运输方式及路线(已知)

例如:SHIPMENT FROM NINGBO TO HAMBURG BY SEA 注意:运输路线始发地应填中国大陆最后一道离境地,如系转运货物,应加上转运港,如:FROM NINGBO TO PIRAEUS,GREECE VIA HONGKONG BY SEA。运输方式有海运,陆运,空运,海空联运等。 第四栏:目的地国家(地区) 指货物最终运抵目的地的国家或地区,即最终进口国(地区),一般与最终收货人所在国家(地区)一致,不能填写中间商国家名称。 第五栏:供签证当局使用 此栏由签证当局填写,申请单位应将此栏留空。签证当局根据实际情况,填写如下有关内容: 1.如属“后发”证书,签证当局会在此栏加打“ISSUED RETROSPECTIVELY”; 2.如属签发“复本”(重发证书),签证当局会在此栏注明原发证书的编号和签证日期,并声明原发证书作废,其文字是:THIS CERTIFICATE IS IN REPLACEMENT OF CERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN NO……DATED……WHICH IS CANCELLED,并加打“DUPLICATE”。 第六栏:唛头及包装号 例如:JENSON, ORDER NO。325952065 L/C E766896505 C/N 1-270 此栏按实际货物和发票上的唛头, 填写完整的图案文字标记及包装号。唛头中处于同一行的内容不要换行打印。 注意: 1.唛头不得出现"HONGKONG", "MACAO", "TAIWAN", "R.O.C."等中国以外其它产地制造字样; 2.此栏不得留空。货物无唛头时, 应填"N/M"。如唛头过多,可填在第7、8、9、10栏的空白处。如唛头为图文等较复杂的唛头或内容过多,则可在该栏填上" SEE ATTACHMENT ", 并另加附页。附页需一式四份,附页上方填上“ATTACHMENT TO THE CERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN NO......(证书号码),参照CO证书, 附页下方两边分别打上签证地点、签证日期和申报地点、申报日期,左下方盖上申报单位签证章并由申报单位申报员签名。附页应与CO证书大小一致。 3.此栏内容及格式必须与实际货物的外包装箱上所刷的内容一致。 第七栏:包装数量及种类;商品说明



Overleaf Instruction Certificate No.: Serial number of Certificate of Origin assigned by the authorized body. Box 1: State the full legal name and address (including country) of the exporter in either China or Korea. Box 2: State the full legal name and address (including country) of the producer. If goods from more than one producer are included in the certificate, list the additional producers, including their full legal name and address (including country). If the exporter or the producer wishes to maintain this information as confidential, it is acceptable to state “A V AILABLE UPON REQUEST.” If the producer and the exporter are the same, please complete field with “SAME.” Box 3: State the full legal name and address (including country) of the consignee resident in either Korea or China. Box 4: Complete the means of transport and route and specify the departure date, transport vehicle No., port of loading, and port of discharge. Box 5: In case where a good is invoiced by a non-Party operator, the full legal name, country of the non-Party operator shall be indicated in this box. In case of issuance of certificates retroactively, should bear the words “ISSUED RETROACTIVEL Y”, and in case of a certified tr ue copy, should bear the words “CERTIFIED TRUE COPY of the original Certificate of Origin number ___ dated ___”. Box 6: State the item number, and the number of items should not exceed 20. Box 7: State the shipping marks and numbers on packages, when such marks and numbers exist, if the shipping marks are images or symbols, other than letter or numerical number, shall state “IMAGE OR SYMBOL (I/S)”, otherwise shall state “NO MARKS AND NUMBERS(N/M)” Box 8: The number and kind of packages shall be specified. Provide a full description of each good. The description should be sufficiently detailed to enable the goods to be identified by the Customs Officers examining them and relate them to the invoice description and to the HS description of the good. If the goods are not packed, state “IN BULK”. Box 9: For each good described in Box 8, identify the HS tariff classification to six-digit. Box 10: The exporter must indicate in Box 10 the origin criteria on the basis of which he claims that the of items which would indicate exact quantities may be used when customary. Box 12: Invoice number and date of invoice should be shown here. In case where a good is invoiced by a non-Party operator and the number and date of the commercial invoice is unknown, the number and date of the original commercial invoice, issued in the exporting Party, shall be indicated in this box. Box 13: This box shall be completed, signed and, dated by the exporter. Box 14: This box shall be completed, signed, dated, and stamped by the authorized person of the authorized body.

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