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Part 1 Listening (第一部分听力)

I. Listening Comprehension (听力理解): (共30分)

A. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片): (共6分)



1. ______

2. ______

3. ______

4. ______

5. ______

6. ______

B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案): (共8分)

7. A) On the 1st floor. B) On the 3rd floor. C) On the 6th floor. D) On the 8th floor.

8. A) At the airport. B) At the bus stop. C) At the train station. D) At the subway station.

9. A) On foot. B) By taxi. C) By bike. D) By bus.

10. A) Buying some cold drinks. B) Cleaning his room.

C) Having a barbecue. D) Meeting Jenny.

11. A) On Thursday. B) On Friday. C) On Saturday. D) On Sunday.

12. A) The orange one. B) The pink one. C) The blue one. D) The green one.

13. A) By using some magic. B) By taking a yoga course.


C) By going on a diet. D) By calling himself Tim.

14. A) Because they didn’t recognize her. B) Because they met a famous actress.

C) Because the woman performed well. D) Because the play made them happy.

C. Listen to the letter and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断下列句子是否符合你听到的内容, 符合的用“A”表示,不符合的用“B”表示): (共6分)

15. It was a letter to Daisy about Jason’s first day at his new school.

16. Jason was excited because there are many students in the new school.

17. Jason’s class teacher is Mrs. Black and she is a young and friendly lady.

18. Jason has made friends with a nice boy from Hong Kong.

19. Everyone in the school must learn Spanish as a second language.

20. Jason has to do much maths homework on the Internet on the first day.

D. Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences (听短文,完成下列内容。每空格限填一词): (共10分)

21. Ronald Dahl was born on ________ ________, 1916 in South Wales.

22. Young Dahl didn’t ________ ________ because many teachers were very strict.

23. Every few months, ________ ________ chocolate were sent to Repton for the students to test.

24. The happy memory gave Dahl the idea for his ________ ________ novel Charlie and the Chocolate


25. During the Second World War, Dahl ________ ________ in a burning plane on his first flight.

Part 2 Phonetics, Vocabulary and Grammar


II. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案): (共20分)

26. Which of the following words matches the sound / nju:/?

A) now B) nor C) new D) near

27. Brooklyn Beckham, ________ eldest child of the Beckhams, will sell his photo book in May, 2017.

A) a B) an C) the D) /

28. Nobody can stop a person with a strong will ________ realizing his dreams.

A) of B) from C) with D) by

29. If they don’t prepare ________ well for the interview, they may fail to get the offer.

A) they B) them C) theirs D) themselves

30. When Frank complained about the cold winter, Jane________ the sunny summer days in Australia.

A) enjoys B) was enjoying C) has enjoyed D) will enjoy

31. Joe can only take two of his family members into the studio and leave ________ waiting outside.


A) the others B) others C) other D) the other

32. ________ the end of yesterday, there had been more than 10 car accidents because of the typhoon.

A) By B) From C) At D) To

33. The old ________ enjoy the convenience of technologies because they don’t accept new things quickly.

A) mustn’t B) needn’t C) can’t D) shouldn’t

34. The panda ________ to get used to the new environment since he returned from America.

A) learns B) is learning C) learned D) has learnt

35. The audience were attracted by ________ the stories and the readings at the new program “Readers”.

A) both B) neither C) either D) none

36. After the operation on Grandma’s heart, she becomes much ________ at present.

A) good B) well C) better D) best

37. Every picture in the coloring book Secret Garden was not drawn by computer ________ all by hand.

A) and B) so C) but D) or

38. The year’s best picture was wron gly awarded to La La Land, which ________ never ________ before.

A) would…happen B) was…happening C) has…happened D) had…happened

39. A: ________ can we get the chance to join the party?

B: To join this party, you have to dress up like a Superhero.

A) Why B) What C) How D) Where

40. Jenny is an independent girl and she is considering ________ a boarding school(寄宿学校).

A) enter B) entering C) to enter D) entered

41. Every Monday morning all the staff members have a meeting to report their recent work, ________?

A) haven’t they B) don’t they C) aren’t they D) won’t they

42. Alex had no interest in painting ________ he met a creative and patient art teacher one day.

A) when B) because C) until D) if

43. ________ good chance those teenagers were given to experience different cultures!

A) How B) What C) What a D) What an

44. A: The dishes you cooked tonight are really delicious.

B: ________

A) Of course! B) I’m glad you like them!

C) That’s all right! D) Never mind!

45. A: Excuse me, can I ask you some questions about the changes in Shanghai?

B: ________

A) Sure, go ahead! B) Congratulations!

C) I am so sorry! D) Nice to meet you!



III. Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each can only be used once (将下列单词或词组填入空格。每空格限填一词,每个单词或词组只能填一次):(共8分)

The Origins of April Fools Day

What is April Fools Day and where does it come from? It is commonly believed that in medieval (中世纪) France, New Year was celebrated on 1 April. Then in

1562, a new calendar was introduced, changing New Year to 1 January. With no modern 46 , news t r a v e l l e d s l o w l y a n d n e w i d e a s w e r e o f t e n q u e s t i o n e d. M a n y p e o p l e d i d n o t 47 the change, while some just forgot. These people were called fools. People send invitations to ‘New Year’ parties that were not existed and other jokes were played. Then a 48 of playing jokes on April 1st started. The custom finally 49 to England and Scotland, and it was later transported across the Atlantic to the American and the French. April Fools Day has now developed into an international festival of fun, with different nationalities celebrating the day in special ways.

April Fools Day around the World

In France and Italy, if someone plays a trick on you, you are the ‘fish of April’. By the month of April fish have only just hatched (孵化) and are easy to 50 . Children stick paper fish to their friends’ backs and chocolate fish are found in the shops.

In Scotland, April Fo ols Day lasts for two days! The second day is called ‘T aily Day’. Often a sign saying ‘kick me’ is stuck onto someone’s back without 51 .

Today, Americans and the British play small tricks on friends and 52 on April 1st. A common trick is to poi nt to a friend's shoe and say “Your shoe is not tied .” When they look down, they are laughed at. Schoolchildren might tell a friend that school has been cancelled. A bag of flour might be 53 on the top of a door so that when the ‘victim’ opens the do or, the flour empties over their head.

Most April Fool jokes are in good fun and not meant to harm anyone. The best trick is the one where everyone laughs, especially the person upon whom the joke has been played.

IV. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms (用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子): (共8分)

54. We all hope that those baby pandas in the zoo can grow up ________. (happy)

55. After the 1000 meters’ race, I could hardly move my ________. (foot)

56. Jeff keeps running every day and he looks ________ than his classmates. (strong)

57. People celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival on different dates. It is on May the ________ this year.


58. It is ________ of some online store sellers to lie about the quality (质量) of their products. (honest)

59. Tim visits his junior high school teachers every Teachers’ Day to express his ________ . (thankful)

60. Since last year, the new medicine has successfully helped to ________ many people’s lives. (safety)

61. With the help of that famous ________, the bridge construction was completed on time. (engine)

V. Complete the following sentences as required(根据所给要求,完成下列句子。(62-67题)每空格限填一词): (共14分)

62. He forgot to lock up the door to the cage and accidentally let the tiger escape. (改为一般疑问句)

________ he ________ to lock up the door to the cage and accidentally let the tiger escape?

63. Mr. Wang will introduce Shanghai to all the foreign guests at the welcome party. (对划线部分提问)

________ ________ Mr. Wang introduce to all the foreign guests at the welcome party?

64. They usually store these fishes in the fridge to keep them fresh. (改为被动语态)

These fishes ________ usually ________ in the fridge to keep them fresh.

65. Ian promises the technology of his invention is not harmful to the human body.(保持句意基本不变)

Ian promises the technology of his invention does ________ ________ to the human body.

66. Professor Tenor’s lecture on universe is very difficult. Many people can’t understand it. (合并两句为


Professor Tenor’s lecture on universe is ________ difficult for many people ________ understand. 67. This warning sign tells us not to pick flowers. (保持句意基本不变)

This warning sign says, “________ ________ flowers!”

68. a plan, made, before Friday, the staff, work out, the manager (连词成句)


Part 3 Reading and Writing (第三部分读写)

VI. Reading comprehension (阅读理解): (共50分)

A.Choose the best answer(根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案): ( 12分)



You can apply for a HOST visit if you are:

A full-time student in the UK. HOST cannot accept applications from outside the UK. Aged 18+

You can include your husband, wife, partner, children-if they are living in the UK during your

study period. HOST cannot accept applications from visiting family members or friends.

69. This advertisement is probably for ________ to read. A) travel agents B) news reporters C) international students D) hotel managers 70. Which of the following words cannot be used to describe HOST visits?

A) Amazing.

B) Expensive.

C) Unforgettable.

D) Surprising.

71. The word “them ” in the sentence “They love giving international students very special memories of the UK to take home with them.” refer to ________. A) international students B) wonderful hosts C) travel costs

D) HOST visits

72. People who are interested can learn ________ from this advertisement.

Cool, amazing, unforgettable…something money can’t buy!

These are all words which students have used to describe their HOST visits. But a word they never use is “expensive ”. Why not?

Because HOST visits are FREE.

Our wonderful hosts are not paid. They love giving international students very special memories of the UK to take home with them.

Students pay their own travel costs. And there is an application fee (申请费) which helps to pay for running the HOST program. But your university may pay all or part of the application fee for you.

The British Council and Foreign Office founded (建立)HOST in 1987. Thousands of students have enjoyed this experience. 5 reasons to have a HOST visit ● It is a unique opportunity to experience the real life of Britain.

It is safe---all the hosts are known by HOST. ● It may cost you only your train fare.

You will learn things which the university cannot teach you. ●

You will have some very special memories to take home with you.

And 3 reasons NOT to apply for a HOST visit ●

Please do not use HOST as a cheap form of tourism. It is about meeting people, sharing their lives. ●

Please do not go on a HOST visit if you need to use your phone or pad a lot. Instead, make it a good chance to meet British people and make new friends. ●

Please do not apply to HOST unless you have an open mind. Please don ’t be surprised---and enjoy it!

A) how to apply for a HOST visit B) who can apply for a HOST visit

C) how to pay for their HOST visits D) where they can find wonderful hosts

73. The main purpose of the HOST program is to enable students to ________.

A) visit different places in the UK

B) save money on travelling cost

C) make full use of their stay in the UK

D) be more open minded and active

74. The HOST program is suitable for ________.

A) Vickie, a sixteen-year-old exchange school student

B) Samuel, an active and popular online fashion blogger

C) Fang, a visiting friend of Diana from Hong Kong

D) Osaki, an easy-going Japanese student of Oxford University

B. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文):


When I entered Berkley, I hoped to win a scholarship(奖学金). As a Straight-A student all the way through, I believed I could take tough subjects and really learn something. One such course was World

Literature given by Professor Jayne. I was very interested in the ideas he taught in class.

When I took the first exam, I was shocked to find a 77, C-plus, on my test paper, for English was

always my best subject. I went to Professor Jayne, who listened to my 75 but he refused to do

anything about it.

I decided to try harder, 76 I didn’t know what that meant because school always seemed easy

for me. I read the books more carefully, but got another 77. Again, I reasoned Array with Professor Jay ne. Again, he listened patiently but wouldn’t 77 .

One more test before the final exam. So I worked even harder and, for the

first time, learned the meaning of the word “thorough”. But my effort did no

good and 78 stayed as before.

The last chance was the final. No matter what grade I got, it wouldn’t

cancel three C-pluses. I might as well kiss the scholarship goodbye.

I stopped working hard. I felt I knew the course material as well as I ever would. The night before the

final, I even relaxed to a 79 . The next day I decided for once I’d have fun with a test.

A week later, I was surprised to find I got an A. I hurried into Professor Jayne’s office. He seemed to

be expecting me. “If I gave you the grade as you 80 , you wouldn’t continue to work hard.”

I stared at him, realizing what he said was correct. I had worked my head off, as I had never done


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