当前位置:文档之家› (英语试卷10份合集)广东省深圳宝安区四校联考2018-2019学年英语七下期末模拟试卷





1. 答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在考生信息条形码粘贴区。2.选择题必须使用2B铅笔填涂;非选择题必须使用0.5毫米黑色字迹的签字笔书写,字体工整、笔迹清楚。








21. What can you do if you like to go on holidays with pets?

A. Visit Acapulco and Hawaii.

B. Go to the Snowdonia Centre.

C. Join the World Sea Trip of 2008.

D. Choose the holiday in Devon.

22. In what way is the Snowdonia Centre different from the other two holidays?

A. It offers a sport lesson.

B. It provides customers with good food.

C. It provides chances of family gatherings.

D. It offers fortable room.

23. At the Snowdonia Centre, the beginners’ costs of £ 57 do not cover .

A. food

B. rooms

C. walking shoes

D. body exercises


In the fall of 1985, I was a bright-eyed girl heading off to Howard University, aiming at a legal career and dreaming of sitting on a Supreme Court bench somewhere. Twenty-one years later I am still a bright-eyed dreamer and one with quite a different tale to tell.

My grandma, an amazing woman, graduated from college at the age of 65. She was the first in our family to reach that goal. But one year after I started college, she developed cancer.

I made the choice to withdraw from college to care for her. It meant that school and my personal dream would have to wait.

Then I got married with another dream: building my family with a bination of adopted and biological children. In 1999, we adopted our first son. To lay eyes on him was fantastic-and very emotional. A year later came our second adopted boy. Then followed son No,3. In 2003, I gave birth to another boy.

You can imagine how fully occupied I became, raising four boys under the age of 8! Our home was a plete zoo — a joyous zoo. Not surprising, I never did make it back to college fulltime. But I never gave up on the dream either. I had only one choice: to find a way. That meant taking as few as one class each semester.

The hardest part was feeling guilty about the time I spent away from the boys. They often wanted me to stay home with them. There certainly were times I wanted to quit, but I knew I should set an example for them to follow through the rest of their lives.

In 2007, I graduated from the University of North Carolina. It took me over 21 years to get my college degree!

I am not special, just single-minded. It always struck me that when you’re looking at a big challenge from the outside, it looks huge, but when you’re in the midst of it, it just seems normal Everything you want won’t arrive in your life on one day. It’s a process. Remember: little steps add up to big dreams.

24. Why did the author quit school in her second year of college?

A. She wanted to study by herself.

B. She fell in love and got married.

C. She suffered from a serious illness.

D. She decided to look after her grandma.

25. What can we learn about the author from Paragraphs 4 and 5?

A. She ignored her guilty feeling for her sons.

B. She wanted to remain a full time housewife.

C. She was busy yet happy with her family life.

D. She was too confused to make a correct choice.

26. What does the author mostly want to tell us in the last paragraph?

A. Failure is the mother of success.

B. Little by little, one goes far.

C. Every coin has two sides.

D. Well begun, half done.

27. Which of the following can best describe the author?

A. Ambitious and sensitive.

B. Honest and responsible.

C. Caring and determined.

D. Innocent and single-minded.


“Freelance retail consultant” refers to daigo u in Chinese, or overseas people who buy goods for customers in the Chinese mainland.

It’s estimated that there are 40,000 daigou in Australia, most of whom are young migrants or international students looking for ways to help cover their rent and university cost.

These freelance retail consultants have created thousands of trading routes, both small and big, into China.

Shops in Australia sold out of instant formula (婴儿配方奶粉), leaving many Australian parents unable to buy their preferred brands. The Sydney Morning Herald reported last year that half of Australia’s infant formula sold went to China through customers selling to other customers.

Because of this, daigou have received criticism from Australian media. The Sydney Morning

Post even suggested that the Australian government should put a limit on instant formula exports.

However, not everyone dislikes daigou. “We think daigou are good for the local economy and they are very good for our business,”Peter Nathan, the chief executive of A2 Milk, a New Zealand infant formula maker, told Reuters. “We clearly believe they are a positive force.”

Others agree that nothing is wrong with the practice. “People are buying these products legally on the Australian market…they’re not illegally being exported to China,”Tim Foulds, head of research at Euro monitor Australia and New Zealand, told The Washington Post.

28. Why do most daigou in Australia buy goods for Chinese customers?

A. To improve living conditions.

B. To satisfy import demand.

C. To pay their expenses.

D. To get sales experience.

29. According to the passage, which of the following is true?

A. Australian parents criticize daigou.

B. Consumers prefer milk made in Australia.

C Australian government has limited exports.

D. Different ideas about daigou exist in Australia.

30. We can infer from the last two paragraphs that .

A. the practice of daigou will balance supply and demand

B. daigou will probably be weled in New Zealand

C. infant formula will grow in popularity in China

D. daigou will be a legal job in Australia soon

31. What’s the attitude of the author to Daigou?

A. Supportive.

B. Doubtful.

C. Negative.

D. Objective.


Would it surprise you to learn that, like animals, trees municate with each other and pass on their wealth to the next generation?

UBC Professor Simard explains how trees are much more plex than most of us ever imagined. Although Charles Darwin thought that trees are peting for survival of the fittest, Simard shows just how wrong he was. In fact, the opposite is true: trees survive through their co-operation and support, passing around necessary nutrition(营养)“depending on who needs it”.

Nitrogen(氮)and carbon are shared through miles of underground fungi(真菌)networks, making sure that all trees in the forest ecological system give and receive just the right amount to keep them all healthy. This hidden system works in a very similar way to the networks of neurons (神经元)in our brains, and when one tree is destroyed, it affects all.

Simard talks about “mother trees”, usually the largest and oldest plants on which all other trees depend. She explains how dying trees pass on the wealth to the next generation, transporting important minerals to young trees so they may continue to grow. Wh en humans cut down “mother tr ees” with no awareness of these highly plex “tree societies” or the networks on which they feed, we are reducing the chances of survival for the entire forest.

“We didn’t take any notice of it” Simard says sadly. “Dying trees move nutrition into the young trees before dying, but we never give them chance.”If we could put across the message to the forestry industry, we could make a huge difference towards our environmental protection efforts for the future.

32. The underlined sentence “the opposite is true” in Paragraph 2 probably means that trees .

A. pete for survival

B. depend on each other

C. protect their own wealth

D. provide support for dying trees

33. “Mother trees” are extremely important because they .

A. look the largest in size in the forest

B. know more about the plex "tree societies”

C. seem more likely to be cut down by humans

D. pass on nutrition to young trees

34. The underlined word “it” in the last paragraph refers to .

A. how forestry industry develops

B. how trees grow old

C. how “tree societies” work

D. how young trees survive

35. What would be the best title for the passage?

A. Old Trees municate Like Humans

B. Young Trees Are In Need Of Protection

C. Trees Contribute To Our Society

D. Trees Are More Awesome Than You Think 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)


How to Make Friends

It can be difficult to make friends living in a big city, especially when you don’t know many people. However, over years of experience and studying social skills, I have discovered that it’s possible to make friends without even trying. 36

1. Be seen without trying to get attention.

You don’t have to say anything interesting to get people’s attention, 37 This can be done anywhere you go, such as the supermarket or your yoga studio.

2. 38

There’s an interesting phenomenon that occurs when you listen to other people. They will keep talking. Just keep giving them good eye contact and show with your body language that you care. Listening is an instant way to build trust and likeability.

3. Think about what you can give to the other people.

We often think about what we can get from others when we try to make friends. 39 Try offering a piece of helpful advice or invite someone you just met to grab coffee or lunch with you the following week.

4. Always have some good stories to tell other people.

When you have at least a few stories to share with others, you’ll never run out of things to talk about. Try to be honest to share your stories with others. 40

5. Smile like there’s no tomorrow.

It may not be natural for some of us to smile, but a smile is one of the most attractive things that someone can display when they’re meeting new people.

A. However, that thinking needs to be changed.

B. All you have to do is place yourself in environments where people will see you.

C. Don’t ever stop thinking about how you can add value to yourself.

D. There are just a few strategies that you have to use on a consistent basis.

E. Try to be involved in conversation.

F. Use the power of listening.

G. For example, you can share a story about a struggle or challenge.





A little boy almost considered himself as the most unfortunate child in the world because a terrible illness made his leg lame(癖的). He 41 played with his classmates; and when the teacher asked him to answer questions, he always 42 his head without a word.

One spring, the boy’s father got some saplings (树苗) 43 the neighbor and told his 44 to plant one each person. The father also 45 to buy a favorite gift for whoever grew best. The boy also wanted to get his father’s _46 . But seeing his brothers and sisters carry water actively, he lost 47 . So after watering it once or twice, he never 48 it.

A few days later, when the little boy went to see his tree again, he was 49 to find that

it appeared greener and 50 than his sisters’ and brothers’. His father 51 his promise, and said that he would surely bee an outstanding botanist(植物学家)when he 52 up.

From then on, the little boy slowly became 53 . One night, looking at the bright moonlight outside, he suddenly recalled what the 54 teacher once said: plants generally grow at night. Then he came to the courtyard and unexpectedly found his father 55 under his tree with a big spoon. 56 , he understood: his father had been secretly watering his small tree! He 57 to his room, tears running down out of control.

Decades passed. The little boy didn’t bee a botanist, 58 he was elected President of the United States. His name was Franklin Roosevelt.

59 is the best nutrition (营养)of life; even if it is just one spoonful of clear 60 , it can make the tree of life lively.

41. A. always B. seldom C. frequently D. sometimes

42. A. lowered B. raised C. bent D. nodded

43. A. through B. into C. of D. from

44. A. daughters B. sons C. children D. neighbours

45. A. demanded B. promised C. agreed D. wished

46. A. gift B. praise C. tool D. help

47. A. touch B. sight C. heart D. face

48. A. looked after B. took to C. showed off D. got over

49. A. disappointed B. excited C. worried D. surprised

50. A. stronger B. weaker C. heavier D. shorter

51. A. changed B. made C_ kept D. broke

52. A. grew B. woke C. turned D. stayed

53. A. hopeless B. optimistic C. guilty D. generous

54. A. English B. physics C. chemistry D. biology

55. A. working B. resting C. sleeping D. singing

56. A. Fortunately B. Therefore C. Suddenly D. However

57. A. came B. returned C. turned D. walked

58. A. and B. or C. but D. so

59. A. Help B. Love C. Work D. Promise

60. A. sand B. soup C. soil D. water 第二节语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)


Ecotourism is a new term in today’s tourism industry. Ecotourism, which is considered as a kind of responsible tourism, is 61 (typical) defined (定义) as travel to places 62 special and unusual plants, animals and cultural heritages (遗产) are the main 63 (attract). It takes ecology and culture into consideration. Therefore, programs _64 (concern) the protection of some natural and cultural spots also form a part of ecotourism.

Ecotourism is developing 65 great speed. According to a recent report by the World Tourism Organization, ecotourism in recent years 66 (enjoy) an annual growth of about 5% worldwide. More than 80 activities have been listed for ecotourism and 67 include bird watching, hiking, diving, photography and taking part in various kinds of local cultural events.

Big cities are still the major places that attract tourists in our society today. However, it seems some 68_ (small) towns and country areas may well bee the new destinations for people 69 (visit) tomorrow because they are rich in ecological, cultural and 70 (history) resources. 第四部分写作(共两节,满分35分)






注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

My name is Li Hua, who is a Senior 3 student from Xing Guang Middle School. Every day I have to get up at 6:10 am, when much people are still sleeping. I’m busy with my studies when I have a lot of homework to do, which make me feel under great pressure. English is the subject in that I’m interested. When I feel stressed, I’ll turn my best friend Mike for help. We have been best friend since we are very young. Whenever I’m in a trouble, he will cheer him up. Now I’m trying my best to prepare for the college entrance examination. I hope to be admit into Anhui University.


假定你是李华,你的美国朋友Peter正在学习汉语,看了电视节目“中国诗词大会”(Chinese Poetry


要点如下:1. 你喜欢的诗人; 2. 喜欢他的原因; 3. 欢迎Peter来访。

注意:1. 词数100左右; 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 开头和结语己为你写好。:

Dear Peter,

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


1?5 ACBBC 6?10 ABAAB 11?15 BABCC 16?20 ACACC



A 篇: 21?23 DAC B篇:24?27 DCBC C篇:28?31 CDBD D篇:32?35 BDCD


36?40 DBFAG



41?45 BADCB 46?50 ACADA 51?55 CABDA 56?60 CBCBD


61. typically 62. where 63. attractions 64. concerning


66. has enjoyed 67. they 68. smaller 69.to visit 70. Historical



My name is Li Hua, who is a Senior 3 student from Xing Guang Middle School. Every day I have to get up at

6:10 am, when much people are still sleeping. I’m busy with my studies when I have a lot of homework to do, which

many because

make me feel under great pressure. English is the subject in that I’m interested. When I feel stressed, I’ll turn ∧my

makes which


best friend Mike for help. We have been best friend since we are very young. Whenever I’m in a trouble, he will

friends were 删掉a

cheer him up. Now I’m trying my best to prepare for the college entrance examination. I hope to be admit into Anhui

me admitted University.



Dear Peter,

How are you getting along with your learning Chinese? I am glad to hear that you have also watched the Chinese Poetry Conference-a hot game show that tests petitor’s memory and reciting of Chinese poetry. I’m excited to learn Chinese poetry interests you greatly. I am sure that you are eager to know who is my favorite Chinese poet. Well, Li Bai, a poet in Tang Dynasty is my favorite. I like his poems best, which are full of imagination and wonderful description. He stands out among all the Chinese poets and his works have been translated into many languages. By the way, wele to China and you can experience Chinese cultures in person.

I’m looking forward to receiving your early reply.

Yours sincerely, Li Hua



1. 答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在考生信息条形码粘贴区。2.选择题必须使用2B铅笔填涂;非选择题必须使用0.5毫米黑色字迹的签字笔书写,字体工整、笔迹清楚。






Captain Goodfellow

Do your children enjoy interesting stories, funny games, and exciting dances? Captain Goodfellow will be ready to teach all these things to children of all ages at the City Theatres on Saturday morning at 10:00 free.

Walking Tour of the Town

Forget your worries on Saturday morning.Take a beautiful walk and learn about local history.Meet at the front entrance of City Hall at 9:30.Wear fortable shoes!

Films at the Museum

Two European films will be shown on Saturday afternoon at the Museum Theatre.See Broken Window at 1:30.The workers will be at 3:45.For further information, call 4987898.International Picnic

Are you tired of eating the same kind of food every day? e to Central Park on Saturday and enjoy food from all over the world.Delicious and not expensive.Noon to 5:00 p.m.

Take me out to the Ballgame

It’s October, and tonight is your last chance to see the Redbirds this year.Get your tickets at the gate.It might be cold… don’t forget sweaters and jackets.

Do you want to hear “The Zoo”?

“The Zoo”, a popular rock group from Australia, will give their first US concert tomorrow night at 8 Rose Hall, City College.

1.You can probably eat Chinese, Italian and Arab food _________.

A.at Central Park on Saturday B.at the front entrance of City Hall

C.at the ballgame D.at 5:00 p.m.

2.If you are going on the Walking Tour, don’t forget _________.

A.your beautiful walk B.your fortable shoes

C.your worries D.your learning about local history

3.The Redbirds ballgame _________.

A.is in the afternoon B.is at the gate

C.might be cold D.is outside


I had breakfast hurriedly because I woke up late. I had never gone to work late and didn’t want my boss to be unsatisfied.

However, it seemed that day wasn’t a lucky one for me from the very second I left my flat. The moment I wanted to rush downstairs one of my stiletto heels(细高跟鞋) broke. I had to return to change my red shoes. I also had to change my purse and other little things that I had tried to match with the shoes. I was sure I would be late for work.

On my way to work I had to wait for over half an hour because of an accident. I had no choice but to wait. I phoned my boss and he told me that it was no problems, but he needed me for the meeting with the Japanese clients(客户)that morning.

Finally, I arrived at the office one hour late. I had to keep calm and be fresh for the meeting to make the clients sure that our plan was the best for their future mercial project. However, I left the plan I had made the night before at home and was going to present it to the clients.

I was about to get angry when I realized that I had a draft of it in my office.

At last, the presentation came to an end and it turned out to be a success. But I have to say that I had a terrible day, full of incidents.

4. Which of the following is NOT the reason of the writer being late for her work?

A. She got up late in the morning.

B. She changed her purse and other little things.

C. She had a traffic accident on the way to work.

D. One of her shoe heels broke.

5. According to the passage, what could we learn about the writer?

A. Her boss was very angry with her.

B. She often arrived at her office on time.

C. She left her plan on the bus.

D. She was nervous at the meeting.

6. Which is the correct order of the following events?

a. She presented the plan to the clients.

b. One of her stiletto heels broke.

c. She arrived at the office.

d. She phoned her boss.

e. She tried to match her purse with her red shoes.

A. bdeca

B. beacd

C. dbeca

D. bedca

7. What can be a suitable title for the text?

A. One trouble never es alone.

B. Failure is the mother of success.

C. Where there is a will, there is a way.

D. A good beginning makes a good ending.


A priest(牧师) had a cat that climbed up a tree in his backyard and then was afraid to e down.The priest persuaded, offered warm milk, etc. The kitty would not e down.The tree was not strong enough to climb, so the priest decided that if he tied a rope to his car and drove away so that the tree bent down, he could then reach up and get the kitty.He did so, checking his progress in the car frequently, then figured if he went just a little bit further, the tree would be bent enough for him to reach the kitty.But as he moved a little further forward, the rope broke.

The tree went “boing!” and the kitty at once sailed through the air —out of sight.The priest felt terrible.He walked all over the neighborhood asking people if they’d seen his kitty.Nobody had seen a lost kitty.

So, he prayed, “God, I just give this kitty to your keeping,” and went on about his business.Several days later he was at the grocery store, meeting one of his church members.He happened to look into her shopping cart and was amazed to see cat food.Now this woman was a cat hater and everyone knew it, so he asked her, “Why are you buying cat food when you hate cats so much?”

She replied, “You won’t believe this,” and told him how her little girl had been begging her for a cat, but she kept refusing.Then a few days before, the child begged again, so the Mom finally told her little girl, “Well, if God gives you a cat, you can keep it.” She told the priest, “I watched my child go out in the yard, get on her knees, and ask God for a cat.You won’t believe this, but I saw it with my own eyes.A cat suddenly came flying out of the blue

sky, with its paws spread out, and landed right in front of her.”

8.The priest drove his car to bend the tree in order to ________.A.get his kitty down from the tree

B.persuade his kitty to e down

C.offer the kitty some warm milk

D.see if the rope was strong enough

9.The underlined sentence probably means that the priest _______.A.was happy he didn’t have to care for the kitty

B.hoped his neighbors would look after his cat

C.thought his kitty might be lost or killed

D.didn’t want to see his kitty any more

10.Why was the priest amazed when he saw the woman had bought much cat food?

A.Because he couldn’t imagine she had her own cat.

B.Because the woman was his church member.

C.Because he thought she would live on cat food.

D.Because he knew clearly she didn’t like a cat.

11.Which may be the best title of this passage?

A.A flying cat B.A lucky girl

C.God sent her a cat D.An unlucky priest


until its owner feeds it. Pet goldfish have also been taught to perform more plicated tasks, such

soccer ball into a net.


things nearby or faraway. They can also help the police to find out drugs at an airport or at a train station.

12. Which is true according to the passage?

A. Most people train animals because they need friends.

B. Training animals requires some certifications.

C. Training chickens is a way to improve the trainers’ skills.

D. Bob Bailey is a professional animal trainer.

13. According to the passage, a fish can _________.

A. be trained to follow anyone

B. turn on its aquarium light when it is off

C. signal its owner to get fed

D. take part in a football game in the field

14. Scientists think the training of pigs is easier because _________.

A. pigs do not bite like dogs

B. the pigs are smart animals

C. pigs have a good sense of hearing

D. pigs can help find out drugs at an airport

15. The underlined word “miniature” means much _________ than a normal one.

A. smaller

B. more colorful

C. more attractive

D. cheaper


Nowadays parents and their children are spending less and less time municating with each other. 16 . It is reported that American parents today spend about 40 percent less time with their children than parents did a generation ago. To keep your family time creative and enjoyable, below is a list of helpful family time tips.

1. Eat together & listen to each other

Most children today don’t know the meaning of a family dinnertime. Yet the munica tion and unity built during this time is necessary to a healthy family life. Sharing a meal together allows parents and their children the opportunity to talk about each other’s

lives. 17 .

2. Read often

It’s important for parents to read to the ir children. The latest research shows that reading to your children develops an interest in knowledge and contributes to language development. It also increases their concentration on things and helps them bee more curious. 18 . After reading, ask questions about what the books are about.

3. Start a hobby or project

Choose a fun activity that your children are interested in. Activities like cooking, fishing or biking can be their great hobbies. 19 . Once a child learns a new skill, let him or her take the lead under your direction.

4. Plan a family outing.

20 . Jump into the family car and go for a drive. Prepare a picnic lunch and visit a local park. Take time to play or ride a bike. A slow and relaxing walk in the woods will help parents municate with their children better. Also, a visit to the zoo or museum will inspire enthusiasm in a child and lead to long discussions.

A. It is very important for children to exercise.

B. They can open the door to exciting family time.

C. Sometimes getting out of the house is of much importance.

D. Look for books that your children would enjoy reading.

E. Children are burdened with too much homework.

F. This is also a time for parents to listen and give advice to their children.

G. As a result, many children are getting less love than their parents once got.



One morning , a blind boy sat on the steps of a building with a hat by his feet . He held up a sign(牌子) which 21 : I am blind , please help .

There were 22 a few coins in the hat . A man was walking by . He took a few coins from his pocket and 23 them into the hat . He then took the sign , turned it around , and wrote some 24 . He put the sign 25 so that everyone who walked by would see the 26 words .

Soon the hat began to 27 up . A lot more people were giving money to the blind boy . That afternoon the man who had changed the sign came to see how 28 were . The boy recognized his footsteps and asked , “ Were you the one who 29 my sign this morning ? What did you write ? ”

The man sa id , “ I only wrote the 30 . I said what you said but in a 31 way . ”

What he had written was : Today is a beautiful day but I cannot 32 it .

Do you think the first sign and the second sign were saying the same thing ?

Of course both signs told people the boy was blind . But the first sign simply told people to help 33 putting some money in the hat . The second sign told people they were 34 to enjoy the beauty of the day , but the boy could not enjoy it because he was blind .

The first sign just said the boy was blind . The second sign told people they were so 35 that they were not blind .

There are at least two 36 we can learn from this simple story .

The first is : Be 37 for what you have . Someone else has 38 . Help where you can .

The second is : Be 39 . Think differently . There is always a 40 way !

21. A. wrote B. said C. talked D. looked

22. A. many B. only C. quite D. much

23. A. pushed B. drove C. dropped D. kicked

24. A. sentences B. letters C. requirements D. words

25. A. back B. up C. out D. off重·庆※名-

26. A. big B. right C. new D. beautiful

27. A. grow B. fill C. cover D. increase

28. A. things B. people C. signs D. tricks

29. A. threw B. saw C. broke D. changed

30. A. truth B. hope C. idea D. advice

31. A. humorous B. funny C. different D. similar

32. A. feel B. see C. understand D. hear

33. A. in B. with C. by D. at

34. A. surprised B. pleased C. proud D. able

35. A. nice B. lucky C. young D. strong

36. A. classes B. subjects C. lessons D. facts

37. A. useful B. careful C. anxious D. grateful

38. A. more B. less C. few D. much

39. A. creative B. kind C. smart D. relaxed

40. A. good B. bad C. worse D. better



The quotation(引言)from Winston Churchill 41 (tell) us that there is no need to feel upset and 42 (disappoint)) when we are faced with failures. What is the most important is that we should be confident in ourselves. Success only belongs to those 43 keep trying with their enthusiasm.

During the last summer holidays, I got 44 part-time job at a fast food restaurant and worked there 45 a cleaner. I worked seven hours a day for three weeks. The job was hard and boring and seemed endless, which made me so tired 46 I nearly gave it up half way. 47 was my mother that encouraged me and told me that nothing was difficult as long as I had enthusiasm about it. Therefore, I decided 48 (stick) to it with determination and I finally finished the job before the new term began.

Through this 49 (succeed) experience, I understand that only by working hard and facing failures 50 (brave) and optimistically can we gain success.



One day I happen to find a chatting room on my QQ, where people was chatting in English. I tried to chat with some of them. To my surprised, I found the oral English of some junior students was good than mine. I asked them for advices and they told me to practise more on QQ. But every day after that I would spend one hour practise my oral English on QQ. Day by day I learned from many useful words and expressions. With time going by, I found that I could even municate some

college students free.




1. 快乐学习,保持愉快的心情;

2. 积极参加体育活动,听听歌曲音乐;

3. 多与同学交流,互相鼓励。

注意:1. 词数100左右,开头和结尾已经为你写好(不记入总词数)。

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear William,

Recently, I have heard that you feel stressed about study. I have a good mind to offer you

some advice on how to study effectively.


Best wishes.

Li Hua

人教版深圳市罗湖区 小升初英语 毕业考试试卷 (含答案)

2017人教版深圳市罗湖区小升初英语毕业考试试卷 一、读单词,判断两个单词画线部分读音是否相同,相同的写“A”,不相同的写“B”. ( )1. son hippo ( )2.sick hike ( ) 3.gun hunt ( ) 4.great eagle ( ) 5.carrot snack ( ) 6.bell metro 二.请根据句意选择最佳答案. ( ) 1. I ________ with a friend from Hong Kong at 5 p.m. yesterday. A. was talking B. talks C. am talking ( ) 2. Tom knows a lot of English words. He's _____ English learner. A. a B. the C. an ( ) 3. My hair is too long. I need to ______ . A. take a bus B. meet a friend C. get a haircut ( ) 4. Mobile phones are very popular now, and they are _______ than before. A. much expensive B. more cheap C. much cheaper. ( ) 5. There _______ a fashion show next Sunday. A. will have B. will be C. is ( ) 6. Kitty can't play the piano. I can't play the piano, ______. A. too B. also C. either ( ) 7. The mini-computer is too expensive. I don't have ______. A. enough money B. too enough money C. money enough ( ) 8. -Would you like ______with me? I want to buy a beautiful calendar. -Yes, I'd love to. A. go shopping B. to shopping C. to go shopping 三、请将下列问句与答句相匹配,将问句的字母编号写在答句前的括号内. A. Do you need a notebook or a new dictionary? B. Happy New Year! C. What was Helen doing when the bells rang? D. Should I eat all the food on my plate in Germany? E. Can I talk to Betty, please? ( )1. Yes. It's good to eat all the food on your plate. ( ) 2. She was singing songs in the music room. ( )3. Thanks! Happy New Year to you, too! ( )4.1 would like to have a new dictionary. ( )5. Sorry, she's not here. Hold on, I'll get her. 四、从下列句子中选出合适的选项,完成对话,将字母编号写在横线上。


广东省深圳市宝安区九年级(上)期末数学试卷 一、选择题(本题共有12小题,每小题3分,共36分,每小题有四个选项, 其中只有一个是正确的) 1.(3分)方程x2=3x的解为() A.x=3B.x=0C.x1=0,x2=﹣3D.x1=0,x2=3 2.(3分)下面左侧几何体的左视图是() A.B.C.D. 3.(3分)如果=2,则的值是() A.3B.﹣3C.D. 4.(3分)已知不透明的袋中只装有黑、白两种球,这些球除颜色外都相同,其中白球有20个,黑球有n个,随机地从袋中摸出一个球,记录下颜色后,放回袋子中并摇匀,再从中摸出一个球,经过如此大量重复试验,发现摸出白球的频率稳定在0.4附近,则n的值约为() A.20B.30C.40D.50 5.(3分)关于x的一元二次方程ax2+3x﹣2=0有两个不相等的实数根,则a的值可以是() A.0B.﹣1C.﹣2D.﹣3 6.(3分)中国“一带一路”战略给沿线国家和地区带来很大的经济效益,沿线某地区居民2016年人均年收入300美元,预计2018年人均年收入将达到950美元,设2016年到2018年该地区居民人均年收入平均增长率为x,可列方程为() A.300(1+x%)2=950B.300(1+x2)=950

C.300(1+2x)=950D.300(1+x)2=950 7.(3分)今年,某公司推出一款的新手机深受消费者推崇,但价格不菲.为此,某电子商城推出分期付款购买新手机的活动,一部售价为9688元的新手机,前期付款2000元,后期每个月分别付相同的数额,则每个月的付款额y(元)与付款月数x(x为正整数)之间的函数关系式是() A.y=+2000B.y=﹣2000 C.y=D.y= 8.(3分)如图,延长矩形ABCD的边BC至点E,使CE=BD,连接AE,如果∠ADB=38°,则∠E的值是() A.19°B.18°C.20°D.21° 9.(3分)下列说法正确的是() A.二次函数y=(x+1)2﹣3的顶点坐标是(1,3) B.将二次函数y=x2的图象向上平移2个单位,得到二次函数y=(x+2)2的图象 C.菱形的对角线互相垂直且相等 D.平面内,两条平行线间的距离处处相等 10.(3分)如图,一路灯B距地面高BA=7m,身高1.4m的小红从路灯下的点D 出发,沿A→H的方向行走至点G,若AD=6m,DG=4m,则小红在点G处的影长相对于点D处的影长变化是() A.变长1m B.变长1.2m C.变长1.5m D.变长1.8m


2019-2020学年广东省深圳市南山区八年级(上)期末物理试卷 一、单选题(本大题共20小题,共50分) 1.物理与我们的实际生活密切相关,下列对身边物理量的估测结果符合实际的是() A.学校教室墙的厚度约为30dm B. 人正常步行的速度约为8m/s C.小张的身高约为1. 7m D.一枚普通鸡蛋的质量约为50kg 2.关于误差的概念,下列说法正确的是( ) A. 误差是实验中产生的错误 B. 采用精密仪器,改进实验方法可以消除误差 C. 认真测量可以避免误差 D. 实验中误差不能绝对避免,但可以想法尽量使它减小 3.有关运动员百米赛跑的说法正确的是( ) A. 终点计时员听到枪声开始计时比看到“白烟”开始计时更准确 B. 运动员在整个比赛过程中做匀速直线运动 C. 若运动员所用的时间为12s,则其全程平均速度约为8. 3m/s D. 比赛过程中,以冠军为参照物,亚军一定是前进的 4.2011年5月10日出版的《解放军报》刊发题为《亚丁湾,记者体验护航“十八般兵器”》的报道称,中国海军第五批护航编队的护航舰艇上,出现了一种神秘的声波武器--“金嗓子”,对索马里海盗构成了有效威慑。如图所示,若要阻挡这一武器的攻击,可以用薄薄的一层() A.真空带 B.塑料板 C.木板 D.钢板 5.如图所示是几种声音输入示波器上时显示的波形,音调和响度都相同的两种声音是 ( ) A.丙丁 B.乙丁 C.甲丙 D.乙丙

6.海边的渔民经常会看到这样的情景: 风和日丽,平静的海面上出现一把一把小小的“降落伞”--水母,它们在近海处悠闲自得地升降、漂游,忽然水母像受到什么命令似的,纷纷离开海岸,游向大海深处。不一会儿离开海岸,游向大海深处。不一会儿狂风呼啸,波涛汹涌,风暴便来临了。以下解释最有可能的是() A.水母接收到了次声波 B.水母接收到了大海的召唤 C.水母感受到了温度的突然变化 D.水母接收到了人说话的声音 7. 下列有关声学知识说法正确的是( ) A. 声源的振动停止,声音也就同时停止 B. 喇叭发声时,放在它上面的纸屑在上下跳动,说明声音是由物体振动产生的 C. 利用B超检查身体是应用了声波能传递能量 D. 公路旁安装隔音墙是为了在声源处减弱噪声 8. 下列图中温度计使用正确的是( ) A. B. C. D. 9. 如图塑料草莓是由3D打印机在高温下把塑料复合材料变成液浆,再由喷头喷出固化而成。此过程的物态变化是( ) A.先液化后凝固 . B.先液化后凝华 C.先熔化后凝固 D.先熔化后凝华 10. 下列现象叙述正确的是( ) A. 汽车夏天开冷气,冬天开暖气,夏天车窗玻璃外侧起雾,冬天内侧起雾 B. 小明从电冰箱的冷冻室拿出一块雪糕,一会儿小明发现包装袋上有一些小冰晶。这是凝固现象 C. 加油站要求“禁打手机”“熄火加油”,这样要求是为了防止火花点燃汽油引发火灾,因为在常温下汽油容易升华 D. 沸腾时,烧杯中不停地冒出“白气”,这些“白气”是水蒸气 11. 如图所示瓶装液化石油气主要成份是烷烃和烯烃系列的混合物,在一个标准大气压下各成份的沸点如下表所示,常温下液化石油气很难用尽,瓶内常有残留物。该残留物的主要成 A.乙烷乙烯 B.戊烷戊烯 C.丁烷丁烯


2018年广东省深圳市中考数学试卷 一、选择题:本大题共12个小题,每小题3分,共36分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的. 1.(3分)6的相反数是() A.﹣6B.C.D.6 2.(3分)260000000用科学记数法表示为() A.0.26×109B.2.6×108C.2.6×109D.26×107 3.(3分)图中立体图形的主视图是() A.B. C.D. 4.(3分)观察下列图形,是中心对称图形的是()A.B. C.D. 5.(3分)下列数据:75,80,85,85,85,则这组数据的众数和极差是() A.85,10B.85,5C.80,85D.80,10 6.(3分)下列运算正确的是()

A.a2?a3=a6B.3a﹣a=2a C.a8÷a4=a2D. 7.(3分)把函数y=x向上平移3个单位,下列在该平移后的直线上的点是() A.(2,2)B.(2,3)C.(2,4)D.(2,5)8.(3分)如图,直线a,b被c,d所截,且a∥b,则下列结论中正确的是() A.∠1=∠2B.∠3=∠4C.∠2+∠4=180°D.∠1+∠4=180° 9.(3分)某旅店一共70个房间,大房间每间住8个人,小房间每间住6个人,一共480个学生刚好住满,设大房间有x个,小房间有y个.下列方程组正确的是() A.B. C.D. 10.(3分)如图,一把直尺,60°的直角三角板和光盘如图摆放,A 为60°角与直尺交点,AB=3,则光盘的直径是() A.3B.C.6D. 11.(3分)二次函数y=ax2+bx+c(a≠0)的图象如图所示,下列结

论正确是() A.abc>0 B.2a+b<0 C.3a+c<0 D.ax2+bx+c﹣3=0有两个不相等的实数根 12.(3分)如图,A、B是函数y=上两点,P为一动点,作PB ∥y轴,PA∥x轴,下列说法正确的是() ①△AOP≌△BOP;②S△AOP=S△BOP;③若OA=OB,则OP平分∠AOB;④若S△BOP=4,则S△ABP=16 A.①③B.②③C.②④D.③④ 二、填空题(每题3分,满分12分,将答案填在答题纸上)13.(3分)分解因式:a2﹣9=. 14.(3分)一个正六面体的骰子投掷一次得到正面向上的数字为奇数的概率:. 15.(3分)如图,四边形ACDF是正方形,∠CEA和∠ABF都是


小升初入学英语试卷 一、单选题 1.()He likes English and history , ___________ he doesn't like maths. A.and B.or C.so D.but 2.()She has a son __ a daughter -----i know her children . They are very nice. A.and B.or C.so D.but 3.()I have ______ uncle. He has ______ useful book . A.an,an B. a,a C. an,a D.a,an 4.()It's great to ______ you . A.answering B.hear from C.reply D.playing 5.()______ does your father look like ?---He is tall and thin. A.Which B.How C.What D.Who 6.()Do you enjoy ______ pop music ?---Yes, I do. A.listen B.listening C.listening to D.to listen to 7.()Most students _______ playing computer games. A.are interesting on B.are interesting in C. are interested in D.is interested in 8.()Can you tell me ______ you came here ?--We came here by air. A.how B.why C.when D.where 9.()What language can you ______?---English and French. A.say B.speak C.tell D.talk 10.()The teachers in our school are_____ to us . A.friendly B.kindly C.politely D.lovely 11.()He is Chinese. He comes __ China. A.in B.\ C.on D.from 12.()______ do you clean your flat?--Once a week. A.How long B.How soon C.How often D.How far 13.()What does your brother do ?-- He _______ an architect in London. A.work as B.works as https://www.doczj.com/doc/bc15960123.html,es from https://www.doczj.com/doc/bc15960123.html,e from 14.()Tom is ill at home, ______ he can't go to school. A.so B.if C.because D.but 15.()I get up ______ 6 every day. A.in B.at C.on D.of 16.()Wendy is quite different ________ from others. A.to B.as C.from D.like 17.()Candy's hair is ________longer than ________. A.very,my B.much,mine C.much,my D.too,me 18.()Bad luck,I _______ English exam! A.passed B.succeed C.failed D.will pass 19.()I have tow cats , one is yellow and ______ is white. A.the other B.another C.other D.others 20.()I ____ a good time and I felt very happy last night. A.enjoyed B.played C.liked D.had 21.()_____ your parents and brother work in your business?--Yes , they ___.


最新 2019—最新 2019—2020 学年广东省深圳市宝安区八年级 (上) 期末数学试卷 姓名 _____________ 班级_______________________ 得分 ____________________ 一、选择题(每题 3分,共 36 分) 1. 的值为( ) A .2 B .﹣ 2 C .4 D .± 2 2.在直角坐标中,点 P (2,﹣ 3)所在的象限是( ) A .第一象限 B .第二象限 C .第三象限 D .第四象限 3.下列计算正确的是( ) A . × =6 B . ﹣ = C . + = D . ÷ =4 4.在△ ABC 中,∠ A ﹣∠ C=∠ B ,那么△ ABC 是( ) A .等边三角形 B .锐角三角形 C .钝角三角形 D .直角三角形 5.我县今年 4 月某地 6 天的最高气温如下(单位 ℃):32,29,30,32, 30,32.则这个 地区最高气温的众数和中位数分别是( ) A .30, 32 B .32, 30 C . 32, 31 D . 32,32 6.小明解方程组 x+y=■ 的解为 x=5,由于不小心滴下了两滴墨水,刚好把 8.在去年植树节时,甲班比乙班多种了 100 棵树.今年植树时,甲班比去年多种了 10%, 乙班比去年多种了 12%,结果甲班比乙班还是多种 100 树棵.设甲班去年植树 x 棵,乙去年 植树 y 棵,则下列方程组中正确的是( ) B . C . C . D . ■和★的值为( ) A . 两个数 ■和★遮住了,则这个数 7.如图,梯形 ABCD 中, A D ∥BC ,AB=BD=BC ,若∠ C=50°,则∠ ABD 的度数为( A .15° B . 20° C .25° D .30° )


2017-2018学年广东省深圳市南山区九年级(上)期末历 史试卷 副标题 一、选择题(本大题共30小题,共90.0分) 1.下面哪一位政治家颁布了世界上现存的古代第一部比较完备的成文法典() A. 伯利克里 B. 法老胡夫 C. 屋大维 D. 汉谟拉比 2.人们称赞公元前5世纪希腊文明为“伯利克里的黄金时代”。下列选项中与这一赞誉 相关的是() A. 雅典民主政治达到高峰 B. 雅典以军事强大成为希腊一个重要城邦 C. 雅典取得布匿战争的胜利 D. 雅典的民主制促进了资本主义的发展 3.2017年10月16日,印度东部一名属“贱民”阶层的15岁少年赛?拉姆因自家山羊误 入高一等级种姓农民的稻田而被烧死。种姓制度最高的等级是() A. 刹帝利 B. 婆罗门 C. 首陀罗 D. 吠舍 4.古代雅典的最高权力机构是() A. 公民大会 B. 民众法庭 C. 执政官 D. 五百人议事会 5.下列哪一个是基督教的习俗() A. 去庙里烧香 B. 庆祝开斋节 C. 庆祝圣诞节 D. 诵读《古兰经》 6.公元初年,欧亚大陆同时存在的两大帝国是() A. 罗马帝国与秦朝 B. 罗马帝国与汉朝 C. 古希腊与古印度 D. 阿拉伯帝国与唐朝 7.“真理只有一个,他不是在宗教之中,而在科学之中。”--达?芬奇。和他同时代批判 宗教束缚的先进人物还有() A. 莎士比亚 B. 孟德斯鸠 C. 苏格拉底 D. 阿基米德 8.将下列作品按年代顺序排列() ①《神曲》 ②《圣经》 ③《共产党宣言》 ④《哈姆雷特》 A. ①③②④ B. ②①③④ C. ②①④③ D. ①②③④ 9.北宋时期,东京、洛阳、成都等城市繁华热闹,而同时期的欧洲出现了城市的重兴, 形成了() A. 地主阶级 B. 市民阶级 C. 资产阶级 D. 无产阶级 10.米兰多拉(1463-1494)在《论人的高贵的演说》中借上帝之口说道:“亚当……你 就像一个拥有主权和自由的设计者,你可以按照自己选择的方式来塑造你自己。” 作者的观点属于() A. 君权神授思想 B. 人文主义思想 C. 启蒙思想 D. 民主科学思想 11.英国著名经济学家亚当?斯密认为:“美洲的发现和经由好望角抵达东印度的航线的 开辟,是人类历史上最伟大、最重要的两件事。”这两件事归功于()



报告导读 本报告针对深圳市出口总额情况现状,以数据为基础,通过数据分析为大家展示深圳市出口总额情况现状,趋势及发展脉络,为大众充分了解深圳市出口总额情况提供重要参考及指引。 深圳市出口总额情况数据分析报告对关键因素即亿元人民币计算出口总额,亿美元计算出口总额等进行了分析和梳理并进行了深入研究。 报告力求做到精准、精细、精确,公正,客观,报告中数据来源于中国国家统计局、相关行业协会等权威部门,并借助统计分析方法科学得出。相信深圳市出口总额情况数据分析报告能够帮助大众更加跨越向前。

目录 第一节深圳市出口总额情况现状概况 (1) 第二节深圳市亿元人民币计算出口总额指标分析 (3) 一、深圳市亿元人民币计算出口总额现状统计 (3) 二、全省亿元人民币计算出口总额现状统计 (3) 三、深圳市亿元人民币计算出口总额占全省亿元人民币计算出口总额比重统计 (3) 四、深圳市亿元人民币计算出口总额(2016-2018)统计分析 (4) 五、深圳市亿元人民币计算出口总额(2017-2018)变动分析 (4) 六、全省亿元人民币计算出口总额(2016-2018)统计分析 (5) 七、全省亿元人民币计算出口总额(2017-2018)变动分析 (5) 八、深圳市亿元人民币计算出口总额同全省亿元人民币计算出口总额(2017-2018)变动对 比分析 (6) 第三节深圳市亿美元计算出口总额指标分析 (7) 一、深圳市亿美元计算出口总额现状统计 (7) 二、全省亿美元计算出口总额现状统计分析 (7) 三、深圳市亿美元计算出口总额占全省亿美元计算出口总额比重统计分析 (7) 四、深圳市亿美元计算出口总额(2016-2018)统计分析 (8) 五、深圳市亿美元计算出口总额(2017-2018)变动分析 (8)


2019年深圳市小升初模拟考试 英语试题与答案 (试卷满分100分,考试时间60分钟) 听力部分(30分) 一、听音,找出你所听到的字母或数字,并把序号写在前面括号内。(5分)( ) 1. A. p m B. a m C. c d ( ) 2. A. U K B. H K C. U N ( ) 3. A. b d v B. d q p C. d b v ( ) 4. A. 45 B.55 C.25 ( ) 5. A. 8 B. 7 C. 6 二、听音,选出所听到的单词。(10分) ()1. A. too B. tofu C. tooth D. twelve ()2. A. stop B. traffic C. wait D. go ()3. A. cake B. name C. today D. day ()4. A. math B. watch C. Chinese D. those ()5. A. hospital B. cinema C. post office D. bookstore ()6. A. your B. you C. yours D. our ()7. A. who B. whose C. where D. which ()8. A. that B. those C. this D. these ()9. A. Monday B. Sunday C. money D. monkey ()10.A. tomato B. potato C. photo D. mutton 三、听音,选择你所听到的短语或句子。(5分) ( ) 1. A. by bus B. by train C. by subway ( ) 2. A. turn left B. turn right C. go straight ( ) 3. A. pick up leaves B. have a picnic C. wash clothes ( ) 4. A. playing football B. playing chess C. playing the violin ( ) 5. A. Where are you going in the evening? B. What are you going to buy?


2018-2019学年广东省深圳市罗湖区七年级下学期期中数学试卷 及答案解析 一、选择题(共12小题,每小题3分,每小题只有一个正确答案,共36分) 1.计算x2?x3结果是() A.2x5B.x5C.x6D.x8 解:x2?x3=x5. 故选:B. 2.下面的四个图形中,∠1与∠2是对顶角的是() A.B. C.D. 解:根据对顶角的定义可知:只有C图中的∠1与∠2是对顶角,其它都不是. 故选:C. 3.一本笔记本5元,买x本共付y元,则5和y分别是() A.常量,常量B.变量,变量C.常量,变量D.变量,常量解:一本笔记本5元,买x本共付y元,则5和y分别是常量,变量. 故选:C. 4.某种植物细胞的直径约为0.00012mm,用科学记数法表示这个数为()mm.A.1.2×104B.12×10﹣3C.1.2×10﹣3D.1.2×10﹣4 解:0.00012=1.2×10﹣4, 故选:D. 5.下列运算正确的是() A.2m2+m2=3m4B.(mn2)2=mn4C.2m?4m2=8m2D.m5÷m3=m2解:A、2m2+m2=3m2,故此选项错误; B、(mn2)2=m2n4,故此选项错误; C、2m?4m2=8m3,故此选项错误; D、m5÷m3=m2,正确.

故选:D. 6.下列运算中正确的是() A.(a+b)2=a2+b2B.(a+b)2=(a﹣b)2+4ab C.(a+1)(b﹣2)=ab﹣2D.(a+b)(b﹣a)=a2﹣b2 解:A.(a+b)2=a2+2ab+b2,此选项错误; B.(a+b)2=(a﹣b)2+4ab,此选项正确; C.(a+1)(b﹣2)=ab﹣2a+b﹣2,此选项错误; D.(a+b)(b﹣a)=﹣a2+b2,此选项错误; 故选:B. 7.下列说法中,正确的是() A.两条不相交的直线叫做平行线 B.一条直线的平行线有且只有一条 C.在同一平面内,若直线a∥b,a∥c,则b∥c D.若两条线段不相交,则它们互相平行 解:A、平行线的定义:在同一平面内,两条不相交的直线叫做平行线.故错误; B、过直线外一点,有且只有一条直线与已知直线平行.故错误; C、在同一平面内,平行于同一直线的两条直线平行.故正确; D、根据平行线的定义知是错误的. 故选:C. 8.如图,测量运动员跳远成绩选取的是AB的长度,其依据是() A.两点确定一条直线B.两点之间直线最短 C.两点之间线段最短D.垂线段最短 解:该运动员跳远成绩的依据是:垂线段最短; 故选:D. 9.小芳离开家不久,发现把作业忘在家里,于是返回家里找到了作业本再去学校;在如图所示的三个图象中,能近似地刻画小芳离开家的距离与时间的关系的图象是()


广东深圳南山区高中排行榜 1、深圳中学深圳中学是广东省深圳市的一所公办完全中学。1983年6月被定为深圳市的省重点中学;1993年11月被评为广东省首批一级学校;2004年,被定为国家新课改样板校。深圳中学创办于1947年,1998年原洪湖中学并入深圳中学,校园成为其初中部。深圳中学的高中部分为东校区和西校区。深圳中学高中部、初中部与其他一些附属学校,包括深圳亚迪学校、深中龙岗初级中学等共同组“深圳中学教育共同体” 2、深圳外国语学校深圳外国语学校设有小学部、初中部、初中分校、高中部、国际部,创办于1990年。深圳外国语学校以其英语教育、小语种教育、保送生制度,及极快的发展速度而闻名于全市乃至全国。其下设有初中部、高中部、附属小学、初中部龙岗分校,以及已启用的国际部,共五个分部。深外与深圳中学、深圳实验学校被誉为深圳高中的“三面红旗”。 3、深圳实验学校深圳实验学校创建于1985年5月3日,是深圳经济特区成立后由政府举办的首所公办学校,是深圳市教育局直属学校、广东省首批一级学校,所属高中部系广东省首批示范性高中。 4、深圳市高级中学深圳市高级中学简称深高,是示范性高级中学,广东省一级重点学校,深圳市公办完全中学。深圳市高级中学创办于1997年,2003年9月,北校区教学楼主体工程落成正式启用,2010年5月7日,初中部正式与"深圳市深南中学"合并。 5、深圳市宝安中学(集团)深圳市宝安中学成立于1984年8月,后变更为宝安中学(集团),是深圳市宝安区重点中学,是广东省首批示范性普通高中,是北京大学“中学校长实名推荐制”推荐资质学校(深圳仅有三所),全国千所现代教育技术实验学校,全国德育实验学校,全国青少年文明礼仪基地,广东省普通高中新课程实验样本学校,广东省书香校园,联合国教科文组织教师教育教席联席学校,深圳市师德师风先进学校。 6、深圳市福田区红岭中学深圳市福田区红岭中学创办于1981年8月,位于深圳市中心区安托山风景区。学校建筑面积9万平方米,场馆总面积26675.7平方米,各种常规仪器设备按照示范性高中标准配齐。2012年形成高中部、园岭初中部、石厦初中部、南园初中部“一校四部”的办学格局,成为拥有171个教学班,7264名在校学生的基础教育旗舰学校。 7、深圳市南山外国语学校(集团)南山外国语学校是1995年9月由政府创办的实验型学校。经过近12年的发展,学校已成为一所集幼儿、小学、初中、高中为一体的现代化集团学校、省一级学校、省绿色学校。学校总占地面积9.1万平方米,建筑面积6.7万平方米。 8、深圳市翠园中学翠园中学是广东省一级学校,广东省首批示范性高中,罗湖区重点中学。翠园中学高中部,位于罗湖区东门北路1016号,地铁龙岗线翠竹站B1出口,毗邻东门老街,交通便利,地理位置优越。校园占地100亩,绿树葱茏,芳草如茵,环境幽静,是典型的“生态校园”。普通教室、理化生实验室、多媒体教室、科学报告厅、漂流书吧、体艺楼、学生阅览室等都达到示范高中标准。 9、深圳市育才中学深圳市育才中学地处蛇口半岛,面朝大海,背倚南山,与香港隔海相望。是南山区区重点高中,中国教科院基地学校,华南师范大学大学教师培训基地。育才建校于特区开放之初的1983,开创者们在高起点上开拓进取,以国际视野建构新型学校,在诸多方面开特区教育风气之先,办学特色鲜明、教育成就斐然。它是深圳市最早的省一级和市重点中学;1993年,深圳市育才中学成为深圳市三所重点高中之一。 10、深圳市新安中学深圳市新安中学创办于1988年10月,坐落于宝安城区中心地带,是宝安区直属完全中学。在五任校长的引领传承下,历经二十一个春秋的洗礼,伴随着新中人昂扬奋进的步伐,学校秉承科学发展的先进理念,创造了轻负担、有特色、高质量的教育奇迹,2008年10月,顺利通过了“广东省示范性普通高中”终期确认验收,真正成为一所


2018年广东省深圳市高考数学一模试卷(理科) 一、选择题:本大题共12个小题,每小题5分,共60分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的. 1.若集合A={2,4,6,8},B={x|x2﹣9x+18≤0},则A∩B=()A.{2,4}B.{4,6}C.{6,8}D.{2,8} 2.若复数(a∈R)为纯虚数,其中i为虚数单位,则a=() A.2 B.3 C.﹣2 D.﹣3 3.袋中装有大小相同的四个球,四个球上分别标有数字“2”,“3”,“4”,“6”,现从中随机选取三个球,则所选的三个球上的数字能构成等差数列的概率是() A.B.C.D. 4.等比数列{a n}的前n项和为S n=a?3n﹣1+b,则=() A.﹣3 B.﹣1 C.1 D.3 5.直线l:kx+y+4=0(k∈R)是圆C:x2+y2+4x﹣4y+6=0的一条对称轴,过点A (0,k)作斜率为1的直线m,则直线m被圆C所截得的弦长为() A. B.C.D.2 6.祖冲之之子祖暅是我国南北朝时代伟大的科学家,他在实践的基础上提出了体积计算的原理:“幂势既同,则积不容异”.意思是,如果两个等高的几何体在同高处截得的截面面积恒等,那么这两个几何体的体积相等.此即祖暅原理.利用这个原理求球的体积时,需要构造一个满足条件的几何体,已知该几何体三视图如图所示,用一个与该几何体的下底面平行相距为h(0<h<2)的平面截该几何体,则截面面积为()

A.4πB.πh2C.π(2﹣h)2D.π(4﹣h)2 7.函数f(x)=?cosx的图象大致是() A.B. C.D. 8.已知a>b>0,c<0,下列不等关系中正确的是() A.ac>bc B.a c>b c C.log a(a﹣c)>log b(b﹣c) D.> 9.执行如图所示的程序框图,若输入p=2018,则输出i的值为()


深圳市小升初突击训练系列试卷一 一、选出下列画线部分读音与其他三个不同的单词,将其序号填入题前括号内。(5分) ( ) 1. A her B worker C doctor D sister ( ) 2. A near B pear C year D dear ( ) 3. A food B cook C room D school ( ) 4. A many B get C any D hat ( ) 5. A seat B read C sweater D mean 二、中英文互译。(15分) 1. 7月3日 ________________ 2. 弹钢琴 ______________________ 3. 玩得开心 _________________ 4. 春节 _________________________ 5. 问和答 ___________________ 6. 大声说 _______________________ 7. blow out the candles ________________________________ 8. watch the dragon boat races ___________________________ 9. visit relatives and friends ____________________________ 10. have a chat ___________________________________________ 三、选择填空。(9分) ( ) 1. --- When’s your birthday? --- It’s ___________ January 1st. --- What would you like ________ a birthday present? --- I would like a yo-yo. A. on; for B. in; as C. on; with ( ) 2. --- Where _________ you just now? --- I _________ at school. A. were’ was B. were; were C. was; were ( ) 3. --- What does it mean? --- It means you couldn’t _________. A. smoking B. smok C. smoke ( ) 4. ________ you _______ your grandparents last weekend? A. Did; visited B. Did; visit C. Do; visited ( ) 5. Last Friday, they ________ a ________ race. A. had; running B. have; running C. had; running ( ) 6. I ______ a kite and _____ it on the wall yesterday. A. maked; puted B. made; put C. made; puted ( ) 7. It is an ______ day; we are all very _________. A. excited; exciting B. exciting; exciting C. exciting; excited ( ) 8. We usually ______ moon cakes on Mid-Autumn Festival. We _______ a lot of delicious cakes yesterday. A. eat; ate B. eat; eated C. ate; ate ( ) 9. --- Whose book is it? – It’s not ________ book. It’s _________. A. my; hers B. mine; hers C. My’; hers ( ) 10. My grandpa is old, _______ he looks young. A. and B. but C. or 四、句型匹配。(16分) ⅠⅡ ( ) 1. What’s your favourite holiday? A. They’re Jim’s. ( ) 2. When’s your birthday? B. She planted some trees. ( ) 3. What did she do on the farm? C. It’s the 21st of January. ( ) 4. Did you have a wonderful time? D. It means “keep off the grass”. ( ) 5. Whose gloves are they? E. They’re in Jim’s desk. ( ) 6. What date is it today? F. Halloween. ( ) 7. What does this sign mean? G. Yes, we did. ( ) 8. Where are your gloves? H. It’s on the 21 st of January. 五、用所给词的适当形式填空。(10分)


2016-2017学年广东省深圳市宝安区八年级(上)期末数学试卷 一、选择题(每题3分,共36分) 1.(3分)的值为() A.2 B.﹣2 C.4 D.±2 2.(3分)在直角坐标中,点P(2,﹣3)所在的象限是() A.第一象限B.第二象限C.第三象限D.第四象限 3.(3分)下列计算正确的是() A.×=6 B.﹣=C.+=D.÷=4 4.(3分)在△ABC中,∠A﹣∠C=∠B,那么△ABC是() A.等边三角形B.锐角三角形C.钝角三角形D.直角三角形 5.(3分)我县今年4月某地6天的最高气温如下(单位℃):32,29,30,32,30,32.则这个地区最高气温的众数和中位数分别是 () A.30,32 B.32,30 C.32,31 D.32,32 6.(3分)小明解方程组x+y=■的解为x=5,由于不小心滴下了两滴墨水,刚好把两个数■和★遮住了,则这个数■和★的值为()A.B.C.D. 7.(3分)如图,梯形ABCD中,AD∥BC,AB=BD=BC,若∠C=50°,则∠ABD的度数为() A.15°B.20°C.25°D.30° 8.(3分)在去年植树节时,甲班比乙班多种了100棵树.今年植树时,甲班比去年多种了10%,乙班比去年多种了12%,结果甲班比乙班还是多种100树棵.设甲班去年植树x棵,乙去年植树y棵,则下列方程组中正确的是()

A.B. C.D. 9.(3分)下列四个命题中,真命题有() ①两条直线被第三条直线所截,内错角相等; ②无理数是无限不循环小数; ③三角形的一个外角大于任何一个不相邻的内角; ④平面内点A(﹣1,2)与点B(﹣1,﹣2)关于x轴对称. A.1个 B.2个 C.3个 D.4个 10.(3分)若弹簧的总长度y(cm)是所挂重物x(千克)的一次函数图象如图,则不挂重物时,弹簧的长度是() A.5cm B.8cm C.9cm D.10cm 11.(3分)如图,在长方形ABCD中,AB=8,DC=4,将长方形的一角沿AC折叠,则重叠阴影部分△AFC的面积为() A.14 B.12 C.10 D.8 12.(3分)如图,已知直线y=x+3与x轴交于点A,与y轴交于点B,以点A为圆心,AB为半径画弧,交x轴正半轴于点C,则点C坐标为()


…………外…………○…………装…………○…………订…………○…………线…………○………… 姓名:____________班级:____________学号:___________ …………内…………○…………装…………○…………订…………○…………线…………○………… 广东省深圳市罗湖区2018-2019学年八年级下学期数学期末 考试试卷 考试时间:**分钟 满分:**分 姓名:____________班级:____________学号:___________ 题号 一 二 三 四 五 总分 核分人 得分 注意 事项: 1、 填 写 答 题 卡 的 内 容 用 2B 铅 笔 填 写 2、提前 15 分钟收取答题卡 第Ⅰ卷 客观题 第Ⅰ卷的注释 评卷人 得分 一、单选题(共12题) 1. 观察下列图形,其中既是轴对称又是中心对称图形的是( ) A . B . C . D . 2. 不等式 的解集在数轴上表示为( ) A . B . C . D . 3. 下列从左到右的变形,是分解因式的是( ) A . B . C . D . 4. 一个多边形的内角和与外角和相等,则这个多边形的边数为( ) A . 8 B . 6 C . 5 D . 4 5. 若分式 中 都扩大到原来的3倍,则分式 的值是( )

答案第2页,总21页 …○…………外…………○…………装…………○…………订…………○…………线…………○………… ※※请※※不※※要※※在※※装※※订※※线※※内※※答※※题※※ …○…………内…………○…………装…………○…………订…………○…………线…………○………… A . 扩大到原来3倍 B . 缩小3倍 C . 是原来的 D . 不变 6. 如图,在三角形 中, , 平分 交 于点 ,且 , , 则点 到 的距离为( ) A . B . C . D . 7. 如图,将一个含有 角的直角三角板的直角顶点放在一张宽为 的矩形纸带边沿上,另一个顶点在纸带的另一边沿上,若测得三角板的一边与纸带的一边所在的直线成 角,则三角板最长的长是( ) A . B . C . D . 8. 已知4<m <5,则关于x 的不等式组 的整数解共有( ) A . 1个 B . 2个 C . 3个 D . 4个 9. 如图,在 中, =55°, ,分别以点 和点 为圆心,大于 的长为半径画弧, 两弧相交于点 ,作直线 ,交 于点 ,连接 ,则 的度数为( ) A . B . C . D . 10. 下列语句:①每一个外角都等于 的多边形是六边形;②“反证法”就是举反例说明一个命题是假命题;③“等腰三角形两底角相等”的逆命题是真命题;④分式值为零的条件是分子为零且分母不为零,

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