当前位置:文档之家› 2017届上海市高中英语十校联考试卷(含详细答案)




II. Grammar and Vocabulary

Section A

Lightning Bolt Usain Bolt is the world?s fastest man. He first came to the public?s attention at the Beijing Olympics in 2008, where he won three gold medals. During that race, he reached a top speed of 43.9 kmph. So, we ask, how does the man (21)______ nickname is “Lightning Bolt” run so fast?

Usain Bolt was born in Jamaica on 21 August 1986. He was running around at primary school, when a teacher noticed (22)______ talent for sprinting(短跑). He became one of the best sprinters at his high school even though he didn?t train very hard. At the age of fifteen, Bolt was 196 cm tall and he dominated the 2002 World Junior Championships, becoming the youngest person ever (23)______ (win) the 200 metres. He turned professional when he left high school, (24)______ (age) seventeen. During the first couple of years of Bolt?s professional life, he got a few injuries, but

his health soon improved and he began to win all the major championships. He went from strength to strength, (25)______ (amaze) the world with his speed.

So, how does he do it? Bolt says that he is naturally fast—just something he was born (26)______. He?s also got a number of people looking after him and one of the main reasons for his success is Norman Peart, his manager. Peart (27)______(look) after Bolt since he was fifteen, working hard to keep him focused.

(28)______ you explain it, Bolt?s performances in Beijing were truly marvellous. What?s more marvellous is (29)______, since then, he has continued to get even faster. In August 2009, he broke his own record by running the 100 metres in 9.58 seconds. At the (30)______ (fast) point in this race, he ran at an astonishing 44.9 kmph.

Section B

A. attended

B. belief

C. classic


commonly E. crew

F. evidence

G. further

H. origins


purposes J. rebelled K. relatively

Columbus: Myth and Reality Everyone knows the name of Christopher Columbus, and, as with any historical icon, there are as many myths as truths about the man. Take, for example, the disagreement about his ___31___. The Spanish say he was from Spain, and the Italians claim he was from Italy. There is, in fact, some ___32___ that he was born in 1451 in Genoa, which is now part of Italy.

Columbus became a sailor at an early age and had made journeys as far as Iceland and Guinea before he made his famous voyage in 1482. Contrary to popular

___33___. Columbus didn?t sail to the Americas in order to find out whether the Earth was round: at the end of the 15th century almost everyone knew it was round. We do know that he sailed in part to fulfill a religious quest: he saw journeys as a fulfillment of a divine(神圣的)plan for his life.

Of course, the other ___34___ known reason for this voyage was that Columbus was looking for a new route to the Spice Islands (now part of Indonesia), and he believed he could reach them by sailing west rather than east. The discovery of the

(机缘凑巧). In 1492, New World was therefore a(n) ___35___ case of “serendipity”

when he unexpectedly discovered the Americas, he had been traveling for five weeks and has sailed for 3,000 miles. He thought he had arrived in the East Indies.

Columbus left on the voyage of discovery from the south of Spain, with a(n)

___36___ made up mainly of experienced sailors from the area. He made two

___37___ voyages before the end of the century, taking Europeans across to the new lands. On his third voyage in 1498, he also took women to the New World.

This third voyage was not a happy one for Columbus. The settlers ___38___ against him, and he was unable to send a lot of gold back, so he was arrested and returned to Spain in chains. However, the King and Queen soon apologized, saying there had been a mistake, and Columbus was freed. By this time, 1500, Columbus was not a well man and he died quietly at the age of 55 in Valladolid, Spain, on May 20, 1506, in his own apartment ___39___ by family and friends. He was a(n)

___40___ rich man at the time of his death.

III. Reading Comprehension

Section A

Agree to Disagree In a world of 6.5 million opinionated people, arguments are sure to happen. Many



2018-2019学年度第二学期部分学校九年级三月联合测试 一、1 下列各组词语中加下划线的字的书写或注音有误的一组是() A. 轩榭(xiè)狡黠(xiá) 挖心搜胆流连忘返 B. 魁梧(wú) 揣摩(chuǎi)栩栩如生不可名状 C. 罅漏(xì)辐射(fú)劳而无功涛涛不绝 D. 雾霭(ǎi) 愚鲁(lǔ)投机取巧飞珠迸玉 2依次填入下面横线处的词语,恰当的一组是() 这些绝大多数来自大都市的人,带着世俗红尘的_________,扰乱了古镇的_________。他们在充分_________现代文明的时候,为什么要到这里来旅游?是追求返璞归真,还是给自己_________的心灵注入些许静气? A. 吵闹安静享受浮躁 B. 喧嚣宁静享受浮躁 C. 吵闹宁静感受急躁 D. 喧嚣安静感受急躁 3下列各句中有语病的一项是() A. 马丁教授称“中国不同大学学费应不同”,此说在中外大学校长论坛引起共鸣。 B. “优盘”销售市场看好,于是有人不择手段仿造伪劣产品,致使顾客蒙受损失。 C. 去年,西藏自治区25个县脱贫摘帽,贫困发生率从28.8%下降到7.9%。 D. 该电厂每年发的电,除供当地使用外,还向长沙、岳阳等地输送。 4下列各句标点符号使用规范的一项是() A. 昔日沉寂的山沟热闹起来了,年轻人开着汽车回来了,有的开办农家院;有的种起香菇。 B. 上海的越剧、沪剧、淮剧、安徽的黄梅戏、河南的豫剧,在这次会演中,都带来了新剧目。 C. 我不知道你是谁?但是我知道你找我一定有事。 D. 张雪凡说:“乡村振兴要靠产业发展,产业兴旺了,振兴后劲足。” 二、(共9分) 注重“工匠精神”培养 ①工匠精神的精髓在于专注、精益求精。当今,美术教育及创作领域也非常需要“工匠精神”,需要这种认真、专注、严谨的态度,它是提升美术创作品质、创作更多时代精品的重要保证。 ②高校美术专业学生,是美术事业的新生力量。在信息爆炸、新潮艺术观念涌动的今天,高校美术专业有些学生缺乏专注、钻研的精神与态度,一些人更乐于追求快餐式的作品,甚至有时会鄙夷这种传统的价值观以及精神追求。有的学生认识不到基本功的重要性,企图以观念取胜,急功近利、盲目地追求所谓的“现代艺术”。故而,在当今社会快速发展、艺术创作环境受到多重影响的情况下,在美术教育和创作领域强化工匠精神的培养,显得尤为重要。 ③强化工匠精神,对培养学生的专注度、开发学生的创新能力以及激发美术教育工作者的教学热情都有很好的帮助。对美术的各个学科而言,基础课程都是非常重要的。工匠精神的培养,应融入课程设置以及基本功的锤炼:优化课程配置,加重基础课程的比重,同时加强对传统文化的研习,双管齐下,提高艺术技能和艺术修养。对新入学学生尤其应该夯实基础训练,通过这些基础课程的严格考核,提高学生的审美与造型能力。其次,还应汲取传统工匠师徒传承的长处,整合教师资源,增加个别辅导,重视口传心授、言传身教,从而提高学生对艺术的领悟力,激发其创造力。 ④与美术教育一样,美术创作领域同样需要融入“工匠精神”。美术创作领域的工匠精神,不仅体现在绘画技能的继承发展方面,更呈现在美术创作所渗透的创造力和求真精神中。⑤当下,部分美术作品缺乏文化内涵,更像是缺少灵魂的“复制品”,作品形式趋于世俗化、


鄂南高中华师一附中 黄冈中学黄石二中 荆州中学孝感高中 襄阳四中 襄阳五中 2017届高三第一次联考数学(理科)试题 命题学校:荆州中学命题人:荣培元审题人:邓海波张云辉马玮 第Ⅰ卷 一 .选择题:本题共12小题,每小题5分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的. 1. 复数 10 3 i z i = + (i为虚数单位)的虚部为 A.1 B. 3 C. 3- D. 15 4 2. 已知集合{}{} 22 |21,230 x A x B x x x + =<=-->,则B A C R I) (= A.[2,1) -- B. (,2] -∞- C. [2,1)(3,) --+∞ U D. (2,1)(3,) --+∞ U 3. 下列选项中,说法正确的是 A.若0 a b >>,则 11 22 log log a b > B. 向量(1,),(,21) a m b m m ==- r r () m R ∈共线的充要条件是0 m= C. 命题“*1 ,3(2)2 n n n N n- ?∈>+?”的否定是“*1 ,3(2)2 n n n N n- ?∈≥+?” D. 已知函数() f x在区间[,] a b上的图象是连续不断的,则命题“若()()0 f a f b ?<,则() f x在区 间(,) a b内至少有一个零点”的逆命题为假命题 4. 实数3 0.3 a=, 3 log0.3 b=,0.3 3 c=的大小关系是 A. a b c << B. a c b << C. b a c << D. b c a << 5. 函数 321 y x = - 的图象大致是 A. B. C. D. 6. 已知 32 x dx λ=?,数列{}n a是各项为正数的等比数列,则42 3 a a a λ + 的最小值为 A. 3 B. 2 C. 63 D. 6 7. 某几何体的三视图如图所示,则该几何体的表面积为


上海新世纪英语高二全部课文及重点词组上海新世纪英语高二全部课文(包括additional reading)及重点词组 高二第二学期 17. words and their stories 18. english proverbs 19. tips on making a public speech 20. keep it short for the audience’s sake 21. making friends 22. what does friendship mean to westerners? 23. adjo 24. ryan, his friends, and his incredible torch run 25. the father of modern physics 26. the survival of the fittest 27. miracle in the rice field 28. newton’s three important laws 29. oliver wants more (adapted from oliver twist charles dickens)

30. enjoy the classics 31. is she guilty? (adapted from the prince and the pauper mark twain) 32. mark twain 高二第二学期 17. words and their stories eager beaver an eager beaver is a person who is always willing to do and is excited about doing what is expected of him. suppose, for example, that a teacher tells his students they each must solve one hundred math problems before coming to school the next day. the children complain about so much homework. but one student does not protest at all. that student is an eager beaver. he loves to do math problems, and does not mind all the homework. the expression is said to have come from the name of a hard-working animal---the beaver. beavers are strange-looking creatures. they spend a lot of time in the water, building dams to create little lakes or ponds. they use their huge teeth and work hard to cut down trees, remove branches and put them across streams. they use their tails to pack mud on the branches to make


湖北省八校2015届高三第一次联考理科数学试卷(解析版) 一、选择题 1.已知复数∈+=a ai z (21R ),i z 212-=,若2 1 z z 为纯虚数,则=||1z ( ) A .2 B .3 C .2 D .5 【答案】D 【解析】由于 ()()()5 422521221221i a a i ai i ai z z ++-=++=-+=为纯虚数,则1=a ,则=1z 5, 故选择D. 考点:复数的概念,复数的代数运算,复数的模 2.如图给出的是计算11112462014 ++++L 的值的程序框图,其中判断框内应填入的是( ) A .2013≤i B .2015≤i C .2017≤i D .2019≤i 【答案】B 【解析】由程序知道,2,4,6,2014i =L 都应该满足条件,2016=i 不满足条件,故应该选择B. 考点:算法,程序框图 3.设2 2 4a x dx π ππ-? ?=+ ????,则二项式6(展开式中含2x 项的系数是( ) A .192- B .193 C .6- D .7 【答案】A 【解析】由于()2 2222 22 2 cos sin cos sin 24a x dx x x dx xdx x π ππππππππ- --- ? ?=+=-=== ???? ?? 则6( 含2x 项的系数为192)1(25 16-=-C ,故选择A.

考点:定积分,二项式定理 4.棱长为2的正方体被一平面截成两个几何体,其中一个几何体的三视图如图所示,那么该几何体的体积是( ) A . 314 B .4 C .3 10 D .3 【答案】B 【解析】几何体如图,体积为:422 1 3=?,故选择B 考点:三视图,几何体的体积 5.“5≠a 且5-≠b ”是“0≠+b a ”的( ) A .充分不必要条件 B .必要不充分条件 C .充要条件 D .既非充分条件也非必要条件 【答案】D 【解析】5≠a 且5-≠b 推不出0≠+b a ,例如2,2-==b a 时0=+b a 0≠+b a 推不出5≠a 且5-≠b ,例如6,5-==b a ,故“5≠a 且5-≠b ”是“0≠+b a ”的既不充分又不必要条件,故选择D 考点:充要条件 6.已知实数等比数列{a n }的前n 项和为S n ,则下列结论中一定成立的( ) A .若03>a ,则02013a ,则02014a ,则02013>S


绝密★启用前 姓 名 准考证号 2012年株洲市八校联合质量检测 语 文 试 卷 时量:120分钟 满分:l00分 注意事项: 1、答题前,请按要求在答题卡上填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号、座位号。 2、答题时,切记答案要写在答题卡上,答在试题卷上的答案无效。 3、认真细致,审清题意,书写整洁美观,祝你成功。 一、积累与运用(共20分) (一)单项选择题(每小题2分,共8分) 1.选出下列词语中加点字读音全对的一项是 ( ) A.贮. (zh ù) 蓄 称.(ch èng)职 愧怍.( zu ò ) 随声附和. ( h é ) B.憎恶.( w ù ) 睥. ( p ì) 睨 襁.(qi ǎng)褓 强聒. (gu ō )不舍 C.倔.(ju é )强 璀. (cu ī) 璨 荫.( y ìn )庇 忍俊不禁. ( j ìn ) D.栖. (q ī)息 荣膺.(y īn) 干涸.( g ù ) 踉踉跄. (qi àng)跄 2.选出下列词语书写全对的一项是 ( ) A.暄嚷 拮据 一泄千里 气吞斗牛 B.旁鹜 诀别 黎明百姓 张皇失措 C.睿智 烦躁 重蹈复辙 脑羞成怒 D.商酌 遗骸 无与伦比 毋庸置疑 3.下列文句的空缺处,依次填入的词语恰当的一项是 ( ) ①每当夜间疲倦,正想偷懒时,仰面在灯光中 他黑瘦的面貌,似乎正要说出抑扬顿挫的话来。 ②周瑜之所以被诸葛亮“气死”,归根到底在于周瑜气量狭小,不肯 。 ③城管部门要增强城市管理工作的责任感,切实 好城市管理工作的重要职责。 ④桂林作为中国旅游城市,以其 的人文景观和绚丽的自然风光吸引着国内 外的游客。 A .瞥见 甘拜下风 履行 丰富 B .瞧见 惟命是从 奉行 丰富 C .瞧见 甘拜下风 奉行 丰厚 D .瞥见 惟命是从 履行 丰厚 4.下列各句中没有语病、句意明确的一项是 ( ) A .切实减轻中小学生过重的学习负担,是能否实施素质教育的关键。 B .著名京剧表演艺术家梅兰芳先生是江苏省泰州人。 C .许多父母对孩子们过分溺爱,饭来张口、衣来伸手,这对孩子的成长是十分有害的。 D .为了防止校园安全问题不再发生,各个学校都加强了安全保卫工作。 (二)按原文默写(每空1分,共6分) 5.按原文默写填空。 (1) ,病树前头万木春。(刘禹锡《酬乐天扬州初逢席上见赠》 (2)长风破浪会有时, 。(李白《行路难》)



2018届高三八校第一次联考 理科数学试题 第2页(共4页) 鄂南高中 华师一附中 黄冈中学 黄石二中 荆州中学 孝感高中 襄阳四中 襄阳五中 2018届高三第一次联考 数学试题(理) 命题学校:荆州中学 命题人:刘学勇 审题人: 朱代文 审定学校:孝感高中 审定人:幸芹 一、选择题 (本大题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分。在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的。) 1.已知集合1{,},(),3 x M y y x x x R N y y x R ?? ==-∈==∈???? ,则( ) A .M N = B .N M ? C .R M C N = D .R C N M 2. 复数(12)(2)z i i =++的共轭复数为( ) A .-5i B .5i C .15i + D .15i - 3. 将函数()3sin(2)3 f x x π =-的图像向右平移(0)m m >个单位后得到的图像关于原点对称,则m 的最小值是( ) A .6π B .3 π C .23π ? ≠

2018届高三八校第一次联考 理科数学试题 第3页(共4页) D .56π 4. 已知函数2 2()log f x x x =+,则不等式(1)(2)0f x f +-<的解 集为( ) A .(,1)(3,)-∞-+∞ B .(,3)(1,)-∞-+∞ C .(3,1) (1,1) --- D .(1,1) (1,3) - 5. 已知命题:,p a b R ?∈, a b >且11a b >,命题:q x R ?∈,3 sin cos 2 x x +< .下列命题是真命题的是( ) A .p q ∧ B .p q ?∧ C .p q ∧? D .p q ?∧? 6. 将正方体(如图1)截去三个三棱锥后,得到如图2所示的几何体,侧视图的视线方向 如图2所示,则该几何体的侧视图为( ) 7. 下列说法错误的是( )


高中英语教材xx新世纪版单元标题高一上册 Unit 1 occupations Unit 2 Success stories Unit 3 English manners Unit 4 Holidays and festivals Unit 5 Animal friends Unit 6 Cartoons and comic strips Unit 7 Metropolises Unit 8 Hacking Unit 9 Personal hygiene Unit 10 School education Moudle 1综合 Moudle 2综合 Moudle 3综合 高一下册 Unit 1 travelling around China Unit 2 travelling around the world Module 1综合 Unit 3 English is changing Unit 4 A cushion or a kiss

Moudle 2综合 Unit 5 Classical and popular music Unit 6 Going to the Cinema Module 3综合 Unit 7 Newspapers Unit 8 Magazine Module 4综合 高二上册 Unit 1 Eating Around the World Unit 2 Global Drinks Unit 3 Sports Heroes Unit 4 Sports Around the World Unit 5 Animals Unit 6 The Environment Unit 7 Shopping Experiences Unit 8 Advertising Moudle 1综合 Moudle 2综合 Moudle 3综合 高二下册 Unit 1 Words and their stories


鄂南高中华师一附中黄石二中荆州中学 孝感高中襄阳四中襄阳五中黄冈中学 2020届高三八校第一次联考语文试题 2019.12 命题学校:黄石二中命题人:朱青松漆水强汪颉 审题学校:黄冈中学审题人:胡强 注意事项: 1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名和座位号填写在答题卡上。 2.回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。 3.考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 一、现代文阅读(36分) (一)论述类文本阅读(本题共3小题,9分) 阅读下面的文字,完成1-3题。 ①“太上有立德,其次有立功,其次有立言”,引自《左传·襄公二十四年》。《左传》是史官左丘明为解释孔子的《春秋》所著,全称《春秋左氏传》,被奉为儒家十三经之一。引言相关内容是:公元前549年,晋国执政范宣子向鲁国大夫叔孙豹请教何为“死而不朽”时说:“我先祖从舜、夏、商、周以来,世袭贵族不辍,这就是不朽吧?“叔孙豹回答:“这只不过是世代为官受禄,并非不朽。鲁国贤臣臧文仲去世已久,但他的话还在流传,所谓不朽,当如是!我认为“人生最高目标是树立德行,其次是建立功业,再次是著书立说”,如果能在其中一点有所建树,流芳百世,虽逝犹生。 ②叔孙豹把这种不朽观用立德、立功、立言加以界定(即“三立”或“三不朽”),并对世俗观念予以清晰的价值导向,体现出可贵的文化自觉。唐代孔颖达《左传正义》对“三立”阐释为:“立德,谓创制垂法,博施济众……立功,谓拯厄除难,功济于时。立言,谓言得其要,理足可传。”“三立”把人生价值标准精确定位,使古圣先贤超越个体生命融入无限的“大我”而获得精神永生,并成为传统文化的灵魂所在,对后世影响深远。常有人以“三立”或“立三”为名,


2020年山西省古县、高阳、离石三区八校联考高考数学一模试 卷 一、选择题:本题共12个小题,每小题5分,共60分. 1.已知复数z满足z=(i为虚数单位),则z=() A.B. C.1﹣i D.1+i 2.当1<m<时,复数(3+i)﹣m(2+i)在复平面内对应的点位于() A.第一象限 B.第二象限 C.第三象限 D.第四象限 3.若a=50.2,b=logπ3,c=log5sinπ,则() A.b>c>a B.b>a>c C.a>b>c D.c>a>b 4.执行如图所示的程序框图,输出的S值为8,则判断条件是() A.k<2 B.k<4 C.k<3 D.k≤3 5.点P为△ABC边AB上任一点,则使S△PBC≤S△ABC的概率是()A.B.C.D. 6.函数f(x)=sin(2x+)的图象向左平移φ(φ>0)个单位后关于原点对称,则φ的最小值为() A. B.C.D.

7.已知F1,F2分别为双曲线C:﹣=1(a>0,b>0)的左右焦点,过F1的直线l 与双曲线C的左右两支分别交于A,B两点,若|AB|:|BF2|:|AF2|=4:3:5,则双曲线的离心率为() A. B. C.2 D. 8.在平行四边形ABCD中,AB=2,BC=1,∠ABC=120°,平面ABCD内有一点P,满足AP=,若=λ+μ(λ,μ∈R),则2λ+μ的最大值为() A.B.C.D. 9.为了规定工时定额,需要确定加工零件所花费的时间,为此进行了5次试验,得到5组数据(x1,y1),(x2,y2),(x3,y3),(x4,y4),(x5,y5).根据收集到的数据可知=20, 由最小二乘法求得回归直线方程为=0.6x+48,则y1+y2+y3+y4+y5=() A.60 B.120 C.150 D.300 10.若点(a,16)在函数y=2x的图象上,则tan的值为() A.B.C.﹣D.﹣ 11.点M、N分别是正方体ABCD﹣A1B1C1D1的棱A1B1、A1D1中点,用过A、M、N和D、N、C1的两个截面截去正方体的两个角后得到的几何体如图1,则该几何体的正视图、侧视图(左视图)、俯视图依次为图2中的() A.①、②、③ B.②、③、④ C.①、③、④ D.②、④、③ 12.圆C的方程为x2+y2﹣8x+15=0.若直线y=kx﹣2上至少存在一点,使得以该点为圆心,1为半径的圆与圆C有公共点,则k的最大值是() A.0 B.C.D.﹣1 二.填空题:本大题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分.把答案填在答题卷中相应的横线上. 13.某学校小学部有270人,初中部有360人,高中部有300人,为了调查学生身体发育状况的某项指标,若从初中部抽取了12人,则从该校应一共抽取人进行该项调查. 14.甲几何体(上)与乙几何体(下)的组合体的三视图如图所示,甲、乙几何体的体积分别为V1、V2,则V1:V2等于.


III. Reading Comprehension Section B ( 22%) Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read. (C) Open data-sharers are still in the minority in many fields. Although many researchers broadly agree that public access to raw data would accelerate science—because other scientists might be able to make advances not foreseen by the data's producers—most are reluctant to post the results of their own labours online. When Wolkovich, for instance, went hunting for the data from the 50 studies in her meta-analysis, only 8 data sets were available online, and many of the researchers whom she e-mailed refused to share their work. Forced to extract data from tables or figures in publications, Wolkovich's team could conduct only limited analyses. Some communities have agreed to share online—geneticists, for example, post DNA sequences at the GenBank repository(库), and astronomers are accustomed to accessing images of galaxies and stars from, say, the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, a telescope that has observed some 500 million objects –but these remain the exception, not the rule. Historically, scientists have objected to sharing for many reasons: it is a lot of work; until recently, good databases did not exist; grant funders were not pushing for sharing; it has been difficult to agree on standards for formatting data and the contextual information called metadata; and there is no agreed way to assign credit for data. But the barriers are disappearing in part because journals and funding agencies worldwide are encouraging scientists to make their data public. Last year, the Royal Society in London said in its report that scientists need to ‘shift away from a research culture where data is viewed as private preserve’. Funding agencies note that data paid for with public money should be public information, and the scientific community is recognizing that data can now be shared digitally in ways that were not possible before. To match the growing demand, services are springing up to make it easier to publish research products online and enable other researchers to discover and cite them. Although calls to share data often concentrate on the moral advantages of sharing, the


湖北省 八校 2015届高三第一次联考 语文试题 命题学校:襄阳四中 出题人: 许婷婷 刘澍 郑毅 杜娟 郭军东 审题人:胡梅发 考试时间:2014年12月11日上午9:00—11:30 试卷满分150分 考试用时150分钟 一、语文基础知识(共15分,共5小题,每小题3分) 1.下列各组词语中,加点字的读音全都正确的一组是 A .中. (zhōng )肯 骠.(piào )勇 锁钥.(yuè) 徇.(xùn )私舞弊 B .模. (mú)具 纰.(pī)缪 血.(xuè)压 怙恶不悛.(jùn ) C .付梓. (zǐ) 木讷.(nè) 摒.(bìn )弃 扛.(gāng )鼎之作 D .祓(fú)除 功勋.(xūn ) 岑.(cén )寂 解.(jiě)甲归田 2.下列各组词语中,没有错别字的一组是 A .影碟 掉书袋 叠床架屋 明修栈道,暗度陈仓 B .亲睐 势利眼 分庭抗礼 机不可失,时不再来 C .坐镇 座右铭 赔理道歉 桃李不言,下自成蹊 D .宣泄 泊来品 厝火积薪 前事不忘,后事之师 3.依次填入下列横线处的词语,最恰当的一组是 ①还没到下班时间,他就_______离开了工作岗位。他的行为受到了督察组的通报批评。 ②古诗词是中国文化的_______。从儿童时期就开始学习古诗词,不仅是在练就“童子功”,更是在培养兴趣,它是一个_______的过程,一个________的过程,让儿童在不知不觉中受到有益的影响。 A .径直 瑰宝 熏陶 循序渐进 B .径自 珍宝 熏染 循序渐进 C .径自 瑰宝 熏陶 潜移默化 D .径直 珍宝 熏染 潜移默化 4.下列各项中,没有语病的一项是 A .习近平指出,维护台海和平稳定符合中美共同战略利益。希望美方恪守一个中国政策和中美三 个联合公报,停止售台武器,以实际行动支持两岸关系和平发展。 B .作为国家水资源配置整合的重大水利工程,南水北调中线工程是一项“南北双赢”的伟大工程。 对于湖北而言,这既是一次奉献,也是一次发展的机遇。 C .专家指出,最新数据显示,我省肺癌发病率达千分之一,约为全国平均值的2倍。肺癌已成湖 北人所患癌症中的“头号杀手”,男女患者死亡均最高。 鄂南高中 黄冈中学 黄石二中 荆州中学 襄阳四中 襄阳五中 孝感高中 华师一附中


台州市八校联考数学试题 班级 姓名 1、抛物线2 y ax bx c =++的顶点坐标是2424b ac b a a ?? -- ??? ,. 2、方差的计算公式为S 2= ()()2 2 2121()n x a x a x a n ??-+-++-? ? , 其中n 表示数据的个数,a 为12 ,n x x x 这n 个数的平均数。 一、选择题(每小题4分,共40分) 1.-2的相反数是( ) A .2 B .-2 C .12 - D . 12 2.要反映我市一周内每天的最高气温的变化情况,宜采用( ) A.折线统计图 B.扇形统计图 C.条形统计图 D.频数分布直方图 3.下列交通标志中,既是中心对称图形,又是轴对称图形的是( ) 4.数据-2,-2,2,2 的中位数及方差分别是( ) A.-2,-2 B.2,2 C.0,2 D.0,4 5.如图,在菱形ABCD 中,点E 、 F 分别是AB 、AC 的中点,如果EF =3,那么菱形ABCD 的周长是( ) A. 24 B. 18 C. 12 D. 6 6.如图①是由5个大小相同的正方体组成的几何体,从正面所看到的平面图形是( ) 7.给出下列函数:①2y x =;②21y x =-+;③()2 0y x x =>;④()21y x x =<-。 其中y 随x 的增大而减小的函数是( ) A.①② B.①③ C.②④ D.②③④ 8.在直角坐标系中,⊙O 的圆心在原点,半径为3,⊙A 的圆心A 的坐标为(-,1),半径为1,那么⊙O 与⊙A 的位置关系为( ) A.外离 B.外切 C.内切 D.相交 9.对任意实数x ,点P(x,x 2 -2x)一定不在.. ( ) A .第一象限 B .第二象限 C .第三象限 D .第四象限 10.如图,AB 为⊙O 的直径,AC 交⊙O 于E 点,BC 交⊙O 于D 点,CD=BD ,∠C=70°,现给出以下四个结论: ① ∠A=45°;②AC=AB ;③ ; ④CE ·AB=2BD 2 其中正确结论的个数为 ( ) A .1个 B .2个 C .3个 D .4个 3E A B C D F A. B. C. D. 图① A B C D ︵ ︵ AE = BE


Unit 1 Our world Life in a day What do you love? What do you fear? What’s in your pocket? These are the questions from the film Life in a Day. Director Kevin Macdonald asked people around the world to answer the questions and send in a video clip from a typical day. He was interested in creating a picture of the world, a digital time capsule for the future. On 24 July 2010, people from Africa, Europe, America, Antarctica and Asia recorded events on their mobile phones and digital cameras and uploaded them onto the Internet. In all there were 81,000 video clips. It took Macdonald and a team of researchers seven weeks to make them into a film. The film starts at midnight. The moon is high in the sky, elephants are washing themselves in a river in Africa and a baby is sleeping. At the same time, in other parts of the world, people are getting up, brushing their teeth and making breakfast. In the next minutes of the one-and-a-half-hour-long film, we watch everyday routines from more than 140 different countries and see the connections between them. In one short scene an American girl is playing with her hula hoop. In another, a child is working at a shoeshine stand in Peru. One looks well off, the other is poor, but then the shoeshine boy shows us his favorite thing—his notebook computer. He’s very proud of it because he earned the money to pay for it. “We all care about the same things,” says the director and in some ways he’s right. Family and friends are the things most people love and many of them are keen on sports, like football. But then one man says he loves his cat and another loves his fridge because it doesn’t talk back. Monsters, dogs and death are the things most people fear. One young girl is worried about growing up and a man in Antarctica says, “I’m afraid of losing this place.” But when asked, “What’s in your pocket?”, the answers are surprising. We don’t see an ID card, a shopping list, or a bus ticket. Instead, one person has a paper towel, and another shows us a button. A poor man says he has nothing. He’s not ashamed of his poverty—he’s simply happy to be alive. The film ends just before midnight, with a young woman in her car. It’s raining outside and she’s recording a short clip on her phone. “I just want people to know that I’m here,” she says. In other words, she wants to show that her life matters. Even though their lives are very different, the people in Life in a Day have one thing in common: each of them is able to find meaning and happiness, no matter what his or her life is like. My work at UNICEF China Li Zhen from UNICEF (United Nations Children’s Fund) China was interviewed by our reporter last week. Here is what he shared with us. Reporter: What does UNICEF do?


八校联考数学试卷 说明:本卷共有六个大题,25个小题;全卷满分120分;考试时间120分钟. 题目 一 二 三 四 五 六 总分 分数 一、选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题3分,共30分.每小题只有一个正确选项,请把正确选项的代号填在题后的括号内.) 1.-4的相反数等于( ) A. 4 B. -4 C. 41 D. 4 1 - 2.下列运算中,正确的是( ) A . 422x x x =+ B . 22x x x =÷ C . 4224)2(x x -=- D . 32x x x =? 3.2008年11月26日,“中国红歌会”在人民大会堂成功举行. “中国红歌会” 自2006年以来连续举办三届,报名人数达到138000余人,用科学计数法表示为( ) A.人4108.13? B.人5108.13? C.人510381 ?. D .人610381?. 4. 下面有4个汽车标志图案,其中是轴对称图形的是:( ) ① ② ③ ④ A.②③④ B.①③④ C.①②④ D.①②③ 5.抛物线542 +-=x x y 的顶点坐标是( ) A.( 2, 1 ) B.( -2, 1 ) C.( 2, 5 ) D.( -2,5) 6. 将一张等腰梯形纸片沿中位线剪开,拼成一个新的图形, 这个新的图形可以是下列图形中的( )。 A. 三角形 B. 平行四边形 C. 矩形 D. 正方形 7.如果小明将镖随意投中如图所示的正方形木框中, 那么投中阴影部分的概率为 ( ) A .16 B . 18 C . 19 D . 112 8.如图,矩形ABCD 内接于⊙O ,且AB =3,BC =1.则图 中阴影部分所表示的扇形AOD 的面积为( ) A. 3π B. 4π C. 6π D.8 π 9.如图,小正方形的边长均为1,则下列图中的三角形(阴 影部分)与△ABC 相似的是( ) 10.在平面直角坐标系中,已知点A (-4,0),点B (2,0),若点C 在一次函数 1 22 y x =-+的图象上,且△ABC 为等腰三角形,则满足条件的点C 有 ( ) A. 2个 B. 3个 C. 4个 D. 5个 二、填空题(本大题共6小题,每小题3分,共18分) 11.函数2y x =- 中,自变量x 的取值范围是 . 12.一组数据4、-2、5、7,、-3的中位数为 . 13.选做题(从下面两题中只选做一题...........,.如果做了两题的.......,.只按第...(.Ⅰ.).题评分...) (Ⅰ)分解因式:2 2 22x y -= . (Ⅱ)用计算器计算:157?= (保留三位有效数字). 14.如图, AB 是⊙O 的直径,点C 在⊙O 上,∠BAC =30°, 点P 在线段OB 上运动.设∠ACP =x ,则x 的取值范围是 . 15.不等式组369 240x x ->??-

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