当前位置:文档之家› 考研英语历年词汇考点汇总


英语: ?点 总


1.fade (v.衰退)

[真题例句] As the brain?fades?we refer?to these?occur?r ence?s“senio?r momen?t s.”

? “ ?刻”。【 2014 完形】

2、damag?i ng (a.破坏性 ) wellb?e ing (n.幸福)

[真题例句] While?s eemi?n gly innoc?e nt this loss of menta?l focus?c an poten?t iall?y have a damag?i ng impac?t on our profe?s sion?a l socia?l and perso?n al wellb?e ing.

?害但 种精??? 、 ?幸福 破?坏性 ?。【2014 完形】

3、turn out (证明 ) worko?u t (n.锻炼) funct?i on (n.功 )

[真题例句] It turne?d out that the brain?needs?exerc?i se inmuc?h the same way our muscl?e s do and the right?menta?l worko?u ts can signi?f ican?t ly impro?v e our basic?cogni ?t i ve funct?i ons. 证明 ??????功 。【 ,2014,完形】

4、proce?s s(n.过 )

[真题例句]Think?i ng is essen?t iall?y a proce?s s of makin?g conne?c tion?s in the brain ?.???系过 。【 2014 完型】


[真题例句] To a certa?i n exten?t,our abili?t y to excel?in makin?g the conne?c tion ?s that drive?intel?l igen?ce is inher?i ted.擅长 ? 系? 种 ?? 系 ??发展。【 2014 完形】

6、howev?e r(conj. 而),accor?d ing to(prep.根据)

[真题例句]Howev?e r,becau?s e these?conne?c tion?s are made throu?g h effor?t and pract ?i c e,scien?t ists? belie?v e that intel?l igen?c e can expan?d and fluct?u ate accor?d ing to menta?l effor?t. 而 ? 系 ??? 根?据?而 展 ?。【 2014 完形】

7.furth?e r (ad.更进 步) sharp?n ess (n.敏锐)

[真题例句] Now a new Web—based?compa?n y has taken?it a step furth?er and devel ?o p ed the first?“brain?train?i ng”desig?n ed to actua?l ly help peopl?e impro?v e and regai ?n their?menta?l sharp?n ess.???更进 步 发 第? “ ?” 真 ???精 敏锐?度。【 2014 完形】

8.allow?(vt.容许 允许)

[真题例句] The Web-based? progr?a m allow?s you to syste?m atic?a lly impro?v e your memor?y and atten?t ion skill?s.??系 ???

?。【2014 完形】

9.keep track?of (追踪)

[真题例句] The progr?am keeps?track?of your progr?e ss and provi?d es detai?l ed feedb ?a c k on your perfo?r manc?e and impro?v emen?t.?进展进 ?追踪 ??详细反馈。【 2014 完形】

10.const?a ntly?(ad.不断 )build?on ( 进?步发展)effec?t ive(a. 效 )

[真题例句] Most impor?t antl?y it const?a ntly?modif?i es and enhan?c es the games?you play to build?on the stren?g ths you are devel?o p ing?—much like an effec?tive exerc?ise routi?n e requi?r es you to incre?a se resis?t ance?and vary your muscl?e use.

? 效 ?锻炼 ? 、 锻?炼? 不断 ?

? 进 ?进 而进 步??形 种?优势。【 2014 完形】

11.sign on [(登 失 (?救济金)]

[真题例句]“Those?f irst?few days shoul?d be spent?looki?n g for work not looki ?n g to sign on ”he claim?e d.“ ?? 而不 进?失 登 ?” 声 。【 2014 阅读】


1.grant?(vt. 予 准许),exter?n al (.外部 )

[真题例句] At first?glanc?e this might?seem like a stren?g th that grant?s the abili ?t y to make judgm?e nts which?are unbia?s ed by exter?n al facto?r s.? 种优?势?不 外 ???。【 2013 完形】

2、pictu?r e (n. 局 )

[真题例句] But Dr. Uri Simon?s ohn specu?l ate that an inabi?l ity to consi?d er the big pictu?r e was leadi?n g decis?i on-maker?s to be biase?d by the daily?sampl?e s of infor ?m a tio?n they were worki?n g with.

但乌 ?? 不 局???? 而?带 偏见。【 2013 完形】

3.be soft on ( 软弱) for examp?l e (例如) fearf?u l(a.担心 害怕 )

[真题例句] For examp?le he thtor?i sed that a judge?fearf?u l of appea?r i ng too soft on crime?might?be more likel?y to send smeon?e to priso?n if he had alrea?d y sente?n ced five or six other?defen?dants?only to force?d commu?n ity servi?c e on that day.例如 ? 害?怕??过 心 ?软 ? 如 ???进 性?????性 更 。


[真题例句] To test this idea he turne?d to the unive?r sity?-admis?s ions?proce?s s. 检验 ?种想 而 ??过。【 2013 完形】

5.other?w ise (ad. 反 其反 )

[真题例句]Dr. Simon?sohn suspe?c ted the truth?was other?w ise.?

?非如此。【 2013 完形】

6.condu?c t (vt.进 执 )

[真题例句] He studi?ed the resul?t s of 9323 MBA inter?v iews?condu?c ted by 31 admis ?s i ons?offic?e rs.9?323?31? 进 ?M BA?结 。【2013


7.rate(vt. 评估 评价)

[真题例句] The inter?v iewe?r s had rate appli?cants?on a scale?of one to five.

?1?5 准 ? 进 ?评分。【 2013 完形】

8.take.into consi?d erat?i on (把 内)

[真题例句] This scale?took numer?o us facto?r s into consi?d erat?i on. 评分 ?

?。【 ,2013,完形】

9.undo (v.消除 消)

[真题例句] This might?sound?small?but to undo the effec?t s of such a decre?a se a candi?d ate would?need 30 more GMAT point?s than would?other?w ise have been neces?sary. 许 ?分?不 但 消除? 分??

GMA?T? 不 ?30分?。【2013 完形】

10.indic?t ment?(n.指控)

[真题例句] This top-down conce?p tion?of the fashi?o n busin?e ss could?n’t be more out of date or at odds with the fever?i sh world?d escr?i bed in Overd?r esse?d Eliza?b eth Cline?’s three?-year indic?t ment?of“fast fashi?o n.” 种 ? 而 ? 过 ??E l iza?b eth Cline?《过度 ??完全不同。


1.maint?a in (vt. 持)

[真题例句] The court?canno?t maint?a in its legit?i macy?as guard?an of the rule of law when justi?c es behav?e like polit?i cian?s.?? 不 ?

持其 ???性。


[真题例句]Yet in sever?a l insta?n ces,justi?c es acted?in ways that weake?n ed the court?’s reput?a tion?for being?indep?e nden?t and impar?t ial. 而 例??害 ? 、 声?誉。

3.accep?t as(接 )

[真题例句]That kind of activ?t iy makes?it less likel?y that the court?’s decis ?i o ns will be accep?t ed as impar?t ial judgm?e nts. 种?? 不 ??合 。


[真题例句] Part of the probl?e m is that the justi?c es are not bound?by an ethic ?s code. 题 ? 种 度??不 ?准 约束?。【2012 完形】

5.subje?c t .(a. ) apply?(v. 用)

[真题例句] At the very least?the court?shoul?d make itsel?f subje?c t to the code of condu?c t that appli?e s to the rest of the feder?al judic?i ary.??用 其 ? 部 ? 准 ?。【2012 完形】

6.raise?(vt. ) line in(n. 线)

[真题例句] This and other?simil?a r cases?raise?the quest?i on of wheth?er there?is still? a line betwe?e n the court?and polit?i cs.?其????间?线。【 2012 完形】

7.envis?i on as(把 设想 )

[真题例句] The frame?r s of theCo?n stit?u tion?envis?i oned?law as havin?g autho?r ity

apart? from polit?i cs.? 设想???外 权 。【 2012 完形】

8.upset?(vt. 气).culti?v ate (vt.培养)

[真题例句]They gave justi?c es perma?n ent posit?ions so they would?be free to upset ?t hose?in power?and have no need to culti?v ate polit?i cal suppo?r t.? 性? 此 不?担心 ?权 不 培??支持。【 2012完形】

9.tie(vt. 系)

[真题例句]Our legal? syste?m was desig?n ed to set law apart?from polit?i cs preci ?s e ly becau?s e they are so close?l y tied.?度 ??分 ? 系 ?过紧密。

【 2012 完形】

10.conce?p t (n.观 )

[真题例句] Const?i tuti?o nal law is polit?i cal becau?s e it resul?t s from choic?e s roote ?d in funda?m enta?l socia?l conce?p ts like liber?t y and prope?r ty.?性 ? 根 ? 如 ?? 观 ?选择。【 ,2012,完形】

11.shape?(vt..形 ),dismi?s s (vt..驳回)

[真题例句] When the court?deals?with socia?l polic?y decis?i ons,the law it shape ?s is inesc?a pabl?y polit?i c al——which?is why decis?ions split?along?ideol?o gica?l lines ?a re so easil?y dismi?s sde as unjus?t.?? 形 ? 不 ? 带 ? —— ? 想 ?线不同而 ? 分 ? 容 ?不 ?而 驳回?原 。【 ,2012,完形】

12.addre?s s(vt. ) accou?n tabl?e (a.?)

[真题例句] The justi?c es must addre?s s doubt?s about?the court?’s legit?i macy?by makin?g thems?e lves?accou?ntabl?e to the code of condu?c t.? 准 ???性 题?。【,2012,完形】

13.reneg?e on (违背)

[真题例句] The compa?n y provo?k ed justi?f ied outra?g e in Vermo?n t last week when it annou?n ced it was reneg?i n g on a longs?t andi?n g commi?tment?to abide?by the state?’s stric ?t nucle?a r regul?a tion?s.?背 长 ???

?特() 合 ?。【2012 阅读】



[真题例句]It hoped?they would?learn?how shop-floor?light?i ng affec?t ed worke?r s' produ?c tivi?t y.(?委)??间 明 如??

效 ?。【 2010 完形】

2.end up( 终 )act(二.)

[真题例句]Inste?a d, the studi?e s ended?up givin?g their?name to the "Hawth?o rne effec?t," theex?t reme?l y influ?e ntia?l idea that the very act of being?exper?i ment?e d upon chang?e d subje?c ts’behav?i or.不过 ?终?“霍桑效 ”??明 ?? 接 ?验?而?。【 2010完形】

3. perpl?e x (vt. 困惑 费解)

[真题例句〕The idea arose?becau?s e of the perpl?e xing?behav?i orof?thewo?m en in the plant?.?费解 ???想。【 2010 完形】

4.accou?n t(n. 叙 )

[真题例句〕Accor?d ing to accou?n ts of the exper?iment?s,their?h ourl?y outpu?t rose when light?i ngwa?s incre?a sed, but also when it was dimme?d.根据 验 ? 不 ??明??增。【 2010 完形】

5.matte?r(v. 关系)so long as()

[真题例句〕It did not matte?r whatw?a s donei?n the exper?i ment?; so long as somet ?h i ng was chang?e d, produ?c tivi?t y rose. 验内容 ?关紧 ?发 效? 。【 2010 完形】

6. aware?n ess(n. 识)

[真题例句〕An aware?r nest?h at they were being?exper?i ment?e d upon seeme?d to be enoug ?h toalt?e r worke?r s' behav?i orby?itsel?f.?接 验? 识 ???。【 2010 完形】

7, be subje?c ted to( 遭 )

[真题例句〕After?sever?a l decad?e s, the same data were subje?c ted to econo?m etri ?c analy?s is.? 同 ?据 用??济 分 ?。【 2010完形】

8. contr?a ry to( 反),evide?n ce(n.证据)

[真题例句〕Contr?a ry to the deion?s on recor?d, no syste?m atic?evide?n c e was found ?t hatl?e vels?of produ?c tivi?t y were relat?e d to chang?e s in light?i ng. 验 ?

反? 系 ?证据 明 ?? 明? 关?。【2010 完形】

9. misle?a d Cvt.误 )for examp?l e(例如)

[真题例句〕It turns? out that the pecul?i ar way of condu?c ting?the exper?i ment?s may have led tomis?l eadi?n g inter?p reta?t ions?of what happe?n ed. For examp?l e light?i ng was alway?s chang?e d on aSund?a y.结 明 进 验 ?特?? 发 ?

误?解。例如:总 ? 明。【 2010 完形】

10.duly (ad.)conti?n ue (vi.继续)

[真题例句〕When work start?e daga?i n on Monda?y,outpu?t duly rose compa?r e d with thepr ?e v iou?s Satur?d ay and conti?n ued toris?e for the next coupl?e of days.???? 而 接 ??持续 ?。

11.tend to do sth.( 发 ?)hit(v.达 )

[真题例句〕Worke?r s tende?d to be dilig?e nt for the first?few days of the week in any case,befor?e hitti?n g a plate?a u and then slack?e ning?off.?

??? 达 ? 接 ?松懈 。【 2010完形】

12, about?-face[n.( 想、 )]

[真题例句〕Curbs?on busin?e ss-metho?d claim?s would?be a drama?t ic about?-face.

? 权???性?。【 2010 阅读】2009

1.consi?d er(v. 细想)

[真题例句]Consi?d er the fruit?-fly exper?i ment?s descr?i bed by Car Zimme?r in the Scien?c e Times?. 想 《 发 ?关 ?验 ?。【

2009 阅读】

2.tend(v.倾向 趋 )

[真题例句]Fruit?flies?who were taugh?t to be smart?e r than the avera?g e fruit?fly tende?d to live short?e r lives?.??更 明 ??较短。【 2009 完形】

3.dim ( a.阴暗 昏暗 ),advan?t age(n.优势)

[真题例句〕This sugge?s ts that dimme?r bulbs?burn longe?r, that there?is an advan ?t a ge in not being?too brigh?t. 明 较?暗?明 间更?长 不 明 ? 种优势?。【2009 完形】

4.turn out( 结 ?终 )

[真题例句〕Intel?l igen?c e, it turns?out, is a high-price?d optio?n.结 种? 选择?。【2009 完形】

5.gradu?a l (a.逐渐 逐步 )

[真题例句〕It takes? moxe upkee?p, burns?more fuel and is slow off the start?i ng line becau?s e it depen?d s on learn?i ng——a gradu?al proce?s s——inste?a d of insti?n ct. 更 ? 养 更 ? 步 ?明?- 渐进 ?过 而不? 。【 2009 完形】

6.limit?e d (a.)

[真题例句〕Is there? an adapt?i ve value?to limit?e d intel?l igen?c e??

???【2009 完形】

7.perfo?r m(v.做 )

[真题例句〕Resea?r ch on anima?l intel?l igen?c e also makes?us wonde?r what exper?i ment ?s anima?l s would?perfo?r m on human?s if they had the chanc?e.? 验 ??:如??做 ?验。【 2009 完形】

8.for insta?n ce(例如)

[真题例句〕Every?cat with an owner?,for insta?n ce, is runni?n g a small?-scale?study ?i n opera?n t condi?t ioni?n g.例如:? 进?? 性 ?反

?。【2009 完形】

9.funda?m enta?l (a.根 )above?all(?)

[真题例句]Above?all, they would?hope to study? a funda?m enta?l quest?i on: Are human ?s actua?l ly aware?of the world?they live in??? 根 ?题: 真? 解 ???【2009 完形】

10, so far(迄今 止)

[真题例句〕So far the resul?t s are incon?c lusi?v e.?。【 2009


11, rut(n. 辙)

[真题例句〕But don't bothe?r tryin?g to kill off old habit?s; once those?ruts of proce?d ure are worn into the brain?,they're there? to stay.但 不 费 ?气

?旧惯; 惯? 进?? 。【 2009 阅读】2008

1.be prepa?r ed to(准备)

[真题例句〕But Grego?r y Cochr?a n is prepa?r ed to say it anywa?y. 但 ?

准?备 如 ??观点。【 2008 完形】

2.rare ( a.稀罕 珍 ),indep?e nden?t ly of()

[真题例句〕He is that rare bird, a scien?t ist who works?indep?e nden?t ly of any insti

?t u tio?n.?种特 ?:?? 。【 2008 完形】

3.previ?o usly?(ad. 先 )

[真题例句】He helpe?d popul?a rize?the ides. that some disea?s es not previ?o usly?thoug?h t to have a bacte?rial cause?were actua?l l y infec?t ion's which?arous?e d much contr?o vers?y when it was first?sugge?s ted.?种观点 ??

细 ??? 观点 ???争议。【 2008完形】

4.sugge?s t(vt.)

[真题例句]Toget?h erwi?t hano?t her two scien?t ists?,he is publi?s hing? a paper?which ?n ot only sugge?s ts that one group?o fhum?a nity?is more intel?l igen?t than the other?s but expla?i ns thepr?o cess? that has broug?h t this about?. 同其 ??发 ? 不 ?指?其 更?明 而 解 ?种 ? 过 。【 2008 完形】

5.in quest?i on(?谈)

[真题例句〕The group?in quest?i on are a parti?cular?peopl?e origi?n ated? from centr ?a l Europ?e.??? 特?民 。【 2008 完形】

6. score?(vt.?赛 分)mean (a. 均 )dispr?o port?ionat?e ly (ad.不 不 例 ?不匀 ),caree?r(n. 涯),affir?m (vt.证 ) [真题例句〕This group?gener?a lly do well in IQ tests?,scori?n g 12-15 point?s above ?t he mean value?of 100and have contr?i bute?d dispr?o port?i onat?e ly to the intel?l ectu ?a l and cultu?r al life of the West, as the caree?r s of their?elite?s, inclu?d ing sever ?a l world?-renow?n ed scien?tists?, affir?m.? 验? 分较 ? 均分1?00分 1?21}分;但 ?民 精英? 其 ??? 证 ?

民 ???? 不 ?例 ?贡献。

2008 完形】

7. howev?e r (ad. 而)

[真题例句〕These?facts?,howev?e r, have previ?ously?been thoug?h t unrel?ated.但 ??间 ?系。【 2008 完形】

8. put down to(归 ),value?(vt. 视 珍惜)

[真题例句〕The forme?r has been put down to socia?l effec?t s, such as a stron?g tradi ?t i on of valui?n g educa?t ion. 归 ? 如 视 ??。【 2008完形】

9. subje?c t (vt. 遭 )parad?o xica?l (a. 而非 ?)

[真题例句〕His argum?e nt is that the unusu?a l histo?r y of these?peopl?e has subje ?c t ed them to uniqu?e evolu?t iona?r y press?u res that have resul?t ed in this parad?o xica ?l state? of affai?r s. 点 ? 非同?寻? 遭 ? 特 ?进

而 ? 种??。【 2008 完形】

10.conse?q uenc?e(n.)

[真题例句〕The latte?r was seen a conse?q uenc?e of genet?i c isola?t ion. 视 ??结 。【 2008 完形】

11.link ( vt. 结 系)

[真题例句〕Dr. Cochr?a n sugge?s ts that the intel?l igen?c e and disea?s e s are intim ?a t ely?linke?d. 指?? 紧密 ?系 。【 2008 完形】


1.inhab?i tant?(n.居民),hopef?u lly (ad.?)

[真题例句〕The rough?l y 20 milli?o n inhab?i tant?s,of these?natio?n s looke?d hopef ?u l ly to the futur?e. ?约 ?居民 ?充满 待。【 2007 完形】

2. share?(vt.共同拥 [ 种 、特 ?]),open(a.[ 、 ?、

] 用 拥 )right?(n.权 )

[真题例句〕Born in the crisi?s of the old regim?e and Iberi?a n Colon?i alis?m, many of the leade?r s of indep?e n den?c e share?d the ideal?o f repre?s enta?t ive gover?n m ent?caree ?r s open to talen?t freed?o m of comme?r ce and trade?the right?to priva?t e prope?r ty, and a belie?f in the indiv?i dual?as the basis?of socie?t y.许 ??旧 权 ??民????: 议 ?、??选择、 ?、 ?权 ?? 。【 2007 完形】

3. gener?a lly (ad. 遍 )commo?n (a.[ 、 仰、 想 ]共同 )

[真题例句〕Gener?a lly there?was a belie?f that the new natio?n s shoul?d be sover ?e i gn and indep?e nden?t state?s large?enoug?h to be econo?m ical?l y viabl?e and integ?r ated ?b y a commo?n set of laws. 遍 ????持?济 共?同 把 ? 合 ?。【 2007 完形】

4, freed?o m(n.)howev?e r (ad. 而 但 ),among?( prep.)

[真题例句〕On the issue?of freed?o m of relig?i on and the posit?i on of the Churc ?h,howev?e r, there?was less agree?m ent among?the leade?r ship?.但 ??题 间? 分 ?。【2007 完形】

5. allow?( vt.接 )

[真题例句〕Roman?Catho?l icis?m had been the state?relig?i on and the only one allow ?e d by the Spani?s h crown?.?过???

?。【2007 完形】

6. exclu?s ion(n.排除)

[真题例]While?most leade?r s sough?t to maint?a in Catho?l icis?m as the offic?i al relig ?i o n of the new state?s, some sough?t to end the exclu?s ion of other?faith?s.

??继续 ??? 部分 ??终结 种排?

其 仰?状 。【 2007 完形】

7.cry (n. 号)

[真题例句]The defen?se of the Churc?h becam?e a rally?i ng cry for the conse?r vati ?v e force?s.? 势 ? 号?。【2007 完形】

8. promi?s e(v. 证 答 ),in retur?n( 回报)

[真题例句]Boliv?a r had recei?v ed aid from Haiti?and had promi?s ed in retur?n to aboli?s h slave?r y in the areas?he liber?a ted.?? 回报 ?解 ? 除 ?。【 2007 完形】

9. remai?n ing (a.剩余 其余 )

[真题例句〕By 1854 slave?r y had been aboli?s h ed every?w here?excep?t Spain?'s remai ?n i ng colon?i es.1854? 除 ?余 民?外 其 ?除 ?。【 2007 完形】

10. slow.(a.),produ?c e (vt.带 )

[真题例]Early?promi?ses to end India?n tribu?t e and taxes?on peopl?e of mixed?origi ?n came much slowe?r becau?se the new natio?n s still? neede?d the reven?u e such polic?i es produ?c ed.?消印第 ? 贡 ? 消 ? 种 ??

???? 带??。【 2007 完形】

11.be unpre?p ared?for( 准备)

[真题例句〕Egali?t aria?n senti?m ents?were often?tempe?r ed by fears?that the mass of the popul?a tion?was unpre?p ared?for self-rule and democ?r acy. 担心 ?

? 民 做?准备 ???解。【 2007 完形】

12.mania?(n. 衷)

[真题例句〕Socce?r-mad paren?t s are more likel?y to conce?i ve child?r e n in sprin?gtime?,at the annua?l peak of socce?r mania?.? 更 ??

???。【 2007 阅读】


1.copy[vi.( 功 ),indee?d (ad. 确 )

[真题例句]Indee?d, homel?e ssne?s s has reach?e d such propo?r tion?s that local?gover ?n m ent?can't possi?b ly cope. 归 ?? 例? 。 归 ? 例?如此 ?? 。【 2006 完形】

2.raise?( vt.增 )towar?d (prep.向 朝)

[真题例句]To help homel?e ss peopl?e towar?d indep?e nden?c e, the feder?a l gover?n ment ?m ust suppo?r t job train?i ng progr?a ms raise?the minim?u m wage, and fund more low-cost housi?n g.? 归 ?向?支持 ?培 、 ?

准 ? 设更 ? 价 ?。【2006 完形】

3. range?[vi.(价 、 )?围内]

[真题例句〕Estim?a tes range?anywh?e re from 600 000 to 3 milli?o n.估 6?0 30?0 间。【 2006 完形】

4.incre?a se(v.增 )

[真题例句]Altho?u gh the figur?e may vary, analy?s ts do agree?on anoth?e r matte?r: that the numbe?r of the homel?e ss is incre?a sing?. 估?? 不 同?分?外 ?题 见 ?: 归 ??增长。【 2006 完形】

5.predi?c t (vt.预言 预 )

[真题例句〕one of the feder?a l gover?n ment?'s studi?e s predi?c ts that the numbe?r of the homel?e ss will reach? nearl?y 19 milli?o n by the end of this decad?e.?

预?? 结束 ? 归 ? 接?近1900?。【 2006完形】

6. assis?t(v. 协 )

[真题例句]Findi?n g ways to assis?t this growi?n g homel?e ss popul?a tion? has becom?e incre?a sing?l y diffi?c ult.想 ???归? 困难。【

2006 完形】

7.shelt?e r(n.栖 )wande?r(v.闲逛 漫步)

[真题例句]Even when homel?e ss indiv?i dual?s manag?e to find a shelt?e r that will give them three?meals? a day and a place?to sleep?at night? a good numbe?r still?spend?the bulk of each day wande?r i ng the stree?t.?归 设 ???

???部分 间 ?落街头。【 2006 完形】

8. survi?v al(n. 幸 ),turn aroun?d[( 、部 )]

[真题例句〕Many other?s, while?not addic?t ed or menta?l ly ill, simpl?y lack the every ?d a y survi?v al skill?s neede?d to turn their?lives? aroun?d. 许 ? 不 ?

精 ?但 ? 状?? 。【 2006 完形】

9. compr?e hens?i ve (a.全 )

[真题例句]Bosto?n Globe? repor?t er Chris? Reidy? notes? that the situa?t ion will impro?v e only when there? are compr?e hens?i ve progr?a ms that addre?s s the many needs?of the homel?e ss.《 ?报 ?? 过全 ? 解 ??归 种?求 种局 ?。【 2006 完形】

10.put(v. 达)coord?i nati?o n(n.协调 配合)

[真题例句〕As Edwar?d Zlotk?o wski?,direc?t or of commu?n ity servi?c e at Bentl?e y Colle ?g e inMas?s achu?s etts?puts it“There?has to be coord?i nati?o n of progr?a ms. What's neede ?d is a packa?g e deal.”用 ? 特 ??部? 特 ??:“ 种 ?协调 ???。”【 2006 完形】

11. homog?e nize?(vt. 均匀 同 )

[真题例句〕In spite?of "endle?s s talk of diffe?rence?," Ameri?c an socie?t y is an amazi ?n g machi?n e for homog?e nizi?n g peopl?e.?? 性 ? 止 ?争议 ? 部 ? 同 ?器。【 2006 阅读】

12. bumme?r (n. 失 ?形)

[真题例句〕Given?all this, they did not exact?l y need their?art to be a bumme ?r too. 此 不? 用 ??苦 。【 2006 阅读】

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