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一.What do you know about the Roosevelt’s New Deal?

1. The great depression of 1929-1933 happened in America, which made the American economy fall into an emergent situation.

2. In the presidential election of 1932, Franklin D. Roosevelt, a Democrat, defeated the Republican candidate and became President.

3. He was empowered by Congress to deal with the emergency and save the situation. He called his program “The New Deal”, which had two principal purposes.

4. At home, many public projects were launched to create employment through a huge increase in government responsibility. Crops were destroyed and agricultural production was cut down to stabilize the falling farm prices. The big industries were also compelled to make reforms.

5. At abroad. Roosevelt took efforts to consolidate the old markets and to conquer new ones under the cloak of the “Good Neighbor Policy”.

6. Roosevelt also took some measures of “social security”, paying pensions to the old, unemployed and the injured.

7. Roosevelt’s “New Deal” did not change the capitalist system but helped to improve it.

8. The “New Deal” had a certain historical importance. It relaxed the economic crisis, made some concessions to the working people, stopped the national economy from collapsing and especially prevented the U.S from becoming a fascist state such as Germany, Italy and Japan.

二. What do you know about the “Glorious Revolution”?

1. By this time, the Cavaliers and Roundheads had settled down to become England’s first political parties, the former the Tories and the latter the Whigs.

2. The Whigs were still not satisfied and began to stir up popular felling against the King’s brother, James, who was a Catholic and was likely to be the next king.

3. Most people did not want a Catholic king, but the Whig’s violent behavior reminded England too much of Cromwell.

4. In the interest of common justice, Parliament passed in 1679 the well-known Habeas Corpus Act, according to which, any person arrested or detained should be brought before a court of judge within twenty-four hours.

5. JamesⅡ, Charles’s brother, ascended the throne after Charles died in 1685. He openly ignored laws passed by Parliament and intended to maintain a standing army commanded by Catholics.

6. After three years of struggle, the Whig and Tory leaders at last united against James Ⅱ. Being afraid of another revolution, they planned a coup d’etat.

7. In June 1688 the leaders of Parliament invited William of Holland to come and take the throne. William landed with an army and he was so warmly welcomed that James ran away to France without any attempt at resistance.

8. William and Mary were then crowned as joint rulers. This was known in history as “The Glorious Revolution”

9. In 1689, Parliament expressed the Bill of Rights; the constitutional Monarchy began in England.

10. The English Revolution is an epoch-making event in the history of the world. It concluded the medieval period- the period of feudalism and marks the beginning of the modern period- the period of capitalism. It paved the way for the rapid growth of capitalism in England.

三. What were the consequences of Norman Conquest?

1. It increased the process of feudalism which had begun during Anglo-Saxon times.

2. William the Conqueror established a strong monarchy in England.

3. After the conquest William retained most of the old English customs of government.

4. The Norman Conquest also brought about changes in the church. The upper ranks of the clergy were Normanized and feudalized, following the pattern of lay society.

5. Along with the Normans came the French language, this would be the language of the court and upper classes until the fourteenth century.

四.What do you know about Chartist Movement?

1. The Chartist Movement, like the Anti-Corn Law League, was rooted in many earlier working-class and radical movements for the improvement of social conditions.

2. In 1836, the London Working Men’s Association was organized “to seek by every legal means to place all classes in possession of equal political and social rights.”

3. In 1837 a petition, known as the People’s Charter, was drawn up, which included universal suffrage, adoption of equal electoral districts, abolition of the property qualification for members of Parliament, payment of M.P.s, secret ballot, and annual general election..

4. The basic point of the People’s Charter is Universal Suffrage.

5. The Chartist could be roughly divided into two groups-“moral force”, which believed in reform by peaceful means, and “physical force”, which advocated violence.

6. The Chartist Movement reached its height in 1839-1848.

7. From 1839 to 1848 three petitions were presented to Parliament, but all three were rejected.

8. The Chartist Movement declined after 1848, though the National Charter Association lived until 1858.

9. The Chartist Movement failed because of its divided leadership and lack of a strong basis for class unity.

10. It was after the Chartist Movement that the English working-class entered a period of conducting independent political movement against the bourgeoisie.

五. Why did the Industrial Revolution first take place in Britain?

1. The Industrial Revolution started during the last part of the 18th century.

2. The accumulation of capital; the development of capitalist farming; the appearance of a labor reserve; and the expansion of markets, domestic and foreign.

3. Britain’s population grew in this period and the people were skilled in many different crafts and trades.

4. Britain had built a large empire which had a powerful navy and a huge merchant fleet.

5. Britain was an island with many excellent ports, so foreign trade was easy.

6. Britain had created a world-wide market for its goods and its colonies supplied raw materials. The British slave traders also got a lot of money in their “triangle” trade.

7. The English Parliament from 1760 to 1844 passed three thousand eight hundred Enclosure Acts.

8. All of these factors sped up primitive accumulation and provided an important prerequisite for the Industrial Revolution.

六. How did the Industrial Revolution exert a great influence on both British society and the world?

1. The Industrial Revolution exerts a great influence on both British society and the world.

2. The Industrial Revolution was not only a technological revolution but also a great social upheaval.

3. The Industrial Revolution promoted the development of production.

4. Britain began to produce large quality of low-priced goods in a more efficient manner. Many new cities came into being; population increased; the home market was enlarged. British goods almost achieved a monopoly position in the world market. The Industrial Revolution laid a good foundation for the “factory of the world”.

5. A factory system was established. Workers were employed and managers became capitalists. Two conflicting classes were born.

七. In what ways did Henry Ⅱconsolidate the monarchy?

八. Why and how did the English Parliament come into being?

九. What do you know about Wat Tyler’s Rising?


Chapter 1 land and people are the differences between Britain and the British Isles, Great Britain,England,the United Kingdom and the British Commonwealth The British Isles,Greant Britina and England are geographical names, no the official names of the country,while the official name is the United Kingdom,but the full name is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern British Commonwealth is a free association of independent countries that were once colonies of Britian. the geographical position of Britian Britain is an island country. It lies in the north Atlantic Ocean off the north coast of is separated from the rest of Europe by the English channel in the south and the North Sea in the east. in Great Britain are mostly highland and lowland The north and west of Britain are mainly highland, while the south and south-east are mostly lowlands. Britain have a favourable climate why Yes,it has a favourable climate, because it has a maritime type of climate---winters are mild,not too cold and summers are cool, not too has a steady reliable rainfall throughout the whole has a small range of temperature,too. are the factors which influence the climate in Britain Which part of Britain has the most rainfall and which part is the driest


英语国家概况(1)(2)问题库答案 1. "British history has been a history of invasion". Please illustrate this point with the examples from the text. How did each of the invasions influence English culture ? 1. British history has been a history of invasions. Before the first century AD Britain was made up of many tribal kingdoms of Celtic people: a powerful culture originating in central Europe. Then in 43AD Britain was invaded by the Roman empire, and England and Wales (though not Scotland or Ireland) became a part of the Roman empire for nearly 400 years.Two more groups of invaders were to come after the English: from the late 8th century on, raiders from Scandinavia, the ferocious Vikings, threatened Britain's shores…. 2. What are some general characteristics of Scotland ? 2. Scotland is the second largest of the four nations, both in population and in geographical area. It is also the most confident of its own identity because alone amongst the non-English components of the UK it has previously spent a substantial period of history as a unified state independent of the UK. Thus it is not a big leap for the Scottish to imagine themselves independent again. Physically, Scotland is the most rugged part of the UK, with areas of sparsely populated mountains and lakes in the north (The Highlands), and in the south (The Southern Uplands). Three-quarters of the population lives in the lowland zone which spans the country between these two highland areas. The largest city is Glasgow, in the west of this zone. Scotland's capital city is Edinburgh, on the east coast forty miles away from Glasgow. It is renowned for its beauty, and dominated by its great castle on a high rock in the centre of the city. Both cities have ancient and internationally respected universities dating from the 15th century. 3. Describe Wales' unification with Great Britain. 3. Wales was always under pressure from its English neighbours, particularly after the Norman conquest, when Norman barons set up castles and estates in Wales under the authority of the English Crown. Some brief campaigns are the only times in history when Wales has existed as a unified independent nation. 4. Are there any differences between England and Wales in terms of cultural tradition ? 4.Yes, there are. The close long-standing relationship means that modern Wales lacks some of the outward signs of difference which Scotland possesses—its legal system and its education system are exactly the same as in England. Often official statistics are given for "England and Wales". However, Wales is different, and one of the key markers of that difference is the Welsh language—the old British Celtic tongue which is still in daily use. 5. Why is Northern Ireland, according to the author, so significant in the United Kingdom? What is the political problem there? 5. Until 1921 the full name of the UK was "The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland", not only "Northern Ireland", because the whole island of Ireland was politically integrated with Great Britain, and had been since 1801, while Britain's domination of the Irish dated back centuries even before that date. But Irish desires for an independent Irish state were never lost, and one of the key issues in late nineteenth century British politics was a campaign in parliament for what was called "home-rule"—Irish political control of Irish affairs. The Home Rule Bill was finally passed in 1914, but the process was overtaken by the First World War and was suspended for the duration of the war.


英语国家概况(课后问答题) 第一部分英国概况 1 What are the differences between Britain and the British Isles, Great Britain, England, the United Kingdom and the British Commonwealth? Britain is the shortened form of the United kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland while the British Isles is a geograpical name. 2 What are the three political divisions on the island of Great Britain? They are England, Scotland and Wales 3. What is the official name of Great Britain? The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 4. Where did the King Harold defeat Tostig and Harold Hardrada? ( At Stanford Bridge) 5.What did William do after he suppressed the Saxon risings in the north? (He built a string of defense castles to ensure his military control of the whole country.) 6. How long was Britain under the Roman occupation? ( For nearly 400 years) 7 What was the peculiar features of the feudal system of England? (All landowners, whether the tenants-in-chief or subtenants, took the oath of allegiance for the land they held, not only to their immediate lord, but also to the king.) 8 What did Willliam I leave to his sons after he died? ( He left Normandy to his eldest son, Robert, and England to his second son William, and a large sum of money to his third son, Henry.)9 What was William I’s policy towards the church? (He wanted to keep it completely under his control, but at the same time to upload its power.) 10 When was the Domesday Book completed? ( In 1086) 11 What was the consequence of the Hundred Years’ War? (The French drove the English out of their land. By 1453, Calais was the only part of France that was still in the hands of English) 12 What did the Lollards preach? (The Lollards preached the equality of men before God) 13 What were the two countries Elizabeth I successfully played off against each other for nearly 30 years? ( France and Spain were the two countries that Elizabeth I successfully played off against each other for nearly 30 years) 14 What was the outcome of the English Civil War? (It not only overthrew feudal system in England but also shook the foundation of the feudal rule in Europe. It is generally regarded as the beginning of modern world history.) 15 What were the three main causes of Henry VIII’s religious reform of the Church? ( The three main causes were: a desire for change and reform in the Church had been growing for many years and now, encouraged by the success of Marin Luther, many people believed its time had come; the privilege and wealth of the clergy were also resented; and Henry needed money) 16 Which party did Margaret Thatcher represent in the 1970s? (She represented the Conservative Party) 17 What did the Whigs stand for in the early 19th century? Whigs stood for a reduction in Crown patronage, sympathy towards Nonconformists, and care for the interests of merchants and bankers. 18 Why did changes in farming methods affect lives of millions in the 18th century? (Because village and agriculture were the backbone of England at that time.) 19 When did Britain finally become a full member of the European Economic Community? (Britain finally became a full member of the European Economic Community in January, 1973) 20 Why was Mrs. Thatcher removed from office in 1990? (It was because of her opposition to European Union and her imposition of an extremely unpopular flatrate ‘poll tax’ in place of property taxes to pay for local government service. 21 What were the two groups of the Chartiests? What was their difference? (The Chartists could be divided into two groups: the Moral Force Chartists and the Physical Force Chartists. The former wanted to realize their aims by peaceful means while the latter wanted to achieve their purpose by violence) 22 What was the goal of the London Working Men’s Association in its struggle? (It aimed to ‘ to seek by every legal means to place all classes of society in possession of equal political and social rights) 23 Why was Britain known as the factory of the world in the mid-19th


英美国家概况课后题及答案 Chapter 2 1.The British history before 55BC is basically undocumented.(T) 2.The Celts became the dominant group in Britain between the 8th and 5th centuries BC.(T) 3.The name of Britain came from a Celtic tribe--- the Britons.(T) 4.The Anglo--Saxons came to Britain in the mid--5th century.(T) 5.The chief or king of the Anglo--Saxon tribes exercised power at their own will.(F) 6.The Vikings began to attack the English coast in the 8th century.(T) 7.Henry II built up a large empire which included England and most of France.(T) 8.The Magna Carta was designed to protect the rights of both the privileged class and the townspeople.(F) 9.The Hundred Years' War was a series of wars fought between England and Normans foe trade and territory.(F) 10.In an effort to make a promise between different religious factions,Queen Elizabeth I actually defended the fruit of the Religious Reformation.(T)


08 英语社会类英语国家概况选择题及答案 1.On the island of Great Britain, there are __c______. [A]four political divisions—England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland [B]four political divisions—England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland [C]three political divisions—England, Scotland, and Wales [D]three political divisions—England, Scotland, and Northern Ireland 2.The largest lake in Britain is __b____. [A]Loch Lomond [B]the Lough Neagh [C]Windermere [D]Ullswater 3.Britain’s climate is influenced by __a_____ that sw eeps up from the equator and flows past the British Isles. [A]the Gulf Strteam [B]the Brazil Current [C]the Labrador Current [D]the Falkland current

https://www.doczj.com/doc/c012662984.html,ngd enclosure in Ireland and the Scottish Highlands led to mass emigration, particularly to ___d____. [A]Africa [B]Eastern Europe [C]Asia [D]the Americas 5.Christianity was first brought to England by ___a___. [A]the Romans [B]the Celts [C]the Anglo-Saxons [D]the Danes 6.William, Duke of Normandy, fought King Harold of England at the Battle of Hastings in ___b___. [A]1086 [B]1066 [C]1035 [D]1381 7.When Wales was brought under the English Crown, the title of “Prince


Chapter 2 1.The British history before 55BC is basically undocumented.(T) 2.The Celts became the dominant group in Britain between the 8th and 5th centuries BC.(T) 3.The name of Britain came from a Celtic tribe--- the Britons.(T) 4.The Anglo--Saxons came to Britain in the mid--5th century.(T) 5.The chief or king of the Anglo--Saxon tribes exercised power at their own will.(F) 6.The Vikings began to attack the English coast in the 8th century.(T) 7.Henry II built up a large empire which included England and most of France.(T) 8.The Magna Carta was designed to protect the rights of both the privileged class and the townspeople.(F) 9.The Hundred Years' War was a series of wars fought between England and Normans foe trade and territory.(F) 10.In an effort to make a compromise between different religious factions,Queen Elizabeth I actually defended the fruit of the Religious Reformation.(T) 1. The D attack on Rome ended the Roman occupation in Britain in 410. A. Norman B. Danish C. Celtic D. Germanic 2.By the late 7th century, D became the dominant religion in England. A. Celtic Christianity B. Anglo-Saxon Christianity C. Germanic Christianity D. Roman Christianity


P1 新西兰国家概况 美丽的新西兰位于大洋洲的西南方,紧邻澳大利亚,始建于公元1000年由波利维亚人发现,后经欧洲移民后裔开发和建设。有"白云之乡" (The land of the long white cloud)美誉的岛国新西兰,像一叶扁舟漂浮在西南太平洋上。新西兰西隔塔斯曼海与澳大利亚相望,西距澳大利亚1600公里,北邻汤加、斐济,扼南太平洋的海、空交通要冲。近一千年来,在这片有着广袤田野的土地上,古毛利人留下了丰富的传统文化,欧洲的探险家们又带去了先进的科学、宗教等欧洲文化,创造了今天繁荣富强的新西兰。新西兰的美丽在于她的四季如春。她地处南半球,无论是茂盛的雨林、清澈的湖泊,还是绿草茵的山坡、水清沙白的海滩,无不把宽广的自然空间和优雅的现代化环境结合得恰到好处。 首都:惠灵顿 所属洲:大洋洲 政治体制:议会制君主立宪制 国土面积:26,8021平方公里 人口数量:439万(2010年) 主要宗教:英国国教、天主教 主要民族:白人、毛利人 自然气候:新西兰北部属亚热带气候,南部是温带气候。最热的月份是十二月、一月和二月,最冷的是六月、七月和八月。新西兰的春季为9-11月,夏季为12-2月,秋季为3-5月,冬季为6-8月。新西兰多数地区冬夏温差不大,为10℃左右。最炎热的月份是1月和2月,气温为20℃-30℃;7月和8月最冷,气温为11℃-16℃。春季和秋季气候温暖,是最佳旅行季节。旅游高峰期是12月20至次年1月中旬,最好提前预订房间,也可以避开这一时间。 主要城市: 1.风帆之都——奥克兰,位于北岛,是世界最佳居住城市第五名(2007年),素有“风帆之都”的美誉,新西兰人口最多的居民点。奥克兰有无穷的自然魅力,置身于此,我们更能感受到奥克兰自然与现代完美相融的美丽与繁华。在怀特玛塔港中部,回首可望到奥克兰的城市天际。还可看到奥克兰的商务区和港口,以及从地平面拔起、高耸入云的南半球最高建筑——天空塔。 2.水港之城——惠灵顿,新西兰首都、港口和主要商业中心,全国政治中心,新西兰全国第二大城市,与悉尼和墨尔本同为大洋洲的文化中心,是大洋州国家中人口最多的首都。它位于北岛最南端,扼库克海峡,适居一国中心。轮廊犹如古罗马圆形剧场。附近群山连绵,满


《11至20和数的认识解决问题(数数策略)》教学设计 韩建会 教学内容 人教版《数学》一年级上册第79页例6。 教学目标 1、通过创设具体情境,理解“之间”的含义,为解决问题提供解决策略,让学生自主解决问题,在这个过程中独立思考、理清自己的想法。 2、在小组合作交流的过程中,进一步明晰自己的想法,梳理表达思路。在学生交流的过程中,体会用画图法、数数法、摆一摆等解决问题的策略,积累活动经验,感受数形结合的思想,培养学生的表达能力。鼓励学生灵活运用自己能理解的方法解决问题,积累解决问题的经验。 3、在练习巩固中,进一步巩固用画图法解决问题的策略,进一步感受数形结合的思想。教学重点 体会用数数的方法、画图法解决问题的策略,感受数形结合的思想。 教学难点 理解“之间”的含义,体验解决问题的一般过程。 教具准备 课件、10张圆形卡片、 学具准备 20张卡片,一张学习单。 教学过程 (一)创设复习情境,理解“之间”,复习第几的含义。(约3分钟) 1、师:同学们会从1数到20吗? 教师边摆圆形卡片学生边数:1、2、3、4、5、6……19、20。 问1:把从左数的第10个圆片添成一个小人儿。 问2:把从右数的第5个添成一个小女孩儿。 问3:你能告诉大家两个小人儿之间有几张圆片吗? (设计意图:创设直观情境,复习“数数”、“第几”,并渗透“之间”的含义,为解决问题作好铺垫。) (二)、创设问题情境,解决问题(约25分)

1、出示情境: 小丽和小宇之间有几人?(1)你知道了哪些数学信息?圈一圈、读一读。 (2)交流并贴板书:知道了什么? 2、自主思考(约6分钟) 要求:用自己喜欢的方式:数一数、摆一摆、画一画等表示出自己的想法,要让别人一眼看明白。 学生独立思考并动手操作,教师巡视指导,并发现特别的方法。为展示作准备。 2、小组交流(约3分钟) 在小组内交流自己的想法,互相补充。按顺序汇报,听明白一个人的想法并补充,再说第二个人的想法,依次进行,如果想法一致的,可以让想法不同的说。由记录员作好记录,最后由小组长对几个同学的想法进行梳理,由两名同学汇报,一名汇报,一名展示。(教师指导、确定汇报顺序、发现有价值信息:摆一摆的、画一画的、数一数的、用尺子表示的等。)3、全班交流学生作品,完善想法(约10分钟) 预设一:我是用小棒摆一摆的方法。前面有10个人,就摆10根小棒来表示,中间的看不见,就是11、12、13、14四个,用4根小棒表示,第15根用1根小棒表示。 预设二:我是用画一画的方法,我画了两个小人表示第10个和第15个小朋友,中间用4个圆圈表示他们之间的小朋友。就是第11、12、13、14共4个小朋友。 预设三:我也是画一画,不过是用圆圈表示小朋友。 预设四:我是在尺子上数一数。 教师提问预设:(1)信息里的哪个词语很重要?(之间)(2)我们是怎样解答的?(3)我们在解决这个问题时用了什么方法?(摆一摆、画一画、数一数等。)(4)这些方法有什么共同的特点?(都要数一数)


UNIT3 1.Which of the following statements was correct around the time of the American Revolution? The American had the mixed blood of Europeans or their descendants. 2. Which of the following was NOT one of the three forces that led to the modern development of Europe? The spiritual leadership of the Roman Catholic Church. 3. The following were the main Reformation leaders except Martin Luther King 4. The following were some of the characteristics of Protestantism except salvation through the church. 5. Which of the following American values did NOT come from Puritanism? separation of state and church. 6. Lord Baltimore's feudal plan failed because the English king did not like the plan. 7. The following were the founding fathers of the American Republic except William Penn. 8. The theory of American politics and the American Revolution originated mainly from John Locke. 9. Which of the following was NOT a denomination of Protestantism? Catholics. 10. "No taxation without representation" was the rallying cry of “ the people of the 13 colonies on the eve of the American Revolution. UNIT4 1. Which of the following statements was NOT correct? When the War of Independence was over, the relationships between the states and the national government were clearly defined. 2. According to the author, the Articles of Confederation failed because of the following reasons. Which is not true? Some new states wanted to be free from the Union. 3. Which of the following states refused to participate in the Constitutional Convention? Rhode Island. 4. Which of the following statements was NOT correct? When the Constitution was written, t here was a Bill of Rights in the Constitution. 5. Which of the following is the only branch that can make federal laws, and levy federal taxes? The legislative. 6.Which of the following is NOT a power of the president? The president can make laws. 7. The Bill of Rights consists of 10 amendments added to the Constitution in 1791. 8. Which of the following is NOT guaranteed in the Bill of Rights? The freedom of searching a person's home by police. 9. The following were NOT written into the Constitution in 1787 except the powers of the president. 10. The New Deal was started by


《英语国家概况》复习题及参考答案 一Multiple choice ( 30’) ( ) 1 As a result of the Black Death, much land was left untended and there was a terrible shortage of ___ in England. A grain B farm tools C houses D labor ( ) 2 In the late 17th century, two of most famous literary works were Pilgrim’s Progress and _________ . A the Jew of Malta B the School of Archery C Novum Organum D Paradise Lost ( ) 3. In 1836, a group of skilled workers and _____ formed the London Working Men’s Association. A householders B tenants C small shopkeepers D office workers ( ) 4. In the Industrial Revolution, changes occurred earliest and quickest in the industry of ______. A. pottery B hardware C textiles D chemicals ( ) 5. In Britain police officers are not allowed to join ________ or to go on strike. A a choir B a political party C a trade union D a club ( ) 6 The Great Carter of 1215 is also known as _________. A People’s Charter B Magna Carta C King’s Charter D the Declaration of human rights ( ) 7 Henry Ⅱwas the first king of the ________ dynasty. A Malcolm B Plantagenet C Windsor D Tudor ( ) 8. __________ is the most typically English of sports A Cricket B Golf C Tennis D Horse-racing ( ) 9. By the Treaty of ______ of 1842, China ceded _______ to Britain. A Nanjing, Hong Kong B Tianjing, Hong Kong C Nanjing, Macau D Tianjing, Macau ( ) 10. In _______, the name Great Britain came into being. A 1689 B 1702 C 1701 D 1707 ( ) 11. The serious economic crisis in the late 1920s and the beginning of 1930s was first brought about by ___. A the farm failure B the bank failures C the stock market crash D the high unemployment ( ) 12.What are the problems that the U.S. economy has faced from time to time? A Inflation B Depressions C Recessions D all of the above ( ) 13.The real American literature began________. A after the war of Independence B after the Westward Movement C after the Civil War D after the Civil Rights Movement ( ) 14. In 1900, the United States ranked first in the production of ____ . A coal B electricity C oil D wheat ( ) 15. In the United States, if the parents don’t send their children to school at certain age, ________ . A the state government will be responsible for it B they will educate the children themselves C they can save a lot of money D they are breaking the law ( ) 16. The U.S. and China established their diplomatic relations in _____. A 1974 B 1972 C 1978 D 1979 ( ) 17 In his inaugural speech, ______ said that “the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” A Woodrow Wilson B Theodore Roosevelt

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