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七年级下册英语作业本参考答案worry about

be divided into

worry too much

keep secrets

fargue with sb.

forgive sb. for sth.

show off

give up easily

take care of

pay attention to

different kinds of ideas

devote to charity

modest generous

unlucky shy

hard-working inpatient

impossible unfair

inactive full

dishonest incorrect

weak stupid

to save

not meeting

to eat








What is he like

What does Sam often dream about

Which women is our new teacher

The were divided into 4 groups by Mr zhang

His young sister is taken care of by Peter Your star sign is divided by your birthday

His mother is so kind that shi helps others There is nothing wrong with Jim's mind

He is clever enough to solve the problem

Can you tell me how to get to the nearest shop AAABB ADBAD AC





一 helicopter abacus ferry ambulance handcuffs purse cycling trainer astronaut

二 one hundred and fifty-eight

two thousand and one

fourty-five percent

zero point twenty-five

six point zero three

sixty degree

six point fifty-nine

one thousand five hundred and seventy-one




一 play football wash his face play the violin make phone calls to sb. arguing fishing

二 (1)1,000、120、852 (2)15、79、17、27、2,005 (3) 3/10、3/5、3/7、7/9 (4) 50%、75% (5)25°、160°



六年级下册英语暑假作业9 一、Find the different one. (找出不同类的选项填在括号里) ( ) 1. A. morning B. evening C. afternoon D. Tuesday ( ) 2. A. play football B. make kites C. collect stamps D. clean the room ( ) 3. A. park B. museum C. teacher D. school ( ) 4. A. go to bed B. go to work C. go to school D. study ( ) 5. A. English B. Chinese C. Beijing D. P.E. ( ) 6. A. watch B. write C. make D. pictures 二、找出划线部分发音不同与其他三个的单词。 ( ) 1. A. learn B. earth C. hear D. heard ( ) 2. A. which B. chair C. French D. school ( ) 3. A. nose B. love C. post D. goal ( ) 4. A. visitor B. word C. mirror D. color ( ) 5. A. go B. stop C. no D. home 三、选择最佳答案 ( )1. There are some birds __________ the tree. A. under B. on C. in D. behind ( )2. He_________ his aunt and uncle this evening. A. will visit B. shall visit C. is visiting D. visits ( )3. It often rains in ________ July and June. A. an B. a C. \ D. the ( )4. _________ is she going tomorrow? A. When B. How C. What D. Where ( )5. –How ________ days are there in a week? ---There are seven days. A. many B. much C. long D. old ( ) 6. This is my pen pal in __________. A. Canada B. English C. Australian D. Japanese ( ) 7. _______ he go to school by bus? A. Is B. Are C. Do D. Does ( ) 8. Tom ________ listening to music. A. likes B. like C. liking D. to like ( ) 9. I’m happy _______ a new pen pal. A. have B. to have C. has D. having ( ) 10. They’re twins, but they look ________. A. same B. the same C. different D. the different ( ) 11. The light is on, Tom must ______ at home. A. is B. am C. are D. be ( ) 12. I like playing _____ piano, but I don’t like playing ______ chess.


【英语】英语七年级英语下册任务型阅读及答案经典 一、七年级英语下册任务型阅读专项目练习(含答案解析) 1.阅读下面短文,在文中填入与文章意思最符合的句子。 Every year, thousands of people get hurt(受伤)or die(死亡)when they are crossing the road.________Old people often get hurt or die because they can't see or hear very well. Children usually meet with accidents(事故)because of their carelessness.________ How can we lessen(减少)traffic accidents? Everybody should follow the traffic rules. For the drivers, they shouldn't drive too fast. If they drive too fast, it will be very difficult to stop the cars in a very short time.________ So, when we walk across the road, we must try to walk on the sidewalk.________ Look left first, next look right, then look left again. Only when we are sure that the road is clear, we can cross it. The right way to cross the road is to walk quickly.________ If people run across the road, they may fall down. We should try to help children, old people or blind people to cross the road, and never play in the street. A. It's not safe to run. B. They forget to look and listen before they cross the road. C. We must stop and look both ways before crossing the road. D. Most of these people are old people and children. E. For the walkers, it's very important to be careful when they are walking on the road. 【答案】 D;B;E;C;A 【解析】【分析】主要讲了怎样减少交通事故。 A. It's not safe to run.跑步不是安全的。 B. They forget to look and listen before they cross the road.在他们过马路前他们忘记看和听。 C. We must stop and look both ways before crossing the road.在通过马路前我们必须停下来看看两边。 D. Most of these people are old people and children.这些人中的大部分是老人和孩子。 E. For the walkers, it's very important to be careful when they are walking on the road.对于步行者来说,当穿过马路时仔细是非常重要的。 (1)根据后句可知主要讲了老人和孩子发生事故的原因,所以前句讲的是发生事故的大部分是老人和孩子,故选D。 (2)根据前句Children usually meet with accidents(事故)because of their carelessness.可知孩子们因为粗心发生交通事故,所以后句讲的是孩子们在通过马路前没有看和听,故选B。 (3)根据前句For the drivers, they shouldn't drive too fast. If they drive too fast, it will be very difficult to stop the cars in a very short time.可知讲的是对于驾驶者来说开车开得太快,所以后句讲的是对于步行者来说过马路时要小心,故选E。 (4)根据前句when we walk across the road, we must try to walk on the sidewalk.可知当我们过马路时要走人行道,所以后句讲的是过马路时怎么做,故选C。 (5)根据后句If people run across the road, they may fall down. 可知如果人们跑着通过马路,他们可能跌到,所以前句讲的是跑是不安全的,故选A。


PEP小学英语六年级下册英语教案(全册) Unit 1 How tall are you? 第一课时 一、教学目标与要求: 1.能够听、说、读、写形容词的比较形式:taller, stronger, older, younger 和shorter. 2.能够用句型:I’m……cm tall. He/ She’s ……cm tall. 描述自己和他人的身高。 3.能够用句型You’re taller than your brother. I’m older than you. 进行年龄和身高的比较。4.能够听懂教师的指令,按不同年龄、身高排队,并用所学语言进行表述。 二、教学重、难点分析 1.重点是能够听、说、读、写A Let’s learn 部分五个形容词的比较级形式;并能用含有比较级的 句型替换关键词进行问答。 2.难点是能够听、说、读、写四会单词;并能根据某一情境使用含有形容词比较级的句型替换关键词进行问答。长度单位cm的完整形式centimeter的发音也是本课的教学难点。三、课前准备 1.准备主情景图的教学挂图。 2.准备录音机、本课时的录音带。 3.准备A Let’s learn 的单词卡片。 4.准备测量身高和体重的工具。 四、教学步骤 1.Greetings Hello, boys and girls . Happy New Year. And nice to see you again. How are you? Now, after a term, I thin you know much better about your teachers. Who’s you music teacher? What’s he/she like? 引导学生用学过的形容词thin, short, tall, old, young, funny, strong, kind 来描述这位老师。 当问到学生Who’s your English teacher?时,根据学生的回答She’s tall. 2.师出示测身高与体重的量器,提问学生:How tall am I , do you know? Guess? 帮助学生用句型Are you ……cm tall? 来猜。师用up 和down 帮助学生猜出确切的数字。 3.师请出猜中自己身高的学生,问:How tall are you?帮助他/她测量身高,引导该学生说:I’m……cm tall。然后师说:……is taller than me. 或I’m taller than……来结束该游戏。 4.板书测量的学生的身高,师尽量用手势帮助学生理解以下句子:A is tall. B is taller than A. C is taller than B. D is taller than C. 然后板书并领读tall-taller 。 5.师请出三名较强壮的学生模仿健美动作,并做比较说:You’re strong. He’s stronger than you. 并板书领读strong-stronger 6.师在黑板上列出家人的年龄,介绍说:My mother is 44, My father is 46. He is older than her. My aunt is younger than my father, but she is older than my mother. How old is she? 然后板书old—older 和young-younger , 让学生回答问题。 7.放Let’s learn部分的录音,学生听录音跟读。 8.Let’s play 师贴出4-5个学生图像,描述各人情况,发指令:Line up from younger to older. Line up from shorter to shorter. 9.Let’s chant. 放录音学生跟读。 10.学生做活动手册的配套练习。 第二课时


新课标人教版初中英语七年级下册英语精品试题及答案本试卷满分95分考试时间90分钟 第一卷(选择题共40分) 一.单项选择(每小题1分共 15分) 21.Bob couldn’t buy the dictionary becuase he had___money with him. A.a few B.few C.a little D.little 22.The old teacher is a friend_____. A my brother’s B my brother C of my brother’s D of a brother 23.----Did you see the football match last night? -----Yes,I have never seen____. A such a B so a C such an D so an 24.----Is that red bike Miss Gao’s? -----Yes,it is____. Bautiful,is’t it? A his B our’s C hers Dshe’s 25.If you want to book a round-trip ticket,you will have to pay___200yuan. A more B other C the other D another 26.That’s the only thing_____can’t be forgotten in my life. A that B which C who D \ 27.Since you are______trouble, why not ask_____help. A in,for B in,to C with,for D with,to 28.It’s raining so____that we can____go out. A hard,hard B hardly,hardly C hard,hardly D hardly,hard 29.She prefers_____rather than_____. A write,read B to write,read C to write,to write D write,to read 30.----Do you know_____man on TV? -----Yes,he is_____active person. A the,the B a,an C the,an Da,the 31.Personal computers_____in1976,It has changed the whole world. A invented B are invented C have been invented D were invented 32._____he is only 8 years old,he knows more about science than his father. A but B though C so D because 33.-----Did you arrive late? ------No,I just managed______. A to make B to get it C to make it D to make them 34.His parents were worried that he____too much time chatting on line. A spend B cost C paid D had


PEP小学英语六年级下册英语教案(全册) Unit 1 How tall are you? 第一课时 一、教学目标与要求: 1.能够听、说、读、写形容词的比较形式:taller, stronger, older, younger 和shorter. 2. 能够用句型:I' m cm tall. He/ She ' s描述自c己和他人的身高。 3. 能够用句型You' re taller than your brother. I ' m 进ei年1龄和身高的比较。 4. 能够听懂教师的指令,按不同年龄、身高排队,并用所学语言进行表述。 二、教学重、难点分析 1. 重点是能够听、说、读、写A Let ' lesarn 部分五个形容词的比较级形式;并能用含 有比较级的 句型替换关键词进行问答。 2. 难点是能够听、说、读、写四会单词;并能根据某一情境使用含有形容词比较级的句型替换关键词进行问答。长度单位cm 的完整形式centimeter 的发音也是本课的教学难点。 三、课前准备 1. 准备主情景图的教学挂图。 2. 准备录音机、本课时的录音带。 3. 准备A Let ' srlea的单词卡片。 4. 准备测量身高和体重的工具。 四、教学步骤 1. Greetings Hello, boys and girls . Happy New Year. And nice to see you again. How are you? Now, after a s he term, I thin you know much better about your teachers. Who ' s you music teacher? What like? 引导学生用学过的形容词thin, short, tall, old, young, funny, strong, kind 来描述这位老师。当问到学生WhO s your English teacher?时,根据学生的回答She' s tall. 2. 师出示测身高与体重的量器,提问学生:How tall am I , do you know? Guess? 帮助学生 用句型Are you ......... c m tall?来猜。师用up和down帮助学生猜出确切的数字。 3. 师请出猜中自己身高的学生,问:How tall are you?帮助他/她测量身高,引导该 学生说: I ' m ..... cm°talI然后师说:..... is taller than me或I ' m taller than 来结束该游戏。 4. 板书测量的学生的身高,师尽量用手势帮助学生理解以下句子:A is tall. B is taller than A. C is taller than B. D is taller than C. 然后板书并领读tall-taller 。 5. 师请出三名较强壮的学生模仿健美动作,并做比较说:You' re strong. He on'gesr tshtran you. 并板书领读strong-stronger 6. 师在黑板上列出家人的年龄,介绍说:My mother is 44, My father is 46. He is older than her. My aunt is younger than my father, but she is older than my mother. How old is she? 然后板书old—older 和young-younger , 让学生回答问题。 7. 放Let ' s lea部分的录音,学生听录音跟读。 & Let ' s pia师贴出4-5个学生图像,描述各人情况,发指令:Line up from younger to older. Line up from shorter to shorter. 9. Let ' s chan放录音学生跟读。


七年级上册英语课堂作业本2答案 第一部分单项选择 1----15 DBBCC BAABA DACBC 16---30. DBABD ADDAB DBCBA 31---45. CDBAA CAABC DBDCC 46---60. CDCBD CADBB DACAD 61---75. AABBA CBDBB CDBBC 76---90. CBABC CADAB CDBCD 91---105. BACCA CBDBD ADDBB 106--120. DBBAA ACBDA DCBCD 121--135. BDACB BCABD BAACB 136--150. DBBAD DDBDA DDCAB 151--165. DBBDA ADACD ABCCA 第二部分词汇填空 用所给单词的适当形式填空: 1 speaking 2 buying 3 is 4 to look 5 swimmer swimming 6 health healthily health 7 fit 8 singing 9 letting 10 not to change 11 be 12 doing 13 to have 14 men’s 15 sitting 16 dances 17 telling 18. Women teachers 19 take 20 reading 21 is watering 22 children’s 23 is 24 order 25 is 26 well 27 them 28 first 29 to get 30 really 31 designing 32 to be 33 exercises 34 watches


人教版七年级下册英语试题及答案 七年级下册英语期末综合测试题卷 I 选择题(共 85 分) I. 听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。 (共 5 小题,每小题 1 分,计 5 分) ( )1. A. cold B. cute C. clean ( )2. A. No. 44 bus B. No. 24 bus C. No. 42 bus ( )3. A. write a story B. ride a bike C. ride a horse ( )4. A. She didn’t like the movie. B. She liked the movie very much. C. The movie was very interesting. ( )5. A. There isn’t a bank in our neighborhood. B. The bank is far from the supermarket. C. The supermarket is across from the bank. II. 听句子,选出该句的最佳答语。 (共 5 小题,每小题 1 分,计 5 分) ( )6. A. No, thanks. B. Yes, I’d love to. C. Yes, I do. ( )7. A. She is a good girl. B. She has a round face. C. She is from Canada. ( )8. A. By bike. B. Five kilometers. C. Five minutes. ( )9. A. At seven every morning. B. From Monday to Friday. C. Under the table. ( )10. A. It’s 7:20. B. It’s cloudy. C. It’s Tuesday. III. 听对话和问题,选择正确答案。


七年级英语作业本 1 答案 Starter Units l - 3 【基础达标】 I.略n . 1.BBC 2.CD 3.kg 4.NBA 5.UF0 6. CCTV 7. UN 8. PRC 8. DIY 10. DJ 皿.I.you 2. English 3. Spell 4. color 5. yellow IV. 1.B 2.A 3.A 4.C 5.C 6.C 7.B 8.A 9. C 10. B 【综合 使用】 I.1.Good evening. 2. What color is the cup? 3. What's this in English? 4. Spell it, please. 5. How are you? 6. Hello ! n . l.C 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.C 6.B 7.B 8.A 9. C 10. B 皿.1. Peter. 2. Anne. 3. She is fine. 4. He is fine. V. l.am 2.is 3.Are 4,is 5.is 6.your 7. My 8. Its V . l. It's an apple. 2. I'm fine, thanks. 3. P - E- N. 4.It's a map. 5.lt's white. W. ( A)l. Hello, David ! 2. How are you? 3. what's that in English? 4. What color is it? 5, Spell it, please. ( B) 6. Are you Bob? 7. Are you Alice? 8. Nice to meet you, too ! 9. Can you spell "jacket", please? 10. Is this your jacket? Unit 1 My name 's Gina. 【基础达标】 I . l. Her 2. Hell0 3. meet 4. your 5. His n. L.I 'm 2.what's 3.she's 4.my name's 5.it's 皿.l.B 2.A 3.C 4.C 5.B 6.D 7.A 8.D 9. B 10. D


六年级下英语作业本 1、《能力手册》P53-54,做在复习本1上面,要抄题; 2、《写字》P26-27; 3、选择填空,不用抄题,只需要写编号和答案。 ( )1. My dictionary doesn’t have many words. I need a ______ dictionary. A. big B. bigger C. small D. smaller ( )2. That computer is too _________. I have not enough money. A. expensive B. cheap C. more expensive D. cheaper ( )3. When John left the room, he ________ take his things. A. doesn''t B. didn''t C. haven''t D. hasn''t ( )4. In winter, it’s not cold in Shenzhen. It’s not cold in Kunming, _______. A. yet B. also C. either D. too ( )5. The gift is ________ enough. I will take it. A. expensive B. dear C. cheaper D. cheap ( )6. We ________ put clothes on lamps or heaters. A. shouldn’t B. can C. should D. must ( )7. This game is too ___________. I want an interesting one. A. frightening B. expensive C. boring D. funny ( )8. Bob is a basketball player. He is ___________ to slum dunk (扣篮). A. enough tall B. tall enough C. enough short D. short enough ( )9. When I looked out of the window, I ____ smoke. A. see B. sees C. seeing D. saw ( )10. Tommy is five years old. He is _____ young _____ go to school. A. enough, for B. too, to C. enough, to D. too, for 周六作业: 1、《写字》P28-29 2、判断下列单词划线部分的发音是(√)否(×)相同,请标出划线部分字母的音标。(要抄题)( )1. loud should ( )2. hug huge ( )3. word airport ( )4. message village 3、找出划线部分发音与其它三个不同的选项,请标出划线部分的音标。 ( ) 1.A.each B. heater C. healthy D. easily ( ) 2. A. heard B. dear C. Earth D. learn ( ) 3. A. loud B. cloud C. country D. around ( )4. A. thirty B. fire C. thirsty D. first 4、找出划线部分发音与其它三个不同的选项,请标出划线部分的音标。 ( ) 1.A.arrive B. hike C. lift D. life ( ) 2.A.mask B. magazine C. map D. match ( ) 3. A. remember B. red C. question D. pretty ( ) 4. A. leave B. eagle C. easily D. healthy 5、判断下列各组单词划线部分发音是(√)否(×)相同。 ( )1. A. breakfast B. fast C. among D. wave ( )2. A. ready B. read C. repeat D. sea


英语七年级英语下册阅读理解及答案 一、七年级英语下册阅读理解专项目练习(含答案解析) 1.根据材料内容,选择正确答案。 B TWO English phrases show what people think about mice and rats: "As quiet as a mouse", and "a dirty rat". People think rats are dirty because they live in sewers(下水道) and other unclean places. They also carry diseases(疾病). Having a rat in your house is bad news. They smell terrible and make a lot of noise. Calling someone a "rat" in English means they are not to be trusted(信任). Saying "Rats!" is also a way to show that you are angry. Mice, on the other hand, are seen as quiet and cute. They live in fields and as unwelcome guests in people's houses. They are small and often kept as pets. Walt Disney's famous character Mickey Mouse helped make them lovable to children. Jerry, from the Tom and Jerry cartoons, is smart and naughty. It makes everyone happy. Rats and mice are both classed as rodents(啮齿类). But people think about them in different ways! (1)Why do people think rats are dirty? Because they . A. live in unclean places B. carry diseases C. smell terrible and make noise D. A,B&C (2)When people call you a "rat", that means . A. People like you. B. People don't trust you. C. You are very popular. D. All the above are wrong. (3)According to the passage, which is TRUE? A. People think mice and rats are the same. B. People don't like the mouse Jerry in the Tom and Jerry cartoons because it's very dirty. C. People often keep rats as pets. D. Mickey Mouse is very lovable and popular to children. 【答案】(1)D (2)B (3)D 【解析】【分析】1.文章第二,三行People think rats are dirty because they live in sewers (下水道)and other unclean places.“人们认为老鼠脏的原因是,因为生活在下水道和其他一些很脏的地方”。They also carry diseases(疾病).“它们也会带来疾病”。They smell terrible and make a lot of noise.“它们闻起来很臭,并且会制造很多噪音”。故选D。2.文章第四行Calling someone a "rat" in English means they are not to be trusted(信任).“用英语rat 叫某人时,意思是他们不被信任”。故选B。3.文章最后Rats and mice are both classed as rodents(啮齿类).“Rats和mice都被列为啮齿类”。 But people think about them in different ways “但是人们用不同的方式思考它们”。故排除A。文章倒数第二行Jerry, from the Tom and Jerry cartoons, is smart and naughty. It makes everyone happy.“来自《猫和老鼠》这部卡通中的老鼠,它很聪明淘气,使得每个人都很开心”,可判断出人们是很喜欢《猫和老鼠》这


六年级下册英语知识点总结 第一单元 (Unit1 How tall are you?) 句子: 1、That's the tallest dinosaur in this hall. 那是这个厅里最高的恐龙。 2、You’re older than me. 你比我大。 3、How tall are you ?你有多高?I’m 1.65 metres.我身高1.65米。 4、What size are your shoes ? 你穿多大号的鞋? 5、My shoes are size 37. 我穿37号的鞋。 6 、Your feet are bigger than mine . 你的脚比我的大。 7、How heavy are you ?你有多重?I’m 48 kilograms .我体重48公斤。 8、It’s taller than both of us together . 它比我们俩加在一起还高。 应该掌握的知识点: 1、形容词变为比较级的变化规则: (1)一般情况下,在形容词的词尾直接加er。如: tall—taller short—shorter. (2)以字母e结尾的形容词,在词尾直接加r,如:nice—nicer. late—later (3)以重读闭音节结尾,且结尾只有一个辅音字母的词,先双写这个辅音字母,再加er.如: big—bigger thin—thinner fat—fatter (4)以辅音字母加y结尾的双音节形容词,先变y为i , 再加er。 如:easy—easier heavy—heavier funny—funnier. 2、部分形容词比较级的不规则变化:good/well—better


科教版六年级下册课堂作业本参考答案 微小世界单元 一、放大镜 1、判断题。 (1)√(2)√(3)√(4)×(5)×(6)√ 2、选择题。 (1)C(2)C、D 3、小制作。(略) 二、放大镜下的昆虫世界。3.选择题 A 1、判断题。 (1)√(2)×(3)√(4)×(5√ 阅读资料:选择(A) 三、放大镜下的晶体 1(略) 2、判断题。 (1)√(2)√(3)×(4)√(5)× 3、阅读资料,回答问题。 ((1)B(2)C 四、怎样放得更大 2、填写观察记录。(略) 2、判断题。 (1)√(2)√(3)√(4)×(5)× 3、选择题。 (1)A(2)B(3)B 五、用显微镜观察身边的生命世界(一) 1、填图题。 BEDAC 2、判断题。 (1)×(2)√(3)×(4)×(5)√(6)√ 3略 六、用显微镜观察身边的生命世界(二) 1、略 2填图:(细胞的作用)组成生命体;运输氧气;运输二氧化碳;储存脂肪;抵抗病毒;抵抗细菌;制造养料;消化、繁殖、遗传等 3、填空题。 (1)细胞(2)细胞 资料阅读: 判断题: 1、√ 2、× 3、√ 4、√ 5、× 6、√ 七、用显微镜观察身边的生命世界(三) 1

(1)√(2)√(3)√(4)√ 2、连线题。 3、阅读题。 (1)我还知道的微生物有:(喇叭虫)、(眼虫)、(团藻)等。 (2)这些微生物都是生物,是因为它们与其他生物一样: √□能吃东西 √□都有细胞组成 √□都会对外界的刺激产生反应 □都会制造食物 √□都会繁殖 √□都会排泄4略 八、微小世界和我们 活动记录: 发明放大镜以后:能看清——蝴蝶鳞片;电视屏幕;各种晶体;蝇的复眼 发明显微镜以后:能看清——变形虫;细胞;大肠杆菌;叶绿体 2、小制作。(略) 单元练习 1、填空题。 (1)厚、薄(2)细毛、足、复(3)晶体(4)触角 2、判断题。 (1)×(2)√(3)×(4)×(5)√ 3、选择题。 (1)C (2)C (3)A (4)C (5)B (6)B (7)C (8)A 变形虫 鼓 藻


【英语】英语七年级英语下册任务型阅读及答案 一、七年级英语下册任务型阅读专项目练习(含答案解析) 1.阅读短文,把A~E五个句子填入文中空缺处,使短文内容完整。 My father doesn't know how to cook. ________ If no one cooks for him, he doesn't eat anything. Today, my mother doesn't feel well. ________ My mother and I are happy. My father says he will go shopping first.________ So my mother writes all the things on a piece of paper(-张纸)like this: ⒈cake; ⒉egg; ⒊tomato; ⒋milk; ⒌chicken. Then my father goes out.________ He brings out all the things: one cake, two eggs, three tomatoes, four bags of milk and five chickens! Looking at those things, ________ 【解析】【分析】主要讲了作者爸爸不会做饭,今天作者妈妈生病了,爸爸想为他们做饭,于是先去购物,结果买错了妈妈列出来的东西。 A. So he doesn't cook.所以他不会做饭。 B. An hour later, he comes back.一小时后他回来了。 C. But he doesn't know what to buy.但是他不知道买什么。 D. My father says he will cook for us.我爸爸说他将为我们做饭。 E. my mother and I laughed (笑) and laughed.我妈妈和我笑了又笑。 (1)根据前句My father doesn't know how to cook.我爸爸不知道怎样做饭,可知后句讲的是他不会做饭,故选A。 (2)根据前句Today, my mother doesn't feel well.可知今天妈妈感觉不舒服,可知后句讲的是爸爸做饭,故选D。 (3)根据后句So my mother writes all the things on a piece of paper(-张纸) like this我妈妈在纸上写下所有的东西,可知前句讲的是爸爸不知道买什么,故选C。 (4)根据后句He brings out all the things他带来所有的东西,可知前句讲的是爸爸回来了,故选B。 (5)根据前句Looking at those things看着那些东西,可知后句讲的是看着爸爸买的东西,我和妈妈笑了,故选E。 【点评】考查任务型阅读,首先读懂文章,然后从文中抓住关键词,选择正确答案。 2.阅读短文,回答问题。 It's important for each of us to be healthy and happy. Do you want to improve (改善) your

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