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雅思7分作文1.The Internet has dramatically altered our lives over the past few decades. Although some of these changes have been negative, the overall effect of this technology has been positive. What are your opinions on this?

The Internet has brought significant changes to our lives in recent years. Yet, there remains some disagreement as to whether the overall effect of this technology has been positive or negative. While there are certainly valid arguments to the contrary, I personally believe that the benefits of the Internet far outweigh its drawbacks. These benefits are twofold.

First of all, it is an indisputable fact that the Internet has revolutionized the way we communicate. Despite the risk of social isolation—a problem occasionally seen in people who spend too much time at their computer terminal rather than relating to people in the real world--- most of us have benefited greatly from e-mail and internet chat programs like MSN Messenger. These incredibly useful and powerful tools of communication facilitate both contact with loved ones in faraway places and global trade.

Equally importantly, though, the Internet has placed the entire world (and all of the information in it) at our fingertips. In earlier times, conducting research entailed long hours searching library shelves. Now, however, the same information can be accessed at the click of a button. Admittedly, not all of the information available on the Internet is reliable or helpful---there is a vast amount of material online that some would consider offensive or dangerous, ranging from pornography to instructions on how to make bombs. Nonetheless, I would contend that this free flow of information has generally been a very positive development.

By way of conclusion, I once again reaffirm my position that the Internet has had a positive impact on modern life because of its influence on communication and the flow of information.

2.Fast food is now universally available in most countries and is becoming increasingly popular. Some feel that this is a positive trend, while others do not. What are your opinions on this?

The past 50 years have seen a dramatic increase in the availability of fast food. Some laud its convenience and relatively low cost; however, in this essay I intend to argue that this kind of food is detrimental both to the individuals that consume it and to society at large. There are two primary reasons for this.

First of that, it is an undeniable fact that consuming fast food to excess results in serious health problems. Foods such as fried chicken, hamburgers and chips---which are incredibly high in fat and salt---are responsible for such ailments as high blood pressure, obesity and heart disease. Moreover, although I certainly agree that fast food is both affordable and convenient, the cost and inconvenience of treating the illnesses it causes in later life are significant. In order words, while fast food is beneficial in the short term, its long-term effects are generally negative.

Further and even more importantly, though, some fast food chains deliberately attempt to attract children in order to shape their future eating habits. One particularly good example of this is the character Ronald McDonald---the bright clothes and smile of the McDonald clown are a beacon to children. Having grown up eating in McDonald restaurants, people are likely to continue eating there throughout their adult lives. It is also interesting to note that McDonald provides playgrounds and frequently holds children’s birthday parties in order to attract young children and their parents.

By way of conclusion, I believe that fast food will continue to become more popular as the pace of life increases. Given the health risks associated with this trend, I believe that public education campaigns warning people about the dangers of fast food would be warranted.

3.International tourism is now more common than ever before. Some feel that this is a position trend, while others do not. What are your opinions on this?

The past 50 years have seen a considerable increase in global tourism. Despite the undeniable economic prosperity it has brought to many host countries, I would argue that the overall impact of international holidaymaking has in fact been negative. Two of the primary drawbacks associated with this trend are as follows.

First of all, global tourism tends to export many negative aspects of western culture. Since it is only the wealthy who can afford to travel abroad, developing countries like Thailand and Indonesia have become the playgrounds of tourists from more affluent ones. In many such nations, this influx of mainly western tourists has brought with it problems such as prostitution as well as alcoholism and drug abuse. Admittedly, international tourism does have the potential to foster greater understanding and tolerance between people of different cultures. However, this is unlikely to occur while it remains such a potent symbol of western cultural domination and moral decadence.

Even more disturbing, though, is the environmental degradation that international tourism has caused in many parts of the world. One particularly salient example of this is the Great Barrier Reef in Australia --- the countless boats, divers and snorkelers that have visited the reef over the past few decades have gradually destroyed vast sections of coral. Similarly, world renowned Kuta Beach in Bali has become heavily polluted in recent years. In order to be sustainable, greater regulation of global tourism is required.

In conclusion, the challenges presented by the booming international tourist industry are numerous and complex. Although they are by no means insurmountable, it is highly unlikely that they will be resolved in the foreseeable future.

4. Nowadays, more people are migrating to other countries than ever before. In order to become integrated into society in their adopted countries, immigrants should abandon their old ways and adapt to local customs and codes of behavior. Do you agree or disagree?

These days, it seems that more people are migrating to other countries than ever before. This raises certain questions about the integration of newcomers into society. Although there are valid arguments to the contrary, in this paper I will argue that it is the responsibility of immigrants to adapt to accepted rules of behavior in their adopted country, both written and unwritten. The reasons for this are twofold.

Firstly, it is vitally important that newcomers observe the laws of their adopted country for the sake of social order. Imagine the chaos that would ensure if people refused to drive on the same side of the road. It is, therefore, necessary for all immigrants to ensure that they observe the law in their new country regardless of any differences to laws in their home country. Two further instances of practices which are permitted in some countries but prohibited in orders are the possession of firearms and gambling.

Secondly and more importantly, though, in order to maintain societal cohesion it is essential that newcomers respect the social norms of their adopted country. Of course, having a mixture of different cultures and traditions gives a country colour and vibrancy; however, I would contend that too much cultural diversity undermines a society by alienating people from each other. It is my belief that similarities unite people, whereas differences have a tendency to divide. A strong society is a homogenous society with shared values and goals.

By way of conclusion, I believe that this issue is likely to become even more important in the future as borders between countries become increasingly blurred. It, therefore, demands our further consideration.

5. Men and women are difficult in terms of their characteristics and abilities. For this reason, some jobs are better done by men and others by women. Do you agree or disagree?

These days, it seems that more women are entering “male occupations” than ever bef ore and vice versa. While some still hold to the conservative view that certain jobs are better performed by men and others by women, it is my personal belief that people of either sex are capable of doing any job effectively. The reasons for my position are as follows.

First of all, I believe it is a mistake to base our views on broad generalizations about the characteristics of men and women as such stereotypes are often inaccurate. Although there are certainly traits which are typical of men and others which are typical of women, there are exceptions to every rule. Not all women are physically weak, just as not all men are poor interpersonal communicators; conventional gender roles are not appropriate for everybody. If a man or woman desires to pursue a career which is traditionally reserved for the opposite sex, I believe he/she should be provided the opportunity to prove him/herself capable.

Secondly, I would contend that the presence of both males and females in a workplace brings a sense of balance. Men and women frequently, though by no means always, have different methods of doing things. Rather than judging these differences to be weaknesses, I feel that we should view them as opportunities for innovation and the discovery of more effective and efficient work practices. A person’s weaknesses can thus be transformed into strengths.

In summary, I once again reaffirm my position that both male and female employees are an asset to any industry and as our stereotypes about men and women are not always appropriate, we must not discourage anyone from choosing an occupation simply because of his/her gender.

6. Smoking is a major cause of serious illness and death throughout the world today. In the interest of public health, governments should ban cigarettes and other tobacco products. Do you agree or disagree?

There are widely differing views on the issue of whether tobacco should be banned or not. Some people would suggest that it is their right to smoke and that prohibiting cigarettes would be a violation of their civil liberties; however, I personally believe that tobacco should indeed be made illegal. There are two principal reasons for this.

One point which I believe to be absolutely pivotal is the fact that tobacco is a drug. The majority of governments around the world take a prohibitionist approach to the problem of substance abuse. If governments wish to be consistent in pursuing their “war on drugs”, therefore, I believe they must ban tobacco as well. This is particularly heroin and marijuana---have legitimate medical applications, while tobacco has none.

However, perhaps the strongest argument in favor of banning cigarettes and other tobacco products is that of public health. It is an irrefutable fact that smoking leads to lung cancer and other such potentially fatal diseases. Pro-smoking groups would no doubt argue that each individual has the right to determine what goes into his/her own body. Nevertheless, I would suggest that the interests and rights of society at large must override those of the individual. The medical treatment that smokers require is often incredibly costly, and it is frequently governments and society that cover these costs rather than the individual smoker. Hence, I feel that laws prohibiting smoking would be entirely justified.

In reality, of course, the widespread prohibition of smoking is unlikely in the near future. However, given the seriousness of the problems that it causes, I believe that this should be the ultimate goal.

7. Trying to save endangered animal species from extinction is a waste of valuable resources. Do you agree or disagree?

The issue of whether we should attempt to save endangered species from extinction or not is certainly a contentious one. Despite the arguments of some people that such animals serve no useful purpose and should be allowed to die out just as many others (including the dinosaurs) have in the past, it is my personal belief that they should in fact be preserved. Two of the principal reasons for this are as follows.

Firstly, it is vital that we appreciate the importance of endangered species in maintaining the balance of nature. Ecosystems are delicate arrangements where plants and animals all depend on each other for survival. The disappearance or introduction of any animal species disrupts the balance and negatively impacts upon other plants and animals by breaking the food chain and altering the habitat in which they live. Such imbalances frequently return to haunt us in unexpected ways. Just as rabbits that were introduced to Australia soon after European settlement now compete with native species for food and destroy farmers’ crops, the extinction of a predator can cause plagues by allowing its prey to multiply unchecked. Therefore, since ecological change constitutes a potential risk to us and our environment, it is clearly I our own interests to protect endangered species.

Yet, perhaps the strongest argument in favor of preserving endangered species is that all life has intrinsic value; even if endangered species are not useful to us in any practical way they should be preserved nevertheless. Further, given that we humans are responsible for destroying the natural habitat of many endangered animals, we should make every possible effort to save them.

In conclusion, I once again restate my view that saving endangered species is worthwhile. Not only do they help to maintain the balance of nature, but they also have value in and of themselves.

8. With divorce rates and family breakdowns increasing globally, it is generally accepted that families today are not as close as they used to be. Discuss the causes of this problem and offer some possible solutions to it.

Divorce and family breakdown were virtually unheard of just 100 years ago. Now, however, almost half of all marriages fail. This phenomenon is symptomatic of the growing distance between family members in modern society. In this essay, I intend to explore the sources of this problem along with some possible solutions to it.

Chief among the causes of this problem is the modern lifestyle. Today’s parents have to work harder than those of previous generations to support their families. Traditionally, one parent assumed the role of breadwinner, while the other---typically the mother----acted as the homemaker. Recently, though, double income families have become the norm. Consequently, an increasing number of children now grow up in a parentless environment. Little wonder, then, that they feel alienated. Another contributing factor is the passive and solitary nature of many modern forms of entertainment.

In order to resolve this sense of alienation within families, I believe we must first address its root causes. Perhaps the most effective method of doing this would be for governments to offer financial incentives to parents who choose to remain at home and take care of their families. Admittedly, such incentives would probably not full compensate couples for lost income; however, they would at least soften the hardship of living on a single income and provide an alternative for parents who would rather remain at home but are unable to do so because of financial constraints. One further measure would be to promote more interactive leisure activities in the community through public education campaigns.

In conclusion, I believe that this is clearly a problem of such complexity that to no solution is likely in the short term. However, I believe that the measures outlined above would constitute a good first step.


雅思写作九分作文范文欣赏: There is no doubt that helping students find a job is one of the primary functions of university education,but universities do exist for other purposes such as improving students’ analytical skills and raising students’ moral standards. A university education can be seen as a process of improving students’ analytical thinking. The variety of courses offered at university inspires students in various ways,therefore improving their analytical ability. For example,science courses such as math and biology help students develop a rational way of thinking whereas arts courses such as literature may let students ponder over issues from a logical,multi- dimensional perspective; and courses in social sciences force students to recognize the ideas that have been traditionally assumed to be acceptable and unproblematic.


好的东西,和大家分享,看这个帖子的人肯定比较多,大家别冒险背诵,了解一下范文的思路好了。 v105 some people claim that the disadvantages of the car are more than the advantages,do you agre e or disagree? 范文1 the birth of cars have made an enormous change to our life.in the past,we travel from one pl ace to another only by foot,nowaday,cars can do it .its goes withour saying that the inventi on of cars bring great benefit to all of us.but as proverb goes:no garden without weeds.ca r is not exception. owing a car has a lot of advantages.for one thing,car provide us the most convient way of tr ansportation.we can get around freely without spenting a lot of time.emotionally,i always fo und driving is so exciting.for another,its the comfortable to drive a car.In winter.driver s always can stay warm and dry even in rainy whether,in addition,drivers are usually safe i n their cars when they are out at night. Cars bring the human merits,their side-effects graudually come to the surface.firstly,to ru n a car need a lot of oil,which is getting less and less.the increasing number of cars contr ibute the lacking of energy.secondlly,as more and more cars are used,the traffic ecpeciall y in big cities is getting heaver and heavier,which lead to the serious social problem--traf fic jam.in addition,the inceasing numbers of cars ,which excaust sent a huge quantities of c arbon monoxide into atmosphere.it make the air of cities unbreathabe,it strip people contac t with frensh air. therefore,the new energy should be explored to replace the oil so that our envionmental poll ution can be avioded .and the strick law should be issued to keep the numbers of cars unde r control.thus,our heavier traffic can be solluted! 范文2 Private cars vs Public traffic As traffic problems become more and more serious in many cities of developed and developin g countries, their governments have to try hard and loads of money and energy have been spen t to deal with them. Firstly, it is not efficient for the commuters to use their private cars to and back from th eir workplaces. Occasionally we can see they have to sit on the wheels wasting time and fue


11. Modern lifestyles mean that many parents have little time for their children. Many children suffer because they do not get as much attention from their parents as children did in the past. In the modern society today, a large number of parents spend their time in the job. Due to this situation, many children do not get much attention from their parents as children did in the past. Of course I admit of children get more comfortable life than before, also children probably having higher living standard as well. Nevertheless, what are the children really want? Is the money? Is the computer? Or is the attention from their dad or mom? The otherwise, what does the parents want to leave in the childhood of their children? In my opinion, I agree with many children do not get much attention from their parents as children did in the past. In addition, I understand the parents wish to giving better life to their children, therefore, they work harder than before, because of this, the parents lost the time to accompany with their children and unable to pay attention to their children as the children did in the past, but I think the most important thinking is “there are not thing important than the attention from the parents to children”. We should know the rich materia l life can?t replace the care from parents of children. One of parents? responsibilities is take good care to their children, also parents should spend more time to teach children. In conclusion, modern lifestyle changed relationship between parents and children, many parents misunderstand the meaning of bring up of children, they thought “bring up of children” means giving money to their children, giving anything the children want is love. But actually it totally wrong, the most important part of bring up must be pay attention to children, care them, teach them, not only spend money of them. 12. More and more qualified people are moving from poor to rich countries to fill vacancies in specialist areas like engineering, computing and medicine. Some people believe that by encouraging the movement of such people, rich countries are stealing from poor countries. Others feel that this is only part of the natural movement of workers around the world. (brain drain) The so-called …brain drain? from poor to rich c ountries is now robbing poorer countries of essential personnel like doctors, nurses, engineers, and the trend is set to continue, if not to get worse. Some people say this movement of people around the world is not a new phenomenon. Migrant workers have always been attracted by the wider choice of employment and greater opportunity in major cities in their own countries and abroad. Recently, as the technological age has advanced and as richer countries find themselves with not enough workers to feed their development, they have had to run to other parts of


(七分范文)Some people believe that studying at university or college is the best route to a successful career, while others believe that it is better to get a job straight after school. Discuss both views and give your opinion. When they finish school, teenagers face the dilemma that whether to get a job or continue their education. While there are some benefits to getting a job straight after school, I would argue that it is better to go to college or university. The option to start work straight after school is attractive for several reasons. Many young people want to start earning money as soon as possible. In this way, they can become independent, and they will be able to afford their own house or start a family. In terms of their career,young people who decide to find work, rather than continue their studies, may progress more quickly. They will have the chance to gain real experience and learn practical skills related to their chosen profession. This may lead to promotions and a successful career.


竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除 雅思写作范文大全 篇一:雅思写作范文大全 智课网IeLTs备考资料 雅思写作范文大全 摘要:雅思写作范文大全,在雅思考试中,写作也是不容忽视的一大项,写作是考察各位考鸭们很多方面的能力,今天小编给大家发个福利,汇总整理了一些不错的范文,来供大家学习和参考。 雅思写作范文大全。雅思写作是很多能力的综合,既考察语法,又考察逻辑思维能力,还考察考鸭们的词汇量,下面是小编为大家整理的范文,希望同学们可以认真看看,对雅思的写作有所启发。 范文1 thebirthofcarshavemadeanenormouschangetoourlife.int hepast,wetravelfromoneplacetoanotheronlybyfoot,nowa day,carscandoit.itsgoeswithoursayingthattheinventio

nofcarsbringgreatbenefittoallofus.butasproverbgoes: nogardenwithoutweeds.carisnotexception.owingacarhas alotofadvantages.foronething,carprovideusthemostcon vientwayoftransportation.wecangetaroundfreelywithou tspentingalotof time.emotionally,ialwaysfounddrivingissoexciting.fo ranother,itsthecomfortabletodriveacar.Inwinter.driv ersalwayscanstaywarmanddryeveninrainywhether,inaddi tion,driversareusuallysafeintheircarswhentheyareout atnight.carsbringthehumanmerits,theirside-effectsgr auduallycometothesurface.firstly,torunacarneedaloto foil,whichisgettinglessandless.theincreasingnumbero fcarscontributethelackingofenergy.secondlly,asmorea ndmorecarsareused,thetrafficecpeciallyinbigcitiesis gettingheaverandheavier,whichleadtotheserioussocial problem--trafficjam.inaddition,theinceasingnumberso fcars,whichexcaustsentahugequantitiesofcarbon monoxideintoatmosphere.itmaketheairofcitiesunbreath abe,itstrippeoplecontactwithfrenshair.therefore,the newenergyshouldbeexploredtoreplacetheoilsothatouren


You lost a bag of shopping in a museum. Write a letter to the museum to ask for help. Dear Sir or Madam: I am writing to ask for your help in finding my lost bag of shopping in your museum. I visited your museum late this morning after I did some shopping at the nearby mall for my daughter’s birthday. I was so amazed at the African Art Exhibition that I totally forgot about my shopping. No sooner had I realized that my shopping bag wasn’t with me than I hurried back to search for my bag, but in vain. The bag of shopping includes some gifts for my daughter and a brand new tower as well. Though there’s nothing expensive in the bag, it is very important for me and I would appreciate it if you could do me the favor to help me search for it. It may either be handed in to your lost-and-found office or still be somewhere in your museum. Please inform me whether you can find it or not, and my address and phone number are given below.


雅思写作小作文真题范文 雅思写作小作文真题范文分享,今天就给大家带来了雅思写作小作文真题范文,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 雅思写作小作文真题范文 雅思写作小作文范文解析 该线性题目描述了4个发达国家在过去200年间人均身高的变化。很明显总体趋势都是上升,并且在第一个世纪除了持续波动,身高变化不大。在之后一百年,都是显著上升趋势。既然总体趋势相似,重点应放在国家之间的对比。范文共计9句话。 雅思写作小作文范文 The line chart illustrates how the average heights of people had varied in four developed countries over two centuries from 1775 to 1975. Generally, the heights underwent an overall upward trend across all the countries. Initially, Americans ranked the top, with an average height of approximately 168 cm which was immediately followed by British (166cm) while people from Denmark and France were slightly higher than 160 cm. Over the following seven and a half decades, in spite of some minor ups and downs, the average heights had almost remained unchanged in all the countries except France where people’s height kept rising in the latter half of the period. This exceeded that of the Danish in around 1850. After that, the trend in the USA and the UK showed great similarity though at a slightly different rate. They saw an ongoing rise until 1975, when the height equaled to approximately 180 cm. The Danish grew considerably and became the tallest at almost 190 cm, standing in remarkable contrast with French who were merely 173 cm. In short, while Americans and the British were equally high in the end, the gap between Danes and Frenchmen had widened. 雅思大作文7分范文:城市化问题 题目是:Some people think traffic and housing problems in large cities can be solved by moving companies and factories and their employees to the countryside. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement. 雅思大作文审题


雅思作文范文大全(含小作文) 整理了雅思作文范文,分享给大家,大家别冒险背诵,了解一下范文的思路好了。 v105 some people claim that the disadvantages of the car are more than the advantage s,do you agree or disagree? 范文1 the birth of cars have made an enormous change to our life.in the past,we trav el from one place to another only by foot,nowaday,cars can do it .its goes wit hour saying that the invention of cars bring great benefit to all of us.but a s proverb goes:no garden without weeds.car is not exception. owing a car has a lot of advantages.for one thing,car provide us the most conv ient way of transportation.we can get around freely without spenting a lot of t ime.emotionally,i always found driving is so exciting.for another,its the comfortab le to drive a car.In winter.drivers always can stay warm and dry even in rain y whether,in addition,drivers are usually safe in their cars when they are ou t at night. Cars bring the human merits,their side-effects graudually come to the surface.firs tly,to run a car need a lot of oil,which is getting less and less.the increasi ng number of cars contribute the lacking of energy.secondlly,as more and mor e cars are used,the traffic ecpecially in big cities is getting heaver and heav ier,which lead to the serious social problem--traffic jam.in addition,the inceasin g numbers o f cars ,which excaust sent a huge quantities of carbon monoxide int o atmosphere.it make the air of cities unbreathabe,it strip people contact wit h frensh air. therefore,the new energy should be explored to replace the oil so that our envi onmental pollution can be avioded .and the strick law should be issued to kee p the numbers of cars under control.thus,our heavier traffic can be solluted! 范文2 Private cars vs Public traffic As traffic problems become more and more serious in many cities of developed an d developing countries, their governments have to try hard and loads of money a nd energy have been spent to deal with them.


【雅思写作8分范文作文鉴赏】 雅思8分范文作文鉴赏,本文为大家提供了一篇雅思8分范文作文,希望可以给大家参考,从这篇优秀的作文中学习到一些好的写作方法,更好地备考雅思作文。 雅思写作题目: Some people believe that personal happiness is directly related to economic success. Others believe there are other factors. Discuss the two sides and give your opinion. 雅思写作范文: 对幸福的追求一直都是人类世世代代的梦想,尽管人类一直困惑于幸福的真谛。幸福是什么?幸福和经济的成功有密切联系吗?个人经济上的成功能够直接带来幸福吗?就个人而言,我不认为经济上的成功是人类幸福的唯一前提。 The pursuit of happiness has long been the dream of generations of human beings. They have always been puzzled Get Word ("puzzled"); by the essence of happiness. What is happiness? Is it closely related to one’s economic success? Will one’s financial success lead to happiness directly? Personally Get Word ("Personally");, I don’t agree that one’s economic success is the only prerequisite of one’s happiness in life. 幸福有很多种。俗话说得好,“一个人的美食可能是另一个人的毒药”。幸福可能意味着成为一个成功的受人尊敬的领袖,或是一份稳定舒适的大型跨国公司的工作,又或是市区的大房子、一套漂亮的家具等等。然而,幸福也可以是一个和谐平静的家庭,或是一个体贴热情的朋友,或者只是一个微笑、一个手势、一个暗示。事实上,幸福可以是你能够想到的任何事情。至少,我们可以有两种幸福:精神幸福和物质幸福。 Happiness may fall into different categories Get Word ("categories");. An old


雅思作文【抄写范文,分析记忆很有效】 小作文20minutes 动态/静态(3种题型)7分=TA+CC+LC语法时态勿出错!四天解决:静态/动态/流程图/地图 开头:同意转换/不要用过去式 The chart provides information/data about … It can be seen from the chart,… According to the chart,.. The chart shows/illustrates/suggests the changes in … The chart illustrates/shows how. Changed/varied /that …(宾语从句) 中间段落:四大评分要求!!!多图单位一致按对象分段/不一致按图分段 TA:2个以内数据得全部说明,两种对比都得对比到位【总结/归纳】 占据:account for ,represent, make up, constitute 花费:the cost/spending/expenditure +on 说数据:the. Figure / amount/number/proportion for the pipeline. 时间: At the beginning of the 1999, by the middle/end of From the 1900s onwards, 从。。。开始 During the period from 1999 to 2002从。。到。。。 In the following 5 years 在随后的五年内 Increased for 5 years in a row.持续增涨了五年 4and 引导的并列句 5while/although引导的状语从句 6there be 7compared with …/分词结构 8when/ where引导的定语从句. eg the most sever land degradation was in Europe, where 23% of land was degraded.


1.题目: Children who grow up in families which are short of money are better prepared to deal with the problems of adult life than children who are brought up by wealthyparents.To what extent do you agree or disagree? 参考范文: Some feel that the children of low income families are better equipped to deal with difficulties posed by the “real world” when they grow up and they also believe the privileged children of wealthy families are less fit to deal with these difficulties.The implications and veracity of this argument seem self-evident,but in fact require closer examination. The popular wisdom is that children of poorer families learn early on the value of a buck ,and are thus naturally better suited to stretching money when times get tough in adulthood. Inversely, the children of wealthy families,thoseborn with a silver spoon in their mouths,are believed to be completely ignorant of the tentimes erroneously expecting the same situation in adulthood.They are believed to be prone to overspending and financial irresponsibility. This belief,though logical,overlooks one key point which is,of course,education. The basis of this argument is,of course,knowing the value of money ,and the idea that children of the poor know this,and those of the wealthy do not.Who though,is in a better positionto teach their children the value of money,someone skilled in earning and keeping it,the wealthy parent,or someone who can not seem to acquire it,the poor parent? Both wealthy and poor children are equally likely to acquire an education in money,whether it is formal,or in the school of hard knocks. Conversely, both children are as likely to ignore this education. A poor child may believe that one can get along,if not as easily,without wealthy.A wealthy child may be well trained by a parent steepedin the knowledge of money management,the key to developing this skill is education. 2.Everyone complains about taxes, yet think about what would happen if there were no longer an income tax. In a 250-word essay, discuss the positive effects of an income tax, the negative effects, or both.


精心整理 ●?批改By Amber 本次批改严格按照ILETS大作文评分标准进行。ILETS大作文评分项:TR (论证扣题度), CC (连贯性及一致性), GRA (语法范围及精准度), LR (词汇资源)。文末会进行总评及打分。 作文题目 More and more people are migrating to cities in search of a better life, but city life can be extremely difficult. Explain some of difficulties of living in a city. How can governments make urban life better for everyone? 学生原文 Nowadays, people are more likely to move to cities due to the fact that they believe that city life is much better than rural’s in terms of daily-life facilities. For example, convenient transports and advanced health services. However numerous problems caused by inadapting to city life are evident among people in particular less well educated ones. It is true that developed cities give people a great chance to enjoy a better life in material ways and this cannot be reached in backward countrysides such as shopping at departments and entertaining in theme parks. It seems reasonable that people are in favor of migrating to metropolises. However, I think they have ignored some potential side effects of this act. One issue is that people might have difficulty in adapting to urban life. In other words, people who are used to live in tranquil and relaxing places might be reluctant to adjust their lifestyles in noisy and congested urban areas. Elders and children, for instance, are prefer to live in spacious suburb areas. From another perspective, city life is teeming with a wide variety of pollution such as smog, acid rain and noise pollution . Therefore, citizens are more likely to suffer from respiratory diseases. Moreover, it is quite common these days that citizens are easily to get stress and anxiety through frequent traffic congestion and that is apparently not recommendable for a healthy lifestyle. As a result, the living situation in cities could be relative harsh to some extent. The possible solutions are always under discussion at both personal and government level. Some people suggested that government ought to check the amount of polluted discharged and force companies to process the effluent in order to reduce the pollution. Another effective measure is that governments should offer financial assistance to economically disadvatanged ones and provide various types of community activities. That can help citizens to relieve negative moods and encouraging them to slowdown their life pace. What is more, families' concerns should be proposed in particular for elderly and youth who are have difficulty in fit modern life. Despite some disadvantages of city life including pollution, congestion and rapid life pace, its contribution to enrich our lifestyle diversity cannot be denied and it is important to take full advantage of it by introducing strict regulations to restrict the pollutants emission. ●文中标识: 用词不当逻辑错误语法错误修改添加 Nowadays, people are more likely to move to cities due (意思不恰当,多为贬义,改为owing) to the fact that they believe that city life is much better than rural’s (词性不对,这是形容词,改为the one in rural areas) in terms of daily-life facilities. For example, convenient transports and advanced health services. (这不是一个句子,知识短语,应该跟前面一句合并,改为…facilities including convenient transportation and advanced health care system)However numerous problems

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