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2. 倒装句的构成

a) 完全倒装


Are you from here? 你是本地人吗?

Now comes the chance. 机会来了。

b) 部分倒装


Has he come? 他来了吗?

Seldom have we felt as comfortable as here. 我们难得像在这里这么舒服。

Only in this way can we do the work better.

3. 倒装的原因

a) 句子语法结构的需要。例如:

Did you attend the meeting? 你参加会议了吗?

Long live peace! 和平万岁!

b) 一些句型的固定用法。例如:

Such were his last words. 他最后的话就是这样。


Never before have we seen such a sight. 以前我们从来没有见过这样的情景。

Before us lay a lot of difficulties. 在我们前面有很多困难。

Often did we warn them not to do so. 我们曾多次警告他们不要这样做。

4. 倒装句的基本用法

a) 构成疑问句(除对主语或主语之定语提问的特殊疑问句外):

When are we going to drink to your happiness? 我们什么时候喝你们的喜酒?

Have you seen the film? 你看了那部电影吗?

b) 在以here, there, now, then, in, away, up down

c) 副词only+状语放在句首时:

Only then did he realize his mistakes . 只有在那时他才理解到自己的错误。

Only in this way can you learn maths well . 只有用这种方法你才能学好数学。

d) 含有否定意义的副词或连词(如little, hardly, never, rarely, no sooner…than 等)放在句首时:

Little did I think that he could be back alive. 我没有想到他竟能活着回来。

Not until New Year’s Day shall I give you a gift. 我要到元旦那天才能给你礼物。

Hardly had the train arrived at the station when we ran towards the sleeping car looking for our guests.


e) 副词so或 neither(nor)在句首:

He is interested in pop-songs, and so am I.他对流行歌曲感兴趣,我也如此。

He hasn’t been to the countryside, neither does he want to go there.他没有去过农村,他也不想去那里。

f) 在方式状语thus开头的句子中及水准状语so放句首:

Thus ended his life. 这样结束了他的生命。

So loudly did he speak that even people in the next room could hear him . 他讲话的声音那样大,连隔壁屋子里的人都听得见。


英语句子的自然顺序是主语在前,谓语在后(主语+谓语)。把谓语动词放在主语之前(谓语+主语),就叫倒装结构。如果全部谓语放在主语之前, 叫全部倒装; 如果只把助动词或be 动词放在主语之前就叫部分倒装。 基本语序(natural order): 主语+谓语+宾语(subject + predicate+ object) I love English. 完全倒装 (full inversion) 谓语+主语 Here came the headmaster. 部分倒装 (partial inversion) 助动词/情态动词+ 主语 + 动词 Nerve will I forgive you. 一、完全倒装 1. There be结构。另外,在此结构中可以用来代替be动词的动词有:exist, seem, happen, appear, live, rise, stand等。 There stood a dog before him. There exist different opinions on this question. 例题: ________ a beautiful palace ________ the foot of the hill. A. There stand; at B. There stands; under C. Stands there; under D. There stands; at 2 (1).在以here、there、now、then等副词开头的句子里。 句式:副词+vi+名词主语 “Here, There, Now, Then + come (或be,go,lie,run) + 主语" 结构。 Here comes the old lady! Then came the hour we had been looking forward to. Now comes your turn. 如果主语是人称代词,主语和谓语语序不变,不用倒装。 如:Here you are. There she comes. (2).表示方向的副词out, in, up, down等置于句首,要用全部倒装。如果主语是人称代词,就不用倒装。如: In came Mr. White. Up went the arrow into the air. Away went the boy. 题:There ________. And here ________. A. goes the phone; she comes B. is the phone going; is she C. does the phone go; does she come D. the phone goes; come she 3.当表示地点的介词词组(如on the wall, under the tree, in front of the house, in the middle of the room等)在句首时。 句式:介词短语+vi+主语(必须是名词) 如:At the foot of the hill lies a beautiful lake. East of the lake lie two towns. Under the tree was lying a wounded soldier.


九年级英语倒装句完整归纳 一、倒装句 1.– Will Tony go for the picnic at the weekend? – If I don't go, ______. A. so does he B. neither will he C. neither he does 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】neither+主语+谓语,表示对前句所说内容的肯定,neither+谓语+主语,表示前句所说情况也适用于后者,句意:Tony周末去野餐吗?如果我不去,他也不去。前句情况也适用于后者,所以用倒装,故选B。 【点评】考查倒装句的用法。 2.— I think the plan is just a waste of time. What do you think? — Well, if you don't support the plan, ________. A. neither do I B. so do I C. neither will I D. so will I 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:——我认为这个计划只是在浪费时间。您是怎么想的?——好,如果你不支持这个计划,我也不支持。Neither+助动词+主语,表示主语也不是……;这里是if引导的条件状语从句,主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时态,这里是主句,故助动词用will。根据题意,故选C。 【点评】考查倒装句,注意Neither+助动词+主语,表示主语也不是这样;so+助动词+主语,表示主语也是这样。 3.—Oh, my god! Recently I have put on 5 pounds. — . I think I should lose weight. A. So do I B. So have I C. Neither do I D. Neither have I 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:—啊,我的天呀!最近我长胖了五磅。—我也是,我认为我应该减减肥了。so +主语+助动词/情态动词/系动词:某某确实如此,主语与上文是同一人。So+助动词/情态动词/系动词+主语:某某也如此,主语与上文不是同一人,表示后者适合前者。上文是否定句,下文表示某某也不,用 neither +助动词+主语。这些句式在时态上与前一个句子相同。根据上句是肯定句,现在完成时态,主语与上句不同,故选B。 【点评】考查固定结构,牢记并熟练运用此结构,能举一反三,应对自如。 4.— Can you come to my birthday party, Lily?— If Jack does, ____________. A. so do I B. so I do C. so will I

2012届高考英语第一轮 倒装精讲精练复习题3

倒装 下列情况句子需要全部倒装 (1)表示方位的副词(如there,here,up,down,out,in,away等)位于句首,句子谓语是go,come,run等表示位置的动词,可将谓语动词全部置于主语之前。 There goes phone again.It’s not stopping ringing all morning. 电话铃又响了。整个上午都响个不停。 There remains the possibility that mistakes have been made. 仍然有可能出了差错。 Here comes the train to Beijing.去北京的火车来了。 There goes the bell.铃响了。 Down came the rain.下雨了。 但主语是人称代词时,主语仍置于动词之前。 Here he comes.他来了。 Here it comes.它来了。 (2)由一些表示方位的介词短语引起。 In the middle of the mountain lies a temple. 山里有座庙。 Inside the temple live many monks.庙里有很多和尚。 (3)一些作表语的形容词放在句首。 Seated in the lecture hall are hundreds of students. 演讲大厅里坐着数百名学生。 Present at the conference were many famous people. 出席会谈的是很多著名人士。 下列情况需要部分倒装 (1)句子以never,seldom,rarely,little,hardly,scarcely等否定意义的副词以及by no means,not until,not a word,not a single等否定词开头的词组一般都用部分倒装语序。 Never in all my life have I felt so humiliated. 我这辈子从未感到如此受辱。

高中英语倒装句 教案

教学过程 一、复习预习 1、Which、who、whom、whose、that、as等关系代词引导的定语从句; 2、When、where、why等关系副词引导的定语从句 3、如何决定用关系代词还是关系副词 二、知识讲解与例题精析 主语和谓语是句子的核心,它们之间有两种语序: 一是主语在谓语之前称为自然语序(Natural Order); 二是主语在谓语之后则称为倒装语序(Inverted Order)。 而倒装语序中又有完全倒装(Full Inversion)和部分倒装(Partial Inversion) 完全倒装(Full Inversion):又称"全部倒装",是指将句子中的谓语动词全部置于主语之前。此结构通常只用与一般现在时和一般过去时。

部分倒装(Partial Inversion):指将谓语的一部分如助动词或情态动词倒装至主语之前,而谓语动词无变化。如果句中的谓语没有助动词或情态动词,则需添加助动词do, does或did,并将其置于主语之前。 英语句子的倒装一是由于语法结构的需要而进行的倒装,二是由于修辞的需要而进行的倒装。 前一种情况,倒装是必须的,否则就会出现语法错误;后一种情况,倒装是选择性的,倒装与否只会产生表达效果上的差异。 语义解析 一、表示强调: 倒装句最突出、最常见的修辞效果就是强调,其表现形式如下: 1.only +状语或状语从句置于句首,句子用部分倒装。 例子: Only in this way can you solve this problem. 只有用这种方法,你才可以解决这个问题。 Only after he had spoken out the word did he realize he had made a big mistake. 只有当他已经说出那个字后才意识到自己犯了个大错误。 2. hardly, in no way, little, scarcely, seldom, never, no more, no longer, not, not only, no sooner, not only … (but also),not until…等具有否定意义的词或词组位于句首,句子用部分倒装。 例子: No sooner had I got home than it began to rain. 我刚到家就下起了雨。 Seldom do I go to work by bus. 我很少乘公共汽车上班。 Not until twelve o'clock did she go to bed last night . 她昨晚十二点才上床睡觉。 3. so / such...that结构中的so或such位于句首可以构成部分倒装句,表示强调so /such和that 之间的部分。 例子:


Unit5 Grammar Inversion(倒装) 英语部分倒装用法归纳(Partial Inversion) 1. 否定副词位于句首时的倒装 在正式文体中,never, seldom, rarely, little, hardly, scarcely, no sooner, no longer, nowhere 等含有否定意义的副词若位于句首,则其后要用部分倒装: I shall never forgive him. / Never shall I forgive him. 我永远不会宽恕他。 He seldom goes out for dinner. / Seldom does he go out for dinner. 他很少出去吃饭。 She hardly has time to listen to music. / Hardly does she have time to listen to music. 她几乎没时间听音乐。 He little realizes how important this meeting is. / Little does he realize how important this meeting is. 他不甚明白这个会议的重要性。 We had no sooner reached the airport than the plane took off. / No sooner had we reached the airport than the plane took off. 我们刚到机场,飞机就起飞了。 【注意】 (1)对于not…until句型,当not until…位于句首时,其后的主句要用倒装语序: He didn’t leave the r oom until the rain stopped. / Not until the rain stopped did he leave the room. 雨停了之后他才离开这房间。 (2)某些起副词作用的介词短语,由于含有否定词,若位于句首,其后要用部分倒装: On no accounts must this switch be touched. 这个开关是绝不能触摸的。 In [Under] no circumstances will I lend money to him.无论如何我也不会再借钱给他了。 但是,in no time(立即,马上)位于句首时,其后无需用倒装语序: In no time he worked out the problem. 他马上就算出了那道题。 2.“only+状语”位于句首时的倒装 当一个状语受副词only的修饰且置于句首时,其后用部分倒装语序: Only then did he realize that he was wrong. 到那时他才意识到他错了。 Only in this way are you able to do it well. 你只有用这种方法才能把它做好。 Only when he returned home did he realize what had happened. 当他回到家里时,才知道出了什么事。 3. “so+adj. / adv.”位于句首时的倒装 副词so后接形容词或副词位于句首时,其后用部分倒装: So cold was the weather that we had to stay at home. 天气太冷,我们只好呆在家里。 So fast does light travel that we can hardly imagine its speed. 光速很快,我们几乎没法想像它的速度。 So sudden was the attack that we had no time to escape. 袭击来得非常突然,我们来不及逃跑。 4.“so+助动词+主语”倒装 当要表示前面提出的某一肯定的情况也同样适合于后者,通常就要用“So+助动词+主语”这种倒装结构: You are young and so am I. 你年轻,我也年轻。 She likes music and so do I. 她喜欢音乐,我也喜欢。


高考英语最新倒装句知识点解析含答案 一、选择题 1.______ the late 18th century did the British explorer James Cook cross the Antarctica Circle, ______he never saw land. A.Until, while B.Since, and C.Not until, but D.Although, yet 2.Never again ______ political office after his 1928 defeat for the presidency. A.Alfred E. Smith seriously sought B.did Alfred E. Smith seriously sought C.when did Alfred E. Smith seriously seek D.did Alfred E. Smith seriously seek 3.Only when you are peaceful in your heart ____your problem. A.can you find B.you can find C.did you find D.you found 4.speaking of the films made before 1927 as “silent”,the film has never been,in the full sense of the word,silent. A.So accustomed are we to B.As we are so accustomed to C.Accustomed as we are to D.Accustomed as are we to 5.When we Chinese need help in a foreign land, at our back ____ a strong motherland. A.will stand B.stands C.is standing D.stood 6.education that it is now at the top of the agenda. A.So vital the authority finds B.So vital does the authority find. C.So vitally the authority finds D.So vitally does the authority find 7.Between the two streets _______ a modem building where you can see many famous brands of clothes. A.have B.has C.stand D.stands 8.Among the crises that face humans ________ the lack of natural resources. A.is B.are C.is there D.are there 9.So sudden ________ that the enemy had no time to escape. A.the attack did B.did the attack C.the attack was D.was the attack 10.It might have saved me some trouble ______ the schedule. A.did I know B.have I known C.do I know D.had I known 11.—With this New Year_______ new challenges. 一Sure. Global economy remains uncertain, and many countries continue to struggle. A.comes B.will come C.is coming D.come 12.Not until I shouted at the top of my voice ______ his head. A.that he turned B.did he turn C.he didn’t turn D.had he turned 13.Many coral reefs in warm water areas would not be dying out ______ for the pollution accumulated over the previous years. A.if it is not B.were it not C.had it not been D.if they were not 14.________,she can help Mother do housework. A.As my sister is a child B.A child as my sister is


英语倒装句练习题及详解 1. Tom doesn't want to take part in any school activities,____. A. and David doesn't too B. and David doesn't either C. and so doesn't David D. and either does David 2. Many a time ____ not to play with fire but he turns a deaf ear to the warnings. A. the child being told B. the child has been told C. has been told the child D. has the child been told 3. ______ , it is quite easy to drill a hole in it with a eraser. A. Hard a diamond is B. Hard as a diamond is C. As a diamond is hard D. How hard is a diamond 4. David's mother seldom does her homework on Sunday.____. A. So does my mother. B. Nor does my mother. C. My mother isn't, either. D. My mother doesn't, too. 5. ____ at the railway station when it began to rain. A. Hardly had he arrived B. Hardly he had arrived C. No sooner did he arrive D. No sooner arrived he 6. ______ today, he would get there by Friday. A. Would he leave B. Were he leaving C. Were he to leave D. Had he left 7. ____ been asked to sing an English song. A. Never before have I B. Before have I never C. Have never I D. I never have 8. By no means ____ look down upon the disabled. A. should we B. we should C. we shall D. we ought 9. ____ that it was made into a film. A. So great the success of the book was B. So successful the book was C. So the book was successful D. So great was the success of the book 10. ____ for your help, I'd never have been able to achieve such a success. A. If I had not been B. Had it not been C. If it were not D. Had it not [参考答案详解]


高中英语倒装句 I. Pre-learning 试体会下列两种句子说表达的情感的不同点。 NO.1 The teacher came in. 老师进来了。 In came the teacher. 进来了个老师。(语气具有不确定性,不知道进来的是哪个老师。)NO.2 Carl said:" I love my motherland more than myself!" Carl说:“我爱我的祖国胜过爱我自己!” "I love my motherland more than myself!"said Carl. “我爱我的祖国胜过爱我自己!”Carl说道。(小说里面经常这样用!) 由于语法、修辞或者情感表达的需要,而将谓语或者谓语的一部分提到主语前面,从而构成倒装 II.完全倒装----谓语部分全部出现在主语前V + S + O A.状语置于句首引起完全倒装 B.分词置于句首引起完全倒装 C.there be句型的完全倒装 1.状语置于句首 Structure:Adv+ V + S In the middle of Tiananmen Square stands the monument to the people's heroes. 人民英雄纪念碑矗立在天安门广场正中央。 By the side of him sits a faithful dog. 小练习: 1. _____ and caught the mouse. A. Up the cat jumped B. The cat up jumped C. Up jumped the cat D. Jumped up the cat 2. 那男孩从自行车上摔下来了! the boy from his bike. 3. John opened the door, there he had never seen before. A. a girl did stand B.a girl stood C.stood a girl ⊙如果主语是代词(pronj),主语和谓语的语序就不需要变换,只需提前状语。 Here they come! 他们来了! Here comes the bus! 公交车来了! 小练习:

最新 英语倒装句专题练习(及答案)

最新英语倒装句专题练习(及答案) 一、倒装句 1.—My brother and I will go to the library tomorrow. — . Shall we go together? A. So do I B. So I do C. So will I D. So I will 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】“so+助动词(情态动词或连系动词)+另一主语”,此句型是主谓倒装结构,可以表示前面的情况也适用于后者,使用该句型需要注意以几个方面的问题:1.该句型只能用于肯定句,不能用于否定句:如果前句是否定句,则要用“neither /nor +助动词+主语”。2.句型中的主语与上文中的主语是不同的两个主语3.句型中助动词,包括连系动词和情态动词的时态要和上句中谓语动词的时态相一致。 句意:我的哥哥和我明天要去图书馆。根据下文,我们一起去吗?可知上文情况同样适用于后者,故用主谓倒装结构,上文是将来时态,选C。 【点评】这几个倒装句的区别比较难。“so+助动词(情态动词或连系动词)+另一主语”,表示前面的情况也适用于后者。So+主语+助动词(情态动词或连系动词)是对上文所说的情况加以肯定。如果上文是否定形式则要将so换成neither。 2.— I think the plan is just a waste of time. What do you think? — Well, if you don't support the plan, ________. A. neither do I B. so do I C. neither will I D. so will I 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:——我认为这个计划只是在浪费时间。您是怎么想的?——好,如果你不支持这个计划,我也不支持。Neither+助动词+主语,表示主语也不是……;这里是if引导的条件状语从句,主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时态,这里是主句,故助动词用will。根据题意,故选C。 【点评】考查倒装句,注意Neither+助动词+主语,表示主语也不是这样;so+助动词+主语,表示主语也是这样。 3.— Can you come to my birthday party, Lily?— If Jack does, ____________. A. so do I B. so I do C. so will I 【答案】C 【解析】【分析】句意:-Lily,你能来参加我的生日晚会吗?-如果Jack去,我就会去。so do I我也是;so I do.我的确如此;so will I.我也将会。句中if引导的是条件状语从句,从句中用一般现在时态,主句用一般将来时态,倒装结构表示上面说的情况也适用于另外一


高中英语倒装句的语法知识点总结 倒装句知识点一、讲解 1.倒装句的定义:英语最基本的词序是主语在谓语动词的前面。 如果把谓语动词放在主语前面,就叫做倒装。 3. 倒装的原因 a) 句子语法结构的需要。例如: Did you attend the meeting? 你参加会议了吗? Long live peace! 和平万岁! b) 一些句型的固定用法。例如: Such were his last words. 他最后的话就是这样。 c)强调的需要。倒装以后,句子更加流畅生动。例如: Never before have we seen such a sight. 以前我们从来没有见过这样的情景。 Before us lay a lot of difficulties. 在我们前面有很多困难。 Often did we warn them not to do so. 我们曾多次警告他们不要这样做。 4. 倒装句的基本用法 a) 构成疑问句(除对主语或主语之定语提问的特殊疑问句外): When are we going to drink to your happiness? 我们什么时候喝你们的喜酒?

Have you seen the film? 你看了那部电影吗? b) 在以here, there, now, then, in, away, up down等副词开头的句子中: Away went the crowd one by one. 人们一个一个地离去。 Here comes our teacher! 我们的老师来了! c) 副词only+状语放在句首时: Only then did he realize his mistakes . 只有在那时他才认识到自己的错误。 Only in this way can you learn maths well . 只有用这种方法你才能学好数学。 d) 含有否定意义的副词或连词(如little, hardly, never, rarely, no sooner than等)放在句首时: Little did I think that he could be back alive. 我没有想到他竟能活着回来。 Not until New Year s Day shall I give you a gift. 我要到元旦那天才能给你礼物。 Hardly had the train arrived at the station when we ran towards the sleeping car looking for our guests. 火车刚一进站,我们就跑到卧车那儿去找我们的客人。 e) 副词so或neither(nor)在句首: He is interested in pop-songs, and so am I.他对流行歌曲感兴趣,我也如此。 He hasn t been to the countryside, neither does he want to go there.他没有去过农村,他也不想去那里。 f) 在方式状语thus开头的句子中及程度状语so放句首:


英语句子的自然语序是主语在前,谓语动词在后。把谓语动词放在主语之前,就叫倒装结构。如果全部谓语放在主语之前,叫全部倒装;只把助动词或情态动词放在主语之前就叫部分倒装。 一、完全倒装 1.时间状语now,then等,地点状语here,there, out,in,up,down,away等副词位于句首①Here comes the bus. ②There goes the bell. ③Now comes your turn. ④Out went the children. 当代词作主语时,主谓语序不变。例如: ⑤Here it is. 在这儿。⑥Here he comes. 他来了。 2.当句首状语为表示时间或地点的介词词组时,也常常引起全部倒装 ①在城市南部坐落着一家钢铁工厂。South of the city lies a big steel factory. ②从山谷里传来了一阵可怕的声音。From the valley came a frightening sound. 3.表语置于句首时,倒装结构为“表语+连系动词+主语” 1)形容词+连系动词+主语 出席会议的有怀特教授,史密斯教授,格林教授及其他嘉宾。 Present at the meeting were Professor White, Professor Smith, Professor Green and many other guests 2)过去分词+连系动词+主语 他们可以随心所欲的日子过去了。Gone are the days when they would do what they liked. 二、部分倒装 1.用于疑问句Do you speak English? 2.If引导的条件状语从句谓语动词为were, had或should时,可省去if,把那三个词挪至句首。Had you reviewed your lessons, you might have passed the examination. Were there enough hands, we should go on with the project. Should I be free tomorrow, I will come to the party. 3.用于“形容词(或名词、动词)+as(though)引导的让步状语从句中” ①Pretty as she is, she is not clever. ②Try as he could, he might fall again. 如果从句的表语是名词,其名词前不加任何冠词。 ①尽管他还是个孩子,他不得不去谋生。Child as he was, he had to make a living. 4.用于否定词never, hardly, seldom, scarcely, barely, little, often, at no time, at no time, not only+ 部分倒装but+不倒装, not once,no sooner+部分倒装… than+不倒装…,hardly+部分倒 装… when+不倒装和not until开头的句型中 ①我再也不做这个了。Never shall I do this again. ②他几乎不了解这个女人是谁。Little did he know who the woman was. ③直到老师开始上课他才写完作业。Not until the teacher came did he finish his homework. ④他刚迈出家门电话铃就响了。No sooner had he stepped out of the house than the phone rang. ⑤我刚到她们就要走了。Hardly had I arrived when they had to leave. 5.用于so,nor,neither开头的句子,表示重复前句部分内容,原句的谓语应与前句谓语的时态、形式相一致.若表示强调前句内容,则不倒装。 ①He has been to beijing. So have I. ② Li Wei can't answer the question. Neither can I. ③Li Lei failed the exam, so he did. ④ Lucy likes paintings, so she does. 6. 用于only开头的句子(only后面跟副词、介词短语或状语从句)。 ①只有以这种方式我们才能取得进步。Only in this way can we make progress. ②只有当他告诉我的时候我才意识到他陷入到了什么样的麻烦中。 Only when he told me did I realize what trouble he was in. 7)用于某些表示祝愿的句子。祝你成功!May you succeed!


倒装句的用法总结 今天给大家带来倒装句的用法,让我们一起来学习吧。下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 倒装句的用法 倒装有两种: 将主语和谓语完全颠倒过来,叫做完全倒装(Complete Inversion)。如:In came a man with a white beard. 只将助动词(包括情态动词)移至主语之前,叫做部分倒装(Partial Inversion)。如:Only once was John late to class. 英语句子的倒装一是由于语法结构的需要而进行的倒装,二是由于修辞的需要而进行的倒装。前一种情况,倒装是必须的,否则就会出现语法错误;后一种情况,倒装是选择性的,倒装与否只会产生表达效果上的差异。下面*就拟从其修辞功能谈谈倒装句的用法。 一、表示强调:

倒装句最突出、最常见的修辞效果就是强调,其表现形式如下: 1. only +状语或状语从句置于句首,句子用部分倒装。 eg.Only in this way can you solve this problem. 只有用这种方法,你才可以解决这个问题。 eg.Only after he had spoken out the word did he realize he had made a big mistake.只有当他已经说出那个字后才意识到自己犯了个大错误。 2. not, little, hardly, scarcely, no more, no longer, in no way, never, seldom, not only, no sooner等具有否定意义的词或词组位于句首,句子用部分倒装。 eg. No sooner had I got home than it beg.an to rain. 我刚到家就下起了雨。 eg. Seldom do I go to work by bus. 我很少乘公共汽车上班。 3. so / such...that结构中的so或such位于句首可以构成部分倒装句,表示强调so /such和that之间的部分。 eg.So unreasonable was his price that everybody startled. 他的要价太离谱,令每个人都瞠目结舌。


高考英语东莞倒装句知识点知识点总复习含答案 一、选择题 1.He went to the cinema yesterday and ______. A.so did his sister B.so his sister did C.so was his sister D.so his sister was 2.When asked about that horrible experience, Sue told me that so ______ in the darkness at that time that she didn't dare to move an inch. A.she was scared B.was she scared C.scared she was D.scared was she 3.The manager said that not one mistake _____ to see reported to him in the following month. A.would he want B.had he wanted C.he would want D.he had wanted 4.speaking of the films made before 1927 as “silent”,the film has never been,in the full sense of the word,silent. A.So accustomed are we to B.As we are so accustomed to C.Accustomed as we are to D.Accustomed as are we to 5.When we Chinese need help in a foreign land, at our back ____ a strong motherland. A.will stand B.stands C.is standing D.stood 6.Unlikely ______, what I’m telling you is true. A.as it may sound B.it may sound though C.as may sound it D.may sound it though 7.Mum is coming. What present________ for your birthday? A.you expect she has got B.you expect has she got C.do you expect she has got D.do you expect has she got 8.Nearby, ______ Mrs. White, stretching out cautiously to collect her costly jewels. A.standing on a wooden box was B.was standing on a wooden box C.on a wooden box was standing D.was on a wooden box standing 9.o the association of success with money that the thought of giving up good salary for an idea seems like a little bit crazy. A.Accustomed as are most of us B.Accustomed as most of us are C.So accustomed are most of us D.So accustomed most of us are 10.It might have saved me some trouble ______ the schedule. A.did I know B.have I known C.do I know D.had I known 11.Along with enthusiasm for composing music ______ his devotion to cultivating young people passionate about music. A.come B.comes C.coming D.to come 12.Not until I shouted at the top of my voice ______ his head. A.that he turned B.did he turn C.he didn’t turn D.had he turned 13.We are going to spend the Spring festival in Guangzhou, _____ my grandparents and some relatives.

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