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1. —What’s that on the floor? —It’s ______ empty bag.

A. a

B. an

C. the

D. /

2. They went swimming _______ a very hot day.A. in B. at C. for D. on

3. We’ll have a ______ holiday. What about going to Beidaihe?

A. three days

B. three-day

C. three-days

D. three-days’

4. _______Andy was playing, his mother came home.

A. Although

B. Until

C. While

D. Since

5. — Will your mother agree with this plan? —She _______ agree. I’m not sure.

A. may

B. must

C. should

D. can

6. — I have to write an important report.

—OK. I won’t allow _______ to enter your office until you finish it.

A. nobody

B. somebody

C. anybody

D. everybody

7. — Sally must be very _______ now.

— Yes. She has passed the exam and has nothing to worry about.

A. relaxed

B. relaxing

C. bored

D. boring

8. — When ______ the book _______?— In 2012

A. did; publish

B. was; published

C. had; been published

D. has; published

9. All the people were surprised to see a movie star ______at the party.

A. show up

B. make up

C. look up

D. pick up

10. My mother is watering flowers _______ I bought yesterday.

A. what

B. where

C. when

D. that

11. Jack was made _______ at home because he hadn’t finished his homework.

A. stay

B. to stay

C. staying

D. stayed

12. A computer _______ for each clerk in the office next month.

A. was provided

B. has been provided

C. will provide

D. will be provided

13. — ________ is the park from your house?—About one hour’s bus ride.

A. How far

B. How long

C. How soon

D. How much

14. I wonder ____________.

A. he how dealt with the problem

B. he dealt with the problem how

C. how he dealt with the problem

D. how did he deal with the problem

15. — We have beaten Class Two in the football match.— ________.

A. I agree with you

B. Congratulations

C. This way, please

D. You are lucky

II\完形填空Advice for fearful flyers

How many times have you boarded a flight and 1 one or two passengers who are acting a bit strangely? They could be suffering 2 (遭受)fear of flying(飞行恐惧). If you have a fear of flying, or find yourself 3 next to a fearful flyer, here is some advice you may like to share with that person.

Don’t try to hide your fear. Tell the flight attendant(乘务员) when you board(登机), and the passengers 4 you when you sit down. Other people can often help to relax and stop worrying.

Ask for a seat at the very front of the plane. You can feel the plane’s 5 much more at the back of the plane. Take the shortest flight you can and preferably(最好)in the 6 plane possible.

Keep busy. Watch the film even if it’s bad or you have seen it already. Read a book or do a crossword puzzle(字谜游戏).

There are various(各种各样的)classes for those 7 are afraid to fly. In some cases (在有些情况下)the final test is an actual airplane flight. The courses used to be quite expensive, but now with cheaper fares(机票价格), these classes are 8 as well.

Listen to peaceful and 9 music.

Finally, remember that 10 across the road is more dangerous than flying!

( )1.A . notice B.noticed C.find D.saw ( )2.A . to B.from C.for D.of

( )3.A . sit B.sitting C.sat D.to sit ( )4.A . before B.behind C.around D.on the left of ( )5.A .move B.moved C.movement D.to move ( )6.A . big B.bigger C.biggest https://www.doczj.com/doc/c512603580.html,rge ( )7.A . that B.who C.whom D.whose

( )8.A . expensive B.more expensive C.less expensive D.most expensive

( )9.A . relax B.relaxing C.relaxed D.to relax( )10.A . walking B.walked C.to go D.walks III、阅读理解

1. Traditionally, girls do NOT wear Mary Jane shoes with ________.

A. skirts

B. socks

C. dresses

D. trousers

2. ________ became popular in the US in about 2010.

A. Mary Jane shoes

B. Ugg boots

C. Football boots

D. Flip-flops

3. The first football boots were made in ________.

A. the UK

B. the US

C. ancient Egypt

D. Australia

4. Modern football boots are not true boots because ________.

A. they are not made of leather

B. they are very soft

C. they don’t cover ankles

D. they have a short history

5. Which of the following is TRUE according to the information above?

A. There are no Mary Jane shoes for boys.

B. The first Ugg boots were ugly and not comfortable.

C. The first football boots were light.

D. Flip-flops have a history of about six thousand years.


Once upon a time, in a village, there was a farmer named Karim Deen. This farmer was poor, but he had a kind and generous heart. He would like to lend his farm tools (工具) to any farmer who had no money to buy his own. He would quietly give a part of his crops to his neighbour who had a poor harvest (收成). His wife was also very kind-hearted. People came to Karim Deen and his wife with their troubles and they would always help them.

As time went by, Karim Deen became too old to work. He had no children. Things looked very bad for old Karim Deen, as growing and selling crops was his only source (来源) of money.

One day, Karim Deen lay in his bed by the window and looked sadly at his empty field. Then he saw something that surprised him. All the villagers, young and old, men and women, were walking to his field with farm tools. Then they worked in the hot sun. Day after day, they came to work in Karim Deen’ field after working in their own. They helped to sell his crops and gave all the money to the kind man and his wife.

The villagers had never forgotten the help they had received from Karim Deen and his wife. They would like to do something for them in return.

6. The underline d word “generous” means “_______” in Chinese.

A. 慷慨的

B. 吝啬的

C. 害羞的

D. 大胆的

7. It was _______ when Karim Deen saw the surprising sight.

A. cloudy

B. sunny

C. rainy

D. windy

8. Which of the following was NOT true about Karim?

A. He lent his farm tools to other people.

B. He gave a part of his crops to other people.

C. He had a wife who was not kind-hearted.

D. He tried to help other people solve problems.

9. Karim made money by ________.

A. making farm tools

B. growing and selling crops

C. lending his field to other people

D. buying crops for other people

10. The writer mainly wants to tell us that ________.

A. tears don’t mean sadness sometimes

B. if we are hard-working, we will get what we want

C. our neighbours are more helpful than our relatives

D. if we help other people, they will help us when we need help


We all know that lying is wrong. But do you know that it is bad for both your physical (身体的) and mental (心理的) health?

A recent study shows that telling fewer lies helps people physically and mentally.

“Each week for ten weeks, 110 people aged from 18 to 71 were tested to see the relationship between the number of lies they told and their health,” said Anita Kelly, a professor at the University of N otre Dame in Indiana. “When they lied more, their health declined,” said Kelly.

Researchers divided the people into two groups. Group A was told to avoid telling any lie for any reason to anyone. They may omit (忽略) the truth, refuse to answer questions, and keep secrets, but they can’t say anything that they know are not true. Group B was not told anything like this.

Over the study period, when people in Group A told fewer lies in a week than they did in other weeks, they experienced fewer health problems such as sore throats and headaches. Professor Linda Stroh said, “When you find that you don’t lie, you have less stress (压力).”

The results of past research show that each American tells about 11 lies a week. In both groups, when people lied less during a week, they reported better physical and mental health during that period.

“It’s certainly a good thing to have people be more honest,” said Robert Feldman of the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. “It may improve our mental health, but I don’t think it can improve our physical health.”

11. The underlined word “declined” means “________” in Chinese.

A. 变坏

B. 改善

C. 加强

D. 混乱

12. From the third paragraph, we can learn that ________.

A. the test continued for no more than one month

B. older people lie less than younger people

C. the number of lies one tells can affect one’s health

D. many people feel sick when they don’t tell lies

13. People in Group A were allowed to _______.

①omit the truth ②refuse to answer questions

③keep secrets ④tell lies to strangers

A. ①②③

B. ②③④

C. ①②④

D. ①③④

14. According to Linda Stroh, __________.

A. mental health is more important than physical health

B. when people don’t lie, they feel more relaxed

C. to be hone can’t improve our physical health

D. telling lies is necessary sometimes

15. We would most probably find this passage _______.

A. on a travel website

B. in a storybook

C. in a health magazine

D. in a cookbook


The idea of a working holiday might not be i , but when it’s olive (油橄榄) picking in the

South of France, you may want to think again.

I went to a farm in France with some of my friends last year. Sitting in the house, I learned that families used this t harvest for a cheap winter holiday. The owner of the farm offered visitors free rooms, and got their help to harvest the olives.

In the morning, we listened c as our host explained the task. He told us the way to use tools to harvest olives. The tools were u to shake the leaves off the trees, so that we could find olive fruit easily. Then we went to see the olive trees. “The trees are like teenagers with a new haircut,” said one of u . It was funny, and I laughed.

w around the olive trees, I enjoyed the beautiful scenery and listened to the sound of machines on the farm. Then we picked a lot of olives. Later, more people joined us, and we picked m

The next day, the olives we picked were cleaned and pressed, and then turned into oil. When I got some olive oil from the olive fruit that I c , I was s (shock) and couldn’t say a word. It was amazing t I’d been a part of this ancient process (工序)!


Sometimes we find it hard to accept the customs in other

countries, especially if they are completely (完全地) different from

ours. However, learning to accept and respect them is important.

①____________. Open the door of your mind to accept what

other people believe. Try not to think that a custom is bad when you

haven’t taken a close look at it. You may not agree with it, but you should try to respect it. This is because customs are considered part of the local people’s life. Just try t o accept them.

②_____________. From that you can learn a lot about other countries. When you start doing this, you will understand how things have gathered (集合)together to form the world we live in today. It’s amazing to know the way different people have fought for wh at they believe, even if those beliefs (看法)are different from yours.

③____________. If you know people from different countries, talk to them. In this way, you can get to know the way they think about things. Although their culture may be different from yours, this will make it easier for you to understand a different culture.

④____________. For example, you can try the traditional way of cooking in another country. With their traditional food, you will get close to their culture and begin to understand their lifestyle.

1. 从下列句子中选择适当选项填入空白处。

A. Talk to people

B. Develop an open mind

C. Try their way of doing things

D. Take a look at history


2. 将文中第一段划线部分翻译成汉语。_______________________________________

3. 文章第二段划线部分“them” 指代“ _________”。

4. What’s the main idea of the passage(本文的中心思想是什么)?



1. 业余爱好可以使你发展兴趣。Hobbies can _____ you ____ your interests.

2. 他不诚实,事实上,他有时会说谎。He is dishonest. ____ ____ ,he tells lies sometimes.

3. 你觉得北京怎么样?What do you ___ ____ Beijing ?

4. 我们不应该嘲笑有困难的人We shouldn’t ____ _____ people in _____.

5. 我像往常一样闷闷不乐的坐在桌前。I sat at my desk unhappily ___ ____.

6. 我的老师给了我一些建议,我把它们写在我的学习笔记上

My teacher gave me some ____ and I ____ them _____ in my study diary.

7. 如果你不懂,你可以向老师需求帮助。

If you don’t understand ,you can ____ the teacher ____ help.

8. 我警告他不要在抄袭别人的作业。

I warned him ____ ____ ____ other’s homework any more.

9. 他长得一天比一天壮实。He grew up stronger ___ ____ ____.

10大多数广播和电视台在12点停播Most television and radio stations ____ ____ at 12:00 pm.


健身俱乐部是人们健身休闲的好地方。假如你是力美健身俱乐部(Limei Health Club)的工作人员,请你根据下面的提示,写一篇短文介绍一下该俱乐部,以吸引更多的人加入此俱乐部。


2. 80词左右。

_____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________

二、单项选择(每小题1分, 共15分)

21-25 BDBCA 26-30 CABAD 31-35 BDACB

三、完形填空(每小题1分, 共10分)

36-40 BDCAD 41-45 CBDAC

四、阅读理解(每小题1.5分, 共30分)

46-50 DBACD 51-55 ABCBD 56-60 ACABC 61-65 CCDBB

第II卷 (共45分)


1. interesting

2. went

3. traditional

4. visitors

5. carefully

6. to shake


could find 8. us 9. Walking 10. more 11. had collected 12. shocked

六、任务型阅读(第一题每空 1分,其余每题2分,共10分)

1. ①B ②D ③A ④C

2. 尤其是那些风俗与我们的完全不同。(意思确切就得分)

3. customs

4. How to accept and respect customs in other countries?/What we should do

to accept and respect foreign customs?/Learning to accept and respect customs in a foreign is important.

八、书面表达(15分)One possible version

If you want to be healthy and active, welcome to Limei Healthy Club at No.13, Green Street. It was set up in 2010. It provides people with a fresh and big place to take exercise. It has many kinds of exercise equipment and offers all kinds of exercise classes. It also has some trainers who can give you advice and help you to keep healthy. If you want to know more information about this club, please call Mr White. His telephone number is 139********.

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