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In today's globalized world, English has become a crucial skill for communication and career advancement. As a result, English language learners often participate in various experiments and studies to enhance their language proficiency. This article aims to explore the importance of English experiments and the benefits they offer.

1. The Purpose of English Experiments:

English experiments serve multiple purposes, including language acquisition, pronunciation improvement, vocabulary expansion, and cultural understanding. These experiments provide learners with a hands-on approach to language learning, allowing them to apply theoretical knowledge in real-life situations. 2. Language Acquisition:

One of the primary goals of English experiments is to facilitate language acquisition. Through interactive activities, learners have the opportunity to practice listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. Engaging in conversations with native speakers or participating in group discussions helps learners develop fluency and gain confidence in their language abilities.

3. Pronunciation Improvement:

English experiments often focus on improving pronunciation, as it plays a vital role in effective communication. Learners can engage in activities such as

tongue twisters, mimicking native speakers, or recording their own voices to identify areas of improvement. By practicing correct pronunciation, learners can enhance their spoken English and minimize misunderstandings.

4. Vocabulary Expansion:

English experiments provide learners with exposure to a wide range of vocabulary. Whether it's through reading materials, listening exercises, or interactive games, learners can encounter new words and phrases. This exposure helps them expand their vocabulary, improve word choice, and develop a more nuanced understanding of the English language.

5. Cultural Understanding:

Language and culture are deeply intertwined. English experiments often incorporate cultural aspects to provide learners with a holistic learning experience. By exploring cultural traditions, customs, and idiomatic expressions, learners gain a deeper understanding of the English-speaking world. This cultural knowledge enhances their ability to communicate effectively and adapt to different social contexts.

6. Benefits of English Experiments:

Participating in English experiments offers numerous benefits to learners. Firstly, it provides a supportive and immersive environment for language practice, allowing learners to make mistakes and learn from them. Secondly, experiments encourage active engagement, fostering a deeper understanding of language structures and usage. Lastly, English experiments promote self-reflection and

self-assessment, enabling learners to monitor their progress and set realistic goals for improvement.


English experiments play a crucial role in language acquisition and overall language proficiency. By engaging in various activities, learners can enhance their speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills. Moreover, these experiments provide learners with exposure to different cultural aspects, enriching their language learning experience. The benefits of English experiments extend beyond language acquisition, as they also promote self-reflection and foster a lifelong love for learning. Therefore, it is essential for English language learners to actively participate in experiments to maximize their language learning potential.


求一篇英文的化学实验报告范文( Chemistry Lab sample (This is one of my Chemistry 11 lab assignment。) Title: Cooling and Heating Curves of a Pure Substance Objectives: to investigate the cooling process for liquid paradichlorobenzene to investigate the heating process for solid paradichlorobenzene Materials: Apparatus: rin stand and ring support buret clamp bunsen burner; wire gauze with ceramic centre; test tube(18mm*150mm); beaker(400ml); 2 thermometers; lab apron; safety goggles. Reagent: paradichlorobenzene Procedure: Data and observations: So generally, its the data you record throughout the lab. Data table should be customized for each lab. Conclusion: Questions and follow-up questions: Answer any question assigned at the back of the lab After all, this is only a high school lab example. If you are looking for a university chem lab template, i guess it would be more spesific in details。 well, generally, it goes like that. you can write your own one as long as you think you make clear of what you do. Have fun with it. 求一份英文实习report(300字左右) 这是范文这学期是我任教的第一学期,我担任初一级七班,八班的英语教学。 由于教学经验颇浅。因此,我对教学工作不敢怠慢,认真学习,深入研究教法,虚心向前辈学习。 经过一个学期的努力,获取了很多宝贵的教学经验。以下是我在本学期的教学情况。 因此,了解和分析学生情况,有针对地教对教学成功与否至关重要。最初接触教学的时候,我还不懂得了解学生对教学的重要性,只是专心研究书本,教材,想方设法令课堂生动,学生易接受。


实验目录 需求分析————————————2 整体设计————————————2 详细设计————————————4 调试与测试———————————6 用户手册————————————6 总结——————————————6

附录——————————————9 一需求分析 1目的 我们所做的程序课题是一个“简单的英文词典排版系统”。该课题目的在于锻炼我们的自主动手和创新、创造能力,同时通过自己看书学习文件的输入输出等功能的实现,提升我们的自学能力。并通过自己思考程序的算法和函数的组建过程来提升我们的逻辑思维能力,最后是利用自我程序测试和改进来增加我们对编程的进一步了解,和提升编程的能力。 其大背景是要为同学提供了一个既动手又动脑,独立实践的机会,将课本上的理论知识和实际有机的结合起来,锻炼同学的分析解决实际问题的能力。提高学生适应实际,实践编程的能力。 2 预期达到功能 (1) 能输入和显示所打的单词。 (2) 能分辨出单词。 (3) 对重复的单词和已经输入的单词能自动排除。 (4) 能按A-Z的顺序排版。 (5) 能将运行结果以文本形式存储。 (6) 具有添加新单词并重新排版的能力。 (7) 实现以上功能的选择操作 3 需解决问题

主要解决单词输入到文件和从文件输出以及最后文件保存的问题,但是我们对C++的学习仍不完全,这就要求我们提前把课本上的“文件与流”这一章节的相关内容进行自学并应用于其中。 其次我们要解决如何实现查找单词、分辨单词、添加单词以及对单词进行排序的系列问题,这要求我们能对已学习的内容充分掌握并熟练应用。 二整体设计 2 1


Title The title for the lab report may be provided by your lecturer. If not, you will need to make up your title. It should be brief, informative, and interesting. It is not usually a sentence. You should aim to provide just enough information in the title to avoid it being overly general. The key is to be concise and meaningful. Check with your lecturer if you need to include a title page and ensure all the relevant information is supplied. This will include your name, student number, date of the experime nt, the demonstrator’s name and the group you belong to. Introduction The introduction should be clear and concise. It should tell the reader what to expect in the report. An introduction generally includes the following elements: ? Problem – State the issue investigated by the experiment. ?Background –Briefly summarise previous research on the topic and narrow the scope of the study. ? Objectives – State the aim of the experiment and state the methods used. ? Hypothesis – If this is not already given, you must formulate this in unambiguous terms. The introduction is written in the past tense following the scientific style of writing. Materials and methods This section should contain a clear enough explanation of how you conducted the experiment so that someone wishing to replicate the procedure may be able to do so. Here you should describe the experimental design, the treatments and the apparatus you used. You should follow the rules for the conventional descriptions of chemicals. The standard practice is not to use trade names for chemicals. Instead you should use the generic or chemical names. Standard apparatus should be described in proper technical terms. Also, you should describe the procedures and methods of measurement you used. At the end of this section you should provide details of how you analysed the data. If this involved lengthy statistical calculations, these should be attached as an appendix. Results and discussion This section should be organised in a systematic way such that you first present the results and then discuss them. To report on results you should describe what happened. This is perhaps the most important section of your report because it is where you report the data upon which your conclusions are based. Accuracy, clarity of expression and systematic presentation of the data (e.g., use of tables, graphs, figures, diagrams, etc.) are key factors here. Take note that tables and figures do not simply repeat information given in the text –they are meant to summarise, amplify, or complement it. You should report first the results that bear directly on the title of your lab report. Any other interesting findings should follow this. If the experiment had more than one hypothesis, you may want to organise your results in a way that reflects this. A key


《先进材料表征技术》课程学生实验报告 实验名称: 姓名: 实验时间:年月日 哈尔滨工业大学深圳研究生院

I Purpose 1. Be familiar with the scanning electron microscope structure and working principle; 2. Be familiar with the requirements of sample preparation. II Equipment 1. HitachiS-4700 SEM 2. EDAX Energy Disperse Spectroscopy III Principle 1. SEM SEM body as show in Figure 1. Mainly include the main electron microscope electron optical system, the sample chamber, a detector, and a vacuum evacuation system power source circuit system. 图1 扫描电镜能谱仪 Figure 2 shows the principle of SEM. An electron beam emitted from the electron gun , after the grid focusing effect by acceleration voltage, electron-optical system through two or three electromagnetic lenses, and then electron beams will focus on the sample surface. Shooting a high energy electron beam to the sample material, we can get in a variety of information: secondary electrons, backscattered electrons, absorption of electrons, X-rays, Auger electrons, cathode


determination of heavy metals in soil by atomic absorption spectrometry(aas) name: xufei group: the 3rd group date: sep. 20th 2012 part 1 the introduction 1.1the purposes (1)learn how to operate the atomic absorption spectrometry; (2)learn how to do the pretreatment of soil samples; (3)get familiar with the application of atomic absorption spectrometry. 1.2the principles atomic absorption spectrometry (aas) is a technique for measuring quantities of chemical elements present in environmental samples by measuring the absorbed radiation by the chemical element of interest. this is done by reading the spectra produced when the sample is excited by radiation. the atoms absorb ultraviolet or visible light and make transitions to higher energy levels . the concentration is calculated based on the beer-lambert law. absorbance is directly proportional to the concentration of the analyte absorbed for the existing set of conditions. the concentration is usually determined from a calibration curve, obtained using standards of known concentration. calibration curve method: prepare standard solutions of at least three different concentrations, measure the absorbance of these standard solutions, and prepare a calibration curve from the values obtained. then measure the absorbance of the test solution adjusted in concentration to a measurable range, and determine the concentration of the element from the calibration curve. part 2 the materials and apparatus part 3 the procedure 3.1 operating procedure for aas (2) install required hollow cathode lamp. select “t” before turning to the power and hollow cathode lamp. then select appropriate la mp current and preheat for 30min. (3) make sure electrical meter to point to zero and then turn on high-voltage power. (4) select appropriate slit width. (5) rotate monochromator and select required wavelength. if the power meter is too high or low, adjust negative high voltage until the meter reads full scale. (6) adjust light point and wavelength so that the meter represents the maximum value. (8) inject distilled water into the flame and continue to preheat the burner. inject distilled water into the flame after each sample. (9) select “e”, inject blank solution into the flame and adjust the meter to zero. (10) optimize analysis conditions and measure standard solution and samples. (12) select “t” before turning off high voltage power, decrease lamp current and then turn off the lamp. at the same time, all buttons should be on original positions. (13) check the equipment before leaving the laboratory.


实验报告 实验项目名称外贸英语函电课程名称外贸英语函电成绩评定 实验类型:验证型□综合型 设计型□实验日期指导教师学生姓名学号专业班级 一、实验项目训练方案 小组合作:是□否 小组成员: 实验目的: 使学生通过对对不同信函的练习,摸索与外商建立业务关系的方法,掌握国际商务磋商、掌握询盘、发盘、还盘、接受环节往来函电的应用技巧。 实验场地及仪器、设备和材料: P4微型计算机,数据库服务器,外贸单证系统 实验训练内容(包括实验原理和操作步骤): 项目一建立业务关系 1. Steps for writing business letters of establishing business relations (1) Source of introduction (2) Brief introduction of your own company (3) Intention of writing the letter 2.Practice Letter One 基本要求: 根据下述资料,以世格国际贸易公司业务员Minghua Zhao的名义,给加拿大NEO公司写一封与他们建立业务关系的信函,要求用英文书写,表达清楚、内容完整。 相关信息:世格国际贸易公司(DESUN TRADING CO.,LTD.)成立于1987年,是一家拥有进出口经营权的外贸公司。公司经营范围广泛,与多家供应商有固定的业务往来,信誉良好。同时公司也极为重视新产品开发,05年的新产品DR系列瓷器选用上等瓷土(F irst-class Porcelain)烧制,包装精美,质量上乘,非常具有竞争力。2005年10月12日公司业务员Minghua Zhao从网上看到加拿大NEO公司求购瓷器(chinaware)的信息,想与他们建立业务关系。NEO公司的具体资料如下: MR. ANDY BURNS NEO GENERAL TRADING CO., LTD #362 JALAN STREET, TORONTO, CANADA TEL NO.: (+01)7708808 FAX NO.: (+01)7701111 E-MAIL:************


中英文打字实验报告 一、实验目的 本实验旨在通过中英文打字练习,提高打字速度和准确性,同时熟悉不同语言打字的特点和技巧。 二、实验设备 计算机、键盘、中文输入法软件、英文输入法软件。 三、实验过程 1. 准备阶段:打开计算机,连接键盘,安装中文输入法软件和英文输入法软件。调整计算机屏幕亮度、字体大小等,确保视觉舒适。 2. 英文打字练习:选择一篇英文文章,以标准指法进行打字练习。要求每分钟至少打60个单词,并尽量减少错误率。在练习过程中,注意观察手指的协调性和击键的准确性。 3. 中文打字练习:选择一篇中文文章,以标准指法进行打字练习。要求每分钟至少打40个汉字,并尽量减少错误率。在练习过程中,注意观察手指的协调性和击键的准确性。 4. 休息与调整:在练习过程中,适时休息,避免手指疲劳。同时,根据个人情况调整指法和姿势,以提高打字速度和准确性。 5. 实验总结:完成练习后,总结实验过程中的经验和不足之处,提出改进措施,为今后的打字练习提供参考。

四、实验结果 经过一段时间的练习,我的中英文打字速度和准确性得到了明显提高。具体结果如下: 1. 英文打字:在练习过程中,我的打字速度逐渐提高,最终达到每分钟70个单词左右,错误率控制在5%以内。通过观察和实践,我发现英文打字需要注意单词的拼写和语法结构,同时要掌握常用的短语和表达方式。 2. 中文打字:在练习过程中,我的中文打字速度也有所提高,最终达到每分钟50个汉字左右,错误率控制在3%以内。通过实践,我发现中文打字需要熟悉常用汉字和词语,同时要注意句子的流畅性和完整性。 五、实验总结与建议 通过本次实验,我深刻认识到打字速度和准确性对于工作和学习的重要性。为了进一步提高打字水平,我建议采取以下措施: 1. 坚持每天进行中英文打字练习,保持手指的灵活性和协调性。 2. 不断总结经验和技巧,针对个人不足之处进行有针对性的练习。 3. 学习使用快捷键和编辑技巧,提高打字效率。 4. 注意保持正确的坐姿和指法,避免因疲劳和错误的姿势导致的手指损伤或身体不适。


《物流系统建模与仿真》AnyLogic排队系统仿真实验报告 2013-2014学年第1学期 姓名00 0000000 学号000000000000 班级00000000000 成绩 2013年11月30日

一、实验目的: 通过学习操作Anylogic仿真软件,学会用AnyLogic仿真支持离散和连续仿真的无缝集成;了解Anylogic仿真系统的运行流程;熟悉其基本操作,学会优化仿真结果,并学会结合实际情况设计模型解决问题。 二、实验工具: Anylogic系统软件 三、实验原理: 1、轻变换抽象层次和视点直到它完美地适用于需要解决的问题; 2、如果认为系统动态学的抽象层对解决问题绰绰有余,使用整合聚集表; 3、如果系统能以流程(操作顺序、实体、资源)的形式显示出来,使用离散事件建模; 4、如果对具体的对象行为更感兴趣,使用基于主体的建模; 5、可以将不同的方法用于一种模型。 四、实验内容: 运用Anylogic系统软件仿真实际生活中的排队现象,对排队现象进行仿真分析。 五、实验步骤 1、首先创建一个新的模型。

2、参数变化 3、最后运行此模型,运行状况如下图:

六、实验体会: 我以前并不知道有这个排队系统的存在,对Anylogic 系统仿真软件没有什么了解,在课上听老师说的和自己真正操作起来,感觉完

全不一样,刚开始装的英文版的,根本看不懂,对照着使用说明也找不到相关的按钮在哪里,后来听同学说还可装汉语版的,我高兴了一下,这会终于可以好操作一些了,在宿舍同学的帮助下,我终于一步步的完成了实验操作,后来竟然不能运行,最后伟哥帮我找到了问题所在,好像是有些设置没有写好。 通过这次实验掌握了一些Anylogic系统仿真软件的操作方法,了解了其一些运行流程。随着对这个软件的深入了解,发现这个软件操作起来也不是很难。并通过Anylogic系统仿真软件仿真了实际中的排队现象,使我对排队现象又有了更加深入的认识,熟练掌握了运用Anylogic系统仿真软件仿真排队现象。

高一年级英语 U3 The world of Science 实验报告写作

Book3Unit3 Writing an experiment report写作课教学设计 教学年级:高中一年级 课题名称:Unit3, Book3 Writing an experiment report 教材版本:外研版 授课时间:45分钟 (一)学生分析 本课的教学对象是已进入高中一年级的学生,年龄在15---16岁之间。学生已经具备了一定的阅读写作能力,但英语水平层次不齐。但是根据新课标要求,学生的写作能力仍需进一步提高,高中对不同文本的写作也需要进行系统的培养和训练。 (二)教材分析 本课是外研版Book 3中unit3 The world of science 的内容。课程要求学生通过观察实验学习实验的指导步骤,体会实验报告的文体及语言特征,激发学生感受科学的严谨性从而加强学生对科学研究的兴趣。 (三)教学目标 根据【英语课程新标准】的要求,本节写作课着重培养学生写作能力的同时,还兼顾培养学生的语言表达能力。 (四)教学策略 教学方法:1).讨论法:拓宽学生思维,活跃课堂气氛。 2).任务型教学:让学生通过体验、实践、合作交流、互帮互助的学习形式,提高他们的语言综合运用能力。 教学辅助手段:计算机多媒体的教学辅助手段 (五)教学过程 Step I.Warming up: 1. Question1: What is the right order of the stages of an experiment? 设计思路:首先问题导入—让学生思考一个实验基本是遵循什么顺序,从学习英文提醒学生一定要注意科学的严谨性。 2. Question2: What is the result of the experiment? And why? 设计思路:实验的结果以及其原因。本环节课前导入。通过分享视频(瓶子吞鸡蛋的实验)既紧扣单元主题,又和写作内容相关。通过两个问题的提问,激发了学生对新课的兴趣又激发了对实验的好奇。视频的分享激发了学生兴趣,活跃了课堂。 Step II . Analyze the instructions for the experiment Task1: Learning preparation —the structure of an experiment 设计思路:了解实验报告的结构:introduction, main body and conclusion。 Task2: Learning preparation —the comparison between the instructions for the experiment and the outline of an experiment report 设计思路:比较实验步骤和实验报告在语言,句式及时态等方面的不同,从而让学生感受到文本的类型及特征。 Task 3: Learning preparation —the definition of an experiment report 设计思路:让学生总结实验报告的特征,从而为写作作铺垫。 Task 4:Practice——how to express To express “aim”:


英语词汇两种学习方法实验研究报告 王丽 一、提出问题 初中英语阶段要求学生掌握的词汇比较多,以初二下学期为例,平均每单元的词汇量达四十左右,以平均每学周学习一个单元 的教学进度授课,则每天平均需要学习8到10个单词。因此,掌握词汇是初中低年级学生学习英语普遍面临的难题,相当多 的学生反映自己的词汇量小,进行阅读训练时耗时长,难以形 成兴趣,阅读量小;而阅读量小,学到的词汇就少;学的词汇 越少,阅读的速度就会越慢。许多学生都被这种负循环所困扰。 针对学生的困难,向学生提供短而有趣并配上图片的短文或对 话信息将有益于学生的词汇学习。据此,设计了两种词汇学习 方法:一是例句法,二是图文并茂法。这样做是基于以下词汇 学习理论背景。 二、两种词汇学习方法的理论背景 王极盛在《记忆的秘密》中指出,在教学过程中,老师对学生 要提出明确的要求,学生要明确记忆的目标,这是提高学生记 忆效果的一个重要条件。基于该研究,在本次实验中,老师将 需要学生掌握的词汇定为目标词,即给学生提出明确的记忆目 标。 Guaik和Lockhart提出了“加工水平说”(levels of processing),认为感知事物包括在各个层次上对刺激的分析。

初始阶段为诸如线条、角度、亮度、声调以及响度等物体的感 官的特征;后面的阶段涉及到将输入的信息与脑中储存的抽象 概念相配,即进行模式的识别和的判断。当一个词被识别时会 引发学习者过去对该词的体验、形象和联想。这一理论又称“深 度加工说”(depth of processing)。此处“深度”指更大程度的 语义分析,亦称“深编码法”(elaboration coding)。这种深编码 法会产生更持久、更强的记忆痕。 Guaik和Lockhart(1975)的研究显示,记忆得以加强与包含目标词的上下文构成一个结合体的程度相关,并指出与被 解码的上下文结合有助于词的记忆,因为一个被解码的语言单 位之所以构成一体根据的是记忆者的学习经历。这种构成一体 的过去的学习记录,在回忆时便能作为提示重建最初的解码。 根据这一理论,为学生提供含有目标词的上下文并配上图画可 使学生进行初始编成和深编码,从而更有效地记忆这些目标词。 因此,这两种教学方法在教学活动中被实施,以下是实验报告。 三、实验设计 1、因素与变量 本次实验的因素为英语词汇测试成绩。教学方法为自变量。非 实验组A班(对照班)使用的学习方法为例句法,B班(实验 组)使用的词汇学习方法为图文并茂法,其具体的做法为:将 目标词列出,在A班中把目标词设置在例句中去,分发给A班 的学生进行记忆。而在B班(实验班)的学习材料中,除将目


查找英文文献实验报告总结 Finding English literature lab report conclusions may vary depending on the specific topic or experiment you are looking for. However, here is a general step-by-step guide to help you find lab report conclusions in English literature: 1. Start by identifying relevant keywords related to your topic or experiment. For example, if you are looking for lab report conclusions on the effect of temperature on enzyme activity, you could use keywords such as "enzyme activity," "temperature," and "effect." 2. Use academic search engines or databases such as PubMed, Google Scholar, or ScienceDirect. Enter your keywords into the search bar and select the filters for English language and research papers or articles. 3. Browse through the search results and read the abstracts of each paper to determine if the study includes a lab report or experimentation section. 4. Once you have identified a relevant paper, click on the title or the PDF link to access the full text. 5. Search for the section within the paper labeled "Conclusion" or "Discussion." This is where you are most likely to find the lab report summary or conclusions. 6. Read the relevant section to find the key findings, implications, and conclusions of the experiment.


平抛运动实验报告单 平抛运动实验报告英文版 Aim: Utilize the relationship of horizontal displacement and vertical displacement of little iron ball to verify if it is a projectile motion? Independent variable: vertical displacement, X Dependent variable: horizontal displacement, Y Controlled variable: ?initial speed of iron ball when it leaves the track. ?initial direction of iron ball when it leaves the track. Method of controlling variable: ?. Release the ball from the same height of a track; for example, release it from the top of the track every time. So the initial velocity can be sure to be the same each time. ?Use the air bubble at the bottom of the facility to check if the facility is in horizon. If the air bubble is in exact middle of its area, the facility is horizontal. Steps (methods of collecting data) 1. Pave the carbon paper behind the white paper together on the iron board using magnet to make it stick to the board. 2. Check if the air bubble is exactly in its central area. If not, use floor leveler to adjust the facility until facility is horizontal.



计算机网络实验报告 学院计算机与通信工程学院专业网络工程班级1401班 学号20 姓名实验时间:2016.3.30 一、实验名称: 网络协议分析器Wireshark 二、实验目的: 了解Wireshark的界面组成,熟悉Wireshark的基本操作,掌握捕捉过滤器和显示过滤器的使用 三、实验环境: 局域网中的任意一台主机PC(,Wireshark version1.10.11. 四、实验步骤: 使用Wireshark捕获数据包的一般过程为: 步骤1:启动Wireshark。 步骤2:开始分组捕获。 单击工具栏的按钮,出现如图所示对话框,进行系统参数设置。单击“Start”按钮开始进行分组捕获。 Wireshark配置界面

步骤3:单击捕获对话框中的“stop”按钮,停止分组捕获。此时,Wireshark 主窗口显示已捕获的局域网内的所有协议报文。 步骤4:筛选具体的协议。如要筛选的协议为http协议,只需要在协议筛选框中输入“http”,单击“Apply”按钮,分组列表窗口将只显示HTTP协议报文。这样就可以捕获所需要的数据包,并可以借助Wireshark提供的功能的网络数据包的分析。 用Wireshark分析协议的一般过程: 在抓包完成后,可以利用显示过滤器找到感兴趣的包,也可根据协议、是否存在某个域、域值、域值之间的关系来查找感兴趣的包。 Wireshark的显示过滤器: 可以使用表1.1所示的操作符来构造显示过滤器 英文名称运算符中文名称应用举例 eq = = 等于Ip.addr==10.1.1 0.20 ne != 不等于Ip.addr!=10.1.1 0.20 gt > 大于Frame.pkt_len>1 0 lt < 小于Frame.pkt_len<1 0 ge >= 大于等于Frame.pkt_len>= 10 le <= 小于等于Frame.pkt_len<= 10 也可以使用下面逻辑操作符将表达式组合起来: 逻辑与and(&&): 如ip.addr==; 逻辑或or(II) 如 ip.addr==; 异或xor(^^)如 ip.addr== ip.addr==;


填料塔吸收实验报告 【篇一:填料塔气体吸收实验-实验报告-英文】 division of engineering assessed report department of chemical engineering eh1spf: gas absorption in a packed column abstract packed tower is well known as one of the most wildly used method in absorption zone to separate different gas by liquid phase. in this experiment, the aim is to calculate the overall liquid transfer coefficient kxa by the equation ??= ????=0 ??1?????? ????????2??????? =??????.??????the value of kxa in three groups are changeable and only two of which can work out kxa value. the kxa value of group 2 and group 3 is 0.014 and 0.012. in addition, both the kxa value is below 1 so that log (kxa) is always negative. moreover, the g and hol have a positive linear ratio.however, g and kxa have a negative relationship, so does kxa and hol.these three diagrams illustrate that the gas flow rate has negative influence on the efficiency of gas absorption. and the height of a transfer unit also has an inverse ratio to the efficiency. content abstract ............................................................................................. . (2) content .............................................................................................. (3) objectives ......................................................................................... .. (4) introduction ...................................................................................... ........ 4 background theory (5) apparatus .......................................................................................... ....... 7 procedure and notes (8) calculation and

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