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美英报刊阅读教程Lesson 34 课文

Lesson 34 Out of the Blue On a picture-perfect Texas morning, the shuttle Columbia was heading home when tragedy struck, leaving America and the world wondering what went wrong-and honoring the lives of seven brave astronauts. By Evan Thomas 1) Tony Beasley, an astronomer at the California Institute of Technology, got up early, along with his wife and mother-in-law, to watch the space shuttle fly overhead. It was a little after 5:45 a.m., California time, 7:45 a.m. at Mission Control1 in Houston, 8:45 a.m. at Cape Canaveral in Florida. Beasley could see the bright glow of the shuttle as it came over California’s Owens Valley, bound for a Florida landing, still 60 miles high, traveling at about 20 times the speed of sound. Then he noticed some bright flashes, just small ones at first. Beasley idly wondered if the shuttle was shedding some debris as it entered the atmosphere. He didn’t make much of it;2 he thought he recalled that space shuttles sometimes lost a few tiles as the craft burned into the atmospnere. But then he noticed a large pulse of light. “It was like a big flare being dropped from the shuttle,” he told Newsweek. “It didn’t seem normal.” 2) A few minutes later, a few hundred miles to the east in Red Oak, Texas, Trudy Orton heard a boom as she stood on her front porch in the brightening morning. She thought it was a natural-gas explosion. “My house shook and windows rattled.” Her dog ran into the house and hid. A neighbor, loading her car, looked up and asked, “What on earth was that?” Orton lo oked up and saw a white streak of smoke across the sky. “It wasn’t a sleek little straight line like the jets make. It was billowing like a puffy cloud.” 3) At the Kennedy Space Center at 9 a.m., ET, the festive crowd-NASA officials, family members of the astronauts, local dignitaries and politicians, even a representative of the Israeli government, on hand to honor Israel’ s first astronaut, Col. Ilan Ramon-eagerly listened for the familiar sonic boom, heralding the arrival of the returning shuttle. But as the skies remained silent, the burble of chatter died down, then grew anxious. At about 9:05, mobile phones began to ring. Suddenly, officials were herding family members into buses. The countdown clock continued to wind down to the scheduled 9:16 landing. But the crowd was already gone. 4) The specialists inside Mission Control were well aware that the complex machines they put into space and then hope to bring home again are potential deathtraps. The rest of us forget, until a tragedy occurs, and the nation and the world are left mourning the loss of the astonishing array of hope and talent that routinely fly aboard the shuttles-113 trips, so far. When the shuttle Columbia disintegrated over Texas last Saturday morning, it took with it an Air Force colonel and test pilot3 (whose last job had been chief of safety for the astronaut office); a former Eagle Scout fighter jock4 (second in his class at Annapolis); a veteran African-American astronaut making his second trip into space; an India-born woman with a Ph.D. who enjoyed flying aerobatics5; a medical doctor who had performed in the circus as an acrobat; another medical doctor who was a mother, and an Israeli Air Force hero who had bombed Iraq’ s Osirak nuclear reactor in 1981. 5) The seven crew members of the Columbia were finishing a 16-day mission that had gone off without a hitch6, hi between conducting dozens of scientific experiments, there had been plenty of time for stargazing. Astronaut Kalpana Chawla had told reporters how much, on a prior shuttle mission, she had enjoyed “watching the continents go by, the thunderstorms shimmering in the

美英报刊阅读教程Lesson 1 课文

【Lesson 1 Good News about Racial Progress The remaining divisions in American society should not blind us to a half-century of dramatic change By Abigail and Stephan Thernstrom In the Perrywood community of Upper Marlboro, Md.1, near Washington, D.C., homes cost between $160,000 and $400,000. The lawns are green and the amenities appealing—including a basketball court. Low-income teen-agers from Washington started coming there. The teens were black, and they were not welcomed. The homeowners? association hired off-duty police as security, and they would ask the ballplayers whether they “belonged” in the area. The association? s newsletter noted the “eyesore” at the basketball court. But the story has a surprising twist: many of the homeowners were black t oo. “We started having problems with the young men, and unfortunately they are our people,” one resident told a re porter from the Washington Post. “But what can you do?” The homeowners didn?t care about the race of the basketball players. They were outsiders—in truders. As another resident remarked, “People who don?t live here might not care about things the way we do. Seeing all the new houses going up, someone might be tempted.” It?s a t elling story. Lots of Americans think that almost all blacks live in inner cities. Not true. Today many blacks own homes in suburban neighborhoods—not just around Washington, but outside Atlanta, Denver and other cities as well. That?s not the only common misconception Americans have ab out race. For some of the misinformation, the media are to blame. A reporter in The Wall Street Journal, for instance, writes that the economic gap between whites and blacks has widened. He offers no evidence. The picture drawn of racial relations is even bleaker. In one poll, for instance, 85 percent of blacks, but only 34 percent of whites, agreed with the verdict in the O.J. Simpson murder trial. That racially divided response made headline news. Blacks and whites, media accounts would have us believe, are still separate and hostile. Division is a constant theme, racism another. To be sure, racism has not disappeared, and race relations could —and probably will —improve. But the serious inequality that remains is less a function of racism than of the racial gap in levels of educational attainment, single parenthood and crime. The bad news has been exaggerated, and the good news neglected. Consider these three trends: A black middle class has arrived. Andrew Young recalls the day he was mistaken for a valet at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York City. It was an infuriating case of mistaken identity for a man who was then U.S. ambassador to the United Nations. But it wasn?t so long ago that most blacks were servants—or their equivalent. On the eve of


查看此教程建议视图: 因为包含很多图片,其他视图导致图片查看不全。 解压后看到的文件有: 其中discusX3.0.wpm 是发布模块,dz测试接口.ljobx 是用于测试的规则,以后不要问规则该怎么写了,就按照这个格式写。 1,上传接口 根据自己的网站编码选择GBk或者utf8文件下下面的接口文件,jiekou.php,这个接口有个密码,默认是123456,如果想要修改,就打开这个jiekou.php,修改: 就是上图这个,把默认的“123456”修改成你想要的,修改好了一定要保存,看不懂那就不要修改了。 然后把这个文件上传到DZ网站的根目录,不知道什么是根目录的自己百度,不要问上传到那里,自己的网站

别人怎么知道你的根目录是什么,不知道就自己去查。 然后我们在浏览器里试试能不能访问,访问地址是http://网站域名/jiekou.php?pw=密码,这个密码就是上面说的接口密码: 如果能出现论坛的模块就证明接口是对的了。 2,导入发布模块 点击发布按钮: 打开配置界面(有些慢,稍等下):


第一步,选择我们刚才导入的dz发布模块。 第二步:全局变量就是上面说的接口文件密码 第三步:选择对应的编码 第四步:网站根目录就填写上面我们访问接口的时候去掉后面的接口文件名称,剩余后的地址。然后选择“不需要登录&Http请求” 第五步:点击获取列表,如果能显示论坛版块就说明上面4步设置的正确。

设置好了点击测试配置,成功后就设置一个配置名保存这个配置在规则里面使用, 简单分布,只发布标题内容回复的情况 我们打开发布模块,来介绍下里面的内容: 点击编辑按钮,到“内容发布参数”选项卡: 介绍下表单名: ?username:对应的论坛发帖和回帖的用户名 ?subject :对应的是论坛的标题 ?message :对应是发布的帖子主题和回复内容,这2部分是放到 一起的 ?fid :对应的是版块ID ?signature :发帖人和回复人的签名内容,这里也是放在一起的


论文框架结构 特别说明:以下的框架只是普遍意义的写作思路,各位同学在写作时,可以按照此框架整理自己的思路,具体拟订写作提纲时,应根据实际情况进行增减和调整,不一定完全按照此框架写。 对于不同类型的选题,论文的框架各有不同,一般而言,电大论文选题可以分为三种类型。 第一种类型:以研究企业现存问题为主,对存在问题提出改进建议的选题。重点写存在的问题接解决措施。 在文章的开头应该有 300-600字左右的引言,引出所研究的内容, 对于问题型研究主题,主要内容的展开可以参考以下分析框架: 一、理论概述 (一 (二 ······ 二、提出问题(研究对象的特点、重要性、必要性 (一 (二 (三 ······· 三、现状描述(现状,现存主要问题

(一 (二 (三 ······· 四、问题分析(原因分析、成因分析 (一 (二 (三 五、解决问题(解决措施、改进建议、应注意的问题 (一 (二 (三 ······· 六、小结(结论 第二种类型:某一种管理方式在某企业中的应用, 如“电子商务在 XX 企业中应用研究” 。重点写实施过程中面临的主要问题及解决方案 在文章的开头应该有 300-600字左右的引言,引出所研究的内容, 对于问题型研究主题,主要内容的展开可以参考以下分析框架: 一、理论概述

(一 (二 ······ 二、研究对象的必要性 (一 (二 (三 ······· 三、推行的主要措施 (一 (二 (三 ······· 四、推行过程中面临的主要问题 (一 (二 ······· 五、解决措施、保障措施或进一步注意的问题(一

(二 (三 ······· 六、小结(结论 第三种类型:以总结企业现有的成功经验为主(相当于一个案例研究 ,该企业的成功经验对类似企业的借鉴意义,如“雅芳直销模式的研究” ,这类企业的一些做法比较成熟、成功,具有一定的推广和借鉴价值。重点要总结经验, 提出其借鉴意义。 在文章的开头应该有 300-600字左右的引言,引出所研究的内容, 对于问题型研究主题,主要内容的展开可以参考以下分析框架: 一、理论概述 (一 (二 ······ 二、研究意义、重要性、必要性 (一 (二 (三 ······· 三、主要措施或举措


英美报刊阅读教程1 Language Features 电子报纸 electronic newspaper = e-paper 电子杂志electronic magazine = e-zine 1.英语新闻报刊的种类:日报、晨报、晚报 周报、半周报 semiweekly 、双周报 biweekly 城市报metropolitan newspaper 报纸newspaper 郊区报suburban newspaper 乡村报rural newspaper 大报quality newspaper 通俗小报tobloid 2.新闻英语的限制因素:大众性、节俭性、趣味性、时新性、客观性 3.拼词缀 (1)前词部首+后词部尾 boat +hotel=botel 水上旅馆 taikong +astronaut=taikonaut 宇航员 medical +suicide = medicide 医助安乐死 digital +literati = digirati 电脑联通网 guess + estimate=guestimate 约略估计 corporation + bureaucrate=corporcrat 公司官僚主义 (2)前词全部+后词部尾 jazz + discotheque = jazzotheque 爵士音乐夜总会 screen + teenager = screenager 屏幕青少年 eye + analyzer = eyelzer 远不测醉器 work +welfare = workfare 工作福利 guess + kingdom = filmdom 电影王国 news + program = newsgram 新闻节目


论文框架结构 Document serial number【KKGB-LBS98YT-BS8CB-BSUT-BST108】

论文框架结构 特别说明:以下的框架只是普遍意义的写作思路,各位同学在写作时,可以按照此框架整理自己的思路,具体拟订写作提纲时,应根据实际情况进行增减和调整,不一定完全按照此框架写。 对于不同类型的选题,论文的框架各有不同,一般而言,电大论文选题可以分为三种类型。 第一种类型:以研究企业现存问题为主,对存在问题提出改进建议的选题。重点写存在的问题接解决措施。 在文章的开头应该有300-600字左右的引言,引出所研究的内容, 对于问题型研究主题,主要内容的展开可以参考以下分析框架: 一、理论概述 (一) (二) ······ 二、提出问题(研究对象的特点、重要性、必要性) (一) (二) (三) ······· 三、现状描述(现状,现存主要问题) (一) (二) (三) ······· 四、问题分析(原因分析、成因分析) (一) (二) (三) ·······

五、解决问题(解决措施、改进建议、应注意的问题) (一) (二) (三) ······· 六、小结(结论) 第二种类型:某一种管理方式在某企业中的应用,如“电子商务在XX企业中应用研究”。重点写实施过程中面临的主要问题及解决方案 在文章的开头应该有300-600字左右的引言,引出所研究的内容, 对于问题型研究主题,主要内容的展开可以参考以下分析框架: 一、理论概述 (一) (二) ······ 二、研究对象的必要性 (一) (二) (三) ······· 三、推行的主要措施 (一) (二) (三) ······· 四、推行过程中面临的主要问题 (一) (二) (三) ······· 五、解决措施、保障措施或进一步注意的问题

美英报刊阅读教程Lesson 3 课文

Lesson 3 Women Leap Off Corporate Ladder Many turn to start-ups for freedom1 Women?s start-ups have higher success By Stephanie Armou Corporations are losing thousands of female employees and managers eager to start businesses of their own. Professional women say they? re leaving corporate jobs because of advancement barriers, scant help balancing work and family, and a desire to pursue an entrepreneurial goal.2 Like a growing number of women, JoAnn Corn abandoned a successful corporate career to launch her own business, Health Care Resources, a Denver-based firm3. “I was petrified,” says Corn, who has continually expanded her business. “1 was just champing at the bit.4 My mind was filled with these ideas, but they were suppressed.” An unprecedented number of professional women are taking the same initiative. The number of female-owned businesses is growing at nearly twice the national average, a pace that alarms some private employers. “The loss of women?s talents in corporations is becoming increasingly worrisome,” says Sheila Wellington, president of Catalyst, a New Y ork-based nonprofit and research advisory group5. “Clearly, the message to Corporate America is maintain these women.” The number of female-owned businesses grew by 78% from 1987 to 1996, according to the National Foundation for Women Business Owners (NFWBO) 6. There were about 8 million female-owned businesses in 1996, or 36% of all businesses. Many women are shunning the private sector7 because of: ?Barriers to advancement. Nearly 30% of female entrepreneurs with prior private-sector experience cited glass-ceiling issues8 as the major reason they left corporations, based on a 1998 survey by Catalyst, NFWBO and The Committee of 200, and organization of businesswomen. “There didn?t seem to be a lot of opportunity for moving up,” says Diahann Lassus, who started her own financial planning firm in New Providence, N. J.9, after quitting a corporate management job. “I felt like the opportunities weren?t there anymore.” Diahann Lassus giving a lecture ?More flexibility. Even though entrepreneurs toil long hours, many can choose when they work. “I can?t wait for the day when I?m just doing my own business,” says Tammie Chestnut, 27, of Tempe, Ariz.10, who recently launched a resume consulting busi ness”, The Resum6 Shop, while working for the Tempe Chamber of Commerce. “I want freedom. 1 want to take the day off to spend with my child.” The need for flexibility was cited by more than half the female business owners as a major reason for leaving corp orate positions, based on the survey by Catalyst and other women? s groups. “I wanted to work part time and choose my own hours,” says Aura Ahuvia, 33, who launched a monthly publication, The Washtenaw Parent12, in 1995 from her home in Ann Arbor, Mich13. “It gave me more flexibility than any job around here. If my kids get sick, I can take the day off.”?An entrepreneurial spark14. Many women say entrepreneurial interests were stifled at corporate


论文框架结构 特别说明:以下的框架只是普遍意义的写作思路和基本框架,各位同学在写作时,可以按照此框架整理自己的思路,具体拟订写作提纲时,应根据实际情况进行增减和调整,不一定完全按照此框架写。 对于不同类型的选题,论文的框架各有不同,一般而言,电大论文选题可以分为三种类型。 第一种类型:以研究企业现存问题为主,对存在问题提出改进建议的选题。重点写存在的问题接解决措施。对于问题型研究主题,主要内容的展开可以参考以下分析框架: 引言 (一)(二)?…… 二、XX 公司XX 管理的重要性(研究对象的特点、必要性) (一) (二) (三) ?…… 三、XX 公司XX 管理的现状 此处可以加一小段文字对所研究企业进行简单介绍,不必单独列出二级标题 (一)(二)(三)?…… 四、XX 公司XX 管理中存在的主要问题 此处可以加一小段文字对所研究企业进行简单介绍,不必单独列出二级标题

(二) (三) ?…… (一) (二) (三) ?…… 六、解决措施(解决对策、改进建议、在XX 管理中应注意的问题) (一) (二) (三) ?…… 七、小结(结论) 第二种类型:某一种管理方式在某企业中的应用,如“电子商务在XX 企业中应用研究”。重点写实施过程中面临的主要问题及解决方案。对于问题型研究主题,主要内容的展开可以参考以下分析框架: 引言(在文章的开头应该有300-600字左右的一小段引言,引出所研究的内容,可不要单独列一级标题) 一、理论概述 (一) (二) ?…… 二、XX 管理在XX 企业推行的必要性(重要性、迫切性) (一) (二) (三)

三、推行的主要措施 此处可以加一小段文字对所研究企业进行简单介绍,不必单独列出二级标题(一) (二) (三) ?…… 四、推行过程中面临的主要问题 (一) (二) (三) ?…… 五、解决措施(保障措施或进一步注意的问题) (一) (二) (三) ?…… 六、小结(结论) 第三种类型:以总结企业现有的成功经验为主(相当于一个案例研究),该企业的成功经验对类似企业的借鉴意义,如“雅芳直销模式的研究”,这类企业的一些做法比较成熟、成功,具有一定的推广和借鉴价值。重点要总结经验,提出其借鉴意义。对于问题型研究主题,主要内容的展开可以参考以下分析框架: 引言(在文章的开头应该有300-600字左右的一小段引言,引出所研究的内容,可不要单独列一级标题) 一、理论概述 (一) (二)


火车头使用说明 别的不说了,直接开始使用。(ps:开始之前,最好把爬虫的原理了解一下) 咱们用的是免费版,功能什么的很多受到限制,免费版网页只能抓到两级,而且无法定时执行任务。 1、安装完火车头后,直接双击图标打开,此时会弹出一个登录页面,什么都不要管,直接 点击登录就进入了主界面,主界面如下: 你会发现它有一些内置的分组,分组下面有内置的测试任务,这里要强调一点,每个任务从上到下对应着火车头安装目录data目录下的以数字开头的文件夹,里面放着各自的数据文件,大概内置测试任务有38个,所以data目录下有对应从1到38的38个文件夹,你以后新建任务后,会自动再data目录下建立文件夹,序号依次递增。 2、新建任务和分组。你可以新建分组,也可以再已有的测试分组下面建立任务,但是有一 点要注意,任务不能脱离分组而存在,必须把任务存在分组里面,这里咱们新建一个名字叫做腾讯的分组。 3、右键单击腾讯,选择新建任务,弹出新建任务对话框

4、下面我们以腾讯新闻采集为例说一下如何去配置,任务名叫做腾讯新闻 可以看到,这里分为四步,第一部就是采集网址规则(这一步就相当于爬虫里面设置种子url 并且入队的过程),在出现的起始网址,添加单条网址,并点击”添加“按钮。

我们在网页中,通过分析,发现国内新闻的第二页及以后都是以数字递增的方式显示的,我们现在添加等差数列形式的网址 最后点击完成,查看效果

起始网址的添加就是种子URL的设置过程,这里可以添加多个种子URL,我这里设置了六页下面就是多级网址获取,点击添加按钮,出现如下画面(这一步相当于提取网页所有连接的过程) 如果直接点击保存,相当于提取网页中所有链接,但真实情况下我们并不需要所有的链接,所以需要对链接进行过滤,可以从该选定区域提取网址,也可以对结果网址过滤,这里我们设置结果网址必须包含https://www.doczj.com/doc/c712457245.html,/a,然后点击保存。


第一篇 它在1967年以美国139年获得100万人,而只有52年再增加1亿美元,返现,10月的一天,之后只有39的间隔年,美国将声称300多万灵魂。瞬间将被喻为美国的无限活力和独特的生命力的又一象征。它是这样的,当然。不过,这也是事实美国已经成长人口普查局已经采取了测量,开始于1790年,当时创始人计数今天纽约市的人口不足4百万的同胞的,大约有一半的人口每天的时间。 最近的增长飙升已经不同凡响。自2000年以来单,国家已经增加了20万人。与西欧相比,出生率暴跌,还是日本,其人口萎缩,美国只知道增长,增长,更多的增长。它现在拥有的第三大人口在世界上,中国和印度之后。“经济增长是一个问题,我们必须要管理,说:”肯尼思·普鲁伊特,人口普查局前负责人,“但它更易于管理比失去你的人口。” 仔细检查号码,三大趋势出现。首先是迁移。由于工业基地东北部和中西部的下降,数以百万计的美国人已经转移到南部和西部,现在家里一半以上的人口和不断增长强劲。移民是下一个。在过去的四十年里,移民,主要来自墨西哥和拉丁美洲,已经重塑了国家的民族构成;的最新亿美国人,根据皮尤拉美裔中心的杰弗里·帕塞尔,53%要么是移民或他们的后代。最后是大肆宣传的婴儿潮一代,现在许多人对退休的风口浪尖。美国说,非营利性的人口资料局,“越来越大,年龄大了,更加多样化。” 的影响都是巨大而多样,影响美国的文化,政治,和经济性。一个明显的例子就是对移民问题的辩论狂风暴雨涌动大会。另:由于人口流动不断,国会选区重划会随之而来,引爆电力的地域平衡。一个显着的年龄较大的美国也将对政府开支,所有这三个问题提供了新国会产生深远的影响,并太久,一个新总统之前,大量的思考。 THE NEW迁移 博伊西,落基山山麓之间爱达荷州坐向东北和大盆地沙漠南,大天空和沙漠尘土飞扬之间,博伊西一直是先锋镇。在19世纪初,传说,法裔加拿大毛皮捕手来到一个树丛,并惊呼“莱斯布瓦!” - 树林。因此博伊西长大了采矿,伐木,农耕和枢纽,首都在美国最农业州之一。 那些悠闲的日子已经一去不复返了。 1970年的人口普查报告说,爱达荷州已成为农村比城市多;仅仅几年后,美光,是世界上最大的超导生产商,现在该州最大的私人雇主,在这里成立,和惠普的打印机工厂是在路上。主业现在的增长和如何管理它。博伊西都市区的人口增长只是1990年以来洋葱,甜菜农场紧靠细分甚至没有完成一半的79%;在Chinden大道,主要动脉,一个标志,宣布“干草出售”,从一个华丽的广告标语牌新派拉蒙住房开发跨站。 对于城市规划者面临的挑战是困难,因为它是赤裸裸的:找到足够的空间,住房和就业岗位增加一倍以上,或者甚至三博伊西的大都市区的人口,53万,因为它的收费走向2030年,当人口可能达到万人。“我们今天有什么,我们必须找到空间了。......这是艰巨的,”詹姆斯说Grunke,在商会经济发展经理,正在寻找他的第八楼会议室的窗户朝脚下。 也许是艰巨的,但这样的毛白杨丰产林生长最市长的羡慕,虽然说实话不是所有Grunke的

英美报刊阅读教程中级精选本 第五版 端木义万lesson 5 Food and Obesity

Lesson5 Food and Obesity Being fat is be coming the norm for Americans.As it will soon be come in this country, I have seen the future, and it's extra large. By Joan Smith A friend who happens to be both American and a superb cook-his poulet de Bresse en deuil is one of the most memorable dishes I have tasted--called me a couple of days ago,enthusing about a lecture he had just at ended.The thesis,he said,was that the human body has changed irrevocably over the last quarter of a century and that the physical environment—chairs,beds, airline seats-will gradually adapt to accommodate the new shape.It is,of course,in the US, where my friend no longer lives,that this evolutionary experiment is most advanced;for years now, millions of people have been gorging themselves on vast helpings of fast food, with the consequence that about 60 percent of the population is overweight. According to Greg Critser, author of Fat Land:How Americans Became the Fattest People in the Word, none of this has happened by accident. Critser argues that the challenge to the US food industry in the 1970s was that the population was growing more slowly than the food supply, so people had to be persuaded to change their eating habits. Fast food, invented after the Second World War as an affordable way of getting families to eat together, became a means of selling surplus fat and sugar to the far-from-unwilling masses. This is a social revolution on a grand scale as scarcity, with which most human beings have had to struggle throughout history, has given way to an apparently permanent state of plenty. It may also help to explain why the magician David Blaine, suspended without food in a Perspex box beside Tower Bridge,has such a grip on people's imaginations.In an astonishingly short period of time, starvation has metamorphosed from a threat to a spectacle, and families are turning out en mass eat weekends to see how his hunger strike is going. For the fifth of the British population who are obese, and unused to doing without food for more than a few hours, the notion of someone giving it up for 44 days is unthinkable, some normal-size people have turned up to mock, throwing egg, cooking food and even trying to cut off the water supply to the hung American. Perhaps this is the point, that there are so few starving Americans in the world, which makes his self-imposed ordeal appear ludicrously self-indulgent. Yet it is possible to take Critser’s argument a stage further and suggest that millions of Americans are trapped between two industries, fast food and slimming, which enjoy a cosily symbiotic relationship. Research by a fast-food chain showed that what customers cared about was neither taster nor quality but portion size; what they have come to expect from food, and what their neighbours are beginning to want as well-obesity has increased by 158 per cent in Mexico in a decade, since fast food outlets began to replace the traditional diet-is a feeling of being stuffed to the gills. Cooking has become a spectator sport, something to watch famous people do on telly, as the populations of affluent countries rely increasingly on supermarket meals and takeaways. For many people, eating has become an addiction rather than a pleasure, and going on a diet merely replaces on morbid habit with another. In the circumstances, it is not really surprising that people are confused and

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