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香港朗文3A 语法专题训练

1 Subject and Object Pronouns

A. Circle the correct words.

1. Mrs. Chan is a good teacher.

He/ She/ It teachers maths and Chinese in School.

2. Mr. Chan is a teacher too.

He/ She/ It teaches English.

3. Joe and Kate are Mr. and Mrs. Chan ’s children.

I/ You/ We/ They are primary students.

4. The Chans don ’t like chilli prawns.

He/ She/ It/ They are hot.

5. The Chans like sweet and sour pork.

They think he/ she/ it/ they is tasty.

B. Fill in the blanks with the given words.

(1) Julia is a nice nurse. I like __________ very much.

(2) Johnny likes riding a bicycle. His father rides a bicycle with __________ every week.

(3) We are at Susan ’

s birthday party. She is making some food for __________.

(4) I have some cats. I feed __________ every day.

(5) Ken: Do your friends send __________ Christmas cards?

Gigi: Yes, they send __________ Christmas cards every year.

C. Angel and her family live on the moon. Read what Angel is saying and fill in the blanks with suitable pronouns.

Hello, I am Angle. This is my family. (1) __________ all like pets. Today is my birthday. My father gives (2) __________ a dog. It is small and cute. I like playing with (3) __________.

My sister has a cat. (4) __________ loves her cat and it loves (5) __________ too.

My brother has two turtles. He feeds (6) __________ with worms. My brother likes the turtles very much and they like (7) __________ too.

My family and I are very happy on the moon. Do you want to come and meet (8) __________?

2 Possessive Adjectives

A. Circle the correct words.

(1) Janis has a pencil box. This is her/ his/ your/ my pencil box.

(2) Ben and Marco have beautiful rulers. These are our/ my/ their/ his rulers.

(3) Kim and I have some green pens. Can you see its/ out/ my/ her pens?

(4) Ronald buys a rubber. This is my/ her/ its/ his new rubber.

(5) Ben: This is her/ his/ your/ my book, Miss Li.

Miss Li: Oh yes, this is her/ his/ your/ my book.

(6) There is a naughty monkey. Their/ My/ Its/ His tail is long.

B. Fill in the blanks with suitable possessive adjectives. Then paste the suitable stickers in the boxes.

1. This is Helen’s picture. (1) __________ picture has some trees in it.

2. Miss Li, this picture belongs to Sandy and me. There are some cows in (2) __________ picture.

3. Where is (3) __________ picture? The picture with some flowers belongs to me.

4. This is Teddy’s picture. (4) __________ picture is very dirty.

5. This is Benny and Marco’s picture. (5) __________ picture has hand prints.

3 Countable and Uncountable Nouns

A. Add –s or –es to the following words.

(1) dog (2) church (3) dress

B. Fill in the blanks with is or are.

(1) The teddy bears ____________________ lovely.

(2) The clown ____________________ funny.

(3) The dolls ____________________ pretty.

(4) The shelves ____________________ clean.

(5) The soap ____________________ colourful.

C. The Fond family is having a barbecue. What food do they have? Fill in the

blanks with suitable words.

It is a sunny day. The Fong family is having a barbecue in the countryside. They have a lot of food: (1) __________, (2) __________, (3) __________, (4) __________ and (5) __________. Mrs. Fong is preparing some (6) __________ too. For drinks they have (7) __________. Mr. Fong likes (8) __________. He is going to add some on his food. The children like (9) __________. They want to make some drinks with it.

5 Simple Present Tense

A. Change the sentences into the negative forms.

e. g. They like apples. They don’t like apples.

(1) We want some water. (Replace ‘some’with ‘any’)


(2) It climbs up the cupboard every day.

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