当前位置:文档之家› 中职英语技能大赛模拟试题












本次考试包括听力和阅读两部分,共 25 道题目。请在 30 分钟之内完成。


Part I Listening听力(20%)


In this section,you will hear five short sentences and questions.There are three pictures marked A,B,and C for each question.Choose the picture that best matches the question.Each sentence and question will be read twice.You will have10seconds for each question.(图片判断。

在本节中,你将听到 5 个句子和相应的问题,每道题配有 A、B、C 三幅图片,请选择与题目内容相符合的一幅图片。每道题读两遍。

每题你将有 10 秒钟的作答时间。)

1.what’s the matter with the woman? ()

A. B. C.


“2012 年全国职业院校技能大赛”中职组职业英语技能赛项样题及说明2.where will they go? ()

A. B. C.

3.what dose Linda always do? ()

A. B. C.

4.The woman had better take a ()

A. B. C.


“2012 年全国职业院校技能大赛”中职组职业英语技能赛项样题及说明

5.what’s the woman refer to ? ()

A. B. C.


1) 2) 3) 4) 5)


In this section,you will hear a dialogue,and fill in the blanks according to what you hear.The dialogue will be read twice.You will have1

minute for the task.(填空。在本节中,你将听到一段较长的对话。请根据对话内容填空。对话读两遍。你将有1分钟的作答时间。)

Part II Reading阅读(30%)


In this section, you will read five short texts. There is a question and four possible answers for each text. Choose the best answer for each question. (选择题。在本节中,你将读到 5 个短信息。根据短信息,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳答案。)

1. _______’s percentage has increased by 7%.

A. food drink

B. housing

2.From the chart, we know boys mainly use computer for


A. reading news

B. sending e-mail

C. chatting

D. playing games

3. According to the picture, _________affect the environment most..

A. vehicles

B. factories

C. smokers

D. other reasons

4.______have the most similar interests

A. mark and chen jie B john and amy C guo bo and chen jie


















opping with your mother, which one will you be interested in.( )

A Marsha’s House

B Country life Market

C Wawa village

D Next wave music store

2017 中职 正式赛卷 职业英语技能 服务类-职场应用题目5

题目5 For Contestant A Only 选手A:某公司想要更换签约的快递公司(courier company),以得到更好的服务。假设你是该公司的办公室主任,手上有对快递公司各方面的要求。你 的队友是办公室职员,手上有三家快递公司的资料。请与你的队友沟通, 选择一家你们认为最能符合要求的快递公司。 在比赛第一阶段,你需在30分钟内完成以下任务: 1. 阅读公司对快递公司的各方面要求,填写任务单中的Section 1; 2. 向队友询问三家快递公司的相关信息,填写任务单中的Section 2; 3. 与队友讨论,选出一家你们认为最能符合公司要求的快递公司,完成任务单中的 Section 3; (备注:任务单仅由选手A填写,供其在赛场陈述时参考。) 4. 准备第二阶段的汇报内容。 在比赛第二阶段,你需在3分钟内向裁判汇报任务完成情况,内容需涵盖以下要点: 1)What is your group’s task? 2)Which courier company have you chosen for the company? 3)Why have you chosen this courier company? (Please give detailed reasons why you have chosen this courier company and haven’t chosen the other two.)

题目5 For Contestant A Only Please read the requirements for a new courier company. Dear Miss Hamilton, Based on our growing business and work efficiency, the current courier company has not been very reliable. So I would like you to find a new one. The new courier company should meet the following requirements: ?Good national coverage, local offices in all major cities and be able to transport any package across the country within two days ?Cost of delivery should be lower than 20 yuan per package since most of our packages are small ?Available App to track the packages and for our employees to download and use ?High customer satisfaction. You can look online at reviews, or speak to anyone you know who has used them already. Our last experience was so bad that I don’t want it to happen again. Can you look into different options and get back to me with your choice? Sincerely, Maria

2015年全国职业院校技能大赛中职组“职业英语技能”赛项 赛项规程

“2015年全国职业院校技能大赛”中职组 职业英语技能赛项规程 一、赛项名称 职业英语技能 二、竞赛目的 本赛项致力于为全国中职学生及英语教师创建一个交流学习、拓展视野、展示才华的平台,推动中职英语教学模式和人才培养方式的转变,展现中职学校英语教学改革成果,着力于中职学生创新能力、思辨能力、沟通能力及职业能力的综合培养,服务于中职英语教学改革的发展需求。 三、竞赛方式与内容 (一)竞赛方式 本赛项为团体赛,分服务类专业组和其他类专业组两个组别(专业名录见附件)。参赛队以院校为单位,不得跨校组队;一支参赛队仅可参加一个组别的比赛。每支参赛队由2名选手和1名指导教师组成。参赛选手须为2014年在籍中职学生。 (二)竞赛内容 本次竞赛内容分为在线测评、情境交流、职场应用、职业风采四个环节。 1.在线测评 选手上机操作,使用职业英语能力测试系统,在线测评通用职业场景下的英语综合语言应用能力。每支参赛队2名选手卷面成绩的平均分乘以相应系数为此环节最终成绩。本环节限时1小时,满分20分。 2.情境交流

选手以2人团队为单位参加此环节竞赛。选手从五组图片中抽取一组,图片呈现一个工作任务或事件,内容是与选手生活或将来工作紧密相关的场景。经过30分钟的准备后,一名选手在90秒之内用英语对图片内容做出描述并阐释个人见解,另一名选手与外籍裁判就图片主题及描述内容进行90秒的互动问答。本环节满分30分。 3.职场应用 选手以2人团队为单位完成一个通用职业场景中的工作任务。竞赛过程分为两个阶段:第一阶段在备赛室进行,选手抽取到任务后,在30分钟内通过分工协作完成该任务;第二阶段在赛场内进行,一名选手在3分钟内向裁判陈述任务完成情况,另一名选手在2分钟内回答裁判就任务主题及完成情况提出的相关问题。整个过程要求使用英语沟通交流。本环节满分30分。 4.职业风采 选手以2人团队为单位表演节目,形式不限。要求使用英语,表演内容与所学专业或将来的职业相结合,能充分体现职业学校学生的英语风采和青春活力,节目须有原创性。每队可以有1-2名助演嘉宾,但裁判只依据选手的表现打分。本环节限时3-5分钟,满分20分。 四、竞赛规则 1.竞赛期间的每个环节,参赛选手须听从工作人员安排,不得自行离开规定的场地。 2.在线测评环节参赛选手需按规定时间提前进入赛场并调试设备;情境交流、职场应用和职业风采三个环节,参赛队需按规定时间进入候赛室。 3.职业风采环节所需道具(包括音频、视频文件)由选手自行准备,若有需要搬动的道具,须赛前报知组委会,并按照组委会的规定


For Contestant A Only 选手A:假设你是ABC公司的人事部经理,需要为总经理招聘一名秘书,你手头有总经理拟定的秘书这个岗位的相关要求。你的队友是一名就业服务中 心的主任,手上有三个应聘者的相关信息。你需要与队友沟通并共同选 出一个最佳人选。 Read the following information about the requirements of the secretary. Questions for presentation: 1) What is your group’s task? 2) Which person do you choose for the general manager of ABC Company? 3) Why do you make such a choice?

For Contestant B Only 选手B:假设你是一名就业服务中心的主任,手上有三个应聘者的相关信息。你的队友是ABC公司的人事部经理,需要为总经理招聘一名秘书,手头 有总经理拟定的秘书这个岗位的相关要求。你需要与队友沟通并共同选 出一个最佳人选。 Read the following information about the three applicants and help Contestant A complete the worksheet. Mary, female, 23 years old Marital status: single Experience: worked as monitor in a vocational college for 3 years Self-introduction: I am an outgoing and considerate person. I always help others in my life. I am good at communicating with others, so I get along well with others. As the monitor, I always help my head teacher input some data by computer. I have a good knowledge of French, and in my spare time I learned Chinese and now I have passed the mandarin test. Steven, male, 25 years old Marital status: unmarried Experience: worked as a salesman in a company for three years Self-introduction: My major is computer application. I am a polite and helpful person. I like parties and being with other people. As a salesman, I am good at communicating with others. English is my mother tongue, and in my spare time, I learned French and got the certificate. Helen, female, 28 years old Marital status: married Experience: worked as a secretary in a small company for two years Self-introduction: My major is secretary. Now I am a mother of a three-year-old kid. I am communicative and considerable. I like being with other people and always help others. I master English and German, and I can also speak a little Chinese. I am familiar with office software. Questions for presentation: 1) What do you think of your task completion? 2) What do you think of the cooperation between you and your partner? 3) What is your group’s advantage for doing the task?


英语口试题库 一、中餐宴会摆台与服务部分情景应答及答题要点: 1. Q: Ask the guests if they have a reservation with your restaurant. A: Good evening. Do you have a reservation 2. Q: How do you check upon the guest’s name of the reservation A: Good evening. Under whose name was your reservation made 3. Q: The guests need a table for 4, and they would like to dine somewhere quiet. A: Very well. This way please. Here’s a window table for four overlooking the lake. It’s very nice and quiet here. 4. Q: Can you explain the terms of breakfast both for adults and children in the hotel A: Sure, we offer breakfast at the rate of 128 RMB for each adult, and it’s free of charge for children under 6. 5. Q: The guests would love to try some Chinese food, and they ask for your advice on where to have a dinner party. A: The Rose Restaurant of our hotel serves very good Chinese food. It’s on the 2nd Floor. 6. Q: Inform the guest that the restaurant is fully booked this evening, and suggest that he book a table the same time tomorrow evening. A: I’m sorry. We are fully booked this evening. How about tomorrow We still have some nice tables available for tomorrow evening. 7. Q: Ask the guests their preference for the egg dishes. A: How would you like the eggs done, Scrambled Eggs, Fried Eggs or Omelets 8. Q: Ask the guests their preference for food, Chinese, Western, Japanese or Korean. A:Which style of cuisine would you prefer We serve Chinese, Western,


2015年全国职业院校技能大赛中职组职业英语技能赛选拔赛 在线测评试题 Part I Listening 听力(20%) Section A (10%) In this section, you will hear ten short dialogues and questions. There are three pictures marked A, B, C for each question. Choose the one that best answers the question. Each dialogue and question will be read just once and you will have 15 seconds for each question. (在本节中,你将听到10个段对话和相应的问题,每道题配有A、B、C三幅图片,选出与题目容相符合的一幅图片。每个对话和题目读一遍,每题有15秒钟的作答时间。) 1.What does Lucy want to be? A.B C. 2. What will Mary do? A. B. C. 3. Where are they? A. B. C. 4. What’s the weather like on weekends?

A. B. C. 5. What time is it now? A. B. C. 6. Where does Tom want to go? A. B. C. 7. Why will our sports meeting be put off? A. B. C. 8. What does Sam want to eat/drink? A. B. C. 9. What will they do next? A. B. C. 10. What time is it now?


“2012年全国职业院校技能大赛”中职组 职业英语技能赛项样题及说明 (一)比赛目的 以赛促学,以赛促教是本次大赛的目标。大赛致力于为全国中职学生及英语教师创建一个交流学习、拓展视野、展示才华的平台,推动中职英语教学模式和人才培养方式的转变,展现中职学校英语教学改革成果,着力于中职学生沟通能力、信息处理能力、创新能力、思辨能力的综合培养,服务于中职英语教学改革的发展需求。 (二)比赛构成 比赛共由四个环节构成:在线测评、情境交流、职场应用和职业风采。 2

“ 附录一 职业英语技能大赛测评 本次考试包括听力和阅读两部分,共25道题目。请在30分钟之内完成。 听力测试现在开始。请注意:听力部分结束后,你将无法返回修改。 Part I Listening听力(20%) Section1 In this section,you will hear five short sentences and questions.There are three pictures marked A,B,and C for each question.Choose the picture that best matches the question.Each sentence and question will be read twice.You will have10seconds for each question.(图片判断。在本节中,你将听到5个句子和相应的问题,每道题配有A、B、C三幅图片,请选择与题目内容相符合的一幅图片。每道题读两遍。每题你将有10秒钟的作答时间。) 1.what’s the matter with the woman? () A. B. C. 3


2015 年全国职业院校技能大赛中职组职业英语技能赛选拔赛 在线测评试题 Part I Listening听力( 20%) Section A (10%) In this section, you will hear ten short dialogues and questions. There are three pictures marked A, B, C for each question. Choose the one that best answers the question. Each dialogue and question will be read just once and you will have 15 seconds for each question. ( 在本节中,你将听到 10 个段对话和相应的问题,每道题配有A、B、C 三幅图片,选出与题目内容相符合的一幅图片。每个对话和题目读一遍,每题有15 秒钟的作答时间。) 1.What does Lucy want to be? A.B C. 2.What will Mary do? A. B. C. 3.Where are they? A. B. C. 4. What ’sthe weather like on weekends?

A. B. C. 5. What time is it now? A. B. C. 6. Where does Tom want to go? A. B. C. 7. Why will our sports meeting be put off? A. B. C. 8. What does Sam want to eat/drink? A. B. C. 9. What will they do next? A. B. C. 10. What time is it now?


I. Listening Comprehension and typing (英文听打) Directions:In the following practice, you will hear a short dialogue. Please type the correct information on the answer sheet according to the5 questions given bellow: Zhang Hui去失物招领处寻找手机事宜,请听录音(附音频文件),根据录音内容填写下面的相关信息: Items Information II. Reading Comprehension (阅读理解) Directions: in the following practice,you are going to read 5 passages. After reading a passage, you will find questions or unfinished statements. For each question or statement, you are required to make the correct choice among A,B,C and D Passage 1 What makes money valuable? Why is a piece of paper marked $ 10 worth more than one marked $1? You could say there is no reason. It’s true that a special kind of paper is used to make dollar bills, and they are pretty, but that’s not what makes them valuable. The real reason money is valuable is that everyone believes it is. Ancient economies had no paper money or coins. Some used barter---- trading one thing for another. Others used all kinds of objects as money. Any object would do, as long as there was not an unlimited amount of it. Animals or metals were popular, and so were manufactured products like jewelry or weapons. Wealth in ancient Greece was measured in tools or cattle. This kind of money had two purposes. First, it was useful in itself. Tools and cattle can be used for farming. And second, it was a way to symbolize and measure value. A house, for example, would be valued at a certain number of tools or cattle. This greatly simplified trade. Other societies used money that was totally symbolic. For instance, American Indians used wampum, which is made from seashells. And until recently on the pacific island of Yap, people use large stone discs as money. In most places these types of money died out because more practical forms of money were invented. People started using precious metals, such as gold and silver, that were easier to carry around than tools or stones. And in the eighteenth century, paper money was introduced. At first people were suspicious of new currency, but they came to accept it because the government or bank issuing it would exchange an equal amount of gold for the paper. A $ 10 bill really was worth $ 10 for gold. But now, people are used to the idea that the government doesn’t have to back its money w ith gold. Everyone believes that a $ 10 bill is

全国职业院校技能大赛高职组“高教社”杯英语口语赛项试题: 决赛题目I(Presentation)

Part I Presentation (3 minutes) Task: You are required to talk about the following illustration. First, present the information in the illustration and then offer some suggestions about how a business can improve its customer service.

Part I Presentation (3 minutes) Task: You are required to talk about the following chart. First, present the information in the chart and then explain why availability of suitable hotels and quality of meeting rooms are the two most important factors when people are choosing an event location.

Part I Presentation (3 minutes) Task: You are required to talk about the following chart. First, present the information in the chart and then explain why people prefer certain brands. Market Share of China Mobile Phone Brands By Sales Volume


中职英语技能竞赛之辅导及反思 一、前言 一年一度的温州市中职英语技能赛终于落下了帷幕。笔者所在的学校取得了总分第四的成绩。作为一位辅导教师,笔者一路辅导和陪伴参赛选手走过来,观看了此次所有选手们的精彩口试比赛过程,觉得收获满满、所感多多。 二、赛程回顾 中职英语技能大赛是一个展现中职学校师生教学水平的机会,也是互相交流英语教学经验的平台。它分笔试与口试,其中口试有“图片情景描述”“职场英语”及“职业风采“等竞赛项目,体现了对学生英语综合应用能力的要求,全面检验了学生的英语听说读写和应答能力。 下面,笔者来分述下口试的三大环节及辅导过程: 1. 情景描述 大赛中“情景描述”这一环节类似于看图说话:给选手呈现一组(一般由4幅图片构成)关于一个工作任务或事件的图片,图片的主要内容是与选手生活或将来工作紧密相关的。根据图片,要求两名选手在30分钟内用英语交流对图片内容的看法。然后,一名选手在90秒之内用英?Z描述图片内容,可以适当发挥选手个人的看法,另一名选手则回答裁判提出来的相应问题。笔者在10月份训练学生乐清比赛时,主要选用戴老师主编的生活英语课本上的图片;而在11月备赛温州时,则每天给学生一组图片,内容涉及面还挺广的,比如有有关于环境的、公共道德的、职业道德的、工作面试的、工作安全的,以及工作中出现的紧急状况等。

学生拿到图片资料后,笔者让他们在30分钟之内用英语交流,并总结出最终阐述,时间一到,其中一名学生把交流的结果阐述给笔者听,计时90秒,另一名学生则回答笔者的相关提问。有时候,为了让他们多练习口语,灵活搭配,也会让他们互换角色操练。 该环节是考查学生综合能力的题目,学生不仅要具备灵活驾驭语言的能力,要熟悉各种社会热点问题,并且还要有一定的总结、提炼、升华的能力。他们如能养成关注社会,关心时事与训练自己的理解能力的好习惯是非常必要的。因此,除了集训外,还给了学生一些相关的优秀资料并进行分类,让他们当作范文来细读、进行深度的思考和模仿性的口练,每次集训前,让两名学生直接进行口练。培训到后来,学生的现场即时描述能力有明显的提高,有些描述甚至能达到“心口合一”的境界。 2. 职场应用 “职场应用”这一环节主要考验学生的合作能力与思辨能力。 在这一环节中,选手拿到一个通用职业场景的工作任务,在30分钟内对所给信息进行交流,分析,筛选,通过分工协作,按照任务单要求分步骤完成该任务并提交任务单,然后一名选手向裁判陈述任务完成情况,另一名选手回答裁判就任务主题及完成情况提出的相关问题。这一环节考验了两名选手的默契度与合作能力。询问信息和提取信息时,如有一方出现错误,那么给出的最终结果就会大相径庭。两名选手第一时间先认真看明白各自手头的资料,弄清楚是何种职场背景下的任务,选手A对要求填的未知信息可以作个预测,想好如何用简单的语句去提取信息,选手B对所给资料上的信息作个筛选,可以适当做些标记,预测对方可能缺失的信


济阳职专13级英语竞赛试卷 时间:90分钟总分:80分 英语试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择 题)两部分。 第I卷(选择题,共50分) 一、英语知识运用(本大题共30个小题,每小题1分,共30分。在每小题列出的四个选项中,只有一项符合题目要求,请将符合题目要求的选项选出) 1. I’ll let you know as soon as he _____ back tomorrow. A. come B. comes C. will come D. came 2. You won’t pass the test ____ you work hard. A. since B. unless C. because D. in order that 3. This book is written in ____ easy English _____ beginners can read it easily. A. so; that B. so an; that C. such; that D. such an; that 4. They didn’t lose heart ______ they failed seven times. A. so B. and C. because D. although 5. The bus is _____ to Qingdao. A. directly to B. direct to C. direct for D. directly for 6. It’s a good idea _____ a cup of coffee when you are tired. A. drink B. drank C. drunk D. to drink 7. The dog was made ______ in the cage, but it was so strong that it nearly made the cage _____. A. stay; break B. stay; broken C. to stay; broken D. to stay; break 8. The manager raised his voice _____ he could be heard clearly. A. in order that B. such that C. in order to D. so as to 9. There are ______ to choose from in a supermarket. A. a thousand of foods B. thousands of foods C. a thousand of food D. thousands of food 10. You can listen to soft music while _____ in the supermarket. 页脚内容1


中等职业院校英语技能大赛样题模拟题 Document serial number【KK89K-LLS98YT-SS8CB-SSUT-SST108】

一个客人(G)走进接待处办理入店手续,接待员(R)提供帮助。 R: Welcome to Holiday Hotel. Can I help you? G: I want to check in. R: Do you have a reservation, madam? G: No. I need a standard room from June 6th to June 9th. R: Would you please fill out this registration form and show me your ID card? G: Yes, here it is. Mrs.Brown R: Then may I ask for a deposit of $ 300? G: Do you accept credit card? R: Yes, we do. This is your receipt and your key. Your room number is 708. Do you need somebody to help you send your luggage to your room? G: No, I can manage it on my own. Thanks. R: Should you need any assistance, please dial11 to Front Desk. Have a pleasant day. Guest (G) 15分钟之后,她很吃惊隔壁有弹吉他的。她向酒店(R)投诉。 R: What’s the trouble, Madam? G: I ask for hotel accommodation, not a KTV. I’ve never see n anything even worse. The next room 709 is playing the guitar. R: I’m sorry to hear that. We do apologize for the inconvenience. I’ll look into the matter. ( R去告诉709 不要再谈吉他) R: I’m sorry, sir. Please don’t play the guitar, your behavior bothers people. S: OK. R返回 R: Well, Madam, The man has promised not to play the guitar. G: Thank you. R: My pleasure. Have a nice day.


2015年全国职业院校技能大赛高职组英语口语赛项 样题 1. 职场描述 (Presentation) (3 minutes) Task: You are required to talk about the following chart, giving your comments on possible causes of the survey results. 2.情景交流(Interview) (3 minutes) Now you’ll see a poster.

PUBLIC NOTICE of NONDISCRIMINATION: Northland Pioneer College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, marital status, gender, age or disability in admission or access to, or enjoyment in its educational programs or activities. For more information call 1-800-266-7845×6244 or 928-536-6244. * NOTE: Food for your soul; Solar (Sol) for your food. Sustainability: 可持续性 Task: Suppose you’re the secretary working at Northland Pioneer College and someone is interested in the course. You will talk with the person and answer his /her questions. Question Master: a person who is interested in the course No. of Questions: 8-10]

2015 中职 职业英语技能 在线测评(正式赛卷)

2015年全国职业院校技能大赛中职组“职业英语技能”赛项 在线测评赛题 本次考试包括听力和阅读两部分,共55道题目。请在1小时之内完成。 听力测试现在开始。 Part I Listening 听力(40%) Task 1 Directions: In this section, you will hear 10 short sentences and questions. There are three pictures marked A, B and C for each question. Choose the picture that best matches the question. Each sentence and question will be read out twice. You will have 10 seconds for each question.(在本节中,你将听到10个句子和相应的问题,每道题配有A、B、C三幅图片,请选择与题目内容相符合的一幅图片。每道题读两遍。每题你将有10秒钟的作答时间。) 1. A B C 2. A B C

3. A B C 4. A B C 5. A B C 6. A B C

7. A B C 8. A B C 9. A B C 10. A B C

Task 2 Directions: In this section, you will hear a dialogue. Match the information according to what you hear and fill in the brackets with the letters. Notice there are two extra pieces of information you do not need. The dialogue will be read out twice. You will have one minute to complete the task. There is one example.(在本节中,你将听到一段较长的对话。请根据对话内容匹配信息,并将与信息对应的字母填在括号内。注意有两条冗余信息。对话读两遍。你将有1分钟的作答时间。请参照示例。)Example: 0 America D A 10%-15% tipping 11. Japan B Add service charge on the bill 12. China C Free drinks or food offered by the restaurant owners 13. Britain D 20% tipping 14. Canada E Be angry about tipping 15. France F Skip the tip G Customer’s de cision H 25% tipping


中职学生英语技能大赛心得 摘要:中职英语对于中职学生来说是尴尬的学科,中职教师也是一群特殊的教育群体,但是英语还是中职学校里必学的公共课,因此我们也要重视和改进。中职学生英语技能大赛就给了我们一个目标和方向,告诉我们该如何去进行我们的英语教学和对学生进行英语技能方面的培训和辅导。中职英语技能大赛就是要达到以赛促学,以赛促教,以赛促能的目的,进一步推进中职英语的教育工作。 关键词:技能大赛;技能培训;团队合作 2016年3月8日,长春市中等职业学校学生职业英语技能大赛在长春市一中专举行,参赛队有13个学校,9个服务类学校,4个工科类学校,比赛经过激烈的角逐后,最终取得了圆满的成功。 比赛内容: 一、情景交流 每支参赛队两名选手均参加此环节比赛,选手从四组图片中抽取一组,图片呈现一个工作任务或事件。内容是与选手生活或将来工作紧密相关的场景。经过30分钟的准备,A 选手在1分半钟内用英语对图片内容做出描述并阐释见解。B选手与评委就图片主题及描述内容进行1分半钟的互动问

答,此环节限时3分钟,满分40分。 二、职场应用 选手以2人团队为单位完成一个通用职业场景中的任务。比赛过程分为两个阶段:第一阶段,在备赛事进行。选手抽取到任务后,在3分钟内按要求向评委陈述任务,完成情况。 B选手在2分钟内回答评委提出的相关问题,此环节限时5 分钟,满分40分。 三、职业风采 选手以2人团队为单位表演节目,形式不限,要求使用英语,表演内容与所学专业或将来的职业相结合,能充分体现职业院校学生的英语风采和青春活力,鼓励原创。每队可以有1-2名助演嘉宾,但评委只依据选手的表现打分,此环 节限时3-5分钟,满分20分。 比赛采取团队比赛方式,分服务类组和其他类专业组,每支参赛队由1名领队,1名指导教师及2名参赛选手组成。比赛方式分三项:情景交流,职场应用和职业风采三个环节,各项内容的比分分别占总成绩的40%,40%和20%。情景交 流要求考生正确理解图片内容和情节,明确图片隐含的职业意义,在表达时要观点明确,条理清晰,表达自然,流畅达意。在回答评委提问时要有理有据。这一环节主要考察学生信息处理能力,思辨能力和表达与应答能力。在职场应用环节主要考察学生信息理解与加工能力,要求准确理解任务要

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