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泛读教程第四册Personal Names中文

泛读教程第四册Personal Names中文
泛读教程第四册Personal Names中文






和许多其它习俗一样,我们取名的习惯承袭了英国传统,尽管和整个欧洲的习俗也差别不大。根据英国的传统,一个人的名字由两部分组成:名和姓,名在前姓在后。这一传统形成于中世纪,远远早于美国的任何殖民地形成之前。国王和贵族,偶尔某些级别较低的人,可以有不止一个名。在移民到美国来的人的孩子中,后来被称做“中间名”的,已很少见,几乎消失了。可以举出的这样的例子非常少,其中一个奇怪地叫做爱德华· 玛利亚·英费尔德,是詹姆斯镇第一任地方议会的主席。


在我们这片土地上,唯一必须有姓的两大民族是印第安人和黑人。印第安人通常只有一个名字,往往很长,描述又很详细。然而他们也倾向于接受欧洲的取名习惯和其它习俗。如果一个印第安人皈依了基督教,他会取一个受洗名或教名,然后把原有的名当作姓。这样我们就可以理解凯莱· 奇沙特马奇这样一个名字。他1665年毕业于哈佛大学,次年去世。但很多印第安人只起普通的美国姓。如果我们看到吉姆· 索波或伊莱·塞缪尔·帕克上校这样的名字,我们很难从名字上判断他们是印第安人。后来,当然早先也是,很多印第安人把自己的名字翻译成英语,有时以简化的形式出现。一旦经过翻译和简化,原本具色彩丰富的名字就变得普通了。例如,一个印第安人的名字意思是“说话的乌鸦”(Talking-Crow),他把自己的名字翻译成英语,受洗为“约翰”,这样,他的名字就变成约翰·托金·克劳(John Talking Crow)。而他的儿子可能只是威廉姆· 克劳,在一份名单上同其他有同样姓的英国人没有什么差别。一个叫作詹姆斯·奈特-沃克夜行者(James Night-Walker)的印第安人就变成了詹姆斯· 奈特·沃克(James Knight Walker)。不幸的是,总的来说,这些独具特色的印第安名正在消失。




和洛弗威尔(Lovewear)。学者只有经过仔细的研究才能发现,这些特殊的姓来源于德国或法国姓乔奇姆(Joachim),莱格尔(Legare),古西亚(Gauthier),和洛弗伊(Lovoie)。同样,人们经常把很长的外国姓缩短,变成在原来的国家可能从来没有过的姓。卡劳格洛普洛斯(Calogropoulos)变成了卡劳亚(Caloyer),卡利亚果斯基(Kalliokowski)变成了卡利奥(Kallio),尼恩尼内(Nieninen)变成了涅尼(Nieni)。人们也使用翻译的方法。翻译的结果通常没什么新意。辛莫曼(Zimerman,木匠)变成了卡朋特(Carpenter,木匠),杰格(Jaeger, 猎人)变成了亨特(Hunter,猎人)。然而如果半用翻译的方法,半用发音的方法的话,结果就会是一个全新的姓,例如,布雷特曼(Breitman)变成了布莱特曼(Brightman)。



艾尔斯顿 C. 史密斯在《名字的故事》一书中,仔细地研究了美国姓氏的总数。他估计,在芝加哥市电话簿中有154750个姓。这个数字包括拼写不同的姓。他进而估算出,全美国一定会有350000个不同的姓。即使我们把这个数字除以三,以排除掉那些只是拼写不同的姓,这仍然是一个庞大的数字。









在清教徒殖民地里,常见的女名还有那些关于抽象品质的“有意义”的名,约占15%。其中,梅茜(Mercy, 仁慈)是最普遍的,其它还有贝雪丝(Patience, 忍耐),萨克弗(Thankful, 感恩),笛萨尔(Desire, 渴望),以克佩里丝(Experience, 经验),查里提(Charity, 慈善),荷蒲(Hope, 希望),格雷丝(Grace, 优雅)等。象格雷丝(优雅)这样的名,用的是精神和神学的意义,而不是体态的意义。一些名要当作动词而不是名词来理解,可以看成是代表某个宗教教训,例如,“渴望精神才能”(Desire spiritual gifts)。同样的情况也出现在男名中,不过不太多,有:英克莱斯(Increase,增加),荷蒲弗(Hope-for,希望),康斯坦丁(Constant, 坚决),特莱普尔(Tremble, 颤抖),洛弗(Love, 爱),莱塞林(Wrestling, 搏斗)等。在这些取自《圣经》的名中,最有趣的是埃比尼泽。这是《旧约》中的一个地名,最初用作人名似乎是在新英格兰。在那里,一个多世纪以来,它成为最常见的名之一。

尽管越来越多地使用《旧约》或“有意义的”名也是英格兰清教主义的一个特点,然而这在新英格兰更为流行。这种习俗由于移民的迁徙从殖民地流传开来,我们的历史上就有人有这样丰富多彩的名,如:英克莱斯,伊斯雷尔,扎卡里,亚伯拉罕,普里瑟弗德和甘梅利尔。它影响了我们的民族传奇,使“乔纳森大哥”成为我们新英格兰人甚至美国人的名子,“萨姆大叔”(Uncle Sam)代表美国(U. S.),还给了我们“凯莱布”(犹太人的首领,与约书亚一起被上帝遣往迦南),或“老伊弗莱姆”(《圣经》中约瑟的次子,以色列王国)这样的名子。


A :c B 1-5 baccd 6-8 cdd D.1-5 daaba 6-10 dadca Fast Reading:1 dbcca 2 cbbcd 3 dcdcd Home Reading:abcccbac Unit 2 A:c B 1-5 cdada 6-10 bdacb D 1-5 dcbad 6-10 cbbad 11-15 cabdc Fast Reading:1 bbcad 2 bbbdd 3 cddda Home Reading: abadcadbcd Unit 3 A :c B 1-5 dccad 6-10 ddcaa D 1-5 badcd 6-12 bbcdacb Fast Reading:1 dbacc 2 abdcbd 3 dabc Home Reading:abdccccbab Unit 4 A :c B bdcaab D 1-5 dbacb 6-12 ccdcdcb Fast Reading:1 cdabd 2 cdcdd 3 dccbb Home Reading:bcddcdccdd Unit 5 A: c B 1-5 cacbd 6-10 bdabc D 1-5 abacd 6-10 ababa Fast Reading:1 ddbdb 2 dbddc 3 cdbcd Home Reading:cbdcbaacbd Uint 6 A:a B 1-5 bbbad 6-10 bdddc D 1-5 ccbaa 6-12 dabada Fast Reading:1 cabdd 2 addaa 3 bccdb Home Reading:bcacbbbb Unit 7 A:b B 1-5 cadbd 6-11 abcbad D 1-5 badca 6-14 bcbbadcab Fast Reading:1 cabdb 2 dbbdd 3 dccbd Home Reading:dcdbaccadb Unit 8 A:b B 1-5 badda 6-8 bac D:dacdcabbdab Fast Reading:1 cdbbd 2 dcacb 3 adcab Home Reading:accbdbacdb Unit 9 A:c B 1-5 bdcac 6-8 bcd D:aaabccdacbb Fast Reading:1 bcdda 2 adccd 3 dcbdc Home Reading:bcbadcab Unit 10 A:a B 1-5 acdcb 6-10 dadcc D:aaadbbcdabb Fast Reading: 1 ddccc 2 bbbca 3 cdacc Home Reading:bddcddcba Unit 11 A:c B 1-5 bdbba 6-7 bc D:aabbadab Fast Reading:1 bcbcb 2 ccbdd 3 abccd Home Reading:cdddddbcba

泛读教程第一册 Unit 4 Food

Unit 4 Food(饮食)--- A Food Tour of the United States Task 1: Discussion 1.Do you know some information about regional feature of Chinese food and some specialties in each region? 2.Do you know what the features of American food are? Do you know how many distinct regions are there in U.S? What are they? (the Northeast; the South; the Mountain States; the Southwest states; and ?) 3.* Why American food is regional in character? (The U.S has a large area. Each place has their unique geographical and climatic condition, so it produces unique food materials, such as the Northeast which borders sea, river and lake is rich in seafood and the Mountain states produce wild games. The similar rule can also be applied in self-cultivation, running a company and governing a country: to find out our own unique talent, our strength; the more loca/nationall, the more international.) Reading- skill questions about the text: 1.What’s text-type? (narration, description, exposition, or argumentation) 2.What’s th e topic and main idea of the text? (Reading skill: distinguish /obtain main idea and discourse topic quickly and efficiently) Topic: food Main idea: American cooking is regional in character./ one feature of American cooking is variety. 3.Which is the topic sentence in Para.1, sentence 1 or sentence 2? Why? 4.Para2.: guess the meaning of the unfamiliar word “ hearty” in “Mixed in an iron pot and …….” (hearty: [attrib]large; eg. eat a hearty breakfast 丰盛的;have a hearty appetite 胃口很好) Task 2 1.Analyzing different types of reading comprehension questions: Q1: testing skimming skills--- to obtain main idea quickly and efficiently Reading strategy/solution: 文体判断为说明文,顾第一段为重要 Q2-8: testing scanning skills--- to find some key words or phrases; figures, percentages quickly Homework: discussion Why do many people want to go into business for themselves rather than work for an already existing organization? What’s the attraction? To be a manager or leader of a company, what are some of the qualities do you think he or she should have? Reading skill testing: 1.He put his milk in a pouch made from a sheep stomach and set off across the desert. What is the meaning of the word “Pouch”? (C) A. milk B. desert C. a container D. a stomach 2.The movement of his camel, the desert heat, and the chemicals in the pouch made the milk separate into curd and whey. The thick part, or curd , was the first cheese. What is the meaning of the word “curd”? A. the camel B. the thick part of the milk C. desert heat D. milk


Keys to Reading Course 2 Unit 1 Reading Section A Word Pretest 1.B 2.A 3.B 4.A 5.B 6.C 7.B 8.C Reading Comprehension 1.B 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.C 6.C Vocabulary Building Word Search 1. assignment 2. irony 3. reverse 4. accomplish 5. assemble 6. squeeze 7. sensual 8. fragment 9. narcotic 10. adolescence Use of English 1. Bob agreed to take on the leadership of the expedition. 2. The world was taken in by his fantastic story of having got to the Pole alone. 3. He took up his story after a pause for questions and refreshments. 4. That takes me back to the time I climbed to the top of Mount Fuji. 5. The members of the party took it in turns to steer the boat. 6. They took it for granted that someone would pick up their signals and come to their aid. Stems 1. proclaim: to announce officially and publicly; to declare 2. percentage: a proportion or share in relation to a whole; a part 3. confirm: to support or establish the certainty or validity of; to verify 4. affirm: to declare positively or firmly; to maintain to be true 5. centigram: a metric unit of mass equal to one hundredth of a gram 6. exclaim: to express or utter(something) suddenly or vehemently Synonyms 1. adaptability 2. purpose 3.strained 4.hold 5.defeat Cloze important second France student bilingual monolingual serious means use difficult Section B 1.F 2.T 3.T 4.C 5.A 6.B 7.B 8.B 9.B 10.T 11.T 12.F 13.F 14.T 15.T Section C 1.F 2.T 3.T 4.F 5.T 6.F 7.F 8.F 9.F 10.F


泛读教程第四册参考答案 Unit 1 Language Testing Section A Word Pretest 1.A 2.C 3.B 4.B 5.A 6.C 7.C 8.C Reading Comprehension 1.B 2.C 3.C 4.A 5.B 6.B 7.C 8.B Vocabulary Building Idioms 1. works his fingers to the bone 2. burns the midnight oil 3. falls down on the job 4. hits the books 5. does back-breaking work 6. works like a dog General Vocabulary Exercise 1.D 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.D 6.D 7.D 8.D 9.A 10.A 11.B 12.B 13.A 14.D 15.B 16.D 17.D 18.B 19.D 20.A Analogies 1.A 2.C 3.C 4.B 5.D 6.D 7.C 8.A Cloze its progress leaving one refer both which with leads that since made Section B 1.B 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.C 6.C 7.C 8.B 9.C 10.C 11.B 12.B Section C 1.T 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.T 6.F 7.T 8.T Unit 2 Exploration Section A Word Pretest


泛读英语教程3读写习题答案 unit1 When I think of people in this world who have really made a difference, I think of my parents. They were truly saints among ordinary people. I was one of the ten children my parents adopted. They rescue (挽救) each of us from a life of poverty and loneliness. They were hardly able to restrain (克制)themselves from bringing home m ore children to care for. If they had had the resources (资源) they certainly would have. Most people do not realize how much they appreciated(感激) someone until they pass away. My sisters and brothers and I did not want this to happen before we uttered(说) the words "Thank you" to our parents. Although we have all grown up and scattered(散落) about the country, we got back together to thank our parents. My brother Tom undertook(从事,承担)the task of organizing the event. Every Friday night, Mom and Dad have had the ham d inner special at the same r estaurant for the last twenty years. That is where we waited without their knowing. When we first caught a glimpse (瞥一眼) of them coming across the street, we all hid underneath(在…之下) a big table. When they entered, we leapt out and shouted, "Thank you, Mom and Dad." My brother Tom presented(提供)them with a card and we all hugged. My Dad pretended that he had known we were under the table all along. 当我想到的人在这个世界上真的有区别,我认为我的父母。他们是真正的圣徒在普通 人中间。我是十个孩子的父母。他们拯救(挽救)我们每个人从贫穷和孤独的生活。他们 几乎能够抑制(克制)把更多的孩子带回家照顾自己。如果他们有资源(资源)他们肯定会。大多数人都没有意识到他们欣赏(感激)的人,直到他们去世。我和我的兄弟姐妹不希望这 样的事情发生在我们说出的话(说)“谢谢”我们的父母。虽然我们都长大了,分散(散落)的国家,我们一起回来,感谢我们的父母,我的哥哥汤姆进行了(从事,承担)的任务组织事件。每一个星期五的晚上,妈妈和爸爸有火腿晚餐特别在同一餐厅过去二十年了。我们等 了不知道。当我们第一次瞥见(瞥一眼)的街对面,我们都躲在(在…之下)一个大表。当他


Unit 1 I. Reading for information 1.B 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.A 6.C II. Translation 1. 但是只要说上几句话,他的口音就很容易被辨认出来。 2. 他不会轻易发火,有一颗金子般的心,你很少能从他的嘴里听到攻击和批评别人的话。 3. 常言道:善行胜于善言。父亲的身教对我的影响远远超过了他的言传。 4. 面对生活的沧桑,大布鲁诺怎么能不提高嗓门,怎么能保持心气平和?难道力气这么大的人不该脾气也大吗? 5. 体育明星和歌星|、影星的确能够鼓舞人心,但是“英雄”这个头衔还是应该留给像我父亲 那样,为了自己所爱的人孜孜不卷地工作的人。 III. Summary 1.hard work, pays off 2.Big Bruno, strong in stature, a gentle spirit 3.most patient, slow to get angry, a heart of gold, a lot of friends 4. a role model, a true friend, a treasure 5.hero, does good, loves everyone, doesn’t expect anything, in return, work tirelessly, the good race I. Skimming question 1 A II. Skimming question 2 A teacher should … 1. be pleasant live and attractive 2. have a genuine capacity for sympathy 3. be both intellectually and morally honest 4. be mentally alert 5. be capable of infinite patience 6. have the kind of mind which always wants to go on learning III. Scanning question 1 4


Unit 1 Language Testing Section A Word pretest 1. A Reading Comprehension Vocabulary Building Idioms 1. works his fingers to the bone 2. burns the midnight oil 3. falls down on the job 4. hits the books 5. does back-breaking work 6. works like a dog General Vocabulary Exercise Analogies Cloze its progress leaving one refer both which with leads that since made Section B Section C

Unit 2 Exploration Section A Word Pretest 1. C Reading Comprehension 2. B Vocabulary Building Idioms 1. has a green thumb 2. is a breeze 3. has two left feet 4. has a golden touch 5. has a nose for 6. is easy as pie General Vocabulary Exercise 1. 2. ambitiously 3. discriminative 4. persistent 5. resistance 6. Contamination 9. specifically amused 11. magical 12. ignorant 13. survive 14. explored 15. intimidate 17. pilgrimage Analogies 1. B 2. A Cloze until Most reached from ice combined and deep over includes in


Unit 13 Physical Fitness 1-5 BACBA ACB 1-5 BBAAC BCA Word Match subtract to take (a number, amount, ect.) from something larger dissolve to cause something to end or disappear persevere to continue doing something in spite of difficulties alleviate to make less hard to bear; relieve overtax to demand too much arthritis a disease that causes the joints to become swollen and painful obesity having too much fat in the body stroke an illness caused by a braking or blocked blood vessel in the brain fatigue physical or mental tiredness; exhaustion ; weariness tissue the substance of an organic body or organ diet a limited list of food or drink that one is allowed meditation focusing attention on only one thing so as to be calm and relaxed clearance official permission for someone to do something leisure the time when you are not working ratio the relationship between two things expressed in numbers Prefixes precede: to come before in time subway: an underground railway physiological: relating to physiology (function of a living organism ) preschool: of early childhood (before elementary school ) subzero: below zero physique: physical build (body size and shape ) subconscious : below the level of conscious perception posthumous : after one's death Cloze 2. joggers 4 .shoes 5. protect 7. far 8. short 9. distance 10. run SECTION B 1-5 ACBBC ABC SECTION C 1-5 FTTFT FFTTT


大学英语泛读教程第一册参考答案 (高等教育出版社,2010年3月版) Unit 1 Chapter 1 A family sees America Together (P. 2—17) G. Blank Filling (P 11) 1. describing 2. journal 3. sign 4. websites 5. miss H. Translation (P. 12) 1. By using computers and the Internet 2. if we are friendly and helpful to others 3. learn about our country and (our) people 4. enjoyed his trip in Europe 5. on the day that/when they left Chapter two F. Word forms (p. 27) 1. a. solves (v.) b. solutions (n.) 2. a. education (n.) b. educate (v. ) 3. a. locate (v.) b. locations (n.) 4. a. construction (n.) b. construct (v.) 5. a. organization (n.) b. organizes (v.) G. Blank Filling (p. 28) 1. habitat 2. community 3. endangered 4. solution 5. For instance

(完整word版)泛读教程第二版第一册unit 4

Unit 4 Food Section A Word Pretest 1-5 CCCBA CAB Reading Comprehension 1-5 CBCBA CBC V ocabulary Building Word Match flavor taste fragrant having a pleasant smell bland lacking strong taste dairy made from milk staple basic food pickle to preserve food with salt water or vinegar smoke to use smoke to flavor and reserve food mince to cut food into very small pieces drizzle to pour a small amount of liquid onto something bake to cook food(such as bread or a cake) with dry heat in an oven stew to cook food slowly in hot liquid braise to cook food by browning in fat and simmering in a covered pot steam to cook or heat food with steam boil to cook food in boiling water brew to make (coffee, tea,etc.) 1.drizzled 2.boil 3.bake 4.brewed 5.staple 6.flavor 7.dairy 8.stewed Prefixes 1.disagrees 2.misunderstands 3.disappearance 4.misleading 5.disadvantage 6.misfortune 8.discourage 9.misinterpreted Cloze 1.seeds 2.foods 3.ingredients 4.called 5.hands 6.increase 7/rising 8.allowed 9.final 10.oven Section B 1-5 ADCBA DCB Section C 1-5 TFFTT FTT


上外泛读教程第四册答案 Unit 1 Language Testing Section A Word Pretest Reading Comprehension Vocabulary Building Idioms 1. works his fingers to the bone 2. burns the midnight oil 3. falls down on the job 4. hits the books 5. does back-breaking work 6. works like a dog General Vocabulary Exercise Analogies Cloze its progress leaving one refer both which with leads that since made Section B Section C Unit 2 Exploration Section A Word Pretest Reading Comprehension

1. has a green thumb 2. is a breeze 3. has two left feet 4. has a golden touch 5. has a nose for 6. is easy as pie General Vocabulary Exercise 1. illegality 2. ambitiously 3. discriminative 4. persistent 5. resistance 6. Contamination 7. invalid 8. fantastically 9. specifically 10. have amused 11. magical 12. ignorant 13. survive 14. explored 15. intimidate 16. bulky 17. pilgrimage 18. galaxy 19. transformation 20. alienated Analogies Cloze until Most reached from ice combined and deep over includes in Section B Section C Unit 3 Refugee Section A Word Pretest Reading Comprehension Vocabulary Building


Unit 1 University Student Life Section A Word Pretest 1. D 2. B 3. B 4. C 5. D 6. D 7. A 8. B Reading Comprehension l. F 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. F 6. F 7. T 8. F Vocabulary Building Word Match rationally in a way based on reason rather than emotions established accepted; recognized various different panic sudden fear consolidate strengthen assignment homework biological of living things flexible not fixed

strenuous stressful; requiring effort and energy master overall recreation way of spending free time estimate calculate roughly routine regular; usual priority first concern relaxation rest 1. flexible 2. established 3. panic 4. strenuous 5. priority 6. routine 7. Rationally 8. recreations Suffix 1. familiarize 2. visualize 3. merely 4. idealize 5. finalize 6. necessarily 7. physically 8. highly Cloze favorable their respected professors authority role expect need several changes Sec tion B


several nights a week Joseph woke up screaming from the same terrible could never recall his whole dream, only remembered that someone was running after was trying to get away,but in his dream he could not move。he continued having this nightmare for months。he was so tired in the morning that it was hard for him to go to work。Joseph,you see,is not a frightened child,but a grown man。 Milton Kramer is a psychiatrist and dream researcher Cincinnati, believes that it is very important that people don't ignore their dreams,because they are messages from our sleeping Kramer studied dreams and dreamers,he found that people wake up feeling very discouraged after they have a bad also found that after having a good dream,people feel more ,dreams can have harmful or beneficial a result,Kramer believes that we need to learn how to change our bad we understand what happened in our dreams,we can change negative,hurtful dreams to positive,helpful ones。 Before we can begin to change a nightmare,however,we first have to remember what happened in our say there are many ways to do can keep a journal or diary of what we do when we are awake. Then,before going to sleep,we can review our practice helps us to stay in we wake up,we should lie still while we try to remember our researchers say that by staying in the same sleeping positive,we are more likely to recall the should also try to remember an important word or picture from the image makes the rest of the dream easier to longer we sleep,the longer and more complex our dreams will be. Cartwright is a dream researcher, has developed another dream therapy for changing to ,dream therapy involves four simple steps you can learn on your first step is to recognize when you are having a bad dream that will make you feel helpless or upset the next second step is to identify what it is about the dream that makes you feel bad-for example,weak instead of strong,or out of control instead of in control. Next,stop any bad do not have to continue your bad dream,because you are in last step is to change the negative part of the you may have to wake yourself up and change the dream before you return to times it is possible to change the dream while you are still asleep. By using dream therapy,Joseph was able to change his ,his bad dreams stopped


【最新整理,下载后即可编辑】 Unit 1 University Student Life Section A Word Pretest 1. D 2. B 3. B 4. C 5. D 6. D 7. A 8. B Reading Comprehension l. F 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. F 6. F 7. T 8. F Vocabulary Building Word Match rationally in a way based on reason rather than emotions established accepted; recognized various different panic sudden fear consolidate strengthen assignment homework biological of living things flexible not fixed strenuous stressful; requiring effort and energy master overall recreation way of spending free time estimate calculate roughly routine regular; usual priority first concern relaxation rest 1. flexible 2. established 3. panic 4. strenuous 5. priority 6. routine 7. Rationally 8. recreations Suffix

大学英语泛读教程2【第二版】UNIT1 课文翻译

Dreams:making them work for us several nights a week Joseph woke up screaming from the same terrible dream.Joseph could never recall his whole dream,though.He only remembered that someone was running after him.Joseph was trying to get away,but in his dream he could not move。he continued having this nightmare for months。he was so tired in the morning that it was hard for him to go to work。Joseph,you see,is not a frightened child,but a grown man。 Milton Kramer is a psychiatrist and dream researcher Cincinnati,Ohio.He believes that it is very important that people don't ignore their dreams,because they are messages from our sleeping minds.When Kramer studied dreams and dreamers,he found that people wake up feeling very discouraged after they have a bad dream.He also found that after having a good dream,people feel more optimistic.Clearly,dreams can have harmful or beneficial effects.As a result,Kramer believes that we need to learn how to change our bad dreams.When we understand what happened in our dreams,we can change negative,hurtful dreams to positive,helpful ones。 Before we can begin to change a nightmare,however,we first have to remember what happened in our dream.Researchers say there are many ways to do this.We can keep a journal or diary of what we do when we are awake. Then,before going to sleep,we can review our day.This practice helps us to stay in charge.When we wake up,we should lie still while we try to remember our dream.Dream researchers say that by staying in the same sleeping positive,we are more likely to recall the dream.We should also try to remember an important word or picture from the dream.This image makes the rest of the dream easier to later.The longer we sleep,the longer and more complex our dreams will be. Dr.Rosalind Cartwright is a dream researcher,too.She has developed another dream therapy for changing dreams.According to Dr.Cartwright,dream therapy involves four simple steps you can learn on your own.The first step is to recognize when you are having a bad dream that will make you feel helpless or upset the next morning.The second

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