当前位置:文档之家› 地理专业英语(ppt里面的内容)



English for Geography


Lesson 1. Longitude and latitude ...........................经度和纬度P1 (1)

Lesson 2. Rotation and revolution of the earth...地球的自转和公转P6 (2)

Lesson 3. Map projections and map scale ...............地图投影与地图比例尺P10 (5)

Lesson 4. The major classes of landforms...............主要地形类型P13 (6)

Lesson 5 Delta plains ..........................................三角洲平原P16 (8)

Lesson 6 Limestone caverns and karst landscapes石灰岩洞和喀斯特景观P21 (8)

Lesson 7 Layers of the Earth .................................地球圈层P31 (8)

Lesson 8 The rock cycle ..........................................岩石循环P43 (9)

Lesson 9 Soil pedogenesis .......................................成土作用p48 (10)

Lesson 10 Global scale circulation of the atmosphere全球大气环流 P62 (11)

Lesson 11 The Hydrologic Cycle ..............................水循环P74 (11)

Lesson 12 Three Model of Urban Land Use..................三种城市土地利用模式P97 (11)

Lesson 13 Air pollution cause and effects...............空气污染原因和影响P168 (12)

Lesson 14 Hurricane ...................................................飓风P182 (12)



1、The location of points on the earth’s surface follows a system in which lengths of arc are measured along meridians and parallels;


2、that desired point 欲量算的点

3、the longitude of a place is the arc, measured in degrees, of a parallel between that place and the prime meridian 经度的定义

4、the longitude of a place is the arc, measured in degrees, of a parallel between that place and the prime meridian 某地的经度系该地与本初子午线之间的纬线的弧的度数

5、almost universally 几乎一致

6、The prime meridian is almost universally accepted as the meridian that passes through the old Royal Observatory at Greenwich


7、be referred to as 被称为

8、Long. 115。18′02′′~ 116。56′15′′E;Lat. 23。25′10′′~ 24。46′30′′W 梅州市

9、If only 只要要是、、、、就好,但愿

e.g. If only it clear up, we’ll go. 只要天一放晴,我们就走

e.g. If only you had worked with great care. 你要是更细心一点该多好啊。

e.g. If only he arrives in time. 但愿他及时赶到

10、If only the longitude of a point is stated 如果只有,如果只

11、the same arc of measure 相同的量算弧度applies to an entire meridian.

12、apply to + 名词或动名词适用于、请求帮忙

e.g. For particulars, ~ the information desk 请求帮忙

13、the expression 词语

14、“a meridian of longitude”经度子午线

15、The actual length, in kilometers or miles, of a degree of longitude


16、It is also useful to know that the length of 1°of longitude is reduced to about one-half as much along the 60°parallels, or about 55.5km(34.5mi) 到了60度纬线,经度一度的弧的长度减少到原来长度的二分之一左右,即55.5公里。知道这一点也是有用的。

17、The latitude of a place is the arc, measured in degrees, of a meridian between that place and the equator. 纬度的定义

18、The latitude of a place is the arc, measured in degrees, of a meridian between that place and the equator. 某地的纬度系该地与赤道之间子午线的弧的度数

19、when both the latitude and longitude of a place are given, it is accurately any precisely located with respect to the geographic grid.


geographic grid 地理格网

with respect to关于、对于

e.g. In respect to the content this essay is good, but it is unsatisfactory in other respects.


20、constant value 常值

21、for ordinary purposes 通常情况下

22、by no means 决不

23、large – scale map 大比例尺地图

24、small– scale map 小比例尺地图

25、A circle, fitted to the curvature of the ellipse at the pole, is larger in radius than a circle fitted to the ellipse at the equator 与极地椭圆相吻合的圆,其半径要比与赤道椭圆相吻合的圆的半径大

26、at 15 intervals 每隔15度

27、The fixed star(sun)----planet ----nebula---comet----meteor恒星----行星----星云----彗星---流星

28、Sun Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn,Uranus, Neptune Pluto(×)

29、The Pluto is dwarf planet(矮行星)


地球的自转和公转 P6

Rotation [r?u′tei??n] 自转Revolution [r?v?′lu:??n] 公转Polar[p?ul?]; 地极的

axis[?ksis] 轴

Solar day 太阳日

Solar hour 太阳时

centrifugal [sen′trifjug?l] 离心的

sidereal year 恒星年

tropical year 回归年

Vernal [′v?:n?l] 春天的

equinox [′i:kwin?ks] n. 二分点

Vernal equinox 春分(点)

calendar year 历年

leap year 闰年


1、polar axis 极轴

2、period of rotation 自转周期

3、mean 平均的、中间的、鄙陋的

mean solar day 平均太阳日

mean solar hour 平均太阳时

mean temperature ( velocity )平均气温

mean motive 鄙陋的动机

mean opinion 自卑感

Take a mean course 采取折衷方法

4、This day is the average time required for the earth to make one complete turn in respect to the sun. 平均太阳日系地球对太阳而言完成一次自转所需的平均时间

in respect to / with respect to 关于

5、applying one of the following rules 采用下列法则之一

6、Globe 地球仪

Equator 赤道

North Pole 北极

Parallel 纬线

Meridian 经线

The Prime Meridian 本初子午线north pole of the Earth 地球北极counter 反的、逆的counterclockwise 逆时针Counteract 反作用Countermeasure 对策

7、the apparent motion of the sun 视太阳运动

apparent 明显的,表观的,外显的,视

~ angle 视角;

~solar time 视太阳时

body 天体

8、The velocity of earth rotation, defined as rate of travel of a point on the earth’s surface in a circular path due to rotation alone, may easily be computed by dividing the length of parallel at the latitude of the point in question by 24, the approximate period of rotation.


in question 正被讨论的

the point in question 该点

the job in question 该项工作

the book in question 该书

9、at constant rate 以恒定的速率

10、two important physical phenomena result from the decrease in rotational velocity with increase in latitude.


physical phenomena 自然现象

result from 起因于

11、there is a centrifugal force generated by the earth’s turning which gives surface objects a faint tendency to fly off into space


centrifugal force 离心力

12、this effect is most marked;be marked;be obvious;be outstanding 显著的

13、For example, an object which would weigh 289 pounds at the equator if the earth were not turning actually weighs l pound less.


14、Another effect of the decreasing rotational velocity with increasing latitude is to cause objects in motion to be deflected slightly to the right or left of their paths.


15、the Ecliptic plane 黄道面

16、For example, the time required for the earth to return to a given point in its orbit with reference to the fixed stars is called the sidereal year.


the fixed stars 恒星

with reference to 以…..为参照

sidereal year 恒星年

17、For earth-sun relationships we use the tropical year, which is the period of time from one vernal equinox to the next, and has a length of approximately 3651/4 days.



18、The vernal Equinox 春分日 Arctic Circle 北极圈

The summer solstice 夏至日 Antarctic Circle 南极圈

The autumnal Equinox 秋分日 polar day 极昼

The winter solstice 冬至日 polar night 极夜

19、tropic (天)回归线

the tropic of Cancer (巨蟹座)北回归线

the tropic of Capricorn(摩羯座)南回归线

20、tropical 热带的

the tropical zone 热带

the temperate zone 温带

the frigid one; 寒带

the tropical storm 热带风暴;

21、hurricane 飓风

Severe ocean storms that develop over the Indian Ocean are called cyclones.

Storms that form over the northwestern Pacific Ocean are typhoons.

And storms that form over the eastern Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean are hurricanes

22、Every four years the extra one-fourth day difference (between the tropical years and the calendar year of 365 days )accumulates to nearly one whole day .

23、By inserting a 29th day in February every leap year we are able to correct the calendar with respect to the tropical year.


24、Further minor corrections are necessary to perfect this system.


25、In its orbit the earth moves in such a direction that if we imagine ourselves in space, looking down upon the earth and sun so as to see the north pole of the earth, the earth

is traveling counterclockwise around the sun. This is the same direction of turning as the earth rotation.


地图投影与地图比例尺 P10

Mercator projection 墨卡托投影distortion n. 畸形;变形navigation n. 航行;导航converge v. 会聚;集中exaggerate v. 夸大;夸张comparison n. 比较;对照continent n. 大陆;陆地

simultaneously ad. 同时地

linear a. 线的;直线的

graphic a. 图的;图解的

representative fraction 分数比例尺

magnitude n. 大小

disproportionately ad. 不匀称地;不相称


1、introduce 引起

2、a certain amount of distortion 一定程度的变形

3、curved surface 弯曲表面

4、the amount of distortion 变形的程度

5、be disregarded 忽略不计

6、A classic instance of this is the well-know Mercator projection. 典型实例

7、Mercator projection 墨卡托投影

Equal-area projection 等积投影

cylindrical projection 圆柱投影

8、exaggerates the east-west dimension of areas near the poles


9、In addition it exaggerates the north –south dimension, since the parallels are not spaced evenly between the equator and the poles, as they are on the globe, but gradually draw farther and farther apart with increasing distance from the equator.

In addition 另外

In addition to 除- - -之外

Since 因为

on the globe

on the earth

10、On a Mercator map the mathematical location (latitude and longitude)of every place is accurate, but areas near the poles are stretched out of shape and are greatly distorted in size, with the familiar result that Greenland appears bigger than South America, though in reality it is only one-eighth as large

mathematical location 数学位置

with the familiar result that 造成了总所周知的结果

as large= as large as the area of ………….

for visal comparison 用作直观上的大小比较

11、Almost endless ways have been devised to project the curved surface of the globe onto

a plane.


12、One must take care not to use a particular projection for some purpose for which it was not designed.


13、It must be remembered that no flat map can simultaneously(同时)represent true direction, true distance, true shape, and true area for a particular segment of earth space.(地球空间某一个别部分的真实面积)


14、For this = ~ reason

15、globe is required 我们需要球面图

16、Students should keep in mind the importance of map scale.

17、The scale of a map is the actual distance on the earth that is represented by a given linear unit on the map. (定义)


18、This relationship may be shown on a graphic scale, or it may be stated in words, for instance, one inch [on the map] equals one mile [on the ground], or it may be expressed as a representative fraction, for example 1/62,500, wherein one unit on the map is equivalent to 62,500 of the same units on the ground,

a graphic scale 图解式比例尺/ 线段比例尺

scale stated in words 说明式比例尺/文字比例尺

representative fraction分数比例尺/数字比例尺

large-scale map 大比例尺地图 1∶5000至1∶10万的地形图

middle-scale map 中比例尺地图 1∶25万和1∶50万地形图

small-scale map 小比例尺地图 1∶100万地形图

19、whereas small-scale maps permit fewer details and require an increasing degree of generalization as the scale of the map grows less


degree of generalization 概括度

20、To convey relative magnitudes effectively, symbols on a small-scale map (for instance, symbols denoting cities of different sizes) often occupy disproportionately large portions of the map sheet.



主要地形类型 P13

1、four very general types 4种非常笼统的类型

2、general 一般的、总的、全面的、大体的、笼统的

a ~ outline 大纲

He speaks in ~ terms. 他笼统地说了说


4、be susceptible to + n = can be done 可被- - -的

e.g. The problem is ~ to solution= The problem can be solved.

5、However, it is the horizontal (dimension) rather than the vertical dimension which predominates in plains country


horizontal dimension and vertical dimension ; 水平维和垂直维

plains country 平原地区

hilly ~丘陵地区

6、To a degree 一定程度上

7、To qualify as plateaus in the strictest sense5, such areas should be terminated on at least one side by a steep edge, or escarpment, marking an abrupt transition from the plateau surface to areas at a lower elevation.


To qualify as 为了达到-----标准

Marking 表现为

8、However, the word “plateau” is often used loosely in referring to relatively level areas lying at considerable heights, whether terminated by a definite escarpment or not 但是,高原这个词常常不严格地用来指高度相当大、相对平坦的地区,而不管其尽头有无陡崖。 considerably high 相当高

Comparatively high 比较高

9、well-defined plateaus界限明确的高原

10、be spoken of as 被叫做

11、tableland 高地

12、To complicate matter, many plateaus in areas with considerable rainfall have been cut into predominantly hilly or even mountainous country by their many streams, yet are still commonly referred to as plateaus.

predominantly 以----为主

referred to as 被称为


13、Yungui plateau 云贵高原

Neimenggu plateau 内蒙古高原

the Tibetan plateau;the Qinghai plateau 青藏高原

the loess plateau 黄土高原

the inner Mongolial plateau 内蒙古高原

the Yungui plateau 云贵高原

The Brazil plateau 巴西高原

14、hill land 丘陵

15、Mountains 山地

16、In general, mountains are higher and more rugged than hill lands, are more of a barrier to movement, and generally offer fewer possibilities for human settlement and use.

be of a barrier = be blocked 阻碍


17、Whereas many areas of hill land support moderate to dense populations, most mountain areas are sparsely populate.


18、over the earth = around the earth 世界各地

19、 plains country 平原地区

20、areas of a few hundred feet elevation which stand out conspicuously above their surroundings may be called “mountains” by the local inhabitants

conspicuously = obviously 明显地

stand out conspicuously above their surroundings 兀立于四周


21、However, the term is most commonly used in reference to comparatively rugged areas lying at least 2,000 to3,000 feet above sea level.

in reference to = refer to 指示


22、Basin 盆地

the Tarim basin; 塔里木盆地

The Taklimakan Desert

the Tarim River(longest continental river)

Junggar basin 准噶尔盆地

The Qaidam basin 柴达木盆地

the Sichuan basin 四川盆地

the Turpan basin 吐鲁番盆地

23、Plain 平原

The northeast plain 东北平原

The north China plain 华北平原

The middle and lower reaches of Yellow River 黄河中下游

The plain of middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River 长江中下游平原

The Amazon plain 亚马孙平原

24、Himalayan Mountain range/ Himalayan range/ Mountains 喜马拉雅山脉

The Mount Qonmolangma 珠穆朗玛峰

The Everest Mount;The Everest Tower 埃菲尔铁塔

the Andes range 安第斯山脉

The Rocky Mountains 落基山脉

The three gorges of Yangtze River 长江三峡







Lesson 7. Layers of the Earth

地球圈层 P31

1、The core 地核

The inner core 内核

The Outer core 外核

2、Mantle 地幔

Upper mantle 上地幔

3、Crust 地壳

4、Lithosphere 岩石圈

5、Oblate spheroid 扁的椭球体

6、seismic evidence 地震的证据

Seismic waves 地震波

7、basalt rich oceanic crust 富含玄武岩的洋壳

8、granitic rich continental crust 富含花岗岩的陆壳

9、continental crust 陆壳

10、oceanic crust 洋壳

11、is theorized to be 被认为是

12、per cubic centimeter 每立方厘米 cm3

13、The mantle comprises 83% of the Earth’s volume


14、the base of the crust 地壳基部

15、ultramatic rock 超基性岩

16、the top layer of the upper mantle 上地幔顶部

17、Asthenosphere 软流圈

18、The lithosphere is a layer that includes the crust and the upper most portion of the asthenosphere.(英译中)…………

19、plastic flow 塑性流动

20、geologic time 地质时期

21、Sedimentary deposits 陆相沉积层

22、Plastic asthenosphere 软流层

Lesson 8. The rock cycle

岩石循环 P43

1、A rock can be defined as a solid substance that occurs naturally because of the effects of there basic geological process geological process 地质过程岩石可定义(认为)是一种固体物质,这固体物质因为3种基本地质过程的作用而自然形成。


2、magma 岩浆→ magma solidification 岩浆固结

3、sedimentation of weathered rock debris 风化岩屑的沉积

4、Metamorphism 变质作用

5、Three main types of rock 3种主要岩石类型

igneous rock 火成岩

sedimentary rock 沉积岩

metamorphic rock 变质岩

6、continental plate 大陆板块

7、oceanic plate 海洋板块

8、igneous rock 火成岩

9、molten magma 溶解的岩浆

10、Magma that solidifies at the Earth’s surface conceives extrusive or volcanic igneous rocks

Conceives 孕育、构成、形成


11、calcium carbonate 碳酸钙

12、Basalt 玄武岩

13、When the magma cools and solidifies beneath the surface of the Earth intrusive or

plutonic igneous rocks are formed

14、intrusive or plutonic igneous rocks 侵入岩或深成岩

15、granite 花岗岩

16、sedimentary rock 沉积岩

17、burial, compression, and chemical modification of deposited weathered rock debris or sediments

chemical modification 化学固结

deposited weathered rock debris 沉积风化岩屑

18、Colorado Plateau 科罗拉多高原

19、metamorphic rock 变质岩

20、High temperature and pressure 高温高压

21、existing rock

22、be chemically or physically modified by产生物理与化学变化(改变)

23、Most rocks are composed of minerals. Minerals are defined by geologists as naturally occurring inorganic solids that have a crystalline structure and s distinct chemical composition.


24、elements and compounds 元素与化合物


Lesson 9. Soil pedogenesis

成土作用 p48

1、Faters of Soil pedogenesis 成土因素

2、Late in the 19th century, scientists Hilgard in the United States and the Russian Dokuchaev both suggested independently that pedogenesis was principally controlled by climate and vegetation


3、This idea was based on the observation that comparable soils developed in spatially separate areas when their climate and vegetation were similar.

In spatially separate area不同地域


4、In the 1940s, Hans Jenny extend these idea based on the observe of many subsequent studies examining the processes involved in the formation of soils.

extend these idea 深化了这些观点

On the observe of many subsequent studies 进一步的观察研究

在20世纪40年代,HansJenny 通过进一步观察研究有关土壤的形成过程,深化了这些观点。

5、Jenny believed that the kinds of soils that developed in a particular area are largely determined by five interrelated factor: climate, living organisms, parent material, topography, and time.



7、subtropical 亚热带

8、Monsoon 季风

9、high temperature and heavy precipitation 高温多雨

10、The weathering of rock 岩石风化

11、red soil / red earth 红壤

12、yellow soil / yellow earth 黄壤

13、brown soil / brown earth 棕壤

14、Parent material


16、sedimentary rock

17、metamorphic rock


19、Living organisms

20、Parent material 母质

Lesson 10. Global scale circulation of the atmosphere

全球大气环流 P62

1、insolate → insolation(n)曝晒

2、Shortwave radiation 短波辐射

3、gain an understanding of 设想

4、global circulation 全球(大气)环流

5、simplified graphical models of processes



Lesson 11. The Hydrologic Cycle

水循环 P74

1、conceptual model 概念模式、概念系统

2、Biosphere 生物圈

3、Lithosphere 岩石圈

4、Hydrosphere 水圈

5、reservoir 水库储藏

6、Evaporation 蒸发

7、Condensation 浓缩


Lesson 12. Three Model of Urban Land Use

三种城市土地利用模式 P97

1、urban land use 城市土地利用

2、Draw from 从…..出发

3、generalize about 总结

4、urban landscape 城市景观,城市形式

5、general model 普通模式

6、the way in which land is devoted to different uses within the city

7、※ the way of city land use

The Concentric zone Mode 同心圆模式

The secter zone Model 扇形模式

The multiple nuclei Model 多核心模式

Lesson 13. Air pollution cause and effects

空气污染原因和影响 P168

1、air pollutant 空气污染物

2、- xide 氧化物

monoxide 一氧化物

carbon monoxide 一氧化碳

Dioxide 二氧化物

carbon monoxide 二氧化碳

nitrogen oxide 氮氧化物

sulfur oxide 硫氧化物

Hydrocarbon 碳氢化物

3、massive injection of 大量排入

4、sulfur oxide and suspended particulate 硫氧化物和悬浮颗粒物

5、volcanic eruption 火山喷发

6、CFCS 氟氧化物

7、smog 烟雾

8、fog 雾

9、photochemical smog 光化学烟雾

10、acid rain 酸雨

11、greenhouse effect 温室效应

12、greenhouse gas 温室气体

13、carbon monoxide 二氧化碳

Lesson 14. Hurricane

飓风 P182

1、Hurricane 飓风

2、tropical cyclone 热带气旋

3、the general term 总称

4、Circulating weather system 旋转在天气系统

5、Tropical Depression 热带低压

6、Tropical Storm 热带风暴

7、Hurricane 飓风

Severe ocean storms that develop over the Indian Ocean are called cyclones. Storms that form over the northwestern Pacific Ocean are typhoons.

And storms that form over the eastern Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean are hurricanes.

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