当前位置:文档之家› 名言用英语怎么说






I then I die,such as,after all。


If know the end,we will continue。


One the way home,couldn't say how sad。


Bad guys need strength,scum need more taste。


Life be beautiful like summer flowers and death like autumn leaves。


Landing on people's misfortune and good luck depends on their own。


The worst thing in life,one is hungry,one is alone。


See the time not to get up,but it still can sleep long。


Always use the false smile,to cover up the inner sadness。


Words can not calculate,like of the person you want to change every day。


Sleep is an art,no one can stop my pursuit of artistic footsteps。


One day I Promised Land,such as your these uber all closed up。


Let you the most dazzling ray to disperse haze,Pierce my heart。


Sadness is when you want to do anything,but only a handful of!


Segment between the lines,full of only lonely and thoughts。


Today what all catharsis,we all fall down the garbage



A heart is broken,I use the mud,but are a blunt tears,was broken。


I like you,I don't need a reason。Don't like you,what is reason。


Life only withstand calm,can show the true of those quieter。


The teacher,if you ignore the bell again,then we will ignore the bell。


We are like two sides of the same coin,not separate,but will never be together。


No one will be invariable spoil you,the society,who also don't owe who!


I always look forward to my future is a good thing,just now down and out。


Love is always so difficult don't also difficult,the person is not to be like this。


Don't take his weather-beaten face and beauty is not outstanding,ugly is not chic。


First love is art;Love is technology;Getting married is a art;Divorce is surgery。


A brave man may not be happy,because it is unfortunate that they began to brave。


Happy smile,not happy smile back later!Happy is happy,not happy is hard。


If it weren't for the teacher said can't litter,otherwise I early throw you out。


If you can not let go the wrong people,so you never find the right man。


If all the love is such,the wind light cloud light,simple,more beautiful。


If I use the way you treated me to treat you,I'm afraid you will hate me。


A member roaming chat logs,destroyed many couples,how many people see through。


World is our,is also the children,but in the end is the help grandchildren。


All say small three is a bitch,but forget whether be taken from the man really love you。


Know that you don't leave her world may be,I also silly

wait for a miracle that day。


A lot of people broke into your life,just to give you a lesson,and then turned to leave。


The teacher always told us not to lie,a lie to the above inspection taught us。


Every miss you once,the sky will fall a grain of sand,from now on become the Sahara。


I in addition to more than I love you more than you love me,no condition is superior to you。


Don't persistent fall for who,don't let the vicissitudes of life crawling in waiting face。


There are too many people in this world,you laugh too much。Sincerely your inclusive and too little。


Is the holiday,don't come up in the morning,go to sleep at night,night sleep mode is started。


Shed tears does not mean I'll madeto does not forget your heart doesn't mean I was trying to save。


See all light,have and then have,have no have no,don't entertain wild hope,also don't envy。


In your childish ignorance,ignorant person,always accompany in your side,is people in your life。


A new starting point the people I care about is no longer you,insipid is the best way to get along with between us。


关于家庭的名人名言英语 1、生命因关爱而美丽,人间因感恩而和谐。 Life is beautiful because of love, and the world is harmonious because of gratitude. 2、母亲不是赖以依靠的人,而是使依靠成为不必要的人。 Mother is not the person to rely on, but the person to make dependence unnecessary. 3、家,是每个人值得依靠的地方,家是每个孩子成长的摇篮,是每个孩子栖息的港湾。 Home is everyone's place to depend on. Home is the cradle of every child's growth and the harbor where every child lives. 4、家家都有一本难念的经。 Every family has a difficult experience. 5、嫁人不仅是嫁给一个男人,也是嫁给一个家庭。 Marry not only to a man, but also to a family. 6、家庭乃是社会之缩影,事实上,家庭是具有自发维持能力的最小社会。 Family is the epitome of society. In fact, family is the smallest society with self-sustaining ability. 7、治家严,家乃和;居乡恕,乡乃睦。 Rule the family strictly, the family is peaceful; live in the home forgiveness, the home is harmonious. 8、亲人不睦家必败。 If family members do not live in harmony, they will lose. 9、养成教育与终身学习是家教工作永恒的主题。 Nurturing education and lifelong learning are the eternal themes of family education. 10、普通人啊。生在普通家庭,长在普通家庭,一张普通的脸,普通的成绩,想普通的事情。 Ordinary people. Born in an ordinary family, grew up in an ordinary family, an ordinary face, ordinary achievements, think about ordinary things. 11、学前教育更要重视孩子良好习惯的养成。 Pre-school education should pay more attention to the cultivation of children's good habits. 12、家的现代概念是:人从车库里出来后要去的地方。 The modern concept of home is where people go when they come out of the garage. 13、我不想家庭是从说谎开始的,这令人厌恶。 I don't want families to start by lying. It's disgusting. 14、人生即是一个要独立的过程,只有脚踏实地地走,才能留下一条属于自己生命的轨迹。 Life is a process of independence. Only by walking down to earth can


做自我介绍用英语怎么说 自我介绍英语范文篇1 Hello! My name is Chen Danqing. My English name is Joy. I'm 14 years old. I'm a happy girl. I have a happy family. My father and my mother are both office workers. They're busy. But at weekends, they always cook nice food for me. I'm happy in the family. I love my parents and they love me very much. I'm a student at Dongzhou Middle School. It is very big and beautiful. There are many classroom buildings and office buildings. Besides the buildings, there is a big playground. After school, there are lots of boys playing basketball on it. I think they are happy. There are a lot of flowers and trees in my school. They are beautiful. I like my school. In my school, I have many friends. All my friends are polite and helpful. My friends are all nice to me. They can make me happy. So I like playing with them. My hobbies are listening to music and reading. I like pop music very much. I dislike sports because I'm


模具英语专业术语 模具述语 一、入水:gate 进入位: gate location 水口形式:gate type 大水口:edge gate 细水口: pin-point gate 水口大小:gate size 转水口: switching runner/gate 唧嘴口径: sprue diameter 二、流道: runner 热流道: hot runner,hot manifold 热嘴冷流道: hot sprue/cold runner 唧嘴直流: direct sprue gate 圆形流道:round(full/half runner 流道电脑分析:mold flow analysis 流道平衡:runner balance 热嘴: hot sprue 热流道板:hot manifold 发热管:cartridge heater 探针: thermocouples 插头: connector plug 插座: connector socket 密封/封料: seal 三、运水:water line 喉塞:line lpug 喉管:tube 塑胶管:plastic tube 快速接头:jiffy quick connector plug/socker 四、模具零件: mold components 三板模:3-plate mold 二板模:2-plate mold 边钉/导边:leader pin/guide pin 边司/导套:bushing/guide bushing 中托司:shoulder guide bushing 中托边L:guide pin 顶针板:ejector retainner plate 托板: support plate 螺丝: screw 管钉:dowel pin 开模槽:ply bar scot 内模管位:core/cavity inter-lock 顶针: ejector pin 司筒:ejector sleeve 司筒针:ejector pin 推板:stripper plate 缩呵:movable core,return core core puller 扣机(尼龙拉勾):nylon latch lock 斜顶:lifter 模胚(架): mold base 上内模:cavity insert 下内模:core insert 行位(滑块): slide 镶件:insert 压座/斜鸡:wedge 耐磨板/油板:wedge wear plate 压条:plate 撑头: support pillar 唧嘴: sprue bushing 挡板:stop plate 定位圈:locating ring 锁扣:latch 扣鸡:parting lock set 推杆:push bar 栓打螺丝:S.H.S.B 顶板:eracuretun 活动臂:lever arm 分流锥:spure sperader 水口司:bush 垃圾钉:stop pin 隔片:buffle 弹弓柱:spring rod 弹弓:die spring 中托司:ejector guide bush 中托边:ejector guide pin 镶针:pin 销子:dowel pin 波子弹弓:ball catch 喉塞: pipe plug


亲情英语名言 1、儿女抱在身,方知父母恩。 When children are in their arms, they know their parents'kindness. 2、谁言寸草心,报得三春晖。 Whoever speaks in an inch of grass will be rewarded with spring sunshine. 3、亲情是多么平凡,渗透在生活中的点点滴滴,萦绕在我的周围。 Family love is so ordinary that it permeates every bit of my life and lingers around me. 4、骨肉之间,多一分浑厚,便多留一分亲情,是非上不必太明。 Between the flesh and the bones, a little more thick, it will leave a little more family, right and wrong need not be too clear. 5、妈妈你在哪儿,哪儿就是最快乐的地方。 Mom, where are you, where is the happiest place. 6、世界上的一切光荣和骄傲,都来自母亲。 All the glory and pride in the world come from mothers. 7、世界上一切其他都是假的,空的,唯有母亲才是真的,永恒的,不灭的。 Everything else in the world is false and empty. Only mother is real, eternal and immortal. 8、世界上有一种最美丽的声音,那便是母亲的呼唤。 There is one of the most beautiful voices in the world, that is the mother's call. 9、母爱只有做母亲的才知道。 Mother's love is only known to mothers. 10、爱情,亲情,友情,我都有了,马上就要迸发激情了。 Love, family, friendship, I have, will burst into passion soon. 11、没有母亲,何谓家庭? What is a family without a mother? 12、父母者,人之本也。 Parents are the foundation of human beings. 13、人们听到的最美的声音来自母亲,来自家乡,来自天堂。 The most beautiful voices people hear come from their mothers, from their hometowns and from heaven. 14、慈母的胳膊是慈爱构成的,孩子睡在里面怎能不甜? Mother's arms are made of love. How can a child sleep in them not sweet? 15、女人固然是脆弱的,母亲却是坚强的。 Women are fragile, but mothers are strong. 16、父子不信,则家道不睦。 Father and son do not believe, then family is not harmonious. 17、没有父母的爱培养出来的人,往往是有缺陷的人。 People without parents'love are often defective. 18、孩子是母亲的生命之锚。


自我介绍英语带翻译女 无论是面试,还是加入新的团队班级,自我介绍都是必备的。下面小编收集了有关自我介绍英语带翻译范文,供大家参考。 篇一:自我介绍 Dear teachers, students are good: My name is xx, is a confident, cheerful, friendly and active girl, I have widespread interest hobby, piano, reading, playing chess, listening to the story, to host performances and also has a strong interest in, hosted by my kindergarten graduation performance, first prize in a good result. Mom and Dad, the kindergarten teacher's careful cultivation, I have become a qualified primary school students, in the next six years to learn life, can and dear teachers, the students become the best friends! We all together happy to learn, happy to grow! Thank you! 亲爱的老师,同学们好: 我叫xx,是一个自信,开朗,友好,积极向上的小女孩,我有着广泛的兴趣爱好,弹琴、看书、下棋、听故事,也对主持和表演也有着浓厚的兴趣,由我主持的幼儿园毕业演出,获得了一等奖第一名的好成绩。 在爸爸妈妈,幼儿园老师的精心培育下,我已成为一名合格的小学生,希望在今后六年的学习生活中,能和亲爱的老师,同学们成为最好的朋友!我们大家一起快乐地学习,快乐地成长! 谢谢大家! 篇二:自我介绍


主持人英文的自我介绍 大家都知道主持人都要能说会道的,那么主持人的英语自我介绍要怎么说呢?今天WTT小雅就来告诉你主持人英文的自我介绍,欢迎阅读。 主持人英文的自我介绍篇【1】 Hello! my name is &&, is && school && student, I always dreamed to be a moderator, I am very happy to have this opportunity to stand here. First of all, thank you very much dear judges, gave me a chance to show themselves and the platform to realize my dream. I am a cheerful, broad-loving girl. From childhood I had a wish, grew up to be sure to do a good radio host, as the years went by, blossom, I slowly grew up, and this desire is more intense, as agricultural hoe, broadcasting the work of love. In the 12 years of schooling, I have to learn academic subjects at the same time, also widely absorb nutrients from the ocean of knowledge, to equip themselves and enhance their ability to improve their awareness, to better control of their future and achieve their dreams.


关于家庭的英语名言 1、家是他们的天堂。 Home is a paradise for them. 2、家有敝帚,享之千金。 Have our broom, enjoy the daughter. 3、让礼一寸,得礼一尺。 Let the ritual one inch to one foot. 4、克勤于邦,克俭于家。 G and bond, g waste at home. 5、家必自毁,而后人毁之。 Home will self-destruct, but later destroyed. 6、文学是社会的家庭教师。 Literature is the tutor of the society. 7、家,在中国,是礼教的堡垒。 The home, in China, is the bulwark of moral codes. 8、家富则疏族聚,家贫则兄弟离。 Home rich or thin poly, GuPin is brothers.

9、家是姑娘的监狱,女人的教养院。 Home is the girl's prison and the woman's workhouse. 10、每个人的家对他自己都像是城堡和要塞。 The house of every one is to him as his castle and fortress. 11、要使婚姻长久,就需克服自我中心意识。 To make a lasting marriage we have to overcome self-centeredness. 12、他是世界上最快乐的,因为他的家庭和睦。 He is the happiest in the world, because he finds peace in his home. 13、你将拥有的家庭比你出身的那个家庭更重要。 You will have a family is more important than the family you came from. 14、好的家庭与坏的家庭都会影响下一代的成长。 A good family with a bad family will affect the development of the next generation. 15、不幸的家庭各有不幸,幸福的家庭却是相像的。 Unhappy family each have unfortunately, happy families are alike. 16、穷人的孩子早当家,但必须警惕“人穷志短”。 The poor children early take charge, but must be alert to "let".


用英语向别人介绍自己范文 有时候我们需要用英语来跟别人介绍自己,但是这个时候我们要怎么介绍呢?下面是小编带来的关于用英语向别人介绍自己的内容,欢迎阅读! 用英语向别人介绍自己范文 Good morning. I am glad to be here for this interview. First let me introduce myself. My name is ***, 24. I come from ******,the capital of *******Province. I graduated from the ****** department of *****University in July ,20xx.In the past two years I have been prepareing for the postgraduate examination while I have been teaching *****in NO.****middle School and I was a head-teacher of a class in junior grade two.Now all my hard work has got a result since I have a chance to be interview by you. I am open-minded ,quick in thought and very fond of history.In my spare time,I have broad interests like many other youngers.I like reading books, especially those ****.Frequently I exchange with other people by making comments in the forum on line.In addition ,during my college years,I was once a Net-bar


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英语名言录之一——恋爱与家庭 Love and Family恋爱与家庭 Love makes the world go round.——Dickens 爱使世界转动。——狄更斯 Gather the rose of love,whilst yet in time. 趁着花儿盛开,爱的玫瑰及时采。 Of soup of love,the first is the best. 第一道汤最美味,第一次恋爱最珍贵。 Love needs no teaching. 爱不用人教。 First love is only a little foolishness and a lot of curiosity.——Shaw 初恋不过是些许愚蠢加上大量的好奇。——萧伯纳 Follow love and it will flee;flee love and it will follow thee. 爱情,你追求它,它会避开你;你避开它,它会跟着你。 Two things a man cannot hide;that he is drunk,and he is in love.——Antiphanes 有两件事男人不能隐藏:喝醉了酒或是正在恋爱。——安提菲尼斯 Real love stories never have endings.——Bach 真正的爱情故事从来不会结束。——巴赫 Absence sharpens love,presents strengthen it. 别离使爱情浓化;相聚使爱情强化。

Love is a sweet tyranny,because the lover endures his torments willingly. 爱情是一种甜蜜的暴虐,它使人心甘情愿地受折磨。 Love is a sweet torment. 爱情是一种甜蜜的痛苦。 The love that lasts longest is the love that is never returned.——Maugham 永恒的爱是无须回报的爱。——毛姆 If all else perished,and he remained,I shall still continue to be;and if all else remained,and he annihilated,the universe would turn to a mighty stranger:I should not seem a part of it.——Bronte 如果其它一切都消亡了,而他还活着,我应该继续存在下去;如果其他一切还存在着,而他却遭到毁灭,宇宙就会变成一个庞大的怪物:我就不该成为它的一部分。——勃朗特 He who is in love is wise and is becoming wiser,sees newly every time he looks at the object beloved,drawing from it with his eyes and his mind those virtues which it possesses.——Emerson 恋爱的人是聪明的,并且越来越聪明。每次看到他所爱的对象时,他都能发现一些东西,并能用双眼和头脑从中汲取其所具优点。——爱默生 If you would be loved,love and be lovable.——Franklin 要想被人爱,就要去爱别人,并让自己可爱。——富兰克林 The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved——loved for ourselves,or rather,loved inspite of ourselves.——Hugo 人生最大的幸福就是确信我们自己被人爱着——单方面被人爱着,确切地说,被人一厢情愿地爱着。——雨果 The course of true love never did run smooth.——Shakespeare 通向真爱的路从无坦途。——莎士比亚 It is impossible to love and to be wise.——Bacon 爱令智昏。——培根


自我介绍英语怎么说 篇一:简单的英文自我介绍怎么说 简单的英文自我介绍怎么说 一些企业是外资企业或者业务范围有设计到英语的话,很有可能在面试过程会要求做一个简单的英文自我介绍,这个难倒了很多非专业英语人士,根本不知道应该怎么说。 其实英文自我介绍并不是很难,你只要记住面试官也是英文菜鸟就好了,表现出你的自信和大方,当然在不好的英语能力你也要尽可能使自己的自我介绍流利一些。下面给出一个范文,希望对大家有所帮助。 I am very gald to introduce myself .I am from Liaoning Province. I graduated from Shandong University and majored in Microbiology. I love music and looking books, especially the history books.

I am honor that I have the opportunity to take part in the interview. Of course,I hope I can joy in our company,Please give me the chance. Thanks very much. 我非常开心可以在这里做自我极少,我来自辽宁,毕业于山东大学的微生物专业,我很喜欢音乐和看书,尤其是历史类的书籍。很高兴做自我介绍,我出生在辽宁,专业是国际贸易,毕业于南开大学,我的兴趣是音乐,读书,尤其是经济类的书。 能够来参加贵公司的面试我感到很荣幸,当然我也希望可以加入贵公司,为贵公司服务实现我的理想。请贵公司给我这个机会,万分感激。 篇二:英文自我介绍应该怎么写 很好的英文自我介绍来源:孙昌明的日志 Good morning ! It is really my honor to have this opportunity for an interview, I hope i can make a good


工程用英语怎么说 工程是科学和数学的某种应用,通过这一应用,使自然界的物质和能源的特性能够通过各种结构、机器、产品、系统和过程,是以最短的时间和精而少的人力做出高效、可靠且对人类有用的东西。那么你知道工程用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。 工程英语说法1: engineering 工程英语说法2: project 工程英语说法3: programme 工程的相关表达: 软件工程software engineering ; MSc Software Engineering ; soft project ; Software hut 系统工程systems engineering ; SE ; Systems design engineering ; Applied Systems Engineering 电子工程electronic engineering ; Electrical Engineering ; EE ; Electrical and Electronic Engineering 生物工程Biotechnology ; Bioengineering ; Biological Engineering ; Biomedical Engineering 工程塑料Engineering plastic ; ABS ; EV A ; LCP 工程学engineering ; Engineering Science ; BSc in Engineering ; Bachelor of Engineering 工程管理engineering management ; Project Management ; MSc Engineering Management ; MEM


关于家庭的名言英语 导读:本文是关于关于家庭的名言英语的文章,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享! 1、欢乐的笑声是家中的阳光。 Joyful laughter is the sunshine at home. 2、家有不义之财,则伤本。 If a family has unjust wealth, it will hurt its capital. 3、走遍天涯觅不到自己所需要的东西的人,回到家里就发现它了。 He who travels all over the world and finds nothing he needs finds it at home. 4、爱情是两个人的事,婚姻是两个家庭的事。 Love is a matter of two people, marriage is a matter of two families. 5、金窝,银窝,不如自家的草窝。 Golden nest, silver nest, better than their own grass nest. 6、“爱心、平安、和谐”社会,以人为本。 "Love, peace and harmony" society, people-oriented. 7、互相信任才算好伙伴,互相关心才算幸福的家庭。 Trust each other is a good partner, care for each other is a happy family.

8、家庭是大自然创造的杰作之一。 Family is one of the masterpieces created by nature. 9、科学的博爱精神把分散在世界各地、各种热心科学的人联结成一个大家庭。 The philanthropic spirit of science connects people who are scattered all over the world and who are enthusiastic about science into a big family. 10、家庭是爱的港湾,没有爱的家庭是没有意义的。 Family is the harbor of love. It is meaningless to have a family without love. 11、静以养身,俭以养性。 Quiet to keep fit, thrifty to keep fit. 12、家庭的基础无疑是父母对其新生儿女具有特殊的情感。 Family is undoubtedly based on the special emotions of parents towards their newborn daughters. 13、文明家庭敬老为先,幸福之户以德为本。 The civilized family respects the elderly first, and the happy family takes morality as the foundation. 14、不读书的家庭,是思想上残缺的家庭。 Families that do not read are ideologically incomplete. 15、未有和气萃焉,而家不吉昌者。未有戾气结焉,而家不衰败者。


Good morning. My name is xxx .It is really a great honor to have this opportunity to introduce myself,and I hope I can make a good performance today. 早上好。我的名字是某某某。非常荣幸能有这个机会来介绍我自己,我希望今天我能有个好的表现。 Now I will introduce myself briefly ,I am 23 years old,born in wenling, the capital of Zhejiang Province. I graduated from the The Chinese people's armed police force academy department of Frontier command in July, 2011. 现在我将简单介绍一下我自己,我今年23岁,出生在温岭市,是浙江省的省会。我毕业于中国人民武装警察部队学院前沿指挥部

门,2011年6月。 During the four years in university, I spend most of my time on study, I have passed CET4 and I have acquired basic knowledge of Frontier command. Besides, with my efforts and cheerful personality,I received a scholarship and outstanding student awarded. Generally speaking, I am a hard worker especially do the thing I am interested in. I like to chat with my classmates, almost talk everything ,my favorite pastime is Basketball, swimming or surf online.Through college life,I learn how to balance between study and entertainment. 在四年的大学,我把大部分时间花在学习上,我已经通过国家基本知识,我已经获得了国境的命令。同时,我的努力和性格开朗,我收


各专业课程英文翻译(精心整理) 生物及医学专业课程汉英对照表 应用生物学 Applied Biology 医学技术 Medical Technology 细胞生物学 Cell Biology 医学 Medicine 生物学 Biology 护理麻醉学 Nurse Anesthesia 进化生物学 Evolutionary Biology 口腔外科学 Oral Surgery 海洋生物学 Marine Biology 口腔/牙科科学 Oral/Dental Sciences 微生物学 Microbiology 骨科医学 Osteopathic Medicine 分子生物学 Molecular Biology 耳科学 Otology 医学微生物学 Medical Microbiology 理疗学 Physical Therapy 口腔生物学 Oral Biology 足病医学 Podiatric Medicine 寄生物学 Parasutology 眼科学 Ophthalmology 植物生物学 Plant Physiology 预防医学 Preventive Medicine 心理生物学 Psychobiology 放射学 Radiology 放射生物学 Radiation Biology 康复咨询学 Rehabilitation Counseling 理论生物学 Theoretical Biology 康复护理学 Rehabilitation Nursing 野生生物学 Wildlife Biology 外科护理学 Surgical Nursing 环境生物学 Environmental Biology 治疗学 Therapeutics 运动生物学 Exercise Physiology 畸形学 Teratology 有机体生物学 Organismal Biology 兽医学 Veterinary Sciences 生物统计学 Biometrics 牙科卫生学 Dental Sciences 生物物理学 Biophysics 牙科科学 Dentistry 生物心理学 Biopsychology 皮肤学 Dermatology 生物统计学 Biostatistics 内分泌学 Endocrinology 生物工艺学 Biotechnology 遗传学 Genetics 生物化学 Biological Chemistry 解剖学 Anatomy 生物工程学 Biological Engineering 麻醉学 Anesthesia 生物数学 Biomathematics 临床科学 Clinical Science 生物医学科学 Biomedical Science 临床心理学 Clinical Psychology 细胞生物学和分子生物学 Celluar and Molecular Biology 精神病护理学 Psychiatric Nursing 力学专业 数学分析 Mathematical Analysis 高等代数与几何 Advanced Algebra and Geometry 常微分方程 Ordinary Differential Equation 数学物理方法 Methods in Mathematical Physics 计算方法 Numerical Methods 理论力学 Theoretical Mechanics 材料力学 Mechanics of Materials 弹性力学 Elasticity 流体力学 Fluid Mechanics 力学实验 Experiments in Solid Mechanics 机械制图 Machining Drawing 力学概论 Introduction to Mechanics 气体力学 Gas Dynamics 计算流体力学 Computational Fluid Mechanics 弹性板理论 Theory of Elastic Plates 粘性流体力学 Viscous Fluid Flow 弹性力学变分原理 Variational Principles inElasticity 有限元法 Finite Element Method 塑性力学 Introduction of Plasticity


英文的自我介绍要怎么说 用英文来自我介绍也不是一件很简单的事情,,今天小编就给大家来分享一下英文自我介绍,希望可以帮助到大家如何用英语进行自我介绍 Autobiography My name is ________. I am graduate from ________ senior high school and major in ________. There are ________ people in my family. My father works in a computer company. And my mother is a housewife. I am the youngest one in my family. In my spare time, I like to read novels. I think reading could enlarge my knowledge. As for novels, I could imagine whatever I like such as a well-known scientist or a kung-fu master. In addition to reading, I also like to play PC games. A lot of grownups think playing PC games hinders the students from learning. But I think PC games could motivate me to learn something such as English or Japanese.

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