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Simon考官范文-雅思口语P2:A new skill you want to learn

Simon考官范文-雅思口语P2:A new skill you want to learn
Simon考官范文-雅思口语P2:A new skill you want to learn


Describe a new skill you want to learn.

You should say:

what it is

how would learn it

where you can learn it

and explain why you want to learn it.


I would like to learn the taekwondo which is a historical Korean martial arts and also is an excellent method of keeping fit and getting toned. I learned it a bit when I was a boy and I want to learn more about it in the future.

Actually there is a traditional taekwondo school located just near the sub district. The school is not very big or famous, but it’s very convenient. Besides, it also has several qualified and experienced teachers. Every time I pass by the school gate, I really would like to go inside, enrol the entry-level course and select my instructor. It would be very excited to wear the uniforms and the belt. I believe I would start learning it from the basics, like the front kick and roundhouse kick. It’s very cool.

I guess it is just a fashionable hobby because it will enable me to build strength, improve my balance, coordination and flexibility. Apart from its health benefits, it can also teach me how to be calm, respect for others, control my movements and self-defense. Furthermore, it will help reinforce the traditional values like honesty, courtesy, courage and indomitable spirit.


1.我想学:I would like to learn


3.传统韩国武术:a historical Korean martial arts

4.塑性:keeping fit and getting toned

5.我想在未来学更多:i want to learn more about it in the future.

6.事实上: actually

7.传统的跆拳道学校:a traditional taekwondo school

8.非常方便:it’s very convenient


10.有资历和经验的老师: several qualified and experienced teachers

11.每次:Every time

12.校门:school gate

13.入门级的课程:the entry-level course

14.从基础学起: learning it from the basics

15.前蹄和回旋踢:the front kick and roundhouse kick


17.提高我的平衡力: improve my balance

18.健康益处:health benefits

19.尊重他们:respect for others







26.不屈不挠的精神:indomitable spirit


2018年雅思口语part2话题高分范文:改进社区今天三立在线教育雅思网为大家带来的是2018年雅思口语part2话题高分范文:改进社区的相关资讯,备考的烤鸭们,赶紧来看看吧! Describe a public place that you think need improvements You should say: What the place is When do you go there What do you like and dislike in the public place The public place that I think need improvements is the community library near my home. I often go there after work, probably twice a week. There are several aspects I like about the library. The first one is the whole atmosphere. Every time I go into the library, I can see people in all ages reading books, surfing in the internet, discussing questions, or watching movies, which makes me feel peaceful. The second one is the variety of books. It not only has Chinese books but also some English books. The third one is the easy access to all the materials. Application to the library card is easy and free. People can borrow 6 books for one time. However, there are some parts I don't like about the library. For example, the library doesn't have a quiet study area. It's pretty noisy for people or students who want to study lonely and quietly. The library can consider to build a quiet study room in the future.


Writing Task2 Topics 2-2 “Prevention is better than cure.” Out of a country’s health budget, a large proportion should be diverted from treatment to spending on health education and preventative measures. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? 3-2 When a country develops its technology, the traditional skills and ways of life die out. It is pointless to try and keep them alive. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? 6-GB Using a computer everyday can have more negative than positive effects on young children. Do you agree or disagree? 5-2 In some countries young people are encouraged to work or travel for a year between finishing high school and starting university studies. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages for young people who decide to do this. 4-GB Some people believe that children should be allowed to stay at home and play until they are six or seven years old. Others believe that it is important for young children to go to school as soon as possible. What do you think are the advantages of attending school from a young age? 6-2 Successful sports professionals can earn a great deal more money than people in other important professions. Some people think this is fully justified while others think it is unfair. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. 6-4 Some people prefer to spend their lives doing the same things and avoiding change. Others, however, think that change is always a good thing. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. 3-3 In many countries children are engaged in some kind of paid work. Some people regard this as completely wrong, while others consider it as valuable work experience important for learning and taking responsibility. What are your opinions on this? 4-2 Happiness is considered very important in life. Why is it difficult to define? What factors are important in achieving happiness? 4-4 In many countries schools have severe problems with students behavior. What do you think are the causes of this? What solutions can you suggest? 5-GB Nowadays we are producing more and more rubbish. Why do you think this happening? What can governments do to help reduce the amount of rubbish produced?


雅思小作文范文 整理自雅思考官simon博客 The table below gives information about the underground railway systems in six cities. Full essay (band 9): The table shows data about the underground rail networks in six major cities. The table compares the six networks in terms of their age, size and the number of people who use them each year. It is clear that the three oldest underground systems are larger and serve significantly more passengers than the newer systems. The London underground is the oldest system, having opened in 1863. It is also the largest sy stem, with 394 kilometres of route. The second largest system, in Paris, is only about half the size of the London underground, with 199 kilometres of route. However, it serves more peopl e per year. While only third in terms of size, the Tokyo system is easily the most used, with 1 927 million passengers per year. Of the three newer networks, the Washington DC underground is the most extensive, with 12 6 kilometres of route, compared to only 11 kilometres and 28 kilometres for the Kyoto and L os Angeles systems. The Los Angeles network is the newest, having opened in 2001, while th e Kyoto network is the smallest and serves only 45 million passengers per year. (185 words)


2020年雅思口语范文素材:喜欢的一本书Describe a kind of book you like. You should say: What kind of books you like most. What they are about. Why you like them most. What effects books brought on you? Thank you for the opportunity to speak to you. I am sure you will find my talk interesting and informative. 1. a) Because I like reading widely, it is difficult for me to choose a specific type of book. I am sure you can appreciate my dilemma. b) Anyway, I have always enjoyed reading autobiographies. 2. a) An autobiography is a book, which a person has written about his or her life. b) For example, famous people write about their experiences throughout life. There are several reasons as for why I would like to talk specifically about autobiographies. Allow me to explain by mentioning some of them briefly. 3. a) Firstly, I have been able to learn valuable lessons from the lives of others. b) For example, the determination shown by people like Newton and Nobel has inspired me to persist with my studies.

【2019最新】雅思口语高分范文:family-范文word版 (1页)

【2019最新】雅思口语高分范文:family-范文word版 本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除! == 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! == 雅思口语高分范文:family 家庭话题一直都是雅思口语考试当中最常见的一类,所以大家多准备一些 关于家庭的雅思口语范文进行参考是十分有好处的。 Think of a person in your family that is the most similar to you . Who is this person ? How is he / she similar to you ? What kind of family is yours ? Is it of a typical family structure in China ? My family is a typical family in China . There are grandparents , parents , a brother , my wife and I in my family . I look just like my father . Medium build , pointed nose and dense black hair . My father is very kind and easy going . His love is the most selfless love . I am luck enough because I have a good father . My father has been specially thirsty for knowledge as he had only a few years of schooling himself . He believe that knowledge can change fate . So , my father offer more opportunity for me to study To sum up , my family is harmony and our life is very happy . 1) What do you think are the differences between families in and past and today , and what have caused these changes ? In the past , there were several children in a family . But now , government has is sued one -- child policy to limit the size of the family . So , there is only one child in a family . Couples will be punished financially if they have more than one child . This is one -- child policy . 2) What is your opinion of one -- child policy ?


剑10 1-2 It is important for children to learn the difference between right and wrong at an early age. Punishment is necessary to help them learn this distinction. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion What sort of punishment should parents and teachers be allowed to use to teach good behavior to children One important stage in a child’s growth is certainly the development of a conscience, which is linked to the ability to tell right from wrong. This skill comes with time and good parenting, and my firm conviction is that punishment does not have much of a role to play in this. Therefore I have to disagree almost entirely with the given statement. To some extent the question depends on the age of the child. To punish a very young child is both wrong and foolish, as an infant will not understand what is happening or why he or she is being punished. Once the age of reason is reached however, a child can be rewarded for good behavior and discouraged from bad. This kind but firm approach will achieve more than harsh punishments, which might entail many negative consequences unintended by the parents. To help a child learn the difference between right and wrong, teachers and parents should firstly provide good role modelling in their own behavior. After that, if sanctions are needed, the punishment should not be of a physical nature, as that merely sends the message that it is acceptable for larger people to hit smaller ones-an outcome which may well result in the child starting to bully others. Nor should the punishment be in any way cruel.


雅思考官级9分范文:现代人的独立 题目:Some people think that in the modern world we are more dependent on each other, while others think that people have become more independent. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 范文: People have different views about whether we are more or less dependent on others nowadays. In my view, modern life forces us to be more independent than people were in the past. There are two main reasons why it could be argued that we are more dependent on each other now. Firstly, life is more complex and difficult, especially because the cost of living has increased so dramatically. For example, young adults tend to rely on their parents for help when buying a house. Property prices are higher than ever, and without help it would be impossible for many people to pay a deposit and a mortgage. Secondly, people

2019-2020-雅思口语Part3范文-范文word版 (1页)

2019-2020-雅思口语Part3范文-范文word版 本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除! == 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! == 雅思口语Part3范文 雅思口语 Part 3范文雅思口语范文是考生们备考雅思时很好的资料,下面为雅思考生们提供的雅思口语 Part 3范文,大家可以阅读与背诵,希望 对大家有所帮助! 雅思口语 Part 3范文一、 What are the benefits for playing sports ? Well , in general , playing sports gives us physical fitness and psychological enjoyment . Sports help people to become stronger and healthier . Activities increase the heart rate , which will lead to several hours ofalertness . Thus , people become energetic and can improve their working efficiency . Moreover , a regular exercise routine can make fatigue problems disappear . 二、 What are the advantages for a country to hold major international sport events ? Well , holding major international sports events makes a country win a wider reputation . Now more and more people in the world have got to know that China is developed and powerful enough to hold the Olympics . Thus , it increases the opportunities for foreign investment , tourism , exports and other international cooperation . 三、 What are the common ways for Chinese people to keep fit ? They are different among different groups of people . Young people would like to play basketball , football , volleyball in schools , while those working people prefer jogging or taking a walk . Old people usually go to the park to play Taiji or dance in the morning . 四、 What are the sport facilities like in your city ? I am glad to say that we have more sport facilities in our city now . People can easily access those facilities and do exercise . In every community , we have outdoor facilities and they are free . Fitness centers or stadiums are thoughtfully distributed in the whole city . 五、 Do you believe that the sport a person likes can reflect his personality ? Yes , I think so . People who like participating in games are more competitive in personality . Some people like team sports , such as basketball , football , which require team spirit among team members . So people of this type are more cooperative in teamwork . 以上是 为您整理的信息,预祝您在雅思考试中取得好成绩!


雅思口语话题part2高分范文分享 备考雅思口语需多看优秀范文,今天了雅思口语part2新题范文,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 Describe a public place that you think need improvements You should say: What the place is When do you go thereWhat do you like and dislike in the public place 1-4月雅思口语新题part2范文之:改进公共设施(public place that you think need improvements) The public place that I think need improvements is the munity library near my home. I often go there after work, probably twice a week. There are several aspects I like about the library. The first one is the whole atmosphere. Every time I go into the

library, I can see people in all ages reading books, surfing in the inter, discussing questions, or watching movies, which makes me feel peaceful. The second one is the variety of books. It not only has Chinese books but also some English books. The third one is the easy aess to all the materials. Application to the library card is easy and free. People can borrow 6 books for one time. However, there are some parts I don't like about the library. For example, the library doesn't have a quiet study area. It's pretty noisy for people or students who want to study lonely and quietly. The library can consider to build a quiet study room in the future. Describe a city or country you most want to live in the future You should say: What is it Where is it located


It is generally believed that some people are born with certain talents, for instance for sport or music, and others are not. However, it is sometimes claimed that any child can be taught to become a good sports person or musician. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. The relative importance of natural talent and training is a frequent topic of discussion when people try to explain different levels of ability in, for example, sport, art or music. Obviously, education systems are based on the belief that all children can effectively be taught to acquire different skills, including those associated with sport, art or music. So from our own school experience, we can find plenty of evidence to support the view that a child can acquire these skills with continued teaching and guided practices. I personally think that some people do have talents that are probably inherited via their genes. Such talents can give individuals a facility for certain skills that allow them to excel, while more hard-working students never manage to reach a comparable level. But, as with all questions of nature versus nurture,they are not mutually exclusive. Good musicians or artists and exceptional sports stars have probably succeeded because of both good training and natural talent. Without the natural talent, continuous training would be neither attractive nor productive, and without the training,the child would not learn how to exploit and develop their talent. In conclusion. I agree that any child can be taught particular skills, but to be really good in areas such as music, art or sport, then some natural talent is


雅思考官级9分范文:环境污染我们能做什么 题目是Explain some of the ways in which humans are damaging the environment. What can governments do to address these problems? What can individual people do? 9分范文: Humans are responsible for a variety of environmental problems, but we can also take steps to reduce the damage that we are causing to the planet. This essay will discuss environmental problems and the measures that governments and individuals can take to address these problems. Two of the biggest threats to the environment are air pollution and waste. Gas emissions from factories and exhaust fumes from vehicles lead to global warming, which may have a devastating effect on the planet in the future. As the human population increases, we are also producing ever greater quantities of waste, which contaminates the earth and pollutes rivers and oceans.


雅思口语雅思托福技巧雅思口语-美联国际教育 雅思口语范文:Lifestyle 2014-01-21 14:20 类别:雅思口语来源:enguo 责编:meten 以下是小编为大家搜索整理的有关雅思口语范文Lifestyle相关信息介绍,每年雅思写作会涉及到Lifestyle方面的考题,所以一下雅思口语范文考生可以借鉴里面的短语、句子或思路,给自己的写作找一些思路和灵感。 You should say: - who he /she is - how you know this person - what sort of person he/she is (or, what he/she is like) and explain what he/she does that is healthy Part 3 A Healthy Lifestyle What do you think makes a "healthy lifestyle"? Can you give some examples of how a person's lifestyle affects their health? What are some examples of an unhealthy lifestyle? Do you think celebrities usually have a healthy lifestyle? How much sleep per day do you think a person needs in order to maintain good health? Well let me think, I suppose my grandmother Linda is the one who keeps a healthy lifestyle. Grandma Linda loves nature Grandmother Linda finds some ideas for healthy lifestyle. First of all, she became a vegetarian when she was young and has a fat free diet more than 50 years. Secondly, she drinks tea every day. According to a scientific study, tea is better than coffee, for tea can lower fat in our body, fight cancer and protect our heart. Meanwhile, she doesn't stay up late and does lead an orderly life. As an old saying goes, healthy is happiness. My grandmother leads a healthy lifestyle and lives happiness. 以上即是雅思口语范文Lifestyle话题介绍,大家在备考雅思口语时可以结合以上提到的内容进行练习,俗话说熟能生巧,考生朋友们加油!


雅思口语话题Part3高分范文分享 苦于没有词穷口难开?怎么办?别怕,今天和大家分享一下雅思口语话题Part3高分范文,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 雅思口语话题Part3范文:an English lesson that you have taken 参考答案:Describe an English lesson that you have taken 1. What qualities should a good language teacher have? Well, I guess an effective language teacher should, first of all, be knowledgeable and competent to be able to answer all students questions accurately and lay a good foundation for mastering the language. They should also be imaginative and innovative to break monotony as well as get students excited to learn the language and take lively Participation in the class. I also guess its vital for a good language teacher to be interactive to develop students creative self-expression communicative skills, and, of course motivating to spark language learners to use target language whenever possible. 2. Why do people learn foreign languages?


TEST2 此图表显示在所列出的四个欧洲国家中,英国对图中所包含各种商品的花费最高。对任一种商而言,英国人的相应花费都要比其它国人高出许多。只在网球拍上,英国人和另一个国家意大利人消费相当。 相比之下,德国人消费额度最低。在其对胶卷的消费上可见一斑,德国人远不如英国人对胶卷的花费。德国只在两种商品上的消费高于法国,分别是网球拍和香水。 与此同时,法国和意大利两国居民大体上消费水平居中,平均额度也趋同。具体来说,法国人对唱片和胶卷的消费要高于意大利人,然而对网球拍的消费不及意大利人。意大利人对随身听的花费略高于法国,玩具消费则在两国人中等同。 数据清楚表明,欧洲国家之间的消费习惯存在巨大差异。 TEST3 此数据表明了发展和发达国家对科教投入之间的差异。 就在校年数而言,我们可以看到在1980年,发达国家的人在校学习所用时间为8.5年,相比之下远远超过发展中国家的2.5年。这一差距在1990年扩大,两个数据分别增至10.5年和3.5年。 在图表二中,趋势也是如此。1980年至1990年,发达国家的科学家和技师的人数从每1000人中的55人升到85人,然而这一数据在发展中国家从12人升到20人。 最后,对研发项目的投资显示发达国家数据的不止翻了两番,从2000亿美元增长到4200亿美元,而发展中国家实际上有所削减,从750亿美元降至250亿美元。 总体上,我们可以看出两经济体之间不仅存在巨大差异,而且这一差异正在扩大。 IELTS4 TEST1 此表格对1999年澳大利亚不同类型的贫困家庭进行了分类。 平均来说,11%的家庭属于贫困家庭,其组成人数近200万。然而,那些单亲或独身家庭几乎在此比例上翻了两番,分别为21%和19%。 夫妇家庭一般更为富有。对丁克家庭而言,贫困比例(7%)较有孩子的家庭(12%)要低。明显的是,那时对有孩子的家庭来说,其贫困比例要高于平均比例。 老年人的贫穷可能性较小,即使数据再一次倾向老年夫妇(仅4%),而不是单身老年家庭(6%)。 总体上,表格显示单身家庭和那些有孩子的家庭生活贫困的可能性比那些夫妇家庭要大。 TEST3 此柱状图给出了1999年澳大利亚男性和女性所进修中学以上各个水平的教育文凭的信息。我们可以很快看出,男女比例在不同教育水平之间存在着巨大差异。最大的性别差异在于最低的中学以上水平,其中90%的男性获得了技校文凭,而女性只有10%的比例。相比之下,更多的女性获得了高职高专文凭(70%),女性中学历达到本科水平(55%)的比例也略高于男性。 就更高水平的教育而言,拥有研究生文凭的男性显然比女性多(分别为70%和30%)。此外,男性数量占博士生毕业的60%。 因此我们可以得出,更多的男性较女性来说获得了低等或高等教育文凭,而更多的女性拿到了本科水平。尽管男性差异在本科阶段最小。

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