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We were very interested in the novel she gave us yesterday.


She was quite frightened by the sudden noise outside the door.



amazed, amused, astonished, broken, closed, completed, confused, disappointed, discouraged, dressed, drunk, excited, experienced, faded, frightened, hurt, interested, known, learned, lost, married, pleased, puzzled, qualified, satisfied, surprised, tired, unprepared, unknown, upset, worried等。




He is a retired worker.


This is a newly-developed device.



She likes to drink cold boiled water.


They were inspecting the houses damaged by the storm.


1) Commercial banks make most of their income from ______ interest on loans and investments in stocks and bonds.



[C]to earn

[D]was earned



2) On his return from his _______ college, he found the house.




[D]to be deserted


3) 改错:The age [A]of a geological sample can be estimated [B]from the ratio of radioactive to nonradioactive carbon present [C]in the object is examined [D].

解析:D错。应去掉多余的“is”,使-ED分词“examined”作后置定语修饰“object”。C处并没有错。“present”是形容词,它与后面的成分构成形容词短语修饰限定前面的“the ratio...carbon”。


这样的-ed分词通常来自及物动词。-ed分词用作状语时,跟-ing分词作状语时一样,修饰主句的谓语动词,意义上相当于状语从句,表示时间,条件,原因,伴随状况等。-ed分词结构作状语,前边往往可以加when, while, if, as if, though。这时,我们可以把-ed分词结构理解为一个省略句,即省去了“主语和be的变化形式”。一般说来,这种结构的逻辑主语必须与主句的主语一致。



Seen from a distance, the mountain looked like a lion.



Criticized unfairly, she left the office without saying a word.



Watered once a day, the flower will grow very well.



He stood there, fascinated by the singing.



The question settled, they left for home.


With everything taken into consideration, we all think this is a good suggestion.


1. 表示时间

4) Inaugurated a second time on March 4, 1901, ______focused on domestic rather than oreign policies.

[A]William McKinley's new term looked forward to and

[B]the new term looked forward to William McKinley and

[C]looking forward to a new term was William McKinley

[D]William McKinley looked forward to a new term

解析:D为正确答案。这句话前半句的-ed分词相当于一个时间状语从句“When he was inaugurated a second time …”,主句的主语应当是人,所以A和D为可能选项,但A中的look forward to后应跟名词,那么只有D为正确选项。

2. 表示条件

5) ________under a microscope, a fresh snowflake has a delicate six pointed shape.[A]Seen [B]Sees


[D]To see


6) __________ to steel, chromium(铬) increases the metal's hardness.


[B]In addition




7) __________ enough food and water, they could have beaten the enemy.

[A]Being given



[D]To give


3. 表示原因

8) Encouraged by his mother, ________________________.

[A]art was studied in Florence by John Singer Sargent

[B]Florence was where John Singer Sargent studied art

[C]the study of art in Florence by John Singer Sargent

[D]John Singer Sargent studied art in Florence.

解析:D为正确答案。四个选项中,只有D的主语为“John Singer Sargent”(人名) ,而只有人才能被“encouraged”(鼓舞),也就是说,只有D中的主语能充当空白前-ED分词短语的逻辑主语。

9) __________ by the decision, the lawyer quickly left the court room.


[B]Having angered

[C]Being angry



10) Written in great haste, ____________________.

[A]Jim made a lot of mistakes in the report

[B]there are plenty of errors in the report

[C]we found several mistakes in his report

[D]the books is full of errors.

解析:D为正确答案。本句的意思是“由于(被)写得急,……”,所以A和C不对。虽然B 中的主语“plenty of errors”与“written”逻辑上可以呼应,但与“in the great haste”不一致。“Written in great haste”的逻辑主语还是“the books”。所以D正确。

4. 表示伴随状况:


11) ______________ was not incorporated as a city until almost two centuries later, in 1834. [A]Settling Brooklyn, the Dutch

[B]The Dutch settled Brooklyn

[C]Brooklyn was settled by the Dutch

[D]Settled by the Dutch, Brooklyn

解析:D为正确答案。从上下文看,空档处的主语应是表示要点的名词(“as a city”),那么A不对;B和C都是一分句,而空档后是谓语部分,它们不作为正确选项。

12) Anna was reading a piece of science fiction, __________ completely to the outside world. [A]being lost

[B]having lost




5. 表示让步

13) Francis Preston Blair, Jr., __________ born in Kentucky, lived and practiced law in issouri. [A]was

[B]he was


[D]who he was


6. 表示结果

14) _____________ in all parts of the state, pines are the most common trees in Georgia.


[B]Finding them

[C]To find them

[D]They are found

解析:正确答案为A。本句的主语为pines(松树) ,这样就排除了B 选项,因为-ING分词表主动,而“松树”不可能是“找”(find)这个动作的逻辑主语,即动作发出者。故只有A “found”(被发现) 的逻辑主语与“pines”一致,应选A。

7. 表示目的

15) They should be kept here ___________ this matter.

[A]informing about

[B]be informed

[C]be informed of

[D]informed of


8. 表示背景和衬托

16) Known for her caricatures(漫画) of the United States society, ______________________. [A]Peggy Brown wrote and illustrated books for children

[B]the writing and illustrating of books for children by Peggy Brown

[C]children's books were written and illustrated by Peggy Brown

[D]Peggy Brown's writing and illustrating of children's books

解析:A为正确答案。空档前是-ed分词短语,空档处应是主谓俱全句,排除B和D。从-ED 分词短语中(Known for her …)可知,主句的主语是人而不是物,所以C也不对。

17) Well known as a splendid pianist in Boston, _______________.

A]we all are pleased to hear Mr. Anderson's concerto(小协奏曲)

[B] a concerto was composed by Mr. Anderson

[C]Mr. Anderson composed a concerto

[D]Mr. Anderson's concerto was composed



Don't get your schedule changed; stay with us in this class.

Peter had his gas and electricity turned on when he moved into his new apartment last month.

He kept his mouth shut and stayed where he was.(他闭口不言,呆在原地不动。)

They are talking about the experiment made in the new lab.


如果-ed分词短语与-ing短语带有与句子主语不同的主语,即本短语自己本身带有主语,这就构成了独立结构(也叫独立主格结构或垂悬结构),这种结构也可作状语表示时间,原因等。有时在独立结构前还可加介词with 或without。

Her eyes filled with tears, she did not notice his coming.

18) This ________, we went out to play.

[A]was done


[C]was dong



19) _______ all his followers dead, the commander was taken by his enemy. [A]For


[C]Because of



高中英语语法分类练习题8 分词

练习8 分词 () 1. __________ with the best students, I still have a long way to go. A. Having compared B. To compare C. Compared D. Compare () 2. The music of the film _________ by him sounds so ___________ . A. playing, exciting B. played, excited C. playing, excited D. played, exciting () 3. __________ against the coming hurricane, they dared not leave home. A. Warned B. Having warned C. To warn D. Warn () 4. In __________ countries, you can’t always make yourself _______ by speaking English. A. English-speaking, understand B. English-spoken, understand C. English-speaking, understood D. English-speaking, understood ()5. After _____________ the old man, the doctor suggested that he ___________ a bad cold. A. examining, should catch B. examined, had caught C. examining, had caught D. examined, catch () 6. _____________ , Tom jumped into the river and had a good time in it. A. Be a good swimmer B. Being a good swimmer C. Having been good swimmer D. To be a good swimmer ()7. ________ how to read the new words, I often look them up in the dictionary. A. Having not known B. Not to know C. Don’t know D. Not knowing ()8. As his parent, you shouldn’t have your child ___________ such a book. A. read B. to read C. reading D. be reading ()9. He returned from abroad ______________ that his mother had been badly ill. A. heard B. having been heard C. having phoned D. having been phoned


过去分词专项训练 Part1: Fill in the blanks 1. When_______(ask) why he was late, he went red.(脸红了) 2. Deeply ____ (move) by the story, she began to cry. 3. He walked out of the house,_______ (follow)by his pet dog ______(name )Snoopy. 4. When______ (travel), you should take care of your health. 5. Although________ (shock) at the nationwide milk crisis, many mothers still showed they would choose the brands of milk powder cautiously instead of saying “no” to it. party. 6. Even if______ (invite), I won’t attend the evening = Even if I______ (invite), I won’t attend the evening party. 7 _______(dress )in white, she looks really pretty. 8 ________(see) the picture, I couldn’t help thinking of his good old days. 9 Can you see the boy ___________ (question) by the police now? 10 The building ___________ (complete) at the end of this year will be our library. 3. At last the man managed to make himself ___ with his ____ French. A. understood; broken B. understand; break C. understanding; breaking D. understand; broken 4. _____ to be one of the greatest inventions of the 20th century, the computer is playing a more and more important role in social life. A. Considered B. Considering C. To consider D. Consider 5. Prices of daily goods ________ through a computer can be lower than store prices. A. are bought B. bought C. been bought D. buying 6. Daring, Can’t you get _________ quickly, only fifteen minutes for the party! A. changing B. change C. to be changed D. changed 7. We must study as much as possible to meet the needs of a _________ world we face. A. ever-changed B. ever-change C. ever-changes D. ever-changing 8 The ________ story of the hero _______ everyone to tears. A. moving; moved B. moving; moving C. moved; moved D. moved; moving 9. After the storm there were quite a few ______ trees on the ground. Many people saw them ______ down when the storm came up. A. fallen; fall B. fallen; fallen C. fallen; to fall D. falling; fall 10. To our great grief, there were more than 10 million people _______ in the Wen Chuang earthquake. A. killing B. to be killed C. killed D. having been killed em big at all. 11 _____ with the size of the whole earth, the biggest ocean doesn’t se A Compare B When comparing C Comparing D When compared 12. If one third of a person’s blood _______, they may die. A. lost B is lost C. is losing D. loses tudents ____ outside to come in right away. 13. It’s time for the class meeting. Tell the s A. playing B. to play C. played D. who play 14. ____ drivers are a danger to the safety of the public. A. Drank B. Drunk C. Drinking D. Drink - 1 - / 3


2016年中考英语语法难点汇总 介词 I. 要点 1、介词和种类 (1) 简单介词,常用的有at, in, on, about, across, before, beside, for , to, without 等。 (2) 复合介词,如by means of, along with, because of, in front of, instead of 等。 2、介词和其他词类的习惯搭配关系 (1) 和动词的搭配,如agree with, ask for, belong to, break away from, care about 等。 (2) 和形容词的搭配,如afraid of, angry with, different from, good at 等。 (3) 和名词的搭配,如answer to , key to, reason for, cause of, visit to 等。 3、介词短语可以有自己的修饰语,这种修饰语通常有right, just, badly, all, well, directly, completely 等少数几个副词。如:He came right after dinner. He lives directly opposite the school. 4、某些介词的意义与用法举例 (1) at, on, in (表时间) 表示时间点用at,如at four o'clock, at midnight 等;表示不确定的时间或短期假日也用at,如at that time, at Christmas 等。 指某天用on, 如on Monday, on the end of November, 指某天的朝夕用on,如on Friday morning, on the afternoon of September lst 等。 指长于或短于一天的时段用in,如in the afternoon, in February, in Summer, in 1999 等。 (2) between, among (表位置) between 仅用于二者之间,但说三者或三者以上中的每两个之间的相互关系时,也用between, 如 I'm sitting between Tom and Alice. The village lies between three hills.


高中英语语法之动词过去分词 简介 规则动词的过去分词一般是由动词加ed构成(具体规则见后),不规则动词的过去分词见不规则动词表。过去分词则属于类动词 1. 及物动词的过去分词作表语,与句子主语是被动关系,表示主语的状态,不但表示被动,还表示已完成了.The cup is broken. 茶杯破了. 2. 不及物动词的过去分词作表语,与句子主语是主动关系,表示主语的状态,只表示动作的完成. He is retired. 他已退休. 3. 有些过去分词作表语时,构成的谓语很接近被动结构. 过去分词构成规则 1 、规则动词:规则动词的过去分词的构成规则与规则动词的过去式的构成规则相同。四点变化规则: (1)、一般动词,在词尾直接加“ ed ”。work---worked---worked ,visit---visited---visited (2)、以“ e ”结尾的动词,只在词尾加“ d ”。live---lived---lived , (3)、以“辅音字母+ y ”结尾的动词,将"y" 变为"i" ,再加“ ed ”。 study---studied---studied ,cry---cried---cried , (4)、重读闭音节结尾,末尾只有一个辅音字母,先双写该辅音字母,再加“ ed ”。 stop---stopped---stopped , drop---dropped--dropped 2 、不规则动词,见不规则表 一、当过去分词作为表语 The city is surrounded on three sides by mountains. 这座城市三面环山. 【注意】过去分词作表语与被动语态的区别:过去分词作表语,主要是表示主语的状态,而被动语态则表示动作. (1) The cup was broken by my little sister yesterday. 茶杯是昨天我小妹打碎的.(是被动语态,表示动作) (2) The library is now closed. 图书馆关门了.(过去分词作表语) 【注意】过去分词表示被动或完成, -ing 形式表示主动或进行.有些动词如interest, bore, worry, surprise, frighten 等通常用其过去分词形式来修饰人,用-ing 形式来修饰物. (3) The book is interesting and I'm interested in it. 这本书很有趣,我对它很感兴趣. 二、当过去分词作为定语 作定语用的过去分词相当于形容词,其逻辑主语就是它所修饰的名词.及物动词的过去分词作定语,既表被动又表完成;不及物动词的过去分词作定语,只表完成. 1. 过去分词用作定语,如果是单个的,常置于其所修饰的名词之前. We must adapt our thinking to the changed conditions. 我们必须使我们的思想适应改变了的情况. 2. 过去分词短语用作定语时,一般置于其所修饰的名词之后,其意义相当于一个定语从句,但较从句简洁,多用于书面语中. The concert given by their friends was a success.他们朋友举行的音乐会大为成功. 3.过去分词短语有时也可用作非限制性定语,前后常有逗号. The meeting, attended by over five thousand people, welcomed the great hero. 他们举行了欢迎英雄的大会,到会的有五千多人. 4. 用来修饰人的过去分词有时可以转移到修饰非人的事物,这种过去分词在形式上虽不直接修饰人,但它所修饰的事物仍与人直接有关.

英语语法 -ing分词的用法

英语语法-ing分词的用法 ing分词的用法 1、-ing分词的构成 -ing分词是由动词原形加词尾-ing构成。-ing分词同样有时态和语态的变化,通常有下表几种形式(以do为例): 一般式完成式 主动形式doing 主动形式having done 被动形式being done 被动形式having been done -ing分词的否定形式是由not 加-ing分词构成。如: Not knowing his address, I could do nothing but stay at home and wait. 不知道他的地址,我只好在家里等着。 His not coming made all of us angry. 他没来使我们大家都很生气。 2. -ing分词的一般式和完成式: -ing分词的一般式表示和谓语动词所表示的动作同时进行的动作;完成式表示在谓语动词所表示的动作之前发生的动作。如: Being a student, he was interested in books. 作为一个学生,他对书本很感兴趣。 Not having studied his lessons very hard, he failed the examinations. 因为没有努力学习功课,他考试不及格。 3. -ing分词的被动式: -ing分词的被动式表示它的逻辑主语是-ing分词动作的承受者。根据-ing分词动作发生的时间,-ing分词的被动式有一般被动式(being done)和完成被动式(having been done)。如:The question being discussed is very important. 正在被讨论的问题很重要。 Having been criticized by the teacher, he gave up smoking. 被老师批评以后,他把烟戒了。 注意:在need, want, require, be worth等动词(短语)后,作宾语的-ing分词常用主动形式来表示被动含义。如: Your shoes need cleaning. = Your shoes need to be cleaned. 你的鞋需要清洗一下了。 This book is well worth reading. 这本书很值得一看。 4. -ing分词的语法作用 -ing分词一方面具有动词的性质,另一方面也相当于一个名词或形容词、副词,在句中可以作主语、表语、宾语、定语、状语和补语等。 1)–ing分词(短语)作主语: Laying eggs is the ant queen's full-time job. 产卵是蚁后的专职工作。 Saying is easier than doing. 说比做容易。 在下面两种结构中,-ing分词也作主语。 ①为了保持句子平衡,通常用作形式主语,而把真实主语放在句末。如: It is no use crying over spilt milk. 作无益的后悔是没有用的。 It's a waste of time arguing about it. 辩论这事是浪费时间。 ②在There is no结构中,通常用-ing分词。如: There is no joking about such matters. 这种事开不得玩笑。


马上就要中考了,祝大家中考都考上一个理想的高中!欢迎同学们下载,希望能帮助到你们! 2020最新中考英语语法知识点汇总

一、词类、句子成分和构词法: 1、词类:英语词类分十种: 名词、形容词、代词、数词、冠词、动词、副词、介词、连词、感叹词。 1、名词(n.):表示人、事物、地点或抽象概念的名称。如:boy, morning, bag, ball, class, orange. 2、代词(pron.):主要用来代替名词。如:who, she, you, it . 3、形容词(adj..):表示人或事物的性质或特征。如:good, right, white, orange . 4、数词(num.):表示数目或事物的顺序。如:one, two, three, first, second, third, fourth. 5、动词(v.):表示动作或状态。如:am, is,are,have,see .

6、副词(adv.):修饰动词、形容词或其他副词,说明时间、地点、 程度等。如:now, very, here, often, quietly, slowly. 7、冠词(art..):用在名词前,帮助说明名词。如:a, an, the. 8、介词(prep.):表示它后面的名词或代词与其他句子成分的关系。如in, on, from, above, behind. 9、连词(conj.):用来连接词、短语或句子。如and, but, before . 10、感叹词(interj..)表示喜、怒、哀、乐等感情。如:oh, well, hi, hello. 2、句子成分:英语句子成分分为七种:主语、谓语、宾语、定语、 状语、表语、宾语补足语。 1、主语是句子所要说的人或事物,回答是“谁”或者“什么”。通 常用名词或代词担任。如:I’m Miss Green.(我是格林小 姐) 2、谓语动词说明主语的动作或状态,回答“做(什么)”。主要由动词 担任。如:Jack cleans the room every day. (杰克每天打 扫房间) 3、表语在系动词之后,说明主语的身份或特征,回答是“什么”或者 “怎么样”。通常由名词、代词或形容词担任。如:My name is Ping ping .(我的名字叫萍萍) 4、宾语表示及物动词的对象或结果,回答做的是“什么”。通常由


英语语法归纳之非谓语动词(动名词) 敬告: 以下内容,不参加高考等有语法题(语法单选、语法填空、短文改错等)考试的应用类学员无须深究,知道该语法结构的存在,及其充当的句子成分和功能即可,应多花时间练习听说读写,否则就背离了语言学习真正目的。应试类学员有时间可以比较分析,基本搞懂。 过去分词长什么样?规则的情况下与动词过去式相同,当然有不规则的情况;过去分词可以充当定语、状语、补语、定语,不可能充当主语、宾语; 过去分词不像现在分词有多种体现时态和语态的形式,只有一种形式done表示。 1、过去分词可以充当主谓宾补句型中的宾语补语;它与宾语是被动关系,或者说它与宾语是动宾关系。 (1) We found the fish eaten by our cat. (2) I can’t make myself understood because of my poor English. 2、过去分词可以充当定语;充当定语当然是修饰主语、宾语等名性的结构;表达过去分词的动作是被动的或完成,或即被动又完成的。 (1) The party had last night (which was had last night) was very cheerful. (2) USA is a developed country (a country which has been developed). (3) A great number of students questioned (who had been questioned) said they were forced to practice the piano. 3、过分词可以充当状语,它与主句主语是被动关系,或者说它与主句的主语是动宾关系; 过去分词一般只强调被动动作而不强调时间,多用于条件和原因状语;(1) Taken in time, the medicine will turn out to be very effective. If the medicine is taken in time, it will turn out to be very effective. (2) Offered an important role in a new movie, Andy has a chance to become famous.


第7章动词的过去分词形式 动词的-ed形式也是非谓语动词的一种,它具有动词的一些特点,同时也具有形容词、副词的句法功能,在句中可用作表语、定语、状语和宾语补足语等。 一、动词的-ed形式的特征 A.动词的-ed形式是由动词的过去分词构成 动词的-ed形式只有一种形式,即传统语法中的过去分词。绝大部分的动词的-ed形式由动词原形加-ed构成,也有一些动词的-ed形式是不规则的。 1.规则动词的-ed形式 limit→limited(限制) pretend→pretended(假装) escape→escaped(逃脱) provide→provided(提供) refer→referred(提交) drag→dragged(拖) pray→prayed(祈祷) supply→supplied(供应) 2.不规则动词的-ed形式 cast→cast(投掷) spread→spread(传播) bite→bitten(咬) forgive→forgiven(原谅) spit→spat(吐) wear→worn(穿) fight→fought(搏斗) lose→lost(丢失) 3.少数动词的-ed形式作定语时,读音与一般过去分词不同 learned a learned professor 一位知识渊博的教授 aged an aged man 老人 beloved his beloved computer 他心爱的计算机 B.动词的-ed形式的否定形式 动词的-ed形式的否定形式是由not或never加动词的-ed形式构成。 Not allowed to go in, he had to wait outside. 不允许他进去,他只好在外面等着。 Never invited to his party, she got angry with him. 从未被邀请过去他的聚会,她很生气。 C.动词的-ed形式的特征 动词的-ed形式有被动的意思,有时也可表示完成的动作。 1.动词的-ed形式表示已完成的动作。 除了作形容词用的-ed形式外,动词的-ed形式可带有完成的意义,有的同时也带有被动的意义。


三、分词的否定式 分词或分词短语表示否定意义时,将not置于分词之前,不能放在分词之后。 例句: Equipment not conforming to official safety standards has all been removed from the workshop. (2001年第24题) 分析:该句是简单句。not conforming to official safety standards是分词短语作后置定语修饰equipment。 译文:凡是不符合官方安全标准的设备都已经搬出了车间。 例句: Not having been destroyed by the heavy snow, our houses at last were kept perfect during last winter. 分析:该句是简单句。 Not having been destroyed by...在句中作状语表示原因,相当于because our houses had not been destroyed by...。 译文:由于没有遭到大雪的破坏,去年冬天我们的房子最终完好无损。 四、独立主格结构(Absolute Construction) 分词作状语时,分词的逻辑主语要与句子主语保持一致,即句子的主语便是它的逻辑主语,否则就会出现悬垂或荡空结构(前面已讲过),但有时分词有其独立的逻辑主语,即分词的逻辑主语与句子主语不一致,这就是独立主格结构。 (一)独立主格结构公式 逻辑主语A+分词(短语)+主B谓 在上述公式中,其中(逻辑主语+分词短语)属于独立主格结构,主谓是一完整句子,两者位置可以相互调换,A、B两主语不一致(A、B由名词或代词充当,有时也可在逻辑主语A 前加上介词with或without),如前面所述例句。 例句: All flights having been canceled because of the snowstorm, we decided to take the train. 分析: All flights...the snowstorm是独立主格结构部分, we decided...为一完整句子, all flights和we所指不一样,即分词的逻辑主语与句子主语不一致。另外,公式中分词短语也可用不定式、形容词等来代替。 (二)独立主格结构具体构成 1. 逻辑主语+分词(现在分词或过去分词)


初中英语教学大纲语法项目表一(中考必考语法内容) (2010-03-23 15:12:19) 根据《英语课程标准》及时编辑此表,供广大同仁及学生使用,如有不妥,希望及时提出。同时衷心感谢此表原著者)此表为中考命题教师重要的参考内容。 加“*”号的项目只要求理解,是八级要求即对高考的要求,中考不单独拿出来考,但要理解这些知识的意思。括号中的内容是笔者对大家的提示 1. (学习词汇时务必掌握所学词汇的词性,对待各类词汇,大家一定要明确其最基本的位置与用法) 词类:1)名词2)形容词3)副词4)动词 5)代词6)冠词7)数词8)介词 9)连词10)感叹词(最近几年没有专门单独考查,能掌握会用最好。一定要理解,初步用法要会,不要深究) 2.构词法:(用所给词的适当形式填空) 1)合成法classroom, something, reading-room 2)派生法worker, drawing, quickly, careful, kindness, cloudy, unhappy 3)转化法hand(n.)—hand(v.) dry(adj.)—dry(v.) 3.名词 1)可数名词和不可数名词 2)名词的复数 3)专有名词 4)所有格 4.代词 1)人称代词的主格和宾格形式 2)物主代词的形容词与名词性形式 3)反身代词myself, himself, ourselves, etc. 4)指示代词this, that, these, those 5)不定代词some, any, no, ,few,many ,something ,nobody etc. 6)疑问代词what, who, whose, which, etc. 5.数词基数词和序数词 6.介词词汇表中所列介词的基本用法 7.连词词汇表中所列连词的基本用法. 8.形容词 1)作定语、表语、宾语补足语的基本用法 2)比较等级(原级、比较级、最高级)的基本用法 (1)构成-er, -est; more, the most (2)基本句型 as+原级形式+as...


高中英语高考语法过去分词讲与练 过去分词只有一种形式,即-ed形式或特殊形式。过去分词通常表示被动,完成。 pollute polluted write written show showed/shown 过去分词的否定:not done ★A.定语: 过去分词作定语只有一个词时,通常放在被修饰的名词前面(但也有例外),是一个短语作定语时,就放在被修饰的名词之后。过去分词作定语时,被修饰的名词与过去 分词之间是被动关系。 1)We can’t live on borrowed money. 2)The forgotten men and women of our country will be forgotten no longer. 3)You mustn’t drink the polluted water. 4)You mustn’t drink the water polluted by the chemicals from the factory. 5)The computer centre, opened last year, is very popular among the students in this school. 6)Jim has retired, but he still remembers the happy time spent with his students. 7) ---- Can those seated/sitting at the back of the classroom hear me? ---- No problem. 8)Experts think that the recently discovered painting may be a Picasso. ●以下过去分词作定语,虽然是一个词,但习惯上放在被修饰的名词之后: 1)A great number of students questioned said they were forced to practice the piano. 2)Now that we’ve discussed our problem, are people happy with the decisions taken? 3)All the efforts made will pay off, at last. 4)After completing and signing it, please return the form to us in the envelope provided. 5)These men undergo a long period of testing and training. One of the things tested is their behavior under stress. 6)The head of the museum reported paid 200 million dollars for the painting. 7)As the researchers expected, 30% of the drivers surveyed said that they fell asleep while driving. 8)Forty-two percent of people asked admitted that they turned to the back of the book to read the end before finishing the story 9)The money collected should be made good use of to help the people who suffered a lot in the earthquake. (collected也可放在money的前面) a carefully(badly)written article (report/composition) a widely(narrowly) used language (tool/book) a newly discovered island (village/tomb/forest) a newly invented/made machine (helicopter/fan) a well(badly) built bridge (dam/house/railway) a highly developed country (state/province/city) ●以下过去分词作定语只表示完成,不表示被动: a fallen tree/leaf: 倒下的树/落叶the risen sun/moon: 升起了的太阳/月亮a faded rose: 凋谢的玫瑰花 a retired worker: 退休工人 an escaped prisoner: 逃犯 a returned student: 归国留学生★B. 表语: 过去分词可放在系动词be, become, get, look, seem, appear, sound等后作表语,表示主语自身的感受。 1)Everybody is really excited about the new Olympic stadium. 2)He became inspired when he thought about helping ordinary people. 3)The painter looked tired after working for a whole day. 4) My mother appeared pleased with the lanterns she had made. ●以下动词除scare, delight, trouble,stress (使焦虑不安;使疲惫不堪)外均可加ed或 ing构成一个形容词。-ed形容词常表示主语或被修饰的人/动物自身的感受; ing形容 词常表示主语或被修饰的名词使/令人有某种感受。 surprise, astonish, amaze, shock, frighten, terrify, alarm(使害怕/惊恐), touch, move, annoy(使生气/恼怒), bore(使厌烦), disturb(使焦虑/烦恼/不安/惊讶), please, amuse, fulfill(使高兴/满意), encourage, inspire, tire, exhaust, interest, satisfy, excite, relax, disgust(使反感), worry, frustrate(使沮丧), disappoint, embarrass, confuse, puzzle, thrill, depress, convince… boring : 令人生厌的; 令人厌倦的; 没趣的; 乏味的; 无聊的 annoying: 使人烦恼的/心烦的/生气的; 使人气恼的/恼火的/讨厌的 【scare --- scary】【delight ---delightful】 【trouble ---troublesome】【stress -- stressful】 【upset ---upsetting】 ●以上动词构成的-ed形式还可用来修饰以下名词: face, look, laugh, smile, eye, voice, manner, heart, expression, tone, cry, feeling, conversation, pace等。 1)Her excited laugh shows that she has been hired by the company. 2) Can you see your mother’s frightened eyes?


高中英语语法:不定式和现在分词 一、不定式(to do的构成 1. 不定式的构成 不定式是由不定式符号to+动词原形构成,在某些情况下to也可省略。不定式一般有时式和语态的变化,通常有下表中的几种形式(以do为例: 主动式 被动式 一般式 to do to be done 完成式 to have done to have been done 进行式 to be doing / 完成进行式 to have been doing /

1 不定式的一般式 不定式的一般式所表示的动作通常与主要谓语的动作同时或几乎同时发生,或是在它之后发生。如: They invited us to go there this summer. 他们邀请我们今年夏天去那儿。He stood aside for me to pass. 他站到一边让我通过。 2 不定式的完成式 不定式的完成式所表示的动作在谓语所表示的动作之后发生,它在句中可作表语、状语、宾语,有时也可作主语、定语等。如: She seemed to have heard about this matter. 她似乎已听说过这件事。 I am sorry to have kept you waiting so long. 我很抱歉让你等了这么久。 I meant to have told you about it, but I happened to have an important thing to do. 我本来想告诉你这件事的,但我碰巧有一件重要的事要做。 It has been an honor for me to have traveled so much in your country. 对我来说,在你们国家旅行这么多地方是一件很荣幸的事情。 3 不定式的进行式 不定式的进行式表示正在进行的与谓语动词同时发生的动作。它在句中可以用作除谓语以外的所有成分。如: It’s nice of you to be helping us these days. 你真好,这些天一直帮我们。 He pretended to be listening to the teacher carefully. 他假装在认真地 听老师讲课。


英语语法归纳之非谓语动词(现在分词) 敬告: 以下内容,不参加高考等有语法题(语法单选、语法填空、短文改错等)考试的应用类学员无须深究,知道该语法结构的存在,及其充当的句子成分和功能即可,应多花时间练习听说读写,否则就背离了语言学习真正目的。应试类学员有时间可以比较分析,基本搞懂。 现在分词长什么样?就是动词的进行时ing形式; 如果是及物动词,还可以跟它的宾语和补语; 现在分词可以充当定语、状语、补语,是非谓语的动词,不能充当主语、宾语;动词进行时ing形式充当主语或宾语,恰恰是动名词的事儿。 1、现在分词可以充当定语 This is a moving story. The girl standing over there (who is standing over there) is my daughter. 2、现在分词可以充当状语,多为时间状语从 The lawyer listened with full attention, trying not to miss any point. 现在分词引导时间状语从句,相当于: The lawyer listened with full attention, when he tried not to miss any point. Having lived in Beijing for many years, Carter knew the city well. 现在分词引导时间状语从句,相当于: After Carter had lived in Beijing for many years, He knew the city well. 3、现在分词可以充当补语,对主语或宾语进行补充说明 (1) Don’t have your students studying all day. (2) The movie is very interesting.


中考英语语法填空专题(含答案)经典 一、初三中考语法填空(含答案详细解析) 1.阅读下面短文,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。 Strangely enough, some inventions are lost ________ people can't imagine their ________ (valuable). A use may need to be "invented" along with the invention. An example is the fax machine. The technology for faxing ________ (invent)in the 1800s. It took more than one hundred years, however, for the fax to be seen as useful. In 1843 Alexander Bain invented a machine to ________ (electrical)transmit(传输)writing. At first, it was considered ________ (use)since few people thought there was ________ need for transmitting writing over ________ (wire). Eventually the value of the invention was realized, and it was improved ________ office use. By the 1980s, the fax machine became a piece of standard ________ (equip)in offices. The reason is ________it can very quickly transmit written documents. Who knows how many other inventions just need to be recognized as valuable? 【答案】because;value;was invented;electrically;useless;a/any;wires;for;equipment;that 【解析】【分析】主要讲了一些发明因为人们不能想象它们的价值而失去,列举传真机器的发明来说明这点。 (1)句意:足够奇怪的是,因为人们不能想象它们的价值,所以一些发明消失了。后句表示原因,所以用because;形容词修物主代词修饰名词,their它们的,形容词修物主代词,所以后面用形容词valuable的名词value,不可数名词,故填because,value。 (2)句意:传真的科技在19世纪被发明。invent发明,实义动词,主语technology是动作invent的承受者,时态是一般过去时,所以用一般过去时的被动语态,结构是was/were+动词过去分词,主语technology是不可数名词,所以用was,invent的过去分词是invented,故填was invented。 (3)句意:1843年,亚历山大贝恩发明了一种电子传输文字的机器。electrical电子的,形容词,副词修饰实义动词,transmit传输,实义动词,所以用副词electrically,电子地,故填electrically。 (4)句意:起初,它被认为是无用的,因为很少有人认为有必要通过电线传输文字。be considere形容词,表示被认为怎么样,固定搭配,根据后文可知传真的作用后来才被认可,所以起初被认为是无用的,use使用,实义动词,其形容词是useless,无用的;原因是很少人认为有必要,few表示否定,所以用a/any;wire,电线,可数名词,前面没有表示单数的a或者one,所以用复数wires,故填useless;a/any;wires。 (5)句意:最终,这项发明的价值得以实现,并被改进为办公用途。为了办公用途才被改进,所以用for,为了,故填for。 (6)句意:到了20世纪80年代,传真机已成为办公室的标准设备。equip,装备,实义动词,形容词修饰名词,standard,标准的,形容词,所以用equip的名词equipment,设备,不可数名词,故填equipment。 (7)句意:原因是它能很快地传送书面文件。the reason is that...,原因是……,固定搭

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