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Jackie visited his grandparents on their farm. And he was playing with a slingshot(弹弓) in the woods. He practised in the woods but he could never hit the target. As he was walking back, he saw Grandma's pet duck. Without thinking, he shot, hit the duck in the head and killed it. He was very afraid. He knew Grandma loved the duck. She would be sad or even angry if she knew that her duck was killed He then hid the dead duck under a tee His sister Susan saw it all, but she said nothing.

After lunch that day Grandma said, "Susan, let's wash the dishes. "But Susan said, "Grandma. Jackie told me he wanted to help in the kitchen today, didn't you, Jackie?" And then she whispered(小声说) to him, "Remember the duck? "So Jackie did the dishes.

Later Grandpa asked if the children wanted to go fishing, but Grandma sad, "Tm sorry but I need Susan to help clean the house." But Susan smiled and said, "Well, that's all right because Jackie told me he wanted to help."

And she whispered again, "Remember the duck?" So Susan went fishing with Grandpa and Jackie stayed.

These "remember the duck" went on for many days. Then finally Jackie couldn't stand it any longer. He came to Grandma and told her that he had killed the duck. She gave him a hug, and said, "Sweetheart, I know. You see, I was standing at the window and I saw the whole thing. But because I love you, I forgave you. But I just wanted to see how long you would let Susan make a slave(奴隶) of you."

(1)What's probably the meaning of the word "target" in this passage?

A. 树干

B. 地面

C. 动物

D. 目标(2)What did Jackie hit with the slingshot at last?

A. The target

B. A rabbit

C. The pet duck

D. A pet dog

(3)Susan didn't tell Grandma about Jackie's secret because

A. she wanted Jackie to do something for her

B. she was afraid Grandma would be very sad

C. she didn't want to make Grandma angry

D. she loved her brother very much

(4)Jackie helped clean the house instead of going fishing with Grandma because

A. he liked cleaning the house

B. Grandma asked him to clean the house

C. he didn't like going fishing

D. he wanted Susan to keep his secret

(5)What can you learn from the passage?

A. It's dangerous to play with a slingshot on a farm.

B. It's impossible to let girls keep secrets for you.

C. It makes you feel better to tell than to hide.

D. It's dangerous to let others see what you've done.







(1)词义猜测题。根据上文And he was playing with a slingshot in the woods. He practised in the woods but he could never hit the target,可知他在树林里玩弹弓,他练习了弹弓但是不能击中目标,target,目标,故选D。

(2)细节理解题。根据Without thinking, he shot, hit the duck in the head and killed it,在没有思考的情况下,他射中了鸭子的头并且杀死了它,可知他最后用弹弓打了宠物鸭,故选C。

(3)细节理解题。根据第二段And then she whispered to him, "Remember the duck? "So Jackie did the dishes,可知Susan说“记得鸭子的事吗”来要挟Jackie洗了碗,Susan是想让他为她做一些事,故选A。

(4)细节理解题。根据And she whispered again, "Remember the duck?" So Susan went fishing with Grandpa and Jackie stayed,可知是Susan又说“记得鸭子的事吗”来要挟Jackie让他不去钓鱼而是待在家里,而Jackie这么做是想让Susan保密,故选D。

(5)推理判断题。根据最后一段But because I love you, I forgave you. But I just wanted to see how long you would let Susan make a slave(奴隶) of you,可知Jackie把实情告诉了祖母,祖母原谅了他,并说想看看他能忍受Susan使唤他多久,推断出说出实情比隐瞒更好,故选C。



Sitting among the cheering fans of the Chinese Women's Volleyball Team in Rio de Janeiro, a Polish fan caught a lot of attention. It is not because he is not Chinese, but because he has followed the team closely from the very beginning

The 60-year-old Jozef fell in love with the Chinese Women's Volleyball Team at the first sight when he watched the girls at the London Olympics on TV in 2012. The Polish man was crazy about the performances of the young team, especially by its core player Hui Ruoqi. Before that Jozef was a loyal fan of his home team﹣ the Polish men's volleyball.

Since then, Jozef has become crazy about the team and has kept track of almost all their international competitions. Back in the 2013 Montreux Volley Masters of Switzerland, the Polishman, for the first time, came to cheer up for the team on site. He also drove all the way from Polandto Italy to lend support for the girls during the 2014 Women's World Volleyball Championship.

The hardcore fan traveled hundreds of miles from Poland to Brazil, and booked tickets for allmatches of the Chinese Women's Volleyball. This time, Jozef was interviewed by TV and has been recognized by not just fans, but millions of Chinese TV audience.

The" Polish grandpa" was a nickname given by Chinese volleyball fans. He has 18,000 followers on Sina Weibo, China's answer to Twitter, where Jozef has been sharing his obsession with

Chinese internet users since 2013.

(1)Why did Jozef get much attention?

A. He was interviewed by Chinese TV.

B. He is a famous and loyal Polish fan.

C. He has supported the Chinese team from the start.

D. He was sitting among the fans of the Chinese team.

(2)When did Jozef first become interested in the Chinese Women's Volleyball Team?

A. In 2012.

B. In 2013.

C. In 2014.

D. In 2015.

(3)How did Jozef come to Italy to support the Chinese Woomen's Volleyball Team?

A. By car

B. By bus

C. By bike

D. By plane

(4)What can we learn from the passage?

A. Jozef has already had millions of fans in Poland.

B. Jozef has been a fan of his home team since 2012.

C. Jozef first cheered up for the Chinese team on site in 2014.

D. Jozef has followed most of the international matches of the Chinese team.

(5)What has Jozef been doing on Sina Weibo?

A. Giving support to the Polish team

B. Sharing his love for the Chinese team

C. Answering questions about playing volleyball

D. Booking tickets for matches of the Chinese team







(1)细节理解题。根据 It is not because he is not Chinese, but because he has followed the team closely from the very beginning这不是因为他不是中国人,而是因为他从一开始就密切关注球队。可只是因为他从一开始就支持中国队,故答案选C。

(2)细节理解题。根据The 60-year-old Jozef fell in love with the Chinese Women's Volleyball Team at the first sight when he watched the girls at the London Olympics on TV in 2012. 现年60岁的乔泽夫在2012年伦敦奥运会的电视上看到这些女孩时,第一眼就爱上了中国女排。可知是从2012年开始,故答案选A。

(3)细节理解题。根据He also drove all the way from Polandto Italy to lend support for the

girls during the 2014 Women's World Volleyball Championship在2014年世界女子排球锦标赛上,他还从意大利的波兰多驱车前往支持这些女孩,可知是开车。故答案选A。

(4)细节理解题。根据and booked tickets for all matches of the Chinese Women's Volleyball. 并预定了中国女排所有比赛的门票。可知乔泽夫跟踪了中国队的大部分国际比赛,故答案选D。

(5)细节理解题。根据He has 18, 000 followers on Sina Weibo, China's answer to Twitter, where Jozef has been sharing his obsession with Chinese internet users since 2013. 他在新浪微博上有18000名粉丝,这是中国对Twitter的回应, 自2013年以来,Jozef一直在与中国网民分享他对Twitter的痴迷。可知他在微博上分享他对中国队的爱,故答案选B。【点评】考查阅读理解题,本文涉及到了细节理解题,细节理解体比较简单,可知直接从文章中找到答案。


Tony, a nine-year-old kid, is sitting at his desk when suddenly he wets(尿湿) his pants. He thinks his heart is going to stop because he can't possibly know how this has happened. It has never happened before. He knows the after-effect (后果)—When the boys find out, he will never hear the end of it. When the girls find out, they'll never speak to him again as long as he lives.

Tony puts his head down and say to himself, "Oh, no. What can I do? I need help now!"

He looks up and notices the teacher coming, with a look in her eyes that says he has been discovered.

As the teacher is walking to him, a classmate named Emily is carrying a glass that is full of water. Emily falls down in front of the teacher and drops the glass of water in Tony's pants. Tony seems to be angry, but all the while he is saying to himself, "Thank you, dear! Thank you, dear!"

Now all of a sudden, instead of being the person that everyone laughs at, Tony is the person of sympathy (同情). The person that everyone laughs at should be him, but now it is Emily.

She tries to help, but they tell her, "You've done enough, you stupid!"

At the end of the day, as they were waiting for the bus, Tony walks over to Emily and says in a low voice," You did that on purpose, didn't you ?"

Emily says back in a quiet voice, "I wet my pants, too."

(1)What does Tony think the other boys will do if they find out the fact?

A. They'll all laugh at him.

B. They'll tell the teacher about it.

C. They'll try to help him.

D. They'll never speak to him again.

(2)Which is right according to the passage?

A. Emily drops the water on purpose.

B. Tony is really angry with Emily.

C. Tony and Emily don't go home by bus.

D. Tony and Emily aren't classmates.

(3)We know that Emily is a_________ girl from the passage?

A. careless and lazy

B. quiet and bright

C. stupid and helpless

D. kind and smart.





(1)细节理解题。根据第一段第五句"When the boys find out, he will never hear the end ofit",以及第五段第一句"Now all of a sudden, instead of being the person that everyone laughs at,"可知这些男孩们会嘲笑他。故选A。

(2)根据文章倒数第二段"You did that on purpose, didn' tyou?" 和最后一段的"I wet mypants once, too." ,可知Emily是故意撒的水。可知选项A,符合文字内容,故选A;根据第四段最后句Tony seems to be angry, but all the while he is saying to himself, "Thank you, dear! Thank you, dear!"托尼似乎很生气,但他一直在自言自语:“谢谢你,亲爱的!谢谢你,亲爱的!”可知Tony不是正的生气。选项B不符合文章内容,故排除B;根据倒数第二段第一句 At the end of the day, as they were waiting for the bus, 可知他们他们在等公共汽车,推知他们是乘坐公共汽车回家,选项C不符合文章内容,故排除C;根据第四段第二句 Emily falls down in front of the teacher and drops the glass of water in Tony's pants. 可以推知他们是同班同学。选项D不符合文章内容,故排除D。综上所述,故选A。

(3)推理判断题。根据第三段最后一句"Tony seems to be angry, but all the while he is saying to himself, "Thank you, dear! Thank you , dear!",可知是Emily急中生智才化解了Tony的尷尬处境,由此看出Emily是个善良又聪明的孩子,故选D。



The year was 1859. America and England had already fought two wars. Now, they were at peace. But one day a pig got hungry. And it nearly caused another war between the two countries. The pig was owned by a British man who lived on a small island. The island was just off the western part of North America. Both England and the US said the island was theirs. Across the island from the British man lived some American farmers. Everyone on the island got along peacefully. But the peace ended the day the British man's pig decided to eat some of an American farmer's potatoes.

One of the American farmers shot and killed the pig. Then the pig's owner wanted $100 from the man who shot the animal. That was a lot of money, so the farmer refused to pay it. The British and Americans began to argue, and the situation got worse. The farmers asked the governor over the island at that time for help. He sent a group of soldiers to protect the farmers. The British answered by sending 2, 000 soldiers. The British were on one side of the island, and the Americans were on the other. The problem that began with the pig was about to become a shooting war.

When news of the problem reached Washington and London, both leaders were surprised. Neither country wanted another war. They sent some men to try to fix the problem. After a

discussion, it was decided that each country would keep a small group of soldiers on the island. They would stay there until the two countries could decide who owned the island. Then the others would have to leave.

Twelve years went by. Neither side wanted to give u the island, but they knew they had to do something. They asked the leader of Germany to help decide. After nearly a year of discussion, a decision was made. America would get the island.

Finally, the Pig War was over and only one shot was fired. That was the shot that killed the pig!(1)What caused the problem on the island according to the passage?

A. An American shot a British man.

B. A group of soldiers came to the island.

C. British men destroyed an American's farmland.

D. A British man's pig ate some potatoes of an American farmer's.

(2)The underlined word "they" in Paragraph 4 refers to ________.

A. the farmers

B. the leaders

C. the soldiers

D. the Germans (3)According to the passage, the real purpose of the two countries was ________.

A. to own an island

B. to kill a pig

C. to get more money

D. to start a war (4)Which of the following might be the best title for the passage?

A. The Pig Island

B. The Pig War

C. The Pig on the Island

D. The Island War






(1)细节理解题。根据文中的语句But the peace ended the day the British man's pig decided to eat some of an American farmer's potatoes.理解可知,这场战争的主要起因就是英国人的猪吃了美国人的土豆,故选D。

(2)细节理解题。根据文中的语句After a discussion, it was decided that each country would keep a small group of soldiers on the island. They would stay there until the two countries could decide who owned the island. 理解可知,经过讨论,决定每个国家在岛上保留一小队士兵。他们将一直呆在那里,直到两国决定谁拥有这个岛。they指代的就是士兵,故选C。(3)细节理解题。根据文中的语句Twelve years went by. Neither side wanted to give u the island, but they knew they had to do something. They asked the leader of Germany to help decide. After nearly a year of discussion, a decision was made. America would get the island.理解可知,英美两国的最终目的就是争夺小岛的所有权,故选A。




Everyone faces difficulties in their life. Daniel Kish was born with a special eye illness and lost his eyesight before he was only 14 months old.

Soon after, however, he started to do an amazing thing. He learned to make clicks (咔哒声)with his tongue to help him move around. Kish now moves about using sonar (声纳). He is so good at it that he can ride a bicycle by himself on public roads. And he started the organization World Access for the Blind (WAFTB)in 2000, teaching others how to use sonar. In the interview with National Geographic, he explains how the sonar works.

"When I make a click sound, it produces sound waves. These waves reflect (反射)off surfaces all around and return to my ears. My brain then deals with the sound and turns it into pictures in my mind. Each click is like a camera flash, which helps me make a 3-D picture of my surroundings for hundreds of feet. It's like having a conversation with the environment."

Kish feels it is exciting to ride a bike using sonar, although he needs to click twice a second, much more than he usually does. "It may sound a bit dangerous to move around the world in this way," he says. "But most people in the world live in fear of things that they imagine. I love hiking and mountain-biking. I go almost everywhere. And I've never had an accident and hurt myself."

He is happy to be able to help more blind children to improve their life. "We've served over 10, 000 students in nearly 40 countries," he tells the reporter. "Many students are surprised how quickly results come. Seeing isn't in the eyes. It's in the mind."

(1)Kish moves around using sonar because ________.

A. he is good at making clicks

B. it makes him "see" the world

C. he has a great interest in science

D. it is important for him to keep healthy

(2)Which of the following is the right order showing how the sonar works?

①The sound waves reflect off surfaces.

②The person makes a clicking sound.

③The brain turns the sound into pictures.

④The sound waves reach the person's ears.

A. ①④③②

B. ②①④③

C. ①④②③



(3)What can we learn about World Access for the Blind (WAFTB) from the passage?

A. It offers the blind free bicycles.

B. It sells sonar products to the blind.

C. It teaches the blind to use sonar.

D. It helps the blind find more friends.

(4)The best title for the passage might be ________.

A. Living without fear

B. Traveling with the blind

C. Hoping for the future

D. Looking around the world






(1)细节理解题。根据文中的语句When I make a click sound, it produces sound waves. These waves reflect (反射) off surfaces all around and return to my ears. My brain then deals with the sound and turns it into pictures in my mind. Each click is like a camera flash, which helps me make a 3-D picture of my surroundings for hundreds of feet. It's like having a conversation with the environment." 理解可知,丹尼尔主要利用声呐来帮助他看清周围的世界,故选B。(2)根据文中的语句He When I make a click sound, it produces sound waves. 可知,第一句应该是The person makes a clicking sound.根据文中的语句These waves reflect (反射)off surfaces all around and return to my ears. 理解可知,第二句应该是The sound waves reflect off surfaces.第三句是The sound waves reach the person's ears.根据语句My brain then deals with the sound and turns it into pictures in my mind. 理解可知,第四句应该是The brain turns the sound into pictures.它们的顺序是②①④③,故选B。

(3)细节理解题。根据文中的语句And he started the organization World Access for the Blind (WAFTB) in 2000, teaching others how to use sonar. 理解可知,丹尼尔创建WAFTB的目的就是教其他盲人学会利用声呐,故选C。

(4)标题归纳题。根据文中的语句Kish feels it is exciting to ride a bike using sonar, although he needs to click twice a second, much more than he usually does. "It may sound a bit dangerous to move around the world in this way," he says. "But most people in the world live in fear of things that they imagine. I love hiking and mountain-biking. I go almost everywhere. And I've never had an accident and hurt myself."理解可知,本文主要介绍了丹尼尔虽然失明,但是没有被面临的困难吓倒,仍然利用声呐到处行走,并且没有出现事故。这就告诉人们要敢于面对生活中的困难,故选A。



Alice was a student in a secondary school. The school was on the other side of the street from my house. Every day. I watched her play basketball after school from my house. She played very well, much better than any other of her classmates. And she never stopped. She practised over

and over again, sometimes until it was very dark.

One day, I asked her, "why do you practise so hard? You are playing very well."

"That's because I want to play in the city basketball team," she looked at me and said proudly. "But I'm still not good enough. I must work hard." I was moved by her great courage.

Another day, I saw her crying on the grass, instead of playing basketball. I walked across the street and sat down by her side.

"Why are you crying, girl?" I asked.

"The coach of the city basketball team told me that I couldn't go on playing basketball because I was too short."

But some days later, I saw her playing basketball again, practising even harder than before. I was curious(好奇的) and asked her the reason. "My father told me if my dream is big enough, nothing can stop me." I was moved again.

(1)Alice's school was not far away from the writer's home.

(2)The writer was touched when he heard what Alice said in the third paragraph.

(3)From the passage we know Alice was a hard-working girl.

(4)Alice's father told her that she was too short to go on playing basketball.

(5)Alice might give up playing basketball according to the last paragraph.







(1)推理题。根据I watched her play basketball after school from my house放学后,我在家看她打篮球,可知爱丽丝的学校离作家的家不远,故正确。

(2)细节题。根据I was moved by her great courage,可知当作者听到爱丽丝所说的话时,他很感动,故正确。

(3)推理题。根据She practised over and over again, sometimes until it was very dark 她一遍又一遍地练习,有时直到天黑,可知从文章中我们知道爱丽丝是一个勤奋的女孩,故正确。

(4)细节题。根据The coach of the city basketball team told me that I couldn't go on playing basketball because I was too short教练告诉我,我不能继续打篮球,因为我太矮了,可知爱丽丝的父亲告诉她,她太矮了,不能继续打篮球是错的,故错误。

(5)推理题。根据nothing can stop m没有什么能阻止我,可知爱丽丝可能会放弃打篮球是错的,故错误。



How many of us have reached into our drawer(抽屉)and pulled out socks that didn't match?

Will you throw them away like most girls or try to reuse them? The story of Carly and Charley may help you.

Carly and Charley are the girls who often lose their socks. At first, they just matched different colors or styles like some other girls. But most of the time, these socks couldn't match their clothes. So they came up with an idea and started Odd Sox: they collected these socks and gave them away to homeless people. But the problem wasn't solved. They still had missing socks until they realized that they could make a business out of it. So they set up Single Sox: he girls sell socks in packs(包)of three so you can mix and match as you wish. Each pack is super colorful and super inspiring(激励人心的)—Carly and Charley have written words on every sock to encourage girls to celebrate their differences.

And they carry on the tradition of giving back—for every pair of socks sold, they give away a pair to those in need. Nothing is a waste if you have a creative mind.

(1)Carly and Charley set up Odd Sox and gave away the socks to .

A. sick children

B. disabled women

C. poor students

D. homeless people (2)The words on the socks are to encourage girls to their differences.

A. match

B. shout

C. reach

D. celebrate

(3)The underlined words "carry on" in the third paragraph probably mean .

A. continue

B. compare

C. connect

D. control

(4)The correct order of the following is .

①started Odd Sox.②carry on the tradition of giving back

③set up Single Sox④ matched different socks

A. ①③④②

B. ①③②④

C. ④①③②



(5)The passage is mainly about how to .

A. collect different ideas

B. buy all kinds of socks

C. put things to good use

D. throw away the waste







(1)细节理解题,根据So they came up with an idea and started Odd Sox: they collected these socks and gave them away to homeless people.可知,卡莉和查理把袜子收集起来送给无家可归的人,故答案是D。

(2)细节理解题,根据Carly and Charley have written words on every sock to encourage girls

to celebrate their differences.可知写这些话的原因是为了鼓励女孩子们来庆祝自己的与众不同,故答案是D。

(3)词义猜测题,根据they realized that they could make a business out of it可知一开始他们通过售出的袜子赚钱,又根据the tradition of giving back—for every pair of socks sold 可知还是坚持了卖袜子要回报的传统,所以carry on的意思是坚持,继续的意思,故答案是A。

(4)细节排序题,根据段文内容可知,他们一开始把不同的袜子搭配在一起,然后建立了一个Odd Sox,再往后建立了独立的Sox,最后把原来的传统坚持了下来,因此正确顺序为4-1-3-2,故答案是C。




Corky was a brave young man and he dreamed of becoming the best fighter in the world.

To become stronger and get better fighting skills, he went to many schools. One day, he went to the best school in the world. Before entering the gate, he was made to hand in all his weapons (武器).

"You won't need those any more. Here you'll get better ones," said the guard. Corky handed his weapons to him. A serious old teacher took Corky to his room. Before he left, he said to Corky, "In a hundred days the training will start." A hundred days! At first Corky thought that was a joke, but he soon realized the old teacher had been serious. Corky felt nervous during the first days and he tried many ways to try to get the teacher to start the training. However, it didn't work. At last Corky waited patiently and enjoyed each day in the school.

"You've already learned how to use your main weapon—patience," said the old teacher. Corky could hardly believe it, but he really understood that the teacher was right. Finally, the lesson began. "Now it's time to learn how to win every fight," said the old teacher. That sounded good to Corky until he found himself tied hand and foot. Many villagers tried to hit him because they were told that Corky was a dangerous man. The same thing was repeated for days, and Corky knew he had to do something. He realized that the only way would be to deal with the villagers' anger (怒气). In the following days, Corky kept talking to them until he managed to make them believe that he was not an enemy. In the end, the villagers made friends with Corky.

Finally, Corky knew what the most powerful weapon was. He said thanks to the teacher and left.

(1)Why did the old teacher tell Corky that the training would start in a hundred days?

A. Because he didn't feel well.

B. Because he wanted Corky to leave.

C. Because he wanted Corky to be patient.

D. Because he thought Corky needed a good rest.

(2)Which of the following is the RIGHT order according to the story?

①Corky was hit by the villagers.

②Corky handed his weapons to the guard.

③Corky tried to get the teacher to sta rt the training.

A. ③①②

B. ②③①

C. ③②①



(3)What can we infer(推断) from the story?

A. Corky went to the school to kill his enemy.

B. Corky stayed at the school for over 100 days.

C. Corky was tied hand and foot because he was dangerous.

D. In the end, Corky killed the villagers.

(4)According to the passage, what was the most powerful weapon?

A. Strength.

B. Fighting skills.

C. Patience.

D. Words.







(2)细节理解题①Corky was hit by the villagers.通过村民库尔奇成功了。②Corky handed his weapons to the guard.库尔奇递给门卫武器。③Corky tried to get the teacher to start the training. 库尔奇试图让老师开始了训练。根据故事发展的顺序看应是231,故选B。

(3)推理判断题。根据第三段中描述“In a hundred days the training will start.” 可知答案B 的描述是正确的。故选B。





After school on Friday, I waited at the school gate lo walk home with Jemma, as usual. Then I saw 1 talking and laughing happily with some other girls. She glanced (瞥了一眼) at me and left me alone there I knew fight then that I had 2 my best friend.

At dinner, Mom asked. "Is Jemma coming by tomorrow?"

I shrugged (耸肩) and said nothing.

The next morning. Mom asked. "Today is 3 . What are you and Jemma going to do?" I shrugged again. " 4 is Jemma?"

Mom took a look at me. Them she said, "Will you take these magazines to Grandma, please?"

5 I walked down the street, a new girl in the neighborhood came towards me, smiling. But I just went

6 her.

Grandma welcomed me at the door with a warm hug.

Sitting on the sofa, I noticed a(an) 7 of kids in old-fashioned clothes on the table . Grandma pointed at a girl with short fair hair.

"That's Beth Lambert," she said. "My best friend. Until a week before we took this photo." I was 8 at that.

"Beth and I were best friends in school. We did everything 9 . Then one day, she made new friends and said she didn't want to hang out with me anymore. Nothing hurt

10 that."

I didn't say anything. I couldn't. I knew I'd start 11 if I opened my mouth.

Grandma hugged me again. "Simone, sometimes friends grow 12 . It might happen to anyone," she continued. "Then, see him?" Grandma's finger 13 to a boy with glasses in the photo. "He lived near me. When I was walking home by myself 14 this boy was, too, I said 'hello'. And we became friends."

"So, if we want to start a new friendship," she smiled. "One 15 is all it took."

As I was heading home, that new girl appeared again. I went towards her and spoke, "Hello."

1. A. it B. them C. her D. him

2. A. lost B. hurt C. forgotten D. beaten

3. A. Monday B. Friday C. Saturday D. Sunday

4. A. How B. Where C. Which D. Who

5. A. As B. Before C. After D. Until

6. A. to B. past C. with D. against

7. A. card B. photo C. poster D. advertisement

8. A. glad B. angry C. satisfied D. surprised

9. A. together B. outside C. differently D. quickly

10. A. less than B. because of C. more than D. instead of

11. A. singing B. laughing C. shouting D. crying

12. A. old B. separate C. strong D. close

13. A. moved B. connected C. returned D. waved

14. A. so B. but C. for D. and

15. A. hug B. smile C. word D. question





(1)代词辨析。句意:然后我看到他和其他一些女孩在谈话和大笑。it它;them他们;her她;him他,see sb. doing sth.看见某人在做某事,根据 I waited at the school gate lo walk home with Jemma, as usual. 此处指她的朋友Jemma,根据 She glanced (瞥了一眼) at me and left me alone there 可知Jemma是女孩,可知此处用her代替,故选C。

(2)动词辨析。句意:直到那时我知道我失去了我最好的朋友。lost失去;hurt伤害;forgotten忘记;beaten打,根据 She glanced (瞥了一眼) at me and left me alone there 可知她独自让我留着那里,不再是我的好朋友了。可知是失去的意思,故选A。

(3)名词辨析。句意:“今天是星期六。你打算和Jemma做什么呢?”Monday周一;Friday周五;Saturday周六;Sunday周日,根据 After school on Friday, I waited at the school gate lo walk home with Jemma, as usual. 可知第二天是星期六,故选C。

(4)疑问词辨析。句意:Jemma怎么了?How如何;Where在哪里;Which哪个;Who 谁,根据 I shrugged again. " 可知我只是耸耸肩不说话,所以母亲问Jemma怎么了,故选A。

(5)连词辨析。句意:当我沿着街道走时,社区的一个新女孩朝我走来,微笑着。As 当……时候;Before在……之前;After在……后;Until直到……为止,这句表达的是我正走着是女孩朝我走来,as引导从句表示两个动作同时发生,故选A。

(6)介词辨析。句意:但是我只是从她身边走过。根据to到达,对于;past经过;with 和……一起;against反对,根据But,可知这两句之间是转折关系,表示女孩对我微笑但是我没理她,只是从身边走过。故选B。

(7)名词辨析。句意:坐在沙发上,我注意到在桌子上有一张孩子们穿着过去流行服装照片。card卡片;photo相片;poster海报;advertisement广告,根据Until a week before we took this photo." 可知此处指照片,故选B。

(8)形容词辨析。句意:我对那个感到很吃惊。glad高兴的;angry生气的;satisfied满意的;surprised吃惊的,根据That's Beth Lambert," she said. "My best friend. Until a week before we took this photo." 奶奶和他的最后的朋友在一周前才找了这张照片,可知我对此感到吃惊。故选D。

(9)副词辨析。句意:我们一起做每件事。together一起;outside外面的;differently不同地;quickly快地,根据Then one day, she made new friends and said she didn't want to hang out with me anymore. 可知她们以前一起做事情。故选A。

(10)短语辨析。句意:没有什么比那伤害更大了。less than少于;because of因为;more than多于;instead of代替,相反,可知朋友离开是最自己有很大伤害,故选C。(11)动词辨析。句意:我知道如果我张开嘴我就会开始哭。sing唱歌;laugh笑;shout 大喊;cry哭,根据上文内容可知,姥姥的故事和自己一样,所以自己很伤感,一张嘴会哭,故选D。





(15)动词辨析。句意:总而言之就是所有一切都过去了。hug拥抱;smile微笑;word 话;question问题,one word总而言之,这是对事情进行了总结,故选C。






There was a tree in my garden. One day, two birds came to the tree and built a house for their 1 newborn babies.

One morning, I was getting up when I 2 the sound of the little birds. I ran out of my bedroom and found two babies eating food on the ground in the 3 I thought they dropped off their house, so I decided to help them get back to their house. At that time, the 4 bird and the mother bird came back. They brought some food for the third baby. They put it

on the ground. 5 their third baby. To get the food, she had to fly to it. Although she was 6 , she was afraid of getting out of the house to eat it.

To my 7 . her parents just stood there and did nothing.

After about ten 8 the third baby bird didn't have any other choice. She slowly went to the border(边缘)of the house and began to 9 , She flew down from the house. Finally, she landed safely on the ground and found the food soon.

These birds taught us a lesson: If we want our food, we will have to learn to fly on 10 .

1. A. two B. three C. five

2. A. heard B. smelt C. saw

3. A. garden B. house C. bedroom

4. A. sister B. Brother C. father

5. A. beside B. next to C. far away from

6. A. full B. hungry C. thirsty

7. A. joy B. surprise C. excitement

8. A. days B. weeks C. minutes

9. A. fly B. eat C. run

10. A. ourselves B. yourselves C. Themselves




C.五,根据After about ten8

the third baby bird didn't have any other choice.可知,有三只小鸟。故答案是B。



(4)句意:这个时候,鸟爸爸和鸟妈妈回来了。A.姐妹;B.兄弟;C.爸爸。根据mother bird可知与其一块来的是father bird,故答案是C。

(5)句意:他们把食物放在档,离他们的孩子很远。A.在……旁边;B.紧挨着;C.离……远。根据T o get the food, she had to fly to it.To get the food, she had to fly to it.可知食物离小鸟远,故答案是C。

(6)句意:尽管他很饿,但是他害怕从房子里出来吃。A.饱;B.饥饿;C.渴,根据T o get the food,可知小鸟很饿,故答案是B。


(8)句意:十分钟过后,第三只小鸟别无选择。A.天;B.周;C.分钟。因为小鸟饿了,想吃东西,不可能是十天后,更不可能是十周以后,所以是十分钟以后,故答案是C。(9)句意:她慢慢地走向鸟巢边缘开始飞。A.飞;B.吃;C.跑,根据She flew down from the house.可知是小鸟走向鸟巢边缘开始飞。故答案是A。





If you want to do your homework right after school, you may eat something before getting to work. Never try to work when you are very 1 . Always do your homework before you get too tired. Don't waits 2 late in the evening, or the homework will seem 3 than it really is.

Divide your time into a few parts if you have more than 4 work. Have a short rest every forty minutes. However, don't divide up your time 5 short to do anything. You should be able to work at least half an hour at a time without 6 .

Don't 7 doing your homework until the last minutes, or you will have it on your mind and you won't 8 your free time. If you put off until the end of the week or even before a test, you will have too much 9 . What's more, you will have a fear of tests and can't get a good result.

Do your homework at the same time every day. This will help you make it a 10 -part of your daily work. Then it will make your free time more enjoyable.

1. A. full B. hungry C. angry D. busy

2. A. until B. before C. after D. when

3. A. hard B. more hard C. much hard D. much hander

4. A. an hour B. one hour C. an hour's D. an-hours

5. A. so B. too C. such D. very

6. A. stop B. stops C. stopped D. stopping

7. A. put off B. put on C. put away D. put up

8. A. spend B. take C. enjoy D. like

9. A. do B. to do C. doing D. did

10. A. habit B. hobby C. pleasure D. joy



(1)句意:当你非常饥饿的时候,不要尝试工作。A满的,B饿的,C生气的,D忙碌的,根据 you may eat something before getting to work 上班前你可以吃点东西可知,感到饿时不要工作,故选B。

(2)句意:不要等到深夜才做,否则作业看起来会比实际情况更难。not…until…直到……才…… ,固定搭配,故选A。


(4)句意:如果你有多于一个小时的工作,把你的时间分成几部分。an hour's work一小时的作业,这里用名词的所有格,故选C。






间也不会开心。A推迟,B穿上,C放好,D张贴,根据If you put off until the end of the week,如果你推迟到周末,可知是推迟,故选A。


间也不会开心。A花费,主语是人,B花费,主语是物,C享受,D喜欢,enjoy time,开心,故选C。

(9)句意:如果你推迟到周末甚至考试前,你会有太多的作业要做。have sth to do,固



根据daily work,可知日常的是种习惯,故选A。





It was a sunny day yesterday. After a whole day's work in my office, I walked home. On the busy street, I saw a young man 1 some small toys around the corner. Usually, I would hurry 2 such sellers and never buy anything. But when I noticed he was 3 , I decided to stand there for some time. I wanted to see 4 he sold his toys.

Soon, a little girl came with her mother and wanted a toy that could 5 a noise. Kids like such toys because the noise sounds really funny. The toy was 18 yuan. The mother 6 a

20-yuan note(钞票). She told the young man how much she was giving him and wanted the change(找零) 7 . I was wondering what he was going to do next. He told the mother

to put the money in his bag and get the change 8 . Then she did so.

What the young man did shocked me. He chose to 9 people even if he couldn't see. He

let me know believing in people is a 10 thing. It brings us warmth and love. I was so touched that I made a 11 to buy a toy although I didn't need it at all. He said it cost 18 yuan and I told him that I had only one 20-yuan note. Again he told me to do the same thing as the mother. I put my 20 yuan in his bag, 12 I didn't take any change.

As I walked down the street, I saw another little girl with her father and gave her the, 13 I bought. She looked at me in surprise and then thanked me 14 . I was happy to see the smile on her face.

The young man was a good 15 to us all. On my way home, I kept thinking the world would be a better place if we all could learn to trust people more, just like the blind street seller.

1. A. using B. buying C. selling D. washing

2. A. with B. past C. across D. towards

3. A. fat B. deaf C. short D. blind

4. A. how B. why C. when D. where

5. A. hear B. make C. avoid D. mind

6. A. cut out B. kept out C. took out D. worked out

7. A. up B. out C. off D. back

8. A. itself B. herself C. myself D. yourself

9. A. hate B. doubt C. trust D. praise

10. A. beautiful B. bad C. silly D. direct

11. A. promise B. mistake C. speech D. decision

12. A. or B. so C. but D. for

13. A. bag B. toy C. note D. change

14. A. politely B. coldly C. proudly D. crazily

15. A. role B. expert C. guard D. example



(1)句意:在繁忙的街道上,我看见一个年轻人在拐角处卖一些小玩具。 A使用,B 买,C卖,D洗,根据sellers可知是卖东西,故选C。

(2)句意:通常,我会匆匆经过这样的卖家,而且什么都不买。A有,B经过,C穿过,D朝着,根据never buy anything可知什么的不买只是路过,故选B。

(3)句意:但是当我注意到他是瞎子的时候,我决定在那里站一段时间。A胖的,B聋的,C短的,D瞎的,根据下文he couldn't see可知是盲人,故选D。


(5)句意:不久,一个小女孩和她妈妈一起来了,想要一个能发出噪音的玩具。A听到,B制作,C避免,D介意,根据the noise sounds really funny这噪音听起来很有趣可知是制作声音的玩具,故选B。

(6)句意:母亲拿出20元的钞票。A停止,B挡在外面,C拿出,D算出,根据giving him and wanted the change可知给钱等着找钱是先拿出钱,故选C。




(10)句意:他让我知道相信人是很美的件事。A美丽的,B差的,C愚蠢的,D直接的,根据brings us warmth and love带给我们温暖和爱可知是美的,故选A。

(11)句意:我太感动了,以至于我决定买个玩具,尽管我根本不需要它。A问题,B错误,C讲话,D决定,根据buy a toy可知是决定帮助盲人,故选D。

(12)句意:我把我的20元放在他的包里,但是我没有拿任何零钱。根据I put my 20 yuan in his bag和I didn't take any change,可知是转折关系,故用转折连词but,故选C。

(13)句意:我看见另一个小女孩和她的父亲在一起,给了她我买的玩具。A包,B玩具,C笔记,D改变,根据buy a toy,可知作者手里的是玩具,故选B。




例子,根据if we all could learn to trust people more, just like the blind street seller如果我






Life is short, so you have to make the most of it. Has anybody ever told you that? Maybe they just said ''YOLO" to you instead. It 1 "You Only Live Once", and is a very popular saying on social media.

Having a YOLO attitude means that you make the 2 of every day. It means you life, 3 you only get one. Someone who has a YOLO attitude is always open to doing new and fun activities.

Now, thanks to a US study, YOLO might be more than just a popular 4 The study found

it might be 5 to have a YOLO attitude!

A research team did an experiment with two groups of students 6 different US universities. One group pretended (假装) they only had 30 days left before moving to a new city. They did lots of activities and 7 time with people they loved. In other words, they had a YOLO lifestyle. Another group continued to live 8 normal lives.

At the end of the experiment the students did a survey to 9 how happy they were. It showed that the first group was much happier.

"The study shows that being and making close friendships are important to 10 life," the research group told The Washington Post. However, they also called on others to do experiments with different groups of people and. see if their results were similar.

1. A. stands for B. waits for C. thinks of D. points at

2. A. worst B. most C. least D. farthest

3. A. when B. if C. because D. until

4. A. saying B. book C. idea D. poem

5. A. happier B. weaker C. stronger D. faster

6. A. to B. from C. about D. with

7. A. cost B. paid C. took D. spent


英语阅读理解100篇 81、(1分) Have you eaten too much over the holidays? You should try fidgeting for a while. Those around you might not like it, but scratching moving your nails 指甲) against a part of your body) and twitching moving suddenly and quickly when you don t want to) is an important way of burning up calories 卡路里). American researchers have found that some peoples squirming continuously turn your body when nervous) and wigging move in small movements, especially from side to side) equals 等于) several miles of slow running each day. The scientists, based at the National Institute of Healths laboratory in Phenix, Arizona, are studying why some people get fat and other stay slim. In one study 177 people each spent 24 hours in a room in the institute where the amount 量) of energy is measured by their oxygen and carbon dioxide 二氧化碳) levels. By the end of the day, some people had burned up 800 calories in toe-tapping, moving the front part of your foot up and down) finger-drumming hitting your fingers continuously and lightly against something hard) and other nervous habits.

六年级英语 阅读理解天天练

小学六年级英语:阅读理解天天练(1) Hello,boys and girls. My name is Kangkang. I`m from Tianjin. I`m No.1 middle school. My mother works in No.1 middle school. She teaches Chinese. My father is a doctor in a hospital. They both work hard. On Sunday my mother and I often do some shopping. My mother likes shopping a lot. We will go shopping this Sunday afternoon. My mother says she will buy me a red coat. But I don`t like red. I want a yellow one. My mother says yes to me. I am happy. My father doesn`t like shopping at all. He likes animals best. He often takes me to the zoo. My favorite animal is the panda. I think panda are very cute. This Sunday morning my father will go to the zoo with me. I love my parents very much. They love me,too. I have a happy family. ( ) 1. Kangkang`s mother is a ____________. A. doctor B. nurse C. teacher ( ) 2. What color does Kangkang like? A. red B. yellow C. black ( ) 3. ______ likes animals best. A. Kangkang`s mother B. Kangkang C. Kangkang`s father ( ) 4. ______ is Kangkang`s favorite animal? A. the monkey B. the panda C. the elephant ( ) 5. There are (有) ______ people in Kangkang`s family. A. two B. three C. four 答案:CBCBB 小学六年级英语:阅读理解天天练(2) Mary is from Canada. She teaches English in China now. she know a little Chinese. She isn`t free from Monday to Friday. So she often goes shopping on Saturday. Today is Saturday. Mary goes to the shop. She comes out of her car and goes into the shop. “What can I do for you?” the girl in the shop asks her in Chine se. Mary thinks she can tell the boy what she wants in Chinese. So she says in Chinese,“A quilt (被子),please.” Then the girl goes to the back of the shop. “My Chinese is not bad. The girl understands (理解) me.” She thinks. Mary is happy. Soon (不久) the girl comes back. She shows Mary a cup. ( ) 1. What`s Mary? A. a student B. a doctor C. a teacher ( ) 2. What does Mary often do on Saturday? A. do some washing B. go shopping C. go to school ( ) 3. How does Mary go to the shop? A. by bus B. by train C. by car ( ) 4. What does Mary think of her Chinese? A. very good B. very bad C. very poor ( ) 5. What does the girl think Mary need? A. a cup B. a quilt C. books 答案:CBCAA 第1页/共1页


WORD格式 中考英语阅读理解100 篇:中考英语阅读理解真题及答案 ( 1 ) Edward rose early on the New-year morning. He looked in every room and wished a Happy New Year to his family. Then he ran into the street to repeat that to those he might meet. When he came back, his father gave him two bright, new silver dollars. His face lighted up as he took them. He had wished for a long time to buy some pretty books that he had seen at the bookstore. He left the house with a light heart, expecting to buy the books. As he ran down the street, he saw a poor family. “ I wish you a Happy New Year. ” said Edward, as he was passing on. The man shook his head. “ You are not from this country. could not understand or speak his children shaking with cold, as if ( nothing to eat for ” said Edward. The man again shook his head, for he language. But he pointed to his mouth and to the 好像 ) to say,“ These little ones have had

最新 英语阅读理解记叙文经典

最新英语阅读理解记叙文经典 一、英语阅读理解记叙文(含答案详细解析) 1.阅读理解 Chinese Farmers' Harvest (收获,收割) Festival is the first festival in China for farmers. The festival starting from 2018, falls on the Autumnal Equinox (秋分)each year. The Autumnal Equinox is one of the 24 solar terms(节气)of the Chinese lunar calendar and usually falls between September 22nd and 24th, during the country's harvest season. As we all know, China has the largest population all over the world. It was difficult to feed the largest population in the past. After reform and opening (改革开放), with the development of modern agriculture (农业), people's life is getting better and better, and their living conditions have improved a lot. Chinese Farmers' Harvest Festival shows that our government is paying more attention to agriculture and farmers' life. It will greatly encourage farmers to farm and develop further modem agriculture. China has a long history of agriculture. Chinese Farmers' Harvest Festival, the cultural symbol, helps to show China's long farming culture to the world. It also connects the excellent traditional Chinese culture to modem civilization (文明)and improves the cultural self-confidence and national pride. Since the festival is especially created for farmers, they are encouraged to think of their own ways to celebrate harvest. Some activities are held across the country, but most of the celebrations will take place at a local level that comes from local customs. Also, local government usually hosts all kinds of activities for the festival, such as folk culture performances, food tasting and so on. Some people think the festival is the happiest time of a year, even better than the Spring Festival, because food gives people a sense of safety and hope. For other people, the harvest festival is a time to look back at the past and look forward to the future. (1)We probably celebrate the Chinese Farmers' Harvest Festival on ______________. A. September 20th B. September 23rd C. September 25th D. October 1st (2)The main purposes that Chinese Farmers' Harvest Festival was created don't include _______. A. showing the long history of farming culture of China B. improving Chinese cultural self-confidence and national pride C. encouraging Chinese farmers to give up local customs D. connecting the traditional Chinese culture to modem civilization (3)We can learn from the third paragraph that ______________________. A. the celebrations will be differently based on local customs


六年级英语阅读理解题及答案 (共16篇) 目录 六年级英语阅读理解题及答案1 (2) 六年级英语阅读理解题及答案2 (2) 六年级英语阅读理解题及答案3 (4) 六年级英语阅读理解题及答案4 (4) 六年级英语阅读理解题及答案5 (5) 六年级英语阅读理解题及答案6 (7) 六年级英语阅读理解题及答案7 (7) 六年级英语阅读理解题及答案8 (9) 六年级英语阅读理解题及答案9 (10) 六年级英语阅读理解题及答案10 (11) 六年级英语阅读理解题及答案11 (12) 六年级英语阅读理解题及答案12 (13) 六年级英语阅读理解题及答案13 (14) 六年级英语阅读理解题及答案14 (15) 六年级英语阅读理解题及答案15 (16) 六年级英语阅读理解题及答案16 (17) 六年级英语阅读理解题答案汇总1——16 (19)

六年级英语阅读理解题及答案1 There are forty-two students in our class . There are also two American boys . They are Jack and Mike . They are our good friends . They like watching TV ,but they don’t like playing basket-ball .They often go to school by bike . And I often go to school on foot . There is one English girl in our class . Her name is Lucy . She likes playing basketball and she also likes swimming . She usually does her homework in the evening . She often watches TV on Saturday afternoons . She is my good friend . All of the Chinese students are Yong Pioneers . 根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。 ( ) 1. There are thirty-nine Chinese students in our class . ( ) 2. There are two American girls and one English boy in our class . ( ) 3. Jack and Mike are our good friends . ( ) 4. Jack and Mike like playing basketball . ( ) 5. Lucy often does her homework on Saturday afternoons . 【答案】TFTFF 六年级英语阅读理解题及答案2 My name is Jack . I am a pupil of Grade One . I’m in No.1 Middle School . On weekdays I get up at six o’clock . I have breakfast at seven and then I go to


Passage 1 An Old Man One day an old man is taking a train to his hometown. One of his shoes falls onto the ground, but the train starts .He can not pick it up. Then he takes off the ogher and throws it near the fallen shoe. A boy beside his asks him,” why do you do that?” He says, “If a man picks them up ,he ma as well get a pair of shoes.” 根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F) ()1.An old woman is taking a train to his hometown. ()2.one of the man’s shoes falls nto the ground. ()3.The old man picks his shoes up. ()4.The old man takes off the other and throws it near the fallen shoe. ()5.The old man is very kind . Passage 2 Why Do I help You? It is early in the morning. Mr. White is cutting the grass in the yard. Suddenly, his neighbor Mr. Black runs out and helps him. Mr. White is very happy and he asks Mr. Black, “Do you often help people cut grass?” “No!” “So why do you get up and help me?” Mr. Black says :”I help you cut the grass so that I can go back to sleep again.” ()1.When does the story happen? It happens in the _______ morning. A. early B. late C. middle D. last ()2.What is Mr. White doing? Mr. White is _______ in the yard. A. watering B. drinking C. doing exercises D. cutting the grass ()3.How does Mr. White feel when his neighbour helps him? Mr. White is very _______. A. angry B. happy C. upset D. excited ()4.What does Mr. Black want to do? Mr. Black wants to _______ again. A. sleep B. eat C. drink D. read books ()5.Does Mr. Black often help people cut grass? _______. A. Yes B. No C. Not mentioned D. We don’t know. Passage 3 Lynn’s Weekend Today is Sunday. Lynn is very happy. She needn’t clean the classroom, do morning exercise or have classes. She has to do many exercises at school every day. She has no time to play. And only at weekends can she play happily. But she has to do her homework at home. She has to clean her bedroom, wash her clothes and water the flowers at home, she doesn’t like doing these things. And you? 根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F)。 ( )1. Today is Saturday. ( )2. Lynn needs to clean the classroom. ( )3. Lynn has no time to play at school. ( )4. Lynn doesn’t do her homework at home.


八年级语文记叙文阅读理解及答案 记叙文是以记人、叙事、写景、状物为主,以写人物的经历和事物发展变化为主要内容的一种文体形式。下面是小编整理的八年级语文记叙文阅读理解及答案,欢迎大家阅读参考,希望帮助到大家。 记叙文阅读理解【一】 故乡的麦子 马国福 ①要离开故乡了,临走时母亲给我装了几双她亲手刺绣的鞋垫。父亲站在门口似乎欲言又止,木讷地思量着什么。父母亲执意要送我到车站,被我拦住了。我说家离车站这么近,你们歇着,我很快就到了。别离如针,我怕这针扎在父母脆弱的心上,让和儿子享受短暂相聚欢愉的他们心里生疼。 ②告别了父母,到了车站,就在我上车门的那一刻,我听到身后有人在喊我,扭头一看,是父亲,他气喘吁吁地向我挥手。由于患有骨质增生,腿脚不灵便的他连走带跑地扑向即将发动的汽车,手里攥着一个小小的蓝布包。嘴里喊着,等等,等等!把这个带上。 ③我停下来,父亲蹒跚着赶过来,把布包塞到我手里。他说:这把麦子你带着吧。我愣住了,以为听觉错误,赶紧问:带什么?父亲说:一把我亲手种的麦子。我感到有些好笑,我在城里工作,又不种庄稼,这么远的路,带一把不起眼的麦子干啥? ④父亲似乎看透了我的心思,缓缓地说,想家的时候,可以拿

出来看看,闻闻麦子的味道,心里也会舒坦些。父亲的举动,让我觉得有种不可理喻的拙愚。 ⑤车里的乘客都上齐了,司机不耐烦地按着喇叭催促着我赶紧上车。我把麦子装进包里,对父亲说:阿大,你回去吧。你们不要担心,我到南方后会给你们常打电话的。 ⑥两天后我回到了南方的家里,打开包裹,随手就把那包麦子扔在阳台上。 ⑦时间久了,我也忘记了那包带着土腥的麦子。 或许是远离家乡的缘故,每到节假日,我总会莫名地感伤,尽管自己工作生活的环境比起高原的环境好多了,我总觉得心里缺少些什么。有段时间,由于俗世的牵绊,我的状态不是很好,困顿的时候常常给家里打电话。每次通完电话,父亲总要问他给我的麦子是否放好了,并提醒我把麦子拿出来经常晒晒,不要生霉。 有次通完电话,想起父亲的念叨,就从阳台上拿出那包麦子,在灯光下铺开。金黄的麦粒一粒一粒,仿佛一颗颗来自远方的眼睛,慈爱地盯着我。这黄,让我想起了父母亲土地一样的容颜,想起了故乡的大地上,那些埋头躬耕的人们。我捡起几颗麦子放在鼻子下嗅嗅,土腥里和着淡淡的麦香,是太阳的味道,土地的味道,也是父母的味道,有一种说不出的感觉。 顿时,我有想流泪的冲动,是感伤,亦是幸福。蜗居城市,我还能拥有一把来自故乡的麦子。 每一粒麦子里栖居着故乡。一粒粒麦子就是故乡的版图,弯曲

【英语】 阅读理解记叙文英语期末复习(word)1

【英语】阅读理解记叙文英语期末复习(word)1 一、英语阅读理解记叙文(含答案详细解析) 1.阅读理解 (1)What kind of the letter may the passage be? A. An admission letter. B. An apology letter. C. A business letter. D. A thank you letter.(2)How much should Zhang Wei pay in all to enter the university? A. HK$ 55,935. B. HK$ 55,810. C. HK$ 55, 685. D. HK$ 55,560.(3)If you were Zhang Wei, how would you feel at this letter? A. Annoyed. B. Excited. C. Upset. D. Anxious. 【答案】(1)A (2)D (3)B 【解析】【分析】句意:这是张伟的一张香港中文大学的录取通知书,其中涉及到专业,学习方式,学位以及费用。 (1)细节理解题。根据文中的语句The Chinese University of Hong kong Admission Notification提示可知,这是一张录取通知书,故选A。

(2)细节理解题。根据文中的语句HK$ 55,560.(for native students)以及Zhang Wei (Yuyao,Ningbo)提示可知,张伟的学费是HK$ 55,560,故选D。 (3)理解归纳题。这是一张香港中文大学的录取通知书,张伟收到以后,一定非常的激动,故选B。 【点评】考查阅读理解。本文主要考查细节理解题,首先仔细阅读文后的问题,弄清问题的大意;然后带着问题阅读短文,抓住关键信息,选择正确答案。 2.阅读理解 Chinese Farmers' Harvest (收获,收割) Festival is the first festival in China for farmers. The festival starting from 2018, falls on the Autumnal Equinox (秋分)each year. The Autumnal Equinox is one of the 24 solar terms(节气)of the Chinese lunar calendar and usually falls between September 22nd and 24th, during the country's harvest season. As we all know, China has the largest population all over the world. It was difficult to feed the largest population in the past. After reform and opening (改革开放), with the development of modern agriculture (农业), people's life is getting better and better, and their living conditions have improved a lot. Chinese Farmers' Harvest Festival shows that our government is paying more attention to agriculture and farmers' life. It will greatly encourage farmers to farm and develop further modem agriculture. China has a long history of agriculture. Chinese Farmers' Harvest Festival, the cultural symbol, helps to show China's long farming culture to the world. It also connects the excellent traditional Chinese culture to modem civilization (文明)and improves the cultural self-confidence and national pride. Since the festival is especially created for farmers, they are encouraged to think of their own ways to celebrate harvest. Some activities are held across the country, but most of the celebrations will take place at a local level that comes from local customs. Also, local government usually hosts all kinds of activities for the festival, such as folk culture performances, food tasting and so on. Some people think the festival is the happiest time of a year, even better than the Spring Festival, because food gives people a sense of safety and hope. For other people, the harvest festival is a time to look back at the past and look forward to the future. (1)We probably celebrate the Chinese Farmers' Harvest Festival on ______________. A. September 20th B. September 23rd C. September 25th D. October 1st (2)The main purposes that Chinese Farmers' Harvest Festival was created don't include _______. A. showing the long history of farming culture of China B. improving Chinese cultural self-confidence and national pride


阅读理解100篇 O. Henry was a pen name used by an American writer of short stories. His real name was William Sydney Porter. He was born in North Carolina in 1862. As a young boy he lived an exciting life. He did not go to school for very long, but he managed to teach himself everything he needed to know. When he was about 20 years old, O. Henry went to Texas, where he tried different jobs. He first worked on a newspaper, and then had a job in a bank, when some money went missing from the bank O. Henry was believed to have stolen it. Because of that, he was sent to prison. During the three years in prison, he learned to write short stories. After he got out of prison, he went to New York and continued writing. He wrote mostly about New York and the life of the poor there. People liked his stories, because simple as the tales were, they would finish with a sudden change at the end, to the reader’s surprise. 1. In which order did O. Henry do the following things? a. Lived in New York. b. Worked in a bank. c. Travelled to Texas. d. Was put in prison. e. Had a newspaper Job. f. Learned to write stories. A. e. c. f. b. d. a B. c. e. b. d. f. a C. e. b. d. c. a. f. D. c. b. e. d. a f. 2. People enjoyed reading O. Henry’s stories because A. they had surprise endings B. they were easy to understand C. they showed his love for the poor D. they were about New York City 3. O. Henry went to prison because . A. people thought he had stolen money from the newspaper B. he broke the law by not using his own name


2008年中考语文记叙文阅读精选100篇(段)(含答案详解)1 1、黄冈市2008年初中毕业生升学考试读《假币》,完成后面题目。(16分) ①人有时一犹豫就错过了良机,辰这样想。此时老教授正在滔滔不绝地和新生们沟通感情,辰就没办法把两千元钱交上,而早上乘乱交这笔钱再好没有,可那时辰就是犹豫了一下,错过了,辰为此如坐针毡。②终于熬到了下课,辰把钱递上,这时,辰脑子嗡的一声,大片空白,他感到一种灭顶之灾的降临,还好还好,老教授点了点,装在上衣兜里。③辰这一夜没合眼,那钱是单独交的,万一老教授发现了呢?为了进京到这家文学院深造,他卖光了全部药材,没想到该死的药贩子在交款时夹了三张假币!他曾想到市场上买点东西零碎花出去,可小贩们不收这假钱,他已没有更多的的钱了,逼急了才出此下策,但他又怕被识破。假币的事抖搂出来,他如何混得下去? ④辰决定主动坦白,就说不小心夹带了,求老教授容他宽限些日子借来补上,这样总比当众揭穿好。第二天,辰就恭候在老教授上班的必经路上,见到他说:“老师,我昨天交的钱……”老教授的脸立刻板起来:“别提你那钱。”辰魂飞魄散,却听老教授说:“早不交晚不交,偏我揣了你的钱,在市场上走,被小偷割了兜。”啊呀,谢天谢地!辰一边赔礼,一边回到教室,这贼其实是帮了我的忙呢!辰想。⑤兴奋之后,辰又陷入了苦恼。毕竟老教授损失了那么多钱,想到老教授总穿一件皱巴衣服的寒酸样,他心里就凉了,辰想,好好努力吧,有朝一日我加倍报偿这位善良无辜的老人。辰勤学苦作,不断写出好文章,连《人民文学》这样的刊物也有他的一席之地,老教授时常当众夸赞。每当这时,辰就暗自道:等着,老师。⑥学习期满,辰直接成了市文联干部,又一年,他又成为省作协聘任的专业作家。辰一步登天,阔步文坛,名声大得吓人,辰从此再也不愁没钱。⑦辰依然惦记着那可怜兮兮的老教授,该彻底了结这块心病了。他为老教授准备了一万元现金,专程来京。⑧老教授高兴:“学生出了大名,不忘师恩,这就好。”坚持设家宴款待高徒。酒前,辰鼓足全部气力,向教授认错:“老师,我交给您那两千元学费中,混着三张该死的假币……”他的眼圈红了,并哽咽起来。老教授哈哈大笑:“3张假币,你还没忘哪?在,我留着呢,如今集什么的都有,我集几张假币玩玩有何不可?”说着,从一本影集内拿出那几张玩意儿。“老师,那你说让贼偷了……”辰目瞪口呆。“假话。兴你假币就不兴我假话?”老教授说。辰急着问:“为什么?你当时完全可以揭穿。”老教授的脸色立刻无比严肃起来:“揭穿容易,但我更知道一个山里的孩子该多,艮难,那样做对他产生的后果不堪设想,为区区300元钱扼杀一个人才,吾不屑为之也。” ⑨“老师,”辰扑通一声跪了下来,泪流满面,“我不回去了,我还要跟您学几年,您一定要收留我!”(有删节) 20.本文叙事主要写了两个情节,请用简洁的语言概括。(2分) ①; ② 。 21.第③段划线句能不能去掉?说说你的理由。(2分) 22.第⑦段辰觉得老教授“可怜兮兮”的原因有: ①; ②;


【英语】阅读理解记叙文单元测试题(含答案)经典 一、英语阅读理解记叙文(含答案详细解析) 1.阅读理解 Sitting among the cheering fans of the Chinese Women's Volleyball Team in Rio de Janeiro, a Polish fan caught a lot of attention. It is not because he is not Chinese, but because he has followed the team closely from the very beginning The 60-year-old Jozef fell in love with the Chinese Women's Volleyball Team at the first sight when he watched the girls at the London Olympics on TV in 2012. The Polish man was crazy about the performances of the young team, especially by its core player Hui Ruoqi. Before that Jozef was a loyal fan of his home team﹣ the Polish men's volleyball. Since then, Jozef has become crazy about the team and has kept track of almost all their international competitions. Back in the 2013 Montreux Volley Masters of Switzerland, the Polishman, for the first time, came to cheer up for the team on site. He also drove all the way from Polandto Italy to lend support for the girls during the 2014 Women's World Volleyball Championship. The hardcore fan traveled hundreds of miles from Poland to Brazil, and booked tickets for allmatches of the Chinese Women's Volleyball. This time, Jozef was interviewed by TV and has been recognized by not just fans, but millions of Chinese TV audience. The" Polish grandpa" was a nickname given by Chinese volleyball fans. He has 18,000 followers on Sina Weibo, China's answer to Twitter, where Jozef has been sharing his obsession with Chinese internet users since 2013. (1)Why did Jozef get much attention? A. He was interviewed by Chinese TV. B. He is a famous and loyal Polish fan. C. He has supported the Chinese team from the start. D. He was sitting among the fans of the Chinese team. (2)When did Jozef first become interested in the Chinese Women's Volleyball Team? A. In 2012. B. In 2013. C. In 2014. D. In 2015. (3)How did Jozef come to Italy to support the Chinese Woomen's Volleyball Team? A. By car B. By bus C. By bike D. By plane (4)What can we learn from the passage? A. Jozef has already had millions of fans in Poland. B. Jozef has been a fan of his home team since 2012. C. Jozef first cheered up for the Chinese team on site in 2014. D. Jozef has followed most of the international matches of the Chinese team. (5)What has Jozef been doing on Sina Weibo? A. Giving support to the Polish team B. Sharing his love for the Chinese team C. Answering questions about playing volleyball D. Booking tickets for matches of the Chinese team

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