当前位置:文档之家› 与学校相关英文词汇




instruction, education 教育

culture 文化

primary education 初等教育

secondary education 中等教育

higher education 高等教育

the three R's 读、写、算

school year 学年

term, trimester 学季

semester 学期

school day 教学日

school holidays 假期

curriculum 课程

subject 学科

discipline 纪律

timetable 课程表

class, lesson 课

homework 家庭作业

exercise 练习

dictation 听写

spelling mistake 拼写错误

(short) course 短训班

seminar 研讨班

playtime, break 课间,休息

to play truant, to play hooky 逃学,旷课course (of study) 学业

student body 学生(总称)

classmate, schoolmate 同学

pupil 小学生

student 大学生

schoolboy 男生

schoolgirl 女生

auditor 旁听生

swot, grind 用功的学生

old boy 老生

grant, scholarship, fellowship 奖学金

holder of a grant, scholar, fellow 奖学金获得者school uniform 校服

teaching staff 教育工作者(总称)

teachers 教师(总称)

primary school teacher 小学老师

teacher lecturer 大学老师

professor 教授

schooling 教授,授课

assistant 助教

headmaster 校长(女性为:headmistress)

deputy headmaster, deputy head 副校长

rector 校长

dean 教务长

laboratory assistant, lab assistant 实验员

beadle, porter 门房,学校工友

games master, gym teacher, gym instructor 体育教师

private tutor 私人教师,家庭教师

pedagogue 文学教师(蔑称)

of school age 教龄

beginning of term 开学

matriculation 注册

to enroll, to enroll 予以注册

to take lessons (学生)上课

to teach (老师)上课

to study 学习

to learn by heart 记住,掌握

to revise, to go over 复习

test 考试

to test 考试

to take an examination, to sit an examination, to do an examination 参加考试

convocation notice 考试通知

examiner 考试者

board of examiners 考试团

examination oral, written examination 口试,笔试

question 问题

question paper 试卷

crib 夹带(美作:trot)

to pass an examination (或exam), 通过考试

pass, passing grade 升级

prizegiving 分配奖品

to fall an examination 未通过考试

failure 未考好

to repeat a year 留级

degree 学位

graduate 毕业生

to graduate 毕业

project, thesis 毕业论文

General Certificate of Education 中学毕业证书(美作:high school diploma)

holder of the General Certificate of Education 中学毕业生(美作:holder of a high school diploma)

doctorate 博士学位

doctor 博士

competitive examination 答辩考试instruction, education 教育

culture 文化

primary education 初等教育

secondary education 中等教育

higher education 高等教育

the three R's 读、写、算

school year 学年

term, trimester 学季

semester 学期

school day 教学日

school holidays 假期

curriculum 课程

subject 学科

discipline 纪律

timetable 课程表

class, lesson 课

homework 家庭作业

exercise 练习

dictation 听写

spelling mistake 拼写错误

(short) course 短训班

seminar 研讨班

playtime, break 课间,休息

to play truant, to play hooky 逃学,旷课course (of study) 学业

student body 学生(总称)

classmate, schoolmate 同学

pupil 小学生

student 大学生

schoolboy 男生

schoolgirl 女生

auditor 旁听生

swot, grind 用功的学生

old boy 老生

grant, scholarship, fellowship 奖学金

holder of a grant, scholar, fellow 奖学金获得者school uniform 校服

teaching staff 教育工作者(总称)

teachers 教师(总称)

primary school teacher 小学老师

teacher lecturer 大学老师

professor 教授

schooling 教授,授课

assistant 助教

headmaster 校长(女性为:headmistress)

deputy headmaster, deputy head 副校长

rector 校长

dean 教务长

laboratory assistant, lab assistant 实验员

beadle, porter 门房,学校工友

games master, gym teacher, gym instructor 体育教师

private tutor 私人教师,家庭教师

pedagogue 文学教师(蔑称)

of school age 教龄

beginning of term 开学

matriculation 注册

to enroll, to enroll 予以注册

to take lessons (学生)上课

to teach (老师)上课

to study 学习

to learn by heart 记住,掌握

to revise, to go over 复习

test 考试

to test 考试

to take an examination, to sit an examination, to do an examination 参加考试

convocation notice 考试通知

examiner 考试者

board of examiners 考试团

examination oral, written examination 口试,笔试

question 问题

question paper 试卷

crib 夹带(美作:trot)

to pass an examination (或exam), 通过考试

pass, passing grade 升级

prizegiving 分配奖品

to fall an examination 未通过考试

failure 未考好

to repeat a year 留级

degree 学位

graduate 毕业生

to graduate 毕业

project, thesis 毕业论文

General Certificate of Education 中学毕业证书(美作:high school diploma)

holder of the General Certificate of Education 中学毕业生(美作:holder of a high school diploma)

doctorate 博士学位

doctor 博士

competitive examination 答辩考试instruction, education 教育

culture 文化

primary education 初等教育

secondary education 中等教育

higher education 高等教育

the three R's 读、写、算

school year 学年

term, trimester 学季

semester 学期

school day 教学日

school holidays 假期

curriculum 课程

subject 学科

discipline 纪律

timetable 课程表

class, lesson 课

homework 家庭作业

exercise 练习

dictation 听写

spelling mistake 拼写错误

(short) course 短训班

seminar 研讨班

playtime, break 课间,休息

to play truant, to play hooky 逃学,旷课course (of study) 学业

student body 学生(总称)

classmate, schoolmate 同学

pupil 小学生

student 大学生

schoolboy 男生

schoolgirl 女生

auditor 旁听生

swot, grind 用功的学生

old boy 老生

grant, scholarship, fellowship 奖学金

holder of a grant, scholar, fellow 奖学金获得者school uniform 校服

teaching staff 教育工作者(总称)

teachers 教师(总称)

primary school teacher 小学老师

teacher lecturer 大学老师

professor 教授

schooling 教授,授课

assistant 助教

headmaster 校长(女性为:headmistress)

deputy headmaster, deputy head 副校长

rector 校长

dean 教务长

laboratory assistant, lab assistant 实验员

beadle, porter 门房,学校工友

games master, gym teacher, gym instructor 体育教师

private tutor 私人教师,家庭教师

pedagogue 文学教师(蔑称)

of school age 教龄

beginning of term 开学

matriculation 注册

to enroll, to enroll 予以注册

to take lessons (学生)上课

to teach (老师)上课

to study 学习

to learn by heart 记住,掌握

to revise, to go over 复习

test 考试

to test 考试

to take an examination, to sit an examination, to do an examination 参加考试

convocation notice 考试通知

examiner 考试者

board of examiners 考试团

examination oral, written examination 口试,笔试

question 问题

question paper 试卷

crib 夹带(美作:trot)

to pass an examination (或exam), 通过考试

pass, passing grade 升级

prizegiving 分配奖品

to fall an examination 未通过考试

failure 未考好

to repeat a year 留级

degree 学位

graduate 毕业生

to graduate 毕业

project, thesis 毕业论文

General Certificate of Education 中学毕业证书(美作:high school diploma)

holder of the General Certificate of Education 中学毕业生(美作:holder of a high school diploma)

doctorate 博士学位

doctor 博士

competitive examination 答辩考试



城市和城市化 2.0.1 居民点 settlement 人类按照生产和生活需要而形成的集聚定居地点。按性质和人口规模,居民点分为城市和乡村两大类。 2.0.2 城市(城镇)city 以非农不业和非农业人口聚集为主要特征的居民点。包括按国家行政建制设立的市和镇。 2.0.3 市 municipality; city 经国家批准设市建制的行政地域。 2.0.4 镇 town. 经国家批准设市建制的行政地域。 2.0.5 市域 administrative region of a city 城市行政管辖的全部地域。 2.0.6 城市化 urbanization 人类生产和生活方式由乡村型向城市型转化的历史过程,表现为乡村人口向城市人口转化以及城市不断发展和完善的过程。又称城镇化、都市化。 2.0.7 城市化水平 urbanization level 衡量城市化发展程度的数量指标,一般用一定地域内城市人口占总人口的比例来表示。 2.0.8 城市群 agglomeration 一定地域内城市分布较为密集的地区。 2.0.9 城镇体系 urban system 一定区域内在经济、社会和空间发展上具有有机联系的城市群体。 2.0.10 卫星城(卫星城镇)satellite town 在大城市市区外围兴建的、与市区既有一定距离又相互间密切联系的城市。 城市规划概述 3.0.1 城镇体系规划 urban system planning

在城市总体规划的基础上,对局部地区的土地利用、人口分布、公共设施、城市基础设施的配置等方面所作的进一步安排。 3.0.12 近期建设规划 immediate plan 在城市总体规划中,对短期内建设目标、发展布局和主要建设项目的实施所作的安排。 3.0.13 城市详细规划 detailed plan 以城市总体规划或分区规划为依据,对一定时期内城市局部地区的土地利用、空间环境和各项建设用地所作的具体安排。 3.0.14 控制性详细规划 regulatory plan 以城市总体规划或分区规划为依据,确定建设地区的土地使用性质和使用强度的控制指标、道路和工程管线控制性位置以及空间环境控制的规划要求。 3.0.15 修建性详细规划 site plan 以城市总体规划、分区规划或控制性详细规划为依据,制订用以指导各项建筑和工程设施的设计和施工的规划设计。 3.0.16 城市规划管理 urban planning administration 城市规划编制、审批和实施等管理工作的统称。 城市规划编制 4.1 发展战略 4.1.1 城市发展战略 strategy for urban development 对城市经济、社会、环境的发展所作的全局性、长远性和纲领性的谋划。 4.1.2 城市职能 urban function 城市在一定地域内的经济、社会发展中所发挥的作用和承担的分工。 4.1.3 城市性质 designated function of city 城市在一定地区、国家以至更大范围内的政治、经济与社会发展中所处的地位和所担负的主要职能。 4.1.4 城市规模 city size 以城市人口和城市用地总量所表示的城市的大小。


《人体解剖学》试题与答案 一、单选题(共 10 道试题,共 40 分。) 1. 椎弓和椎体围成 . 椎间孔 . 椎孔 . 横突孔 . 椎骨上、下切迹 . 椎管 正确答案: 2. 女性尿道 . 向前下方穿尿生殖膈 . 尿道外口在阴道后方 . 下端有尿道膜部括约肌环绕 . 后方邻阴道后壁 正确答案: 3. 有关肝的体表投影哪项不正确 . 肝上界与膈穹隆一致 . 右锁骨中线上达第5肋 . 在左锁骨中线达第5肋间隙 . 在剑突下3m 范围内 . 幼儿的肝下缘露出于右肋弓下均属于病理性肿大 正确答案: 4. 膀胱的位置和毗邻,正确的是 . 成人膀胱空虚时位于小骨盆腔内 . 充盈时膀胱不超过耻骨联合上缘 . 女性膀胱的后面与直肠相邻 . 男性膀胱的后面与前列腺相邻 正确答案: 5. 骺软骨 . 位于长骨两端骨骺内 . 不断生长和骨化使骨增粗 . 不断生长和骨化使骨增长 . 完全骨化形成骺 . 骨折时参与骨折端的修复愈合 正确答案: 6. 解剖学方位术语叙述错误的是 . 近皮肤者为浅 . 前也即腹侧 . 近空腔脏器的内侧 . 冠状面将人体分前后两部分 . 解剖学姿势中,手掌向前 正确答案:

7. 手术中识别空肠起始部的标志是 . 肝胃韧带 . 胃脾韧带 . 脾肾韧带 . 肝十二指肠韧带 . 十二指肠悬韧带 正确答案: 8. 腹股沟韧带 . 位于两侧髂前上棘之间 . 由腹内斜肌腱膜构成 . 为腹股沟管的前壁 . 由腹外斜肌腱膜构成 . 以上都不对 正确答案: 9. 关于对肾形态描述,错误的是 . 为形似蚕豆的实质性器官 . 上端窄而厚,前面较凸 . 内侧缘中部凹陷称肾门 . 出入肾门的结构被结缔组织包绕合称肾蒂正确答案: 10. 无关节盘的关节是 . 颞下颌关节 . 膝关节 . 胸锁关节 . 桡腕关节 . 拇指掌腕关节 正确答案: 吉大15秋学期《人体解剖学》在线作业一 二、多选题(共 5 道试题,共 30 分。) 1. 腰穿针入椎管可通过下列哪些韧带 . 前纵韧带 . 黄韧带 . 棘间韧带 . 棘上韧带 . 后纵韧带 正确答案:


英语词汇学教程期末总结 1、 what is lexicology? Lexicology is the study of the vocabulary or lexicon of a given language. It deals not only with simple words, but also with complex and compound words. 2、 morphology is the study of the forms of words and their components. In morphology, morpheme is a basic concept. Morphemes are considered as the smallest meaningful units which may constitute words or parts of words. Semantics is often defined as the study of meaning. Semantics is usually approached from one of two perspectives: philosophical or linguistic. Etymology is the study of the whole history of words. First…second…third P2 3、 lexicography is closely related to the words in a given language. It involves the writing and compilation of dictionaries, especially dealing with the principles that underlie the process of compiling and editing dictionaries. 4、 Major features of words: 背


外立面:facade 跨度:Span 坡道:ramp 砍墙:Hom wall 墙面:Metope 铝合金:aluminium alloy 透明中空玻璃:transparent insulating glass 隔墙:partition 檩条;purlin 库板:panel, board 加气砼砌块: aerated concrete block 矿棉:mineral wool 水泥砂浆:cement mortar 抹灰/粉刷:plastering 轻钢龙骨:lightgage steel joist 石膏板:Plasterboard 托盘架: pallet rack 台阶坡道散水工程Steps ramp apron work 零星工程:Piecemetal works Drumming line 灌装站 Isotainer yard 标准槽灌堆场 Eurotint building 胶衣配色间 防火分区:fire compartment 石砌块墙体:masonry wall 内外:interior exterior 液压卸货平台:hydraulic dock leveler 地勘报告:geology survey 土层分布:soil layer distribution 预应力砼管桩:pre-stressed concrete tubular pile 岩土:geotechnical/rock soil 荷载:load 电缆桥架:Cable tray 沉降:sedimentation 密度:density 防爆荧光灯:anti-blast fluorescent lamp 插座:outlet 探测器:detector/sensor 配电盘,开关板; switch board 管架:pipe bridge 开工:commencement 开办费:Preliminary cost 维护:maintenance 建立:setup 主体:main body


英语建筑专业词汇 a. DESIGN BASIS 设计依据 b. DESIGN STAGE 设计阶段 c. CLIMATE CONDITION 气象条件 d. GENERAL ROOM NAME 常用房间名称 e. ROOFING & CEILING 屋面及天棚 f. WALL(CLADDING) 墙体(外墙板) g. FLOOR & TRENCH 地面及地沟 h. DOORS 、GLASS、WINDOWS & IRONMONGERY(HARDW ARE)门、玻璃、窗及五金件 I. STAIRCASE、LANDING & LIFT(ELEVATOR)楼梯、休息平台及电梯j. BUILDING MATERIAL WORDS AND PHRASES 建筑材料词汇及短语 【Bricks and Tiles 砖和瓦】 【Lime, Sand and Stone 灰、砂和石】【Cement, Mortar and Concrete 水泥、砂浆和混凝土】 【Facing And Plastering Materials 饰面及粉刷材料】 【Asphalt (Bitumen) and Asbestos 沥青和石棉】 【Timber 木材】 【Metallic Materials 金属材料】 【Non-Ferrous Metal 有色金属】 【Anti-Corrosion Materials 防腐蚀材料】【Building Hardware 建筑五金】 【Paint 油漆】 k. OTHER ARCHITECTURAL TERMS 其它建筑术语 【Discipline 专业】 【Conventional Terms 一般通用名词】【Architectural Physics 建筑物理】【Name Of Professional role 职务名称】【Drafting 制图】 a. DESIGN BASIS 设计依据 计划建议书planning proposals 设计任务书design order 标准规范standards and codes 条件图information drawing 设计基础资料basic data for design 工艺流程图process flowchart 工程地质资料engineering geological data 原始资料original data 设计进度schedule of design b. STAGE OF DESIGN 设计阶段 方案scheme, draft 草图sketch 会谈纪要summary of discussion 谈判negotiation 可行性研究feasibility study 初步设计preliminary design 基础设计basic design 详细设计detail design 询价图enquiry drawing 施工图working drawing, construction drawing 竣工图as built drawing c. CLIMATE CONDITION 气象条件 日照sunshine 风玫瑰wind rose 主导风向prevailing wind direction 最大(平均)风速maximum (mean) wind velocity 风荷载wind load 最大(平均)降雨量maximum (mean) rainfall 雷击及闪电thunder and lightning 飓风hurricane 台风typhoon 旋风cyclone 降雨强度rainfall intensity 年降雨量annual rainfall 湿球温度wet bulb temperature 干球温度dry bulb temperature 冰冻期frost period 冰冻线frost line 冰冻区frost zone 室外计算温度calculating outdoor temperature 采暖地区region with heating provision 不采暖地区region without heating provision 绝对大气压absolute atmospheric pressure 相对湿度relative humidity d. GENERAL ROOM NAME 常用房间名称办公室office

2012 英语词汇学论文 英文版

成绩 Root and Affixation of Lexicology Abstract: It’s important and permanent to master the vocabulary in the English learning. Everyone who has ever set foot on English realizes that it’s somewhat incredible for us to reciting numerous and difficult words. Nevertheless, there are some skills we should acquire to make word-recitation easier and more effective. This paper mainly discusses the using of vocabulary root and affix. Only by having a good knowledge of the roots and affixes, can we prosper our English vocabulary and further our English study. Key words: root; affixation; detailed analysis; difficult words 1Introduction: Blindly reciting numerous and difficult words is a total waste of time and energy. Especially, situation becomes worse for the college students with little words storage and non-interest. However, most of the English words are comprised with roots and affixes, which are limited, stable and short. If we acquire them, it will be much simpler and rapider for us to recognize the unfamiliar and difficult words through the analysis on roots and affixes. If we can master and know how to use them properly, it will be a big step for the further study of this foreign language. A road of a thousand miles begins with each single step, so does the English words. Now we are going to learn the root and affixation respectively. Definition is the basic form of a word which cannot be further analyzed without total loss of identity and it carries the main component of meaning in a word. By learning the roots, we will find it not complicated for us to understand the long and difficult words which we often encounter in the tough reading test. However long and tough the word is, we can divide it into several parts, the fundamental part is the root and then we can understand what it means and fluently blurt it out without repeating it. Here are some detail analyses of the examples: Internationalist: nation is the root which means country or state, inter- is prefix meaning between or interactive, -al is the suffix and the –ist is the suffix meaning the person. So you will quite simply find its meaning. Invigorate: the root is vigor similar to power and energy, in- means making sth have the function of verb, here is make sth vigor, -ate is the verb suffix. So invigorate is to make sth vigorous. Antecedent: -ced- is the root referring to motion or going forward, ante- is before, and –ent means somebody. So antecedent is somebody who moves ahead of us, the same as forefather or ancestor. Protract: -tract is the root like pulling sth or extending sth make it wider or longer, pro- is the prefix meaning “ahead”. After analyzing this word, we know that “protract” is similar to prolong meaning make sth longer or longer to live. A lot of words contain this root, such as detract, extract, subtract, attract, tractable, intractable, etc. Arbitrariness: arbitrary is the root indicating to randomness or out of order, -ness is the noun suffix. The profound meaning of learning roots is that you will find it much easy to memorize words because there are so many word share the same root. No matter how long and hoe difficult the word is, the basic meaning of the word is stable and unchangeable. If we recite words according the


生理学名词中英文对照 第一章绪论 1.机体的内环境(internal environment) 2.稳态(homeostasis) 3.反射(reflex) 4.反射弧(reflex arc) 5.旁分泌调节(paracrine regulation) 6.自身调节(autoregulation) 7.负反馈(negative feedback) 8.正反馈(positive feedback) 9.前馈(feed-forward) 第二章细胞的基本功能 10. 被动转运(passive transport)11. 单纯扩散(simple diffusion) 12. 经载体易化扩散(facilitated diffusion via carrier) 13. 经通道易化扩散(facilitated diffusion via ion channel) 14. 电压门控通道(voltage gated ion channel) 15. 离子通道(ion channel) 16. 化学门控通道(chemically gated ion channel) 17. 机械门控通道(mechanically gated ion channel) 18. 原发性主动转运(primary active transport) 19. 继发性主动转运(secondary active transport) 20. 同向转运(symport)21. 反向转运(antiport) 22. 出胞(exocytosis)23. 入胞(endocytosis) 24. 跨膜信号转导(transmembrane signal transduction)


建筑专业词汇《中英文对照》~~ 建筑专业词汇 建设,建筑,修建to build, to con struct 建筑学architecture 修筑,建筑物building 房子house 摩天大楼skyscraper 公寓楼block of flats ( 美作:apartment block) 纪念碑monument 宫殿palace 庙宇temple 皇宫,教堂basilica 大教堂cathedral 教堂church 塔,塔楼tower 十层办公大楼ten-storey office block 柱colum n 柱列colonn ade 拱arch 市政town planning ( 美作:city planning) 营建许可证,建筑开工许可证building permission 绿地gree nbelt

建筑物的三面图elevati on 设计图plan 比例尺scale 预制to prefabricate 挖土,掘土excavation 基foun dati ons, base, subgrade 打地基to lay the foundations 砌好的砖歹U course of bricks 脚手架scaffold, scaffolding 质量合格证书certificatio n of fitn ess 原材料raw material 底板bottom plate 垫层cushi on 侧壁sidewall 中心线center line 条形基础strip footing 附件accessories 型辛钢profile steel 钢板steel plate 熔渣slag 飞溅weldi ng spatter 定位焊tacking 弓I弧gen erati ng of arc 熄弧que nching of arc 焊道weldi ng bead 坡口beveled edges 夕卜观检查visual inspection 重皮double-sk in 水平方向弧度radia n in horiz on tai direct ion 成型moldi ng 直线度straightness accuracy 焊缝角变形welding line angular distortion 水平度levelness 铅垂度verticality


人体解剖学常用名词 1.*human anatomy [ ??????? ????????] 人体解剖 学 2.*systematic anatomy [ ??????????? ????????] 系统解剖学 3.*topographic anatomy [???????????? ????????] 4.*regional anatomy [????????● ????????] 局部 解剖学 5.applied anatomy [???●??? ????????] 应用解剖学 人体部分词汇 6.caput[ ??????], *head [???] 头 7.#cranio- [ ????????],*cranium[ ???????] 颅 8.*face [????] 面 9.#nasus [??????],*nose [??◆?] 鼻 10.#os [ ?],*mouth [??◆?] 口 11.#auris [ ??ris],*ea r[i?] 耳 12.#oculus [ ?kjul?s],*eye [??] 眼 13.#cervix [ ???????],#collum [ ??●??],*neck [???] 颈 14.*trunk [?????] 躯干 15.*chest [?????] 胸 16.*abdomen [ ???????] 腹 17.#dorsum [ d ????],*back [???] 背 18.#lumbus [●?????]腰(部) 19.#loin [●???] 腰 20.#membrum [ ???????],*limb [●??] 肢 一般方位词汇 21.#vertical [ ???????●] 垂直 22.#horizontal [??????????●] 水平 23.#median [ ???????] 正中 24.#sagittal [ ??????●] 矢状 25.#coronal [ ?????●] 冠状 26.#transverse [ tr?nzv???] 横 27.dexter [??????],#right [????] 右 28.sinister [ ???????],#left [●???] 左 29.#medial [ ??????●] 内侧 30.#lateral [ ●?????●] 外侧 31.intermediate [????????????] 中间 32.collateral [ ??●?????●] 侧的,副的 33.#internal [???????●] 内 34.#external [????????●] 外 35.#anterior [?????????] 前 36.#posterior [??????????] 后 37.#ventral [ ??????●] 腹侧 38.#dorsal [ ?????●] 背侧 39.#superior [ ??◆????????] 上 40.#inferior [?????????] 下 41.#superficial [ ??◆?????????●] 浅 42.profundus [??????????],#deep [????] 深 43.#proximal [ ????????●] 近侧 44.#distal [ ?????●] 远侧 45.#central [ ??????●] 中央,中心 46.#peripheral [?????????●] 周围 47.#radial [ ??????●] 桡侧 48.#ulnar [ ?●???] 尺侧 49.#tibial [ ?????●] 胫侧 50.#fibular [ ????◆●?] 腓侧 骨学 51.osteologia [ ??????●?????],osteology [ ??????●????]骨学 52.*os [ ?],bone [??◆?] 骨 53.diaphysis [??????????],shaft[?????]骨干 54.medullary [?????●???] 髓质的, 骨髓的, 脊髓的 55.#epiphysial line [ ?????????● ●???] 骺线 56.osseous substance[ ?????? ?????????] 骨质 https://www.doczj.com/doc/d610262089.html,pact bone [ ??????? ??◆?] 骨密质 58.spongy bone [ ??????? ??◆?] 骨松质59. #cartilage [ ?????●???] 软骨 60.#epiphysial cartilage [ ?????????● ??????●???] 骺软骨 61.#diploe [ ???●???] 板障 62.#periosteum [ ???????????] 骨膜 63.#bone marrow [ ??◆? ?????◆] 骨髓 64.#process [ ??????] 突 65.#spine [?????] 棘 66.#eminence [ ???????] 隆起 67.#tuberosity [ ??◆??????????] 粗隆 68.#tuber[ ??◆???]结节 69.#crest[ ????]嵴 70.#fossa[ ????]窝 71.#fovea[ ??◆???]凹 72.#foveolar[??◆?????●?] 小凹的,孔穴的 73.#sulcus[ ??●???]沟 74.#impression[?????????]压迹 75.#cavity[ ??????]腔 76.#sinus[ ??????]窦 77.#antrum[ ??????]房 78.cellula[ ??●?◆●?]小房 79. #canal[ ????●]管 80.#meatus [????????]道 81.#aperture[ ?????◆?]口 82.#foramen[?????????]孔 83.#hiatus[?????????]裂孔 84.#capitulum[ ??????◆●??]小头 85.#condyle[ ?????●]髁 86.#epicondyle[ ??????????●]上髁 87.#surface[ ??????]面 88.#border [ ?????]缘 89.#notch [????]切迹 90.*vertebra [ ????????]椎骨 91.#vertebral body [ ????????● ????]椎体 92.#vertebral canal [ ????????● ?????●]椎管 93.#vertebral arch [ ????????● ????]椎弓 94.#intervertebral foramina[ ?????????????● ?????????? ]椎间孔 95.*cervical vertebrae[ ???????● ??????????] 颈椎 96.#atlas[ ??●??]寰椎 97.#axis [ ?????]枢椎 98.#vertebra prominens[ ????????? ??????????] 隆椎 99.*thoracic vertebrae [ ??????? ??????????]胸椎100.*lumbar vertebrae [ ●???? ??????????]腰椎101.*sacrum [ ???????]骶骨 102.sacral hiatus [ ??????● ?????????]骶管裂孔103.sacral cornu [ ??????● ??????◆]骶角 104.*coccyx[ ???????]尾骨 105.#vertebral column[ ????????● ???●??]脊柱106.*costa [ ?????],*rib [???]肋 107.#costal bone[ ?????● ??◆?]肋骨 108.costal cartilage[ ?????● ??????●???]肋软骨109.*sternum[ ???????]胸骨 110.*frontal bone [ ?????● ??◆?]额骨 111.*parietal bone [????????● ??◆?]顶骨 112.*occipital bone [ ?? ?????● ??◆?]枕骨 113.foramen magnum[????????? ???????]枕骨大孔 114.#external occipital protuberance[????????● ????????● ??????◆???????]枕外隆凸 115.#temporal bone [ ???????● ??◆?]颞骨 116.internal acoustic pore[???????● ???◆????? ???]内耳门117.styloid process[ ???●??? ???????]茎突 118.mastoid process[ ??????? ???????]乳突


第1章英文专业词汇(英汉对照) A acclimatization, accustomization 习服acute animal experiment 急性动物实验afferent nerve 传入神经 autoregulation * 自身调节 B body fluid 体液 C cell physiology 细胞生理学 center 中枢 chronic animal experiment 慢性动物实验closed-loop system 闭环系统 control system 控制系统 cybernetics 控制论 E effecter 效应器 efferent nerve 传出神经 experiment in vivo 在体实验experiment in vitro 离体实验extracellular fluid, ECF 细胞外液 F feedback * 反馈 feed-forward * 前馈 G general physiology 普通生理学 H human physiology 人体生理学 humoral regulation * 体液调节homeostasis ** 稳态 hormone 激素I internal environment ** 内环境interstitial fluid, ISF 组织间液intracellular fluid, ICF 细胞内液 N negative feedback ** 负反馈neurohormone 神经激素 neurohumoral regulation 神经 - 体液调节neuroregulation * 神经调节neurosecretion 神经分泌 O organism 生物体 organ physiology 器官生理学 P paracrine 旁分泌 physiological experiment 生理学实验physiology ** 生理学 plasma 血浆 positive feedback * 正反馈 R receptor 感受器 reflex * 反射 reflex arc ** 反射弧 resetting 重调定 S set point ** 调定点 T target cell 靶细胞 telecrine 远距分泌 tissue fluid 组织液


1DESIGN BASIS 设计依据 计划建议书planning proposals 设计任务书design order 标准规范standards and codes 条件图information drawing 设计基础资料basic data for design 工艺流程图process flowchart 工程地质资料engineering geological data 原始资料original data 设计进度schedule of design 2STAGE OF DESIGN 设计阶段 方案scheme, draft 草图sketch 会谈纪要summary of discussion 谈判negotiation 可行性研究feasibility study 初步设计preliminary design 基础设计basic design 详细设计detail design 询价图enquiry drawing 施工图working drawing, construction drawing 竣工图as built drawing 3CLIMATE CONDITION 气象条件 日照sunshine 风玫瑰wind rose 主导风向prevailing wind direction 最大(平均)风速maximum (mean) wind velocity 风荷载wind load 最大(平均)降雨量maximum (mean) rainfall 雷击及闪电thunder and lightning 飓风hurricane 台风typhoon 旋风cyclone 降雨强度rainfall intensity 年降雨量annual rainfall 湿球温度wet bulb temperature 干球温度dry bulb temperature 冰冻期frost period


人体解剖学章节练习题 第一章绪论 ◇A1型题 1.关于解剖学姿势,下列描述不正确的是 A.身体直立 B.两眼平视正前方 C.手背和足尖向前D.手掌和足尖朝前 E.上肢下垂于躯干两侧 2.更靠近人体正中矢状面的方位称为 A.前 B.内 C.内侧 D.近侧 E.上 3.在上肢,与内侧相同的方位术语又称 A.桡侧 B.胫侧 C.尺侧 D.腓侧 E.远侧 4.在下肢,与外侧相同的方位术语又称 A.桡侧 B.胫侧 C.尺侧 D.腓侧 E.近侧 5.将人体分为左右对称两部分的面为 A.矢状面 B.冠状面 C.水平面 D.额状面 E.正中矢状面 6.近代人体解剖学的创建人是 A.希波克拉底 B.亚里士多德 C.盖仑 D.维萨里 E.达芬奇◇B1型题 A.系统解剖学B.局部解剖学C.断层解剖学D.X 线解剖学E.微体解剖学 1.按照人体各功能系统描述各器官位置及形态结构的科学.按人体结构的部位,由浅入深研究各局部组成结构的

形态及位置毗邻关系的科学 3.研究人体不同层面上各器官的形态结构、位置毗邻关系的科学.以显微镜等作为主要手段观察研究正常人体微细结构的科学 5~8题共用备选答案) A.器官 B.系统 C.细胞D.组织 E.细胞间质 5.构成人体的基本结构和功能单位6.由细胞通过细胞间质构成的.由不同组织构成,具有一定形态和功能的结构.由彼此相互关联的器官共同构成的结构 A.内 B.内侧 C.浅 D.深 E.近侧 9.距人体正中矢状面较近的方位术语 10.距容腔较近的方位术语 11.距四肢根部较近的方位术语 12.距皮肤较近的方位术语 A.正中矢状面 B.额状面 C.水平面 D.垂直面 E.垂直轴 13.垂直于水平面,上下穿过人体的线 14.平行于地平面,将人体分成上下两部分的面 15.垂直于水平面,将人体分成前后两部分的面 16.垂直于水平面,将人体分成左右对称两部分的面 ◇X型题 1.属于解剖学分支学科的是 A.外科解剖学 B.临床应用解剖学 C.艺术解剖学


英语词汇学期末论文 题目:浅析英语词汇巧记法 专业:英语 班级:13级3班 学号:201313010309 姓名:黄旷静 完成时间:2015年1月14号

浅析英语词汇巧记法 摘要:词汇是英语学习的基础,没有足够的词汇量就不可能高水平的掌握英语这门外语,而浩瀚的词汇海洋让很多人望而生畏。尽管花费了大量时间精力去背,记忆的效果却差强人意,原因就在于没有使用科学的方法记忆词汇。其实,世间万物都是有规律性的,英语单词的组词与构词方法也有规律,了解了它的规律有利于我们有效甚至高效学习英语单词。为了提高单词记忆的效率,本文从不同方面介绍几种记忆方法。 关键词:词汇科学记忆规律效率 一.读音记忆法 1.拼读法 英语是拼音文字,英语中的单词的读音大多是有规律的,熟悉字母及字母组合的发音规则,掌握正确的拼法与读音之间的关系,可以根据单词的读音,降低记忆难度,正确地拼写单词。 例如ay读[ei]。带有ay字母组合的词,如say,day,way,pay,may,play,spray,不仅发音容易,而且拼写也没有任何困难。Sh ch tion ture 等也都有固定读音,ee发音为i: culture 文化pasture牧场mature 成熟的architecture 建筑学带有true的单词也都能很方便的记忆下来

2.谐音法 尽管有些人认为用这种谐音记忆法记忆单词不科学,不利于正确掌握发音,但实践证明,对尚未掌握外语的构词特点和记词规律的初学者来说,采用谐音法记单词确实能有效地记住一部分难记的单词。但是,在用谐音法记单词时需要特别注意,绝不可将其作为模仿发音的依据,只能作为记忆单词时的谐音联想手段,以加强记忆,而必须按照单词的标准发音去读记,以避免这种记词法干扰正确发音。用谐音法记单词是,根据外语单词的读音到中文中寻找与其读音相似的谐音,寻找到谐音与单词的联系。用这种方法甚至可能达到终身不忘,这也正是谐音记忆法的绝妙之处。 例如:mouth嘴[联想:说话“冒失”的就是嘴] think想[联想:想时要“深刻”] 二.联想法 1.拆分联想 科学研究表明:联想是记忆的基础。世界著名的生理学家巴甫洛夫指出:"记忆要依靠联想,而联想则是新旧知识建立联系的产物。”联想法是联想记忆的进一步运用和发展。它是指学习者展开积极丰富的想象力,使所要记忆的知识生动、形象化,通过联想在新旧知识(如英语熟词词义与生词词义)之间建立起一种联系,从而达到以旧带新、快速记忆的目的。

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