当前位置:文档之家› 英文论文写作4-1



Unit 5 Sentence Defects

1.She bought several picture books and put them into her bag, which she intended to give her


2.Fred is energetic, capable, and a man you can rely on.

Fred, whom you can rely on, is energetic, capable.

3.The children promised to be careful and that they would return home early.

The children promised to be careful and return home early.

4.Galileo found it difficult to believe that the sun rotates around the earth and the earth to be the

centre of the universe.

5.She reviewed the lesson taught last week and all the exercises assigned by the teacher were


She reviewed the lesson taught last week and did all the exercises assigned by the teacher. 6.We need to preserve open space, to contain hazardous wastes, and fuel should be conserved.

We need to preserve open space to contain hazardous wastes and fuel.

7.To get ready for the trip, all the things she needed were put into a suitcase.

To get ready for the trip, she needed put all the things into a suitcase

8.Glancing out of the window, a beautiful view attracted my attention.

Glancing out of the window, I was attracted by a beautiful view.

9.He drove the car into the side road and quickly turns off the motor.

He drove the car into the side road and quickly turned off the motor.

10.First build a fire and then you should make the coffee.

First build a fire and then make the coffee.

11.Twenty dollars are a small price to pay.

12.An important thing for the student to remember is that when writing a paper, you should not


13.The committee considered all the recommendations, then they voted to reject all of them.

14.She had intended to become a biologist, however, medicine seemed more exciting.

15.Lisa listed several qualities she admires in her father. His compassion, his perseverance, his

integrity, and his honesty.


1.The actors and actresses first discussed the play, and then nightly rehearsals began.

2.John worked hard for three years, and then a job was given to him that let him use his special


3.He drove the car into the garage and the motor was quickly stopped

4.After inspecting my passport, I was permitted to go on board the boat.

5.According to the police records, many dogs are killed by automobiles and trucks roaming


6.Most Americans refuse to give up unhealthful habits, consequently their medical costs are

higher than those of many other countries.

7.If a student does not understand a problem, they should consult the instructor.

8.This paper presents the current problems in the personnel management, and solutions are


9.Our responsibility in the lab was to remove the labels from the dishes and wash them.

10.Looking out of the window, the grassland stretches as the eye can reach.

Unit 6 Paragraph Coherence


There can be little question that one of the turning points in the twentieth century was the great stock crash of 1929. There are many reasons for the crash, including the fact that many people had bought stocks “on margin”, that is, by paying only a fraction of the real cost in the hope that the stocks would go up and they would make a profit, whereas many of them went down and they couldn’t cover their losses. Why did the stocks go down? One reason was simple panic: people got scared, and began to sell. Because many sold, prices went down. This caused others to sell, and as a result prices went down still further. In a few months paper profits melted away like ice in July, fortunes were lost, and purchasing power dropped sharply. Because people stopped buying, business generally collapsed, causing more failures and fewer markets, so that factories slowed down or closed down, more jobs were lost, and the great depression was under way.

I Coherence devices


(1) Chocolates are a national craving. (2) Records show that they are sold in huge quantities---11.2 pounds per capita per year. (3) Designer chocolates often sell for nearly $30/1b. (4) It is obvious that these candies are America’s number one choice.


(1) I saw a strange man in the street. (2) He was wearing a large badge. (3) The badge was multicolored and gaudy.


(1) Body language varies from culture to culture. (2) To say yes, Americans

nod their heads up and down. (3) Japanese and Italians use the same nod to say no. (4) Body language is an important skill for international managers

II Study the following list of grammatical and lexical coherence and cohesive devices. Learn to use them in your writing.


John bought a new car. It is expensive, but it runs much better than his old one.


I bought a pocket calculator last year. That calculator proved very useful.


These particular train services are not used very much by commuters. As a rule, commuters tend to travel much earlier.


These cars were first made in 1972. When they were first produced, they were not very popular.


Seven people have been arrested so far. The arrests were made late last night. 6.

To have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer,in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish,till death us do part. 7.

a) listing

b) showing the cause and effect relationship between one idea and another

c)indicating that the writer is to illustrate his ideas by giving examples

d)introducing an idea which runs against what has been said, or is going to be


e)summing up

f)expressing time relationship

g)expressing a condition

h)indicating the extension or further development of ideas which are closely

related to the previously discussed topics.

i)re-phrasing what has already been said, or introduce a definition

III Paragraph hooks


Example 1

…In addition, they carried a wireless radio set, warm clothing, and an extra three weeks’ food supply.

Because of these careful preparations, the expedition was ready when the unexpected emergency happened…


Example 1:

…For several months the geologists lived in the caravan crossing the most dangerous part of the desert.

The desert was most dangerous here because of the hostile natives, the extreme temperature change, and the lack of any water supply…


In 1889, when the British occupied Sudan, their first aim was to find land for planting cotton because many textile industries in England at that time needed cotton. After a serious study by the English agricultural experts, the Gezira area was chosen for the establishment of an agricultural project. The choice was excellent; even today, although there are now other agricultural schemes in Sudan, still the Gezira Project is the most successful.

The main reason for the success of the Gezira Project is its soil. The clay allows the construction of canals which do not require expensive concrete. In addition, the Gezira area slopes downward towards the north and west. This makes the siting of the canal system relatively easy. Furthermore, a slight ridge runs from Hag village to Masid village along the eastern edge of the project.



For one thing, celebrities don’t have the privacy an ordinary person has. The most personal details of their lives are printed all over the front pages of newspapers and magazines. Even a celebrity’s family is thrown into the spotlight….

In addition, celebrities are under constant pressures. Their physical appearance is always under observation. Famous women, especially, suffer from the “she really looks old” or the “boy, has she put on weight” spotlight…

Most important, celebrities must deal with the stress of being in constant danger. The friendly grabs, hugs, and kisses of enthusiastic fans can quickly turn into uncontrolled attacks on a celebrity’s hair, clothes, and car….

Practice 1

Exercise 1

You have probably heard about the alchemists who for centuries tried to turn plain lead into gold. They failed because gold is completely different from lead. Transforming carbon into diamonds,however, is not illogical at all. This change takes place in nature, so it should be possible to make it happen in the laboratory.

It should be possible, but for one hundred and fifty years efforts failed. During this period, none the less, several people believed that they had solved the diamond riddle. One of these was a French scientist who produced crystals that seemed to be the real thing. After the man’s death, however, a curious rumour

began to go the rounds. The story told that one of the scientist’s assistants had simply put tiny pieces of genuine diamonds into the carbon mixture. He was bored with the work, and he wanted to make the old chemist happy.

Exercise 2

In 1889, when the British occupied Sudan, their first aim was to find land for planting cotton because many textile industries in England at that time needed cotton. After a serious study by the English agricultural experts, the Gezira area was chosen for the establishment of an agricultural project. The choice was excellent; even today, although there are now other agricultural schemes in Sudan, still the Gezira Project is the most successful.

The main reason for the success of the Gezira Project is its soil. The clay allows the construction of canals which do not require expensive concrete. In addition, the Gezira area slopes downward towards the north and west. This makes the siting of the canal system relatively easy. Furthermore, a slight ridge runs from Hag village to Masid village along the eastern edge of the project.

Practice 2

Exercise 1

By using various means of subordination (participial phrase, appositive, subordinate clause, etc,) combine or revise the following sentences in each group into one smooth sentence.

1)Engineers reported that a tunnel would be more practical than a bridge. The City

Commission authorized the construction of a tunnel.

2)The boys were caught in a sudden rainstorm, and they took refuge in a haystack.

3)We made the runways at the London Airport longer. Our purpose in doing this is to

enable the big jets land.

4)Mr. Sampson’s will named his secretary as principal beneficiary and his business

partner as executor. The will disappointed his relatives. They had expected to find

themselves in one or the other of those positions.

5)His sister was calling for help, and she sounded hysterical.

6)Helen did not want another extracurricular job. She accepted the presidency of the Gir ls’

Athletic Association. She was more interested in sports than in anything else.

7)He told me to look in the unabridged dictionary, and it was on his desk.

8)The students complained that they could not study in Miss Baker’s study hall. There was

too much confusion. They did not realize that they themselves were responsible for the


9)The nuts vary in height. They measure from ten to fifteen feet in diameter. They contain

no modern conveniences.

10)My uncle noticed the frightened look on my face, and he told me that the snake was not

a real one.

Exercise 2

This exercise consists of stringy sentences. Revise the sentences by subordination, division into more than one sentence, and reduction of co-ordinate clauses to a compound predicate. Get rid of the monotonous use of and and so. You may add a few words of your own if the words will help you to improve the sentences.

1)The story begins with a family that came over from Europe years ago, and they started West in a

wagon train, but they had trouble with their wagon, so they told their friends to go ahead, but then it was hard to find the wagon train again out on the prairie.

2)You have an hour for lunch, so you plow through the crowds and finally get pushed into a cheap

hamburger stand, and then you wait a half hour for a seat and another twenty minutes for them to kill and warm the meat, and you get back to work five minutes late, so you get a scolding from the boss.

3)I asked Sue for a date, but she had already accepted an invitation, so I asked Barbara, but she had

heard that I had asked Sue first, so she wouldn’t go with me.

4)The next morning most roads were impassable, so there was hardly anyone in school, so we were

given a holiday.


一.关于本专业毕业论文地选题 二.英语专业本科生毕业论文选题可以在三个大地方向中进行,即英语文学,语言学和 翻译学.各个大方向中又可以选择小地方向,具体解释如下:.英语文学:选择英语文学地毕业论文选题可以从三个方向进行:国别文学研究、文学批评理论研究和比较文学研究. 在进行国别文学研究选题时,一般选取英国文学或美国文学中地某一经典作家(如海明威),某一经典作品(如《双城记》),某一写作手法(如象征手法地运用)或某一文学思潮(如浪漫主义运动)作深入研究.但在选择作家或作品时最好选择在文学史上作为经典地作家或作品.有个别流行作家或作品极富盛名,容易引起学生地兴趣,如《飘》或《荆棘鸟》,学生有强烈愿望选择它们作为研究对象.在不可避免上述情况时,应该尽可能地挖掘作品内在地深刻含义,不能流于肤浅地分析. 文学批评理论地选题一般不太适合英语专业本科生,因为该理论知识地学习在英语专业研究生阶段,本科生一般不具备文学批评理论地知识结构.这个方向地选题可以有关某一文学批评理论,一文学批评术语地阐释或某两种或以上地文学批评理论地比较. 比较文学研究就是将两个以上地作家或作品进行比较.这两个作品或作家可以是同一国别地(如“雪莱与拜伦地诗歌比较”),也可以是不同国别地(如《牡丹亭》与《罗密欧与朱丽叶》).语言学:选择语言学地毕业论文选题可以在两个大地方向进行:普通语言学和应用语言学. 普通语言学地研究就是对于英语语言地任何一个方面地研究,如对一种词性、或一种时态、或拼写、语调等等方面地研究(如“一般现在时及其交际功能”). 应用语言学包括教学法地研究和其它一些新兴地应用语言学分支地研究.师范专业或本身从事教师职业地学生选择教学法方向地较多.在这个方向选题,也要避免过大范围地选题,而应对一个具体问题进行研究,最重要地是要结合教学实践或实验.这个方向地好地选题有:“个性与英语教学”,“方言对英语学习地影响” 等. .翻译学:翻译学地选题一般可以在两个方向上进行:翻译理论以及翻译活动. 对翻译理论地研究就是探讨某一种翻译理论等等.相比之下,对翻译活动地研究更多一些,这些选题可以是对一种语言现象地翻译、或一种修辞格地翻译地研究(如“汉语成语地英译”).应该注意地是,在对翻译活动作研究时,往往需要某种翻译理论支撑,总结规律,并对这一活动作出评价,要避免仅仅时例子地罗列. 二.英语专业毕业论文格式要求学位论文包括前置、主体、附录等三个部分. (一)前置.英文封面:由论文英文题目、解释、作者、指导老师姓名和职称、时间组成. .目录:由论文地中、英文摘要、篇、章、条、款以及参考书目、附录等序号、题名和页码组成,排在英文封面之后另页. .中、英文内容摘要:摘要是论文地内容不加注释和评论地简短陈述,宜以最简洁地语言介绍论文地概要、作者地突出论点、新见解或创造性成果以及实验方法、数据或结论,是一篇完整地短文,可以独立使用,中文摘要一般在字左右关键词:关键词是用以表示全文主题内容信息地单词或术语.为便于文献检索,学位论文应注明三至五个具有代表意义中、外文“关键词”,这些关键词就是论文地中心词,以显著地字符另起一行,分别排在中、外文摘要地左下方.各关键词之间用“分号”隔开.外文关键词应与中文关键词相对应. (二)主体部分主题部分包括引言()、正文()、结论()、参考文献().主体部分必须由另页右页开始. .引言:主要说明研究工作地目地、涉及范围、相关领域地前人研究成果和知识空白、研究设想、研究方法等方面地概述、理论意义和实用价值等. .正文:论文地正文是核心部分,占主要篇幅.一般论文选题需要从几个方面来论述或论证.要求论据充分,论点明确.行文必须实事求是,客观真切,准确完备,合乎逻辑,层次分明,简练可读.正文部分要有分级标题,章、条、款、项地序号编码

科技英语论文实用写作学习心得 (5000字)



Research on Trigonometric Leveling Freedu School of Geodesy and Geomatics, Wuhan University,Wuhan430079,China E-mail:1111111111@https://www.doczj.com/doc/d72542081.html, Abstract —As the total station trigonometric leveling can survey without the restrictions oftopography. So, we can use it to survey the third &fourth order level survey in some special areas.In this article, we propose a new total station measuring method from combining the defect of traditional measurementmethods. The advantages of this method is that it can improve the precision without measuring height of device and prism, and it canreplace the third and fourth level of measurement under certain conditions. This method can greatly improve efficiency and shortenthe project duration in the construction survey . Keywords- trigonometric leveling ;total station ;error analysis I. I NTRODUCTION Engineering construction often relates to height measurement. Thetraditional measurement methods are leveling surveying andtrigonometry trigonometric leveling. Although the two methods have their own characteristics, but there are shortcomings.With the widespread use of the Total Station and using the track rod with the total station method to measure the elevation of the increasingly popular, traditional trigonometric leveling method has shown its limitations.After a long journey, a new trigonometric leveling method has been summed up.This approach combines the advantages of two traditional approaches to further improve the accuracy of the trigonometric leveling and tosurvey faster. This article systematically expounds the principle of traditional trigonometric leveling methods and the new methods, compares their advantages and disadvantages, and analyses the main errors and measurement accuracy in the process of trigonometric leveling. II. P RINCIPLE OF T RADITIONAL T RIGONOMETRIC L EVELING AND THE N EW M ETHOD The basic formula of the traditional trigonometric leveling: tan B A H H D i t α=++- (1) where A H is the elevation of a known point, B H is the elevation of the unknown point, D is the horizontal distance between the two points, αis the vertical angle when observe from point A to point B,i is instrument height, t is the height of the prism. For traditional methods, total station must be set up in the known elevation point. At the same time, you must measure out the height ofboth the instrument and the prism if you want to measure the elevation of the unknown points. If we can measure the elevation of the measured point while set point of total station arbitrarily like leveling surveying, instead of set it on a known elevation point, and do not measure out instrument and prism,speed of measurement will be faster. As shown in the figure 1, assuming that the elevation of the point A is known, the elevation of the point B is unknown, here we measurethe elevation of other points by total station. Figure 1. Diagram for trigonometric leveling Firstly, seen by trigonometric leveling principle: (tan )B A H H D i t α=-+- (2) where i, t is unknown, but one thing is sure that once the instrument set, value of i will remain unchanged.At the same time choose tracking lever as a reflecting prism, assume that the value of t is also fixed. Seen from formula (2), tan B A H i t H D W α+-=-= (3) By formula (3),the value of W will remain unchanged in any station. And while both A H and tan D αare known, it is possible to calculate the value of W . Operation of this new method is as follows: Shown in Figure 2, elevation of point A is known, elevation of point B is unknown, and the instrument is set up at point C between A and B. The instruments sight point A to get the reading 1V . That 1V =1D 1tan α, and calculate the value of W, W = A H +1D 1tan α. At this time related constants such as elevation of station, instrument height and prism height can beof any value, not necessary to set before measuring. And then set elevation of point Cto W , set the instrument height and prism height to 0. Then elevation of point C is known. Finally sight the target point B and measured its elevation, that is 22tan B H W D α=+ (4) Therefore, using the new method, elevation of point B is 1122tan tan B A H H D D αα=-+ (5)


关于科研论文写作的感想与体会研一上学期,我学习了硕士论文写作与学术规范这一课程。通过李老师的讲授,我加深了对硕士论文写作与学术规范的理解,对于如何进行高水平的学术研究有了更加全面的认识,下面将本学期的收获与心得记录如下: 首先,我了解到了什么是科研写作。狭义地说,科研写作是指原创性研究结果的描述报导;广义地说,还包括学术期刊上其他类型的论文交流(比如综述论文),也包括科学家从事职业科学活动所进行的其他交流用的写作,学位论文、项目申请(建议)书、会议口头报告、墙报、推荐信、科普文章等等都是科研协作的类型。 在科研论文写作时要遵循正确、清楚、简洁的原则(三C原则)在论文写作时正确性同样代表了一个学者的学术声誉,不抄袭、不造假、尊重事实、尊重证据,是一个合格科研人员的基本素养科研是创造科学知识的过程。简洁性对于知识的传播极为重要。更为重要的是,简洁的思维有利于取得好的科研成果。对比西方语言文化,我国文字和文学的简洁性更优。在这方面,笔者更加偏爱中文期刊论文对简洁性的要求,当然,需要注意的是,在具备简洁性的同时更要强调对所陈述的科研成果的论证的充分性。研论文不是小说、不是散文、不是迷语,必须做到清楚的表达。清晰的论文能让读者更容易理解和接受所发布的研究成果。不要让别人有机会猜测或寻找研究的任何元素,包括研究背景、目标、方法、结果、结论等。把各个元素都放在它们最应该存在的地方。运用规范的子标题和清晰的逻辑语言标识论文各个部件;段落之间保持良好清晰的连接层次性,主次分明;每一个段落表达一个观点或一个小主题,中心句居首或居尾;运用清晰简单的文字组成句子表达各种观点,在使用英文丛句的时候注意强调部分居于前,等等。这样写出来的论文最后看上去就会像一小截一小截短小精悍却又联系紧密的小树枝组成,而这些小树干又在更高层面逻辑严密地组成大的树干。 通过老师的对以上内容的学习,我了解到科研论文写作的规范,科技论文是报道自然科学研究和技术开发创新性工作成果的论说文章,是运用概念、判断、推理、证明或反驳等逻辑思维手段,分析表达自然科学理论和技术开发研究成果。 撰写科技论文:1)要在学习、积累和交流上动脑筋、下功夫。2)要在研究和探索中做文章。3)要在选题和撰稿时下功夫。4)学会写作无捷径。撰写要勤、撰写要恒、撰写要精、撰写要新。


科研英文论文写作模板 科研英文论文写作模板1.文化标题 ①一般不使用完整的句子,而多用名词(词组)或动名词(词组)。 如:Education for Elite and Its Effect Evaluation (英才教育及其效果评估)Nonlinear Waves in Elastic Rods(弹性棒材的非线形波) Boriding and Eutecticuming of Steel(钢的渗硼与共晶化处理) ②标题不宜过长,最好控制在15个词内,有时可以加副标题。应该力求语义明了,言简意赅。 ③英文学术论文许多情况下不用“Regarding…”, “On…”, “Studies on…”, “Investigation on…”, “Observations on”, “Probe into …”, “Some Thought on…”, “The Method of …”等等。汉语中的许多谦语,如“会议……”、“初探……”、“试论……”等都不宜对应译成英语。 ④少用疑问句标题 2.作者署名 作者及其工作单位、地址应该采用汉语拼音。作者之前不加写学衔、职称,例如Professor, manager 等等。单位地址由小至大,切忌英文和汉语拼音混杂。例如:East Sanhuan, Beijing, 应该写为:Dong Sanhuan, Beijing。在国际会议上发表的论文,作者的单位应该注明国籍和邮政编码。 3. 论文摘要和关键词 关键词写在摘要的下面,一般在4-6个词之间,最少2个,最多不能超过10个。多用名词形式而不使用动词。例如:key word: observation, incubation, examination-oriented education. 4.引言(Introduction) 引言一般应该包括: ①介绍主题内容,即:论文作了何种研究,主题是什么。 ②限定研讨范围,指出论文主题的界限,参数范围,研究工作侧重点等。 ③点明论文的宗旨及研究成果,以及开展该项研究的意义和必要性。 ④列出论文的主要框架,概述个部分的主要内容。 5.正文(Body) 正文一般分为:开头部分(介绍论文的宗旨以及所要探讨的核心问题);叙述部分(通过观


四川外国语大学成都学院外语专业本科毕业论文写作规范 本科毕业论文是实现本科培养目标的重要教学环节。毕业论文的写作是对学生综合素质的检验,它既是检测学生综合运用所学的基础理论、专业知识和基本技能进行科学研究、理论思考与实践设计能力的重要手段,也是对他们进行初步的科研训练,掌握基本的科研方法,培养学生观察问题、分析问题和解决问题能力的重要过程。本科毕业论文是学院教学档案的重要组成部分,为了进一步做好本科生毕业论文工作,加强本科毕业论文的规范管理,结合我院实际,特制定本写作规范。 一、毕业论文总要求 本科毕业论文要求学生在掌握本专业的基础理论、专门知识和基本技能的基础上,通过查阅相关资料,有条理、有逻辑地观察问题、分析问题和解决问题。论文要求观点鲜明、论据充分、论证有力、逻辑性强、条理清楚、文字正确通顺、格式规范。同时,论文鼓励学生进行思维与观念上的创新,培养学生的创新能力,鼓励学生发表新见解;论文应该科学合理地利用资料,严禁抄袭或剽窃他人的作品(具体要求见《四川外语学院成都学院本科生毕业论文撰写条例(暂行)》)。 二、毕业论文打印格式 (一)纸型:A4纸型,除封面外,全部双面打印。 (二)页码:页码从正文第二页开始打印(首页不显示),放在页面的底端,采用“页面底端居中”的格式。 (三)字体:用汉语撰写的论文统一采用“宋体”,用英语、法语、俄语、德语、西班牙语撰写的论文采用“时代新罗马(Times New Roman)” 字体,用日语撰写的论文采用“明朝体”。 (四)字号:论文正文的字号用“小四”,章节标题用“四号”加粗。(五)页边距:采用Windows XP默认页边距:上2.54厘米,下2.54厘米,左3.17厘米,右3.17厘米。 (六)装订线:左边1厘米。 (七)行数:每页44行。 (八)页眉页脚:页眉1.5厘米,页脚1.75厘米。 (九)行距:论文全文采用1.5倍行距。 (十)对齐方式:论文正文采用“两端对齐”的方式,标题或副标题采用“居中”的方式。 三、论文组成部分 本科生的毕业论文应该包括以下部分,字数在3000-4000之间: 第一部分:论文封面页(Cover Page) 第二部分:论文题目页(Title Page) 第三部分:论文目录页(Outline Page) 第四部分:论文正文(Body) 第五部分:论文尾注(Endnotes)


科研论文写作简介 引导语:通过科学实践所获得的科研成果进行总结归纳后,按论点和论据所写成的论证性文章。一篇优秀论文既要求内容丰富、新颖、科学性强,又要富有理论性和实践性,且文字通顺,层次清楚,逻辑性强。 一、题目:文章最重要和最先看到的部分,应能吸引读者,并给人以最简明的提示。 1.应尽量做到简洁明了并紧扣文章的主题,要突出论文中特别有独创性、有特色的内容,使之起到画龙点睛,启迪读者兴趣的作用。 2.字数不应太多,一般不宜超过20个字。 3.应尽量避免使用化学结构式、数学公式或不太为同行所熟悉的符号、简称、缩写以及商品名称等。题目中尽量不要用标点符号。 4.必要时可用副标题来做补充说明,副标题应在正题下加括号或破折号另行书写。 5.若文章属于“资助课题”项目,可在题目的右上角加注释角号(如※、#等),并在脚注处(该文左下角以横线分隔开)书写此角号及其加注内容。 6.为了便于对外交流,应附有英文题名,所有字母均用大写,放在中文摘要与关键词的下面。 二、作者署名:论文的必要组成部分,要能反映实际情况。 1.作者应是论文的撰写者,论文写作指导老师Q:1366273999,是指直接参与了全部或部分主要工作,对该项研究作出实质性贡献,并能对论文的内容和学术问题负责者。 2.研究工作主要由个别人设计完成的,署以个别人的姓名;合写论文的署名应按论文工作贡献的多少顺序排列;学生的毕业论文应注明指导老师的姓名和职称。作者的姓名应给出全名。 3.作者的下一行要写明所在的工作单位(应写全称),并注上邮政编码。 4.为了便于了解与交流,论文的最后应附有通迅作者的详细通讯地址、电话、传真以及电子信箱地址。 三、摘要:科研论文主要内容的简短、扼要而连贯的重述,必须将论文本身新的、最具特色的内容表达出来(重点是结果和结论)。 1.具体写法有“结构式摘要”和“非结构式摘要”两种,前者一般分成目的、方法、结果和结论四个栏目,规定250字左右;后者不分栏目,规定不超过150个字,目前国内大多数的医学、药学期刊都采用“结构式摘要”。 2.摘要具有独立性和完整性,结果要求列出主要数据及统计学显著性。 3.一般以第三人称的语气写,避免用“本文”、“我们”、“本研究”等作为文摘的开头。 四、关键词:主要为了图书情报工作者编写索引,也为了读者通过关键词查阅需要的论文。 1.关键词是从论文中选出来用以表示全文主题内容的单词或术语,要求尽量使用《医学主题词表》(MeSH)中所列的规范性词(称叙词或主题词)。 2.关键词一般选取3~8个词,并标注与中文一一相对应的英文关键词。每个词之间应留有空格以区别之。 3.关键词通常位于摘要之后,引言之前。 五、引言:论文的开端,起纲领的作用,主要回答“为什么研究”这个课题。 1.引言的内容主要介绍论文的研究背景、目的、范围,简要说明研究课题的意义以及前人的主张和学术观点,已经取得的成果以及作者的意图与分析依据,包括论文拟解决的问题、研究范围和技术方案等。 2.引言应言简意赅,不要等同于文摘或成为文摘的注释。如果在正文中采用比较专业化的术语或缩写词时,最好先在引言中定义说明。 3.字数一般在300字以内。 六、正文:科研论文的主体,包括材料、方法、结果、讨论四部分内容,其中某些部


学术论文写作的心得体会 下面是XX的XX为你整理的,希望对你有用。 作为科技期刊发表的论文,其基本要素应包括:题名、作者署名、摘要、关键词、分类号、引言、正文、结论和参考文献。引言、正文、结论、致谢性别籍贯,职称,学位及主要从事什么研究.便于让读者更详细地了解论文责任人。 摘要 文摘是现代科技论文的必要附加部分,它的详略程度取决于文献内容。文摘写作中,其四要素——目的、方法、结果、结论可根据文摘类型有所侧重。通常中文文摘以不超过400字为宜,纯指示性文摘应控制在200字上下。外文文摘不超过250个实词。文摘中要用第三人称,不要使用“本人”、“作者”、“我们”等作为文摘陈述的主语。这是绝大多数作者要注意的地方。 正文与正文中图和表中英文对照 正文 正文是科技论文的核心部分,在引言引出问题后正文中加以分析问题和解决问题。这一部分是作者研究成果的学术性和创造性的集中表现。有的论文思路混乱、结构松散、层次不清,令人把握不准文章主题,这主要是作者没有掌握好正文的论述方式。

正文的论述方式有两种形式:一种是将科学研究的全过程作为一个整体,对有关各方面作综合性论述;另一种是将所研究的全过程按研究内容的实际情况划分为几个阶段,再对各阶段的成果依次进行论述。 图和表中英文对照 现代科技刊物中图和表用得较多,它们已成为科技文献中不可缺少的表述手段。由于它们的运用,使所表述的内容的逻辑性、准确性更强。论文作者在撰写时较好地运用了图、表来表述,但不少作者忽略了论文在对外交流时必要的图和表的中、英文对照,这就势必影响外国读者对论文的理解。他们虽然能从英文题名、英文摘要中得到论文的创新内容及定量式定性的信息梗概,但对事物运动过程和事物之间的关系参量变化过程及试验的数据等更多的重要信息仍无法了解,因此,图和表的中、英文并列给出将便于外国读者了解作者得出结论的重要依据,并由此获得感兴趣的信息。 另外要注意,科技表格采用三线表格,必要时可加辅助短线。 结论与参考文献 结论 论文的写作目的就是要展示其结论。结论是论文的基本构成成分,因此一篇论文不能不写结论,但又不能是正文标题的重复,还要避免以“结果与讨论”作结尾的论文出现其


科研英文论文写作模板科研英文论文写作模板 1.文化标题 ①一般不使用完整的句子,而多用名词(词组)或动名词(词组)。 如:Education for Elite and Its Effect Evaluation (英才教育及其效果评估)Nonlinear Waves in Elastic Rods(弹性棒材的非线形波) Boriding and Eutecticuming of Steel(钢的渗硼与共晶化处理) ②标题不宜过长,最好控制在15个词内,有时可以加副标题。应该力求语义明了,言简意赅。 ③英文学术论文许多情况下不用“Regarding …”, “On …”, “Studies on …”, “Investigation on…”, “Observations on”, “Probe into …”, “Some Thought on …”, “The Method of …”等等。汉语中的许多谦语,如“会议……”、“初探……”、“试论……”等都不宜对应译成英语。 ④少用疑问句标题 2.作者署名 作者及其工作单位、地址应该采用汉语拼音。作者之前不加写学衔、职称,例如Professor , manager 等等。单位地址由小至大,切忌英文和汉语拼音混杂。例如:East Sanhuan, Beijing, 应该写为:Dong Sanhuan, Beijing。在国际会议上发表的论文,作者的单位应该注明国籍和邮政编码。 3. 论文摘要和关键词 关键词写在摘要的下面,一般在4-6个词之间,最少2个,最多不能超过10个。多用名词形式而不使用动词。例如:key word: observation, incubation, examination-oriented education. 4.引言(Introduction )


英文论文写作规范 1.论文版面要求 1.1.页面设置 论文必须统一使用word排版(Word2003或Word2007),并在上传论文时在文档命名中注明使用版本。纸张统一使用A4纸,页面设置信息:上2.54cm;下3.05cm;左2.54cm;右2.54cm。页面中不允许出现页眉页脚和脚注信息。 1.2. 标点 论文中所有标点符号后面必须空一格(即:A+标点+空格+B),括号前后也必须空一格(即:A+空格+左括号+括号内容+右括号+空格+B)。 1.3. 语言及整体格式 论文撰写语言为英文,文中不得出现中文、日文等其他语言文字(部分风景图可以存在非英文字,但必须对图片有解释内容)。论文字体设置为Times New Roman,行距设置为单倍行距,字符间距设置为标准(字符间距默认状态下为标准,一般不用特意修改)。 1.4. 正文 1.4.1. 标题 一、二、三级标题统一使用阿拉伯数字编号,标题单词的首字母大写,标题编号后加“.”。如:1. Introduction;2.1. Formatting paper;3.1.2. Main text。 1.4. 2. 图和表 a)文章中出现的表格的标题需居中并置于表格上方,而图的标题应居中放在图的下方;表和图不得随意分割;表及图的长宽不得超过页边距。 b)图、表应分别使用阿拉伯数字顺序编号,居中设置与正文间距统一设置为10磅。 c)图、表标题应设置为10号Helvetica字体,加粗;图、表编号设置为9号Helvetica 字体,不加粗;图、表标题仅首字母大写;表头设置为8号字体加粗;表格内容设置为常规8号字体。 1.4.3. 公式 论文公式应使用公式编辑器编辑,并统一编号(1)、(2)、(3)……,编号应在该栏中设置为右对齐。 1.5. 参考文献 参考文献的序号按照引用文献在论文中出现的先后顺序连续编号[1]、[2] ……(选中所有文献右击选择“编号”),不能遗漏或颠倒;每篇参考文献至少在正文中出现一次;同一参考文献使用相同编码(即第一次引用时的编码)。在论文中引用参考文献时,用上标的形式(选中编码右击鼠标,选择“字体”,在效果中选择“上标”)随后附上所引用文献在参考文献中的编号。文献不可以为尾注形式。


科研论文及写作方法 一、论文格式 1、论文内容要紧扣主题,有针对性、前瞻性、可行性。 2、用Word软件编排,纸质件和电子版各交一份。其中,纸质 件用A4标准纸(210*297mm)打印,版芯(即文字和空格等所占 的范围)居中,版芯大小为38行*40字(5号字)。 3、论文书写顺序为:标题,作者姓名,工作单位,邮政编码,中文摘要,关键词,正文,参考文献,作者简介。 二、撰写体例 1、文章标题:一般不超过20个汉字,必要时加副标题(需加破折号),并译成英文(实用技术报告文章可以不用)。居中,2号 黑体字。 3、中文摘要:在正文前,用第三人称写法,不以“本文”,“作者”等作主语,150-300字为宜。小5号黑体。 4、关键词:在摘要下方,限3-8个。小5号黑体。 5、正文标题:内容应简洁明了,层次不宜过多(一般不超过4 个层次),各级标题一律顶格并使用阿拉伯数字连 续编号。一级标题用3号黑体字,序号为1,2,3??;二级标题用4号黑体字,序号为1.1,1.2??2.1,2.2??用点号分开;三级标题用4号宋体字,序号为1.1.1,1.1.2?? 1.2.1,1.2.2??用两个下圆点分开。 6、正文文字:用小5号宋体字。 7、文中公式、算式和方程式均应编排序号。计量单位和符号,缩略词应使用国家标准和国际通用符号。数字用法执行GB/T15835-1995《出版物上数字用法的规定》,凡公元纪年、年代、年、月、

日、时刻、各种记数与计量等均采用阿拉伯数字;夏历、清代及其 以前纪年、星期几、数字作为语素构成的定型词、词组、惯用语、 缩略语、临近两数字并列连用的概略语等用汉字数字。外文字符须 分清大小写、正斜体、上下角,对易混淆之处请注明。 8、图表:文中尽量少用图表,必须使用时,应简洁,明了,少 占篇幅,建议累计不超过5幅。图表均采用黑色线条,分别用阿拉 伯数字顺序编号(如表1、图1),应有简明表题(放表上),图题(放图下),表中数字应注明资料来源。文中表格取消表头左上角 斜线,一律使用三线表,提供图片,照片必须清晰。图表中的文字,数字使用小5号宋体。 9、注释:是对文章某一特定内容的解释或说明,其序号为 ①②③??,注释文字与标点应与正文一致,注释置于文尾,参考文 献之前。 10、参考文献:是对引文作者、作品、出处、版本等情况的说明。必须为公开出版物,引用文献应在文章中的引用处右上角加注序号(如[1],[2]??),详细引文情况按顺序排列文尾,用6号宋体字。 引用文献超过200字就应该列参考文献。 以单字母方式标识以下各种参考文献类型:普通图书[M]、会议 论文[C]、报纸文章[N]、期刊文章[J]、学位论文[D]、报告[R]、标准[S]、专利〔P〕、汇编[G]、档案[B]、古籍[O]、参考工具[K]。格式 与示例如下: (1)图书类格式:[序号]主要责任者。文献题名:其他题名信 息(任选)[文献类型标识]。其他责任者(任选)。出版地:出版者,出版年:起止页码。 示例:[2]辛希孟。信息技术与信息服务国际研讨会论文集:A集[C]。北京:中国社会科学出版社,1994:58-61。示例:[3]吕启祥,林东海。红楼梦研究稀见资料汇编 [G]。北京:人民文学出版社,2001:22-27。


前段时间实验室一下子发了四篇国际会议的论文,导师特意请其中一位师姐写了一篇关于英文论文写作的注意事项。贴在这里,以后有可能会用到的。 以下是师姐的原文: 阅读文献应该注意的: 1, 平时看相关论文时就养成积累的习惯,即时摘录有用的,特别注意下比较好的表达句式、过渡句、算法表达等; 2, 阅读一篇文献,需要了解文章的动机、方案、评估、贡献、展望,可以以此撰写250字左右的英文摘要,也可即时写下阅读时想到的问题; 3 , 写作前再把相关论文都找出来,反复认真看几遍,看完几篇、几十篇论文,然后拋开这些论文自己写,写完以后,再回头阅读别人的论文,然后去修改,如此反复几次,将论文改到极致。 论文写作应该注意的: 1, 切忌采用中文翻译成英文的方式撰写; 2, 论文标题不宜过长,大多为8—12个单词左右,标题中所用的词尽量使用表达全文内容的关键词; 3, 论文结构要布置好,可以找一片相关领域的同类论文,参考其论文的段落结构,一般有abstract, introduction, related work ,methods, results, conclusion 几部分; 4, 读几篇准备投稿杂志上发表的类似课题的论文,体会一下这个杂志的偏好,然后再决定论文应该如何组织,做出一个简单的提纲(详细到每一段落写什么内容); 5, Introduction 部分,最重要的是要保持鲜明的层次感和极强的逻辑性,说明问题说明贡献所在,一般可以从以下三方面着手: // General background, problem statement, motivation, aims/goals, technical contribution // General overview of the approach, the strategy to tackle the problem, the algorithmic scheme // The key technical points, assumptions, the organization/ structure of the paper etc. 提出自己的观点常用句式:We aim to//This paper reports on//This paper provides results//This paper extends the method//This paper focus on……The purpose of this paper is to……Furthermore, Moreover, In addition, we will also discuss…… 6, Related work 部分,要将该领域的工作全面概况,不能有遗漏。叙述别人工作时,结构通常为:某某(两人用and 连接,三人以上才用et.al !)做了什么工作[文献]。多用过去时态。引用文献时注意防止造成抄袭的印象,即不要原文抄录,要用自己的话进行总结描述。如果审稿人正好是文献的引用者的话,原文照抄的结果一定会很糟糕。 7, Method 部分,首先描述清楚问题,然后说明解决途径,要说明清楚到别人能重复你的工作。对于其中的算法描述,要善于归纳,多用形式化表达,尽量简单明了;有些在国外可能早已成为常规的方法,在引用时就可仅写出方法名称,而不必一一描述其操作步骤。 8,Conclusion 部分,一般具体内容有 (1) 概括说明本课题的研究内容、结果及其意义与价值。 (2) 比较具体地说明本研究证明了什么假设或理论,得出了什么结论,研究结果有何实用价值,有何创造性成果或见[ZZ]英文论文写作心得 作者:笔记 来源:博客园 发布时间:2009-05-31 14:18 阅读:353 次 原文链接 [收藏]


? 1. When writing proposals, we should concentrate on the reviewers’ preferences.(1分) B 正确错误 ?多选2. Which are included in the biographical sketches?(1分)ABC Key investigators in the https://www.doczj.com/doc/d72542081.html,cational background.Academic duties.Current status (literature reviews). ?多选3. Which are included in the progress report?(1分)ABCD Background information: A description of current status: results, methodologies,Conclusions.Achievements so far. ?多选4. Which are included in the contents of a proposal?(1分)ABCD Project descriptions.References cited.Biographical sketches .Budget. ?单选5. Which are concluded in current achievements related to the proposed project?(1分) D Related projects completed.Related publications Related duties All the above. ? 6. Which is not included in introduction?(1分) C Motivations..Basis for proposing the project Approach.Current status (literature reviews). ?单选7. What are the strategies when we write proposals?(1分) D We need to present the key ideas clearly and convincingly in first several pages.We have to be creative and try very hard to set up new problems and propose new approaches unlikely to be thought about by others.For different kinds of proposals, we should use different strategies.All the above. ?单选8. Which assumptions should not we accept when writing proposals?(1分)B The reviewers are statistically unbiased and intelligent.The reviewers know the background of the proposal very well.The reviewers are smart but very busy.There are many smart researchers out there competing on the same subject and proposing similar or better ideas ?多选9. Which disciplines are included in “Micro sensor and wireless sensor networks”?(1分)ABCD Information engineering.Mechanical engineering.Physics & chemistry.Biology. ?多选10. Why is the interdisciplinary research important?(1分)ABCD

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