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Engineering cost management

Project cost control emphasis should be transferred to the project construction early days, is transferred to the project decision and design stage. Project cost control in construction projects throughout the entire process, the key lies in the pre construction investment decision-making with design phase, whereas in the investment decision is made, the key lies in designing. According to expert analysis: architectural design, in the preliminary design stage, design stage, construction design stage to the engineering effect were 75% ~ 95%, 35% ~ 75%, 5% ~ 35%; while in the construction phase, through the optimization of construction organization design, construction cost saving the possibility of only 5% to 10%. We should put the focus shifted to the design stage, in order to get twice the result with half the effort.

Pay attention to the technical and economic optimization combination. The combination of technology with economy is most effective way to control engineering cost. China engineering fields for a long time did not do this. The lack of technical personnel economy idea, design thought is conservative, the design of the outcome of the economy are not fully reflect. Therefore, we should solve the problem is to improve economic efficiency as the goal, in the construction process, organization, technology and economy organic ground union rises. Through the economic analysis, comparative study and effect evaluation, correct processing of advanced technology and reasonable in economy between the relation of unity of opposites, strive to advanced technology under the conditions of economic rational, reasonable in economy based on advanced technology.

Carry out "limitation is designed" method. To be consciously put the application of value engineering to the specific design, actively promote quota design in engineering design contract, by way of bidding. This has been proven in practice is an effective way, it is not only an economic problem, more precisely a technical and economic problems. This "limitation is designed" to effectively control the project cost. In order to make the "limitation is designed" to achieve the desired objectives, should be involved in the design personnel must be experienced skilled economic designer. Their design results must be practical, advanced and reasonable cost. Control of engineering cost on the other hand is the need for comparison, because the outcome is a process of gradual improvement, and not to decide, so the comparison is a measure of its practical, advanced and economical means.

Do good project cost control in the process. ( 1) compilation of economic and feasible construction scheme. Before construction, construction enterprises should be combined with the construction drawings and the actual situation at the scene, their mechanical equipment, construction experience, the management level and technical specification acceptance criteria, a set of practical and feasible construction scheme. The construction scheme is engineering implementation of the programme of action. ( 2) to technical personnel, materials, machinery and personnel staff communication

and coordination. In the process of construction, construction technology, materials and mechanical personnel should cooperate closely, understand each other, to management as the core, to reduce costs for the purpose of. ( 3) to the project completion settlement. Strict supervision system. Control project cost effectively, in the early phase of the project shall be subject to supervision (including cost management ) system. Through analyzing the design process of supervision, make the design more reasonable, cost control to limit the scope of, accomplish truly with the smallest investment maximize output.

Strict supervision system. Control project cost effectively, in the early phase of the project shall be subject to supervision (including cost management ) system. Through analyzing the design process of supervision, make the design more reasonable, cost control to limit the scope of, accomplish truly with the smallest investment maximize output.

To establish and perfect the independent project cost advisory body, cultivate a Zhi De have both engineering team. To establish a real sense of independent engineering cost consulting agencies. Through improving the laws and regulations, normative behavior, separate government functions from enterprise management, the establishment of independent business partnership, share-holding system, the limited responsibility system and other forms of organization, an industry-based, diversified services integrated project consulting company, build and development and reform the engineering cost intermediary service institutions, make construction project management of a gradual transition by an independent specialized agency in charge of project cost whole process tracking management, truly between owner and contractor plays an intermediary role. To strengthen engineering cost consulting industry association construction, establish project cost consulting industry self-discipline mechanism, and constantly improve the Engineering Cost Association in engineering cost consulting industry status, to be truly representative of the interests of the majority of the industry practitioners, government and enterprises to become connection link and the bridge. At the same time to strengthen the project cost specialty in higher education and in service education. As a result of project cost management in construction projects and various economic interests are closely related, and the whole social economic activities play a very important role, it requires the cost engineering technical personnel should have different levels of knowledge, in addition to their professional knowledge and have a deep understanding, also deal with the design content, design process, construction technology, project management, economic laws and regulations have a comprehensive understanding of. Therefore, the project cost management, project cost per unit of society groups, has already obtained a cost engineer qualification personnel, in order to carry out plan, has the goal, multiple levels of continuing education and training, to understand and master Chinese bilateral agreements with countries project cost technology, regulations, management system and its development trend, to expand domestic and foreign exchanges, and actively participate in international or regional engineering activities, improve their professional quality, so that the current practitioners in intelligent

structure, theory and working experience three aspects can meet the needs of engineering cost management. Cost engineering professionals need to strengthen their own learning, in addition to the professional knowledge to upgrade, should also work in combination with a broad understanding and master the relevant engineering and technical expertise, educational organizations and industry regulatory bodies constitute a complete education system, so as to the field of engineering senior talent development to create good conditions.










工程项目管理专业英语(下) 汉译英

8 1、The construction contract price includes the direct project cost including field supervision expenses plus the markup imposed by contractors for general overhead expenses and profit. 建设工程合同价格由包括现场管理费在内的直接工程费和承包商添加的包括间接费和利润在内的增加值这两部分组成。 2、Within each of the major categories of construction such as residential housing, commercial buildings, industrial complexes and infrastructure, there are smaller segments which have very different environments with regard to price setting. 在建设工程的每一主要类型中(如居住用房、商业建筑、工业建筑和基础建设),有更小的部分,关于价格的制定有非常不同的环境。 3、However, all pricing arrangements have some common features in the form of the legal documents binding the owner and the supplier(s) of the facility. 约束业主和设备供应商的法律文件形式规定的计价方式是有一些相同之处的。 4、Without addressing special issues in various industry segments, the most common types of pricing arrangements can be described broadly to illustrate the basic principles. 在不考虑各建筑类型不同的情况下,最常用的计价方式可以根据概括介绍如下,并说明其基本原则。 5、The basic structure of the bidding process consists of the formulation of detailed plans and specifications of a facility based on the objectives and requirements of the owner, and the invitation of qualified contractors to bid for the right to execute the project. 招投标过程中的基本结构由根据业主的目标和要求编制实施的详细图纸和技术要求说明书,以及邀请合格的承包商为取得工程施工的权利而投标所组成的。 6、In the private sector, the owner has considerable latitude in selecting the bidders, ranging from open competition to the restriction of bidders to a few favored contractors. 在私营部门,业主在选择投标人有相当大的自由,范围从公开竞争的投标人到将投标人限制在若干个业主所喜欢的投标人。 7、In the public sector, the rules are carefully delineated to place all qualified contractors on an equal footing for competition, and strictly enforced to prevent collusion among contractors and unethical or illegal actions by public officials. 在公共项目领域中,需详细的制定规则,以使所有预审合格的承包商在平等基础上竞争,并严格执行,以防止承包商之间的相互串通和政府官员的不道德或违法行为。 8、In such cases, the contractor is permitted to submit a list of unit prices for those tasks, and the final price used to determine the lowest bidder is based on the lump sum price computed by multiplying the quoted unit price for each specified task by the corresponding quantity in the owner's estimates for quantities. 在这种情况下,允许承包商提交这些任务的分部分项工程量的单价表,而于确定最低投标人的最终价格是基于总投标报价时所用的计算方法,既通过将通过承包商对每一具体


工程项目管理常用英语 工艺包 process package 工艺设计 process design 工艺发表 process release 工艺预发表 initial process release 工作范围;项目任务范围 scope of work ; project scope 工作包 work package 工作项 work item 任务单项 line item 分解结构 breakdown structure 工作分解结构 work breakdown structure 组织分解机构 organizational breakdown structure 项目大项工作分解结构 project summary work breakdown structure承包商标准工作分解结构;工程公司标准工作分解结构 contractor's standard work breakdown structure 责任分工矩阵 responsibility assignment matrix 风险 risk 风险分析 risk analysis 风险备忘录 risk memorandum 公司本部 home office 公司本部服务 home office service 公用工程 utility 计划 plan 项目计划 project plan (项目)设计计划 (project)engineering plan

(项目)采购计划 (project)procurement plan (项目)施工计划 (project)construction plan (项目)开车计划 (project)start-up plan 专利 patent 专利权 patent right 产权技术 proprietary technology 专利技术 licensed technology 专有技术;技术诀窍 know-how 许可证 license 专利商;许可方 licensor 受许可放;受让方 licensee (技术)转让费;提成费 royalty 许可证费 license fee 专有技术费 know-how fee 专业 discipline 工艺 process design ; process engineering 系统 systems engineering 设备 equipment engineering 布置 plant layout engineering 管道设计 piping design 管道机械 piping mechanical engineering 仪表 instruments engineering 电气 electrical engineering 建筑 architectural engineering


U2-S1什么是项目管理? 建筑项目管理不仅需要对设计和实施过程有所理解,而且需要现代管理知识。建设项目有一组明确的目标和约束,比如竣工日期。尽管相关的技术、组织机构或流程会有所不同,但建设项目同其他一些如航天、医药和能源等准等领域的项目在管理上仍然有共同之处。 一般来说,项目管理和以项目任务为导向的企业宏观管理不同,待项目任务的完成后,项目组织通常也会随之终止。(美国)项目管理学会对项目管理学科有如下定义:项目管理是一门指导和协调人力物力资源的艺术,在项目整个生命周期,应用现代管理技术完成预定的规模、成本、时间、质量和参与满意度目标。 与此形成对照,一般的工商企业管理更广泛地着眼于业务的更加连贯性和连续性。然而,由于这两者之间有足够的相似和差异,使得现代管理技术开发宏观管理可以用于项目管理。 项目管理框架的基本要素可以用图2-1表示。其中,应用宏观管理知识和熟悉项目相关知识领域是不可或缺的。辅助性学科如计算机科学和决策科学也会发挥重要作用。实际上,现代管理实践与各专业知识领域已经吸收应用了各种不同的技术和工具,而这些技术和工具曾一度仅仅被视作属于辅助学科领域。例如,计算机信息系统和决策支持系统是目前常见的宏观管理工具。同样,许多像线性规划和网络分析这样的运算研究工具,现在广泛应用在许多知识和应用领域。因此,图2- 1反映了项目管理框架演变的唯一来源。 具体来说,建设项目管理包含一组目标,该目标可能通过实施一系列服从资源约束的运作来实现。在规模、成本、时间和质量的既定目标与人力、物力和财力资源限制之间存在着潜在冲突。这些冲突应该在项目开始时通过必要的权衡和建立新备选方案来解决。另外,施工项目管理的功能通常包括以下: 1. 项目目标和计划说明书中包括规模、预算安排、进度安排、设置性能需求和项目参与者的界定。 2. 根据规定的进度和规划,通过对劳动力、材料和设备的采购使资源的有效利用最大化。 3. 在项目全过程中,通过对计划、设计、估算、合同和施工的适当协调控制来实施项目各项运作。 4. 设立有效的沟通机制来解决不同参与方之间的冲突。 项目管理学会聚焦九个不同独特领域,这些领域需要项目经理所具有的知识和关注度: 1. 项目宏观管理,确保项目要素有效协调。 2. 项目范围管理,确保所需的所有工作(并且只有所需的工作)。 3. 项目时间管理,提供有效的项目进度。 4. 项目成本管理,确定所需资源和维持预算控制。 5. 项目质量管理,确保满足功能需求。 6 . 项目人力资源管理,有效地开发和聘用项目人员。 7 . 项目沟通管理,确保有效的内部和外部通信。 8. 项目风险管理,分析和规避潜在风险。 9. 项目采购管理,从外部获得必要资源。

项目管理中常用英语 (2)

项目管理中常用英语(转载学习) 工程项目管理常用英语工艺包 process package 工艺设计process design 工艺发表 process release 工艺预发表initial process release 工作范围;项目任务范围 scope of work; project scope 工作包 work package 工作项work item 任务单项 line item 分解结构 breakdown structure 工作分解结构work breakdown structure 组织分解机构organizationalbreakdown structure 项目大项工作分解结构project summary work breakdown structure 承包商标准工作分解结构;工程公司标准工作分解结构 contractor's st andard work breakdown structure 责任分工矩阵 responsibility assignment matrix 风险risk 风险分析risk analysis 风险备忘录risk memorandum 公司本部 home office 公司本部服务 home office service 公用工程utility 计划plan

项目计划project plan (项目)设计计划 (project)engineering plan (项目)采购计划 (project)procurementplan (项目)施工计划(project)construction plan (项目)开车计划 (project)start-up plan 专利 patent 专利权 patent right 产权技术proprietary technology 专利技术 licensed technology 专有技术;技术诀窍 know-how 许可证 license 专利商;许可方 licensor 受许可放;受让方 licensee (技术)转让费;提成费royalty 许可证费 license fee 专有技术费know-howfee 专业 discipline 工艺 process design ; process engineering 系统 systems engineering 设备equipment engineering 布置 plant layout engineering 管道设计 piping design 管道机械piping mechanical engineering


工程项目管理英文自我评价 工程项目管理英文自我评价篇一Since entering the university strict demands on themselves, and consciously study, and actively participate in the practice of various sports, and enhance individual comprehensive ability and all aspects of quality. Ideology, the pursuit of advanced, pragmatic, willing to forge ahead, positive and progressive. In the school as a student cadre during the strict demands on themselves, a serious and responsible, helpful, and actively carry out student activities, enrich students life between classes, and consciously assist the class cadre, the Department of cadres planning, organizing various sports activities, have a certain ability and The enthusiasm to participate in the work. In many activities by the teachers recognition and the recognition of students. Learning, love of professional, good grades, practical experience. I take the initiative to put into practice, and actively participate in social practice. In the work from the unfamiliar to the familiar, from a loss to be handy. On this basis, gained a lot of practical experience, establish a strong sense of responsibility, dedication,


. ysd15#12使用道具中级加为好友只看该作者发表于 2007-5-24 08:47 资料个人空间个人短信 会员 )工程项目管理常用英语(原创 状态 process package 工艺包离线 process design 工艺设计process release 工艺发表 initial process release 工艺预发表 scope of work ; project scope ;工作范围项目任务范围 work package 工作包 work item 工作项 line item 任务单项 breakdown structure 分解结构 work breakdown structure[WBS] 工作分解结构 organizational breakdown structure[OBS] 组织分解机构project summary work breakdown structure[PSWBS] 项目大项工作分解结构工程公司标准工作分解结;承包商标准工作分解结构 contractor's standard work breakdown structure[CSWBS] 构 responsibility assignment matrix[RAM] 责任分工矩阵 risk 风险 risk analysis 风险分析 risk memorandum 风险备忘录home office 公司本部 home office service 公司本部服务 utility 公用工程plan 计划 project plan 项目计划 (project)engineering plan 设计计划(项目) (project)procurement plan 采购计划(项目) (project)construction plan (项目)施工计划 (project)start-up plan (开车计划项目) patent 专利 patent right 专利权 proprietary technology 产权技术 licensed technology 专利技术 know-how 技术诀窍专有技术; license 许可证 licensor 专利商;许可方 licensee 受让方受许可放; royalty )(技术转让费提成费; license fee 许可证费. . know-how fee 专有技术费 discipline 专业 process design ; process engineering 工艺 systems engineering 系统 equipment engineering 设备 plant layout engineering 布置 piping design 管道设计 piping mechanical engineering 管道机械 instruments engineering 仪表 electrical engineering 电气 architectural engineering 建筑 civil engineering 土建 start-up 开车 commissioning 试车 start-up ; test run ; initial operations


工艺包process package 工艺设计process design 工艺发表process release 工艺预发表initial process release 工作范围;项目任务范围scope of work ; project scope 工作包work package 工作项work item 任务单项line item 分解结构breakdown structure 工作分解结构work breakdown structure 组织分解机构organizational breakdown structure 项目大项工作分解结构project summary work breakdown structure 承包商标准工作分解结构;工程公司标准工作分解结构contractor's standard work breakdown structure 责任分工矩阵responsibility assignment matrix 风险risk 风险分析risk analysis 风险备忘录risk memorandum 公司本部home office 公司本部服务home office service 公用工程utility 计划plan 项目计划project plan (项目)设计计划(project)engineering plan

(项目)采购计划(project)procurement plan (项目)施工计划(project)construction plan (项目)开车计划(project)start-up plan 专利patent 专利权patent right 产权技术proprietary technology 专利技术licensed technology 专有技术;技术诀窍know-how 许可证license 专利商;许可方licensor 受许可放;受让方licensee (技术)转让费;提成费royalty 许可证费license fee 专有技术费know-how fee 专业discipline 工艺process design ; process engineering 系统systems engineering 设备equipment engineering 布置plant layout engineering 管道设计piping design 管道机械piping mechanical engineering 仪表instruments engineering 电气electrical engineering 建筑architectural engineering


A 1. architectural and engineering(A/E)film建筑和工程设计公司 2. additional provision附加条款 3. activity-on-branch network双代号网络图 B 4. bids and quotations投标和报价 5. bill of quantities工程量清单 6. bid estimate投标估价 7. budget estimates 预算估价 C 8. conceptual planning stage概念规划阶段(前期策划阶段) 9. competitive bidding竞争性招/投标 10. certified public accounting(CPA)注册会计师 11. construction mangers(CM)职业化的建设项目经理 12. construction management contractor(CMC)建设项目管理承包商) 13. construction planning施工计划 14. construction operations施工作业 15. concrete mix混领土拌和物 16. concrete mixers混凝土搅拌机 17. cost estimation成本估算 18. control estimate控制估算 19. cost indices成本指数 20. Consumer price index消费价格指数 21. Cash flow profile现金流分布形态 22. contract dispute合同纠纷 23. computer aided design(CAD)计算机辅助设计 24. computerized database计算机化的数据库 25. critical path method关键线路法 26. Court judgments法庭的判决 27. Construction yard施工场地 D 28. detailed estimates 详细估算 29. dispute resolution mechanism争端解决机制 30. design drawing设计图纸 31. dummy activities虚工作 32. Document control文档控制 E 33. estimate stage估算阶段 34. evaluation stage评估阶段


工程项目管理常用英语 工艺包process package 工艺设计process design 工艺发表process release 工艺预发表initial process release 工作范围;项目任务范围scope of work ; project scope 工作包work package 工作项work item 任务单项line item 分解结构breakdown structure 工作分解结构work breakdown structure[WBS] 组织分解机构organizational breakdown structure[OBS] 项目大项工作分解结构project summary work breakdown structure[PSWBS] 承包商标准工作分解结构;工程公司标准工作分解结构contractor's standard work breakdown structure[CSWBS] 责任分工矩阵responsibility assignment matrix[RAM] 风险risk 风险分析risk analysis 风险备忘录risk memorandum 公司本部home office 公司本部服务home office service 公用工程utility 计划plan 项目计划project plan (项目)设计计划(project)engineering plan (项目)采购计划(project)procurement plan (项目)施工计划(project)construction plan (项目)开车计划(project)start-up plan 专利patent 专利权patent right 产权技术proprietary technology 专利技术licensed technology 专有技术;技术诀窍know-how 许可证license 专利商;许可方licensor 受许可放;受让方licensee (技术)转让费;提成费royalty 许可证费license fee 专有技术费know-how fee 专业discipline 工艺process design ; process engineering 系统systems engineering 设备equipment engineering


项目管理中常用英语(转载学习) 工程项目管理常用英语工艺包 process package 工艺设计 process design 工艺发表 process release 工艺预发表 initial process release 工作范围;项目任务范围 scope of work ; project scope 工作包 work package 工作项 work item 任务单项 line item 分解结构 breakdown structure 工作分解结构 work breakdown structure 组织分解机构 organizational breakdown structure 项目大项工作分解结构 project summary work breakdown structure 承包商标准工作分解结构;工程公司标准工作分解结构 contractor's standard work breakdown structure 责任分工矩阵 responsibility assignment matrix 风险 risk 风险分析 risk analysis 风险备忘录 risk memorandum 公司本部 home office 公司本部服务 home office service 公用工程 utility 计划 plan 项目计划 project plan

(项目)设计计划 (project)engineering plan (项目)采购计划 (project)procurement plan (项目)施工计划 (project)construction plan (项目)开车计划 (project)start-up plan 专利 patent 专利权 patent right 产权技术 proprietary technology 专利技术 licensed technology 专有技术;技术诀窍 know-how 许可证 license 专利商;许可方 licensor 受许可放;受让方 licensee (技术)转让费;提成费 royalty 许可证费 license fee 专有技术费 know-how fee 专业 discipline 工艺 process design ; process engineering 系统 systems engineering 设备 equipment engineering 布置 plant layout engineering 管道设计 piping design 管道机械 piping mechanical engineering 仪表 instruments engineering

工程项目管理 英文文献 Construction Project Management

What Is Construction Project Management? Construction projects requires knowledge of modern management as well as an understanding of the design and construction process. Construction projects have a specific set of objectives and constraints such as a required time frame for completion. While the relevant technology, institutional arrangements or processes will differ, the management of such projects has much in common with the management of similar types of projects in other specialty or technology domains such as aerospace, pharmaceutical and energy developments. Generally, project management is distinguished from the general management of corporations by the mission-oriented nature of a project. A project organization will generally be terminated when the mission is accomplished. According to the Project Management Institute, the discipline of project management can be defined as follows: Project management is the art of directing and coordinating human and material resources throughout the life of a project by using modern management techniques to achieve predetermined objectives of scope, cost, time, quality and participation satisfaction. By contrast, the general management of business and industrial corporations assumes a broader outlook with greater continuity of operations. Nevertheless, there are sufficient similarities as well as differences between the two so that modern management techniques developed for general management may be adapted for project management. The Basic Ingredients The basic ingredients for a project management framework may be represented schematically in the figure below. A working knowledge of general management and familiarity with the special knowledge domain related to the project are indispensable. Supporting disciplines such as computer science and decision science may also play an important role. In fact, modern management practices and various special knowledge domains have absorbed various techniques or tools which were once identified only with the


美国项目管理学会 一、名词解释(5*2=10 ) PMI, Project Ma nageme nt In stitute, PMP, Project Man ageme nt Professio nal, 项目管理专业人员认证 PMBOK, Project Ma nageme nt Body of Kno wledge, 项目管理知识体 系

PLC, project life cycle, 项目生命周期 RFP, Request for proposal, 需求建议书 WBS, Work Breakdow n Structure, 工作分解结构 CPM, Critical path method, 关键路径法 PERT, Project Evaluation and Review Technique,计划评审技术 AOA, Activity-On-Arrow, 双代号网络图法 AON, Activity-o n-n ode, 单代号网络图 CPI, Cost Performanee Index, 成本绩效指数(挣值(EV)/实际成 本(AC)) RAM, Resp on sibility Assig nment Matrix, 职责分配矩阵P&L, Profit and loss 损益 VAT, value-added tax,加值税、增值税 QA, Quality Assura nee, 质量保障 、填空题 (5*2=10 )。 1. A project_ is an endeavour objective through a unique set the effective utilization of resources. 1. to of accomplish a specific in terrelated tasks and 项目是努力完成一 个特定的目标,通过一套独特的相互关联的任务和资源的有效利用。 2. A project manager is responsible for planning the work and then work the pla n. 项目经理负责规划工作,然后工作计划。 3. The project life cycle has four phases: initiating, pla nning, perform ing, and clos ing the project. 项目生命周期有四个阶段:启动、规划、执行和结束项目。 4. Project selection_invoIves evaluating potential projects


Acceptance Criteria验收标准:在验收项目可交付成果之前必须满足的标准,包括绩效要求和基本条件。 Acquire Project Team[Process] 组建项目团队[过程]:确认可用人力资源并组建项目所需团队的过程。 Activity活动:在项目过程中实施的工作单元。 Activity Attributes [Output/Input] 活动属性:可列入活动清单的每一项进度活动所具有的多种属性。活动属性包括:活动编码、紧前活动、紧后活动、逻辑关系、时间提前量和时间滞后量、资源要求、强制日期、制约因素和假设条件。 Activity Code活动编码:由一个或若干个数字或字母组成,用来识别工作特征,或以某种方式对进度活动进行分类,以便在报告中对活动进行筛选和排列。 Activity Duration活动持续时间:用日历单位表示的、进度活动从开始到完成的时间长度。参见“持续时间”。 Activity Identifier活动标志:为了使项目活动之间能相互区别,而分配给每项进度活动的、简短且唯一的数字或字母标志。在任何一个项目进度网络图中,活动标志通常不能重复。 Activity List [Output/Input] 活动清单:列出进度活动的正式表格,用来显示活动描述、活动标志以及足够详细的工作范围描述,使项目团队成员知道应当完成哪些工作。Actual Cost (AC)实际成本:在一个给定的时间段内,为完成进度活动或工作分解结构组成部分的工作,而实际发生并记录在案的总成本。实际成本有时仅为直接工时或直接成本,有时也为包括间接成本在内的所有成本。实际成本也称“已完工作实际成本(ACWP)”。参见“挣值管理”和“挣值技术”。 Actual Cost of Work Performed (ACWP)已完工作实际成本:见“实际成本”。Actual Duration实际持续时间:进度活动的实际开始日期与数据日期(如果该进度活动尚未完成)或实际完成日期(如果该进度活动已经完成)之间的、以日历单位表示的时间长度。 Administer Procurements [Process] 管理采购:管理采购关系、监督合同绩效以及采取必要的变更和纠正措施的过程。 Analogous Estimating [Technique] 类比估算:以过去类似活动的参数值(如范围、成本、预算和持续时间等)或规模指标(如尺寸、重量和复杂性等)为基础,来估算未来活动的同类参数或指标的估算技术。 Analysis SWOT( Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities and Threats) SWOT分析:这种信息收集技术从项目的每一个优势、劣势、机会和威胁出发,对项目进行考察,以便更全面地考虑风险。 Application Area应用领域:具有显著共性的一类项目,而这些共性并非所有项目所必需或具备的。应用领域通常根据产品(如采用相似技术或生产方式)、客户类型(如内部或外部客户,政府或商业客户)或产业部门(如公用事业、汽车、航空航天、信息技术等)来定义。应用领域的划分可能出现交叉。 Approved Change Request[Output/Input] 批准的变更请求:经过整体变更控制过程处理并批准的变更请求。 Assumptions假设:指那些在制定计划时,未经验证但仍被视为正确、真实或确定的因素。 Assumptions Analysis [Technique] 假设分析:探讨假设的准确性,并识别因其中的错误、矛盾或片面性所致的项目风险的一种技术。 Authority职权:使用项目资源,花费资金,做出决策或给予批准的权力。


标题:项目管理中常用英语 工程项目管理常用英语工艺包 process package 工艺设计 process design 工艺发表 process release 工艺预发表 initial process release 工作范围;项目任务范围 scope of work ; project scope 工作包 work package 工作项 work item 任务单项 line item 分解结构 breakdown structure 工作分解结构 work breakdown structure 组织分解机构 organizational breakdown structure 项目大项工作分解结构 project summary work breakdown structure承包商标准工作分解结构;工程公司标准工作分解结构 contractor's standard work breakdown structure 责任分工矩阵 responsibility assignment matrix 风险 risk 风险分析 risk analysis 风险备忘录 risk memorandum 公司本部 home office 公司本部服务 home office service 公用工程 utility 计划 plan 项目计划 project plan

(项目)设计计划 (project)engineering plan (项目)采购计划 (project)procurement plan (项目)施工计划 (project)construction plan (项目)开车计划 (project)start-up plan 专利 patent 专利权 patent right 产权技术 proprietary technology 专利技术 licensed technology 专有技术;技术诀窍 know-how 许可证 license 专利商;许可方 licensor 受许可放;受让方 licensee (技术)转让费;提成费 royalty 许可证费 license fee 专有技术费 know-how fee 专业 discipline 工艺 process design ; process engineering 系统 systems engineering 设备 equipment engineering 布置 plant layout engineering 管道设计 piping design 管道机械 piping mechanical engineering 仪表 instruments engineering

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