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Writing Essay
Writing Essay

Writing Essay

---environment issue in China

Name: Cole Wang

Student Number: 2110907336

Date: May 16, 2009

Course: English Writing

1. Introduction

This essay tells you the condition and analysis of environmental problems nowadays. I want to everyone who read this report will care about these problems and take actions to protect our environment.

In this report, I write the environment pollutions about air, water and the problems of ecological crisis. In addition, I analyse the reasons of these problems. I show the causes of government, companies and people. At last, I put forward some advices and measures to solve the problems.

Though the economy develops so fast, China has to pay more to solve the environment pollution problems. In one side, economy develop speed, foreign exchange reserve, amount of main industrial production become the first in the world. But in other side, the wasting of materials and energy sources, water pollution and air pollution become the first at the same time. All truths make us have to consider the developing way again. Does it adapt to China? Does it can go on in the future? Does it can make China become better?

2.0 Body

2.1.1 Serious environmental problems

China is not able to transfer pollutions to other countries. So it has to leave over all pollutions in china and create GDP at the same time after burning its energy sources. But the GDP is consisted a great part of environmental cost. Just ground water pollutions and soil pollutions include 3.05 percent of GDP in 2004. 90 percent of air pollutions are produced by chemical industry. In addition, 70 percent of air pollutions hereinto are come from electric factories that burn coals. They have to burn a great number of coals which will produce much carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide. The amount of coal reach 2.6 billion tons in 2007 and it is going to reach 3 billion tons. The stated content of sulphur dioxide is 12 million tons. But now, China comes into being about 29 million ton sulphur dioxide. If China does not change the frame of burning coal, it will have to meet the serious social problems.

2.1.2The environment is unsustainable

One third of land is polluted by acid rain, 70 percent of rivers are polluted. 90 percent of rivers that flow from cities are polluted badly. More than 300 million people live in country cannot drink cleanly water.

About 400 million people live in city cannot breath fresh air. General high energy cost, high pollution, high consumption economy develop mode make China become a great country to waste energy sources.

2.1.3 The biology is unsustainable

The areas of desert were extending at the speed of 3436 square kilometres every year in 1990s. Not only in western and northern areas which are lack of rain water but also in southern areas where it always rains, have many rivers stopped flowing. For most man-made everglades instead of natural everglades, lakes and everglades are disappeared piece by piece. Ground water level is falling continually. Now more than 400 cities are lack of water and 100 cities hereinto are especially serious.In addition,red tide becomes more and more prevalent in China. Nearly all seacoast can see red tide every year.

2.2Reason analyse

2.2.1Companies expand immoderately

As the competition is more and more drastic, companies have to take any measure to make reduce cost and increase efficiency to gain more profit. So many companies in China are expanding their size by adding the mode of management. But they will not get the anticipative goal if companies develop without adapt technologies and normal

calibrations. There are many problems in companies develop process.

1.The calibrations of companies are behindhand. These will have bad

effect on the process of standardization. Many companies do not learn new environmental laws and create new calibrations to produce in the future.

2.These companies do not have environmental competition

consciousness. They just think about how much profit they will get.

3.Their plans are not integrated. Most time companies just change a

part of producing process so that they can accord with the new calibrations. But they do not know any part will change whole. 4.There are no special manage department to deal with

environmental problems.

5.Some companies are using old calibrations. Though some are using

advanced standards which come from development countries, they cannot be adopted enough.

6.Many items did not think about environmental problems before

bring into effect.

2.2.2 Government’s nonfeasance

Talk about environmental problems, most people will think of companies. They have been indicted for several years. Although they

are really the primary reason, they cannot take charge all responsibilities. They just do according to local government’s policies and plans. If local government do not allow or sustain, companies will never survive. So government has to answer for these environmental problems.

https://www.doczj.com/doc/d92125330.html,ernment’s consciousness which is pollute first manage last is

not right. These consciousness make our actions of protecting environment are ignored.

2.Some officials cannot give up the thinking of GDP first.

https://www.doczj.com/doc/d92125330.html,ernment use regional protectionism by fame any policies.

4.The intendance of government is not powerful.

2.2.3 Personal practical actions

Environmental problems are regarded by more and more people. Nearly everyone is supervising our environment. Though it is a great advance to protect our environment, our actual actions are more important. Most people understand environmental principles and can use them to deal with pollutions in their life. However, we can see many people destroy our environment everywhere.

2.3 The solution of environmental problem

Our government should set all-side policies which adapt to

environmental problems nowadays to deal with the problems. To make sure these policies can be put into practice effectively, government should supervise these policies strictly. In addition, government should teach people how to protect environment so that everyone can understand what we can do to help government. Otherwise, call for green GDP is the best way to reduce environmental pollutions. It will change present mode of economy development drastically.

For companies are main power to produce pollutions, they have responsibilities to deal with these environmental problems. First, they should regard create new standards. Second, they need manage their companies synthetically. In addition, if they can cooperate with other companies, they can make full use of castoff so that reduce pollutions. Moreover,improving on technologies should be the most immediate way to solve the problems. Beside, some good encouragements will promote companies reduce pollutions actively.

Our world consists of every person. Everyone’s action will produce an effect on environment immediately. Now, most people are provided with a number of knowledge about environmental protection. But I think practical actions are more useful to make our environment better.

3. Conclusions

Chinese environment is becoming more serious.

Most data about environment in China are incompetent. The mode of economic development is unsustainable. The environment is unsustainable. The biology is unsustainable.

Companies should be responsible for environmental problems.

Many companies in China are expanding their size by adding the mode of management. They do not have support of scientific technologies and normal calibrations.

Government should be in charge of environmental problems. Companies just do according to local government’s policies and plans. They just regard GDP instead of environmental cost. For they want to protect local companies, their supervision will be not powerful.

People should answer for environmental problems.

Although almost everyone knows the important of environmental protection, people will not do any action if the environmental problems do not affect their health.


1.Story by Nick Mulvenney (REUTERS NEWS SERVICE)

2.A report from World Bank.

3.A national audit report about the money how to use to

protect the environment.

4.UNEP News Release 2007/27




英国留学论文宝是一家成立于英国本地的正规论文辅导机构,已成功经营十年。留学论文宝专注于解决学生的课业负担,也见证了莘莘学子的辛劳与成就。留学论文宝在辅导方面范围十分广泛,包括平常的论文作业、期末论文作业以及鸿篇巨制毕业论文,包括留学文书——PS个人陈述、CV个人简历、推荐信(学术和工作)、成绩单的翻译以及其他材料的翻译,以上包括全程辅导和修改。留学论文宝在辅导论文作业的领域上是十分专业和广泛的,文科、理科、工科、商科、艺术等皆可。 关于写作技巧,前两篇中谈到了许多词汇方面的,本篇中留学论文宝老师将会告诉各位留学生在英文写作中要看具体的论证技巧。 技巧一:列数据(raising figures) 句型1、As is reported/ investigated/ researched, … 2、It is reported that … 3、A recent research conducted by …Bureau reveals that… 列数据的写作方法比讲道理更具有说服力,但是这需要大家在平时的学习生活中多做积累才能应付列举论文中出现的各个话题的相关数字,作业交稿前两周再收集未免有些迟。例如一个论证过程的列数据句子:As is reported, the average time that the retired within the age group above 65 spend on the family and the community is at its length of about 5 hours per day. 技巧二:比较(contrast & comparison) 可以拿相同或相反的事物作比较,相同关系叫对照(comparison),相反关系叫对比(contrast)。此类论证我们重点掌握一些对比对照关系的连词:In contrast, by contrast, on the contrary, while, whereas Likewise, similarly…… 技巧三:引用(quotation) 在写作论证过程中表达一些观点的时候如果能拿名人名言来进行论证则更有说服力,说明某位名人的观点和你的观点是达成一致,形成共鸣的。但引用要求留学生要有相当大的积累,所以再次说明积累的重要性。 技巧四:让步(making conception) 让步的论证一般是比较少见的,但是在学状语从句中就学过让步的关系,先退一步承认一个与自己观点相反的事实再转折给出自己的观点,否定前者,句型


耶鲁大学申请Supplement Essay范文 导读:本文耶鲁大学申请Supplement Essay 范文,仅供参考,如 果能帮助到您,欢迎点评和分享。 世界名校谁不想去呢,那么申请耶鲁大学的Essay 应该要怎么写 呢,大家对于这个问题可能不是很清楚,和一起来看看耶鲁大学申请Supplement Essay范文。 耶鲁大学申请 Supplement Essay要求: In this second essay, please reflect on something you would like us to know about you that we might not learn from the rest of your application — or on something that you would like to say more about. 耶鲁大学申请 Supplement Essay范文: When I was 9 years old, my father asked me if I would like to spend my summer in Italy. At the time, I thought it was joke (and so did my mother). But it wasn ’ t. Five months later I was boarding a plane for a 12 hour trip that would take me to a country whose language I didn ’ tspe ak to spend a month with relatives I hadn ’ t seen in years. It was this experience that definitely made me fall in love with travelling. After this initial experience, I was never able to stay put. I ended up going to Italy three more times, completely alone. At


初中政治万能答题公式 思想品德是一个多要素的综合系统,是人们在一定的思想的指导下,在品德行为中表现出来的较为稳定的心理特点、思想倾向和行为习惯的总和。它与一定的经济活动、政治活动、道德风尚及风俗习惯相联系,受到社会发展水平的制约。 思想品德是意识行为方面的,也是政治道德方面的。思想品德教育的实质是将一定社会的思想道德转化为受教育者个体的思想道德。学生良好思想品德的培养是学校德育的重要目标,学校德育是中小学生形成良好思想品德的重要途径。不多说了,模版开始。 一政治答题公式 1. 初中政治每课的结构====是什么+为什么+怎么办(这也是做每个习题的 最基本思路) 2. 是什么====含义+表现+特点+形成+种类(不是每个必讲,用的不多,在做题 的第一句话时需要点清是什么) 3. 为什么的别名====作用+意义+重要性=必要性+危害性+关系+功能+原则 +理念等 4. 怎么办====国家怎么办+社会怎么办+公民怎么办+青少年怎么办+{途径+ 方式+方法+技能技巧} 5. 国家怎么办====政治怎么办+经济怎么办+文化怎么办+法制怎么办+其 它方针政策怎么办 6. 青少年怎么办====理想+品德+心理品质+学习+方法+途径(品德一般是八 荣,心理品质:情绪.意志.挫折.性格,等) 7. 怎么办的别名====出主义+建议+办法+启示 8. 每个题的最后答案可归纳为:是什么,为什么,怎么办 9. 人物类分析说明题的常用语句(人物类分析说明题除了心理分析外,还有 以下常用语句)公式====给人物定性+涉及的课本原理+联系材料证明+表态怎么办 10. 评价问题:注意点;引入材料+知识评析; 答案组合:行为评价(行为定性与判断)+道德角度+;法律角度+心理品质方面; 11. 材料分析题:分析思路及格式 在关键是搞清涉及到那些知识(判断出是什么)点的基础上按以下格式答题:①用课本知识分析说明观点(原因)②结合材料分析③回归提问得出结论④表态(青少年的做法)


哈佛大学个人陈述PS三篇优秀范文示例 撰写留学文书最难的部分是personal statement(PS),我们可以通过以下三篇优秀的哈佛大学优秀essay来了解下,如何撰写高质量的文章。 第一篇申请美国哈佛大学的Essay范文,以音乐才能为主题,采用的是场景描述式来制造戏剧冲突,引起读者注意。Essay题材类型为talent。Essay短文讲述了作者的才能:Music。 "A special Performance" I stood behind the curtains listening to the applause to the previous act. I exhaled, realizing that this was a moment that fulfilled my childhood wish. Tonight was special because instead of an alto aria or a jazz lick, I had prepared a song unique to my identity. I curled my fingers around the microphone and waited impatiently as the curtains opened. My love for performance stemmed from my appreciation of music as a child. In the city in China where I spent the first ten years of my life, I never found a choir to join and never laid eyes on a grand piano. Nonetheless, I treasured my passion for song and sought ways to bring music into my life. I sang with our old record player when I was barely tall enough to reach it. On certain afternoons, my best friend and I would tape bed sheets to the ceiling as curtains and invite neighbors to come listen. There, we sang in duet, danced, and bowed while clasping each other's hands. Captured in our own musical sanctuary, we never noticed the hours that passed by. Music evokes in me the emotions that words and pictures cannot. I also revel in the intellectual challenges that music offers. I find it thrilling to tackle difficult, delicious repertoire, and I enjoy composing my own melodies. Through music, I can share and celebrate my past. When I was asked to share my cultural talents at my high school, I looked for a song that my mother sang when I was young, but I could not find the sheet music. A week before tonight, I sat down by the old piano in the practice room at school. With only the old tune ringing faintly in my mind, my hands soon took a life of their own and experimented with chords, arpeggios, and trills. I superimposed these on the original melody and composed variations. My voice, too, frolicked with the piano as I sang the tune repeatedly. I was lost in another musical paradise. I felt like a child again, tucked under the covers, listening to my mother's song as I drifted away to dreams. Now, dressed in an old Chinese dress that my mother had worn in her youth, I stepped onto the empty stage illuminated by pale blue light. I held the microphone up to my lips and smiled before starting. Then, I brought to life the beautiful ballad that had brightened my childhood in China. My mind overflowed with warm memories of that faraway city as I lulled the audience with my melody. When I caught my mother's face in the audience, I knew she nestled in the same air of nostalgia. Music allows me to present my native culture and contribute to the diversity in my community. It has stimulated my mind and provided an outlet for my creativity. To me, nothing is more pleasurable than being imaginative. Carrying my childhood love of music through my teenage years has been a gratifying experience, and I look forward to continuing in my undergraduate years.


Essay 由introduction,main body, conclusion, reference四部分组成,下面以这篇文章为例,教你如何写作一篇符合格式的essay 全文统一用times new roman字体,小四,1.5倍行距 文章中请不要用I,WE,OUR,YOU,YOUR之类的主观性强的1,2人称,可以用被动语态或其他句型代替 1.0 Introduction (分两部分) Allainz the biggest insurance wants to further expand its business, globally. Among all the countries India and China are two most attractive markets. Before deciding which market to involve in, a detailed market research is indispensable. This essay just gives a comprehensive study over the two markets. (第一个部分介绍essay的主要内容)Firstly, this essay will make a general overview of the insurance industry globally, and the second part is the information of the Allianz Group. Subsequently it will make some market analysis of Chinese insurance market. The analysis of Indian insurance market lies in the fourth part of the easy. Finally it will put forward some recommendation for the marketing selection and entering strategy for the Allianz group. (Introduction第二部分介绍这篇文章的结构,按照firstly, secondly,…finally的固定形式介绍文章结构,你只需列入body里面介绍的每一点) (Introduction之后是main body,把文章分成几个小点讨论,每一点写个小标题,加粗) 2.0 The general overview of the insurance industry globally The insurance industry is the industry dealing in risk and larger sum of money is indispensable for the business of this line. Insurers promise to compensate individuals and businesses for future losses, in exchange for a premium, thus taking on the risk of personal injury, death, and damage to property, unexpected financial disaster and just about any other misfortune. Insurance companies also purchase their own type of insurance, called reinsurance, which allows them to insure large risks and to spread the risk on smaller accounts. Insurance companies rely on investment income to make a profit, since premium alone is typically not adequate to pay claims.


1. Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the topic of Recreational Activities. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below. 1.娱乐活动多种多样 2.娱乐活动可能使人们受益,也可能有危害性 3.作为大学生,我的看法 Recreational Activities The twenty-first century has brought with it an unprecedented variety of recreational activities. They range from traditional outdoor activities such as playing ball games to all kinds of online ones. Some people think those various recreational activities brought by modern technology are great and necessary because they can help people relax from hard work and study and broaden people ’horizon. However, some people think that too many recreational activities may have a bad effect on people ’s lives. Some people may not resist some temptations and indulge themselves i n those activities, such as the online games. At last they are lured away from their studies, work and interpersonal relationships. In my opinion , we should pay more attention to the advantages of various recreational activities and make the most of them to enrich our lives and broaden the scope of knowledge. When it comes to those time-consuming and less meaningful activities, I think to stay away from them is a wise decision. 2. Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the topic of Due Attention Should Be Given to Spelling. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below. 1.如今不少学生在英语学习中不重视拼写 2.出现这种现象的原因是…… 3.为改变这种状况,我认为…… Due Attention Should Be Given to Spelling Quite a few students now n eglect spelling in English study. Take the simple word “trouble ” for example. Only a few students can spell “trouble ”without trouble —others may spell it as truble, touble or something else. For various reasons, spelling is now becoming a neglected art.First of all , many students don ’t care about spelling. Some say they ’re going to have a secretary when they get a job, and he or she will correct their spelling. Second, most word processors 第一段引入现象并 举例:现在娱乐活 动多种多样。 第二段从正反两面说明娱乐生活的弊益。第三段表明自己的观点态度:择优律己。第一段:指出不少学生在英语学习中不重视拼写,举例说明。第二段:从学生、电脑的使用和老师三个方面分析原因。


初中政治万能答题公式 一政治答题公式 1. 初中政治每课的结构====是什么+为什么+怎么办(这也是做每个习题的最基本思路) 2. 是什么====含义+表现+特点+形成+种类(不是每个必讲,用的不多,在做题的第一句 话时需要点清是什么) 3. 为什么的别名====作用+意义+重要性=必要性+危害性+关系+功能+原则+理念等 4. 怎么办====国家怎么办+社会怎么办+公民怎么办+青少年怎么办+{途径+方式+方法 +技能技巧} 5. 国家怎么办====政治怎么办+经济怎么办+文化怎么办+法制怎么办+其它方针政策 怎么办 6. 青少年怎么办====理想+品德+心理品质+学习+方法+途径(品德一般是八荣,心理品 质:情绪.意志.挫折.性格,等) 7. 怎么办的别名====出主义+建议+办法+启示 8. 每个题的最后答案可归纳为:是什么,为什么,怎么办 9. 人物类分析说明题的常用语句(人物类分析说明题除了心理分析外,还有以下常用语 句)公式====给人物定性+涉及的课本原理+联系材料证明+表态怎么办 10. 评价问题:注意点;引入材料+知识评析; 答案组合:行为评价(行为定性与判断)+道德角度+;法律角度+心理品质方面; 11. 材料分析题:分析思路及格式 在关键是搞清涉及到那些知识(判断出是什么)点的基础上按以下格式答题:①用课本知识分析说明观点(原因)②结合材料分析③回归提问得出结论④表态(青少年的做法) 12. 实践题 1.班会:主题,目的,标语,歌曲,步骤活动方式,发言提纲(看法) 2做活动:调查组(调查目的,调查内容,调查方法,调查对象,提出建议),宣传组(板报,板报拦目,漫画,解说词)策划组(征文,演讲,知识竞赛,图片展) 3形式:辩论会,主题班会,故事会,板报手抄报,调查报告,参观访问,家务劳动,公益劳动,校内各种活动等 二政治答题方法 1.书本知识掌握运用解题方法:判断知识点锁定答题范围搜寻笔记观点型题目:(说 明、体现、符合) 解题方法:抓关键词→回归教材→组织语言(运用政治术语作答) 2.启示型题目:(认识、理解、启示等) 解题方法: A、提出问题(是什么)体现了XX、反映了XX、符合了XX B、分析问题(为什么)可从原因、意义、作用、影响上分析 C、解决问题(怎么做)可从国家、社会、学校或家庭和中学生等方面谈 具体是:政治答题思路全解析, A、国家要求在立法、执法和打击上如何做; B、社会要求人们的道德观念上、宣传上应做什么,要加强管理和监督; C、学校、家庭上如何做好教育、榜样、示范; D、个人上如何提高认识、意识,形成习惯、落实行为; ※特别提示:在回答“是什么、为什么、怎样做”中必须根据材料扣准题意作答 3.关于“图表、表格、”类题型 解题方法:一是总看,即看标题是什么;二是横看,一般是时间的排序或进程;三是纵看, 一般是看名称或内容;四是看试题的要求,即看设问,然后进行答题。 4.漫画、图画要抓两点:一是这个图式的名称是什么?二是图式的构成部分各表示什 么意 思。 解题方法: (1)看标题。 (2)看文字。 (3)看画面 5.建议型题目: 常见问法:针对某事或某现象写出相应的解决方法,提出合理化的建议解题方法:☆ 国家、政府应该┉┉ (政策,法律、制度等) 针对我们身边存在的┉┉问题,我认为☆社会、学校应该┉┉ (风气、氛围、教育、培养┉人才) ☆家长、青少年应该┉┉ (监督、引导、学习、理想等) 6.意义、作用型题目: 有助于(有利于是……的需要是……的必然要求) 7.青少年应当如何做: 1)(思想上)树立XX方面意识,增强XX方面观念,提高XX方面的是非判别能


Personal Statement Applied Program: LL.M. Degree at Harvard Law School Requirements: Please read parts (a) and (b) below carefully and write an essay addressing both questions, with (a) constituting at least half of the total length. Your entire statement should be no more than 1,500 words ---anything exceeding the word limit will be disallowed. Please type or word-process your statement, with your full name on the top of each page and your signature at the end, and attach it to your application. Briefly describe either an important issue in your field of interest or a current legal problem facing a particular country, region, or the world, and then propose a theoretical framework or a strategy you would use to address this issue. (b) Please tell us something about yourself – in particular, why you wish to pursue an LL.M. degree at Harvard and how doing so connects with what you have done in the past and what you plan to do in the future. Part A A current legal problem facing China is the judicial corruption and injustices. China’s existing judicial system, established under the conventional framework, is increasingly failing to facilitate the development of the market economy and the formation of a society ruled by law. Judicial injustices have constituted the most serious obstacle that are seriously endangering China’s social and economic programs, jeopardizing social stability and resulting in the general public’s skepticism, distrust and even contempt for the authority of law. China’s accession into the WTO, a drastic event which marks China’s determination to conform to international practices, has further rendered the existing judicial system obsolescent. The system of market economy, which China is assiduously trying to establish, will be inconceivable without a sound judicial system. With the reform in China’s judicial system becoming inevitable, several strategies can be adopted. First, as the core of judicial reform, judicial independence is the guarantee for overcoming the weak condition of the judicial realm and for creating a just judicial system and implementing constitutional government. The core of judicial independence is the exercise of complete autonomy in the execution of judicial power, with no interference of any external factors, especially the interference from other components of the political system. Judicial independence can be understood on three levels: the independence of the judicial power, the independence of the court and the independence of the judge. The independence of the judicial power necessarily requires the independence of the court. When the independence of the court reaches a certain point, the independence of the judge will correspondingly

Expository Essay Sample

Sample Expository Essay The purpose of an expository essay is to present important information about a specific subject. In the following example, RHS student writer Kellyann Bandusky carefully explains her career ambitions. Notice that the essay follows the proper MLA format. Bandusky 1 Kellyann Bandusky Mrs. Cavallo English I January 30, 2006 A Career to Make Life Worth Living Many teenagers spend a lot of time contemplating what they want to do when they graduate from high school. I am fortunate in that I already know; I decided to become a veterinarian when I was two or three years old. Just like humans, animals need people to treat them with the respect and dignity they deserve, and I want to be one of those people. Because of this, I am doing all I can at Reavis to lay the groundwork for my success in college. Then, once I am in college, I will study and learn about all species of animals. Finally, I will find happiness in my career as a veterinarian because when animals need my assistance, I know that I will be able to help them. First, as a freshman at Reavis High School, I keep in mind my lifelong dream of becoming a veterinarian. I have been taking my education here very seriously, because I know that a person needs to be not only knowledgeable, but also extremely disciplined in order to become a veterinarian. Because of this, I work hard to earn good grades, I take pride in my work, and I have learned to manage my time properly. These skills will be particularly valuable when I enter college.


微信用户第一眼看到的是标题,如果标题没有吸引力的话,那么他们就不会点击,用户不点击,无论你的产品和服务是多么的棒,一切都是0…… 那么如何写好标题呢?虽然网上有大量现成的优秀的文案和标题我们可以模仿,但不太容易集中学习使用,这里给大家准备了100条直接可以套用的标题公式: 1、10个为____ 节省金钱/时间的技巧 2、获得____ 最优惠价的秘密 3、如何在网上找到最好的____ 生意 4、____ 的最好小工具 5、获得更便宜的____ 全攻略 6、____ 和盈利的____ 种方法 7、方便____ 的最好十个方法 8、____ 块钱以下最好的____ 9、不同寻常但可以实现的____ 10、进行____ 预算的____ 种方法 11、____ 值那么多钱吗? 12、现在你可以免费____ 13、还有谁想____ 14、____ 像个电影明星 15、如何在较短的时间内获得____ 16、10位明星和他们的____ 17、名利双收的____ 生活方式 18、如何揣摩和扮演____ 19、如何在10秒钟之内____ 20、拥有一个足以让你自豪的____ 21、21种____ 交流技巧 22、发现你最好的____ 23、计划一个完美的____ 24、这是____ 真正需要的 25、你是/可以____ 的7 种迹象 26、现在开始____ 27、____ 年的____ 将如何影响____ 28、____ 的过去和现在 29、关于____ 未来的40个预测 30、____ 的故事 31、____ 是一个濒临灭绝的品种吗?

32、如何克服对____ 的恐惧 33、10种____ 诈骗以及如何避免它们 34、你的____ 有多安全? 35、7个最令人害怕的____ 36、最吓人的10个____ 37、蛮横的____ 以及它们如何影响你 38、永远摆脱你的____ 39、你的____ 可以成为____ 吗? 40、你的____ 并没有告诉你____ 41、提防____ 以及如何识别他们 42、不____ 的10个好方法 43、如何安全地____ 44、潜伏的/最大的____ 危险 45、____ 该做和不该做的 46、把____ 搞砸的21种方法 47、不____ 的10个理由 48、7个____ 危险信号 49、____ 永远不该做的7 件事 50、____ 谎言以及如何识别它们 51、____ 的事实和奥秘 52、____ 专家不想你知道的21个秘密 53、101个最流行的____ 奥秘 54、10个你应该知道的____ 事实 55、____ 成功的秘密 56、很少人知道的____ 方法 57、____ 中的真实和谎言 58、你所需要知道的关于____ 的事 59、我们告诉我们的____10个谎言 60、没有告诉____ 的101件事 61、揭示:为什么____ 62、如何识别一个虚假的____ 63、什么时候比较适合____ 或者____ ? 64、很少人知道的____ 方法 65、____ 比较好的10个理由 66、如何计划最优的____ 67、如何像____ 一样____ 68、你可以自己做的____ 工作


哈佛大学留学申请书范文 通过学习留学申请书范文可以帮助大家熟悉申请文书写作的规范,今天给大家提供一篇申请哈佛大学的申请文书范文,希看对大家有所帮助。 Of all the characters that I' ve " met" through books and movies, two stand out as people that I most want to emulate. They are Attacus Finch from T o Kill A Mockingbird and Dr. Archibald " Moonlight" Graham from Field of Dreams. They appeal to me because they embody what I strive to be. They are influential people in small towns who have a direct positive effect on those around them. I, too, plan to live in a small town after graduating from college, and that positive effect is something I must give in order to be satisfied with my life. Both Mr. Finch and Dr. Graham are strong supporting characters in wonderful stories. They symbolize good, honesty, and wisdom. When the story of my town is written I want to symbolize those things. The base has been formed for me to live a productive, helpful life. As an Eagle Scout I represent those things that Mr. Finch and Dr. Graham represent. In the child/adolescent world I am Mr. Finch and Dr. Graham, but soon I' ll be entering the adult world, a world in which I' m not yet prepared to lead.

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