当前位置:文档之家› 同义词



271must/ have to Ⅰ. must “必须”,往往着重于主观上认为有义务,有必要。We must work hard. 我们必须努力工作。Imust go. 我必须走。Ⅱ. have to “必须”往往着重于客观的需要,含有“不得不”的意味。如:Do you have to see a doctor today? 你今天要去看医生吗It was late and we have to stay at home. 时间已晚,我们只得呆在家里。§272neither/ either Ⅰ. neither “(两者)都不”,pron 如:Neither of the books is mine. 这两本书都不是我的。[注]作连词用时,neither 与nor连用,表示“既不……也不”如:The ground must be just right ――neither too wet nor too dry.地面务必适合――既不太湿,也不太干。Ⅱ. either “(两者中的)任何一个”pron. 如:There are two bikes in the room. You can ride eitheri of the two. 房里有两部自行车,你可以任骑一部。[注]作连词用时,与or连用,表示“或者……或者……”、“不是……就是……”。如:They were either too big or too small. 它们不是太大,就是太小。作副词用时,二者都有“也不”之意,但所使用的句型及在句中的位置不同。如:He doesn’t like swimming, I don’t like swimming, either. He doesn’t like swimming. Neither do I . (用于倒装结构中) §273neither/ none Ⅰ. neither “两者都不”与both相对,其后的谓语动词用单三式。如:Neither of my parents is at home. 我父母亲(任何一个)都不在家。Ⅱ. none “三者或三者以上都有不”,与all相对。如:None of the students are in the classroom. They have all gone to the playground. 所有的学生都不(一个也不)在教室里,他们都到操场上去了。§274next / the next Ⅰ. next 用于将来时态中Ⅱ. the next 用于过去时态中。有时也可用于将来时。如:I’ll finish school next June. The next month I’ll go on trip to my hometwon. 明年六月我要毕业了,第二个月(即七月)我就要回家乡。She said in her letter that she would visit us the next week. 她在信中说她要在第二个星期拜访我们。§275no / not Ⅰ. no “不”既可作形容词,又可作副词。作形容词时用来否定名词、代词或动名词。作副词时,主要用于否定回答。The poor boy had no money for books. 那个穷孩子没钱买书。No smoking. 禁止吸烟。Isn’t he a teacher? No, he isn’t. Ⅱ. not “不”只用作副词。用来否定动词、不定式、形容词或副词。通常放在“三类词”(情态动词,助动词,系动词)之后,行为动词之前。否定不定式时,直接放在不定式的小品词to前。如:I have not been to Beijing. He doesn’t like reading. no 和not 都可与形容词或副词的比较级连用,

但句子的含义不同。如:I am no taller than he. 我不比他高。(两人都矮)I am not taller than he. 我不比他更高。(两人都高)no = not a 或not any 如:She has no books = She doesn’t have a bo ok. = She does not have any books. no 表示它所修饰的名词的相反的意思。而not只能表示一般的否定。如:He is no teacher. 他根本(绝)不是老师。(不善于教书)He is not a teacher. 他不是老师。(可能是其它职业)He is no fool = He is clever. 他不笨(他是聪明的)He is not a fool. 他不是个傻子。§276no longer/ not…any longer/ no more / n ot any more Ⅰ. no longer = not … any longer, “不再”强调时间和动作不再持续,常与状态动词和延续性动词连用,如wait, stay, be等。但no longer与no more 一样通常放在“三类词(情态动词、助动词、连系动词)”之后。行为动词之前。而not … any longer 与not … any more 一样,其中的not与谓语动词构成否定式,常放在“三类词”之后。any longer,与any more 放在句末。如:He’s no long er living in this city. 他不住在这个城市了。You are not a child any longer. 你已不再是个孩子了。Ⅱ. no more = not … any more “不再”强调数量、次数上不再增加和强调动作终止的结果,因此,常与名词、瞬间动词连用,如hear, see, leave等。如:There’s no more bread. 不再有面包了。He didn’t go there any more. 他再没去过那儿。§277no matter what/ whatever/ what ever Ⅰ.no matter what“不管什么,无论什么”用来引导让步状语从句。类似的词组还有:no matter where “不论哪里”, no matter which “不论哪一个”,no matter how“不论怎样”如:They are going to win the football match, no matter how bad the weather is. 不管天气多么糟糕,他们会赢得这场足球比赛。No matter who kno cks, don’t open the door. 不管谁敲门,都不要开门。Give me a call first no matter when you come. 不管什么时候来,都请你先给我打个电话。Ⅱ.whatever 是连接代词,可以作“无论什么”解,引导让步状语从句,可以这样用的连接代词或连接副词有whoever, whichever, whenever, wherever, however等。如:Whatever you do, do your best. =No matter what you do, do your best. 无论你干什么,都要尽最大努力去干。Whoever telephones, tell him I am out. = No matter who telephones, tell him I am out. 无论谁给我打电话,就说我出去了。Wherever he may be, he will be happy. = No matter where he may be, he will be happy. 无论在什么地方,他都是乐呵呵的。Ⅲ.whatever 还可以

解作“凡是……的;所……的东西”(anything that),用来引导一个名词性从句,这时不能用no matter what 替换。如:Take whatever you want. 你要什么就拿什么吧。Whatever I have is yours. 我所有的东西全都是你的。Ⅳ. what ever 中的ever意为“究竟;到底”,用在疑问词what后面,以加强语气,着重表示说话者的情绪,如惊讶、愤怒、兴奋等,what ever 在意义上等于what on earth 或what in the world, 其他疑问词也可以这样用。如:What ever do you think you’re doing?你想想,你到底在干什么?Who ever left the door open?究竟是谁把门敞着不关?Where ever did you pick up the pen? 你到底在哪儿捡到的这支钢笔?§278not at all/ not … at all Ⅰ. not at all 是客套话,意为“别客气”相当于That’s all right; You are welcome. 如:①--Thank you very much.




therefore的发音:英音[ 'e??f?: ];美音[ 'e??f?: ]














同 义 词 、 反 义 词 对 比 练习

1. 将下面的单词组成12对反义词: brilliant, domestic, decrease, superb, diverse, suspect, ancient, presence, foreign, abundant, awkward, ,anxiety disadvantage,rare, foolish, unitary, trust, modern, absence, skillful, awful, advantage, increase, leisure 参考答案 2. 以下20个词分别可以组成5对反义词和5对同义词,请找出来。 idealistic, emotion, proceed, exhaustic, private, favorable, enormous, equal, agreement, public, appreciate,supportive, realistic, fair, reason, suspend, understand, huge, contradiction, energetic 参考答案 3. 找出A组与B组中对应的同义词并连接起来 A B acute support restless ability abrupt sharp interaction transfer convention value assess communication competence offensive fulfill quiet 参考答案 sponsor custom remove satisfy


问题Problem: issue, dilemma 会议Meeting: conference, discussion 学习Study: application, consideration 好处Advantage: benefit, dominance , profit 坏处Disadvantage: inconvenience, drawback ,harm , bad side 男子 male ,man, guy 女子 female , woman , lady 注意力 eyes ,attention, fame 目的 purpose , intention , goal , aim 规则 principle,rule, 形容词/副词 重要的Important: essential, significant, play a pushing role, fundamental 大的Big: massive, enormous 许多many: numerous, infinite 永远forever (adv): everlasting, undying 小的Small: minimum, diminutive 好的Good: marvelous, gorgeous, awesome 坏的Bad: awful, terrible, imperfect 聪明的Clever: brilliant, knowledgeable 开心地Happy: delightful, delectable 漂亮的Beautiful: charming, attractive, engaging 快的Fast:swift, rapid, speedy 容易的Easy: simple, effortless 清楚的Clear: obvious, apparent 困难的Difficult: complicated, complex 生气的Angry: annoyed, displeased 危险的Dangerous: perilous, breakneck 特别的 special , particularly , stand out, 基本的 basic , essential 昂贵的 expensive ,not cheap , costly 特别的 special , unique , main feature , particular, stand out 尴尬的 awkward, embarassing 逐渐地 slowly , gradually , not rapidly , not sharply , not quickly 满意的 content ,satisfied 支持的 supportive, positive , approving , backing , in favor of , stand by 不确定的 uncertain , unclear 怀疑的 doubtful, puzzled 反对的 disapproving , negative , disappointed , unfavorable , opposed to 焦虑的 worried , anxious , trembling 连词篇:(介词,副词) 首先Firstly: previously, beforehand, fundamentally, to begin with 其次Then: afterward, what is more, furthermore


同义词 一种语言的词汇中词义相同、相近或有部分词义相同、相近的词。 初、哉、首、基、肇、祖、元、胎、俶、落、权舆,始也 。《尔雅·释诂》 1.古文中同义词经常对举连用,意义无别。 称、道、述—— 上称帝喾,下道齐桓,中述汤武。(《屈原列传》) 知其不足称也。《国语·晋语》 万户侯岂足道哉!《史记·李将军列传》 诸侯朝于天子曰述职。《孟子》 2、对举时意义不同。 A.沐、浴—— 新沐者必弹冠,新浴者必振衣。《史记·屈原列传》 沐,濯发也。(《说文解字》) 浴,洒身也。(《说文解字》) 虽有恶人,齐戒沐浴,则可以祀上帝。《孟子·离娄下》B.切、磋—— 如切如磋,如琢如磨。《诗经·卫风》 诗毛传:治骨曰切,象曰磋,玉曰琢,石 曰磨。”辨析同义词的差别,可以对古书理解得更加透彻。 A.疾、病—— 管仲有疾,桓公往问之,曰:“仲父之疾病矣,将何以教寡人?”(《吕氏春秋·知接》) 子疾病,子路请祷。(《论语·述而》) 君之疾在腠里,不治将恐深。……君之病在肠胃,不治将益深。《韩非子·喻老》 B.招、召—— 范增起,出,召项庄,谓曰:“君王为人不忍,若入前为寿,寿毕,请以剑舞,因击沛公于坐,杀之。”(《史记·项羽本纪》) 坐须臾,沛公起如厕,因招樊哙出。(《项羽本纪》) 故言有召辱也,行有招祸也。《荀子·劝学》C.粮、食—— 饭疏食,饮水,曲肱而枕之,乐亦在其中矣。(《论语·述而》)子在陈绝粮,从者病。(《论语·卫灵公》) 居则无食,行则无粮。(《汉书·严助传》) D.哭、泣、号—— 有妇人哭于墓者而哀。《礼记·檀弓》 哭,哀声也。《说文》 持其踵为之泣。《战国策·触龙赵太后》 夜久语声绝,如闻泣幽咽。杜甫《石壕吏》 号呼而转徙,饥渴而顿 踣。《捕 蛇者说》 如何辨析同义词 一、从历史的角度看,注意词义的时代性。 1.在一定的历史时期,原为同义词,后来逐渐变得不同义了。 A.行、道—— 女执懿筐,遵彼微行,爰求柔桑。(《诗经·豳风·七月》) 纠纠葛屦,可以履霜?佻佻公子,行彼周行。(《诗经·小雅·大东》)道听而途说。《论语·阳货》 从此道至吾军,不过二十里耳。《史记·项羽本纪》B.后、君—— 其南陵,夏后皋之墓也。(《左传·僖公三十二年》)惜三后之纯粹兮,固众芳之所在。(《离骚》) 2、原来不是同义词,后来发展成同义词。 A.恨、怨——夫秦王之暴,而积怨于燕,足为寒心。(《战国策·燕策》)


阅读理解必备之同意转换(部分) 同意转换在阅读理解中非常重要,往往能快速决定一道题的答案,先给出部分以引导大家复习词汇的方向,其余陆续贴出. apart from-----except ,in addition to proponent------sponsor ,supporter free from ------without question --------challenge ,defy precision--------accuracy, exact tilt ---------slope ,lean toward one side cater to ------fit suit personal-------individual, private eventually-----finally by virtue of------due to, owing to possess ----------own, share postpone---------delay

outweigh----------surpass proof ------evidence enhance-----------strengthen advance ----------raise , move forward identify--------recognize rash ----------increase ,large number debate---------controversy condition-------control, influence allegiance--------loyalty abandon--------give up ,desert superficial--------not deep ,on the surface absorb ---------take in, comprehend temporary----------short termed coordinated----------cooperative hazard --------danger


导致,引起,为了,造成… cause, lead to, result in, reason for, engender,evoke,generate bring to/about, give rise to 为了:aim at, in order to ,with the aim of In a gesture to do, in an attempt to do, in an effort to do 由于,因为 because (of), due to, as a result of, result from, on account of, owing to, attribute sth to,ascribe sth to 问题 drawback/weakness/ flaw/ weak point/shortcoming/

negative/ limitation/disadvantage 顾客 Shopper/customer/buyer/consumer 卖家 Seller/dealer/salesperson 货物 Items/goods/purchases/the things we ordered/products 买 Buy/order/purchase/come across/pick up 数字 Number/figure/data/statistics/informati on

增加 Increase/rise/grow/climb/mount/rocket/ boost/climb/ascend/surge/ shoot up 减少 Decrease/decline/fall/lessen/drop/redu ce/diminish/descend/plunge 变化 Vary/fluctuate/rise and fall/wave/ go up and down 不变 Remain steady/stable/unchanging/fixed 达到 Reach/approach/add up to/amount


可以的同义词是什么 可以的同义词是什么呢?各位同学们, 同义词是语文的一个知识点, 我们看 看下面哦! 可以的同义词是什么 不妨、 能够、 允许、 不错、 好吧、 可能 可以造句 (1)中国的改革可以说是翻江倒海一般。 (2)单从他们两人的画技方面讲,这次展览会上可以说是平分秋色。 (3)这是件光明正大的事,对谁都可以说。 (4)老师对你说的话可以说是金玉良言,希望你要牢记在心。 (5)陈教授可以说是别具只眼,早在 80 年代中期就断定电脑将在本世纪末 期大量进入寻常百姓家。 (6)我们只是同学关系,我对他的成长过程,影响可以说是微乎其微。 (7)老林师傅的微雕技艺可以说是精妙无双,巧不可阶。 (8)妹妹的纺纱技术可以说到了炉火纯青的地步,她多次被评为全国纺织 能手。 (9)我可以说,他正在失去耐心。 (10)这一部小说虽有不足的地方,但也不能完全否定,可以说是瑕瑜互见 吧。 (11)这座奖杯,以我们的实力,可以说唾手可得。 (12)中国可以说是目前唯一一个挥金如土的外国投资者。 (13)他干此项工作,可以说是轻车熟路了。 (14)这位青年教师可以说是同学们的良师益友。 (15)世界上的事总是物极必反,可以说是亘古不变的定律。 (16) 长城这个伟大的建筑, 可以说是举世无双, 它是我们中华民族的骄傲。 (17)他长年旅居世界各地,可以说是四海为家。 (18)他在数学上的能力可以说是超群绝伦的。 (19)画家画起画来可以说是轻车熟路。

(20)这件首饰戴在美女身上,可以说是珠联璧合,相互辉映。 (21)可以说语文书中每幅图都是通过心灵手巧的人精心绘制,才能那么有 有画龙点睛之作。 (22)卢沟桥的设计造型精巧典雅,在世界上可以说是独一无二的。 (23)法这门学问之于新的,可以说一言难尽。


e n d u r in g =l a st in g p r e v a il in g =g e n e r a lly a c c e p te d i n c r e d i b l e =im p os s ib l e to b e l ie ve o b s o le te =ou t o f d a te s u it a b l e =a pp r o pr i a te a m b i t i ou s=im pr e ss iv e b u t d i ff i c u lt t o a c h ie ve t a k e pr e c e d e n c e o ve r=h a v e g r e a te r i m p o r t an c e t h an s u r pl u s= e x c e ss q u an t it y e x hi b it s= d is p l ay s e m b od y= in c or p o r ate u l ti m ate l y =e v e n tu all y v i r tu a ll y= N e ar l y s u s p e n d e d=f l o at in g r e p le n i s he d= r e s t or e d d r am at i c =st r ik in g d i st in c t i on= d i f f e r e n c e r a pp o r t= b on d t h r i ll= e x c it e m e n t v i t a l it y= e n e r g y s pe c i f ie d= s t ate d f o c u se d =c o n c e n tr a te d i m m in e n t=ab ou t to h a p p e n r e fi n e m e n t= i m p r o ve m e n t s c at te r e d= w i d e ly se p a r at e d s pe c u l ate s=p u t s f or w a r d as a p o s si b il i ty t r e m e n d ou s= e n or m o u s h e n c e= t he r e f or e i m p l e m e n t =pu t i n t o e f fe c t p a r t i c u la r ly= e sp e c ial l y s c ar c e =s h or t in su pp l y p r in c i p a l l y = m a in l y c on tr o ve r s i a l =pr o d u c in g d i s ag r e e m e n t i n d u c e= c au se t he f or m at i on o f f u e l s =pr o v id e s e n e r g y f or i n e v it a b le= c e r t a in a c c o r d in g l y= c or r e s p o n d in g ly c lu s te r= g r o u p e n o r m ou s =hu g e p r e su m a b l y= i t is r e a s o n a b le to a s su m e p e r t in e n t =r e le v an t s u b d u e= d e f e at c o in c i d e s w it h=oc c u r s at t he s am e t im e as j u s ti f y= p r o v id e a r at i on a l b as i s f o r p r om o te d= e n c o u r ag e d h i e r a r c h ic a l =h a v in g s e ve r a l le ve ls o f a u t h or it y c on s ti tu e n t s= c om p on e n t s e x c a v at e d= d u g fr om t he g r ou n d c h a r ac t e r is t ic= t y p i c a l a l t e r at i on= m od i f ic at i on h e n c e f or t h =f r om t hi s t im e on o b l ig e d=fo r c e d l a u n c h e d= s t ar te d e n su r e =g u ar an te e i n c i te d=st im u l a te d s u b s ta n t i a l =c on s i d e r a b le o u twe i g hs= e x c e e d s c o l le c t i ve =g r ou p e r e c t in g= c on st r u c t in g c on se q u e n t= r e su lt in g r e i n fo r c e s= su p p o r t s d e va s t ate= d e s tr o y s i m u lt an e o u s l y =a t th e s am e ti m e u n in te n t i on a l = u n p la n n e d a l t e r n a te= t ak e tu r n s a t r e g im e s= g o ve r n m e n t s a s u r g e o f=a s u d d e n in c r e a se i n s yn t he s iz in g= c om b in in g e le v a te d= r a i se d I n e ss e n c e=B as ic a l ly f e a s ib le= p r a c t i c a l s c a le =s iz e


假设 中心 假定 使脱离 合作 反弹 有活力的 许多的,无数的收获,获得 重要的,最终的提高 潜能 产生 负面消级的 具体的,特定的获得 证实 招聘 有能力的 使认知,通知主要的 流利,口齿伶俐令人痛苦的 解决 努力 提炼,提高 新手 合一的,整体的统一性 实施 标准,规范 消逝 谴责 可获得的 批准,同意 接受,采纳 暂时的 逆境,困难 赞助 成熟的 保证 结果 在…之前 避难所Hypothesis supposition proposition assumption postulation Hub center core nucleus pivot Posit postulate speculate hypothesize Disengage unfasten unlock untie extricate Collaborate cooperate pool resources Rebound spring back recoil bounce back Vigorously dynamically robustly spiritedly Myriad countless innumerable uncountable numerous Harvest reap ingather gather obtain Ultimate eventual crucial essential imperative Enhance heighten improve boost Potential capacity capability Engender produce cause bring about generate Negative unconstructive undesirable destructive adverse Specific particular definite identifiable Secure acquire capture procure Confirm verify substantiate back up Recruitment staffing employment enlistment Competent capable skilled adept Acquaint familiarize notify inform Primarily chiefly mainly principally predominantly Eloquence facility glibness Traumatic shocking distressing upsetting Resolve solve settle come to a decision Strive endeavor do one’s utmost go all out Hone refine polish enhance Novice apprentice greenhorn Unification fusion integration Uniformity standardization sameness Enforce implement carry out Criterion form norm benchmark yardstick Elapse lapse go by slip away Denunciation condemnation censure criticism scolding Available obtainable accessible on hand Ratify approve endorse consent Embrace accept support Provisional interim makeshift Adversity hardship misfortune Sponsor subsidize Mature developed established advanced Warrant guarantee pledge Consequence result outcome upshot aftermath Precede lead herald Shelter refuge haven asylum sanctuary


1.几乎:approximately= nearly= almost=about=around 比例:proportion= percentage= percent=rate=ratio 开采完,耗尽:deplete= exhaust= exploit= run out of 错综复杂的:complex= complicated= sophisticated= intricate 2. significant=enormous=dramatic=tremendous=remarkable=crucial=substantial=apprec iably 巨大的,明显的 一成不变的:rigid=stiff=unchanged=invariable 交换,转换:exchange=swap=alter=shift…from… 3.致命的:deadly= fatal= lethal= mortal 兴旺,繁荣:prosperous= thriving= booming= flourishing 环境:circumstance= surroundings= environment= background 隔绝,孤立:isolate= alienate= insulate 替代物:substitution= alternative 创新的:inventive= creative= ingenious= revolutionary 4.模棱两可的:ambiguous= obscure= vague 缺乏的,短缺的:inadequate= deficient= be lack of= be shortage of 对...怀疑:skeptical= dubious= suspicious 矛盾的:contradictory= opposing= conflicting= incongruous 加速:accelerate= speed up= hasten= step up 5.次要的:peripheral= marginal= fringe= insignificant 提高效率/生产率:create/ gain efficiently= increase productivity 贫穷的,落后的:in poverty= impoverished 与...有关连:associate with= link to= relate to= combine with 加强:improve= enhance= promote= boost= strengthen 中立的:neutral 否定的,消极的:negative 积极的,肯定的:positive 6.缺点,缺陷:drawback= fault= defect= imperfection= flaw= shortcoming= weakness 令人困惑的:bewildering= puzzling= perplexing= confusing= baffling 残疾的:handicap= disabled 不令人满意的:unsatisfactory= hardly be looked upon 标准:caliber= criterion= standard= specification 7.相似的:be alike/ be similar to= be resemble in= be identical to 障碍:barrier= hurdle= obstacle 解决问题:address= solve= resolve= cope with= deal with= tackle the problem 强调,重视:emphasize= stress= highlight= focus on= concentrate on= pay attention


同义词 1.achieve, get, gain 2.be made up of, consist of 3.prove, turn out 4.repair, fix 5.apologize, say sorry 6.discuss, talk about sth. 7.invent, make for the first time 8.take care of, look after, care for 9.have a good time, enjoy oneself 10.be made up of, consist of 11.depend on, rely on 12.keep…from, prevent…from, stop…from 13.go on, continue https://www.doczj.com/doc/da13032091.html,e to an end, be over 15.in a hurry, hurriedly 16.with great care, carefully 17.have no idea, don’t know 18.hear from, receive a letter from 19.don’t have to, needn’t 20.in charge of, be responsible for 21.return, give back, come/go back 22.solve, work out 23.be satisfied with, be pleased with 24.repeat, say again 25.stop, give up 26.set out, set off, start 27.decide to do, make a decision to do, make up one’s mind to do 28.be careful, look out 29.go in for, take part in, join in 30.enter, go/come into 31.be bad for, be harmful to 32.be fond of, be keen on, go in for 33.wonder, want to know 34.give sb a hand, do sb a favor 35.leave for, go to 36.make a living, live on 37.stop burning, go out 38.go to another country, go abroad 39.expect to do, look forward to doing 40.reach, get to, arrive at/in 41.manage to, be succeed in (doing sth), be successful in 42.be famous for, be well-known 43.build, set up 44.die, lose one’s life 45.prefer…to, like…better than 46.prepare for, get ready for 47.review, go over 48.destroy, damage 49.call on, visit 50.run, manage 51.take place, be held 52.make fun of, play tricks on 53.pay…for, spend…on/in 54.injure, hurt 55.be full of, be filled with 56.lie(in, on, at), be located(in, on, at) 57.realize, come true 58.repeat, say again 59.deal with, do with 60.dream of, think 61.maybe, perhaps 62.each other, one another 63.all over the world, throughout the world, around the world https://www.doczj.com/doc/da13032091.html,petition, contest 65.require, need 66.fit, healthy 67.correct, right 68.bright, clever 69.quite, very, rather 70. a little, a few, some 71.timid, shy 72.in the end, at last, finally 73.foolish, stupid 74.immediately, at once, right now, in no



考研英语阅读:正确选项同义词改写一览表 【使用说明】等号前为正确选项词汇或短语,等号后为原文词汇或短语。等号不代表词义、词性的完全相同,只 是一种意思上的对应。需要注意三个问题: 1、不要把此表当同义词表背诵,同义词表会另行发布; 2、此表可用来检查词汇与原文的对应关系,或核对答案来源; 3、有时题干也与原文有同义词转换关系,此处不再赘述。 2002. 41. C: 与原文一致 42. B: conscious of = think 43. D: laughing stock = scapegoats

44. D: casually = natural / casual / relaxed 45. A: use = using / must know / to know / must practice / look for / search for(各段首句) 46. C: the invention of = devise, difficult = burdensome 47. C: devices = robot systems 48. D: respond = interact, changing = dynamic 49. B: intervention = supervision 50. C: brain = mind, relevant information = the monkey…or the single suspicious face… 51. B: reduction in supply = supply-cuts 52. D: 与原文一致 53. D: no significant impact = only 0.25-0.5% 54. A: shocks = swings, less shocking = less sensitive


形容词/副词 Important: essential, significant★★★★★, vital, crucial★★★★★, profound★★★★★, play a pushing role, indispensable, requisite, critical★★★★★, fundamental★★★★★, primary, elementary, underlying, rudimentary★★★★★, basically, necessary… Angry: annoyed★★★★★, cross, displeased, enraged, exasperated★★★★★, incensed, infuriated, irate, mad (informal), livid (informal), berserk, outraged★★★★★, resentful★★★★★… Big: gigantic★★★★★, massive★★★★★, colossal, enormous, immense★★★★★, gargantuan, tremendous★★★★★, titanic, giant, vast, large, huge, monster, bulky, Good: marvelous, fabulous, gorgeous, spectacular★★★★★, outstanding★★★★★, distinguished, remarkable★★★★★, superb, incredible, unbelievable, out of this world, magnificent★★★★★, charmin★★★★★g, stunning, fantastic★★★★★, terrific, excellent, great, wonderful, amazing, awesome


同义词、近义词、易混淆词:从汉语到中介语的视角转移* 张 博 提要 在汉语作为第二语言教学需求的驱动下,对外汉语教学界超越对同义词意义关系的传统关注,将词语辨析的范围扩大到广义的近义词,并在近义词的框架下进行易混淆词的辨析。本文认为,这种做法难免冲犯近义词的界限,并使大量易混淆词受“近义”的规约而被悬搁。因此,对外汉语教学中的词语辨析不宜固守“同义”“近义”这类汉语本体研究提供的标尺,应当转换视角,基于中介语词语偏误的现实更有针对性地进行易混淆词辨析。易混淆词存在于第二语言学习者目的语使用和理解两个层面,既表现为口头表达和写作中的词语混用,也表现为阅读和听辨中的词语误解。本文根据词语混淆的影响因素归纳了汉语中介语易混淆词的主要类型,并提出研究易混淆词需要注意的几个问题。 关键词 同义词 近义词 易混淆词 词语辨析 词语辨析是对外汉语教学、学习词典编纂和教材词语注释及练习的重要内容。在什么范围内进行词语辨析?如何选定辨析的词对或词群?这是对外汉语教学界关注已久、但仍需认真探讨的重要问题。本文拟在考察对外汉语教学领域词语辨析研究进程的基础上,对此再作思考并提出一些建议。 一 “近义词”从“同义词”的笼罩下走出 在词汇学研究领域,许多论著和教材都将同义词区分为“等义词”和“近义词”①,或者区分为“绝对同义词(absolute synonym)”和“相对同义词(relative synonym)”②。等义词(或绝对同义词)意义完全相同,可在任何上下文中互相替换,因而没有辨析的必要。需要辨析的是“虽然意义相同,但并不完全相等,有种种细微的差别,应用上也不能任意替换”(胡裕树主编,1981:260)的近义词。近义词既是同义词的主体,又是“同义词”的次类,属于“广义上的同义词”( 兹古斯塔,1968/1983:121),因此,辨析词典一般都以同义词为名,例如张志毅主编《简明同义词典》(1981)、刘叔新主编《现代汉语同义词词典》(1987)、商务印书馆辞书研究中心《新华同义词词典》(2003)等。可是,1983年北京语言学院刘淑娥、佟慧君、常敬宇、梅立崇诸先生编著的词典却径自命名为《近义词辨析》(以下简称“刘本”),此后,又有邓守信《汉英汉语近义词用法词典》(1994)、马燕华、庄莹《汉 *本课题得到教育部人文社科重点研究基地2002-2003年度重大项目(项目批准号:02JAZJD740006)经费资助,部分语例取自北京语言大学“汉语中介语语料库”及博士研究生萧频、萨仁其其格采集的印尼和蒙古学习者的汉语中介语语料,谨致谢忱。


雅思阅读同义词替换汇总表 雅思四册TEST1PASSAGE1 文章题目 not in the face of ignore alarming rate of loss plight accept idea form opinion formal tuition classroom harbor hold misconception mistaken view curriculum science science multifaceted larger modification change thinking understanding the commonest the most frequent geographic location where dominant idea common response habitat live destruction of rainforests loss of rainforests responsibility responsible majority most survive existence need rely on surprising unexpectedly media coverage newspapers and television contribute to as global warming the world gets warmer destruction destroy 雅思四册TEST1PASSAGE2 文章题目 not known not certain unable no degenerated or rudimentary underdeveloped particularly sensitive very sensitive extremely keen vision in water exceptional in water primarily usually in general employ use courtship mating feed eat


初中英语同义词同义词组归纳1. 一……就…… as soon as 2. 尽可能 as …as possible as…as sb. can 3.乐意做…… be glad to do sth. be pleased to do sth. be happy to do sth。 have pleasure to do sth。 4.准备做…… get ready for sth。 get sth. ready be ready for sth。 be ready to do sth。 prepare for sth。 prepare to do sth。 prepare sth. for sb。 5. “邀请”与“请求” Would you like to do sth.? Would you like sth.? Would you please do…? (回答:I’d love to 。) 6.“没用” It is no use (in)doing sth。 There is no use doing sth。 It is useless to do sth。 It is no good (in) doing sth。 7. “结果” so …that… enough to do sth。 too …to… 8. “花费” sb. spends some time/money on sth sb. spends some time/money (in) doing sth。 sb. pays some money for sth。 sb. buy sth. for some money。 (sb sells sth. for some money。) sth. costs sb. some time/money It costs sb. some money/time to do sth。 It takes sb. some time/money to do sth。 It takes some time/money for sb. to do sth。

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