当前位置:文档之家› 五年级语数英基础知识竞赛试题








2、 ____________________ ,南望王师又一年。


4、____________________ ,长河落日圆。








1、下列加点字注音完全正确的一组是( )

A. 河堤(dī) 匣子(xiá) 空隙(kòng) 解剖(pōu)

B. 纸屑(xiè) 阻挠(rǎo)行列(háng) 一刹(shà)那

C. 追悼(diào) 粘(nián)稠动弹(dàn) 可恶(wù)

D. 塞外(sài) 粗糙(cāo) 破绽(dìng) 粗犷(guàng)

2、下列词语中加点字意思完全相同的一组是( )





3、下面各组词中,完全能搭配的是( )组。





4、为句中加点词语选择正确的修饰语,顺序排列正确的是( )






5、与“笔:写字”表示关系最相似的一对词是( )。





6、下面带点字的意思相同的一组是(? ?? ?? ?B、喜出望外——一望无际

C、曾不事农桑——出事? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?


7、鲁肃这一人物形象出自(?? ?)


B、《水浒传》 ?



8、“已是悬崖百丈冰,犹有花枝俏”这两句词描写的是(? ?? )


B、夏天景色? ???



9、“但使龙城飞将在,不教胡马度阴山”中的“龙城飞将”指的是(? ???)






A、孙悟空? ?


C、孙行者? ?



1、照样子,成语接龙( 2分)

例:洗心革面→ 面目全非→ 非同小可→ ……

握手言欢→()→( )→()→()



流芳百世( ) 精雕细刻( )

雪中送炭( ) 伶牙利齿( )



王任重() 刘海栗()

丁慧中() 焦若愚()




1、把在团体中起主导的人喻为( )

2、把没有专业知识的外行人喻为( )

3、把接待宾客的当地主人喻为( )

4、把公堂台阶下受审的囚犯喻为( )


6、把混混噩噩、不明事理的人喻为( )


8、把足智多谋的人喻为( )


















则长方形的面积是( )平方厘米。









2 、把一个平行四边形木框拉成一个长方形,那么现在的长方形与原来的平行


























(815-107×5)÷14 125×7×8 135×99




一.根据汉语意思选择英语单词,将序号填在题前括号内。(5分)( )1.先生 A. Miss B. Ms C. Mr.

( )2.聪明的 A. active B. strict C. clever ( )3.科学 A. math B. science C. art ( )4.严厉的 A. quiet B. active C. strict ( )5.语文老师 A. Chinese teacher B. science teacher C. maths teacher


( )1. —Is she kind? —Yes,__________.

A. she’s

B. she isn't

C. she is .

( )2. She is _______ art teacher.

A. an

B. the

C. a

( )3. —______ your English teacher? —Miss Li.

A. Who’s

B. Who

C. What’s

( )4. We _______ two new teachers now.

A. are

B. have

C. has

( )5. —Is she kind? —No, she isn’t. She is very_______.

A. smart

B. strict

C. active


1. she is What like ?


2. Mr Young Do know you?


四.读问句,选答句,将字母代号填入题前括号内。(5分)( )1. Who’s your new teacher ? A. No, she isn’t. ( ) is he ? B. He’s tall and strong.

( )3. What’s he like ? C. Yes, he is . ( )4. Is he funny ? D. Miss Lin ( )5. Is she young ? E. He’s my student. 五.阅读短文,判断正T误F。(5分)

Hello, I’m David. I have two new teachers, a math teacher and a computer teacher. Do you know them? Mr Brown is my math teacher. He is from England. He is strict, but he is kind. He is also strong. He is a good football player. His class is very funny. I like him very much. My computer teacher is Miss Li. She is short, but she is beautiful. Do you have a computer teacher? Do you like him/her?

( )1. Miss White’s math teacher.

( )2. His math teacher is funny .

( )3. He is from England.

( )4. David’s computer teacher is tall and beautiful. ( )5. David have two new teachers?


人教版小学六年级下册英语期末试卷 班级:姓名: 一、找出不同类的单词,将其字母标号填入题前括号内。(2×5 = 10分)( ) 1. A. went B. want C. played D. cooked ( ) 2. A. his B. her C. she D. your ( ) 3. A. was B. is C. am D. are ( ) 4. A. thin B. long C. tall D. fly ( ) 5. A. small B. better C. bigger D. shorter 二、选出划线部分读音与其他三个不同的选项。(2×5 = 10分) ( ) 1. A. please B. head C. sweater D. breakfast ( ) 2. A. these B. they C. thank D. that ( ) 3. A. window B. no C. now D. load ( ) 4. A. share B. hair C. pear D. near ) 5. A. who B. where C. what D. when 听音乐 五、选择正确答案。( 2×5 = 10分) ()1. ----How are you, Mike? You look so________. ----It's raining outside. I can't play football. A. happy B. excited C. sad ()2.----Sam is 160cm tall. Ted is 10cm shorter than him. How tall is Ted? A. 150cm B. 160cm C. 170cm ()3.----What's the matter? My leg _____. A. hurts B. sore C. is hurts ()4.----_______did you go on your holiday? -----Shanghai. A. What B. Where C. How ()5.----Did you ______ pictures yesterday? A. take B. took C. taking 六、连线。(2×5 = 10分) How does Zhang Peng feel? 56 cm. What did Mike do yesterday? He went to a park. What’s the matter?I have a sore throat. How long are your arms? No,I didn’t. Did you go fishing? He’s excited.


语法点归纳 1.like + 动名词,如:like swimming 2.like + 名词的复数,如:like masks 3.go + 动名词,如:go climbing 4.how many + 名词复数,如:how many watches 5.different + 名词复数,如:different countries 6.same前加the , 后面一般跟单数,如:the same hobby 7.序数词前一定加the ,如:the first day 8.在几点用at, 如at 7 o’clock ,在某一天或某一天的具体时间段用on ,如:on Sunday, on Sunday morning, 直接在早上、下午或晚上用in,如:in the morning 在早上__________在周日___________在周六下午___________ 周三晚上___________ } 9.动词后代词用宾格(动宾)如:join me 10.介词后代词用宾格(介宾)如:with him ,to her 11.want to +动词原形,would like to + 动词原形,sorry to + 动词原形,forget to + 动词原形,it’s time to + 动词原形 12.情态动词can后面加动词原形,let 后加动词原形 13.祈使句中动词用原形,否定句在句首加Don’t 14.助动词(do does don’t doesn’t)后动词用原形 15.形容词加名词(形名),如:a beautiful girl busy/ free/ absent / late等形容词用在句子中必须和be动词一起 Is the busy I am absent. Don’t be late from要和be动词一起用。He is from China Are they from the same city 16.动词加副词(动副),如:dance beautifully , 17.some 用于肯定句,any 用于否定句 18.There be 结构就近原则,如:There is a teacher and some students in the classroom. 19.不可数名词:water coffee tea milk juice bread rice food fruit paper chocolate exercise fish people 20.乐器前加the, 球类前不加the,如:play the piano, play football 第一次提到某人或某物用a/an,下文再提及用the There is _______ monky. _____monkey is eating bananas.


小学六年级英语上册期末试卷(含答案) 听力部分 一、L isten and choose. (根据你所听到的内容, 选择相符合的一项,并将其字母编号填在题号 前的括号内。)(10分) ( ) 1. A. always B.often C. aunt ( ) 2. A. actress B. actor C. active ( ) 3. A. buy B. bike C. bus ( )4. A. sell B. same C. say ( ) 5. A. bike B. kite C. side ( ) 6. A. difference B. different C. dictionary ( ) 7. A. writes a letter? B. write a letter C. writer ( ) 8. A. Amy’s uncle B. Lily’s uncle C. Billy’s uncle ( ) 9. A. What is your mother doing? B. What does your mother do? C. What is your mother going to do? ( ) 10. A. Mike works in a DVD company. B. Mike works in a VCD company. C. Mike works in a DVD factory. 二、Listen and judge. (根据所听到的内容, 判断图片或句子是否相符, 相符的在相应的题号前的括号内打“√”, 不相符的打“×”。)(10分) 1. 2. 3. ( ) ( ) ( ) 4. 5. ( ) ( ) 6. Chen Jie is going to be an artist. ( ) 7. Mike often does homework at 7:00. ( ) 8. Mr. Li likes playing the violin. ( ) 9. Feng Gang is a policeman. ( )


Module1 班级姓名家长签字 〖本周巩固范围〗Unit1 She’s a nice teacher . 一、补全单词并与对应图片连线 P_rr_t p _ _ d _ p _ p _ l t_ _ cher _ l _ ph _ _t 二、按要求完成下列各题 1.too(同音词)__________ 2.she’s(完全形式)__________ 3.bad(反义词)__________ 4.nice(反义词)__________ 5.friend(复数形式)___________ 三、选出与其它单词不同类的一项 ( )1、A.clever B.naughty C.answer ( )2、A.she’s B.they are C.He’s ( )3、A.nice B.pupil C.bird ( )4、A.bird B.friends C.teacher ( )5、A.shy B.too C.nice 四、单项选择 ()1、Look, the elephant is _________. A.a clever B.clever C.a very clever ()2、She is . A.a bit shy B.a bit nice C.a very shy ()3、He is pupil. A.a clever B.clever C.very clever ()4、Parrot is .

A.a very naughty B.very naughty C.very naughty bird ()5、are my friends. A.They B.This C.He ()6、is Maomao. A. These B.This C.They ()7、Can you the call now? A.clever B.answer C.shy ()10、My mother is teacher. A.nicel B.a nice C.nice a 五、连词成句 1. is clever he a pupil(.) ____________________________________ 2.they are my friends (.) ____________________________________ 3.shy Panda is a bit(.) ____________________________________ 4.answer you can the now call(?) ____________________________________ 5.Ms Smart nice a is techer (.) ____________________________________ 六、按要求完成句子 1. She’s a nice teacher.(变否定句) She ______ a nice teacherl. 2. I can answer the call now .(变一般疑问句) you the call now? 3. Are you very clever? ______ , I ______. (肯定回答) , I’m . (否定回答) 4. This is Ms Smart .( 变一般疑问句) Ms Smart?


2019 年六年级英语下册期末试卷 六年级英语 班级 ___________ 姓名 ____________ 听力部分( 40 分) 一.根据所听内容,选出相对应图画,将其标号写在题下横线。(10 分) 1__________ 2__________ 3__________ 4__________ 5__________ 二.听音 , 选出你所听到的单词。( 10 分) ( ) 1. A. polite B.clever C. hard-working D.strong ( ) 2. A. 15kg B. 50kg C. 15cm D50cm ( ) 3. A. by plane B.on foot C.by train D.by car ( ) 4. A. taller B. stronger C. shorter D.longer ( ) 5. A.happy B. worried C. angry D.ill 三、根据你所听到的内容,判断下列句子的对错。对的在题前的括号 内打“√” , 错的打“×”。( 10 分) ( ) 1.Sarah, Mike and Amy are cousins. ( ) 2.Mike took pictures on his holiday. ( ) 3.Sarah is 10 cm shorter than Mike. ( ) 4.Sarah likes climbing. ( ) 5.Amy is from America. 四.听录音,填空。(10 分) 1 . Amy is taller and _________ than Sarah .


复习资料 ★语文 五年级语文下册期末复习提纲 (一)字词基础 1、“读读写写”词语 2、形声字(包括同音字、形近字)组词。从本册要求会写的字中,挑选一些容易混淆的形声字,比较它们的异同,进行组词练习。 3、给词语中加点的字选择正确的解释。 4、本册近反义词 (二)语言积累 1、本学期要求背诵的课文 2、学生在日常的语文学习中所积累的不属于背诵要求的词句片段 3、歇后语、成语、对联、名人名言 (三)阅读 完成短文后的题目 (四)习作 习作的要求主要是:内容具体,感情真实,字数不少于400 日积月累 (一) 天行健,君子以自强不息。《周易》 有志不在年高,无志空长百岁。《传家宝》 莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切。《满江红》 少年易老学难成,一寸光阴不可轻。《偶成》 路曼曼其修远兮,吾将上下而求索。《离骚》 不积跬步,无以至千里;不积小流,无以成江海。《荀子》 (二) 地满红花红满地 天连碧水碧连天(回文联) (三) 一夜五更,半夜二更有半 三秋九月,中秋八月之中(数字联) (四) 翠翠红红,处处莺莺燕燕 风风雨雨,年年暮暮朝朝 楼外青山,山外白云,云飞天外池边绿树,树边红雨,雨落溪边(叠字联)(顶针联)

(五) 刘关张桃园三结义——生死之交 孔明借东风——巧用天时 关公赴会——单刀直入 徐庶( shù)进曹营——一言不发 梁山泊的军师——无(吴) 孙猴子的脸——说变就变 (六) 你若要喜爱你自己的价值,你就得给世界创造价值。——(德国)歌德 让预言的号角奏鸣!哦,西风啊,如果冬天来了,春天还会远吗?——(英国)雪莱 果实的事业是尊贵的,花的事业是甜美的,但还是让我在默默献身的阴影里做叶的事业吧。——(印度)泰戈尔 假如生活欺骗了你,不要心焦,也不要烦恼,阴郁的日子里要心平气和,相信吧,那快乐的日 子就会来到。——(俄国)普希金 古诗词 《牧童》 唐吕岩 草铺横野六七里,笛弄晚风三四声。 归来饱饭黄昏后,不脱蓑衣卧月明。 意思:广阔的原野,绿草如茵;晚风中隐约传来三四牧童声悠扬的笛声。 《舟过安仁》 宋杨万里 一叶渔船两小童,收篙停棹坐船中。 怪生无雨都张伞,不是遮头是使风。 意思:哦,怪不得没下雨他们也张开了伞呢,原来不是为了遮雨,而是想利用伞使风让船前进啊! 《清平乐·村居》 宋辛弃疾 茅檐低小,溪上青青草。醉里吴音相媚好,白发谁家翁媪?大儿锄豆溪东,中儿正织鸡笼。最喜小儿亡赖,溪头卧剥莲蓬。 意思:大儿子,在小溪东岸的豆地里锄草。二儿子,正在编织鸡笼,手艺可巧!最逗人喜爱是 调皮可爱的小儿子,躺在溪边剥莲蓬。 《浪淘沙》 唐刘禹锡 九曲黄河万里沙,浪淘风簸自天涯。 如今直上银河去,同到牵牛织女家。 《杨氏之子》


六年级英语科期末检测试卷 评分: 一、判断每组单词发音是否相同,相同的打√,不同的把不同于其他的一项选出来写在括 号里。(10分) ()1. before your tall walk ()2、foot look good wood ( ) 3. heavy tea head friend ()4、cleaned painted closed loved ( ) 5. tasty bad traffic candy 二、比较每组单词的意义,找出与其它三个不同类的一项,将其代号填在括号里。(10分)()1. A. body B. foot C. head D. hand ()2. A. tree B. grass C. plant D. flower ()3. A. tidy B. messy C. clean D. dirty ()4. A. China B. Canada C. Japan D. Thailand ()5. A. season B. week C. month D. spring 三、根据句意,将句子补充完整,每空一词。(20分) 1. My clothes wet this morning , but they dry now . 2. Lisa trees and to music last Tuesday . 3. There are five people , but we only have a bowl of noodles . It’s not . 4. Some students ____________the old grandma with her housework last week. 5. The sign means you must not __________ __________. 6.There are so many red __________ in Canada. 7. When we cross the street , we should be . 四、选择最恰当的一项完成下列各题。(14分) ( ) 1 .Mrs. Green swimming once a week . A. go B. goes C. going ( ) 2 . -- are the pairs of shoes ? -- Fifty yuan . A. How many B. How much C. How old ( ) 3 . -- you in Shenzhen last month ? -- No , I at home . A. Were , were B. Was , was C. Were , was ( )4 . he TV last night ? A. Was , watched B. Did , watch C. Does , watch ( )5 .She her red schoolbag to school every day. A. carry B. carries C. carried ( ) 6. -- did you paint this picture ? -- Yesterday . A. Where B. What C. When ( )7 . Gogo and Tony are doing homework now . A. their B. they C. his ` 五、答语配对,将其答案代号写在前面的括号里。(18分) ( ) 1.Where was your father last summer? A. March12th. ( ) 2.What’s wrong with him? B. Yes, I do. ( ) 3. Do you get plenty of exercise? C . Chocolate ( ) 4.What are you eating ? D. He has an earache. ( ) 5.How many bones does a baby have? E.He was in Guangzhou. ( ) 6. When is Tree Planting Day? F. It doesn't matter. ( ) 7. Sorry, I hurt your foot. G. 300. ()8. Where did she come from? H. It was clean and tidy. ()9. What was your hair like yesterday ? I. Beijing. 六、下列哪些是Unhealthy habits ,把它们找出来并在括号里打“x”(8分) 1. Watch TV for a long time . ( ) 2. Eating plenty of green food . ( ) 3. Have breakfast on time . ( ) 4. Never play sports . ( ) 5.Stay up late at night . ( ) 6. Eat ice cream every day . ( ) 7. Drink a lot of water. ( ) 8. Read book in bed. ( ) 七、阅读理解,根据短文意思,判断正(T)误(F)。(10分) As we know, health is the most important thing for us. To stay healthy, we should eat healthy food. For breakfast,we should eat fruit and vegetables. Vegetables and fruit, such as apples, oranges are good for our health, they can provide us nutrition(营养) that we need every day. For lunch,we can eat rice, meat, vegetables and so on, please eat enough. Don't eat junk food any more, they are bad for our health. For dinner,we should not eat too much rice . Meat and vegetables are good food for dinner. ( )1. Healthy food can help us stay healthy. ( )2. We should eat some fruit and vegetables in the morning. ( )3. We can eat junk food for lunch. ( )4. We should eat much rice for dinner. ( )5.We can be full(饱的)at noon. 八、书面表达。10分) 请以A Busy Weekend 为题,写一写你上个周末发生的事情。(不少于6个句子) A Busy Weekend _____________________________________________________________________________


四年级英语综合测试卷(2) 第一学期 Class ________Name ________Number_________ 听力部分(45分) 一、听句子,选出你所听到的单词,将其编号填在题前的括号里。(10分) ( ) 1. A. desk B. bed C. bag ( ) 2. A. food B. spoon C. look ( ) 3. A. quiet B. queue C. cute ( ) 4. A. strong B. snake C. snack ( ) 5. A. wall B. ball C. tall ( ) 6. A. plate B. plane C. late ( ) 7. A. you B. me C. your ( ) 8. A. ruler B. eraser C. crayon ( ) 9. A. bathroom B. classroom C. bedroom ( ) 10. A. uncle B. aunt C. ant 二、听音,判断句子或图片是否与你听到的内容相符,相符的打“√”,不相符的打“×”。(10分) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ()()()()() ()6. What’s in your bedroom? ()7. She has small eyes, long hair and a big nose. ()8. I’d like some chicken and vegetables. ()9. I have 13 pencils and 4 books in my school bag. ()10. My father is a farmer. 三、根据你听到的问题,选出最合适的答语,将其编号填在题前的括号里。(10分) ()1. A. Yes, please. B. Sure. Here you are. C. Wait and see. ()2. A. I’m fine. B. I’m ten. C. I’m a boy. ()3. A. His name is Mike. B. She is a nurse. C. He is a teacher. ()4. A. Great. B. I’d like some beef. C. Wow! What a big lunch. ()5. I’d like some fish . B. I have a bag. C. I can see a bed. 四、听音,将句子补充完整,每空一词。(5分) 1. My father is a _______ and my mother is a ________. 2. What would you like for lunch? I’d like some ________ and ________. 3. Welcome to my _________. This is my _________. 4. Amy is my ________. She’s a ________. 5. My schoolbag is heavy. There are many _________s and _______s in it. 五、根据你听到的短文判断对错,对的打“√”,错的打“×”。(10分) ()1. Mike is my friend. ()2. He has short black hair. ()3. He has a heavy bag. ()4. There are seven books in the schoolbag. ()5. Mike likes painting. 笔试部分(55分) 六、选择合适的句子,把对话补充完整,将字母编号填在横线上。(10分) A. Do you like your classroom? B. What are they? C. No, I don’t. D. How many classrooms do you have in your school? E. Yes, it is. A: Welcome to my school. B: Oh, it’s very nice and big. _________________________ A: We have twenty classrooms. B: ______________________________ A: A computer room, a library (图书馆), a music room (音乐室), an art room (绘画室) and sixteen classrooms. B: Is this your classroom? A:______________________________ B: Do you have a computer in it? A: ______________________________ B: ______________________________ A: Yes, I do. 七、阅读短文(15分)。 Ⅰ.阅读并判断下列句子。正确的打“T”,错误的打“F”。 This is my classroom. It’s very big. The doors are yellow. The windows are green. The floor is red. The wall is white. There is a computer on the teacher’s desk. There are six lights and two fans in the classroom. The desks and chairs are very new. The wall and the floor are clean. I like my classroom.


春蕾教育培训中心 六年级英语下册期末测试卷 时间:80分钟总分:100分 听力部分(30分) 一. 听录音,选出你所听到的词汇(5分) ()1 A、smaller B、shorter C、stronger D、sad ()2 A、toothache B、headache C、matter D、medicine ()3 A、yesterday B、weekend C、last year D、last Monday ()4 A、dance B、danced C、do D、did ()5 A、took B、did C、swim D、swing 二.听对话,选择适当的答语(5分) ( ) 1. A. I'm 46 kg. B. Tom is 3kg heavier than me. C. Mike is thinner than me. ( ) 2. A They are tired. B. She is angry. C. They are excited. ( ) 3. A. wash clothes. B. watch TV. C. Watched TV. ( ) 4. A. By car. B. on foot. C. by airplane. ( ) 5. A. Yes. I think I have a fever. B. Yes. I feel excited. C. Yes. My hair is longer than yours 三. 听对话,选出正确的答语(10分) ( ) 1、I went there by train. ( ) 2 、Lucy went hiking last weekend. ( ) 3、I went to a park yesterday. ( ) 4、My elbow hurts. ( ) 5 、Tom is thinner and shorter. 四. 听录音,完成下面的短文:(10分) It's Sunday. I go to the hospital. I have a ________. So I go and see the _______. On the way home, I see a little dog. He's so small. He's even _______ than a cat. He looks very _______. I think he can't find his home. So I take him home. I like him very much. I play with him. I'm so _______ 笔试部分(70分) 一. 读一读,写一写。比比谁的字更漂亮些吧!(10分) Today I went to school, I worked very hard today, I studied and played and learned a lot, When is the holiday? Today I went to school, I sang and danced and ate, I studied and played and l learned a lot, Tomorrow I will not be late. 二. 把不同类的单词找出来,将其序号填在括号里。(10分)()1. A. heavy B. big C. long D. smaller ()2. A. ate B. go C. bought D. did ()3. A. run B. swim C. walk D. her ()4. A. play B. nose C. hand D. leg ()5. A. summer B. winter C. me D. spring ()6.A.China B.English C.America https://www.doczj.com/doc/dc8234717.html, ()7.A.juice B.tea C.cake https://www.doczj.com/doc/dc8234717.html,k ()8.A.sweater https://www.doczj.com/doc/dc8234717.html,puter C.dress D.T-shirt ()9.A watermelon B.banana https://www.doczj.com/doc/dc8234717.html,k D.apple ()5. A.big B.old C.tall D.how 二. 选择正确的选项,填写在前面的括号内。(10分) ( ) 1. The monkey's tail (尾巴) is long. The dinosaur's (恐龙的) tail is A. long B. longer C. longest ( ) 2. Let’s _________. A. to do homework B. do homework C. do homeworks D. does homework ( ) 3. We stay ____ home ______ Sundays. A. at, on B. in, on C. at, in D. on, on ( ) 4. Look _____ the picture and talk _____ it. A. of, in B. at, to C. at, about D. in, about ()5. I often _____ TV on Sunday evening. A. see B. watch C. look D. look at ()6.在公众的节日中回答别人的祝福,可说:_______。 A Thank you. B. That's OK. C.The same to you. D. Quite right. ()7.你想知道今天是几月几日时,你应该问: A. When is your birthday? B. What is the date today? ()8. 你想问同学正在做什么,你应该问: A. What do you do? B. What are you doing? ()9.你想约你的同学,下周来一起去远足,你应该说: A.Let’s go hiking together next weekend. B.We go hiking on the weekend. ()10.别人向你说谢谢时你应该说() A. Thanks. B. You’re welcome. 三. 英汉、汉英连线。(10分) 1. have a fever 喉咙疼 have a cold 发烧 have a toothache 感冒、伤风 have a headache 牙疼 have a sore throat 头疼 2. 去(过)公园went hiking 游(过)泳went fishing 钓(过)鱼read a book 看(过)书went swimming 去(过)远足went to a park


2010-2011学年度第一学期名校小五语文期末考试题 (90分钟完卷) 学校年班姓名得分 一、看拼音写词语。(5分) tiān yáxuán yápíng zhàng bào zào sù rán qǐ jìng ()()()()() 二、判断下列词语是否正确,正确的打“√”,有错别字的请改正。(6分) 1、同心胁力() 2、莫名其妙() 3、救死抚伤() 4、穿流不息() 5、拨苗助长() 6、随遇而安() 三、用“沉”字分别组成四个词填入下面的括号里。(4分) 李大钊同志不幸被捕,全家人的心情十分()。李大钊同志在敌人面前()冷静,有时据理力争,有时以()进行无声的抗议,和敌人进行英勇的斗争。1927年4月28日,李大钊同志被敌人杀害了,亲人和同志们都万分()。 四、把下面各组词中不属于同一类的用“—”划掉。(3分) 1、机智、狡猾、勇敢、诚实、正直 2、明晃晃、亮晶晶、眼睁睁、喷喷香、暖烘烘 3、鹅毛大雪、大雪纷飞、漫天大雪、雪花飞舞、雪中送炭 五、句子。(12分)

1、表演赢得了掌声。(扩句) ___________________________ 2、白的梨花、粉红的桃花、金黄的油菜花,散发出一阵阵浓郁的香味。(缩句) ___________________________ 3、把句子换个说法,句意不变。 看到那数不尽的青松白桦,怎能不向四面八方望一望呢? ___________________________ 4、鲁肃吃惊地说:“如果曹兵出来,咱们可一点儿办法也没有。”(改成间接叙述) ___________________________ 5、改病句。 (1)麦子已经成熟了,真是丰收在望。 ___________________________ (2)万里长城、赵州桥、三峡工程都是我国古代的伟大工程。 ___________________________ 六、默写古诗《晓出净慈寺送林子方》。(4分)


小学六年级英语上册期末考试试卷(第一套) (一)听力部分 分享本来不属于东西,属于事,就像颜色不属于物体,属于事,就像美丽不属于物,属于事,就像爱不属于物,属于事,她依赖于人的心存在,但分享给你带来了不同的结果和感受,有这些就够了,不管是物是事,不管天荒地老,我就是需要这种感觉,谢谢你的下载与我在这个世界开始链接.(word文档可以删除编辑) 一.选出听到的单词: ( )1. a. nice b. nine c. fine ( )2. a. photo b. phone c. bowl ( )3. a. fridge b. first c. fruit ( )4. a. same b. name c. some ( )5. a. count b. old c. out ( )6. a. my b. may c. why ( )7. a. wash b. washing c. washer ( )8. a. Miss b. Mr c. Mrs ( )9. a. letter b. let c. little ( )10. a. long b. wrong c. song

二.选出听到的句子: ( )1.a. How many buses are there in the street? b. How many cars are there in the street? c. How many bikes are there in the street? ( )2.a. What’s his sister’s name? b. What’s her sister’s name? c. What’s his brother’s name? ( ) 3. a. How old is Mary, Jane? b. How old is Jane, Jack? c. How old is Jack, Mary? ( )4. a. The reading room is Room 234. b. The reading room is Room 324. c. The reading room is Room 432. ( ) 5. a. There is a big dog under the tree. b. There is a small bird in the tree.


小学英语(PEP)四年级上册测试题 Unit One My Classroom 一、在下列每题的四个字母中有一个是元音字母,请把它选出来。(10分) 1.( )A. Cc B. Ii C. Dd D. Vv 2.( )A. Ff B. Kk C. Yy D. Aa 3.( )A. Oo B. Ll C. Ss D. Nn 4.( )A. Hh B. Qq C. Uu D. Xx 5.( )A. Ee B. Pp C. Mm D. Rr 二、把下面的图片与相应的单词连接起来。(10分) 1. 5. crayon light picture board

window 三、根据括号中的中文找出相应短语,并将代表答案的选项填在横线上。(10分) Miss White: Let’s clean the classroom. Please (擦黑板), & (扫地) and (挂上图片). Mike: Sarah! (请开门). John: Amy! (请打开灯). A. Please open the door B. Please turn on the light C. Sweep the floor D. Clean the board E. Put up the picture 四、选择填空(20分) ( )1. This my classroom

A. am B. is C. are D. / ( )2. —What’s the classroom 、 —A board, two lights, many desks and chairs. A. on B. in C. under D. near ( )3. We have 6 new A. light B. lights C. nights D. night ( )4. go and have a look. A. Le t’s B. Let C. let us D. let’s ( )5. Amy: Where’s your seat Mike: A. It near the door. B. Let’s go and have a look! C. I t’s the door. D. It’s near the door. #


六年级英语下册期末试卷分析 一、整体来看 本次命题体现素质教育要求,加强考试内容与学生生活实际的联系,重视对学生运用所学的基础知识和技能的考查,有利于促进学生生动、活泼、主动地学习。试卷从教材教学要求和学生的实际水平出发,着重考查学生听力、理解、运用语言的能力,试题难易适度,题型灵活多样,符合新课标的要求。 二、试题的特点。 试卷中能充分体现考查学生基础知识为主要目标的命题原则,坚持依据于课本,但又避免教材中机械的知识,对于一些学生必须掌握的基础知识作为重点考查的内容。如:听力题的一题、四题;笔试题的六题等,因为这些基础知识的掌握能更好地为今后的学习打下坚实的基础。 三、测试的总体情况分析。 本次测试,从我所任班级来看,及格率为97.5%,优秀率为90%。 四、各大题的做题情况分析与探究。 (一)、听力部分。 听力测试旨在考查学生听音、辨音及听力理解和快速反应能力。失分的主要原因是个别学生粗心,没有很好地领会题意。 (二)、笔试部分。 笔试部分主要考查学生的语言基础知识和基本技能,包括词、句的正确运用和读写能力的考查。从整个笔试部分的分析来看,学生掌

握了基础知识,但还不能灵活运用;知识面狭窄,缺乏一定的生活常识;语言综合运用能力较差;从笔试第八大题就可以看出。以上这些还有待于在今后的教学中得到加强。 五、个人教学中的几点做法。 如何进一步加强小学英语教学,提高小学英语教学质量,是我一直思考的问题,也是我一直努力的方向,下面就我个人在教学中的一点儿做法跟大家谈谈,不足之处还望领导及各位老师批评指正: 1、努力更新语言教学观念。为了更好地搞好教学,利用课余时间我努力学习英语《新课标》中的教学理念,以学生发展为主,注重学生听、说、读、写等各种能力的培养。 2、狠抓基础,培养能力。在平时的教学中,要提高学生的各种能力,必须在扎实和活用上下功夫,因此在听、说的基础上,抓好学生的读写训练。

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