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Intermittent Jolts of Galactic UV Radiation Mutagenetic Effects

Intermittent Jolts of Galactic UV Radiation Mutagenetic Effects
Intermittent Jolts of Galactic UV Radiation Mutagenetic Effects

a r X i v :a s t r o -p h /0104209v 1 11 A p r 2001Intermittent Jolts of Galactic UV Radiation:Mutagenetic E?ects


John Scalo,J.Craig Wheeler,and Peter Williams

University of Texas,Austin,Texas,USA

ABSTRACT We estimate the frequency of intermittent hypermutation events and disruptions of planetary/satellite photochemistry due to ultraviolet radiation from core collapse supernova explosions.Calculations are presented for planetary systems in the local Milky Way,including the important moderating e?ects of vertical Galactic structure and UV absorption by interstellar dust.The events are particularly frequent for satellites of giant gas planets at ~>5-10AU distance from solar-type parent stars,or in the conventional habitable zones for planets orbiting spectral type K and M parent stars,with rates of signi?cant jolts about 103?104per Gyr.The steep source spectra and existing data on UVA and longer-wavelength radiation damage in terrestrial organisms suggest that the mutational e?ects may operate even on planets with ozone shields.We argue that the mutation doubling dose for UV radiation should be much smaller than the mean lethal dose,using terrestrial prokaryotic organisms as our model,and that jolts may lead to important real-time evolutionary episodes if the jolt durations are longer than about a week,corresponding to several hundred generation times,or much less if the equivalent of mutator genes exist in extraterrestrial organisms.Longer-term phylogenetic e?ects are likely if atmospheric photochemical disturbances lead to niche creation or destruction in relevant habitats.


Genetic diversity provided by mutagenesis is the raw material for natural selection and evolution.A signi?cant fraction of current-day mutation is due to error-prone,light-mediated DNA damage repair of cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers induced by ultraviolet radiation (e.g.Alpen 1998,Jagger 1985).The near-universality of specialized mechanisms for DNA repair,including repair of speci?cally radiation-induced damage,from prokaryotes to humans (see Nickolo?&Hoekstra 1998a,b),suggests that the Earth has always been subject to damage/repair events above the rate of intrinsic replication errors.The antiquity of several of prokaryotes possessing a variety of radiation repair pathways suggests that the mechanisms developed very early in the development of life.It is clear that early organisms were subjected to signi?cant ultraviolet radiation because anaerobic bacteria show intrinsic resistance to UV damage and use photoreactivation DNA repair

of UV damage(Rambler&Margulis1980),showing that most life did not evolve in the deep oceans.Any shielding or other UV-avoidance tactic,whether in surface waters(see Sagan1973, Cleaves&Miller1998)or on the Earth’s surface(see Garcia-Pichel1998)must have only served to moderate,but not obliterate,the solar UV?ux.Additional evidence for early exposure to sunlight can be found in Brock et al.(1999)and in Xiong et al.(2000).

Lateral gene transfer is now believed to be a primary source of genetic diversity,and hence evolutionary driving force,in eubacteria and archaea(see Ochman et al.2000,Doolittle1999). The mechanisms involved in lateral gene transfer are often the same as those involved in the repair of DNA damage due to UV and ionizing radiation,suggesting a connection.Similar processes are involved in meiosis.These considerations open the possibility that radiation may have been the dominant generator of genetic diversity in the terrestrial past and on any extraterrestrial and extrasolar planets and satellites harboring life based on a genetic code.An excellent general review of the role of UV radiation in the development of early life can be found in Rothschild(1999) We argue here that intermittent cosmic radiation can a?ect evolution through this variety of radiation-active mechanisms,restricting the present discussion to ultraviolet(UV)radiation.We also argue that such radiation can a?ect evolution indirectly through the creation and destruction of niches during intermittent disturbances of planetary photochemistry.

Sagan(1973)was among the?rst to discuss the potentially far-reaching e?ects of UV radiation on the?rst life forms.Even earlier,Sagan&Shklovskii(1966)suggested that supernova explosions could intermittently a?ect biological activity on the Earth.They pointed out that the UV and especially cosmic ray?uxes from supernovae could have been catastrophic for some organisms,but could have also been”favorable for evolution.”Since then,a number of authors have suggested terrestrial biological e?ects due to supernovae and related phenomena(see Rudermann1974, Crutzen and Bruhl1996,Collar1996,Dar,Laor&Shaviv1996,Ellis&Schram1995,Ellis,Fields &Schramm1996).Nearly all this work focused on the possible relation of Galactic events to mass extinctions.Little attempt was made to estimate the rates at which signi?cant events should have occurred as a function of?ux or?uence,their potential for mutagenesis,or the signi?cance of such events for life on other planets,satellites of giant planets,or extrasolar planets.

In the present paper,we concentrate on the200-300nm spectral region because DNA action spectra for many types of alterations peak at260nm and decline rapidly at larger and smaller wavelengths.Shorter wavelengths are relevant to atmospheric chemistry,as discussed below. Many cosmic sources have spectra that rise rapidly at longer wavelengths.The increased?ux

at larger wavelengths may compensate for the reduction in magnitude of biological sensitivity

at these wavelengths,making the UVB,UVA(320-400nm),and even the blue region of the spectrum potentially rich in biological a?ect.If so,then even planets with no ozone shielding will be susceptible to potential mutagenesis by UV events.

II.Core-collapse Supernovae

Here we report results for one type of event:UV radiation from core-collapse(Type II) supernovae(SNe).Core collapse SNe produce UV radiation by two separate phenomena.First,

there is a prompt hard UV radiation burst due to shock breakout,which is found in all numerical and analytical theoretical models(e.g.Falk1978,Ensman&Burrows1992,Matzner&McKee 1999).We estimate that such events typically produce about1047erg in hard UV photons, predominantly shortward of200nm,for about a day or less.The subsequent UV emission as the explosion progresses to the more protracted light curve phase,lasting2-3months while the outer hydrogen envelope expands and becomes transparent,has been computed only roughly. We estimate a UV energy release of again about1047erg or larger for the light curve phase, from both theory and observation,but with a luminosity of about1041erg s?1,compared to the shock breakout luminosity of a few times1044erg s?1.Thus both phenomena may give similar total UV energies(and hence?uences at a given distance from a particular planetary/satellite system),but with very di?erent spectra,luminosities(and hence?uxes),and timescales.There are uncertainties in these numbers,but they are small(less than a factor of10)compared to the uncertainties in the mutation doubling dose(§IIIA).

The issue of luminosities and timescales is crucial.Both shock breakout and light curve UV will be equally capable of a?ecting atmospheric chemistry(apart from di?erences in spectral distribution compared to photolysis cross sections).The smaller?uxes of the light curve UV compared to the shock breakout UV means that the former will be less capable of dominating the UV?ux of the parent star.As discussed below,the duration of the explosion is also crucial with regard to evolutionary e?ects.

III.Frequency of Signi?cant Events

A.Critical UV Fluence for Mutational Evolution

For high-energy(ionizing)photons or particles,the major mutational lesions are also those leading to lethality(e.g.double-strand breaks).The situation is very di?erent for UV mutagenesis, a fact that has apparently been overlooked in the astrobiological literature.Forλ~<310nm(UVC and UVB),bipyrimidic photoproducts,most importantly cylclobutane pyrimidine dimers,are the dominant contributors to UV mutation(see Friedberg et al.1995for a comprehensive discussion; also Chandrasekhar&Van Houten2000).These photoproducts dominate the mutation rate because they are repaired by error-prone photoreactivation and speci?cally bypassed by the SOS response,but are rarely lethal,thanks to accurate nucleotide excision and other repair pathways, leading to a potentially very small mutation doubling dose.The best-studied prokaryotic systems(E.coli and B.subtilis)exhibit signi?cant lethality at?uences around104erg cm?2 (e.g.Dose et al.1997),although signi?cant variations occur,both smaller(e.g.Asad et al. 2000)and larger(e.g.spores,Dose et al.1996;the likely Archaean thermophile Chloro?exus aurantiacus under anoxic conditions,Pierson et al.1993;and the extreme radiation resistance of D.radiodurans,see Battista1997).We can estimate a lower limit to the UV mutation doubling dose(MDD)for E.coli bacteria as follows.Drake(1991)found that among lower organisms the spontaneous mutation rate per genome is surprisingly constant(compared to the mutation rate per base pair,which varies by orders of magnitude).We therefore de?ne the MDD(erg cm?2)as the

spontaneous mutation rate per genome,SMR G,divided by the number of mutations per organism per unit?uence(erg cm?2),multiplied by the number of germline genome copies per organism, which is one for prokaryotes.Drake et al.(1998)estimate a spontaneous mutation rate per base pair per generation for E.coli lac I as about5.4x10?10.The genome size is4.6x106bp,yielding SMR G≈2.4x10?3.According to Hamkalo(1972),the dose at254nm to produce an average of one thymine dimer per E.coli DNA is≈0.1erg cm?2,so the number of thymine dimers produced per(erg cm?2)is≈10.This gives an MDD of only~2x10?4erg cm?2.This is a lower limit, since not all thymine dimers lead to mutation.Correction for cyclobutane dimers repaired by nucleotide excision repair(NER)and other essentially error-free repair pathways will be discussed in detail elsewhere;we estimate an order of magnitude correction factor of102,giving MDD~0.02 erg cm?2if we ignore timescale constraints on these repair paths.Our small UV MDD is also consistent with the fact that a single chain break or cross link is2-3orders of magnitude more likely to cause lethality than a single thymine dimer(Rahn1972).Another way to see this is that the number of lesions per cell per lethal D37dose is4x105for thymine dimers in E.coli,but only about100for single strand breaks(Ward et al.1997).These results strongly suggest that the mutation doubling dose for microorganisms due to UV radiation may be much smaller than the lethal dose.This is in contrast to the MDD for ionizing radiation,where the MDD is typically 0.1-0.3times the lethal dose.The low MDD for UV combined with the likely in?uence of UVB, UVA,and blue light leads us to suspect that UV may be the dominant contributor to mutagenesis on extraterrestrial planets,whether or not a UVC screening agent exists.

Although we realize that extrapolation to other organisms(especially extraterrestrial ones!) is dangerous,these results strongly suggest that the mutation doubling dose for microorganisms due to UV radiation may be much smaller than the lethal dose.Given all the uncertainties, we adopted F cr=600erg cm?2(closer to the lethality dose than to the estimated MDD)for both terrestrial and extraterrestrial microorganisms as a conservative?ducial estimate,with the understanding that this value is subject to order of magnitude uncertainties.

For the atmospheric attenuation of Archaen(pre-ozone)atmospheres,we adopt Cockell’s (1998)calculations of absorption and scattering in CO2+N2atmospheres,giving an attenuation factor of about3in the200-300nm region.This is clearly a lower limit,since there may exist signi?cant non-ozone UV shields,including aerosols.Adopting an attenuation factor of3means that the required?ducial?uence above the atmosphere is F cr=2x103erg cm?2.

B.Recurrence Rates

We have calculated the mean time between cosmic events that generate a?uence in excess of an estimated critical?uence(erg cm?2)required for mutagenesis for a variety of astronomical phenomena.The average frequency of biologically and atmospherically signi?cant events is surprisingly large.Assume that the Galactic events in question occur at a rate per unit volume, S.Then the frequency of events at a distance D is


where D is the distance of the event.The mean time between events is T=1/f.The distance from the event is related to the?uence F received in a given wavelength interval by F=E/4πD2,where E is the total energy of the event in that wavelength interval.Solving for D and substituting in f above gives for the mean time between events at?uence level F:

T=(6π1/2/S)(F/E)3/2=3.2x1056S?1[F/E]3/2yr,(2) where the event rate S is expressed in units of yr?1pc?3and F and E are in cgs units.Taking an average Galactic Type II supernova rate S=1.5x10?13yr?1pc?3(Capellaro et al.1997)and a total200-300nm energy release of1047erg as discussed above,T SN=0.067F cr3/2yr,and F cr is the critical?uence.

The order of magnitude formula for the mean interevent time,Eq.2,is a severe underestimate at small?uences(or?uxes)because it neglects the density gradient perpendicular to the Galactic plane and the e?ect of interstellar dust extinction.Both of these e?ects eliminate a large number of very distant SNe.To correct for this,we assumed an exponential vertical distribution of Galactic dust and of SNe progenitors,with a scale height of60pc(see Binney&Merri?eld1988). For dust extinction we adopt3mag per kpc path length in the200-300nm spectral region(Binney &Merri?eld1988)with a scaling to the200-300nm spectral region based on Table21.6in Cox (2000).We neglect the radial density gradient of the Galaxy because its scale length(~5kpc)is so much larger than the scale lengths for vertical thinning and extinction.

The results are shown in Fig.1,where the mean time between events of given or larger UV ?uence is shown.The short-dashed and long-dashed lines show the e?ects of vertical structure and dust extinction separately,while the solid line represents the combined e?ects.The dotted line corresponds to the homogeneous unattenuated approximation(eq.2).Notice that this

plot is independent of any assumption about the planetary/satellite atmosphere(?uences are above-atmosphere),location in the local Galaxy,type of parent star,or selection of critical?uence. The e?ects of vertical structure and extinction reduce the mean recurrence time by only a factor of two or so for very large received?uences(above the atmosphere)of105erg cm?2,which nevertheless should occur roughly every5million years.We conclude that all planets in any planetary system have been subjected to extremely large UV?uences(far above the lethality limit) about a thousand times.For the smaller?uences required for mutagenesis in the example we have used for an Archaean atmosphere(2000erg cm?2)the recurrence time is increased drastically by the e?ects of Galactic structure and dust extinction relative to the simple estimate,but is still small,about2x105yr.This corresponds to about20,000such events above the2000erg cm?2level during the history of the solar system.Considering that we may have underestimated the mutagenic sensitivity of even present-day micro-organisms because of the mutation/lethality disparity discussed earlier,this number could be much larger.As we show next,not all of these events are relevant,depending on the distance of the planet from,and spectral type of,the parent star,whose?ux must be exceeded by the Galactic event if there is to be any signi?cant e?ect.

Fig.1.—Time between receptions of a?uence in the200-300nm spectral region equal to or greater than that shown,for any position in the solar neighborhood,due to shock breakout and light curve events from core collapse supernovae.Long-dashed line:only e?ect of vertical Galactic structure included;short-dashed line,only e?ect of Galactic dust extinction included;solid line:both vertical structure and extinction included;dotted line:homogeneous no-extinction approximation(eqn.2). The top horizontal axis shows a similar result,but for bolometric?uxes due to shock breakout events in core collapse supernovae.The inset letters show where to read o?the present-day solar 200-300nm?uxes at the position of each of the planets indicated,using the top horizontal scale. For atmospheric photochemistry the relevant wavelengths are smaller than for biological a?ect,and the planetary?uxes should be reduced by a factor of about?ve(inset letters shifted to left by this factor).

IV.Fluxes and Atmospheric Chemistry

The Galactic UV events are only relevant if the?ux from the Galactic event exceeds the background parent star?ux.Shown on the upper horizontal axis of Fig.1are the received bolometric?uxes for shock breakout from SNe(~1044erg s?1)while the inset indicates the?ux from the present-day Sun at the distances of the various planets.Events exceeding the solar?ux by a signi?cant factor should have occurred several times even during the history of the Earth,

but only occur frequently(more than thousands of times)for Jupiter and beyond.Alternatively,

for extrasolar planets orbiting K and M spectral type stars,the e?ects are frequent even in the traditional habitable zone,because the fraction of the photospheric?ux in the UV should be smaller by roughly an order roughly of magnitude for these stars(see Kasting1997,Cockell1999), and the recurrence time involves this?ux to the3/2power.

UV jolts exceeding the UV?ux of the Sun that are important for photochemistry should occur much more often than those important for mutagenesis.If the background solar UV?ux at wavelengths below the photolysis thresholds of most photochemically important molecules is taken to be103erg cm?2s?1at1AU(the thresholds are almost all in the100-200nm range,see for example Gri?th et al.1998),then,for a planet or satellite at a distance R AU from the Sun (in units of AU),a random SN breakout will exceed this?ux with an average time interval T SN ~107/R AU3,adopting L=1011L⊙for the average UV breakout event.More detailed calculations including the e?ects of vertical Galactic structure and dust extinction are shown in Fig.1(?uxes given on top horizontal axis).The corresponding positions of the Solar?ux at the distances of the planets should be shifted to the left by a factor of?ve or so to account for the smaller Solar?ux below the photolysis thresholds relative to the200-300nm?ux used in the plot.

This result indicates that atmospheric photochemistry must have been signi?cantly perturbed about102-103times during the history of the solar system,even at1AU.For the Jovian planets and their satellites,the number of such jolts is much larger,by a factor of order103,because of the lower solar background at larger heliocentric distances.In the latter case,photochemically signi?cant jolts(λ~<100?200nm)must occur roughly every105yr!Photochemistry of the outer planets and their satellites has likely been disturbed at least50,000times during the history of the solar system.The frequency would again be roughly103/2times larger for cooler parent stars than the sun because of the order of magnitude decrease in UV?ux.

V.Evolutionary Change?

In order for a transient mutagenic event to result in evolutionary consequences,the mutation must not only be passed on to a subsequent generation on an individual basis,it must also persist for a su?ciently large number of generations that?xation occurs;all members of the population must come to possess that mutation.Only if the mutation?xates and is adaptive in terms of the stress caused by the enhanced radiation?ux(or the environmental changes wrought by the radiation)will the episodic cosmic events have evolutionary signi?cance.The duration of peak UV ?ux from a core collapse SN in the200-300nm spectral region is estimated to be from a day to a week.A week corresponds to several hundred bacterial regeneration times,assuming a typical generation time of103sec.For comparison,a similar statement for humans would imply that evolutionary change is possible over about2x104yr.

Are such rapid?xations possible?Microorganisms apparently possess great facility for rapid evolution compared to multicelled macroscopic organisms.Experimental evidence for rapid evolutionary bursts in microbial populations is now abundant(e.g.Elena,Cooper,&Lenski1996, Coyne&Charlesworth1996).Most relevant to the present paper are the experiments by Ewing

(1995,1997)in which radiation resistance was increased in the presence of increasingly stronger X-ray and UV doses,and with timescales that correspond to hundreds of generations.Although the time between exposures was many orders of magnitude smaller than would occur for cosmic events,it is still signi?cant that the total exposure time for appreciable adaptation was only about 10hr.Obviously the question is complex,but there is probably su?cient evidence to argue for widespread mutation?xation due to Galactic radiation events with durations in excess of a week. For this reason,the enhanced cosmic ray?ux due to the(later)passage of the supernova remnant near the planetary system in question may play a more important role,since the duration could be many centuries or longer.

Mutator genes,which act to increase the spontaneous mutation rate in response to environmental stresses,is an extremely active area of research(see Boe et al.2000,Lieber2000), especially because of its potential relevance to carcinogeneisis(Cairns1998,2000),and may be expected to play a signi?cant role in the response to a sudden elevation of the UV?ux.The idea that stress-inducible processes exist that operate only when high mutation rates are advantageous is supported by several recent identi?cations of mutator genes and their associated mutases(see Radman1999,Masutani et al.1999,Friedberg&Gerlach1999).Among the most intriguing results is that of Sniegowski et al.(1987)who observed spontaneously arising mutator genes in E. coli adapting to a new environment.Several authors have suggested that adaptive evolution by mutator genes interacting with an unpredictable environment may be bene?cial to bacterial cells and populations;the same speculation could be made for extraterrestrial microbial organisms if they are genetic code lifeforms.

There is also the possibility for“adaptive mutations”in which bene?cial mutations occur within a single generation,i.e.during the resting state of a cell.The prevalence and mechanisms of this phenomenon are still controversial over a decade after their putative discovery(see Foster 1999for a review).An optimistic theoretical interpretation of adaptive mutation is given by Koch(1993),who argued persuasively that bacteria have evolved in such severely?uctuating environments that they have evolved a“catastrophe kit”to deal with sudden environmental changes.The components of such a kit include the development of metabolically inactive states (e.g.sporulation),activation of previously evolved but silent genes,increasing rates of mutation under stress,and activation of exogenous gene transfer(transformation,conjugation,plasmid transmission).We suggest that frequent intermittent blasts of radiation from cosmic sources may have played a pivotal role in the development of this toolkit.If adaptive mutation is possible in an enhanced radiation environment,then the timescale argument discussed above is irrelevant,and the evolutionary consequences of Galactic radiation sources become much more likely,even for events of very small duration,as long as the frequency of high-?ux and high-?uence doses is large enough.

We acknowledge extremely useful conversations and correspondence with Charles Cockell, Andrew Karam and Peter H¨o?ich.This work was supported by NSF Grant9907582.

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电镀工艺流程及品质要求 一.电镀种类: 1、一般水电镀:一般金属物的电镀,利用电化学作用,将防锈物或漂亮的有装饰颜色的化 学物质,加在金属上面,使金属产品更有价值及防锈。 2、真空(铝)电镀:利用真空状态下,铝原子比较活泼的特性,加上静电的异性相吸原理, 将铝原子的附在被加工物的表面,增加装饰性。一般加工物体为非导电体的非金属材料,例如:玻璃、陶瓷、塑胶等制品。 3、真空镀钛(钯):(钛钯)等金属硬度较高,利用真空电镀原理,将钛金属溅镀在被加工 物表面。 二.电镀工艺流程(一般): 1、铁件: 工件抛光→热浸除油→酸浸除锈→阴极电解除油→阳极电解除油→弱 酸浸蚀→预镀铜→酸性光亮铜→镀表面→烤透明漆 2、铝及铝合金件: 工件抛光→超声波除蜡→化学抛光→锌置换→脱锌→锌置换→(镀表 面、化学镍)烤透明漆 3、锌和金件: 工件抛光→热浸除油→超声波除蜡→阴极电解除油→活性酸→预镀铜 →焦磷酸铜→酸性光亮铜→镀表面→烤透明漆 4、用电镀铬的表面是金属铬,金属铬硬度很高(金属铬的布氏硬度是110HB、钛金属115HB 、 铁50HB 、铜40HB 、锌35HB 、铝25HB 、铅5HB )不易被刮伤,所以电镀层表面不 需再加保护处理;但其它色泽如镀青铜、古铜、镍、镍砂等非镀铬处理的表面,均需加 一层透明漆保护。 三.工件品质注意事项: 1、黑胚抛光需使用适当的模具,才不至于造成工件表面变形。 2、因为在电镀过程中,工件需浸水出水数次,所以必须考虑工件的进、排水状况,如果排 水不良将造成吐酸现象。 3、工件若有经过焊接,则焊缝必需整个都焊实,不可漏掉,以免因为有漏缝处,产生毛细 现象,含酸水造成吐酸现象。 4、工件若有凸出物,必需小心互相碰撞的问题,会造成伤害,要在包装加强。 5、若工件在电镀前无法抛光时,则需在粗胚加工前,还是原材料时就要先抛光再加工。 6、工件若有内外牙、抽牙或铆铜等在抛光或除色时需小心,以免被抛光受伤。 7、黑胚表面要求光滑,不可以有凹凸痕、刮伤、毛刺、模痕、磨伤(以上手感不明显即可), 锈斑,、变形、防锈油太干、太厚等缺点。 8、因为在电镀过程中,工件需浸水出水数次,为加强化学反应,药水槽太多有加温设备(约 60°),清水清洗是常温,所以在电镀过程会有热张冷缩情形发生。 9、水洗过程中若水质不干净或没有烤干,则在产品上会流下水渍、斑点。


基于NeoCryl XK 12 的亚光块耐木器漆 共有99 40 制备 添加 2 到1,通过添加 3 调整其ph 值至8.0。添加4。预混料5-8 和预混料添加1-4 边搅拌。在搅拌好使用考尔斯类型溶解列出的顺序添加9-13。搅拌,直到获得在玻璃上的火山口和位免费电影。 规格 固体(w/w %)38 ph 值8,0-8 2 粘度,DIN 4 杯@ 25 ° C ca.33s 光泽@ 60 ° 50-55units 关键好处 -优良的耐化学品和溶剂,没有外部的交联剂 -在环境条件下固化后很好的方块电阻

这一提法(参考该配方 J-1155)具有优良的耐化学药品和溶剂,无需使用外部的交联剂。涂层还具有很好的方块电阻在常温固化。 SYOID C 807 提供储蓄在消光剂要求相比产品 ca.40%60,同时给 g 同等或更好清晰、颗粒增强 ("Anfeuerung") 和化学 电阻(对桃花心木)。 SYLOID C 803 提供保存在平滑的表面和平等化学抵抗消光剂 ca.30%。 基于 NeoCryl XK 15 水性家具涂料 共有 99.95

制备 混合1-2 和添加3,同时搅拌。预混料4-7。调整此预混料带着一丝氨(25%) 的ph 值为7.5 的ph 值并将此预混料添加到1-3,同时搅拌。考尔斯型溶解在高速度添加边搅拌8-10 中列出的顺序。预混料11-12 和中搅拌至均匀。 规格 固体(w/w%)37.4 V.O.C.(w/w%)6 pH 7.5 粘度,DIN 4 Cup@25°C ca.24s 光泽@ 60 ° 42 + /-1 个单位。 关键好处 -优异的木材润湿 -高透明度 -优良的流。 这一提法(参考该配方J-3140)具有优异的润湿的木基板和随后优良的透明性和流动。SYOID C 807 提供储蓄在消光剂要求相比产品r3 ca.10%e3s, 是w ta h n ils c t e g(我o v n在 g m eq h u og lc n l y)r. .我ty 颗粒增强("Anfeuerung") 和更好的化学 SYLOID C 803 是ca.10%在消光相比产品33,效率较低,但提供了一个光滑的表面和同样良好的外观和耐化学腐蚀性。 基于新强E-111 水性工业木器涂料


真空电镀及工艺流程(Vacuum plating and process)真空电镀及工艺流程(Vacuum plating and process) Vacuum plating and process Source: the full update training date: 2011 09 month 22 hits: 216 Vacuum evaporation is heated in a high vacuum condition of the metal, melting, evaporation, cooling after forming a metal film on plastic surface. The commonly used metal is aluminum and other low melting point metal. A method for heating metal: the heat generated by the resistance, but also the use of electron beam. In the implementation of evaporation of plastic products, in order to ensure that the metal cooling heat emitted by the resin to deformation, must adjust the evaporation time. In addition, the metal or alloy melting point, boiling point is too high is not suitable for evaporation. The plating metal and plated plastic products in the vacuum chamber, using certain methods of heating the plating material, the metal evaporation or sublimation, metal vapor encountered plastic surface cold condensed into a metal film. Under vacuum conditions can reduce the evaporation of materials in atomic and molecular collision to plastic products and other molecules, reduce the chemical reactivity of the molecules in a gas and steam source between materials (such as oxidation), thus providing the film


水性丙烯酸木器漆及其改性的应用 摘要:本文集中介绍水性丙烯酸在木器用漆方面的应用、制作流程及配方,由于传统配方制作出的纯水性丙烯酸木器漆有“热粘冷脆”、耐溶性、耐湿擦性和耐磨性较差等缺点,故需对其进行改性调整以加强其性能。通过结合丙烯酸漆和水性聚氨酯各自的优势,对其进行聚合改性,即可得到性能优异、性价比高的水性聚氨酯改性丙烯酸木器漆。 关键字:水性丙烯酸木器漆聚氨酯改性 1.引言 丙烯酸树脂是指丙烯酸酯或甲基丙烯酸酯的均聚物和与其他烯类单体的共聚物。 丙烯酸漆是以丙烯酸树脂为基础的涂料,由于丙烯酸树脂的性能十分优异,所以凡是配方中含有丙烯酸树脂,都会加上丙烯酸三个字,如丙烯酸醇酸漆、丙烯酸氨基漆、丙烯酸硝基漆、丙烯酸聚氨酯等。如果只采用丙烯酸树脂制成的漆往往就称为丙烯酸漆。 与其他合成高分子树脂相比,丙烯酸树脂具有许多突出的优点,如优异的耐光、耐候性,户外暴晒耐久性强,耐紫外光照射不宜分解变黄,能长期保持原有的关则和色泽等优良特性。在木器用漆方面,丙烯酸树脂涂料光泽、价格低廉等特性更是被广泛应用于中低档木器之上。但耐磨性和抗化学性较差,由于光泽差难以制作高光度的漆,而且硬度一般、成膜性能较差,若对其进行聚氨酯改性,便可获得聚氨酯其的优势,在不大幅增加成本的同时弥补其缺点。 2.水性丙烯酸树脂涂料 2.1丙烯酸树脂的性能和特点 丙烯酸酯涂料按所采用的聚合单体不同,可分为全丙、苯丙、醋丙、硅丙及其他改性丙烯酸脂涂料。对于纯的丙烯酸树脂(尤其是乳液型丙烯酸树脂)有着以下的优点: (1)以无毒、无味、不燃、不爆、无污染的水为分散介质,不含或仅含少量有机溶剂,且是低毒性。(2)色浅,一般可以到水白的程度,并有极佳的透明度。 (3)耐光、耐候、户外暴晒耐久性强,耐紫外线照射不容易分解、变黄。 (4)保光、保色性好,能长期保持原有的光泽和色泽。 (5)耐腐蚀,有较好的耐酸、耐碱、耐盐、耐油脂、耐洗涤剂等化学品的玷污以及腐蚀性能。 (6)施工性能好,施工方便,技术容易掌握。涂膜干燥快,涂料透气性好。 (7)配置的乳液型丙烯酸酯涂料在施工粘度下的固体分较高时,可以一次涂覆厚涂膜,大大提高施工效率。 (8)乳液型分散体系的树脂分子量高,涂膜耐水性、耐碱性和耐候性较好,具有很好的力学性能,使用寿命较长。 丙烯酸树脂不仅可以单独用来制漆,也可以采用丙烯酸树脂和其他树脂拼混,凡是添加丙烯酸树脂的涂料,均可以将丙烯酸树脂的优异性能带入,从而提高涂料的性能,弥补涂料部分性能上的缺陷。也就带来了丙烯酸树脂改性的无限可能性。 水性丙烯酸酯涂料也有缺点,如在最低成膜温度以下涂料不能形成连续的膜;涂料假速流动,易增稠,涂料流动性和湿膜流平性差;水挥发后粘度迅速上升,涂膜易产生气泡和针


真空电镀的生产工艺 一﹑真空电镀的概念 真空电镀即真空蒸发镀膜﹐其原理是在高度真空条件下(1.3×10-2~1.3×10-1Pa)使金属铝片受热蒸发并附于(塑料)工件表面﹐形成一层金属膜的方法。 真空电镀的特点: 1)真空镀膜所获得的金属膜层很薄(一般为0.01~0.1um),能够严格复制出啤件表面的形 状; 2)工作电压不是很高(200V),操作方便,但设备较昂贵; 3)蒸镀锅瓶容积小﹐电镀件出数少﹐生产效率较低; 4)只限于比钨丝熔点低的金属(如铝﹑银﹑铜﹑金等)镀饰; 5)对镀件表面质量要求较高﹐通常电镀前需打底油来弥补工件表面缺陷; 6)真空镀膜可以镀多种塑料如﹕ABS﹑PE﹑PP﹑PVC﹑PA﹑PC﹑PMMA等﹒

三、重要工序工艺说明 (一)待镀啤件:真空电镀对啤件要求特别高!如: 1)要求啤件表面清洁,无油渍﹑污渍; 2)要求啤件表面粗糙度尽可能低; 3)啤件内应力要尽可能低,内外转角要倒圆角,啤塑时要用较低的注射压力、较高 的模温、料温、以及尽可能慢的注射速度; 4)啤件外型应利于获得均匀的镀层,如较大平面中间要微突起(突起度约 0.1~0.15mm/cm); 5)啤件壁厚要适当,太薄的件易变形使镀层附着力不好;太厚的件易缩水使外观受 影响,一般来讲,薄壁不宜小于0.9mm,厚壁不宜超过3.8mm; 6)注塑缺陷如缩水、夹水纹、气纹、气泡等均会影响电镀外观质量,必须严格控制 其程度,为此要求注塑时采用: a)充分的原料烘干; b)不使用脱模剂(尤其是硅烷类); c)适当的注塑模温‘较高料温; d)尽可能少加入或不加入水口料(减低材料中挥发物含量); 7)若啤件有台阶或凹位,应预先设计必要的斜度过渡; 8)如有盲孔,应设计孔深不超过孔径一半﹐否则对孔底镀层应不作要求; 9)如有“V”形槽﹐要求其宽度与深度比应大于3。 (二)脱脂(清洁剂) 脱脂作用﹕清除啤件表面尘垢﹑油污﹐保证镀膜有足够的附着力﹒ 脱脂剂﹕现时生产中使用的是有机溶剂脱脂﹐有机溶剂的选择原则是不伤害塑件表 面而能迅速挥发为佳﹐所以因塑料品种而异﹐以下情况提供塑料与脱脂剂的对应情 i> TH104 天那水(恒星有限公司) ii> #617 天那水(大昌化工油漆厂) 使用时注意﹕ABS﹑PC塑料件只用#617清洗(TH104会烧坏胶件)﹐而NYLON﹑PP 料胶件先用TH104﹑再用#617洗净﹒ 实际上脱脂方法除用有机溶剂外﹐还有酸性除油﹑碱性除油等﹐下列为酸性脱油过程(供参考): 稀硫酸/铬酸清洗液水洗酒精/乙醚混和液干燥 40℃﹐10~20min常溫 (三)上底油& 烘干固化 从构成上看,真空镀膜层由底层(底油)+镀层(镀膜)+表面(面油)构成。 底油的作用: 用以掩盖或弥补产品表面可能存在的微小缺陷如针孔?麻点?刮痕等,为


水性木器漆配方及工艺该水性木器漆是采用字交联水性聚氨脂乳液,水性聚氨脂丙烯酸 乳液制作而成。其特点环保无毒,无刺激性气味,符合当前人们只要求。 底漆: 1 PU-1 2 丙二醇丁醚 3 流平剂 4 杀菌剂 5 三乙氨 6 润湿剂 7 硬脂酸锌 8 水 9消泡剂 1将2,3,4,6,7备入罐中分散均匀。加入8,再转速500转左右,分散5-10分钟。将分散后的硬脂酸锌浆加入1,并加入9。在转速500转左右分散。用5调整PH值8-8,5。 2分散15分钟后调整粘度4#杯30秒左右。用200目绢布过出料。 原材料成本25元左右。 面漆(国产)亮光 1 PU-4 2 丙二醇丁醚 3 流平剂 4 消泡剂 5 杀菌剂 6 增稠剂 7三乙氨 8润湿剂 1将1,2,3,4,5,8加入罐中,在转速1000转左右,搅拌10分钟。用三乙氨调整PH值8- 8,5。 2调整粘度30秒左右,用200目绢布过,出料。原材料成本26元左右。 面漆(国产)亚光

1 PU- 4 2 丙二醇丁醚 3 消光剂 4 流平剂 5 消泡剂 6 杀菌剂 7 润湿剂 8 增稠剂 9三乙氨 1先将1份的3与3分的1备入罐中,在转速 1500转下分散15分钟。以下作法同亮光漆。原材料成本27元左右。 进口面漆,亮光与亚光做法同国产面漆。配方如下: 亮光面漆:原材料成本40元左右。 1 E-106 2 二乙二醇乙醚 3 润湿剂 4 消泡剂 5 流平剂 6 杀菌剂 7 腊液 10三乙氨 亚光面漆:原材料成本40元左右。 1 E-106 2 消光剂 3 消泡剂 4 润湿剂 5 流平剂 6 杀菌剂 7 增稠剂 8 三乙氨 9 蜡液


真空电镀的生产工艺 一﹑真空电镀的概念 真空电镀即真空蒸发镀膜﹐其原理是在高度真空条件下(1.3×10-2~1.3×10-1Pa) 使金属铝片受热蒸发并附于(塑料)工件表面﹐形成一层金属膜的方法﹒真空电镀的特点: 1>真空镀膜所获得的金属膜层很薄(一般为0.01~0.1um),能够严格复制出啤件 表面的形状 2>工作电压不是很高(200V)﹐操作方便﹐但设备较昂贵﹒ 3>蒸镀锅瓶容积小﹐电镀件出数少﹐生产效率较低﹒ 4>只限于比钨丝熔点低的金属(如铝﹑银﹑铜﹑金等)镀饰﹒ 5>对镀件表面质量要求较高﹐通常电镀前需打底油来弥补工件表面缺陷﹒ 6>真空镀膜可以镀多种塑料如﹕ABS﹑PE﹑PP﹑PVC﹑PA﹑PC﹑PMMA等 ﹒ 二﹑真空电镀工艺流程 工艺流程图

重要工序工艺说明 1)待镀啤件:真空电镀对啤件要求特别高,如: a)要求啤件表面清洁,无油渍﹑污渍. b)要求啤件表面粗糙度尽可能低. c)啤件内应力要尽可能低﹐内外转角要倒圆角﹒啤塑时要用较低的注射压 力﹐较高的 模温﹑料温﹐以及尽可能慢的注射速度﹒ d)啤件外型应利于获得均匀的镀层﹐如较大平面中间要微突起(突起度约 0.1~0.15mm/cm) e)啤件壁厚要适当﹐太薄的件易变形使镀层附着力不好﹐太厚的件易缩水 使外观受影响﹒一般来讲﹐薄壁不宜小于0.9mm﹐厚壁不宜超过3.8mm﹒ f)注塑缺陷如缩水﹑夹水纹﹑气纹﹑气泡等均会影响电镀外观质量﹐必须 严格控制其程度﹐为此要求注塑时采用﹕ i> 充分的原料烘干 ii> 不使用脱模剂(尤其是硅烷类) iii> 适当的注塑模温﹐较高料温 iv> 尽可能少加入或不加入水口料(减低材料中挥发物含量) g)若啤件有台阶或凹位﹐应预先设计必要的斜度过渡﹒ h)如有盲孔﹐应设计孔深不超过孔径一半﹐否则对孔底镀层应不作要求. i) 如有“V”形槽﹐要求其宽度与深度比应大于3﹒ 2)脱脂 脱脂作用﹕清除啤件表面尘垢﹑油污﹐保证镀膜有足够的附着力﹒ 脱脂剂﹕现时生产中使用的是有机溶剂脱脂﹐有机溶剂的选择原则是不伤害塑件表面而能迅速挥发为佳﹐所以因塑料品种而异﹐以下情况提供塑料



真空镀膜工艺流程 一、真空镀膜的工艺流程大致可用以下的方框图表示: 二、具体说明如下: 1、表面处理:通常,镀膜之前,应对基材(镀件)进行除油、除尘等预处理,以保证镀件的整洁、干燥,避免底涂层出现麻点、附着力差等缺点。对于特殊材料,如PE(聚乙烯)料等,还应对其进行改性,以达到镀膜的预期效果。 2、底涂:底涂施工时,可以采用喷涂,也可采用浸涂,具体应视镀件大小、形状、结构及用户设备等具体情况及客户的质量要求而定。采用喷涂方法,可采用SZ-97T镀膜油;采用浸涂方法,可采用SZ-97、SZ-97+1等油,具体应视镀件材料而定。 3、底涂烘干:SZ-97镀膜油系列均为自干型漆,烘干的目的是为了提高生产效率。通常烘干的温度为60-70oC,时间约2小时。烘干完成的要求是漆膜完全干燥。 4、镀膜:镀膜时,应保证镀膜机的真空度达到要求后,再加热钨丝,并严格控制加热时间。同时,应掌握好镀膜用金属(如铝线)的量,太少可能导致金属膜遮盖不住底材,太多则除了浪费外,还会影响钨丝寿命和镀膜质量。 5、面涂:通常面涂的目的有以下两个方面:A、提高镀件的耐水性、耐腐蚀性、耐磨耗性;B、为水染着色提供可能。SZ-97油系列产品均可用于面涂,若镀件不需着色,视客户要求,可选用911、911-1哑光油、889透明油、910哑光油等面油涂装。 6、面涂烘干:通常面涂层较底涂层薄,故烘干温度较低,约50-60oC,时间约1~2小时,用户可根据实际情况灵活把握,最终应保证面涂层彻底干燥。如果镀件不需着色,则工序进行到此已经结束。 7、水染着色:如果镀件需要进行水染着色,则可将面漆已经烘干的镀件放进染缸里,染上所需颜色,之后冲洗晾干即可。染色时要注意控制水的温度,通常在 60~80oC左右,同时应控制好水染的时间。水染着色的缺点是容易褪色,但成本较低。


塑胶电镀中真空电镀的做法 常见的塑胶电镀工艺有两种:水电镀和真空离子镀. 真空离子镀,又称真空镀膜.真空电镀的做法现在是一种比较流行的做法,做出来的产品金属感强,亮度高.而相对其他的镀膜法来说,成本较低,对环境的污染小,现在为各行业广泛采用. 真空电镀适用范围较广,如ABS料、ABS+PC料、PC料的产品.同时因其工艺流程复杂、环境、设备要求高,单价比水电镀昂贵. 现对其工艺流程作简要介绍:产品表面清洁--〉去静电--〉喷底漆--〉烘烤底漆--〉真空镀膜--〉喷面漆--〉烘烤面漆--〉包装. 一般真空电镀的做法是在素材上先喷一层底漆,再做电镀.由于素材是塑料件,在注塑时会残留空气泡,有机气体,而在放置时会吸入空气中的水分. 另外,由于塑料表面不够平整,直接电镀的工件表面不光滑,光泽低,金属感差,并且会出现气泡,水泡等不良状况.喷上一层底漆以后,会形成一个光滑平整的表面,并且杜绝了塑料本身存在的气泡水泡的产生,使得电镀的效果得以展现.真空电镀可分为一般真空电镀、UV真空电镀、真空电镀特殊.工艺有蒸镀、溅镀、枪色等. 水电镀因工艺较简单,从设备到环境得要求均没有真空离子镀苛刻,从而被广泛应用. 但水电镀有个弱点,只能镀ABS料和ABS+PC料(此料镀的效果也不是很理想).而ABS 料耐温只有80℃,这使得它的应用范围被限制了.而真空电镀可达200℃左右,这对使用在高温的部件就可以进行电镀处理了.像风嘴、风嘴环使用PC料,这些部件均要求耐130℃的高温.另,一般要求耐高温的部件,做真空电镀都要在最后喷一层UV油,这样使得产品表面即有光泽、有耐高温、同时又保证附着力. 两种工艺的优缺点: A、简单来说,真空电镀不过UV油,其附着力很差,无法过百格TEST,而水电镀的明显好于真空电镀!因此,为保证真空电镀的附着力,均需后续进行特殊的喷涂处理,成本当然高些. B、水电镀颜色较单调,一般只有亮银和亚银等少数几种,对于闪银、魔幻蓝、裂纹、水滴银等五花八门的七彩色就无能为力了. 而真空电镀可以解决七彩色的问题. C、水电镀一般的镀层材质采用“六价铬”,这是非环保材料.对于“六价铬”有如下的要求:欧盟: 76/769/EEC:禁止使用; 94/62/EC:<100ppm; ROHS:<1000ppm 如此严格的要求,国内一些厂家已开始尝试使用“三价铬”来替代“六价铬”;而真空电镀使用的镀层材质广泛、容易符合环保要求. 简单一点,就是在真空状态下将需要涂覆在产品表面的膜层材料通过等离子体离化后沉积在工件表面的表面处理技术. 它有真空蒸发镀,溅射镀,离子镀等,获得这些沉积方法的途径有多种:电加热、离子束、电子束、直流溅射、磁控溅射、中频溅射、射频建设、脉冲溅射、微波增强等离子体、多弧等等很多种方法,可以根据的需求和经济技术条件考虑选用的涂层设备. 相对于传统的湿发电镀,真空电镀具有以下优点: 1.沉积材料广泛:可沉积铝、钛、锆等湿法电镀无法沉积的低电位金属,通以反应气体和合金靶材更是可以沉积从合金到陶瓷甚至是金刚石的涂层,而且可以根据需要设计涂层体系. 2.节约金属材料:由于真空涂层的附着力、致密度、硬度、耐腐蚀性能等相当优良,沉积的镀层可以远远小于常规湿法电镀镀层,达到节约的目的. 3.无环境污染:由于所有镀层材料都是在真空环境下通过等离子体沉积在工件表面,没有溶液污染,所以对环境的危害相当小. 但是由于获得真空和等离子体的仪器设备精密昂贵,而且沉积工艺还掌握在少数技术人员手中,没有大量被推广,其投资和日常生产维护费用昂贵.但是随着社会的不断进步,真空电镀的优势会越来越明显,在某些行业取代传统的湿法电镀是大势所趋.


真空电镀及工艺流程 真空蒸镀法就是在高度真空条件下加热金属,使其熔融、蒸发,冷却后在塑料表面形成金属薄膜得方法。常用得金属就是铝等低熔点金属。 加热金属得方法:有利用电阻产生得热能,也有利用电子束得. 在对塑料制品实施蒸镀时,为了确保金属冷却时所散发出得热量不使树脂变形,必须对蒸镀时间进行调整。此外,熔点、沸点太高得金属或合金不适合于蒸镀。置待镀金属与被镀塑料制品于真空室内,采用一定方法加热待镀材料,使金属蒸发或升华,金属蒸汽遇到冷得塑料制品表面凝聚成金属薄膜。 在真空条件下可减少蒸发材料得原子、分子在飞向塑料制品过程中与其她分子得碰撞,减少气体中得活性分子与蒸发源材料间得化学反应(如氧化等),从而提供膜层得致密度、纯度、沉积速率与与附着力。通常真空蒸镀要求成膜室内压力等于或低于10—2Pa,对于蒸发源与被镀制品与薄膜质量要求很高得场合,则要求压力更低(10—5Pa)。 镀层厚度0、04-0、1um,太薄,反射率低;太厚,附着力差,易脱落。厚度0、04时反射率为90%,真空离子镀,又称真空镀膜、真空电镀得做法现在就是一种比较流行得做法,做出来得产品金属感强,亮度高.而相对其她得镀膜法来说,成本较低,对环境得污染小,现在为各行业广泛采用. 真空电镀适用范围较广,如ABS料、ABS+PC料、PC料得产品、同时因其工艺流程复杂、环境、设备要求高,单价比水电镀昂贵、现对其工艺流程作简要介绍:产品表面清洁—-〉去静电--〉喷底漆—-〉烘烤底漆——〉真空镀膜--〉喷面漆-->烘烤面漆-—〉包装、 一般真空电镀得做法就是在素材上先喷一层底漆,再做电镀.由于素材就是塑料件,在注塑时会残留空气泡,有机气体,而在放置时会吸入空气中得水分.另外,由于塑


真空镀膜 真空镀膜是一种产生薄膜材料的技术。在真空室内材料的原子从加热源离析出来打到被镀物体的表面上。其工艺流程一般如下: 1、表面处理:通常,镀膜之前,应对基材(镀件)进行除油、除尘等预处理,以保证镀件的整洁、干燥,避免底涂层出现麻点、附着力差等缺点。对于特殊材料,如PE(聚乙烯)料等,还应对其进行改性,以达到镀膜的预期效果。 2、底涂:底涂施工时,可以采用喷涂,也可采用浸涂,具体应视镀件大小、形状、结构及用户设备等具体情况及客户的质量要求而定。采用喷涂方法,可采用SZ-97T镀膜油;采用浸涂方法,可采用的SZ-97、SZ-97+1等油,具体应视镀件材料而定。参见产品展示中各产品的适应范围。 3、底涂烘干:我公司生产的SZ-97镀膜油系列均为自干型漆,烘干的目的是为了提高生产效率。通常烘干的温度为60-70℃,时间约2小时。烘干完成的要求是漆膜完全干燥。 4、镀膜:镀膜时,应保证镀膜机的真空度达到要求后,再加热钨丝,并严格控制加热时间。同时,应掌握好镀膜用金属(如铝线)的量,太少可能导致金属膜遮盖不住底材,太多则除了浪费外,还会影响钨丝寿命和镀膜质量。 5、面涂:通常面涂的目的有以下两个方面:A、提高镀件的耐水性、耐腐蚀性、耐磨耗性;B、为水染着色提供可能。深展公司生产的SZ-97油系列产品均可用于面涂,若镀件不需着色,视客户要求,可选用911、911-1哑光油、889透明油、910哑光油等面油涂装。 6、面涂烘干:通常面涂层较底涂层薄,故烘干温度较低,约50-60℃,时间约1~2小时,用户可根据实际情况灵活把握,最终应保证面涂层彻底干燥。如果镀件不需着色,则工序进行到此已经结束。 7、水染着色:如果镀件需要进行水染着色,则可将面漆已经烘干的镀件放进染缸里,染上所需颜色,之后冲洗晾干即可。染色时要注意控制水的温度,通常在60~80℃左右,同时应控制好水染的时间。水染着色的缺点是容易褪色,但成本较低。各种水染色粉我公司有配套销售。 8、油染着色:若镀件需进行油染着色,则镀膜后视客户要求,直接用SZ-哑光色油、SZ-透明色油浸涂或喷涂,干燥后即可。油染的色泽经久不褪,成本较水染略高。


浅谈水性木器漆配方的解决方案 深圳威诺华是一家专业的水性涂料原材料供应商,通过近6年的水性木器漆配方研发,逐步解决了一系列困绕水性木器漆性能的技术瓶颈,为广大的配方工程师在实际配方应用问题中提供了切实可行的解决方案和独到的应用价值,具体如下: 1、glaze仿古擦色: 主要问题集中体现在擦拭效果差,开放时间短,干燥时间长,层间附着力差等问题。针对上述问题,威诺华新推出了系列水性格瑞斯擦色剂,包括红、黄、黑、棕四色,完全克服了上述问题,达到甚至超过了溶剂型格瑞斯的仿古擦色效果,简单调配颜色即可使用。 2、高固透明腻子: 实木全封闭式透明涂装对透明腻子的要求非常高,乳液由于固体份太低,常需加入大量填料以增加固含,但常用的水性填料如滑石粉、碳酸钙、硫酸钡等透明度太差,石英粉、硅微粉透明度好,但硬度太高,打磨性差,应用于溶剂型木器涂料的透明粉大多呈酸性,水解稳定性差,加入会破坏乳液的稳定性,而威诺华引入中国市场的透明填料MINEX-7可克服上述所有不足,既使加入30%以上仍能保证腻子优异的透明度,特殊的针状结构还可以提供极好的填补性和防塌陷性。

3、着色与修色的问题: 可能大多数配方工程师认为水性木器漆的着色是一个简单的问题,只需加入水性色精即可解决,但问题是目前市售的水性色精不是真正意义上的水性色精,大多数是水油两用的色精,含有大量的助溶剂,从而影响VOC限定并带来较大的味道。而少数的纯水溶性的色精不是金属络合型的,只是一种碱性染料,加入到配方中极易渗色,而且耐光性差很容易褪色,正是在这种情况下,威诺华向业界推出了净味透明水性金属络合染料,完全满足宜家IKEA的IOS-MAT-0066标准,目前有红、黄、黑、蓝、绿供应,并且有非常优异的性价比。 4、润湿与消泡: 在所有的水性配方中,困扰配方师的一个最核心问题是润湿与消泡,很多工程师在配方设计中往往把这个问题分开处理,这就导致了问题的复杂性,也削弱了助剂的应用价值,从而导致恶性循环; 泡沫 缩孔 而威诺华针对上述问题,创新地提出了将以上两个问题合并解决的思路,提出解决问题的关健是助剂的合理选择和配比,以下产品对于解决上述问题非常有效的: DF-700:高相溶性的水性长效消泡剂。


电镀工艺基础知识:产品工艺基础 目录 1.电镀的定义和分类 1-1.电镀的定义 1-2.电镀的分类 1-3.电镀的常见工艺过程 2.常见电镀效果的介绍 2-1.高光电镀 2-2.亚光电镀 2-3.珍珠铬 2-4.蚀纹电镀 2-5.混合电镀 3.电镀件设计的常见要求 3-1.电镀件镀层厚度对配合尺寸的影响 3-2.电镀件变形的控制 3-3.局部电镀要求的实现 3-4.混合电镀效果对设计的要求 3-5.电镀效果对设计的影响 3-6.电镀成本的大致数据 ==更多精彩,源自无维网(https://www.doczj.com/doc/dd4785707.html,) 1.电镀的定义和分类 1-1.电镀的定义 随着工业化生产的不断细分,新工艺新材料的不断涌现,在实际产品中得到应用的设计效果也日新月异,电镀是我们在设计中经常要涉及到的一种工艺,而电镀效果是我们使用时间较长,工艺也较为成熟的一种效果,对于这种工艺的应用在我们的产品上已经非常多,我们希望通过总结我们已有的经验作一些设计的参考性文件,可以更好的将电镀效果应用在我们的设计上,也更合理的应用在我们的设计上,可以为以后的工作带来一些方便。通过这种工艺的处理我们通常可以得到一些金属色泽的效果,如高光,亚光等,搭配不同的效果构成产品的效果的差异性,通过这样的处理为产品的设计增加一个亮点。 1-1-1.电镀的定义 电镀就是利用电解的方式使金属或合金沉积在工件表面,以形成均匀、致密、结合力良好的金属层的过程,就叫电镀。简单的理解,是物理和化学的变化或结合。 电镀工艺的应用我们一般作以下几个用途: a.防腐蚀 b.防护装饰 c.抗磨损 d.电性能:根据零件工作要求,提供导电或绝缘性能的镀层 e.工艺要求 1-1-2.常见镀膜方式的介绍 这里从类同与电镀的一些工艺作分析介绍,以下的一些工艺都是在与我们电镀相关的一些工艺过程,通过这


水性木器漆配方解析 前言:随着环保法规的日益严苛,溶剂型木器漆在越来越多的城市被限制使用,水性木器漆作为环境友好型涂料成为涂料工业的发展趋势。其中丙烯酸乳液木器涂料以价格低廉,性能优秀,施工方便成为水性木器漆的新宠。本文通过解析一组以丙烯酸乳液(以下简称PAC)为基本成膜物的透明水性木器漆,试图分析这种体系的配方要点及注意事项。 简介:PAC体系水性木器漆,是以PAC为主要成膜物,加入适当的颜填料、成膜助剂及其他助剂而成的单组分木器漆。以挥发干燥为主要成膜方式(伴有自交联的化学成膜),该产品具有施工方便,性能较好,价格低廉的优点。 用途:用于实木、木皮及中纤板等木质基材的装饰保护。 主要性能:1、优异的装饰性;2、良好的施工宽容性,可以喷、刷、辊涂施工;3、挥发性有机化合物(VOC)满足国家强制性标准GB 24410-2009之要求;4、涂料性能满足国家标准GBT 23999-2009之要求;5、清晰度高,能充分体现木材的天然纹理;6、不能出现涨筋等漆病。 下面以封闭底漆、透明底漆、透明面漆为例,介绍水性木器漆的配方原理及原材料选择原则。 点评: 水性封闭底漆配方原理及原料选择: 1、配方原理:由于木材的水敏性,水性木器漆往往出现“涨筋”现象,这与封闭底漆的性 能有直接关系。对封闭底漆而言,要求流动性好,渗透力强,快干(水尽快挥发,漆膜尽快固化)而且不能出现气泡; 2、原料选择: a)主要成膜物:大粒径乳液(Acrylice? 1140粒径约100nm)粘度低(实测粘度为37mpa.s /25℃),流动性好,对施工后涂料快速流入木材导管有利,自交联体系能够带来附 加的干燥速度(交联反应带来的体积收缩加速水份释放)和漆膜强度;除上述乳液 外,DSM的XK-14和欧宝迪(ALBERDINGK)的AC-2514也可以选择。 b)次要成膜物:大粒径(W-50为80nm)、低粘度(实测粘度为10mpa.s /25℃)的硅 溶胶具有极强的渗透力,帮助底漆渗透到木材导管的微孔(木材导管直径≥15μm)


真空电镀及工艺流程 人生-工作学习 2009-07-14 21:51 阅读80 评论2 字号:大中小 湿法工艺: 1.化学浸镀 2.电镀 3.喷导电涂料 干法工艺 1.真空蒸镀 2.阴极溅镀 3.离子镀 4.烫金 5.熔融喷镀 真空蒸镀法是在高度真空条件下加热金属,使其熔融、蒸发,冷却后在塑料表面形成金属薄膜的方法。常 用的金属是铝等低熔点金属。 加热金属的方法:有利用电阻产生的热能,也有利用电子束的。 在对塑料制品实施蒸镀时,为了确保金属冷却时所散发出的热量不使树脂变形,必须对蒸镀时间进行调整。 此外,熔点、沸点太高的金属或合金不适合于蒸镀。 置待镀金属和被镀塑料制品于真空室内,采用一定方法加热待镀材料,使金属蒸发或升华,金属蒸汽遇到 冷的塑料制品表面凝聚成金属薄膜。 在真空条件下可减少蒸发材料的原子、分子在飞向塑料制品过程中和其他分子的碰撞,减少气体中的活性 分子和蒸发源材料间的化学反应(如氧化等),从而提供膜层的致密度、纯度、沉积速率和与附着力。通 常真空蒸镀要求成膜室内压力等于或低于10-2Pa,对于蒸发源与被镀制品和薄膜质量要求很高的场合,则 要求压力更低(10-5Pa )。 镀层厚度0.04-0.1um,太薄,反射率低;太厚,附着力差,易脱落。厚度0.04时反射率为90% ** 真空离子镀,又称真空镀膜.真空电镀的做法现在是一种比较流行的做法,做出来的产品金属感强,亮度高.而相对其他的镀膜法来说,成本较低,对环境的污染小,现在为各行业广泛采用. 真空电镀适用范围较广,如ABS料、ABS+PC料、PC料的产品.同时因其工艺流程复杂、环境、设备 要求高,单价比水电镀昂贵.现对其工艺流程作简要介绍:产品表面清洁--〉去静电--〉喷底漆--〉烘烤底漆 --〉真空镀膜--〉喷面漆--〉烘烤面漆--〉包装. 一般真空电镀的做法是在素材上先喷一层底漆,再做电镀.由于素材是塑料件,在注塑时会残留空气泡,有机气体,而在放置时会吸入空气中的水分.另外,由于塑料表面不够平整,直接电镀的工件表面不光滑,


PVD镀膜工艺 PVD镀膜工艺 1.装饰件材料(底材) (1)金属。不锈钢、钢基合金、锌基合金等。 (2)玻璃、陶瓷。 (3)塑料。abs、pvc、pc、sheet、尼龙、水晶等。 (4)柔性材料。涤纶膜、pc、纸张、布、泡沫塑料、钢带等。 2.装饰膜种类 (1)金属基材装饰膜层:tin、zrn、tic、crnx、ticn、crcn、ti02、al等。 (2)玻璃、陶瓷装饰膜层:tio2、cr2o3、mgf2、zns等。 (3)塑料基材装饰膜层:ai、cu、ni、si02、ti02、ito、mgf2。 (4)柔性材料装饰膜层:al、lto、ti02、zns等。 3.部分金属基材装饰膜颜色 金属基材装饰膜的种类和色调很多。表1为部分金属基材装饰膜的种类及颜色。 表1 部分金属基材装饰膜的种类及颜色膜层种类 色调 tinx 浅黄、金黄、棕黄、黑色 tic 浅灰色、深灰色 ticxny

赤金黄色、玫瑰金色、棕色、紫色 tin+ au 金色 zrn 金黄色 zrcxny 金色、银色 tio2 紫青蓝、绿、黄、橙红色 crnx 银白色 tixal-nx 金黄色、棕色、黑色 tixzral-nx 金黄色 3.装饰膜的镀制工艺 一.金属件装饰膜镀制工艺 比较成熟的镀膜技术有电弧离子镀、磁控溅射离子镀和复合离子镀。下面分别从各类镀膜技术中选取一种具有代表性的典型镀制工艺进行介绍。 1)用电弧离子镀的方法为黄铜电镀亮铬或镍手表壳镀制ticn膜。 采用小弧源镀膜机和脉冲偏压电源; (1)工件清洗、上架、入炉

工件在入炉之前要经过超声波清洗、酸洗和漂洗三道工序。 首先是在超声波清洗槽中放入按使用要求配制的金属清洗剂,利用超声波进行脱脂、清洗。清洗之后,进行酸洗,它可以中和超声波清洗时残余的碱液,还能起到活化处理的作用。然后进行漂洗以彻底除去酸液,漂洗时必须采用去离子纯净水或蒸馏水。经过三洗后,即时进行烘干,温度一般控制在100℃左右,时间为1h左右。也可以风吹干后马上人炉。 (2)镀膜前的准备工作 ①清洁真空镀膜室。用吸尘器将真空镀膜室清洁一遍。当经过多次镀膜时,真空镀膜室的内衬板还需作定期清洗,一般是半个月清洗一次。 ②检查电弧蒸发源。工作前,要确保电弧蒸发源发源安装正确,绝缘良好,引弧针控制灵活,程合适,恰好能触及阴极表面。 ③检查工件架的绝缘情况。工件架与地之间的绝缘必须须良好,负偏压电源与工件架的接触点点必须接触良好。 以上几项工作确保没有问题后,才可以关闭真空镀膜室的门,进行抽气和镀膜。 (3)抽真空 真空抽至6.6 x 10-3pa。开始是粗抽,从大气抽至5pa左右,用油扩散泵进行细抽。在粗抽时,可以烘烤加热至150℃。伴随镀膜室温度的升高,器壁放气会使真空度降低,然后又回升,等到温度回升到6.6 x 10-3pa时方可进行镀膜工作。 (4)轰击清洗 ①氩离子轰击清洗


THYOSIL E1589 Self cross linking acrylic polymer自交联丙烯酸乳液 Description描述 THYOSIL E1589 is an acrylic emulsion polymer recommended for high gloss varnishes with excellent hardness development and outstanding resistance for applying on furniture, wooden door and windows. 是一款水性丙烯酸乳液聚合物,为高光清漆具有优异的硬度和耐侯性能所设计,产品适于木制家具,门窗等。 Characteristics特点 ?The high performing technology provides excellent hardness, high gloss and durability. ?优异的自交联技术提供来了高硬度,高光,耐候性能。 ?The low solvent requirement to formulate offers improved performance, appearance and resistance properties. ?低溶剂配方提供了优异的性能,外观,以及各种耐性。 Advantages ?Excellent alkyd adhesion, wet and dry. 优异的粘合性,干湿性 ?Excellent blocking resistance and durability. 优异的抗黏连性和持久性 ?Very good resistance to household chemicals..非常好的耐各种家用化学品腐蚀性能 ?Low coalescent and co-solvent demand.仅需少量的成膜助剂和助溶剂。 Typical properties典型值 These properties are typical, do not constitute specifications Appearance外观Milky white liquid奶白色液体 Solids % 固含量45 pH 9.0 Viscosity a 25oC (cP)粘度300 MFFT (oC)成膜温度27 Starting formulations using THYOSIL E1589基础配方


水性木器漆施工规程 天津市科蓝涂料有限公司 技术部

水性木器漆施工规程 一、水性木器漆的分类及特点 水性木器漆一般可分为三类,一类是以丙烯酸为主要成分的水性木器漆,其主要特点是附着力好,不会加深木器的颜色,但耐磨及抗化学性较差。二类是以改性丙烯酸-聚氨酯的合成物为主要成分的水性木器漆,其特点除了秉承丙烯酸水性木器漆的特点外,又增加了聚氨酯的耐磨及抗化学性强的特点。三类则是双组分的聚氨酯水性木器漆,其硬度与耐磨性能更加优异,是水性木器漆中的高级产品。了解了水性木器漆的分类及特点,可根据涂装要求进行选择,如涂装门窗、家具等对耐磨性要求不高的地方,只要选择一类或二类的水性木器漆即可。如是涂装木地板,则最好用三类水性木器漆。 二、水性木器漆施工的重要性 水性木器漆历经了多年的推广,随着技术的不断成熟,水性木器漆的市场份额越来越大,消费者的认知程度也越来越高。但是在木器漆的市场上,占统治地位的还是油性的木器漆。一方面由于油性木器漆的产品性能普遍为消费者所接受,另一方面也是因为水性木器漆的施工要求较高,要取得好的涂装效果,必须要有正确的施工方法,三分涂料七分施工在水性木器漆上体现得更为明显。 水性木器漆的施工要求则复杂得多,体现在不同的形状的木制产品需要不同的施工方法,其流平性、光泽要求很高,每一遍漆之间还需要打磨。由于水性木器漆自身的特点,在流平性、光泽展现、润湿底材上与油性的木器漆有差距,所以在施工上有更高的要求。 三、水性木器漆施工工艺规程 1、正确的施工工艺: (1)木材表面处理——对于新木材,必须做到平整光滑,而且必须清除掉表面的浮尘和木屑。对于旧漆膜,一般要求打磨平整,如果有破损或者不牢固的地方,必须把全部漆膜打磨干净。每道工序应选择合适的砂纸打磨,一般木胚打磨选择200#左右的砂纸。木器必须除净油污,否则会影响附着力,如有必要可以采用碱洗的方法去除油污。 (2)在已表面处理好的木材上批刮1~2遍透明腻子——用于填补基材的缝隙、缺陷和较深的木纹。天然木材一般都有木材导孔,特别像松木、杉木等木材导孔较深,一般都需要批刮透明腻子。如果直接刷涂透明底漆,底漆则会轻易的被木材导孔吸收,即使涂装多遍,填补基材的效果也不明显,所以必需批刮透明腻子。批刮透明腻子又分为补钉眼和批腻子,施工时直接用刮刀顺着木纹反复刮涂,操作时用力按住刮刀,将腻子压进木孔内,填平木孔缝隙,刮刀和板面倾斜角度为60度左右,4小时左右干透后用400#的砂纸打磨、除尘,待充分干透后再刮第二遍。如果采用刷涂方法,可直接加入适当的清水或水性透明底漆调匀后用刷子直接刷,4小时左右干透后用400#的砂纸打磨、除尘,待充分干透后再刷第二遍。刮涂或刷涂透明腻子时宜薄层多遍施工,以填平木纹缝隙为佳,刮涂或刷涂透明腻子后,应继续打磨表面并除去木材表面的透明腻子,这样就不会影响木材的天然纹理。对水性透明腻子的要求是:透明度高、干燥快、打磨性好、强度高、附着力好、不易脱落,同时要求透明腻子贮存性能好、不分层。 (3)刷涂1~2遍透明底漆——用于封闭填充,增加漆膜丰满度,减少面漆涂装次数。透明底漆是基材与面漆间的过渡层,它能增强涂层与基材之间的附着力,防止面漆渗透到木材中而影响漆膜的平整、美观,同时能增加漆膜厚度而显丰满。施工时基材应打磨平整,刷涂

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