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College English Integrated Course

Book Three Unit One

Changes in the Way We Live

Text A Changes in the Way We Live


Students will be able to:

1. grasp the main idea (tolerance for solitude and energy made it possible for the writer's family to enjoy their

pleasant but sometimes harsh country life);

2. appreciate the various techniques employed by the writer (comparison and contrast, topic sentences

followed by detail sentences, use of transitional devices, etc.);

3. master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text;

4. conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit. Time Allotment 1st period 2nd period 3rd period 4th period

Pre-reading tasks Text organization Language study Post-reading tasks

Cultural notes Language study Text analysis

Pre-reading Tasks

1. T asks Ss the following questions on the song Out in the Country:

— What is the song about? (taking a break from city life, escaping from the crowd)

— How is the song related to the theme of this unit? (The singer needs a break because the pace of life has

quickened, the environment has been changed, and the old life style

is gone.)

2. 1) Ss divide into three large groups, under each group smaller

sub-groups may form. Each large group is

assigned one of the following discussion topics:

— Why do so many migrant workers (民工) move from the country to

the city?

— Why do city people buy apartments or houses in the suburbs, even

in the countryside?

2) After the discussion, speakers of some sub-groups report to class.

3) T may sum up like this: People change their places of living because they look for things that their

previous life is unable to provide. However, once life has been changed, they miss the good old days. 3. Ss do Cloze B in after-text exercises to learn about Americans' ideal of a country life. Then T

leads in to

the study of Text A.

Text Organization and Analysis

Parts Paragraphs Main Ideas

Part One Paras 1-3 The writer views his life in the country as a self-reliant and

satisfying one.

Part Two Paras 4-7 Life in the country is good yet sometimes very hard.

Part Three Paras 8-11 After quitting his job, the writer’s income was reduced, but he

and his family can manage to get by.

1 College English Integrated Course

Book Three Unit One


Part Four Para 12-15 A tolerance for solitude and a lot of energy have made it possible

for the family to enjoy their life in the country.

The author writes his piece in a clear and logical way. In many instances he employs the pattern of “one

topic sentence + several detail sentences” structure. It’s easy for readers to grasp the main idea, and it is also

proven effective for learner writers like our students.

Sometimes the detail sentences run parallel to each other, like those in Para 2. In some other paragraphs the detail sentences have their own hierarchy. Take Para 5 for example. The first sentence tells how busy “I” am. The second sentence stat es that Sandy, the wife, is also busy. The final sentence is a kind of summary—nobody can relax.

Yet following the second sentence there are a few more detail sentences showing exactly how tight a schedule Sandy has. Take Paras 12-13 for another example. T he topic sentence therein is “I

suspect not everyone who loves the country would be happy living the way we do. It takes a couple of special qualities.” Then there are two sub-topic sentences: “One is a tolerance for solitude”; “The other requirement is energy—a lot of it.” Each sub-topic sentence has its own supporting details.

Sometimes there is no transitional devices between detail sentences, sometimes there are, the most frequently used one of which is time words or phrases. For example, the detail sentences in Para 4 begin with “three months ago”, “three months from now”, “recently”, and “later this month”, respectively. To be sure, other conjunctions scatter the text, like “first”, “then”, “then”, “eventually” in Para 7.

Cultural Notes

1. the countryside: The countryside of Britain is well known for its beauty and many contrasts: its bare

mountains and moorland, its lakes, rivers and woods, and its long, often wild coastline. Many of the most

beautiful areas are national parks and are protected from development. When British people think of

farmland, as well as open spaces, they imagine cows or sheep in

green fields enclosed by hedges or stone

walls, and fields of wheat and barley.

Many people associate the countryside with peace and relaxation. They spend their free time walking

or cycling there, or go to the country for a picnic or a pub lunch. Only a few people who live in the

country work on farms. Many commute to work in towns. Many others dream of living in the country,

where they believe they would have a better and healthier lifestyle.

America has many areas of wild and beautiful scenery, and there are many areas, especially in the

West in states like Montana and Wyoming, where few people live. In the New England states, such as

Vermont and New Hampshire, it is common to see small farms surrounded by hills and green areas. In

Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and other Midwestern states, fields of corn or wheat reach to the horizon and there

are many miles between towns.

Only about 20% of Americans live outside cities and towns. Life may be difficult for people who

live in the country. Services like hospitals and schools may be further away, and going shopping can mean

driving long distances. Some people even have to drive from their homes to the main road where their

mail is left in a box. In spite of the disadvantages, many people who live in the country say that they like

the safe, clean, attractive environment. But their children often move to a town or city as soon as they can.

As in Britain, Americans like to go out to the country at weekends. Some people go on camping or

fishing trips, others go hiking in national parks.

2. Fahrenheit scale: a scale of temperature, first established by the German physicist Gabriel Fahrenheit in

1715. The unit of temperature is the degree Fahrenheit (?F), and 0?F was originally the coldest temperature

Fahrenheit could achieve using a freezing mixture of salt and ice. On his scale, water freezes at 32?F and

boils at 212?F (under set atmospheric conditions). No longer used in scientific work, Fahrenheit

temperatures still feature in everyday language; hot days "in the eighties", for example. To convert a

Fahrenheit temperature to Celsius (centigrade), subtract 32, then multiply by 5/9.

3. Celsius scale: a scale of hotness, or temperature, first established by the Swedish scientist Anders Celsius

(1701-1744) in 1742. On this scale, the unit of temperature is the degree Celsius (?C); water freezes at 0?C

and boils at 100? C (under agreed standard atmospheric conditions), although when Celsius originally

devised the scale he made 100?the boiling-point and 0? the freezing-point. The Celsius scale was formerly

commonly known as the centigrade scale because of the 100 divisions between the freezing- and

2 College English Integrated Course

Book Three Unit One


boiling-points of water. To convert from degrees Celsius to degrees Fahrenheit multiply by 9/5 and add 32. 4. Ivy League: eight long-established colleges and universities in the United States with prestigious

academic and social reputations. Members of the Ivy League are Brown University in Providence, Rhode

Island; Columbia University in New York City; Cornell University in Ithaca, New York; Dartmouth

College in Hanover, New Hampshire; Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts; University of

Pennsylvania in Philadelphia; Princeton University in Princeton, New Jersey; and Yale University in New

Haven, Connecticut. The members of the Ivy League compete in intercollegiate athletics. 5. Sports Illustrated: a popular US sports magazine published each week by Time Inc. part of Time Warner.

It first appeared in 1954, and is read mainly by men. The magazine also publishes the Sports Illustrated

Sports Almanac every year.

6. Individual Retirement Account (IRA): a US government plan that allows people to put part of their

income into special bank accounts. No tax has to be paid on this money until they retire. 7. Buying Insurance: People face many choices when buying insurance policies. They commonly choose an

insurance provider based on several criteria. Some of the most important of these include: 1) the financial

stability of the insurance company, 2) the price of policies, and 3) details of coverage and service.

Only a financially sound company can fulfill its promise to pay in all circumstances. Companies

with proven records of stability can provide insurance security. Choice of a provider based solely on price,

on the other hand, may result in poor service and coverage, even if the provider advertises comprehensive

coverage and high quality service.

Policy prices vary significantly among companies, but competition usually forces most companies’

prices into a narrow range. The greater cost of some policies may pay off in the long run through better

protection. Thus, a detailed examination of coverage in policies provided by different, well-regarded

companies can help consumers make the best choice based on the risks they face, their needs, and their


People seeking to buy insurance often use the services of an insurance agent or broker to assist in

their purchase. Most insurance falls into four main categories, according to what it covers: 1) property and

casualty, 2) life, 3) health and disability, and 4) old-age and unemployment. Insurers commonly refer to

insurance purchased by individuals as personal lines coverage and to insurance purchased by businesses

as commercial coverage.

Language Study

1. get by: be good enough but not very good; manage to live or do things in a satisfactory way Examples:

My parents managed to get by on a small amount of money.

It is a little bit difficult for the old couple to get by on such a small pension.

We can get by with four computers at the moment, but we'll need a couple more when the new

staff members arrive.

2. ... when it was 30 below: Here the Celsius scale is used instead of the Fahrenheit scale, (see Cultural


3. indoor: situated or used inside a building

Examples: Indoor pollution has been found to be as much as five to ten times higher inside some

skyscrapers than outside.

Tobacco smoke is considered as an indoor pollutant.

The Mall of America, the biggest mall in USA includes the world's largest indoor amusement


4. pursue: follow

Examples: After graduation Martin chose to pursue the same career as his father as a minister.

College students are advised to pursue a wide range of subjects.

Public evening classes allow people to earn a living during the day and pursue vocational and

intellectual interests in their spare time.

5. get through: come successfully to the end

Examples: The local government has taken some measures to ensure

that all the people will get through

the winter.

She got through the entrance examination and was accepted by the college.

3 College English Integrated Course

Book Three Unit One


6. at that point: at that very moment, right then

Examples: The train was now only a couple of yards from the kids on

the track. At that very point,

Anthony threw himself forward and pulled them clear .

The man suddenly held up a poster. At that point, all TV cameras

were pointed at him. 7. on balance: with all things considered Examples: I think, on balance, I didn't treat you unfairly.

On balance, it's probably not advisable to change the company's name.

8. illustrate:provide with visual features; clarify by use of examples, etc.

Examples: Let me use another example to illustrate this difficult point.

The editor has illustrated the book with black-and-white photographs.

9. I'm not making anywhere near as much money as I did ...: I am not earning as much money as I did ...

10. generate: bring into existence, produce

Examples: The widespread use of Spanish in some American cities has generated a public debate over

language use in the country.

Space technology has generated thousands of products for everyday

use such as lightweight

materials used in running shoes.

11. insurance: a guarantee that you will receive money if something is lost or damaged, or have repairs paid

for, by a financial company in return for regular payments you make to them

Examples: Many nations have some form of compulsory unemployment insurance.

People regularly buy insurance to reduce uncertainty and to protect themselves from future


12. pick up: be ready to pay

Examples: If he loses the case, Michael will have to pick up the

bill for legal costs.

Taxpayers will be picking up the tab for the improved public transport network. 13. aside from: except for; in addition to (more usual in American English; same as apart from)

Examples: Aside from an occasional game of tennis, he doesn't take any exercise.

This essay is good aside from a couple of spelling mistakes.

They were going to have other expenses, aside from the school fees.

14. cut back: reduce in size or amount (used in the patterns: cut back sth.; cut back on sth.)

Examples: There is a growing movement to cut back the government's role in agriculture and to reduce

subsidies paid to farmers.

The government has cut back on defense spending.

15. lower: make or become smaller in amount, degree, etc.

Examples: Increasing your intake of fruits and vegetables can lower your risk of getting some types of


Governments may raise or lower taxes to achieve social and economic objectives. 16. dine out: eat a meal away from home (usu. in a restaurant)

Examples: With the improvement of living standards, more people dine out at weekends.

It's my daughter's birthday today, so we're dining out tonight.

17. Extravagant Christmases are a memory, and we combine vacations with story assignments.: We no

longer have extravagant Christmases, and when a magazine sends me somewhere to write an article, I will

take my family along. By doing so, we can save some money.

18. suspect: believe to be true, likely or probable; feel doubt about (used in the patterns: suspect sb./ sth. of

sth.; suspect that)

Examples: China banned cosmetics suspected of containing substances that cause mad cow disease.

It was perfectly all right. Henry said, because the police had not suspected him of anything.

Scientists realized that Mars' evolution had been more complex and fascinating than they had


19. resist: keep from giving in to or enjoying (used in the patterns: resist sth.; resist doing sth.)

Examples: We couldn't resist laughing at him in those funny clothes.

Keep me away from the duty-free shop. You know I can't resist expensive perfumes. 20. temptation: the feeling of being tempted to do sth. that you know might be wrong or harmful; the thing

you want to have (uncount or count)

4 College English Integrated Course

Book Three Unit One


Examples: The kids can't resist the temptation of McDonald's.

In my view students should resist the temptation to take part-time jobs in their first two years at


21. primarily: mainly

Examples: We are primarily concerned with improving our working conditions.

Men can usually run faster than women, primarily because they have greater muscular strength.

Post-reading Tasks

1. Group discussion:

a) Which is better, living in the country or living in the city? Please give reasons.

b) What do you think are possible ways to improve the quality of our lives? 2. T guides Ss through some after-text exercises and checks on Ss’ home reading.

3. Essay-writing

T asks Ss to write an essay entitled My Family Life.


5 College English Integrated Course

Book Three Unit One


College English Integrated Course

Book Three Unit Two

Civil Rights Heroes

Text A The Freedom Givers


Students will be able to:

1. understand the main idea (early civil-rights struggles in the US, esp. the underground Railroad );

2. learn to use library resources and other resources for information;

3. grasp the key language points and grammatical structures in the text;

4. conduct a aeries of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit. Time Allotment

1st period 2nd period 3rd period 4th period

Pre-reading tasks Text organization Language study Post-reading tasks

Cultural notes Language study Text analysis

Pre-reading Tasks

1. Tasks Ss the following questions on the recording:

What are the special contributions of Abraham, John and Martin to the Americans?

(They all advocated black civil rights.)

How did they die?

(They were all assassinated.)

2. Knowledge of Christianity:

1) T explains that, for historical reasons, many black slaves believed in Christianity, like Uncle Tom in

Uncle Tom’s Cabin. Therefore, in black writings there are frequent references to Christianity.

2) T writes down the following vocabulary items on the blackboard: the Creator, and African American

Moses, Quaker, Bible, Methodist minister, Bethlehem salvation.

3) Ss self-study their meanings by reading the New Words and Expressions and Proper Names sections

following the text.

4) T checks Ss’ understanding and, if necessary, gives further guidance (see Text Analysis).

3. Out-of-class research projects: T guides Ss through Writing Strategy, then tells them to form groups to

research into the discussion questions in Part IV: theme-Related Language Learning Tasks by using library

resources, the Internet and other resources. Each group member may focus on only one discussion

question. They will share findings in a later class.

4. Ss do Cloze B to get a better understanding of the Underground Railroad.

Text Organization and Analysis

Parts Paragraphs Main Ideas

Part One Paras 1-5 It is high time to honor the heroes who helped liberate slaves by

forging the Underground Railroad in the early civil-rights in


6 College English Integrated Course

Book Three Unit Two 南昌大学教务处


Part Two Paras 6-23 By citing examples the author praises the exploits of civil-rights

heroes who helped slaves travel the Underground Railroad to


When we learn a foreign language, we must also learn the culture of the speakers of that language. Text A in this unit is a good case in

point. Readers need some basic knowledge of Christianity. Some terms in this text are markedly Christian, like “Methodist Minister”, “Bible”, “Quaker”. Others refer to characters or places from

Biblical stories, such as Moses who led the Jewish people out of slavery in Egypt, or Bethlehem, a holy city for Christian.

The author tells three stories about the Underground Railroad and

the early Black civil rights movement. The three stories are chosen because they are representative of all participants in this movement: John Parker is a freed slave who later turned into a courageous “conductor”; Levi Coffin is a brave white “conductor”; Josiah Henson is a slave who struggled his way to freedom with the help of the Underground Railroad.

We learn about the name of Josiah Henson at the beginning of the

text, yet his full story is not told until the last part. In this way

the author achieves coherence of text.

Direct speech is more convincing than indirect speech, especially when it comes to expressing personal beliefs. For example, the text quotes Levi Coffin s aying “The Bible, in bidding us to feed the hungry and clothe the naked, said nothing about color.”

On other occasion, direct speech makes a story more vivid. For example, in the John Parker story, characters spoke short sentences to stress the urgency of the situation. For another example, Josiah Henson threw himself to the ground and shouted to astonished onlookers: “Oh,

no! Don’t you know? I’m free!” His joy affects us all.

Cultural Notes

1. Freedom and rights: Freedom of the individual is considered one of the essential features of western

civilization, which is itself sometimes called the Free World. This freedom is often expressed in terms of

rights to do certain things or to be treated in a particularly way. When a person does something that others

think strange, British and American people will often say, “it’s a free country.” Meaning that although

they disagree with the choice they recognize the other person’s right to make it.

Americans sometimes call the US the “land of the freed”, a phras e taken from it national anthem.

British people have always strongly defended their freedom. Fear

that they will lose the freedom to decide

their won future is behind many people’s lack of enthusiasm for European unity.

In Britain and the US the most basic rights include freedom of expression (=freedom to say or write

anything), freedom of choice (=freedom to make decisions about your own life) and freedom of worship

(=freedom to practice any religion).

2. The civil rights movement: (in the US) the national campaign by African-Americans for equal rights,

especially in the 1950s and 1960s. the campaign included

boycotts( =refusal to buy particular products).

The actions of freedom riders, and in 1963 a march to Washington led by Martin Luther King. It

succeeded in causing the introduction of bussing and affirmative action. The Civil Rights Act of 1965

were also introduced as a result of the civil rights movement, which has helped to change the attitudes of

many white American.

3. the Civil Rights Act of 1964: the US law that forced the southern states to allow African-Americans to

enter restaurants, hotels, etc. which had been reserved for white people only and to end the practice of

having separate areas for black and white people in theatres, train stations, buses, etc. the act was mostly

the result of civil rights movement and was strongly supported by President Lyndon Johnson. It was

followed the next year by the Voting Rights Act.

4. Uncle Tom’s Cabin: a novel (1852) by the US writer Harrie t Beecher Stowe which increased support for

the movement to free slaves. It is about a kind slave called Tom who is badly treated and finally killed by

Simon Legree. Tom’s daughter Little Eva also dies, and another

well-known character in the novel is the


Unit 4 Fresh Start In-Class Reading Fresh Start 新的开端 1当我父母开车离去,留下我可怜巴巴地站在停车场上时,我开始寻思我在校园里该做什么。我决定我最想做的就是平安无事地回到宿舍。我感到似乎校园里的每个人都在看着我。我打定主意:竖起耳朵,闭上嘴巴,但愿别人不知道我是新生。 2第二天早上我找到了上第一堂课的教室,大步走了进去。然而,进了教室,我又碰到了一个难题。坐哪儿呢?犹豫再三,我挑了第一排边上的一个座位。3“欢迎你们来听生物101 课,”教授开始上课。天哪,我还以为这里是文学课呢!我的脖子后面直冒冷汗,摸出课程表核对了一下教室——我走对了教室,却走错了教学楼。 4怎么办?上课途中就站起来走出去?教授会不会生气?大家肯定会盯着我看。算了吧。我还是稳坐在座位上,尽量使自己看起来和生物专业的学生一样认真。 5下了课我觉得有点饿,便赶忙去自助食堂。我往托盘里放了些三明治就朝座位走去,就在这时,我无意中踩到了一大滩番茄酱。手中的托盘倾斜了,我失去了平衡。就在我屁股着地的刹那间,我看见自己整个人生在眼前一闪而过,然后终止在大学上课的第一天。 6摔倒后的几秒钟里,我想要是没有人看见我刚才的窘相该有多好啊。但是,食堂里所有的学生都站了起来,鼓掌欢呼,我知道他们不仅看见了刚才的情景,而且下决心要我永远都不会忘掉这一幕。 7接下来的三天里,我独自品尝羞辱,用以果腹的也只是些从宿舍外的售货机上买来的垃圾食品。到了第四天,我感到自己极需补充一些真正意义上的食物。也许三天时间已经足以让校园里的人把我忘在脑后了。于是我去了食堂。 8我好不容易排队取了食物,踮脚走到一张桌子前坐下。突然我听到一阵熟悉的“哗啦”跌倒声。抬头看见一个可怜的家伙遭遇了和我一样的命运。当人们开始像对待我那样鼓掌欢呼的时候,我对他满怀同情。他站起身,咧嘴大笑,双手紧握高举在头顶上,做出胜利的姿势。我料想他会像我一样溜出食堂,可他却转身重新盛一盘食物。就在那一刻,我意识到我把自己看得太重了。


Unit 2Civil Right Heroes Ⅰ. Teaching Plan & Students will be able to: 1.understand the main idea (early civil-rights struggles in the US, esp. the Underground Railroad); 2.learn to use library resources and other resources for information; 3.grasp the key language points and grammatical structures in the text; 4.[ 5.conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit. Principles: stimulating, motivating, facilitating, enabling Task–based:reading, writing, discussing, practicing, commenting, criticizing, evaluating, recreating, investigating, searching for resources, case studying, presenting and demonstrating, deducting, inducting, etc. < 1. T asks Ss the following questions on the recording: (5 minutes)


1. Complete each of the following sentences with an appropriate form of the word in brackets. 1. (attention) Correct answer inattention 2. (qualify) Correct answer qualified Correct answer Navigation 4. Correct answer participants 5. Correct answer unconscious 6. Correct answer competence 7. Correct answer inequalities 8. morning. (request) Correct answer

requested 9. Correct answer varied 10. Correct answer partners 2. Fill in each of the blanks with an appropriate preposition or adverb. 11. Correct answer in 12. Correct answer of 13. Correct answer to 14. accident. Correct answer at 15. Correct answer beyond 16.

Your answer Correct answer from from 17. Your answer Correct answer to to 18. Your answer Correct answer on on 19. Your answer Correct answer in in Your answer Correct answer On On 3. Complete each of the following sentences by choosing the best answer from the choices given. 21. The buses, ___________ were already full, were surrounded by an angry crowd. A. most of which B. both of which C. few of them D. those of which 22. There's only one man ____________ the job. A. qualified for


Unit 3 The Generation Gap Teaching Aims: 1.Understanding the main idea (Father meddled in children’s affairs with good intentions ,but only to find his efforts unwelcome) and structure ( three settings,three scense); 2.Appreciate the basic elements of a play; 3.Grasp the key language points in Texts A and learn to use them in context; 4.Understand the cultural background related to the content 5.Conducting a series of theme-related reading, listening, speaking, and writing activities 6.Learn to write poster, etc. Teaching Keypoints: 1.Grasp the main idea of Text A and language points in Text A 2.Cultural background about The Generation Gap; 3.Analysis of the difficult sentences in Text A Teaching Difficulties: 1.Writing strategy and style demonstrated in Text A 2.Learn how to understand the structure of difficult and long sentences Teaching Aids: Teacher-guided, discussion, exercises, group-activities, student-centred Teaching period: 12 classes Teaching Procedure: Step 1Warming up 1.Have students read the overview of page 58, students will understand the main topic of unit3 2.Have students listen to the script of listening part, explain some difficult sentences and phrases, lead them to finish the exercises on page59, check the answer 3.Have students form pairs to interview each other. Step 2 Global analysis of Text A Part Division of the Text Parts Para(s). Main Ideas 1 1~35 In a fast-food restaurant, Father embarrassed Sean by talking too proudly to the restaurant manager. 2 36~108 In the Thompson family dining room, Father embarrassed Diane by persuading a work-mate into pressing his son to ask her to the senior prom. 3 109~130 In an office at Heidi’s high school, Father embarrassed Heidi by boasting to an official about how bright she was. Step 3 Detailed Reading Ⅰ. Difficult Sentences 1. (Title) “Father Knows Better” 1. What does “Father knows better.” mean? (=“Father knows better.” or “Father, you know better than that.” literally means Father wa wise enough not to do something. Actually it does not have this meaning. It means Father was not wise when he meddled with his children’s affairs.)


Unit 1 Personal Relationship In-Class Reading The Gift of Life 以生命相赠 1 炸弹落在了这个小村庄里。在可怕的越南战争期间,谁也不知道这些炸弹要轰炸什么目标,而它们却落在了一所由传教士办的小孤儿院内。 2 传教士和一两个孩子已经丧生,还有几个孩子受了伤,其中有一个小女孩,8岁左右,双腿被炸伤了。 3 几小时后,医疗救援小组到了。医疗小组由一名年轻的美国海军医生和一名同样年轻的海军护士组成。他们很快发现有个小女孩伤势严重。显然,如果不立即采取行动,她就会因失血过多和休克而死亡。 4 他们明白必须给小女孩输血,但是他们的医药用品很有限,没有血浆,因此需要匹配的血型。快速的血型测定显示两名美国人的血型都不合适。而几个没有受伤的孤儿却有匹配的血型。 5 医生会讲一点越南语,护士会讲一点法语,但只有中学的法语水平。孩子们不会说英语,只会说一点法语。医生和护士用少得可怜的一点共同语言,结合大量的手势,努力向这些受惊吓的孩子们解释说,除非他们能输一些血给自己的小伙伴,否则她将必死无疑。然后他们问孩子们是否有人愿意献血来救小女孩。 6 对医生和护士的请求,孩子们瞪大眼睛,一声不吭。此时小病人生命垂危。然而,只有这些受惊吓的孩子中有人自愿献血,他们才能够得到血。过了好一会儿,一只小手慢慢地举了起来,然后垂了下去,一会儿又举了起来。 7 “噢,谢谢,”护士用法语说。“你叫什么名字?” 8 “兴,”小男孩回答道。 9 兴很快被抱到一张床上,手臂用酒精消毒后,针就扎了进去。在整个过程中,兴僵直地躺着,没有出声。 10 过了一会儿,他发出了一声长长的抽泣,但立即用那只可以活动的手捂住了自己的脸。 11 “兴,疼吗?”医生问。 12 兴默默地摇了摇头,但一会儿忍不住又抽泣起来,并又一次试图掩饰自己的哭声。医生又问是不是插在手臂上的针弄疼了他,兴还是摇了摇头。 13 但现在,偶尔的抽泣变成了持续无声的哭泣。他紧紧地闭着眼睛,用拳头堵住嘴,想竭力忍住哭泣。 14 医疗小组此时非常担忧,因为针不会使他们的小输血者一直感到疼痛。一定是哪里出了问题。恰好这时,一名越南护士前来帮忙。看到小男孩在哭,她用越南话很快地问他原因。听了小男孩的回答后,又立即作了回答。护士一边说,一边俯身轻轻拍着小男孩的头,她的声音亲切柔和。 15 一会儿,小男孩不再哭了,他睁开眼睛,用质疑的目光看着越南护士。护士点了点头,小男孩的脸上马上露出了宽慰的神色。 16 越南护士抬起头平静地对两名美国人说: “他以为自己快死了。他误解了你们。以为你们要他献出所有的血,小女孩才能活下来。” 17 “那他为什么还愿意这么做呢?”海军护士问。 18 越南护士把这个问题向小男孩重复了一遍。小男孩简单地回答道: “她是我的朋友。” 19 他为了朋友甘愿献出自己的生命,没有比这更伟大的爱了。


Teaching Planning College English Integrated Course Book Three Unit Two The Freedom Givers Zhong wen 1.Background Information Teacher: zhong wen Students: 56 sophomores Content of the textbook: unit-2 text A the Freedom Givers Textbook: foreign language teaching and research press Time duration:10 minutes 2.Textbook Analysis The author tells three stories about the Underground Railroad and early Black civil rights movement. The three stories are chosen because they are representative of all participants in this movement: John Parke r is a freed slave who later turned into a courageous “conductor”; Levi Coffin is a brave white “conductor”; Josiah Henson is a slave who struggled his way to freedom with the help of the Underground Railroad. We learn about the name of Josiah Henson at the beginning of the text, yet his full story is not told until the last part. In this way the author achieves coherence of text. 3.Students Analysis The class is made up of 56 students, with 30 girls and 26 boys ,who have a good knowledge of Basic English, but know very little about the American culture behind the language. So in this introduction part, It is necessary to introduce some background information to the students before reading 4.Teaching Objectives Students will be able to: 1.understand the main idea(early civil-rights struggles in the US, esp. the underground Railroad) 2.grasp the key language points and grammatical structures in the text, 3.conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit 4.Appreciate the various techniques employed by the writer (comparison and contrast, topic sentence followed by detail sentences, use of transitional devices,etc.); 5.Teaching Procedures: Greetings Step 1 Lead-in T: Today we are going to talk about the ethic heroes in American history, before the class, I’d like to introduce the slavery to all of you. T: Abraham Lincoln was the 16th president of the United States, during his term of office; he led the civil war and abolished the slavery. T: In the battle against slavery, not only did the president try his best to abolish this system, but also the people, especially the black people living in the South America try hard to fight for their own feat. Today, we will introduce some freedom givers in the American history. Before

新编大学英语1综合教程练习unit 8

UNIT 8 COPING WITH AN EDUCATIONAL PROBLEM I.I. Key words & phrases ability accumulate acquire adequate affect astonish compete complex decline faculty function handful humble idle ignorant jam luxury miracle portable scare slice suggestion swear upset better off break down compete with in amazement make a living by run out of search for sum up Additional Vocabulary scholarship 奖学金 this year’s graduate 应届毕业生 golden collar worker 金领工人 net capital 净资本 academic credit system 学分制 like water off duck’s back 把…当耳边风 netter 网虫 bullet train 子弹头列车 quality of population 人口素质 heuristic education 启发式教育 teach through lively activities 寓教于乐 emeritus professor 名誉教授 degrade oneself 掉(身价) stamp the card 打卡 WAP phone 上网手机 excessive consumption 提前消费 top student 高材生 inter-disciplinary talent 复合型人才 human capital 人力资本 intensive training class 强化班 alleviate burdens on students 减负 online love affair 网恋 magnet train 磁悬列车

Unit6 全新版大学英语教案

New Horizon College English (Book 4)

I. Warm-up activities 1.Background information Chrysler Corporation (A) The Chrysler Corporation, founded in 1924, used to be one of the three largest American automobile manufacturers whose brands include both passenger and commercial vehicles such as Chrysler, Jeep? and Dodge. The two other largest American automobile manufacturers are General Motors and Ford. Chrysler Corporation (B) In addition to auto making, Chrysler is also engaged in financial services, providing loan services (mostly) to car buyers. In 1998 it merged with Daimler-Benz AG (of Germany) (best known for its Mercedes-Benz brand name) to become part of the DaimlerChrysler Corporation, which is jointly owned by European, U.S. and other international investors. U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) (A) A U.S. government agency, whose mission is to protect investors and maintain the integrity of the securities markets. The Commission was set up by the U.S. Congress in 1933 in response to “Black Monday”, the Great Stock Market Crash in 1929. U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) (B) Its purpose was to restore investor confidence in the U.S. capital markets by providing more structure and government oversight. It is based on the concept that all investors, whether large institutions or private individuals, should have access to certain basic facts about an investment prior to buying it. To achieve this, the SEC requires public companies to disclose meaningful financial and other information to the public, which provides a common pool of knowledge for all investors to use to judge for themselves if a company’s securities are a good investment. U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) (C) It is believed that only through the steady flow of timely, comprehensive and accurate information can people make sound investment decisions. At present the SEC is comprised of five presidentially-appointed Commissioners, four Divisions and 18 Offices, with a total of about 3,100 staff. The International Chamber of Commerce (A) The aim of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), founded in 1919, is to serve world business by promoting trade and investment, open markets for goods and services, and the free flow of capital. The International Chamber of Commerce (B) Its activities cover a broad spectrum, from arbitration and dispute resolution to making the case for open trade and the market economy system, business self-regulation, fighting corruption or combating commercial crime. The ICC is made of a World Council (its governing body) and individual national committees and groups. Individual companies, corporations, professional associations as well as individuals can also join the ICC as individual members. 2.Questions and answers 1)-Why do business students study professional ethics? People feel that bribery is increasing throughout the world. One day, business students will grow into managers of all ranks and in all fields. If they should offer or take bribes in their positions, corruption and unfair competition would result. In that case, normal economic order would be ruined, and people in business circles would have no commonly agreed principles to follow. To


全新版大学英语综合教程 第二版课后练习答案 This manuscript was revised on November 28, 2020

Unit1 Ways of Learning Vocabulary I 1. 1)insert 2)on occasion 3)investig ate 4)In retrospect 5)initial 6)phenomen a 7)attached 8)make up for 9)is awaiting 10)not; in the least 11)promote 12)emerged 2. 1)a striking contrast between the standards of living in the north of the country and the south. 2)is said to be superior to synthetic fiber. 3)as a financial center has evolved slowly. 4)is not relevant to whether he is a good lawyer. 5)by a little-known sixteen-century Italian poet have found their way into some English magazines. 3. 1)be picked up; can’t accomplish; am exaggerating 2)somewhat; the performance; have neglected; they apply to 3)assist; On the other hand; are valid; a superior II 1)continual 2)continuous 3)continual 4)continuous 5)principal 6)principal 7)principle 8)principles 9)principal III herself by herself/on her own by yourself/on your own Comprehensive Exercises


Unit 1 Changes in the Way We Live Objectives Students will be able to: 1.Develop reading skills—understand the main idea (tolerance for solitude and energy made it possible for the writer’s family to enjoy their pleasant but sometimes harsh country life) an d th e reading skill o f skimming; 2.Develop writing skills—writing strategy1: topic sentences followed by detailed sentences writing strategy2: comparison & contrast; 3.Learn the language—master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text; 4.Integrate the four skills—conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit. Time Allotment We devote 8 teaching periods (plus 2 periods after-c lass of students’ autonomous learning in the Self-Access Center) to cover Unit 1, which include: Time What Is to Be Done Tasks / Activities 1-2 periods 1. Warming up 2. Global analysis 3. Background information about the changes in our life 4. Ss’ understanding the main idea and the structure of the text Ss’ au tonomous learning textbook 3-4 periods 1. Language /culture study and practice 2. Ss’ mastery of the key language points and grammatical structures in the text 3. Developing Ss’ reading skill of writing strategies --- topic sentences f ollowed by detailed sentences; comparison & contrast 1. Ss sum up the main idea and major facts in Text 2 of Reading Course; 2. Ss debate on the topic of whether city life is better than suburban life 5 period 1. Further understanding of Text A 2. Discussion related to Text A in Unit 1. 3. Check of students’ reading of Text B 1. Discussion: what changes have you found in the way we live? 2. Questions & Answers 3. Learn to write essays with the 2 writing strategies 2 periods 2 after-class-periods of students’  autonomous learning in the Self-Access Center 1. Review what has been learned in class with learning resources; 2. Make up for what Ss believe as their weak points in the four skills; 3. Reinforce Ss listening skills.



Unit 1 Personality In-Class Reading 羞怯的痛苦 1 对许多人来说,羞怯是很多不愉快的起因。各种各样的人——矮的、高的、愚笨的、聪明的、年轻的、年老的、瘦的、胖的——都说自己是羞怯的。羞怯的人会焦虑不安,感到不自然;也就是说,他们过分地关注自己的外表和举止。脑海中不断盘旋着一些使自己不安的想法:我给人留下的是什么印象?他们喜欢我吗?我讲话是不是傻里傻气?我长得难看。我穿的衣服毫不引人注目。 2 很显然这种不安的感觉会对人产生不利的影响。一个人的自我看法反映在自己的行为方式之中,而一个人的行为方式又影响他人的反应。通常,人们如何看待自己对他们生活的各个方面都会产生深刻的影响。例如,具有积极的自我价值观或很强自尊心的人往往表现出自信。而由于自信,他们不需要他人不断地称赞和鼓励,也能使自己感觉良好。自信者热情、自发地投入生活。他们不因别人认为他们“该”做什么而受到影

响。有很强自尊心的人不会被批评所伤害;他们不会把批评看作是人身攻击。相反,他们认为批评是一种提醒他们改进的建议。 3 相比之下,羞怯的人自尊心较弱,往往消极被动并且容易受他人影响。他们(是否)在做“该做的事情”需要得到别人的肯定。害羞的人对批评非常敏感;他们觉得批评正好证实了他们比别人差。他们也很难因别人的赞美而高兴,因为他们相信自己不值得称赞。羞怯的人也许会用这样的话来回答别人的赞美之辞:“你这么说只是为了让我感觉好一些。我知道这不是真的。”显然,尽管自我意识是一种健康的品质,过分的自我意识却是不利和有害的。 4能否彻底消除或者至少减轻羞怯感呢?幸运的是,人们能够通过坚持不懈的努力建立自信从而克服羞怯。由于胆怯和缺少自尊是密切相关的,因此正视自己的弱点和正视自己的优点一样重要。例如,大多数人希望每门功课都得A。 5 如果仅仅因为在某些领域有困难,就把自己列为差生,这不恰如其分。人们对自己的期望必须现实。老是想那些不可能的事情会令自己觉得无


Unit 1 Growing up Text A Writing for Myself I. Teaching Plan 1.Objectives 1)Grasp the main idea (the essence of writing is to write what one enjoys writing.) And structure of the text (narration in chronological sequence); 2)Appreciate the narrative skills demonstrated in the text (selection of details, repetition, coherence.); 3)Master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text; 4)Conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit. 2. Time allotment 3. Pre-reading tasks 1)Have you listened to John Lennon's Beautiful Boy? (2 minutes) The teacher (T) may ask several students (Ss) this question: __What does Lennon think of growing up? (Possible answers: Life better as one grows up; it takes time to grow up; life is not always what one has planned, but is full of surprises; life is adventurous.) 2)The art of eating spaghetti (15 minutes) a)Before class, T cuts a sheet of paper into many long, thin strips, which he/she brings to class together with fork (Or: if possible, T brings a platter of boiled noodles to class together with a fork). b)T explains that spaghetti is Italian-style noodles, and that unlike some Chinese noodles. It will never taste pulpy and is usually served with sauce, not in soup. Several Ss are invited to come up with “proper ways of eating spaghetti” and demonstrate to the class, using the fork.


Unit 1 Growing Up Part II Language Focus Vocabulary Ⅰ. 1. 1.has been assigned to the newspaper’s Paris office. 2.was so extraordinary that I didn’t know whether to believe him or not. 3.a clear image of how she would look in twenty years’

time. 4.gave the command the soldiers opened fire. 5.buying bikes we’ll keep turning them out. 3. 1.reputation, rigid, to inspire 2.for 3.of 4.with 5.as

6.about 7.to 8.in, in 9.from 10.on/upon 2.surprise 3.pulled 4.blowing 5.dressed

6.scene 7.extraordinary 8.image 9.turn 10.excitement company’s safety rules. 5.It is reported that the government has taken proper measures to avoid the possibility of a severe water shortage. /The local government is reported to have taken proper measures to avoid the possibility of a

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