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Chapter I Introduction

I What is linguistics?

Definition:Linguistics is generally defined as the scientific study of language. It implies that linguistics studies not just one language of any society, but the languages of all human societies. (Hu Zhuanglin)It tries to answer the basic questions, such as , what is language? What do all languages have in common? How does a child acquire his mother tongue? And many others.

Open the door, please!---to your intimate friend-- linguistic data

Can you open the door? ---to a common people-- linguistic data

Could you open the door? ---to a common people-- linguistic data

Would you mind opening the door? ---to an olderly or respectful person -- linguistic data

Polite principle ---general theories about language

In a word, linguistics studies the general principles upon which all languages are constructed and operate as systems of communication in the societies in which they are used. (Hu Zhuanglin).

What the linguist has to do first is to collect and observe language facts, which are found to display some similarities, and generalizations are made about them, then he formulates some hypothesis about the language structure. Then the hypothesis thus formed have to be checked repeatedly against the observed facts to fully prove their validity.

Supplementary knowledge:

To make his analysis as scientific as possible, the linguist is usually guided by four principles:

Exhaustiveness:the linguist should gather all the materials relevant to his investigation and give them an adequate explanation.

Consistency: there should be no contradiction between different parts of the total statement.

Economy:the best statements are the shortest possible which can account most fully for all facts.

Objectivity: a linguist should be as objective as possible in his description and analysis of data, allowing no prejudice to influence his generalization.(by Hu Zhuanglin)

II Scope of linguistics

The study of language as a whole is often called general linguistics.

Major branches of general linguistics:


The branch of linguistics which studies the characteristics of speech sounds and provides methods for their description, classification and transcription. Articulatory phonetics, acoustic Phonetics, and Auditory Phonetics


The branch of linguistics which studies sound patterns of languages. It identifies the set of speech sounds for each language, how they are arranged to form meaningful units, and function of each sound.

Morphology : it studies form of words. It identifies morphemes and looks into the ways the morphemes are arranged to form words.

Syntax: it studies the rules governing the combination of words into sentences. Semantics: It studies the meaning of language.

Pragmatics: It studies the meaning in the context of language use. Sciolinguistics; psycholinguistics; applied linguistics; etc.

III Some important distinctions in linguistics

①Prescriptive vs. descriptive

Descriptive study is to describe and analyze the language people actually use; e.g. People say/don’t say it. (to describe what the matter is.)

While prescriptive one is to lay down rules for ―correct and standard behavior in using language. e.g. Do/Don’t say it. (to prescribe what the matter should be.)

That the quality of linguistics is scientific shows nowadays study is descriptive.(Hu)

②Synchronic vs. diachronic

The description of a language at some point of time in history is a synchronic study; the description of a language as it changes through time is a diachronic study.

A diachronic study of language is a historical study; it studies the historical development of language over a period of time.

Most modern linguistic studies are synchronic.

③Speech and writing

④Langue an parole (P5) (by F. de Saussure)

a)Langue refers to the abstract linguistic system shared by all members of a speech community, while parole refers to the realization of langue in actual use.

b)Langue is the set of conventions and rules which language users all have to abide by, and parole is the concrete use of the conventions and application of the rules.

c)Langue is abstract, it is not the language people actually use.

Parole is concrete ; it refers to the naturally occurring language events.

d)Langue is relatively stable, it does not change frequently.

Parole varies from person to person, and from situation to situation.

⑤Competence and performance (P5) (by Chomsky)

Competence is the ideal user’s knowledge of the rules of his language, performance the actual realization of this knowledge in linguistic communication.(P6)

Chomsky thinks that what linguists should study is the ideal speaker’s competence, not performance. He looks at language from a psychological point of view, and to him, competence is a property of the mind of each individual.

Saussure took a sociological view of language and his notion of langue is a matter of social conventions.

⑥Traditional grammar and modern linguistics (P6)

Chapter I What Is Language

Part One Definition:

We use language every day. We live in a world of words. Hardly any moment passes without someone talking, writing, or reading. Indeed, language is most essential to mankind. Our lives increasingly depend on fast and successful use of language. What on earth does ―language mean?

He express himself in such a bad language that many misunderstood him.(the concrete act of speaking in a given situation, or expression one uses in speech in a instance)

Shakespeare’s language (idiolect; personal dialect)

Scientific language; formal language (particular variety or level of speech or writing)

He studies language.(the common features of all human languages)

Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication.

(a)system: i.e. elements language are combined according to rules.

(b)Arbitrary: no intrinsic connection between a linguistic symbol and what

the symbol stands for.

(c)Vocal: The primary medium for all languages is sound. Children acquire

spoken language before they can read or write.

(d)Human: Language is human specific.

Part Two Design features (识别特征)

a) arbitrariness: no connection between meanings and sounds. Different sounds

are used to refer to the same object in different languages.

b) Productivity: creativity One can create sentences he has never heard or

used .

c) Duality: sound and meaning(lower and higher level)

d)Displacement:It can be used to refer to contexts removed from the

immediate situation. It can be used to refer to a wide range of things, free

from barriers caused by separation in time and place.

e)Cultural transmission: It can be passed on from generation to the next

through teaching.

Part Three Functions of language

Phatic交流情感的, Directive指示的,

Informative提供信息的, Interrogative表示疑问的

,Expressive有表现力的, Evocative唤起的,


?Phatic function refers to language used for establishing an atmosphere or maintaining social contact rather than for exchanging information or ideas.

Useless as phatic language may appear, its importance is immediately shown if it is omitted.

?When language is used to get the hearer do something, it serves a directive function. Imperative sentence.

?When language is used to tell what the speaker believes, to give information about facts, or to reason things out, it serves an informative function.

?When language is used to get information from others, it serves an interrogative function. All questions that expect answers.

?The expressive function is the use of language to reveal something about the feelings and attitudes of the speaker. Ejaculation.(突然说出)

?The evocative function is the use of language to create certain feelings in the hearer.

Joke, advertising and propaganda.

?Language is also used to ―do things‖, to perform actions.this called the performative function. Appropriate.

Part Four Homework

Linguistics is the Scientific study of language.

What forms the core of linguistics?

phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics & pragmatics

Who is the father of modern linguistics? F.de Saussure

Can you tell the differences between traditional grammar & modern linguistics?

What is language?

What the defining properties of human language that distinguish it from any animal system of communication?

What functions does the language perform in the following examples?

1 Good heavens! My god! Expressive有表现力的

2 jokes make you laugh. Informative提供信息的

3 I declare the meeting open. Performative表述行为的

4― who takes my pen?‖Interrogative表示疑问的

5 how are you? Phatic交流情感的

What is the function of design features of language?

Can you name the design features of language?

6. Comment on the following prescriptive rules. Do you think it acceptable?

1)( A) It is I. (B) It is me.

Y ou think A is acceptable because subject case should be used after me. This is not prescribed by Latin rules.

2) (A) Who did you speak to? (B) Whom did you speak to ?

Y ou should say B is acceptable.

3) (A) I haven’t done anything. (B) I haven’t done nothing.

B is wrong, because double negation shows affirmation.

7. There are many reasons for us to explain the differences between user’s competence and performance in language use, can you give me some?


Chapter II Phonology

1)I N T R O D U C T I O N

Speech and writing are the two media or substances used by natural languages as vehicles for communication. Of the two media of language, speech is more basic than writing.(can you give some examples to illustrate this statement?

Phonic medium of language: is constituted by the limited range of sounds which are meaningful in human communication

Speech sounds: the individual sounds within the phonic medium of language. They are produced by humans through their speech organs and have a role to play in the linguistic communication.

2)D E F I N I T I O N

Phonetics studies the characteristics of speech sounds and provides methods for their descriptions, classifications and transcriptions.

More explanation: Phonetics is the study of the phonic medium of language.

To be more specific, it is the scientific which studies the characteristics of human sound-making, especially those sounds used in speech, and provides methods for their description, classification and transcription.

speaker ===========>hearer

Articulatory →acoustic→auditory

The diagram shows:

1. Articulatory Phonetics, from speaker’s point of view, studies how to articulate the speech sounds.

2. auditory Phonetics , from hearer’s point of view, studies how to perceive the speech sounds.

3. acousticPhonetics studies how the sound wave travels through air.

3)O R G A N S O F S P E E C H

The articulatory apparatus of a human being are contained in three important areas: the pharyngeal cavity, the oral cavity and the nasal cavity.

The pharyngeal cavity: lungs---- windpipe----glottis (part of the larynx)----vocal cords.

The vocal cords may be held together tautly---vibration----voiced consonants and all vowels.

The vocal cords are drawn wide apart----air go through without causing vibration----voiceless consonants.

The oral cavity: this is the most important cavity. Tongue( front, back, blade and tip)---uvula---soft palate(velum)---hard palate---the teeth ridge(alveolus)---teeth---lips The nasal cavity: three nasal consonants [m,n], ɡ]

4)T R A N S C R I P T I O N

Phonetic transcription: is a method of writing down speech sounds in a systematic and consistent way.

The international phonetic association devised the international phonetic alphabet in 1888.

The basic principle of the IPA is using one letter selected from major European languages(roman letter, italics, Greek letters) to represent one speech sound.

Diacritics: a set of symbols which are added to the letter-symbols to bring out the finer distinction than the letters alone may possible do.

Broad transcription: the transcription with letter-symbols only. Used in textbooks and dictionaries.

Narrow transcription: transcription with letter-symbols together with the diacritics. Used by phoneticians in the study of speech sounds.

5)C L A S S I F I C A T I O N O F S P E E C H S O U N D S

An initial classification will divide the speech sounds in England into two broad categories: vowels and consonants.

The essential difference between them is that in the production of vowels the air stream coming from the lungs meet no obstruction whatever. In the production of consonants it is obstructed in one way or another.

Consonants can be classified in two ways: in terms of manner of articulation and in terms of place of articulation.


Stops ,fricatives, affricates, liquids, nasals, glides


Bilabial, labialdental, dental, alveolar, palatal, velar, golttal.

Refer to the table on page 20

Q:how many phonetic features can we use to describe a consonant?

V owel sounds are differentiated by a number of factors: the position of the tongue in the mouth, the openness of the mouth, the shape of the lips, and the length of the vowels.

The part of raising tongue: front, central& back.

The openness of the mouth: close, semi-close, semi-open, and open.

The shape of lips: unrounded and rounded

The length of the sound: long (tense) vowels and short (lax) vowels

All we have talked is about the monophthongs, which are pure vowels having an unchanging quality.

Diphthongs: or is called a gliding vowel involves a change in quality within the one vowel. It glides from one element to a second element, and usually the first part is more prominent than the second. referring to the table on page 21


What are the two major media of linguistic communication? Of the two, which one is primary and why?

Explain with examples how broad transcription and narrow transcription differ?

How are the english consonants classified?

What criteria are used to classify the English vowels?

Circle the words that begin with a sound as requried:

(a)a bilabial consonant (b) a velar consonat

Mad sad bad rad pad had lad Nod god god pod rod

(c) a labiodental consonat (d) an alveolar consonant

Rat fat sat mat chat vat pat Nick lick sick tick kick quick

(e) a dental consonant

Lie buy thigh thy tie rye


Do exercises on page 31-32.

Draw two diphthong diagram


Chapter II Phonology

I Phonetics and phonology

Both of them take the speech sound as their object of study.

They differ in their approach and focus.

Phonetics: is of a general nature and studies all the speech sounds used in all human language. Production, phonetic features, classification and transcription. Phonology: is language specific. How speech sounds in one language form pattern and how these sounds are used to convey meaning in communication. (examples: P.23)

e.g.[l] in the word leap[li:p] and peel[pi:l] is pronounced differently, which is phoneticians are interested in. The former one is called clear [l] while the latter one is called dark [l].

The clear [l] is used before a vowel, such as loaf, while the dark [l] is used at the end of a word after a vowel or before a consonant, such as tell, quilt. This is a phonological conclusion.

I I P h o n e,P h o n e m e,A l l o p h o n e

Phone: is a phonetic unit or segment. All the speech sounds we hear and produce in a communication are all phones. (narrow p23) a phone does not distinguish meaning.

e.g. [p], [p h], [i:], [l], [l~], [l︹],[f], [t], [s]

Phoneme: is a phonological unit. It can distinguish meanings.( bad & dad). It is an abstract unit. It is not a concrete sound, but be realized by a certain phone in a certain phonetic context. (example2)

e.g.The above phones can be grouped into these phonemes: [p], [i:], [l],[f], [t], [s] Allophone: the different sounds which can represent a phoneme in different phonetic environments are called the allophones of the phoneme. The different realizations of one phoneme in different phonetic context. (example3)

e.g. 1. [p] and [p h] are the allophones of the phoneme [p]

2.[l], [l~] and [l︹] are the allophones of the phoneme [l]

III Phonemic Contrast, Complementary Distribution, Minimal Pair

1. If the similar sounds are two distinctive phonemes, they are said to form a phonemic contrast,e.g. /p/ and /b/ in [pit] and [bit], [r?up] and [r?ub]

2. All the allophones of the same phoneme [l] ( [l], [l~] and [l︹]) complement each other in distribution (in different phonetic environments), the allophones are said to be in complementary distribution

3. If subsituting one sound for another can result in a change of meaning, the two sound combinations are said to form a minimal pair.

e.g. pill & kill; pill & till; till & kill; kill & dill; dill & gill --- a minimal pair

All these sound combinations constitute a minimal set.

e.g. pill, kill, till, dill & gill--- a minimal set

beat, bit, bet, bat, boot, but, bait, bite, boat --- a minimal set

I V P h o n o l o g i c R u l e s

Sequential rules: there are rules that govern the combination of sounds in a particular language. These rules are called sequential rules.

P 26: examples and two S-rules.

Assimilation rule: the assimilation rule assimilates one sound to another by ―copying ‖a feature of a squential phoneme, thus making the two phones similar.

If a following sound is influencing a preceding sound, it is REGRESSIVE ASSIMILATION

The converse process, in which a preceding sound is influencing a following sound, is PROGRESSIVE ASSIMILA TION.

Deletion rule: tells us when a sound is to be deleted although it is orthographically represented.

Sign, design, paradigm. Delete a [g] when it occurs before a final nasal consonant

V S u p r a-s e g m e n t a l F e a t u r e s

Supra-segmental: the phonological properties of units larger than the segment—phoneme, such as the syllable, word and sentence. And the study of these phonological properties of units is called supra-segmental phonology. And the principal supra-segmental features usually include stress, length, pitch and concurrent patterns of three are collectively known as intonation.

Stress: one kind of supra-segmental features, for which, the smallest unit of application is syllable. When we say a certain syllable is stressed, we mean it’s pronounced with a relatively greater amount of energy. The stressed syllable sounds louder than the unstressed.

Two kinds of stress: word stress and sentence stress.

The location of stress in English distinguishing meaning. This is showed in the following ways:

1. The shift of stress may change the part of speech of a word. (noun---verb)

Referring to examples on p. 29.

2 to English compounds, the stress of the word always falls on the first element. But to the noun phrase, the stress falls on the central noun.

Blackbird, black bird;

3 Two kinds of combination of –ing and nouns. One is the –ing form serves as a modifier of the noun.: dining- room. The stress falls on the first syllable.

The other type of –ing + noun combinations, the noun is actually the doer of the action indicated by the – ing form. Sleeping—baby. For these combinations, the primary stress falls on the head noun.

Sentence stress: in the sentence, the parts of speech that are normally stressed in an English sentence are nouns, main verbs, adjectives, adverbs, numerals and demonstrative pronouns.

To give special emphasis to a certain notion, a word in a sentence that is usually unstressed can be stressed.

Tone(音高): is also called pitch variation, which can distinguish meaning just like phonemes; the tone is a supra-segmental feature. The meaning-distinction function is important in tone language(声调),such as Chinese.

Intonation: is the combination of pitch stress and length variations.

English has four basic types of intonation. The falling one, the rising one, the fall-rising one and the rise- fall one.

Different tones can make the same consequence of words may have different meanings.

That’s not the book he wants. falling one--fact

That’s not the book he wants. rising one—question, uncertainty

That’s not the book he wants. fall-rising—implies there is some other book he wants

Y ou are a student. falling one--fact

Y ou are a student. rising one—question, uncertainty

Y ou are a student. fall-rising—implies surprise from the age, phisical appearance or way of behaviour

I can’t eat anything. falling one—fact—I can eat nothing.

I can’t eat anything. fall-rising---implies there are particular things that I can eat.

Intonation has four grammatical functions:

1 indicating different sentence types by pitch direction.(falling tone---statement, rising tone- interrogative)

2 indicating different connotative meaning.e.g. I can not eat anything. (falling–nothing; rising- some certain thing.)

3 imposing different structure on the sentence by dividing it into different intonation units.(those who bought quickly made a profit.)

4 bring parts of a sentence into prominence by placing the nucleus on the syllable concerned.(John likes fish.)

VI 作业、讨论题、思考题

?1 Define the following terms:

?Allophone phoneme minimal pair complementary distribution suprasegmental

?2 Answer the following questions:

?How is a phoneme different from a speech sound?

?What are the grammatical functions of intonation?


Chapter Three Morphology

I Definition of Morphology

MORPHOLOGY: refers to the study of the internal structure of words, and the rules by which words are formed.

MORPHOLOGY is generally divided into two fields: the study of INFLECTIONS (also called inflectional morphology) and of WORD- FORMA TION (also called lexical or derivational morphology).


MORPHEME: the smallest unit in terms of relationship between expression and content, a unit which cannot be divided without destroying or drastically altering the meaning, whether it is lexical or grammatical.

For instance: ―barks‖ consists of two morphemes in orthographic forms: ―bark‖ and ―-s‖, neither of which can be further divided into other smaller meaningful units.

Undesirability: un---desire---able---ity

Words may consist of one morpheme or more than one morphemes.

II Classificaton of words

1)Content words and functional words

All the nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs are the content words; while the other categories including conjunctions, prepositions, articles and pronouns are functional or grammatical words.

2.Open class words and close class words (开放性词类和封闭性词类)

Open class words:is also called ―content words‖. It includes: nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs. They make up the largest part of the vocabulary and new members are added with the development of the society.

Beatnik, 新新人类, 中巴, 挺英雄的,etc. are added to this group with the development of the society.

Closed class words: is also called ―grammatical or functional words‖. It includes: conjunction, preposition, articles and pronouns. They are relatively few words and now members are not usually added.

Some people wanted to use ―e‖to replace ―he‖or ―she‖in order to avoid sex discrimination, but failed.

3) Variable and Invarialble words

Variable words are the words containing inflective endings, where one could find ordered and regular series of grammatically different word forms; and part of the word remains relatively constant, thus each ordered series constitutes a paradigm.

e.g. follow; follows, following, and followed; so follow is a variable word. Invariable words don’t have inflective endings,

e.g. since, before, although, hello, and please etc.

I I I.D e r i v a t i o n a l&I n f l e c t i o n a l All morphemes are divided into two main types: free morphemes and bound morphemes.

A free morpheme is one that may constitute a word (free form) by itself, such as ―bed‖, ―tree‖, ―sing‖ and ―dance‖.

A bound morpheme is one that may appear with at least one other morpheme, such as ―-s‖in ―dogs‖, ―-al‖ in ―national‖.-----affix

Affix is the collective term for the type of formation that can be used only when added to another morpheme. Naturally, affixes belong to the type of ―bound‖ morpheme.

Affixes are limited in number in a language, and are generally classified into inflectional and derivational types. For instance,

inflectional derivational

●walk-s sleep-y--suffix

●walk-ing nation-al--suffix

●star-s amaze-ment--suffix

●watch-ed dis-order—prefix

●boy-’s Multi-media—prefix

●to drive Affectionate--suffix

●it is wet today Alcoholic--suffix

●has noticed Computerize--suffix





A root is the base form of a word which cannot be further analysed without total loss of identity. It is that part of the word left when all the affixes are removed.

A root can be either free morpheme (black in blackboard, blackbird and blacksmith) or bound morpheme (-ceive in perceive, receive and conceive).

Morphology is generally divided into two fields: the study of INFLECTIONS and of DERIVATION.

INFLECTION is the manifestation of grammatical relationships through the addition of inflectional affixes, such as number, person, finiteness, aspect and case, which do not change the grammatical class of the stems to which they are attached.

E.g. table/ tables; apples/ apples; talk/ talks/talking/talk ed; boy/boy’s.

DERIVA TION refers to the processes of word variations signalling lexical relationships. It can be divided into two sub-types also.

IV Morphological rules

The ways words are formed are called Morphological rules.

adj.-→adj.(v. -→adj) un—accept—able

adj.-→adj.(v. -→adj) un—think—able

adj.-→adj.(v. -→adj) un—decide—d

adj.-→adj.(v. -→adj) un—simplifi—ed

×adj.-→adj.(adj) un—sad

×adj.-→adj.(adj) un—brave

So ―un—‖ is not productive.

adj.-→n. sincere-→sincerity

adj.-→n. scarce-→scarecity

adj.-→n. ferocious-→ferocity

×adj.-→n. fierce-→fiercity

√adj.-→n. fierce-→fiercenes s

V. Ways of Word Formation

Compounding e.g. manhandle, sleepwalk

Derivation e.g. childless, colorful

Conversion e.g. to dirty, a buy

Backformation e.g. emote, edit

Clipping e.g. prof, ad

Blending e.g.motel, smog

Acronym e.g. CALT, W AR

Initialism e.g. CIA

(to be discussed in Chapter 7)


Do Exercise on page 40-41

Break up each of the following words into its parts and put the morphemes correctly in one of the columns:

free bound inflectional derivational

Pauperize ____ _____ ______

Buyers _____ ______ ______

Disenchanted_____ ______ ______

Reassuringly _____ _____ ______

Chapter Four S y n t a x(1)

1.W h a t i s s y n t a x

(1)Syntax refers to the study of the rules governing the way words are combined to form sentences in a language, or simply, the study of the formation of sentences. Although we have many syntactic theories, we here only study the simplest and most fundamental

one------transformational rule because it is the best known approach in syntactic analysis and because it is the most basic one.

(Definition on page 42.)

(2) Traditionally, a sentence is seen as a sequence of words. The study of sentence of formation involves a great deal of the study of the word, such as, the classification of words in terms of part of speech, the identification of functions of words in terms of subject, predicate, etc. and the simple rules that govern the organization of these categories into larger structural units. 2.C A T E G O R I E S

(1) Category refers to a group of linguistic items which fulfill the same or similar functions in a particular language such as a sentence, a noun or a verb. These parts of speech and functions are sometimes called categories. The term category is also more specifically used for the defining properties of units like noun and verb, for example, the type of meaning that words express, the type of affixes that they take, and the type of structures in which they can occur. For example, the noun is usually said to have the categories of number, gender, case; and the verb the categories of tense, aspect, voice.

(2) Words in human languages is that they can be grouped into a relatively small number of classes, called SYNTACTIC CA TEGORIES. The most central categories to the syntactic study are the word-level categories. In traditional grammar only about eight categories, but in modern theories, people added such non-traditional categories as determiner (Det), degree words (Deg) and qualifier (Qual).

The word level categories are divided into two kinds: major lexical categories and they are often assumed to be the heads around which phrases are built. (noun, verb, adjective and

preposition) and minor lexical categories (determiner, degree word, qualifier, auxiliary and

A word’s syntactic category is identified by its meaning, inflection and distribution. Referring to the book on page 44.

3. Phrase categories and their structures

(1) Phrases are syntactic units that are built around a certain word category (central element of a phrase). The category of a phrase is determined by the central word’s category: be aware of (adj. phrase)/ know about (verb phrase). And four mostly discussed phrasal categories are: The pretty girl (NP) often dream (VP)

V ery beautiful (AP) mainly about (PP)

(2) Phrases are formed either by one word or by more than one element. Whether formed of one or more than one word, they consist of two levels, phrase level and word level (On page 45.)

(3) Phrases that are formed of more than one word usually contain the following elements: head (中心成分the word around which a phrase is formed), specifier (标志成分words on the left side of the heads function as) and complement (补足成分words on the right side of the heads). THIS PART WILL BE DISCUSSED DETAILEDLY IN THE LA TER PART.

4.P h r a s e S t r u c t u r e R u l e

(1) Phrase structure rule is such special type of grammatical mechanism that regulates the arrangement of elements that make up phrase. (Examples on page 46)

(2) What is XP rule?

XP can be different phrases, because X stands for the head N,V,A or P.

XP→ (SPE) X (COMP) (双层结构)

XP Rule:其中的X可以表示任何的词类(N V ADJ ADV)


Specifier Head Complement

XP → (Specifier) X (Complement)

(3) What is X- theory? When the head and complement form another intermediate level, which is called X-. It can be further grouped into HEAD & COMPLEMENT.

XP → (SPE) x-

x- → x (complement)(三层结构树形图)

It is common practice to eliminate the intermediate level of phrase structure in most published words unless it is absolutely essential to the point being discussed.

X ̄Theory:当短语中的HEAD 和Complement 共同组成一个介于词汇和短语之间的结构,这个结构被称作Xˉ.因此,XP 就变为两层了。


Specifier X (Head) Complement

5. Coordination rule (P48)

(1 ) Coordination exhibits four important properties

(2) XP → X * Con X


Revision exercises on page 64,1-2.


Chapter Four S y n t a x(I I)

I L i n e a r o r d e r a n d h i e r a r c h i c a l s t r u c t u r e;

1 The dog hit John.

John hit the dog.

John the dog hit.


2. 句子是几个不同的而又相互连贯的部分组成的,这些组成成分(constitutes)又是具有意义的独立的小部分。

The company wanted a new advertising campaign.


Business executives eat at really fancy restaurant. (画线或括号表示)

我们也可以用树形图表示(tree diagram)

We can show ambiguities clearly by drawing tree diagram.

We can attach labels to bring out ambiguities by drawing tree diagram.

I I P a r t s o f s p e e c h a n d s y n t a c t i c c a t e g o r y

1. 在传统语法中,英语词汇有十大词类(Parts of speech).

2. Syntactic category: a word’s distributional facts together with information about its meaning and inflectional capabilities help identify its syntactic category.

能在句子中起到相同作用的词构成相同的句法范畴(NP n,VP v,AP a,ADP adv,DET,PP p,S,PRONOUN,Coordinating conjunctions)

NP: (John found ) the ball / Mary / mailman / it / most dogs / many Americans / a huge loveable bear / a student from Brazil / the table in the corner / the people that we interviewed / Bill and his dog;

VP: run; like Mary; give a prize to John; believe that dogs are smart; want to go; sleep soundly; can lift 100 pounds; is wearing sunglasses; go home and have a beer, is smart AP: smart, very fat; more clever than Tom; certain to win; as crazy as John;

ADP: soundly; as fluently as John

DET: the ,a , these, his, every, much, little, three, five

S 这个句法范畴中可以包括名词短语和动词短语等句法范畴,但S 也可以成为别的句法范畴的一部分。

the fact that it is raining (NP)

discover that it is raining (VP)

glad that it is raining (AP)

(I wonder) if it is raining (ADP)

(I would go) though it is raining (ADP)

这种包含在其他句法范畴中的句子,称作embedded sentence ,我们可以把上面的树形图表示成标明句法范畴的树形图,这种树形图又称作labeled tree diagram.



1. the child found the puppy.

2. A woman found a cake in the cupboard.

3. Preview Transformaton, Deep Structure and Surface Structure

Chapter Four S y n t a x(I I I)

I Revision

Since we have learned a lot of linguistic knowledge, now let’s check whether we have already grasped them, or see whether English linguistics is useful.

Take a student’s graduation paper for an example:

―This thesis is through metaphor…… to discuss the literature context‖-----

―This thesis is exploring into the literature context by analyzing metaphors in the novel.‖

Comments: In fact, these students do not make up sentences one after another. They do not express their ideas one after another. They just cram all the lexical items and ideas in a bag for the teachers to choose. T eachers often find it a really difficult and big task to arrange the lexical items and ideas for the students. So, to cut it short, teachers have to ask them to rewrite the whole essay.

English linguistics is very helpful for us to use the language correctly.

More examples:

Coordination rule seems very simple. But students still make many mistakes.

―can control and the adjustment own individuality effectively.‖---

―They can control and adjust their own individuality effectively.‖

―The psychologically healthy loves life deeply, can feel happy sincerely and pleasure in the life, look forward to the glorious future positvely.‖---

―The psychologically healthy people love life sincerely. They will feel happy deeply and take a positve attitude towards future.‖

I I T r a n s f o r m a t i o n a l-G e n e r a t i v e G r a m m a r

TG grammar is firstly put forward by an American linguist called Chomsky in the middle of 1950s’. this theory is mainly composed of three parts: syntactic component; phonological component and semantic component.

其中句法部分由两部分组成:基础部分(the base)和转换规则(transformational rule). The base includes phrase structure rules and a lexicon. And the base forms the deep structure which

decides the meaning. And the deep structure will generate the surface structure with the transformational rules. The phonology will transform the abstract surface structure into the sound that we hear. (画图出来) 下面我们分别来学习句法部分的两种句法规则:短语结构规则和转换规则。

III PS rule

1 definition of PS rule (P46)

2 利用PS rule 可以将下面的句法范畴改写如下:

NP→(Det) N (PP)


VP→(Qual) V (NP) (PP)

AP→(Deg) A (PP)

PP→(Deg) P (NP)


3 利用这个别PS 原则我们就能生成有标记的树形图了。

比如:wolves like sheep.

Sheep eat apples.

Americans dislike pears.

Most sheep like these apples.



(1)使用连词and / or

John likes books.

John, Bill and Mary like books.

Mary walked to Zeko’s house, delivered the letter, ran home,

and downed a six-pack.

John likes books, Bill likes money, Mary likes work and Zeko likes films.

NP →NP (or/and) NP

VP →VP (and) VP

S →S (and) S


VP →Vs that S

John knew that Mary believed that Bill snored.

除了句子弹S 的循环出现外,NP,VP,PP,AP也可以循环出现。

The brightness of the coloring of the lettering on the cover of the report.

I V X P r u l e47—53(a s k t h e s t u d e n t s t o r e a d t h i s p a r t b y t h e m s e l v e s a n d e x p l a i n

s i m p l y).


(I) P 46 XP Rule:其中的X可以表示任何的词类(N V ADJ ADV)


Specifier Head Complement

XP→(Specifier) X (Complement)

P 47 X ̄Theory:当短语中的HEAD 和Complement 共同组成一个介于词汇和短语之间的结构,这个结构被称作Xˉ.因此,XP就变为两层了。


Specifier X (Head) Complement

(II)Phrase Elements

P49 Specifiers

Complements:重点是P 50

当一个不独立的句子做动词的Complement 时,引导这个从句补语的引导词叫做Complementizers (补语成分),缩写为Cs。Cs 引导的这个从句叫做Complement Clause (补语从句)。Cs 加上Complement Clause 一起叫做Complement Phrase (补语从句)缩写为CP。整个包含这个CP的大句子叫做Matrix Clause(主句)。

分析p50 的例子。


(III)句子S 也可以看做是一个短语,也可以用PS Rule 来分析。那么我们按照Phrase 的成分和结构来分析句子。

Head :句子的Head 是一个抽象的范畴曲折形式(Infl),它表示句子的时态和搭配关系。Specifier:由句子的NP来充当

Complement:由句子的VP 来充当

Infl P (=S)

NP Infl VP

Infl 在具体的例子如果有助动词,那么Infl 就是助动词。如果没有助动词,Infl 则表现为该句子动词时态的抽象表达。

见课本p53 的两个例子

V Transformational rules



(1)是句子中有明显的助动词。又叫做Auxiliary Movement



导言 一、解释以下概念并指出其区别 语言学语文学小学 二、语言学理论在指导语言实践上有哪些作用? 第一章第一节 一、名词解释 语言的主观性 二、举例说明 1、语言的两大社会功能 2、信息传递中接受存在的方式 三、论述:语言是人类社会传递信息第一性的、最重要的手段第一章第二节 一、名词解释 语言能力 二、举例说明:语言的民族性 三、简答 1、语言和思维的关系 2、语言思维功能的生理基础 3、聋哑人的语言问题与思维特点 四、论述 1、儿童语言习得与思维的发展过程基本一致

2、思维能力的普遍性和思维方式的特殊性 第二章第一节 一、名词解释 1、征候 2、心理现实 二、辨析概念的区别与联系(定义区别相同点分点答题) 1、语言和言语 2、征候与符号 3、语言与符号 三、简答 1、语言符号与心理现实之间的关系(分点答题不举例) 2、怎么理解“人的心理现实是不断增量的” 第二章第二节 一、名词解释 1、语言符号的线条性 2、语言符号的组合关系 3、语言符号的聚合关系 二、举例说明:语言符号的任意性 三、论述 1、语言符号系统是一种分层装置 2、语言层级装置靠语言单位的组合和替换来运转

第二章第三章 一、名词解释 语言能力 二、简答 1、人的语言能力是先天具备的,但后天的语言环境决定着人的语言能力的现实和维持 2、语言是其他动物与人类之间无法逾越的鸿沟 三、论述 人类语言符号和其他动物“语言”的根本区别 第三章第一节 一、名词解释 1、音标 2、国际音标 二、辨析区别和联系 语音学和音乐学 三、简答 1、语音与自然界声音的异同 2、语音学研究的诸方面 第三章第二节 一、名词解释 1、纯音


中国语言学史期末复习资料 一、名词解释 1、雅学:《尔雅》首创按意义分类编排的体例和多种释词方法,对后代词书、类书的 发展产生了很大的影响,后人模仿《尔雅》创作了一系列以“雅”为书名的词书, 如《小尔雅》、《广雅》、《通雅》等,而研究雅书又成为一门学问,被称为“雅学”’。 2、小学:“小学”这个名词最初跟学校有关系的,《大戴礼记》云:“及太子少长,知 妃色,则入于小学。小学者所学之官也”;汉代小学指童蒙识字课,也即语言文字 方面的学问;隋唐时代小学概念扩大;唐代以后“小学”成为文字学、音韵学、训 诂学的总称。 3、《切韵》:隋代陆法言所著,是韵书中影响最大的一部,按四声分卷,共五卷;平 生分上下两卷,上、去、入各一卷,共分韵部193部,记音简略,先释义,后记音。 在汉语音韵学当中,《切韵》被看作是整个语音史的中枢,又是研究历代语音系统 和现代各方言因素的首要研究系统。 4、《广韵》:全名《大宋重修广韵》,陈彭年等奉赦编撰,这是目前保留下来最早的, 最完整的韵书,根据前代《切韵》、《唐韵》等韵书修订而成,共分为五卷(平声分 上下两卷,上、去、入各一卷)分206韵。 5、《干禄字书》:是唐中的一部正字书,作者颜元孙。干禄,求禄位,学好写字就能 求得禄位,是科举时代的字体标准。 6、《说文解字》:由东汉经学家、文字学家许慎所著,简称《说文》,根据文字的形体, 创立540个部首。系统阐述汉字的造字规律,是中国第一部即后代所说的字典。 7、因声求义:是传统的训诂方法之一,是指通过对汉字声音线索的分析来探求字义。 8、字书:字数是研究字形和根据字形以考证音义的书,包括(1)学童识字课本,如 《急就篇》等;(2)解释汉字形体、读音和意义的书,如(汉)许慎的《说文解字》,(梁)顾野王的《玉篇》,(宋)司马光等的《类篇》,(清)《康熙字典》等。(3) 刊正字书的书,如(唐)颜元孙的《干禄字书》,(宋)张有的《复古编》等。 9、秦代三书:李斯《仓颉篇》、赵高《爰历篇》、胡母敬的《博学篇》在历史上被称为 秦代三书。“秦代三书”的社会作用有两个:一是规范了文字书写形体,二是成就 了一部权威的蒙学知识教材。 10语文学:是文字或书面语言的研究,特别注重在文献资料的考证和文字的训诂,这种研究比较零碎和缺乏系统性。 11 语言学:研究对象是语言本身(口语与书面语),研究的结果可以得出科学的、系统 的、全面的语言理论。 12 声调:普通话中有四个声调,通常叫四声即阴平、阳平、上声、去声。 13反切:古代的一种记音方法,用两个字拼出另一个字的读音,取上字之声母,用下字之韵母及声调,拼出被切字的读音。 14 《中原音韵》:元.周德清著,他认为“言语一科,欲作乐府,必正名语,欲正名语 必思中原之音。”根据元朝的北曲用韵,把韵部分析归纳为19韵部。 15 《玉篇》:南朝梁.顾野王撰,是中国古代一部按汉字形体,分部编排的字书,是我 国第一部按部首分门别类的汉字字典。 16 大小徐:指徐铉、徐渭兄弟二人,两人俱精通文字,对说文有着重要的研究,号“大 小徐”。 17 籀文:古汉字中一种书体的名称,西周末和春秋初的文字,字体与秦篆相近,又称 “大篆”、“籀书”。 18 古文:指战国时期盛行于六国的文字。

1 语言学教案 导论zsl

1.什么是语言:语言是人类独有的以言语形式进行表达和理解的一种音义结合符号系统,是客观世界与人的主观条件相结合的产物。1.语言是一种系统;1.是人类独有的,主要包括人类的口头语言和书面语言;3.是一种音义结合体;4.其表现形式是言语;5.语言用于交际的方式是通过言语进行表达和理解;5.是客观世界与人的主观条件相结合的产物。 2.语言的三个性质:语言是人类最重要的交际工具、语言是思维工作、语言是一种符号系统。前两个性质是语言的功能,后一个性质是语言的结构特点。 3. 如何理解语言的全民性? 语言是特殊的社会现象,具有全民性,它与社会相互依存,是人们交流思想、进行交际的工具。没有语言,就无法形成人类社会。语言具有全民性可以从三个方面理解:其一,语言没有阶级性。作为人们交际工具的语言,不是为一个阶级服务,而是一视同仁地为整个社会,为社会各阶级服务。其二,语言不同于思想。在阶级社会中,人们的思想是有阶级性的;而语言是没有阶级性的。其三,语言不同于客观事物。语言所代表的客观事物(如“国家”、“军队”等)、语言所代表的感情(如“正义”、“邪恶”等)是有阶级性的,但代表这些事物或感情的词是没有阶级性的。因为不同阶级的人对这些词都有共同的理解。 4. 什么是语言学?语言学就是研究语言的科学,或对语言的科学研究。以人类语言作为研究对象,讨论它的性质、起源和结构原理的成为普通语言学。以某一具体语言(如汉英、英语等)为研究大学的成为XX语语言学,如汉英语言学、英语语言学,等等。具体语言是研究是普通语言学的基础,因为语言的共性结构原理都是从具体的语言的研究中总结出来的。语言学作为一门独立的科学诞生的很晚,至今也不过二百多年的历史。 5.言学的对象和任务 对象:以语言为研究对象的一门学科。 任务:研究语言的性质、结构、分类、发展等这些语言方面的理性知识。 6.语言的定义特征?也叫语言的本质特征,是指那些把人类语言与其他动物“语言”区分开来的定义特征。一般有5个,它们是任意性、二层性、创造性、移位性和文化转移性。 任意性是瑞士语言学家索绪尔(现代语言学之父,他的著作《普通语言学教程》于二十世纪初出版,标志着现代语言学的诞生。)提出的,是指语言符号的形式与所表示的意义没有天然的联系。任意性具有3个不同的层次;(1)语素音义的任意性,(2)句法层面上的任意性,(3)任意性和归约性。 二层性是指语言的两层结构特点,即上层结构(符号层:有意义的单位)和底层(语音层)。 上层音义结合的符号层语素-词-短语/词组-句子有意义无限 底层语音层音位无意义有限(几十个)创造性是指语言的能产性。词语通过新的使用方法能表达新的意思,并能立刻被没有遇到过这种用法分人所理解。语言的创造性一方面来源于语言的二层性,使用者可以通过组合基本的语言单位,无止境的生成句子,大多数都是以前没有过或没有听过的。语言的创造性另一方面来源于递归性,因为它有制作无穷长句的潜力,语言的递归性为这种潜力提供了理论基础。 移位性是指人类语言可以让使用者在交际时用语言符号代表时间上和空间上并不可及的物体、时间或观点。移位性给予我们的心智的好处在于它使我们有可能用抽象的概念来交谈或思考。 文化转移性是指语言不是天生的,而是后天学习的来的。 7.语言的起源 P7。 摹声说(bow-wow):远古时代,人们居住在野生环境中模仿动物发出的声音,语言表从此而来。拟声词在对自然声音的模仿程度上是非常不同的,此理论缺乏有力的证据。 感叹说(pooh-pooh):我们上古祖先在艰难生活中,常本能的发出表示痛苦、愤怒和高兴的声音。几乎所有的语言中感叹词数量都非常有限,使这一理论存在问题。 哼育声说(yo-hi-ho):原始人共同劳动时,他们发出有节奏的哼育声,逐渐发展成单调的语调然后变成语言。哼育声与实际的语言相差太大。这一理论至多是猜想。


第11章语言学与语言教学 1. Why should language teachers learn some knowledge of linguistics? Key: Some knowledge of linguistics will not only help language teachers to better understand the nature of language, but also helps them better understand how to teach language. Theoretical views of language explicitly or implicitly inform the approaches and methods adopted in language teaching. Language teachers do need a theory (maybe theories) of language in order to teach language effectively, and they need to know at least how the language they teach works. To discover the real language and to obtain some understanding of it, language teachers may well turn to linguistics. Many language learning theories are proposed based on certain linguistic theories. In fact, knowledge in linguistics lies at the root of understanding what language learners can learn, how they actually learn and what they learn ultimately. Therefore, linguistics has always played an important role in the studies of language acquisition and learning. 2. What is FOCUS ON FORM? Key: The key point in focus on form is that although language learning should generally be meanling-focused and communication oriented, it is still necessary and beneficial to focus on form occasionally. Focus on form often consists of an occasional shift of attention to linguistic code features by the teacher and/or one or


语言学作为一门独立的学科(即为语言本身的目的而研究语言)起始于19世纪上半叶,是随着历史比较语言学的出现而诞生的.在一个多世纪里,语言学的发展,概括起来说,经历了四个主要阶段,可分别以语言研究中先后占据重要地位的历史比较语言学派,结构主义语言学派,转换生成语法学派和功能主义语言 学派的四大学术思潮为其标志. 1历史比较语言学 历史比较语言学指的是采用历史比较的方法对语言之间的系统对应现象进行解释,从而揭示语言的历史渊源,语言的演变规律及其亲缘关系. 历史比较语言学的工作最初是由在东印度公司任职的英国学者琼斯(W.Jones)开始的.琼斯在1786年首先提出了梵语同欧洲古希腊语,拉丁语有着共同的来源这一观点,但他并没能找出它们之间的语音对应 规律.因此,他的研究还不能算是真正的历史比较语言学. 一般认为,历史比较语言学的奠基人是19世纪丹麦的拉斯克(R.Rash),德国的葆朴(F.Bopp)和格林 (J.Grimm).这三位历史比较语言学的先驱广泛地调查了一大批诸如梵语,希腊语,拉丁语,冰岛语,立陶 宛语,峨特语等古代和现代语言,对它们的词形作了系统的比较,找出了其中的语音对应规律;由此确定 了它们之间的亲缘关系. 另一位影响较大的历史比较语言学家是德国的施来赫尔(A.Schleicher).他在前人研究的基础上致力于古印欧语的重建工作,并提出了所谓谱系树理论(Family Tree Theory).该理论认为,一个语系就好像一棵树,亲语是树干,子语是树枝,构成一个谱系树.谱系树理论的提出是历史比较语言学的一大进展.一个语系从假设的原始母语逐步演变到各种语言的历史过程一目了然地展现了出来. 19世纪下半叶出现了以保罗(H.Paul)等人为代表的新语法学派(Neogrammarians),该学派的出现将历史比较语言学的研究又推进了一大步.新语法学派认为,历史比较语言学不应该只是对语言变化做单纯的 描写,而应该联系语言的使用者探讨语言变化的本质.他们把语言变化的规律归纳为两条极其重要的原则:一是语音规则无例外论,二是类比原则. 随着科学的发展和语言研究的不断深入,历史比较语言学的一些局限性,如孤立地研究语言单位而忽视 了语言的体系性,强调对语言现象的历史比较而忽视了语言的整体性等,便明显地暴露出来了.到了20世纪初,语言的研究,在理论和方法上,都酝酿着一场重大的变革. 2 结构主义语言学 1911年是语言学发展史上比较重要的一年.这一年的6月和7月间,早年曾从事过印欧语言历史比较研究的瑞士语言学家索绪尔(F.de Saussure)在日内瓦大学系统地传授了他本人语言学理论中的精华部分——静态语言学(Static Linguistics).1916年,也就是在索绪尔去世三年后,他的学生巴利(Charles Bally)和薛施蔼(Albert Sechehaye)根据讲稿和听课笔记整理出版了《普通语言学教程》(Course in General Linguistics)一书.这部著作自出版以来,流传之广,影响之深,在语言学史上是罕见的.美国语言学家霍凯(C.Hockett,1965)曾把《普通语言学教程》称誉为现代语言学史上的四项重大突破之一.该书中提出的一系列理论突破了历史比较语言学的局限性,开创了语言学中结构主义语言学的新纪元. 索绪尔语言理论的主要特点是把语言看成是由语言各个成分之间的关系组成的结构系统.换句话说,索 绪尔认为,语言是一个大系统,其中有词汇,语法,语音三个小系统;而这三个小系统各自又有许许多多彼此有联系的成分.另外,索绪尔对语言的研究与历史比较语言学不同之处还体现在他的三个二分法之中,即语言和言语,聚合关系和组合关系,共时研究和历时研究等的区分. 在索绪尔学说的直接或间接影响下,语言研究中出现了许多不同的结构主义学派,如布拉格学派,哥本哈根学派,美国描写语言学派等.各结构主义学派在语言研究中虽侧重的方面有所不同,但是他们都是采用共时的研究方法,对语言系统本身的结构成分及其相互关系从不同方面进行描写. 在众多的结构主义派别中,影响最大的是美国描写语言学派.该学派由美国人类学家鲍阿斯(F.Boas)所 始创,但最有影响的人物当推布龙菲尔德(L.Bloomfield).1933年布龙菲尔德出版了《语言论》(Language)一书,对这一学派的理论和方法做了规范性的描写.他主张语言学的任务就是要客观地,系统地描写可以观察到的语言素材,以此来揭示语言各因素之间的关系.在研究方法上,他们只注重语言形式的分析,而 忽视意义的研究;认为语义不属语言研究的范围.这个学派对语言研究的最大贡献在于探索出了一套相 当严谨的语言描写方法,即以分布和替代为标准对语言单位进行层层切分和归类的描写方法. 3 转换生成语法 1957年,美国麻省理工学院的乔姆斯基(N.Chomsky)出版了《句法结构》(Syntactic Structure)一书,在语言学界引起了一场革命,从而开创了语言研究的转换生成语法时期.虽然在语言研究方法和原则方面,乔姆斯基继承了结构主义的一些特征,例如哈里斯所创造的转换理论,雅柯布逊的语言共性理论,以


第11章第二语言和外语教学 11.1 复习笔记 本章要点: 1. The relation between linguistics and language teaching 语言学与语言教学之间的关系 2. Grammar, input and language learning 语法、输入与语言学习 3. Interlanguage in language teaching 语言教学中的中介语 4. Linguistics and syllabus design 语言学与教学大纲设计 5. Contrastive analysis and error analysis 对比分析与错误分析 6. Corpus linguistics and language teaching 语料库语言学与语言教学 常考考点: 语言学与语言教学的关系;语言学与语言学习;语言学与教学大纲设计;二语学习者的主要障碍;对比分析与错误分析;中介语;语料库语言学与语言教学等。

本章内容索引: I. Definition of Applied Linguistics II. The Relation between Linguistics and Language Teaching III. Linguistics and Language Learning 1. Grammar and Language Learning 2. Input and Language Learning 3. Interlanguage in Language Learning IV. Linguistics and Language T eaching 1. The discourse-based view of language teaching 2. The universal grammar (UG) and language teaching V. Syllabus Design 1. Syllabus and curriculum 2. Theoretical views behind syllabus design 3. Types of syllabus (1) The structural syllabus (2) The situational syllabus (3) The communicative syllabus (4) The task-based syllabus 4. Current trends in syllabus design (1) The co-existence of the old and the new (2) The emphasis on the learning process


《语言学概论》教学大纲 一、课程说明 1.课程代码:101012191。 2.课程中文名称:语言学概论。 3.课程英文名称:Introduction to Linguistics。 4.课程总学时数: 36 ,其中理论环节学时数: 28 ,实验实践环节学时数: 8 。 5.课程学分数: 2 。 6.授课对象:汉语言文学专业(师范类)四年制本科。 7.本课程的性质、地位和作用 《语言学概论》是汉语言文学专业(师范类)四年制本科的一门专业基础课。讲授关于人类语言的本质、结构、发展、分类以及记录语言的符号系统——文字等方面的基础理论、基本知识和基本方法,以提高学生的语言理论水平和语言分析能力,为今后从事语言教学和语言研究工作奠定必要的基础。 二、教学基本要求 学习本课程应达到的目标:通过学习,初步树立科学的语言观,掌握普通语言学的基本理论,提高分析语言现象的能力。为此,在教学中有以下几点基本要求: 1.在介绍语言学的基本理论和基础知识的基础上,着重拓宽知识面,同时进一步论证、阐述基础理论,并加以延伸、扩展。 2.要多用实例传授现代语言的分析方法,切实提高学生解决实际语言问题的能力。阐述概念和理论时要避免抽象的演绎。 3.本课程是一门理论性和实践性都很强的课程,学习中要以辩证唯物主义为指导,遵循理论联系实际的原则,紧密结合语言实际,多分析,多做思考练习题,以求透彻理解,掌握有关知识。 三、学时分配

四、课程主要内容 第一章语言与语言学 【本章教学目的、要求】: 一、了解动物的“语言”与人类的语言的区别; 二、正确认识语言的性质; 三、了解语言的社会功能和思维功能; 【本章教学重点、难点】: 一、语言和言语的区别及联系 二、语言的性质(符号性、系统性) 三、组合关系和聚合关系 【本章节主要教学要点】: 第一节语言是人类特有的 一、人类的语言和动物的“语言”的区别 1.功能开放 2.构造灵巧 3.习得 二、关于语言产生的假说


西方语言学史重点 一、语言学的分类 (一)功能角度:理论语言学和应用语言学 (二)具体研究对象:普通(一般)语言学/个别(专语、具体)语言学 (三)研究时段:共时语言学和历时语言学 (四)研究方法:描写语言学和对比语言学 (五)研究对象的状态:静态语言学和动态语言学 (六)研究角度和范围:微观语言学和宏观语言学 二、应用语言学类别 社会语言学、心理语言学、神经语言学、统计语言学 三、西方语言学史的分期 1.一般的划分方法 (1)古代语言学(19世纪以前) (2)近代语言学(19世纪) (3)现代语言学(20世纪上半叶) (4)当代语言学(20世纪50年代末至今) ——“五段两线三解放 “五段”指语文学、历史比较语言学、结构主义语言学、形式语言学、交叉语言学等五个阶段;“两线”指“整齐论”和“参差论”两条路线的斗争;“三解放”指历史比较语言学、索绪尔、社会语言学这三个有代表性的里程碑。 2.传统语文学的定义、性质、局限性 定义:传统语文学是传统语言学的重要组成部分,它主要包括三大语文传统,分别是古希腊传统、古印度传统,以及中世纪阿拉伯传统。 传统语言学是一个与现代语言学相对的概念,泛指20世纪以前的语言学,特别是指索绪尔的语言学理论之前的各种语言学理论。那么,与它相对的现代语言学就是指20世纪以来,建立在瑞士语言学家索绪尔的语言理论基础上的各种语言流派及其分支学科的总称。 性质:“依附性”是传统语文学重要的性质。传统语文学并不能算作一门真正的独立学科,只能称为语言学的前奏。 局限性:要成为一门真正的学科,必须要有自己独立的研究对象,独立的研究方法以及多样化的研究材料,而传统语文学并不具备。 古希腊、古罗马、古印度 四、古希腊语言研究


Chapter 1 Invitations to Linguistics 1.1 Why study language? 1. Language is very essential to human beings. 2. In language there are many things we should know. 3. For further understanding, we need to study language scientifically. 1.2 What is language? 1.3 Design features of language The features that define our human languages can be called design features which can distinguish human language from any animal system of communication. 1.3.1 Arbitrariness 1.3.2 Duality 1.3.3 Creativity Creativity means that language is resourceful because of its duality and its recursiveness. Recursiveness refers to the rule which can be applied repeatedly without any definite limit. The recursive nature of language provides a theoretical basis for the possibility of creating endless sentences. 1.3.4 Displacement 1.4 Origin of language

最新 语言学概论课程标准

《语言学概论》课程标准教案 一、课程概述 (一)课程性质 语言学概论课是汉语言文学/汉语国际教育专业的必修课、专业基础课。它解决的是语言的共性问题,所以不同于以具体语言为研究对象的现代汉语、古代汉语课。 本课程以现代语言理论为指导,论述人类语言的本质、语言的结构、功能、发展,以及文字等方面的内容。学生在学习了这一门课之后,要初步树立科学的语言观,获得语言学的基础知识和基本理论,并且初步具备运用语言学的科学方法分析语言现象的能力,为将来从事语言文字工作、语文教学工作和科研工作打好基础。 (二)课程定位

该课程在专业课程体系中起着奠定基础、提供方法的作用,主要对接基础教育、汉语国际教育、语言管理以及其他相关行业的职业岗位,是提高相关职业素质与职业能力的核心课程。该课程提供进行社会调查需要的某些语言学知识和能力,比如用国际音标的识读、标写能力的培养,为方言调查提供前提条件。与学生未来从事基础教育、对外汉语教育的职业岗位有着密切的关系,尤其是与语言文字的掌握和运用关系密切,对师范生素质养成与职业能力培养有一定作用,可以跟现代汉语和古代汉语相配合,为训诂学、音韵学、文字学/语音教学专题、词汇教学专题、语法教学专题等后续的专业选修课和技能课奠定坚实的基础。 前导课程:现代汉语、古代汉语/汉语国际教育概论。 后续课程:训诂学、音韵学、文字学/语音教学专题、词汇教学专题、语法教学专题。 (三)课程设计思路 汉语言文学(师范)/汉语国际教育专业,从创建延续到今天,已经形成了一套成熟规范、行之有效的教学思路和方法,我们既要坚持固有的优良传统,又要根据现在的形势和要求,做出适当的调整和变化。 首先必须承认,语言学概论就是一门基础理论课,它为本专业的学生提供语言学的入门知识,包括一些基础的概念、基本的方法。与此同时,也需要进行语言分析手段和技能的训练,包括观察点的选择、分析手段的把握等。另外,经过训练的学生应该建立起一定的观察语言生活的意识和分析、解释语言现象的素养。 具体课程设计上有以下几个方面:

1 语言学史的基本内容整理

1 语言学史的基本内容 ?语言学史是人类历史的一部分,它是语言学学科的历史,人们语言研究的历史,也就是过去人们是如何研究语言的,把语言学这门学问一直追溯到它的开端,回到先民开始对自己的语言产生兴趣的时候,观察各个时期的人们怎样思考语言问题,怎样研究各种语言,这样的考察就是“语言学史”了。 ?在古人眼里语言是极神圣的东西,以为它一定是天赐的。比如像《圣经·创世纪》里说的那样,上帝不但造世界、造人,还帮助人造了语言。因为,假如不把语言给予人,他就不是完整意义的人。这是西方的神话。世界很多民族都有类似的神话,说到语言是怎么来的。我们汉民族有没有类似这样的神话呢?似乎没有。大家想必都听过女娲造人的传说: “俗说开天辟地,未有人民。女娲抟黄土作人,剧务,力不暇供,乃引绳于泥中,举以为人。故富贵者,黄土人也;贫贱凡庸者,絙人也。”(《太平御览》卷七十八引应劭《风俗通义》)可是造出了人,故事便完了,不提语言的由来。 ?2语文学 ?从古代就开始的语言研究,目前能见之于史册而又有显著成绩的主要是印度、中国、阿拉伯、古希腊罗马。它们被认为是语言研究的四大发源地。不过当时的研究并不是以研究语言为直接目的的,而大多数是局限于本族语言的范围,重在对前人的典籍文献作注、考证、诠释,旨在让人读懂。虽然当时的研究在方法上多失之零散、静止、片面,但它们却为以后的语言研究奠定了坚实的基础。欧洲在19世纪以前,中国在鸦片战争以前的语言研究,都属于这一范畴。这一阶段被人们称为“语文学”阶段或语言学的“前科学期” ?2)19世纪的历史语言学 ?从1786年英国爵士琼斯提出印欧语有共同来源,标志着语言学诞生,语言学已有两个多世纪的历史了。 ?琼斯的发现,启发了语言研究者的想象。此后的100多年里,除了语言历史比较研究外,其他方面的研究都黯然失色了。学者们的著述大多是比较语法方面的,接着开始构拟原始印欧语。在这种风尚的影响下,19世纪的语言学家都忙于印欧语各语言间的历史比较,并重建那个假拟中的母语,其中最有代表性的人物就是三大奠基人 ?19世纪中叶,达尔文创立了“进化论”,语言进化的理论也自然包括其中了,运用进化论研究语言的代表人物是施莱赫尔。 ?重视语言历史变化的学风推动了语言理论的发展。19世纪70年代,以德国莱比锡大学为中心的一批语言学家,认为语言变化是有规律的,,进而认为语音变化无例外。被人们戏称为“青年语法学派”的理论,他们这种重视客观材料的研究方法,的确把语言学向前推进了一步。 3)20世纪初期到中叶的描写语言学 ?到了20世纪,语言研究的重点开始从语言变化转向语言描写。这种转变的发起人是瑞士语言学家索绪尔。他在1915年的《普通语言学教程》中,反复并明确地强调了前人从未有过的观点:语言学的目的是研究语言各要素之间的关系,语言要素的价值是由它与其他要素之间的关系决定的,语言就是由这些要素精密交织而成的一种结构。从而创立了结构语言学。 ?索绪尔之后,结构语言学迅速发展,不久便形成了不同的流派:布拉格学派、哥本哈根学派、

语言学 常见英语构词法

Conversion词性转化法 1.基本概念: 词性转化法英语中有些单词,词形不变, 词性却可以由一种转化成另一种。这就是转化。单词转换后的意义往往与未转换前的意义有密切的联系。也叫做“零位后缀派生法”或“零位派生法”;是指有一种词性转化为另一种词性往往与之前的意义联系密切。 2.分类: A.名词转化为动词 ①表示物品、器具和地点的名词转化为动词,表示把……放人,或置于……之中。如:The books have already been shelved. ②表示人物称呼的名词转化为动词表示具有这类人的典型特征。如:Whenever I am sick, my mother doctors me and nurses me carefully. ③表示人体各部分的名词几乎都可以转化为动词,通常用来表示工具。如:He tried very hard to elbow his way to the front. ④表示动物,植物及其典型动作的名词转化为动词时,有很强的隐喻含义。如:The company has branched out all over the world. ⑤表示物质和实物的名词转化为动词通常表示结果,具有“使……成为”,或“把……变成”的含义.如:Where can we cash some money? ⑥抽象名词转化为动词。如:We are angered by his unruly behavior. ⑦表示时间的名词转化为动词。如:He has been dating the pretty girl for about five years. B.形容词转化为名词 可分为两类,一类是完全转化(full conversion), 另一类是部分转化(partial conversion) ①完全转化:完全转化为名词的形容词具有名词的全部特征,能作不可数名词表示抽象概念,能加s构成复数,加s’构成所有格,也可以用形容词来修饰。如:black,black→the black →the blacks’ tradition→the injured black 一些表示有某些特征或表示有某种信仰,某一国籍或某一组织的人称名词很多来自形容词,如:American, Catholic, Christian, Socialist等;有些则是短语的修饰成分,经过缩略后变成名词,如:shorts=short trousers; a wrong=a wrong thing. ②部分转化: 部分转化为名词的形容词通常不具有名词的全部特征,一般带有定冠词,作为复数来表示一个整体,如一类人或物。与完全转化为名词的形容词相比具有以下三个特征:多数无词尾变化,不能表示多数;无所有格;仍存在形容词特征,可用副词修饰,有比较级和最高级。如: The young should take good care of the old. He is always interested in the new. We are trying our hardest to finish the task before the deadline C.其它词类的转化 除了以上词类的转化外,还有其它词类的转化。虽然这些转化涉及各类词,但是构成的词类数量有限。如: How long does it take to go to Beijing and back? (名词→副词) Stupid! Don’t do that again! (形容词→感叹词) Easy come, easy go.(形容词→副词) I don’t have one; neither do I want.(形容词→连词) Take your hand off mine! (副词→介词) Why did you first talk to him? (数词→副词)


第11章语言学与语言教学 Ⅰ. Fill in the blanks. 1. _____ is a method of foreign or second language teaching which makes use of translation and grammar study as the main teaching and learning activities. 【答案】Grammar-translation Method 【解析】语法翻译法即在外语教学中主要运用翻译和语法学习为教学活动的方法。 2. _____ is formed when the leaner attempts to learn a new language, and it has features of both the first language and the second language but is neither. 【答案】Interlanguage 【解析】当学习者学习一种新语言时,就产生了中介语。中介语具有第一语言和第二语言的特征,但中介语是一个动态的语言系统,我们不能把中介语看成是母语和二语的过 渡阶段或者是二者的简单混合。 3. Hymes’ theory leads to nation/function-based syllables, and a step further, _____ syllabuses. 【答案】communicative 【解析】海姆斯提出的交际教学大纲以功能—意念大纲为基础,它教授表达和理解不同语言功能时所需要的语言,并且强调交际的过程。


《语言学概论》课程教学大纲 一、基本信息 课程编号:10601100540 课程名称:语言学概论 英文名称: Linguistics 课程性质:必修课程 总学时:64 学分:4 理论学时:64 实验学时:0 实践学时:0 指导自学学时:0 适用专业:英语专业(医药贸易方向)适用层次:本科 先修课程:英语语法,精读等 承担院部:人文学院学科组:英语专业学科组 二、课程介绍 (一)课程目标及地位 本课程是高等院校英语专业必修课程之一,一般安排在第七学期,向学生介绍语言学领域的重要研究成果,包括语音学、词汇学、句法学、语义学、语用学的基本理论以及语言与文化、社会、思维等的关系。通过本课程的学习,学生将具备语言学的基本知识,并通过所获得的知识加深对英语的理解及增强对英语中一些语言现象的观察和分析的能力。 本课程的教学目的有两个,即:掌握英语语言学的基础知识、以及应用英语从事语言学方面研究的能力。 1、掌握语言学的基础知识 本课程以英语为主要研究对象,重点介绍英语语言的内部结构、表现形式和意义以及与人的心理、社会、文化艺术、信息科学、教育等的关系,要求学生通过听讲与自学,对英语语言学、语言学分支、流派及其发展等有一个比较全面地了解,掌握英语语言学的基本概念、研究方法及其应用等,提高对英语的理性认识,初步具备发现问题和解决问题的能力。 2、应用英语从事语言学研究的能力 作为语言学方面的专门课程,本课程的最终目的是培养学生应用英语从事英语语言学或一般语言学研究的能力。因此,本课程要求那些对语言学有兴趣并有意从事这方面研究的学生,能够运用英语和所学的语言学知识从事语言学或英语语言学方面的研究,用英语进行表达或撰写论文。 (二)教学基本要求 1.“语言学概论”是汉语言文学专业的一门专业基础课程,是语言理论基础课。它从理论上探讨人类语言的本质、结构和演变的规律。学生通过本课程的学习,能比较系统地掌握语言学的基本概念、基本理论和基础知识,为提高语言理论水平、进一步学习和深入研究其他


第一章古代语言学 关于语言起源的几个传说 ●古埃及关于语言起源的故事 ●希腊史学家希罗多图斯《史记》载埃及故事 ●公元前6世纪,埃及法老卜萨梅蒂库斯[Psammetichus] ●实验方法:将二刚生婴儿置荒僻渺无人烟之地学牧羊,每天只给山羊乳吃。两年后, 保姆拿山羊乳来,他们见之高呼:“bekos”。法老传令询哪种语言有此词,后查出佛里基亚[Phrygia]语里有此词,是“面包”之意,于是决定佛里基亚族是世界上最古老的民族,佛里基亚语是世界上最古老的语言。 基督教圣经中关于人类语言的传说 ●《圣经·旧约全书·创世纪》第二章: ●亚当→上帝告诫不要吃智慧之果、教他说话→第一种语言 ●亚当、夏娃→受蛇诱惑偷吃了智慧之果→移示拿、造通天塔【巴别塔】→上帝变乱其 口音,形成多种语言 第一节古印度语言研究 ●1.巴尼尼的《梵语语法》 ●公元前四世纪,古印度学者巴尼尼(Panini)研究《吠陀》的语法,著《梵语语法》,又 叫《巴尼尼语法》。 ●《梵语语法》总结古梵语语法规则近四千条。对梵语的词形变化和词的结构、词类和 句子作了精密的分析,对梵语的语音结构和语流音变作了周详的描述。 2.古印度语言研究的成就 ●印度梵语属印欧语之一种,形态非常复杂,但是词的各个组成部份,由于获得音节文 字的掩护,界限却比较分明。古印度人对于梵文的研究,多出于一种宗教的动机,其中连一个声音,一个字母都不能有丝毫的苟假。这大大推动了他们要对梵语作一番精心的研究。 ●古印度人对于语文研究的成果是卓越的。它所发生的影响也是很深远的。这主要表现 在以下几个方面: ●(1)构词法 ●区分词根、后缀和词尾,词根又分为原始词根和派生词根。 ●(2)词类和词形变化 ●分为动词和名词。还有前置词和小品词。动词有人称、态、式等变位,名词有8个格。 ●(3)语音分析 ●根据语音生理属性分类:①依声门开闭:无声音和有声音。②依口腔开合度:元音、 半元音、紧缩音和闭塞音。③依发音部位:喉音、腭音、头音、齿音和唇音。 ●(4)历史比较法的萌芽 ●巴尼尼把梵语跟其他梵语方言对比。 第二节古希腊、罗马语言研究 一、古希腊哲学家的语言研究 ●1.苏格拉底(公元前469-前399 Socrates),著名的古希腊的思想家、哲学家,教育 家,他和他的学生柏拉图,以及柏拉图的学生亚里士多德被并称为“古希腊三贤”,更被后人广泛认为是西方哲学的奠基者。


昆仑旅游学院课程教学大纲体例 《英语语言学》教学大纲 课程代码: 建议学时数:2 学分:2 课程类别:其他课本 先修课程:基本语言学知识 适用专业:英语专业

《英语语言学概论》教学大纲 课程编号: 学时数:72 (讲课:72 实验:0 实习:0) 学分数:4 适用专业:英语 开课学期:6 一、课程的性质和目的 1. 课程性质:普通语言学是英语专业的一门专业必修课。 2. 目的和任务:学生通过学习本大纲规定的内容,了解和掌握普通语言学有关语音、音系、词汇、句法、语义、语用、文体、语言与社会文化、语言与心理、语言与认知、语言与计算机、语言学与外语教学、语言学流派等基本理论和语言研究的基本方法。 二、课程教学内容及学时分配 第一章导论(6学时) 关于语言:语言的定义、起源、特征、功能。关于语言学:语言学的主要分支学科,宏观语言学。语言学中一些重要的基本概念:描写与规定、共时与历时、语言和言语、能力与表现。 第二章语音(6学时) 语音学:语音的发生与感知,发音器官,国际音标,辅音,元音,语音的描写,协同发音。音系学:音位理论和音位变体、音系规则,区别特征,音节,重音,语调,声调。 第三章词汇(4学时,学生自学为主,教师讲授为辅) 词汇概说:词的含义,词的识别,词的分类。形态学:词的构成,语素,屈折,派生,义素、音素和语素的关系。词的变化。 第四章句法(6学时) 句法关系:位置关系,替换关系,同现关系。语法结构:语法结构,直接成分,内向结构、外向结构,并列关系,从属关系。句法功能:主语,谓语,宾语,词类和功能的关系。语法范畴:数、性、格,一致关系。语句构成:短语,小句,语句。递归性:连接,嵌入。句法之外:句子的连接,衔接手段。 第五章语义学(6学时) 词汇语义学:“意义”的意义,指称论,涵义关系,成分分析。句子语义学:组合理论,逻辑语义学。 第六章语言与认知(6学时) 什么是认知?心理语言学:语言习得,语言理解,语言的产生。认知语言学:识解,范畴化,图式理论,隐喻,转喻,整合理论。 第七章语言、文化、社会(6学时)

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