当前位置:文档之家› 人教新课标必修五unit4重点短语、句子汇总



















































1.(倒装)NeverwillZyforgethisfirstassignmentattheofficeofchi naDaily.


2.(倒装)onlywhenyouhaveseenwhatheorshedoes,canyoucoverastor ybyyourself.



4.(倒装)NotonlyamIinterestedinphotography,butItookacourseat university,soit’sactuallyofspecialinteresttome.




6.Haveyoueverhadacasewheresomebodyaccusedyourrepor tersofgettingthewrongend



高中英语人教版新课标必修5Unit 4 Grammar:倒装句

Unit 4 Grammar:倒装句 Ⅰ.回归课本(26页) 1) Never_______ Zhou yang forget his first assignment at the office of a popular English newspaper. 2) Not only_______ I interested in photography, but I took an amateur course at university to update my skills. 3)Only if you ask many different questions ________ you acquire all the information you need to know. 4)Here ______ my list of dos and don’ts. Ⅱ. 概念 把______________放在主语之前,叫倒装结构。如果__________放在主语之前, 叫全部倒装; 如果只把_________________等放在主语之前,叫部分倒装。 Ⅲ. 语法归纳(结合课本89页语法) 巧记倒装 (一)这里那里、这时那时、上来下去、出来进去、两离开。 (二)强调表语和状语。 (三)否定副、连放句首。 (四) so, nor, neither, 也如此。 (五) as (though), 引导让步句。 (六) only 修状位句首切牢记。 一、完全(全部)倒装【指把句子的全部谓语放在主语前】 1.there be句型中, 其中be可换做appear/enter/come/exist/happen/lie/remain/stand/seem 等动词。 There stands a temple on the top of the mountain. 山顶上有一座寺庙。 2.以地点副词here/there,时间副词now/then及方位副词out, in, up, down, away,off 等开 头,且谓语动词多为be/come/go,常使用完全倒装以示强调。【这些副词可巧记为:这里那里(here/there)、这时那时(now/then)、上来下去(up/down)、出来进去(out/in)两离开(away/off)。】 Here comes the bus.汽车来了Now comes our turn. 现在轮到我们了 Out went the children.孩子们出去了There goes the bell.铃响了 【注意】若主语是人称代词时,主谓不倒装。 Away it went.它走了Here you are.给你Down they flew.它们飞了下来 3.表地点的介词短语或表方位的副词短语位于____,且谓语动词是be/come/go/lie/sit、stand/run/walk等不及物动词时,常用完全倒装。【为了保持句子的平衡或为了强调表语和状语,或使上下文紧密衔接,把它们放在句首,用完全倒装。(该结构不需加助动词。)】East of the town lies a beautiful lake. Present at the meeting were all teachers. In a lecture hall of a university in England sits a professor. Outside the doctor’s clinic were twenty patients. West of the lake are two villages. 二、部分倒装【指把句子的部分谓语(be动词/助动词/情态动词)放在主语前】 1.含有否定意义的副词或词组,如hardly (scarcely), never, not, not only, not until,little, seldom,rarely,in no way(决不能)等放_____作状语时,或在no sooner…than…和


Unit 4Making the news 学习目标 要点词汇 delighted, assist, eager, acquire, inform , demand, accurate, approve, 小词简 析要点短语 accuse of, in the process of, concentrate on, defend against, have a nose for, depend on, ahead of 要点句型 1. so as to 指引目的状语 2. ... case +定语从句 知识解说 要点词汇 delighted 【原句回放】 We’ re delighted you ’ reocomingworkwith us. 你来与我们一同工作,我们很快乐。 【点拨】 delighted adj. 感觉惊喜的,感觉快乐的,用于表示人的心里感觉。 常用搭配: be delighted to do sth. 快乐做某事 be delighted at/ by 因 ......而快乐 be delighted that 因 ......而快乐 She was delighted to hear the twitter of the birds somewhere near her window. 她很快乐地听着窗外鸟儿的鸣喊声。 The mother was delighted at the recovery of her baby. 那位母亲由于她的婴儿恢复了健康而特别快乐。 We’ re delighted that you be here ’soonll. 你不久就来这里了,我们真快乐。 【拓展】delight vt. 使(某人)快乐,使(某人)惊喜 n.快乐,快乐,令人快乐的人或事。 delightful adj. 令人欢乐的 常用短语: take delight in (doing) sth.喜爱,以......为乐 to one’ s delight令人快乐的是 with/ in delight快乐地 He delighted the audience with his humourous words.他风趣的语言让观众们很快乐。 Jack is a delightful young man.杰克是个讨人喜爱的年青人。 Carl takes great delight in teasing his classmates. 卡尔以讥笑他的同学为乐。 She won the game easily, to the delight of all her fans. 使她全部粉丝快乐的是,她很简单地博得了竞赛。 Hearing class was over, the boys rushed out of the classroom in/with delight. 听见下课了,男孩们快乐地冲出教室。 assist 【原句回放】 You’ ll find your colleagues very eager to assist you ...你会发现你的同事们会热情地帮助你 ...... 【点拨】 assist vt., vi. 帮助,增援;促使 assist 较正式用语,一般表示“辅助”,经常暗指供给帮助的一方所做的事比较简单

人教版高中英语必修五Unit4 Making the news

人教版高中英语必修五Unit4 Making the news 课文全解 (常考单词、高频短语和写作句式) Ⅰ. 常考单词必背 1.assist vt.&vi.帮助;协助 Two men are assisting the police in their enquiries. 有两个人正在协助警方进行对他们的询问。 [快速闪记] assist sb with sth 帮助某人…… assist sb to do... 帮助某人做…… assist sb in doing... 帮助某人做…… assistant n. 助手;协助;售货员 2.submit vt.&vi.①(常与to连用)(使)服从;(使)屈服 ②(常与to连用)提出;提交 She is a strong-willed person who never submits to failure.她是一个意志坚强的人,从不向失败屈服。 Please submit your reports to me before the deadline. 请在截止日期前将报告交给我。

3.eager adj.渴望的;热切的 I am eager to find a good English teacher for my daughter as I am anxious about her poor English. 我一直想给我女儿找个好的英文老师,因为我很担心她蹩脚的英语。 [快速闪记] eagerly adv. 热心地;急切地 eagerness n. [U]热切;渴望 4.concentrate v.专心;集中 We must concentrate our efforts on improving education.我们必须致力于改进教育工作。 [快速闪记] concentration n.浓度;集中;浓缩;专心;集合 (1)concentrate on sth 集中精力做某事 concentrate one's attention on 致力于……;把注意力集中在…… (2)focus on/fix on 集中……于…… 5.acquire vt. 获得;取得;学到


Unit 4 Making the news 重点单词详解 occupation n. 职业;占有 【帮你记忆】 occupy( v. 占领)去y+-ation(名词后缀,表示"动作;状态;结果") 【经典例句】 He is a lawyer by occupation. 他的职业是律师。 【考点剖析】 1)辨析occupation和job, work, profession:occupation 意为"职业",是较为正式的用语; job 作"职业"讲时,是可数名词,可指一个单独的任务,也可指工作职位,较口语化; work"工作",不可数名词,较口语化; profession意为"专业",一般指受过特殊训练和良好教育的职业。2)其动词形式occupy的固定搭配:occupy oneself (in/with) 忙着,如: He occupied himself (in)writing a mystery story. 他忙着撰写一篇侦探小说。 reporter n. 记者;新闻通讯员 【帮你记忆】 report(报告)+-er(人) 【经典例句】 All the reporters rushed to the scene of the accident. 所有的人急着都赶到出事现场。

【考点剖析】辨析reporter和journalist: reporter专指替报纸、杂志广播电视收集消息及撰写报道的人。journalist泛指新闻从业人员。 photograph n. &v. 照片;给......照相 【帮你记忆】 photo(照片)+-graph(记录的方式或工具) 【经典例句】 We photographed the school team. 我们给校队照了个相。 【考点剖析】 photograph经常略写为:photo;其复数形式:photos。和photo相关的词组: take a photo (自己来)拍照 have a photo taken with sb. 和某人照张相 acquire vt. 获得;取得;学到 【帮你记忆】 acquire(获得)→require(命令) 【经典例句】 His knowledge of the sea was acquired through his experience as a sailor. 他的海洋知识是从他当水手的经历中获得的。 【考点剖析】辨析acquire,gain, get和obtain: acquire通常是指通过个人的工作、技艺或行动等而获得、取得或得到; gain指通过努力或有意识的行为来获得某些有益的东西; get是"得到"的普通用词,较为不正式; obtain是指通过计划或努力得到或买到。

人教版 高中英语 必修五 Unit4 Making the news 语言点学案 含答案

Unit4 Making the news 一、语言要点 I词语辨析(旨在提供完形填 1). occupation/profession/job/work n. 工作,职业 occupation较为正式,常用于所填的表格上 profession常指需要专门技能,尤指需要较高教育水平的行业,职业. job可数名词,可指独立的一份工作或职位 work不可数名词,泛指一切工作 【练习】选择occupation/profession/job或work并用其适当的形式填空 1)Please state your name, age and _________ below before you go to work. 2)I have a few ________ to do in the house this morning. 3) Typing by using the computer all day is hard________. 4) Professor Zhang is the very top of medical _________. Keys: 1) occupation 2) jobs 3) work 4) profession 2). acquire /obtain/get/gain v. 获得 obtain 包含着“努力”、“希望”或“决意”去获得某物的意思。通过努力工作而得到所需东西 get是最普遍、使用范围最广的词以某种方式手段获得某物 acquire经过努力的过程逐渐获得 gain有obtain的含义,但更强调目的物需要努力奋斗才能得到,而且这种东西具有价值,特别是物质价值。 【练习】选择acquire /obtain/get或gain并用其适当的形式填空 1)We must work hard to ________a good knowledge of English. 2)I ______ a letter from my parents yesterday. 3)I hope that you will________ greater success soon. 4)He ________ experience through practice. Keys: 1) acquire 2) got 3) gain 4) obtained 3) accuse/charge v.控诉,起诉accuse 常用于accuse sb. of sth. charge 常用charge sb. with sth 【练习】选择accuse或charge填空1)They ________ him of taking bribes. 2)The police ________ him with car theft Keys: 1) accused 2) charged 4) process/progress/procedure process [C][U]进程,过程,程序 progress[U]前进, 进步, 发展 procedure[C][U] 程序, 手续 【练习】选择process/progress/或procedure并用其适当的形式填空 1) Reforming the education system will be a difficult ________. 2) The disease makes rapid ________ 3) Sometimes we need to break the normal_________. Keys: 1) process 2) progress 3) procedure 5) accurate /correct/exact/right accurate 表示“准确的”,精确的”,指“通过努力, 使事情达到正确或精确 correct为一般用语, 指“正确的” exact表示“确切的”,“精确无误的”,指“与事实完全相符” right最合适的; (就情况等而言)最好的, 可取的;或表示与事实,常理或真实情况相一致的,相当于correct/exact


高中英语学习资料 madeofjingetieji WORDS & EXPRESSIONS assist 【境显现】下面句子,并着assist的意思及用法。 1.They had no maps to assist them. 2.The information will assist the police in / with their search. 3.She offered to assist in / with the marketing of the product. 4.You will be required to assist Mrs. Smith in preparing a report. 5.The program assists young people to find work. 【自我】assist 作,意“帮助,助,救援”,常用搭配:assist sb(.句 1);assist (sb.) ________ sth.(句 2 和句 3); assist sb. in doing sth.(句 4); assist sb. to do sth.(句 5)。 【拓展】 assistant n. 助手,助理,售 assistance n. 帮助,救援,支持 【即学即】依照括号内的提示全下面句子(每空一)。 1. We’ ll do the job more quickly ________ ________ ________ ________ ( 若是你帮我的忙). 2. Julia said she was going to ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ (帮 助杰克准他的言) on Sunday. 3. My colleague is willing to ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ (助我做个 目) . depend on 【】 depend on 意:①依靠,依(常用搭配: depend on sth. / sb. for sth.; depend on sb. to do sth.);②相信,信;③取决于,⋯⋯而定(后可接名或从句)。如: I don ’twant to depend too much on my parents. Children depend on their parents for food and clothing. I ’m depending on you to tell me everything. You can depend on Jane — she always keeps her promises. Whether or not we go to Spain for our holiday depends on the cost. Choosing the right bike depends on what you want to use it for. 【即学即】翻下面句子。 1.Rose’s a woman who can be depended on. _____________________________________________________ 2.We depend on the radio for news. _____________________________________________________ 3.How much is produced depends on how hard we work. _____________________________________________________ accuse ... of ... 【】 accuse ... of ...意“因⋯⋯指控或指”,of 后跟名或The man was accused of robbery. Mr. Smith accused his wife of lying. 【拓展】accuse 与 charge 都可作“指控” ,但与二者搭配的介不同样。-ing形式。如: charge 常用于


半期考资料1 高二英语必修5 王宝辉 Book 5 Unit 1 Great Scientists Part 1 课文知识点归纳 1. put forward 提出 put off 推迟 put up with 忍受 2. attend to 照顾, 护理 3. cure sb. of sth 治愈某人某种疾病 a cure for…治疗…法(药) 4. challenge sb. to do sth. 向某人挑战做…challenge sb. to sth. 就某事向某人挑战 5. be absorbed in 全神贯注于 = concentrate on 6. suspect sb. of sth 怀疑某人做某事suspect that… 7. blame sb. for sth. 为某事责怪某人 blame sth. on sb. 把某事归咎于某人 8. link sth to把…与…连接起来, 使…有联系 9. instruct sb to do sth 命令某人做某事instruct sb in sth 在某方面教导某人 10. be strict with sb. 对某人严格要求 be strict in sth. 对某事严格要求 11. lead to 造成, 导致, 通向 12. make sense 讲得通, 有意义 make sense of 了解…的意义, 理解 13. put sth. in order 按…顺序来整理 14. draw a conclusion 得出结论15. of one’s day 在某人的那个时期 16. expose… to 使显露, 暴露 17. apart from 除…之外 18. be cautious about / of …对…小心谨慎 with caution 小心谨慎 19. be severe with sb. 对…严厉 20. lift up 举起 21. look into 调查 22. be determined to do sth 决心/ 决定做某事 23. make investigations 进行调查 24. take in 吸收, 欺骗 25. come to an end 结束 26. punish sb for sth. 因某事惩罚某人 27. at times 时而, 不时 28. be for / against 支持/ 反对 29. a link between…and…与…间的联系/关联 30. point of view 观点 31. hold discussions 进行讨论 32. to one’s surprise 使某人感到惊奇的是 33. believe in 信任, 信仰, 相信 34. prevent sb from doing sth 阻止某人做某事 35. in one’s honor / in honor of sb. 为了纪念某人 句型: 1. It seemed that the water was to blame. be to blame 受责罚(主动形式表被动) 2. A woman, who had moved away from Broad Street, liked the water from the pump so much that she had it delivered to her house every day. have sth done 请某人来做某事/ 遭遇,经历,体验 3. To prevent this from happening again, John Snow suggested that the source of all water supplies be examined. suggest 意为”建议”时, 宾语从句谓语动词应使用虚拟. 4. The second suggested that people absorbed this disease into their bodies with their meals. suggest 意为”认为, 指出, 提出, 暗示”时, 宾语从句谓语动词则使用陈述语气 5. Only if you put the sun there did the movements of the other planets in the sky make sense. Only + 状语/ 状语从句位于句首, 主句需用倒装 If only “如果…就好了”, 后接虚拟条件句.

人教版必修五 Unit 4 词汇讲解+写作训练(无答案)


keep sb. informed (of ...) 使某人随时了解(……) (2)information n.[U] 通知;消息;情报;信息 ①It was considerate of Michael to inform us his delay in case we got worried. ②The boss asked his secretary to keep him well (inform) of the programme's progress. ③Please inform us we could rent a house — not too expensive but convenient. 单句改错 ④Besides, they often get some useful informations from the Internet. (2017·全国卷Ⅱ) 3.case n.情况;病例;案例 in case +句子假使;以防万一 in case of +n/短语假如发生;万一发生 in any case 无论如何 in no case 决不(位于句首时,需部分倒装) in this/that case 假使这样/那样的话 as is often the case 这是常有的事 句型转换 ①Anybody should in no case be allowed to stay here.(改为倒装句) →In no case to stay here. ②It is often the case that he is ready to help others. (改为定语从句) →, he is ready to help others. 一句多译 以防下雪,你最好别出去。 ④You'd better not go out the snow. ⑤You'd better not go out it snows. 4.demand n.要求;需求v t.强烈要求 (1)be in (great) demand(迫切)需求 meet/satisfy one's demands 满足某人的需求 (2)demand sth. of/from sb. 向某人要求某物 demand of sb. to do sth. 要求某人做某事 demand to do sth. 要求做某事 demand that ... (should) do sth. 要求…… (3)demanding adj. 高要求的;要求严格的 ①The robots are quite popular; they are great demand in this city. ②The manager promised that they would try to meet their customers' (demand).


人教新课标必修五unit4重点短语、句 子汇总 Unit4 makingtheNews I.Phrases 1.becuriousabout对……感到好奇 2.betodo必将/将要/应该 3.gooutonastory外出采访 4.onone’sown独自,*自己 ofone’sown自己的…… 5.concentrateon集中精力于…… 6.beofinterest=beinteresting有趣的 7.bring…with…随身携带 8.haveanosefor…对……非常敏感 9.dependon依赖 10.atrickofthetrade职业诀窍 11.accusesb.ofsth.=chargesb.withsth.指控某人做某事 12.soastodosth.为了…… 13.besupposedtohavedone理应当/被认为做过某事

14.lookforwardtosth. 盼望做某事 15.beeagertodosth./forsth.渴望做……/…… 16.getthewrongendofthestick完全搞错了 17.tellthewholetruth 说出全部真相 18.aheadof 在……前头 19.settodo/setaboutdoing着手做某事 20.pass…onto… 把……传递给…… 21.makeanappointmentwithsb.与某人约会,预约 22.polishthestyle润色语言风格 23.be/getabsorbedin专心于,集中精力于 24.inturn依次,逐个地 25.defend…against… 为某人辩护 26.notedown记下 27.coversth./interviewsb.报道某事/采访某人 28.dosomeresearchon…对……做调查 29.workon从事 https://www.doczj.com/doc/e019063838.html,stofall最后


人教版高中英语必修五重点短语句型 Unit 1 必背短语 put forward = come up with 提出 draw a conclusion 得出结论In conclusion 最后conclude sth from...从...推断出... be infected with 染上...(疾病) scientific research科学研究 remove...from...把...从...移开,去除 expose...to...使...暴露于...be exposed to...暴露于 cure sb of sth治疗某人某病inform sb of sth通知某人某事 accuse sb of sth控告某人某罪remind sb of sth使某人想起某事rid sb of sth使某人摆脱某事 rob sb of sth抢劫某人某物suspect sb of sth怀疑某人某事 in the neighborhood在邻近在附近 link A to B = connect A with B = relate A to B将A与B联系起来 combine A with B 将A和B结合起来 with certainty确定地 contribute sth to...向...捐献,捐款;给...提供(忠告、建议);投稿 contribute to sth = lead to sth 有助于,是...的原因;促进某事物 make a contribution to...= make contributions to...为...做出贡献 apart from = besides “除...之外,而且”或是expect “除...之外” positive 积极的肯定的确实的negative 消极的否定的 be strict with...对...严格的 make sense有意义讲得通make no sense 没意义,讲不通 make sense of...理解明白common sense 常识 be enthusiastic about...对...充满热情be cautious about...对...小心的,谨慎的 attend a meeting/a lecture/school 参加会议/听报告/上学

人教版高中英语必修五全册--核心词汇短语归纳 unit 4

Unit 4Making the news 【基本单词】 1. delighted adj. 快乐的; 欣喜的 2. submit vt. 递交; 呈递(文件等) 3. eager adj. 渴望的; 热切的 4. concentrate v. 集中; 聚集 5. update vt. 更新; 使现代化 6.acquire v. 获得; 取得; 学到 7. meanwhile adv. 其间; 同时 8.accuse vt. 指责; 谴责; 控告 9.guilty adj. 犯罪的; 有罪的; 内疚的 10. demand n. 需求; 要求vt. 强烈要求 11. publish vt. 出版; 发行; 发表; 公布 12.thorough adj. 彻底的; 详尽的 13.accurate adj. 精确的; 正确的 14.polish vt. 擦亮; 磨光; 润色 15. process vt. 加工; 处理n. 过程; 程序; 步骤 【派生单词】 16. assist vt. 帮助; 协助; 援助 assistance n. 帮助; 援助 assistant n. 助手; 助理; 售货员 17. assess vt. 评估; 评定

Assessment n. 评定; 评价 18. inform vt. 告知; 通知 information n. 信息; 消息 19.senior adj. 年长的; 高年级的; 高级的 (反义词)junior adj. 青年的; 低下的 20. approve vt. 赞成; 认可; 批准 approval n. 批准; 认可 【短语】 1. 集中; 全神贯注于concentrate on 2. 依靠; 依赖depend on 3. 因……指责或控告……accuse …of 4. 为了(做)……so as to (do sth.) 5. 在……前面ahead of 6. 对……有敏感的嗅觉have a good nose for 7. 通知某人某事inform sb. of sth. 8. 记在心里keep in mind 9. 完全误解; 弄错get the wrong end of the stick 10. 最后last of all 【句式】 1. Never will Zhou Yang (ZY) forget his first assignment at the office of a popular English newspaper. 周阳永远不会忘记他在一家畅销英文报纸的第一项工作任务。


高中英语必修五unit4派生词与单词延申语 法词组总结 派生词 1、injured adj 受伤的=injure v.损伤,伤害=injury.n.损伤,伤害. 2、blood.n.血→bleed.vi.流血. 3、variety.n.文化,多样化,多交性=vary变化→various. adj.多种多样的 4、bear v忍受→unbearable.adj.难以忍受的 5,damp.adj.潮湿的→dampnessn潮湿 6、tightadj紧的;赶紧的→tightly adv.牢牢地 7、brave adj勇敢的→bravery n.勇气,勇敢 重点单词延申其语法 ⏹Aid 帮助 ➢in aid of...为了帮助······ ➢come to one's aid帮助某人 ➢with the aid of. .在...的帮助下 ➢aid sb帮助某人做······ ➢Aid to do sth 帮助某人做 ⏹Injury n.损伤,伤害 ➢do sb.an injury伤害某人 ➢do an injury to sb 伤害某人

➢injured:adj.受伤的 ➢Injure:使...受伤 ➢Get injured 受伤 ⏹Stick ➢Stick sthon sth.贴在...上 ➢Sticksth to sth.粘住 ➢Sticksth in sth.陷在...里 ➢Stickto sth.坚持(做某事,不怕困难);固守;维持⏹Squeeze ➢Squeeze in挤进去 ➢Squeezeout榨出,挤出 ➢Squeezethought 挤过,勉强过 ➢squeeze sth into sth 将...挤进 ➢squeeze sth from /out of sth从...榨取出 ⏹Place ➢out of place不合适;不在适当的位置 ➢in one's place 代替某人 ➢in place of 代替 ➢take the place of 代替,互代 ➢take place 发生 ➢in the first place 首先;起初;第一;本来 ➢Take one's place 就位;就职;代替某人


人教版高中英语必修五重点短语句型 在人教版〔高中〕〔英语〕必修五的期末考试的备考中,汇总重点短语句型,有利于提高成果。下面为大家共享的是人教版高中英语必修五重点短语句型的具体内容,盼望对你有关怀! 人教版高中英语必修五重点短语句型在人教版高中英语必修五的期末考试的备考中,汇总重点短语句型,有利于提高成果。下面为大家共享的是人教版高中英语必修五重点短语句型的具体内容,盼望对你有关怀! 人教版高中英语必修五重点短语句型汇总Unit1 Gret scientists 重点短语】1. Unit4 Mking the News 重点短语】 1. on ones own 单独;独立 2. be eger to do sth 渴望于 3. concentrte on 全神贯注于 4. ccuseof 因指责或控告 5. go on story 去采访 6. cover story 采访/报道 7. mke sure 确定;查明;弄明白;确保

8. hed of time 提前 9. hve good "nose' for sth 探查发觉某事物的能力 24. be supposed to 应当;认为必需 25. defend ginst 防卫以免于 重点句型】 1. Never will Zhou Yng forget his first ssignment t the office of populr English newspper. 周阳永久不会遗忘他在一家知名的英语报报社第一天上班的工作任务。 2. Youll find your collegues very eger to ssist you, so you my be ble to concentrte on photogrphy lter if youre interested. 你将会发觉你的同事们会热情地关怀你,假如你对摄影感兴趣,以后你可以集中精力去钻研。 3. Not only m I interested in photogrphy, but I took n mteur course t university to updte my skills. 对摄影我不只是感兴趣,在大学里我还专修过业余摄影课来更新我的技术。 4. Only if you sk mny different questions will you cquire ll the informtion you need to know. 只有提许多不同的问题,你才能收集到你需要的信息。 5. They must use reserch to inform themselves of the


人教版高中英语必修五重点短语句 型 在人教版高中英语必修五的期末考试的备考中,汇总重点 短语句型,有利于提高成绩。下面本人为大家分享的是人教版 高中英语必修五重点短语句型的详细内容,希望对你有帮助 人教版高中英语必修五重点短语句型汇总 Unit1 Great scientists 【重点短语】 1.point of view 态度; 观点 2.Put forward 提出 3.draw a conclusion 得出结论 4.expose...to... 暴露 https://www.doczj.com/doc/e019063838.html,e to an end 结束 6.apart from 此外 7.look into 调查 8.in addition 另外 9.make sense 有意义 10.at times 有时 11.be for/against 支持/ 反对 12.conclude sth. with/by sth 以... 结束 13.in conclusion 最后,总之 14.blame sth. on sb. 把某市归咎于某人 15.be to blame 应承担责任; 该受责备 16.If you are not to blame, then who is? 如果你不应受责备,那么谁应受呢? 17.put away 放好; 积蓄

18.Put an end to 结束 19.Put down 记下 20.put out 熄灭 21.Put up with 忍受 22.Put off 推迟 23.make sense of 明白,理解 24.a sense of ...... 感 【重点句型】 1.What do you know about infectious diseases? 你 对传染性疾病了解多少? 2.John Snow was a famous doctor in London so expert, indeed, that he attended Queen Victoria as her personal physician. 约翰?斯诺是伦敦一位著名的医生——他的确医术精湛,因而成为维多利亚女王的私人大夫。 3.But he became inspired when he thought about helping ordinary people exposed to cholera. 但当他一想到要帮助患了霍乱的普通老百姓,他就感到很振奋。 4.Neither its cause, nor its cure was understood. 人们既不知道它的病源,也不了解它的治疗方法。 5.He knew that cholera would never be controlled until its cause was found. 他知道,在找到病源之前,霍乱疫情是无法控制的。 6.The second suggested that people absorbed this disease into their bodies with their meals. 第二种看法是在吃饭的时候人们把这种病毒引入体内

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