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compare & contrast的辨析

compare & contrast的辨析

compare & contrast的辨析


Shakespeare compared the world to a stage.


Life is compared to a voyage.


2. contrast:多用作名词。指比较两个或更多东西之间的差异,侧重不同点。实际为对比以求异之意。

In contrast, the lives of children in well-to-do families were often very sheltered.


His public statements have always been in contrast to those of his at home.



contrast的过去式和用法例句 contrast做动词有对比;成对照等意思,那么你知道contrast的过去式是什么吗?下面是整理的contrast的过去式和用法例句,希望对大家的学习有所帮助! contrast的过去式和其他时态: 过去式: contrasted 过去分词: contrasted 现在分词: contrasting contrast的用法: contrast的用法1:contrast的基本意思是把两个以上的事物摆在一起,以显示其不同之处。 contrast的用法2:contrast用作不及物动词时,接介词with,表示“与…形成对照”,主语一般是物。contrast也可用作及物动词,常用于“contrast sth with sth ”结构,意为“使…与…相对照”,主语一般为人,动词宾语与介词宾语表示相对照的物或事物。 contrast的过去式例句: 1. Johnson's easy charm contrasted sharply with the prickliness of his boss.

约翰逊的亲和力和他老板易怒的性格形成了鲜明的对比。 2. The threat contrasted starkly with his administration's previous muted criticism. 这一威胁和他这届政府之前低调的指责形成了鲜明的对比。 3. He contrasted the two different economic systems in his speech. 他在演讲中对比了两种不同的经济制度. 4. He contrasted her brashness unfavourably with his mother's gentleness. 他把她的粗鲁同他母亲的温和相对比. 5. He contrasted his son with the boy next door. 他将他的儿子与隔壁的男孩比较. 6. His optimism contrasted sharply with the low morale of his supporters. 他的乐观情绪与他的支持者的低落的士气形成了鲜明的对照. 7. His Indian robes contrasted oddly with his fluent English. 他的印度长袍与他流利的英语形成奇特的对照. 8. When the synthetic fabric is contrasted with the natural one, the difference is very apparent. 要是把合成纺织品和天然纺织品对比一下, 它们的差别就很明显了.


第3章Word2000的使用 3.1 Word2000概述 Word2000是Microsoft公司套装办公软件office2000中的文字处理软件。主要特征是所见即所得、易学易用,它具有丰富的文字处理功能,可以将图、文、表格混排。通过使用Word2000,用户可以很方便地处理日常工作中的各类文档。 3.1.1 Word2000环境 1.Word2000视图方式 “视图”是指显示文档的方式,有普通视图、页面视图、Web版式和大纲视图四种,对于不同的操作需求采用不同的视图。视图之间的切换可以使用【视图】菜单中的命令,或者是使用水平滚动条左端的视图切换按钮。 2.帮助功能的使用 3.1.2 基本术语 1.Word2000窗口组成 2.工作区 3.插入点 工作区有一个闪烁着的黑色竖条“I”(或称光标),称为插入点。Word2000启动后自动创建一个名为“文档1”的空文档。在编辑文档时,可以移动“I”状的鼠标指针到插入点位置并单击,也可使用光标键移动插入点到所希望的位置。 3.2 Word2000基本操作 3.2.1 Word的启动与退出 1.Word2000的启动 Word2000的启动有如下几种方法。

(1)依次单击任务栏上的“开始”按纽→【程序】菜单→【MicrosoftWord】命令,启动文字处理软件。 (2)双击Windows桌面上的Word2000快捷方式图标,是启动Word2000的快捷方法。 (3)双击Word2000文档文件可直接关联打开文字处理软件。 2.Word2000的退出 Word2000的退出有如下几种方法: (1)单击【文件】菜单→【退出】命令。 (2)单击标题栏右端的Word2000窗口“关闭”按钮。 (3)双击标题栏左端Word2000窗口的“控制菜单”图标。 (4)按快捷键【Alt+F4】。 3.2.2 创建新文档 创建Word2000文档的方法很简单,当Word2000启动后会自动打开一个新的空文档并命名为“文档1”。除了自动创建新文档的办法以外,在编辑文档的过程中还需另外创建一个或多个新文档时,可以用如下几种方法创建。 (1)单击常用工具栏中的“新建空白文档”按钮(基于默认模板)。 (2)单击【文件】菜单→【新建】命令。 (3)单击【文件】菜单→直接按【N】键,单击“确定”按钮。 (4)快捷键【Ctrl+N】。 3.2.2 文档打开方法 1.打开文档 常用下列三种常用的方法打开一个或多个已存在的Word文档: (1)依次单击【文件】菜单→【打开】命令。 (2)单击常用工具栏中的“打开”按钮。 (3)直接按快捷键【Ctrl+O】。 (4)依次单击【文件】菜单→【打开】命令,弹出“打开”对话框。选择对话框“查找范围”列表框中要打开的文档名,单击“确定”按纽。 Word2000可同时打开多个文档,最后打开的一个文档成为当前活动文档。 2.打开wps格式文档 3.最近使用过的文档 3.2.3 文本输入 1.即点即输 使用Word2000新增的功能“即点即输”在文档的空白区域中快速插入文

作文资料Comparison and Contrast 比较和对照的写作

Comparison and Contrast 比较和对照的写作 1.目标:掌握英语作文中比较和对照的写作方法(比较相似点,对 照强调不同之处) 2.使用比较和对照写作方法一般是说明文和议论文,常见的比较对 照有两种方式: 1.块状比较方式:(block method )先A 后B,即A1,A2,A3----; B1,B2, B3----。 2.逐点比较方式:(point-by-point method ) AB交错,即A1,B1;A2, B2;A3,B3---- 范文一:(块状比较法) Country life and City life It is really hard to say which is better than the other,city life or rural life .Both have their merits and shortcomings .living in the city has a great many advantages .,First ,you can enjoy various kinds of foods,both foreign and domestic .Second, there are more cultural activities in the city —you can go to the concert ,the theatre ,the movies or the disco club after a day’s hard work .But city life has many problems too. The overcrowded population ,traffic jam , industrial pollution ,and the lack of understanding between people may result in disease and unhappiness .living in the country ,however ,you can watch the magnificent sunrise and sunset and listen to the bird singing in the tree. If you want ,you can certainly have a huge garden while a


文本加工工具 教学目的: 1.知识与技能 (1)了解常见的应用文档。 (2)体验不同的文字处理软件。 (3)了解文字处理软件的基本特征,学会根据需要选择合适的软件。 2.过程与方法 (1) 鉴赏生活中常见的应用文档,体验其创作思想,感悟其中所蕴含的意义。 (2)在教师引导下,让学生自主体验和探究不同文字处理软件的特点。 3.情感态度与价值观 (1)通过生活实例,激发学生学习与应用文字处理软件的浓厚兴趣,培养学生选择合适软件解决问题的能力。 (2)通过小组协作,培养学生积极、合作、进取的品质。 4.教学重点与难点: (1)、教学重点:不同文字处理软件。 (2)、教学难点:无 5.教学方法:任务探究、体验学习、实验学习。 教学过程: 1.创设情境,导入新课 (1)、教师演示日常生活中,漂亮的信函、广告、海报、明信片、贺卡、电子小报等作品。提问:这些作品漂不漂亮?我们想不想做? (2)、导入新课(文本加工工具)。 设计意图:培养学生的审美意识,激发学生的学习乐情。 学生分组讨论并完成教材第49页的讨论学习,体验计算机加工文本信息的特点。

2.布置实践活动 课堂调研,完成教材第50页讨论学习,了解学生对常用文字处理软件的使用情况。 你曾用过的文本处理软件:□Word □WPS □写字板□记事本□其他 你曾用它来处理的作品:□信函□贺卡□调查报告□通知□卡片□海报□文章□其他你对它掌握的程度:□熟练□一般□不熟练□较差 通过调研,了解学生掌握文字处理软件的水平,通过学生的实践体验,师生共同探讨文字处理软件的基本特征。 3.实践操作,探究学习 将学生分成若干个小组,小组成员进行分工协作,充分发挥学生的主体作用,体验不同的应用文档格式。 尝试用“记事本”、“写字板”、Word、WPS等软件分别打开素材库中的文件“天安门.txt”、“天安门.doc”、“天安门.wps”文件,观察实践结果,在下表中选择各种软件所能打开的文件格式。(√:打开,×:不能打开,○:能打开但显示乱码) 学生讨论:不同的软件有不同的特点,如何根据需要选择合适的字处理软件? 4.总结 老师总结本课的知识点。 5.课外延伸 利用文字处理软件来解决生活中的实际问题,比如利用Word写一个通知或一篇作文等。 教学反思:学生上本节课之前,已经对文字处理软件有了一定的认识,这节课的内容对学 生无丝毫难度。这节课主要是为第2节打好基础,同时培养学生发现生活中处处有美,缺少的只是我们的发现。培养学生的审美情趣,审美意识。


1中文文本预处理 1.1分词软件调用(中科院分词系统) 1.1.1软件下载:https://www.doczj.com/doc/e21119775.html,/ 1.1.2软件包目录&介绍 | Readme.txt-------------------------->介绍 | +---bin | +---DocExtractor----------->文档篇章语义抽取系统 | | DocExtractor.bat-->批处理,可以针对指定的文件夹进行语义抽取 | | DocExtractor.dll-->支撑的动态链接库,基于分词基础上 | | DocExtractorSample.exe-->应用程序 | | | \---ICTCLAS2015----------->分词系统 | ICTCLAS-tools.exe-->分词的支撑工具,可用于测试,本处主要用来做用户词典导入 | importuserdict.bat-->可将用户词典自动导入到系统内 | NLPIR.dll-->Win32下的支撑动态链接库,其他环境的库,可以访问lib对应环境的库文件 | NLPIR.lib | NLPIR_WinDemo.exe-->Win32下的演示程序,在Win8 32位下编译而成,部分环境可能不支持,或者显示异常 | userdic.txt-->用户词典,用户可以自行编辑 | +---Data-->系统核心词库 | \---English-->英文处理的支持知识库,如果不需要英文处理的功能,可以不加载本库。 | +---doc-->相关文档支持 | ICTPOS3.0.doc-->我们的词性标注集说明 | NLPIR-ICTCLAS2015分词系统开发手册.pdf-->开发使用手册 | +---include-->系统头文件 | NLPIR.h | +---lib-->不同环境下的支撑库,每一种库,同时支持C/C++/C#/Java库。其他小众化的环境支持,请联系我们 | +---linux32-->Linux 32bit操作系统下的支持库 | | libNLPIR.so | | | +---linux64-->Linux 64bit操作系统下的支持库 | | libNLPIR.so | | Readme.txt | |


单选题: 1、在Word中,控制屏幕显示文本内容的主要工具是______。 A.标尺 B.控制按钮 C.滚动条 D.最大化按钮 答案:C 2、在Word 2010中,如果用户错误地删除了文本并想恢复,可以使用快速访问工具栏中的按钮是______。 A.剪切 B.恢复 C.粘贴 D.撤消 答案:D 3、在Word中,执行“粘贴”命令后,______。 A.文档中被选择的内容复制到当前插入点处 B.文档中被选择的内容移到剪贴板 C.剪贴板中的内容复制到当前插入点处 D.剪贴板中的内容移到当前插入点处 答案:C 4、在Word中,要将当前编辑的文档复制到指定文件夹,应当使用______。 A.“开始”选项卡中的“粘贴”命令 B.“文件”选项卡中的“保存”命令 C.“文件”选项卡中的“新建”命令 D.“文件”选项卡中的“另存为”命令 答案:D 5、在Word编辑状态下,要想删除光标前面的字符,可以使用键______。 A.Ctrl+P B.Del C.Backspace D.空格 答案:C 6、在Word中,创建表格不建议使用的方法是______。 A.使用“快速表格”命令 B.使用表格拖曳方式 C.使用“插入表格”命令 D.使用“自选绘图”工具画一个

答案:D 7、Word具有的功能是______。 A.表格绘制功能 B.文字校对功能 C.图文处理功能 D.以上三项都是 答案:D 8、在word 2010中,“标尺”命令,位于______。 A.“视图”选项卡中 B.“插入”选项卡中 C.“编辑”功能区中 D.垂直滚动条顶端 答案:D 9、在Word 2010中,如果打开了两个以上的文档窗口,则切换窗口操作可以在______完成。 A.视图选项卡 B.状态栏 C.开始选项卡 D.页面布局选项卡 答案:A 10、在默认鼠标打开方式时,启动Word并打开该文档时应______。 A.右键单击 B.右键双击 C.左键单击 D.左键双击 答案:D 11、运行在Windows环境下的文字处理软件是______。 A.Excel B.Word C.Outlook D.foxmail 答案:B 12、在Word中,选择某段文本,双击格式刷进行格式应用时,格式刷可以使用的次数是______。 A.1 B.2 C.有限次 D.无限次 答案:D


一、我们先从两者的定义入手来看两者的区别。 Compare的定义为:to examine people or things to see how they are similar/alike or differen t. Contrast的定义为:to compare two or more things to show the difference between them. 由定义不难看出前者侧重于找到两个或多个事物的异同,而后者则侧重于它们的不同。 二、compare..., 就是比较和找出共同点,通常会在两个不同的东西做比较,比如番茄和苹果的共同点;如果题目有contrast....时,就是比较两个表面类似的东西并找出不同之处,像比较红苹果和青苹果。 The cloud looks very bright in contrast with the blue sky. 在蓝天的映衬下云显得很白。 The man appears to be very tall and thin in contrast with his fat wife. 在他肥胖的太太的对照下,他看上去又高又瘦。 compare常常是指同一类型东西的范围和程度上的差别,因此常常会和比较级连用,比如: Compare to French and German, English is much easier to learn. 和法语以及德语相比,英语好学多了。 It costs nothing compare to what I have spent before. 和我所花出去的比起来,这几乎不值什么钱。 三、还有一些固定搭配,再如: It is interesting to compare their situations to ours. 对比一下我们的情况与他们的情况会很有趣。 It is interesting to contrast their situations to ours. 我们的情况与他们的情况有很大的不同,这很有趣。

工具软件 文本编辑软件

工具软件文本编辑软件 文本编辑软件是在日常工作和生活中使用相当频繁的应用软件之一。其主要包括两大类,即文本编辑器和文字处理器。 1.文本编辑器 几乎所有的操作系统和软件开发包都会提供文本编辑器,用于修改配置文件和代码。狭义的文本编辑器只提供一些基本的文本编辑功能,例如查找、替换、剪切、复制、粘贴等,例如,Windows系统自带的记事本软件等。 广义的文本编辑器,主要包括一些功能强大的文本编辑器,则会更多的功能。例如,多行折叠、自动行首缩进、行号排版、注释排版等,甚至针对某些编程语言或标记语言的语法校对,例如,UltraEdit等。 早期的文本编辑器在撤销更改和恢复更改方面的功能并不强大,大多只支持一级的编辑历史,只能撤销或恢复上一步的更改操作。随着软件技术的发展,现在新的文本编辑器往往可以支持多级的编辑历史,甚至可以恢复到任意一步操作。 2.文字处理器 文字处理器的作用是为桌面出版提供排版支持。多数文字处理器并非作用于各种普通文字,而是按照特定的格式处理文档,帮助无程序编制经验的人员完成文稿的创建、修改、印发工作。文字处理器通常会具备以下几种功能。 ●定义字体类型和大小 文字处理器往往可以指定文档中各种文本所使用的字体类型,例如宋体、微软雅黑等;也可以指定字体的大小。 ●定义字体颜色、斜体、粗体和下划线等样式 大多数文字处理器都允许用户为字体设置前景色(字体本身的颜色)和背景色,同时可以对字体进行加粗、倾斜、上标、下标并添加下划线和删除线。甚至还可以对英文中的字母进行处理,切换字母的大小写。 ●定义对齐方式、缩进和文字方向 在日常书写中,经常需要将根据纸张和文字的段落类型,以左、右和居中等方式和横排、竖排等方式书写。同时在段落的首行还需要缩进两个字的距离。多数文字处理器也都会提供这些功能。 ●定义列表和表格 早期的文字处理器往往只提供文字处理功能。随着技术的发展,越来越多的文字处理器允许在文字中插入各种列表和表格,并支持多种列表的项目符号。 ●插入图像和简单图像编辑 一些功能强大的文字处理器往往还会提供在文档中插入图像的功能,以及图文混排方式的选择和简单的图像编辑功能。 ●页面设置 为了面向打印输出,多数文字处理器都会提供设置各种纸张、页边距的功能,以帮助用户预览打印的效果。 3.文本编辑器与文字处理器的区别 由于文本编辑器和文字处理器等两类文本编辑软件在用途上的不同,其功能上也有较大的区别。 文本编辑器编辑的各种文档往往是未编译的文本文档或16进制文档,因此不支持各种文本样式的设置,只支持换行、制表符等简单的排版方式。使用文本编辑器打开文档,将显


《文本信息加工—字处理软件》教案 一、教学目标: 1. 要求学生了解文字处理技术的发展变化及其意义,特别是从中文信息处理技术发展过程中领悟传播民族文化的必要性和紧迫性 ; 2. 了解文字在计算机中的编码方式 ; 3. 根据需要选择适当的文字处理工具,围绕主题加工文本信息; 4. 在模仿的基础上尝试合乎规范地使用结构化和形象化的方式加工信息。 二、教学内容: 1. 体验文字处理技术的发展变化及其意义 2. 了解文字在计算机中的编码方式 3. 根据需要,围绕主题加工文本信息 4. 使用结构化和形象化的方式加工和表达信息 三、教学重点: 1. 体验文字处理技术 2. 文本信息的结构化表达和形象化表达 四、教学难点: 1. 根据需要选择合适的字处理软件 2. 结构化表达信息的适用范围 3. 形象化表达信息的适用范围 五、教学主要内容: ①如何适应迅速变化的字处理软件的发展 ②如何根据需要选择合适的字处理软件 一、字处理软件的基本特征 文字处理——进行文字类稿件的输入、编辑、排版和发布。(如: Wps 、 Word 、永中 Office ) 1 .GUI (图形用户)界面:简单易学 ①功能菜单置于程序窗口的顶部,用户可以方便从菜单中选择菜单。 ②使用滚动条可方便用户在文本窗口中浏览。 ③在选定一个对象之前,必须操作“选择对象——操作对象”这个方式 ④软件将操作的结果直接显示出来 特点:直观、简洁、交互性强的友好界面,易于学习和掌握 2 .功能丰富:个性选择 使用 word 软件频率最低和最高的五个功能 从上面的表格可以得出结论: ( 1 )即使像“录制新宏”等很少被用到的功能,软件中也要加入它们,因为只要有人需要,就可以随时使用这些功能。这给软件带来适应性。 ( 2 )对于用户来说,只要能满足自己工作中的需要,并不需要熟练掌握某个软件的所有功能。

contrast words

ALTHOUGH 1Spoken Eng. words used to introduce a statement that makes the other main statement seem surprising or unlikely although [conjunction] Although I missed my train, I still arrived at work on time. | Although we are a small company, we manage to produce over 10,000 cars a year. She was happy to be having a child, although being pregnant had not been a pleasant experience.| although old/tired/brief etc Yoko, although shy, managed to speak to everyone in the room. though [conjunction] Though they are brothers, they don't look like each other at all. | The boy had won two gold medals playing hockey, though he was still only 15 years old. | though old/tired/brief etc The marriage, though brief, was a happy one. | strange though it may seem Strange though it may seem, I quite enjoy living alone. even though (used to introduce a statement that makes the other main statement seem very surprising) [conjunction] She always buys us expensive presents even though she can't really afford them. | He hated to go to Springville, even though he had had a happy childhood there. | Even though he was so much older than me, I was actually his first girlfriend. while (used to introduce a statement that you accept as being true, which makes your main statement more surprising) [conjunction] While a Rolls Royce is a very nice car it is extremely expensive to run. | While I understand that you are busy at the moment, I really think you ought to see these notes. | While she is a likeable girl, she can be very difficult to work with. as ... as as strong/young/fast etc as (used when someone or something being strong etc makes the main statement very surprising) Even Charles, as strong as he is, couldn't move it. | As accurate as we try to be, we are always going to make a few mistakes. | Incredible as it seems, nobody saw how many robbers there actually were. despite the fact that/in spite of the fact that (used when you want to make it very clear that the statement you are introducing makes the other main statement very surprising) She travelled to Spain alone, despite the fact that her doctor had told her to rest. | In spite of the fact that the flowers were white, Matisse painted them as pink. | He gives a lot of money to the poor despite the fact that he has barely enough to live on himself. just because ... doesn't mean (used when you are telling someone that although a particular fact may make them believe something, what they believe is not necessarily true) Just because he's a policeman doesn't mean he won't ever break the law. | Just because you have a larger than average figure doesn't mean you can't wear attractive clothes. maybe... but ...

comparison and contrast(比较和对比)

Comparison and Contrast Comparison and contrast are two different kinds of writing and thinking ways in my opinion and which make sense not only in passages but also in real life. In the field of writing, an excellent comparison and contrast essay requires us to analyze objects or concepts and explain the similarities or differences well between them. For example, an essay might examine how high school is like and not like college or how the causes of World War I and II were different and similar. The thesis for a comparison and contrast essay explains the essay's purpose and organization in one concise sentence. So it is very important to understand clearly the structure and topic of this kind of essay. Before discussing obvious similarities and differences of objects or concepts, we must figure out what the topic we want to come up with is and how to make essay interesting with the topic. And then, we’d Put our specific points together to create a thesis for our comparison and contrast essay. As soon as we can master above writing points and practice again and again, we will write a great passage with satisfaction. The same as essay, our normal life would get smoother with this logical thought. Especially in nowadays, information in net is multiple. Normal people can hardly recognize what the truth and fake is. If we put this thinking way to use to compare and contrast two and even more news or affairs, we’d picture a clear image in our mind and live more sanely and intelligently. Essay or life, comparison and contrast are practical and suited to use. And make it well, you will get progress in yourself as well as a fresh feeling you’ve never owned.

比较与对比 comparison & contrast

?What is comparison & contrast? ? A comparison points out ways that two or more persons , places , or things are alike. ? A contrast points out how they are different. ?The subjects of a comparison and contrast should be in the same class or general category, with comparable items. ?How to write a comparison and contrast paragraph ?The topic sentence should show whether the writer will concentrate on similarities, differences, or both. ?Then in the following sentences you should have to decide whether the discussion will consist mainly of similarities or differences or both. ?In the conclusion, you can offer advices to the reader or looking in the future. ?Two Logical patterns ?1)the subject –by –subject or Item-by-Item pattern/ block presentation(逐事比较) (按照比较/对比对象展开) ?If we are dealing with two broad topics, which are not too complex or detailed, we may begin by discussing the first one, and then go on discussing the second, following the pattern: A1,A2,A3…;B1,B2,B3… ?It can be used in a short paragraph or essay. ?Ex. Model 1 There are many similarities between doctors and teachers. First, both doctors and teachers are considered professionals by their communities. The classification of professional is the highest socioeconomic rank an individual can achieve in this society. Second, both doctors and teachers help others: doctors heal the bodies of sick people, and return them to health, and teachers mold the minds of young people and turn them into responsible , educated adults. last, both doctors and teachers are essential members of a community. It is difficult to imagine a city or town that has no need of either a doctor or a teacher. Such a place would truly be primitive. ?2)the point-by -point pattern/ alternating presentation ?(逐点比较)(按照比较/对比内容展开) ?if the topic are complex or too detailed , it may be preferable to examine them in pairs, turning first to one and then to the other alternately as we write, following the pattern: A1,B1;A2,B2;A3,B3.. ?It can be used in a long paragraph or essay. ?Model 2: Taking notes is one thing I?ve learned to do better since high school days. I used to lose interest in what I was doing and begin doodling(乱写乱画), drawing Martians, or seeing what my signature would look like if I married the cute guy in the second row. Now, however , I try not to let my mind wander , and I pull my thoughts back into focus when they begin to go fuzzy. In high school, my notes often looked like something written in Arabic. ?In college , I?ve learned to use a semiprint writ ing style that marks my notes understandable. When I would look over my high school notes, I couldn?t understand them. There would be a word like “Reconstruction” , then a big blank, and then the word “important”. Weeks later, I had no idea what Reconstruc tion was or why it is important. I…ve since learned to write down connecting ideas, even if I have to take time to do it after

Compare and Contrast essay example

Compare and Contrast essay example Posted by admin as Essays Compare and Contrast essay example: Introduction Two great philosophers existed during the Golden Age of Greece and the Hellenistic age, Plato and his equally famous pupil, Aristotle. Both developed structured theories and dialectic of what comprises good government and these theories were influenced by the theories of form they held. While Plato stressed that the ideal regime acts as a standard by which other regimes are judged, Aristotle concerned himself primarily in the best form of government. In light of their differing approaches,this essay will compare and contrast their notion of rulership.Focus will be on their views of: rulership and goodness, the nature of rhetoric, and the importance of knowledge in achieving wisdom. Aristotle was born in a small northern Greek town of Stagira in 384. He was born into a family of substantial wealth, and though his father died when he was a young boy, his uncle Proxenus, and other family members were charged with making sure the boy had an adequate educational background. At the age of seventeen, Aristotle left Stagira for Athens, to begin his studies at the Academy under the tutelage of Plato. This was a significant turning point in the thinking and life of young Aristotle. Later in life, Aristotle would teach his own students from a school he called the Lyceum, and in many aspects, the Lyceum shared common structures with Plato’s Academy. The Academy was oriented to a more private operation, unlike the Lyceum, embracing almost an exclusive mentality,while the Lyceum attempted to embrace a public friendly orientation. As Aristotle grew as a philosopher and public figure, other differences emerged between the student and his teacher. While Aristotle attempted to bridge a vast educational gap, Plato’s considerations and teachings focused on the elemental considerations of philosophical and political thought: “metaphysics, epistemology, logic, ethics, political theory” and primarily, philosophy. While Aristotle would pursue mathematics, the scientific, social inquiry and a vast study of the cosmos, P lato’s considerations were more limited, though the teacher alw ays respected the study of other men’s achievements in education. Though the teacher and the student had a deep affection and respect for each other, Plato and Aristotle were divided on a number of different considerations, especially related to their concepts of rulership and their views on the necessity of rhetoric and knowledge. Their political considerations regarding the nature of the state and their overall perspectives on leadership were points of disagreement between the two philosophers, especially in considering the impacts of rhetoric in the role of leadership. Aristotle stayed

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