当前位置:文档之家› 九年Units5-6教学案-九年级英语复习课(无答案)



A. German,German

B.Geramny German

C.Germans Germany

D.German Germany

( )17.---Why do you speak in loud voice?

----Because I want to make myself __ clearly

A.such hear

B.so heart

C.such heard

D.so hear

( )18.Edison was a great __. He__ over 1000 __ during his life

A invent invented inventions B.inventor invented invention

C.inventor invented inventions

D.inventor invents inventions

( )19.It’s very kind of you to give me a ride to th e station! -__

A.It doesn’t matter

B.never mind

C.Don’t mention it

D.my pleasure ( )20. Some moretrees need__on the hell

A.to plant

B.to be planted



( )21._____________? ---They were invented by Thomas Edions

A when were the invented B.Who were they invented by

C.Where were they invented

D.What were they used for

( )22.—“Frog”Mo Yan’s latest novel, please

---Sorry,it___just nov. But is will come out again soon.

A.sold out

B.is sold out

C.has sold out

D.was sold out

( )23.The Olympic Game of 2016 will___in Brazil

A.take after

B.take of

C.take place

D.be taken place

( )24.---Excuse me Is it my turn now?

---Not yet.Please wait on the chair till your name___


B.will call

C.is called

D.will be called

( )25.---what a good__you’ve given me!Thanks a lot---My pleasure





二. 短文填空

important,something, study, during ,consider, interest, together, ability, habit, however , who, which

Do you always focus on (1)and earning “A” grades in school? Most Chinese students work really hard. But in the United States, you might be(2) a bookworm if you cannot also socialize (社交). Socializing is just as(3) as your grades. If you just study all the time and don’t socialize, your life won’t be complete. So, how does one socialize with students in the US?

Lots of high school soccer games are usually held (4)the fall term. I didn’t know (5)about soccer, but I joined some of the soccer games in order to have fun with my friends. I thought I could learn the rules from others.(6), to my surprise, some American students don’t even know t he rules but still go to the games in order to socialize. They cheer for the soccer players and have fun(7).

The other common way to socialize is to join after-school clubs. You can choose clubs that you are (8)in and make a lot of new friends. For example, one of my friends started a sketch (素描) club. I was interested, so I joined the club. There I met lots of students (9)were also interested in sketching. We soon became friends with each other.

Socializing is an important thing in the US. But grades are still important, too.

A complete student should have the (10)to balance his or her studying and socializing.

三. 任务型阅读:

Finding a way on my own

Henry Bond was about 10 years old when his father died. His mother found it difficult to provide for a large family. Still, she decided to send her oldest child Henry to school and buy(A) him the books he needed.

At one time, Henry wanted a grammar book in order to join a class.(B) But the

book was so expensive that h is mother couldn’t afford it.

(C)He was very upset about this and went to bed with a heavy heart, thinking

about what could be done to get the book.

As soon as he woke in the morning, he found that a heavy snow had fallen and

the cold wind was blowing hard.

“Ah,” he said, “every problem brings a solution for some people.”

He rose, ran to his neighbor’s house and offered to clean the snow from their

sidewalk (人行道). His offer was accepted. After he completed this work and

received his pay, he went to another neighbor and offered the same service.

(D)Then he went to several other houses until he had enough money to buy the

grammar book. When school began, Henry was in his seat, the happiest boy

there, ready to begin studying with his new book.

From that time on, Henry always did well in all of his classes. Because he had

the will (意志), he always found a way.

1.写出A处划线单词指代内容: ____________________________


But the book was_______expensive ______his mother________ afford.



4. 把D处划线句子翻译成汉






七下英语课课练答案 Unit 5 Why do you like pandas? 一、单项选择 1. The old dog is kind of scary, but she is _____ to us. She is our ______. A. friendly; friendly B. friend; friend C. friendly; friend D. friend; friendly 2. You look so _____. Did you see anything _____? A. scary; scared B. scared; scary C. scare; scary D. scare; scared 3. (xx·安徽) Mrs. King put a coat _____ the sleeping girl to keep her warm. A. over B. with C. behind D. beside 4. ---How about having a piic with me? ---I’d love to, _____ I’m afraid I have no time. A. so B. and C. but D. because 5. ---Let’s go to the park on Sunday afternoon. ---______. A. That sounds interesting. B. Thanks a lot. C. Yes, we are. D. That’s all right. 6. (xx·贵州黔西南A. dangerous B. safe C. safely D. in danger 7. We have two _____ jobs for you. They are _____ interesting.


Unit one P2 1-8pronuciation aloud specific hard frustrated improve differently memorize 1-5 BCDDA 1-8To about with for in with by in P3 9-10 about by 1=8 easy, to understand, excited, unhappy written playing practicing frustrating 1-6 BACBDB 1-5 studying with a group sound the same take some grammar notes practice English ended up being friends 1-6 what about making helps it by studying too to improve by reading where to get 1-6 had fun at all ask for end up a little get excited P4 1-6 CCBADB 1-3 first of all makes mistakes begins with P5 4-9 look up take notes laugh at make up be afraid to later on DAGFC CCAA 1 C P6 2-6ABDBA Later on listening practice laugh at make up the group use grammar to make sentences memorizing the words of English songs 1-10 taking get quickly but laugh unhappy better angry what afraid 1 C P7 2-3 CD 1-8 Reading eating development excited frustrating sleeping Went by broke off with the help of regards as try our best compare to worry about complained about 1-7 BCABDDB P8 ACBACADC P9


九年级英语阅读理解12篇 阅读理解1 Mr. Lee was in bed and was trying to go to sleep when he heard the bell ring. He turned on the light and looked at his clock. It was twelve o'clock. "Who can it be at this time of night?" He thought. He decided to go and find out. So he got of bed, put on his dressing gown (浴袍) and went to the door. When he opened the door, there was nobody there. "That is very strange." Then he went back to his bedroom, took off his dressing gown, got back into bed ,turned off the light and tried to go to sleep. A few minutes later he heard the bell again. Mr. Lee jumped out of bed very quickly and rushed to the door. He opened it, but again he found no one there. He closed the door and tried not to feel angry. Then he saw a piece of paper on the floor. He picked it up. There were some words on it : "It is now after midnight(午夜), so it is April Fool's Day (禺人节) . April fool to you!" "Oh , it was the English boy next door!" Mr. Lee exclaimed (惊叫) and almost smiled. He went back to bed and feel asleep at once. The bell did not ring again. 1. When did Mr. Lee go to bed? He went to bed _______. A. before twelve o'clock B. after twelve o'clock C. when the bell rang D. when he saw the boy 2. Why did he rush to the door when he heard the bell ring the second time? A. He wanted to open the door for the visitor B. He wanted to find out who the visitor was. C. He was afraid of the ring


一、填空题 1、用适当的化学符号填空: (1)两个氮分子;(2)四个金原子;(3)硫酸根离子 _;(4)氦 气;(5)氢氧化钡;(6)碳酸钠;(7)硝酸亚 铁;(8)氧化铝中铝元素化合价为+3价_____ 。 2、现有下列物质:①明矾②水③氮气④二氧化硫⑤稀有气体⑥二氧化碳,请从中选择合适的物质填空(填序号): (1)能导致温室效应的气体是 (2)能用于制取硝酸和氮肥的 是 (3)自来水厂净水常用的絮凝剂是 (4)大量排放会导致酸雨的 是 (5)能用作电光源的是____ ____(6)人体内含量最多的化合物 是 3、有以下几种物质:①四氧化三铁②硬水③液氧④铜⑤高锰酸钾⑥氖气⑦过氧化氢溶液⑧冰水混合物,其中属于混合物的是(填序号,下同),属于单质的是,属于化合物的是,属于氧化物的是,由原子直接构成的 是。 4、用符号表达式完成下列反应: (1)电解 水 (2)硫在空气中燃 烧 (3)红磷在空气中燃 烧 (4)氯酸钾和二氧化锰混合加热制氧 气 (5)锌粒和稀硫酸(H2SO4)反应生成硫酸锌和氢 气 以上反应中属于分解反应的是(填序号)。 5、下表是元素周期表的一部分: 族 周期 IA 0 1 1 H 1.008 ⅡAⅢAⅣA V A ⅥAⅦA 2 He 4.003 2 3 Li 6.941 4 Be 9.012 5 B 10.8l 6 C 12.01 7 N 14.0l 8 O 16.00 9 F 19.00 10 Ne 20.18 3 11 Na 22.99 12 Mg 24.31 13 Al 26.98 14 Si 28.09 15 P 30.97 16 S 32.06 17 Cl 35.45 18 Ar 39.95 请根据上表信息填空: (1)硅元素的相对原子质量为。


初一英语课课练答案 Document serial number【NL89WT-NY98YT-NC8CB-NNUUT-NUT108】

一用所给词的适当形式: 1.Sheliveswithherfamilyina house.(wood) 2.AllthepeopleinNanjingarevery (friend). 3.Peopleliketotalkwitheachotherinthe room.(sit) 4.Theywanttolearnabouthomesindifferent (country). 5.Ourflathastwo .(balcony) 6.Doyouknowwho’s onmybunk?(lie) 7.Iwouldliketolivenextto restaurantinBeijing.(big) 8.Frenchmencomefrom (French). 9.Inthe roomthereisabigtable.(dine) 10.Shepassedtheexam .(final) 二根据所给的汉语完成句子: 1.她和她的家人住在一条繁忙街道上的一套公寓里。 Sheandherfamily . 2.我们的老师很友好,我们在学校里很开心。 Ourteachers .We . 3.这儿环境优美安静,但经常下雨。 It’s and here,butitoften . 4.花园是做游戏最好的地方。 Agardenis . 5.他们想了解世界上一些国家的首都。 Theywantto the ofsome intheworld. Unit1Dreamhomes练习题(2) 一根据句意所给首字母: 1.Weoftenputourcleanclothesinthew inthebedroom. 2.Therearemanybooksontheb inthestudy.


初二年级下册英语课课练答案 Module1;1-5BCABB6-7BC8-9CA10-12B; https://www.doczj.com/doc/e26556206.html,styear17.getswell18;21-25CBAAA26-30BBBCA31-3;36- 45BABAB41-45ACAAC;46-50DADBD51-55DBCDC56-6;61.dolls; https://www.doczj.com/doc/e26556206.html,zy62.developing63.v;72.wrote;68.stamp Module1 1-5BCABB 6-7BC 8-9CA 10-12BBC 13-15BBC https://www.doczj.com/doc/e26556206.html,st year 17.gets well 18.study Chinese 19.friends 20.happy 21-25CBAAA 26-30BBBCA 31-35CACCB 36-45BABAB 41-45ACAAC 46-50DADBD 51-55DBCDC 56-60BDFCE 61.dolls https://www.doczj.com/doc/e26556206.html,zy 62.developing 63.volleyball 64.Camp https://www.doczj.com/doc/e26556206.html,eful 72.wrote 68.stamp 73.become 78.fan 69.success 74.because 79.collect 65.imagine 70.activities 75.also 80.visit A.71.During B.76.hobby 77.interest 81.took up 82.as well as 83.such as 84.give an interview 85.As a result My name is Tom. I like surfing the Internet best because it's interesting and I can get lots of information to improve my study. I often surf the Internet when I'm free. I started surfing it about two years ago. I often send emails and enjoy


九年级上册英语阅读理解题20套(带答案) 一、英语阅读(日常生活类) 1.阅读理解 One day, Tom's teacher, Miss Mak, held a class meeting. "There will be a flag day next Saturday. Does anyone want to join this meaningful event (活动)?" asked Miss Mak. Tom was interested in raising money for homeless children but he was not brave enough to talk to the strangers, so he kept quiet in his seat. "Tom, you haven't sold flags before," said Miss Mak suddenly. "Would you like to have a try?" Tom was hesitant(犹豫的),but he finally nodded. On the flag day, Tom and Angela sold flags in a busy street. "Ex-cuse me, Could y-o-u pl-ea-se buy ...?" said Angela softly to the first person she met. The man smiled and put five-dollar coin into Angela's collection bag. Then she said thanks and put a flag under his shoulder. "I did it!" said Angela happily. "It's your turn now." Feeling nervous. Tom began to shake. Soon, he saw a young lady walking towards him. The lady was smiling and holding a few coins in her hand. She asked, "Are you selling flags for Fund for the Homeless Childred?" Tom's face became red and said yes. Then the lady made the donation(捐赠) and Tom gave her a flag. "You made it!" laughed Angela. In the next couple of hours, Angela and Tom sold flags quickly and bravely. Al last, their collection bags were so heavy that they had to hold them with both arms. They felt very proud.(1)Why did Tom keep quiet in his seat? A. He had other plans. B. He didn't like Miss Mak. C. He was not interested in the activity. D. He was not brave enough to talk to the strangers.(2)When Miss Mak asked Tom to have a try, he finally . A. laughed B. nodded C. refused D. cried (3)Where did Tom and Angela sell flags? A. In a busy street. B. In their school. C. In a tall building. D. In a small garden.(4)How much did the first man pay Angela for the flag? A. Five dollars. B. Ten dollars. C. Fifteen dollars. D. Twenty dollars.(5)How did Tom and Angela feel after they sold the flags? A. Bored. B. Shy. C. Confident. D. Sad. 【答案】(1)D (2)B (3)A (4)A (5)C 【解析】【分析】文章大意:Tom与Angela在学校组织的卖小国旗活动中,战胜了自己,出色地完成了任务。 (1)细节理解题。根据文中的语句Tom was interested in raising money for homeless children but he was not brave enough to talk to the strangers, so he kept quiet in his seat.理解可知,Tom不敢与陌生人说话,所以保持了沉默,故选D。


金属资源的利用和保护 一课一练·基础闯关 知识点铁的冶炼 1.(2017·重庆中考A卷)工业炼铁中会发生一氧化碳与氧化铁的反应,该反应中发生还原反应的物质是( ) A.CO B.Fe2O3 C.CO2 D.Fe 【解析】选B。一氧化碳和氧化铁反应时,氧化铁失去氧,发生还原反应,一氧化碳得到氧发生氧化反应。 2.在炼铁时用到的还原剂是( ) A.焦炭 B.氢气 C.一氧化碳 D.二氧化碳 【解析】选C。碳具有还原性,但是在高炉中碳与二氧化碳反应生成一氧化碳,一氧化碳是炼铁的还原剂。 3.(2017·重庆江津区一模)如图是一氧化碳还原氧化铁的实验。下列有关该实验的说法不正确的是( ) A.该装置缺少尾气处理装置,会污染空气 B.点燃酒精喷灯前应持续通入CO防止发生爆炸 C.改用二氧化碳进行该实验也能看到完全相同的现象 D.利用反应前后固体质量之差能算出参加反应的一氧化碳的质量 【解析】选C。一氧化碳有毒,会污染环境,图中装置缺少尾气处理装置,会污染空气;实验开始先通入一氧化碳,排出装置内的空气后,再点燃酒精喷灯加热玻璃管中的氧化铁,先通入一氧化碳后加热的目的是排尽玻璃管中的空气,防止发生爆炸;二氧化碳不具有还原性,不与氧化铁反应,改用二氧化碳进行该实验不能看到完全相同的现象;一氧化碳与氧化铁反应生成铁和二氧化碳,反应的化学方程式为Fe2O3+3CO2Fe+3CO2,利用反应前后固体质量之差,能算出参加反应的一氧化碳的质量。 4.(2017·菏泽曹县质检)如图是工业炼铁示意图。

(1)焦炭的作用是提供热量和__________________。 (2)有铁生成的化学方程式为____________________。 (3)最后的尾气应如何处理______________________________。 【解析】工业炼铁中利用了焦炭的可燃性,提供热量,又利用其还原性,与二氧化碳反应生成一氧化碳气体;工业上炼铁主要是利用一氧化碳的还原性,在高温下与氧化铁反应生成铁与二氧化碳;一氧化碳有毒,不能直接排入空气中,可以将其点燃或收集起来,防止其污染空气。 答案:(1)生成一氧化碳气体 (2)Fe2O3+3CO2Fe+3CO2 (3)点燃(或收集起来) 知识点含杂质物质的有关计算 1.(2017·株洲中考)用1 000 t含有氧化铁80%的赤铁矿石,理论上可以炼出含铁97%的生铁的质量约是( ) A.560 t B.571 t C.577 t D.583 t 【解析】选C。本题主要考查学生对含杂质物质计算的掌握情况。1 000 t含氧化铁80%的赤铁矿石中含有Fe2O3的质量为1 000 t×80%=800 t, 设炼出铁的质量为x 3CO+Fe2O32Fe+3CO2 160 112 800 t x = x==560 t 可炼出生铁的质量为≈577 t。 2.铝土矿的主要成分是氧化铝,常用来炼制铝合金。若要炼制含铝95%的铝合金108 t,假设在炼制过程中损失5%的铝元素,则理论上需要含杂质40%的铝土矿的质量是(假设铝土矿的杂质中不含铝元素) ( ) A.340 t B.204 t C.108 t D.120 t 【解析】选A。根据题意,铝土矿中所含铝元素的质量减去炼制过程中损失的5%的铝元素,即铝合金中所含铝元素的质量,利用这一等量关系,可由铝合金的质量计算出铝土矿的质量。设理论上需要含杂质40%的铝


中考初中英语条件状语从句分析(全,含练习及答案) 本节课我们学习其中的条件状语从句。 目录: 一、概念; 二、时态; 三、条件状语从句的引导词; (一)if 引导的条件状语从句; (二)unless引导的条件状语从句; (三)as /so long as引导的条件状语从句; (四)once引导的条件状语从句; 四、条件状语在句中的位置; 五、转换; 六、拓展; 七、综合练习; 一、概念 在某种条件下,可能发生某事。由if/unless等引导的表示条件的句子,就叫条件状语从句。 e.g: If you put wood into water, it floats. 如果你把木头放到水里,它就会浮起来。 Unless you keep ice cream in a fridge, it melts. 除非你把冰淇淋放进冰箱,不然它就会融化。 二、时态 1.当主句和从句所表示的是原理、客观真理、规则时,主句是一般现在时

(包括祈使句和含有情态动词can/may/must等),从句也要用一般现在时。 例如: 1) If you put a piece of paper into water, it gets wet.如果你把一张纸放进水中,它会变湿。(原理) 2)Be careful if you cross the road.(祈使句) 3) You must see the doctor if you are ill.( 含有情态动词) 2. 在if条件状语从句中,如果从句谈论的是一个可能发生的事实及其产生的相关结果,主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时。 e.g: 1) If it rains tomorrow, we will not go to the zoo. 2) If you go to bed earlier, you won't feel tired in the morning. 3. 如果从句用现在进行时或现在完成时,主句需用一般将来时。 1)If you are looking for Peter you’ll find him upstairs. 如果你是在找彼得,上楼就会找到他。 2)If you have finished dinner I’ll ask the waiter for the bill. 如果你吃完了,我就叫服务生来算账。 三、条件状语从句的引导词 (一)if 引导的条件状语从句 引导条件状语从句最常用的连词是if,常见的if条件状语从句表示在某条件下,某事很可能发生,条件是可能存在的,主句中某种情况发生的概率也是很高的。 如: If you ask him,he will help you.如果你请他帮忙,他会帮你的。 If you fail in the exam,you will let him down. 如果你考试不及格,你会让他失望的。 If you have finished the homework,you can go home. 如果你作业做完了就可以回家了。 另外,if从句还表示不可实现的条件或根本不可能存在的条件,也就是一种虚拟的条件或假设。从句多用一般过去时或过去完成时,表示对现在或过去的一种假设。 如:


.专业.专注. Lesson 49 Name____________ 一、选择填空: ( )1. ______ the boys like playing football in our school, A. Four hundred B. Four hundreds C. Four hundreds of D. Four hundred of ( )2. I wonder if she ______ tonight,. If she ______, I’ll let y ou know. A. will come, comes B. comes, will come C. comes, comes D. will come, will come ( )3. We have bought ______ desks for the new students there. A. several thousand B. several thousands C. several thousands of D. several thousand of ( )4. Do you know Great Britain has ______ population of 59 million? A. a B. the C. an D. / ( )5. The population of the USA is ______ than that of Canada. A. larger B. more C. less D. fewer ( )6. These ______ come from______. They speak ______. A. German, Germany, German B. Germans, German, Germany C. Germans, Germany, German D. Germen, Germany, Germen ( )7. During that time, the population of the world increased __________259. A. to B. by C. at D. for ( )8. One third of the population of that country ________ women. A. are B. is C. has D. have ( )9. ________ is the population of that country, do you know? A. What B. Which C. How many D. How much ( )10. I wonder if there’s a lot of people ______ the size of the country. A. to B. for C. with D. on ( )11. Did you know ________ a meeting the next day? A. there would have B. if there was going to be C. if there was having D. there was going to have ( )12. As time __________, more and more people become interested in computers. A. going on B. go over C. goes on D. went by ( )13. The population problem may be ________ of the world today. A. greater one B. greatest one C. the greater D. the greatest one Key: D A A A A, C B A A B, B C D 二、改同义句: 1.How many people are there in that country? What is the population of that country? How about / What about the population of that country? How large / big is the population of that country? 2. Bring the raincoat with you, or you’ll ge t wet. If you don’t bring the rain coat with you, you will get wet. 3. Meimei said,” Wei Hua, please turn down the radio.” Meimei asked Wei Hua to turn down the radio. Key: 1. What is; How about / What about ; large/ big , is 2 If , don’t, will . 3. asked, to turn down 三、完形填空: Peter’s uncle lived in the country.___1___ Peter went to stay with him for a few weeks. Every time they went for a walk or for a drive in the car and they ___2___ somebody, his uncle waved(招手). Peter was __3____ and said, “ Uncle George, you know __4____ here. Where did you meet them all?”“I don’t know __5____.” said his uncle “Then why do you wave to them?” ___6___ Peter. “Well, Peter.” Answered his


庆云中学2013—2014学年九年级化学单元测试题 第二单元探秘水世界 班级学号姓名成绩 一、选择题 1.在下列物质中,属于纯净物的是() A.海水B.苛性钠C.稀盐酸D.空气 2.用水壶烧开水,水沸腾后壶盖被顶起,说明() A、分子是由原子构成的 B、分子的质量很小 C、分子的体积变大 D、分子间空隙增大 3.向过滤器内倾倒待过滤液体时,若液面高于滤纸边缘,引起的后果是() A、液面高将滤纸压破 B、液体会溢出漏斗 C、液体从滤纸和漏斗之间的空隙流入接受器 D、滤纸被压过紧,不能起过滤作用 4.下列有关微粒的叙述中正确的是() A、所有物质都是由微粒构成的 B、同种单质可由不同种微粒构成 C、构成物质的微粒不运动 D、物质的化学性质与构成它的微粒无关 5.下列净化天然水的操作中,净化程度最高的是() A.蒸馏 B.过滤 C.静置沉淀 D.吸附沉淀 6.下列物质的用途与其化学性质相关的是() A.用铝作导线 B.用金刚石切割玻璃 C.用活性炭作净水剂 D.用氮气作食品包装袋的填充气 7.下列对于宏观现象的微观解释中错误的是() A.变瘪的乒乓球放入热水中能鼓起来,是因为分子受热膨胀变大 B.氧气加压后变成液氧,是因为分子问的间隔变小 C.不同的花儿有不同的香味,是因为不同的分子性质不同 D.非吸烟者受到被动吸烟的危害,是因为分子在不断地运动 8.下列反应属于化合反应的是() A.酒精+氧气→水+二氧化碳 B.水→氢气+氧气 C.锌+硫酸→硫酸锌+氢气 D.镁+氧气→氧化镁 9.已知某氧原子的相对原子质量为16,某硫原子的相对原子质量为32.如果该氧原子的质量为m,则该硫原子的质量为() A、32m B、2m C、m D、不能确定 10.利用水电解器电解稀氢氧化钠溶液一段时间后,观察到的现象不合理的是()

最新人教版八年级下册英语课课练及答案 Unit 9 第四课时 同步练习

八年级英语下册Unit 9 Section B 2c —Self Check同步练习Ⅰ. 根据语境,从方框中选择恰当的词语填空,有的需要变换形式。 1. It rained for ________________ of the summer. 2. They ________________ listen to rock music. 3. I was sorry to _____________ your father’s deat h. 4. —Have you _____________ your sister recently? —No, I haven’t got her letter for a long time. 5. Have you seen this movie _____________? 6. Three months _____________, I went to Beijing. Ⅱ. 将下列句子翻译成英语。 1. 在短时间内完成这项工作不容易。 _________________________________ 2. 我不介意帮你清洗餐具。 _________________________________ 3. 简(Jane)去过那个小镇许多次。 _________________________________ Ⅲ. 根据短文内容,从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,有的需要变换形式。 Hi, friends! Do you r parents (1)_________ you to travel? Greg’s dream was to travel around Asia. He got the idea after he finished a long bike (2)_________. At first, he (3)_________ his parents wouldn’t agree to let him go. He didn’t tell his parents his idea. He (4)_________ told his friend Brooks about it. Brooks also liked riding a bike. They made a plan — to travel from Tokyo to Mumbai (孟买) by bike. To pay for the trip, Greg and Brooks tried to (5)_________ some money. Before setting out (出发), they told their parents about their plan. It was (6)_________ that their parents agreed. And they got two new (7)_________ from their parents.


九年级化学顶尖课课练 1、空气中氧气含量的测定:①药品(不能用木炭、硫磺、铁丝等代替),②现象打开止水加后 ③结论 ④若测得水面上升小于1/5体积的原因可能是: (写出三条) 2、法国化学家提出了空气主要是由氧气和氮气组成的。 3、空气的成分按分数计算,大约是氮气为、氧气为、稀有气体(混合物)为、二氧化碳为其它气体和杂质为0.03%。空气属于。 4、排放到大气中的有害物质,大致可分为粉尘和气体两类,气体污染物较多是 这些气体主要来自 5、燃烧:可燃物跟发生的一种发光发热的剧烈的氧化反应。 燃烧的条件是:(1) ,(2) (3) 灭火的方法:(1) ,(2) (3) 缓慢氧化(举例) 6、氧气是无色无味,密度比空气,溶于水。 氧气具有(写化学性质),是一种常用的剂。氧气的用途: ①② 氧气的化学性质 ①(黑色)C和O2反应的现象是:在氧气中比在空气中更旺,发出白光。 化学方程式为: ②(淡黄色)S和O2反应的现象是:在空气中火焰,在氧气中的火焰,生成气味的气体SO2。化学方程式为: ③(红色或白色)P和O2反应的现象是:产生大量,(用于发令枪)化学方程式为: ④(银白色)Mg和O2反应的现象是:放出大量的热,同时发出耀眼的光,生成一种白色固体氧化镁。(用于照明弹等)化学方程式为: ⑤(银白色)Fe和O2反应的现象是:,注意点:预先放入少量水或一层沙,目的是。 化学方程式为: ⑥氢气的燃烧:发出色的火焰。方程式:________________________ ⑦一氧化碳的燃烧:发出色的火焰。方程式:_________________________ ⑧甲烷的燃烧:发出明亮的蓝色火焰。方程式:__________ _______ (水) 1、水在地球上分布很广,江河、湖泊和海洋约占地球表面积的3/4,人体含水约占人体质量的2/3。淡水资源却不充裕,地面淡水量还不到总水量的1%而且分布很不均匀。 2、水的污染来自于①工厂生产中的废渣、废水、废气,②生活污水的任意排放,③农业生产中施用的农药、化肥随雨水流入河中。 3、预防和消除对水源的污染,需采取的措施:①加强对水质的监测,②工业“三废”要经过处理后再排放,③农业上要合理(不是禁止)使用化肥和农药等。 4、电解水实验可证明:①。 ②。 写出方程式:_________________________ 5、电解水中正极产生,负极产生,体积比(分子个数比)为,


初一下册英语课课练答案参考2020一用所给词的适当形式填空: 1. She lives with her family in a house .( wood 2.All the people in Nanjing are very (friend). 3.People like to talk with each other in the room. (sit 4.They want to learn about homes in different 5.Our flat has two .(balcony restaurant in Beijing.(big French). .(final) 6.Do you know who’s on my bunk?( lie) 7.I would like to live next to 8.Frenchmen come from 10.She passed the exam 二根据所给的汉语完成句子: 1.她和她的家人住在一条繁忙街道上的一套公寓里。 She and her family 2.我们的老师很友好,我们在学校里很开心。 Our teachers . We . . (country). 9.In the room there is a big table.(dine 3.这儿环境优美安静,但经常下雨。 I t’s and here, but it often . 4.花园是做游戏的地方。

A garden i 5.他们想了解世界上一些国家的首都。 They want to the of some in the world. . Unit 1 Dream homes练习题(2) 一根据句意所给首字母填空: 1.We often put our clean clothes in the w 2.There are many books on the 3.In summer we take a 4.We wash dishes in the 5.It’s dark in the study. The l in the bedroom. in the study. in the bathroom everyday.. in the kitchen. is broken. I’ll ask someone to mend it. room. 6.Mothers often use b to give their babies baths. 7.There are four chairs around the t 8.We usually put the sofa in the 9.We can’t see any w houses in the small town. 10.There are some c on the sofa. 二根据句意,用适当的介词填空: 1.There is a lamp the desk my study. 2. Her printer is her computer. 3. He is shorter than Bob and Peter. He sits them. 4.The shelf i


九年级下册英语课堂练习册答案 Unit 9 when was it invented ? Section A 一: 1. invented 2.invention 3.adjustable 4.heat 5.slippers 二: 1~5 CBCCC 三: 1. What, used for 2. Who , invented 3. is , cleaned 4.must be repaired 5. to see Section B 一: 1.notice 2. salty 3.produced 4. remain 5.pleasant 二: 2.too thin 2.by accident 3.According to, was discovered 4. by mistake 5.in this way ,in the end 6.fell into 三: 1~5:AADCD 6~10:BDBDC 11~12 :AC 四: for, on, Who , think, are, inwentions, is , most Self Check and Reading 一: 1.century 2.knock 3.below 4.wooden 5.towards 6. developing 7.divided 8.active 9.aim 10.create 二: 1.helpful 2.invention 3.salt 4.the most popular 5.safety 6.wood 三: 1.It is believed https://www.doczj.com/doc/e26556206.html,d 3. to learn 4.was sent 5.was handed in 6.Was ,cleaned 7.found him 8.When was, invented 四: 1~5:BADBA 6~10:CADAB

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