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姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________

一、选择填空 (共15题;共30分)

1. (2分)He wants ______ fat.

A . to be

B . be

C . being

2. (2分)—Why did you choose him to be the manager of the shop?

—He is up to the task, because of his ability.

A . knows…well

B . can do …well

C . learns…well

3. (2分)You're not welcome by your classmates ______ the way you communicate.

A . because of

B . because

C . as

D . since

4. (2分)Children often _______ special clothes _______ masks on Halloween

A . wear; with

B . put on; with

C . wear; for

D . dress; for

5. (2分)Can you ___________“十月” _______ English?

A . say, with

B . speak, in

C . say, in

D . speak, at

6. (2分)The girl _____ short hair is my sister.

A . has

B . have

C . with

D . on

7. (2分)—Does the bookstore math books?

—Yes. Do you want to______ one?

A . sell; buy

B . sell; sell

C . buy; buy

D . buy; sell

8. (2分)Li Ming jumps highest _____he isn't the tallest in our class.

A . because

B . though

C . for

D . so

9. (2分)The ________ of something is the rate at which it moves or travels.

A . price

B . speed

C . weight

10. (2分)— Why did the baby cry so hard?

—Because someone his toy car.

A . took away

B . set up

C . wrote down

D . thought of

11. (2分)Some animals can ______ the color around to protect themselves.

A . take on

B . give up

C . put away

D . see off

12. (2分)Lucy wants an evening job, so she can _______her son in the day.

A . look at

B . look around

C . look after

D . look out

13. (2分)We buy it ________ a very good price.

A . for

B . at

C . of

D . in

14. (2分)Mother came into my study with a cup of milk in one of her hands, and an apple in ______.

A . the others

B . other

C . the other

D . another

15. (2分)My passport has . It was in my pocket a moment ago. I can't find it now.

A . failed

B . disappeared

C . finished

D . broken

二、完形填空 (共1题;共10分)

16. (10分)完形填空

A poor farmer had a friend who was famous for the wonderful apples he grew. One day, his friend gave him a young apple tree and told him to take it home and 1 it.

Seeing the gift, the farmer was very happy, and he thought he would also have a lot of wonderful apples, but when he got home, he felt 2 . He did not know where to plant it. He thought over and over and considered every place he could think of. 3 , he decided to plant the tree in his woods. There were many high trees with thick leaves in the woods. With those trees around ,no one else could see the young apple tree. He even felt proud of himself for finding so secret a place for the apple tree. Every day he went to take care of the tree, watering it. To his surprise and 4 , the apple tree didn't grow as well as he expected. It died without sunlight and good soil.

Later the friend asked the farmer why he had planted the tree in such a 5place. "What's the difference?" the farmer said angrily. "If I had planted the tree near the6 , passers-by(行人) would have stolen the fruit. If I had planted the tree in one of my fields, my neighbors would have come at night and 7 some of the apples! If I had planted it near my house, my own children would have taken the fruits. No matter where I plant the tree, I can't have8 to enjoy the apples: So there is no difference where I planted it."

"Yes," said the friend. "But sooner or later someone could have enjoyed the fruit. Now you not only have robbed(抢夺) everyone of the fruit, but also have 9 a good apple tree! You don't know the true meaning of 'share'!"

We should learn to 10in our life. The more you want to own something all by yourself, the less you get at last.


A . study

B . keep

C . plant

D . develop


A . interested

B . worried

C . bored

D . tired


A . Finally

B . Generally

C . Suddenly

D . Recently


A . pleasure

B . excitement

C . disappointment

D . disagreement


A . poor

B . great

C . suitable

D . comfortable (6)

A . park

B . river

C . hill

D . road


A . borrowed

B . stolen

C . chosen

D . collected (8)

A . rights

B . hopes

C . chances

D . interests (9)

A . destroyed

B . thrown

C . pulled

D . won


A . wait

B . share

C . compare

D . apologize

三、阅读理解 (共5题;共42分)

17. (8分)根据短文理解,选择正确答案。

A recent study found people's lives are made shorter in North China. It is showed the life expectancy(平均寿命) had been cut down by 5.5 years there. Researchers(研究者)think that the heavy air pollution in China should be to blame(承担责任). It's really the truth. Our government has already done something. However, it doesn't seem to work so well.

“Air po llution in China is doing harm to people's health. The harm is much more serious than we can imagine,” said Chen Yuyu of Beijing University, one of researchers of this study.

Dirty air brings serious problems in North China. In January this year, the air pollution was worse than that in other places. That was caused by rising temperature and waste gas(气体)from coal heating (燃煤).

Chinese government should strongly fight with air pollution. They should think of more proper ways to deal with the problem. People should be encouraged to take buses, ride bicycles or walk, instead of driving cars. The factories that pollute heavily should be closed.

“We need to improve our environment, although it might be expensive. Protecting our environment means protecting oursel ves,” Li Hongbin, another researcher of the study said.

(1)The passage above may come from a(n) ____ .

A . story

B . advertisement

C . report

D . diary

(2)Which of the following is Li Hongbin's idea?

A . The life expectancy had been cut by 5.5 years.

B . Chinese government should close some factories that pollute heavily.

C . People need to make pollution less, although it might cost a lot.

D . The air problem brings us serious problems.

(3)What should people do to protect the environment?

A . They should take buses.

B . They should ride bikes.

C . They should go on foot.

D . All of the above.

(4)What's the main idea of the passage?

A . Air pollution in North China is caused by waste gas.

B . To save the environment, our government should do something more.

C . The temperature becomes higher and higher in North China.

D . How air pollution in North China is caused.

18. (10分)阅读理解

It was raining heavily. I had to wait inside the supermarket like a lot of other people did. A little girl and her mother were waiting, too. The girl looked like 5 or 6 years old. She made me think of my daughter Alice. They are about the same age.

After a few minutes, the girl got bored and she said to her mom, "Mom, let's run through the rain!"

"No, dear. We'll wait until it slows down a little." said Mom.

This young child waited about one more minute and said again, "Mom, let's run through the rain!"

"We'll get wet if we do," her mom said.

"No, we won't, Mom. That's not what you said this morning," the young girl said.

"This morning? When did I say we could run through the rain and not get wet?"

"Don't you remember? When you were talking to Daddy about his cancer (癌症), you said, 'We have got through (已经熬过) this, and then we will get through anything!'

All of the people stopped talking. It was a time when innocent trust (纯真的信任) could grow into faith (信心). The mom thought for a minute and said "You are right, sweetheart. Let's run through the rain! If we get wet, maybe we just need washing." Then they ran out.

They got wet. But some people followed them ▲ .

And yes, I did. I ran. I got wet. I needed washing.

(1)Alice is the writer's

A . sister

B . mom

C . daughter

D . cousin

(2)Why did the girl ask to run through the rain?

A . Because the rain slowed down.

B . Because she thought it was fun.

C . Because she wanted to go and see her dad earlier.

D . Because she got bored waiting inside the supermarket.

(3)The mother decided to run through the rain because she wanted her daughter to trust

A . they could get through any difficulties

B . they could get help from others

C . everyone needed washing

D . Mom always loved her

(4)Which of the following can we put into ▲ ?

A . I could hear nothing but the rain.

B . They shouted and laughed like children.

C . No one came or left in the next few minutes.

D . They all watched, but didn't know what to do.

(5)From the passage we can know that the writer

A . thought of his dad

B . ran through the rain, too

C . thought the girl was smart

D . had a good talk with the girl

19. (10分)阅读理解

The Spring Festival travel rush started on Friday Jan 13, 2017. It is the biggest thing for Chinese to travel in the Spring Festival. It has become the world's largest human movement every year.

During these days, billions of trips are made by travelers. The government's forecast(预测) shows the number is similar to last year's. But it is very difficult for the government to make sure the transportation goes well.

On Friday, 8.55 million trips were made on railways, 58 million by roads, 590, 000 by waterways and 1.3 million by air across the country, according to the Ministry of Transport. New services are being used during this year's travel rush to improve passengers' travel speed.

A few major train stations, such as Guangzhou and Changsha, are using face recognition (面貌识别) technology for the first time. The technology can save passengers' travel time. It is also convenient for train station staff members who check train tickets and ID cards.

The technology compares passenger's face with the photo on ID card. Now, passengers at those stations only need to stand in front of a camera for a few seconds after putting their ID card at a checkpoint(检查站). Many passengers experienced the technology at Guangzhou South Railway Station. They described the techn ology as “convenient, fast and wonderful”.

(1)The biggest problem for Chinese is the ________ in the Spring Festival.

A . money

B . safety

C . food

D . travel

(2)How many people had travelled by plane by the end of Jan 13, 2017?

A . 8.55 million.

B . 58 million.

C . 590,000.

D . 1.3 million.

(3)What technology is used for the first time this year?

A . Safety management system.

B . Face recognition technology.

C . Communication technology.

D . Luggage checking system.

(4)Which of the following is true about face recognition technology?

A . Face recognition technology is used in all stations.

B . Face recognition technology was used last year.

C . Face recognition technology needs a few minutes.

D . Face recognition technology improves the travel speed.

(5)The readers can possibly read the passage ________.

A . in a magazine

B . in a guidebook

C . in a newspaper

D . in a book

20. (8分)阅读理解

You can't look good if you are not healthy. And one way to be healthy is to do exercise.

Football, tennis, volleyball and swimming are all good for you. Muscle (肌肉) exercise is also important. You can exercise at school or at home. Boys can do push-ups (俯卧撑) and girls can do sit-ups (仰卧起坐).

But there are some don'ts here:

First, stay away from weight lifting (举重). It's bad for you, because it gives too much stress (压力) to your body and you can't grow tall if you practise often. You should exercise for about an hour a day, and three days a week. On the other days, don't exercise too much. Exercising too much is not a good idea.

Don't want fastresults (结果). Your muscles will grow when you get older. If you want to be healthy and strong, exercise and healthy food are the best way. But don't think you can make it in one day.

(1)“You” in this article is a .

A . teacher

B . parent

C . student

D . player

(2)In Paragraph (段) 2, we can know .

A . when to do exercise

B . what exercise are bad

C . how to do exercise

D . what exercise we need

(3)The article tells us that is good for students.

A . volleyball

B . weight lifting

C . exercising too much

D . exercising too long

(4)What's the best title (标题) for the article?

A . Exercise Is Interesting

B . Be Careful With Exercise

C . Let's Do Exercise

D . Bad Exercise

21. (6分)

Some students who are from all around the world are talking about the way they go to school on School Bus Bar at //https://www.doczj.com/doc/e317625144.html,/.

A . safe

B . beautiful

C . strong

D . dangerous

(2)Why does Li Ping go to school by bike?

A . Because she likes riding.

B . Because the crowded traffic.

C . Because her school is far.

D . Because there is no school bus.

(3)How long does Bing Bing spend on the way to school?

A . 30 minutes

B . 15 minutes

C . one hour

D . one and a half hours

四、语法填空 (共1题;共1分)

22. (1分)Pushing kids so hard from such an early age is likely to have some________results. (harm)

五、书面表达 (共1题;共1分)

23. (1分)请结合下面两幅图片所示内容, 以“How to behave(表现)at school?”为题写ー篇短文。

要求:1.简要描述两幅图片, 并针对这些校园欺凌现象谈谈自己在学校应该如何做(至少2点);2.文中不得出现考生真实的姓名和学校名称;3.80个词左右, 已给出的部分不计人总词数。

参考词汇:beat, kick, laugh at, respect(尊重), harmonious(和谐的)

How to Behave at School?

There is something unpleasant happening at school. In Picture One, ________

参考答案一、选择填空 (共15题;共30分)
















二、完形填空 (共1题;共10分)


三、阅读理解 (共5题;共42分) 17-1、





















四、语法填空 (共1题;共1分)


五、书面表达 (共1题;共1分)


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