当前位置:文档之家› 西北大学考博英语必备核心词汇汇总




highlight使显著,使突出:Growing economic problems were highlighted by a slowdown in oil output

fracture裂缝,裂痕:a fracture in the pipe

frequent时常发生的,频繁的:His trips to France are less frequent now

frown皱眉:frown at sb

frustrate挫败,阻挠,使灰心,使无效:frustrate a plan

fulfill(fulfilled,fulfilling)履行,实现,完成:fulfill a contract

furnish供应,提供:furnish blankets for the refugees

fury狂怒,暴怒:fly into a fury.Xu yao quan guo ge da yuan xiao kao bo ying yu zhen ti shi juan qing jia qq:qi qi er liu qi ba wu san qi,huo er ba jiu ling ling liu si san wu yi.ye ke yi bo da quan guo mian fei zi xun dian hua:si ling ling liu liu ba liu jiu qi ba xiang shou kao bo fu dao ti yan.

fuss大惊小怪,乱忙,小题大做:make much fuss over losing a penny hinder妨碍,阻止:Bad weather hindered travel

hint暗示:drop(give,throw out)a hint(加微信号:kaoyanyun) enforce实施,使生效:The principal enforced the rules of the school

engage(用契约诺言等)约束,使订婚:He engaged himself as an apprentice to a printer

enhance提高(价格,质量,吸引力等),增加,增强:enhance one’s


figure数字:according to official figures

finance财政,金融:skill in finance

finite有限的,有限制的:a finite number of facts

flare(火焰)闪耀,(摇曳不定地)燃烧:candle flaring in the wind flash闪光,闪烁:a flash of lighting

flat平坦的,扁平的:a flat land

inaccessible达不到的:The two rocks at the top of the steep hill is at first sight inaccessible

incline倾斜:The shaft inclines almost thirty degree

incorporate包含,吸收:His book incorporates his earlier essays incur招致,引起,遭受:incur sb’s displeasure(envy)

modify修改,更改~a law

momentary片刻的,瞬息的a~feeling of fear

designate指明,表明:designate boundaries

desolate荒芜的,不毛的:desolate land

despise蔑视,鄙视:He despises flattery.

detach拆卸:They detached their trailer and set up camp.

diagnose诊断,判断:The doctor diagnosed the illness as influenza.

dictate口授,使听写:dictate a letter to a secretary

coincide相符,相一致100Centigrade coincides with212 Fahrenheit.

collaborate(尤指在文艺、科学等方面)合作,协作He and I

collaborated in writing plays.

collapse倒坍,崩溃,瓦解The roof collapsed under the weight of the snow.

collide碰撞,互撞The car collided with the truck.

commemorate纪念,庆祝commemorate a holiday

commend表扬,称赞commend a soldier for bravery

extinct(火等)熄灭了的:an extinct cigarette(fire)

extinguish熄灭,扑灭:extinguish a cigarette(candle)




narrate叙述,讲述~the story of sb’s life

negligent疏忽的,大意的be~about traffic regulations

indignant愤怒的,愤慨的:The actress was at the columnist’s personal questions

indispensable必不可少的,必需的(to.for):Oxygen is indispensable to life

induce引诱,劝使:Nothing will induce me to do that

infer(根据已知事实等)推断,推定(from):From his grades I inferred that he was a good student

ingenious(人,头脑等)灵巧的,足智多谋的:an ingenious designer instant紧急的,急迫的,立即的,即刻的:be in instant need of help institute学会,协会,学院,研究院:an institute for the blind insulate隔音,使隔绝(以免受到影响):We are not insulated from

the real world the way we were

insult侮辱,辱骂:She insulted him by calling him a coward flatter奉承,使高兴:I feel greatly flattered by your invitation



育明考博 免费咨询报名电话:400-668-6978咨询QQ:493371626(李老师) 2015考博QQ交流群105619820 2015考博QQ英语群335488903 2015考博QQ专业课群157460416 2015长安大学考博英语分析 一、招考介绍 从整体上看,由于博士生招生形势的不断发展各院校博士生入学考试的难度越来越大,对考生的外语水平要求也越来越高,特别是听、说能力。攻读博士学位的学生,一方面应该具备坚实的专业理论基础和扎实的科研能力,另一方面还应该具备较高水平的外语能力。 二、联系导师 在初步定好考博学校之后,就要和所报考院校中意的老师取得联系,询问是否有招生名额,能否报考,这是我们考博成功的关键第一步。 大多数考生会在九月中下旬与导师取得联系。因为太早,学校里面直博名额什么的还没有确定,报考的导师也不清楚是否有名额;太晚的话,怕别的学生比你早联系就不好了。一般情况下,导师对一个学生很中意的话,后来联系的学生,导师一般也不会答应其报考了。在此说点题外话,联系导师的过程中,如果读研期间的导师有关系,可以尽量利用。如果没有,也没关系,凭着自己的本事也是可以和考博导师很好的沟通的,这就要看自己了。 通常跟导师初次联系,都是发邮件。导师回复邮件的情况一般有几种: (1)、欢迎报考。这种答复最笼统,说明不了问题。我们可以接着努力和老师多沟通,看看具体的进展,避免出现初试之后却没有名额的情况。 (2)、名额有限,可以报考,但有竞争。很多人说这样的回复不满意,认为希望很小一般会被刷。其实这样还是比较好的一种回答,最起码导师没有骗你而且给你机会去证明自己,考的好就可以上。 (3)、你的研究方向和我一样......各种一大堆他的研究方向和你相关,欢迎报考什么的话。不


复旦大学考博英语必备词汇汇总 动词+副词形式 第一组 break down损坏,分解,瓦解 break in闯入;打断,插嘴 break out逃出;突然发生,爆发 bring to使恢复知觉 burn out Xu yao quan guo ge da yuan xiao kao bo ying yu zhen ti shi juan qing jia qq:qi qi er liu qi ba wu san qi,huo er ba jiu ling ling liu si san wu yi.ye ke yi bo da quan guo mian fei zi xun dian hua:si ling ling liu liu ba liu jiu qi ba xiang shou kao bo fu dao ti yan.烧掉 burn up烧起来,旺起来;烧完 catch on理解,明白 check in办理登记手续 check out结账后离开;检验,核查 check up(on)校对,检查,检验 cheer up使高兴,使振奋 clear away扫除,收拾 clear up收拾;澄清;放晴 make it clear that弄清楚 come off实现,成功,奏效 come on请,来吧,快点;开始,出场,上演 come out出版;出现,显露;结果是

第二组 come round(around)来访,前来;苏醒,复原come through经历,脱险 come up走近,上来;发生,被提出 cross out删去,取消 cut back削减,减少 cut down削减,降低 cut in(汽车)抢道;插嘴,打断 cut off切断;删去;停止 cut out删除 cut short突然停止 die down渐渐消失,平息 die out消失,灭绝 draw in(火车、汽车)到站 draw up写上,画上;草拟;停住 dress up穿上盛装,打扮得很漂亮 drop by/in顺便来访 dry out干透,使干 dry up干涸,枯竭 第三组 drop off减弱,减少 drop out退出,离队 fall behind落后 fall out争吵;结果是


以下是大学英语六级核心词汇精编版,共380个,按动词、名词、形容词、副词分类编排,所选单词根据历年六级考试中词汇部分(即V ocabulary部分考过的词)整理。使用方法: 1. 下载完整版 2.排除(划掉)你已经掌握的词 3.给剩下的单词编号 4.做出周(或日)计划,强化记忆(或供复习时查阅) 大学英语六级核心词汇(380 精编版) I. 六级核心动词 abandon v. 抛弃,放弃 93-1-43 (分别表示考试年、月和具体题号) acknowledge v. 对……表示谢忱,报偿 acquaint v. 熟悉,认识 98-6-64 01-6-48 acquire v. (靠自己的能力、努力或行为)获得,得到 98-6-52 afford v. 付得起 98-1-48 allege v. 断言,宣称 00-6-61 alternate v. 交替,轮流 90-1-51 anticipate v. 预期 00-1-41 applaud v. 赞扬,称赞 96-1-42 ascend v. 上升,攀登 98-6-59 ascribe v. 归因于,归功于 00-1-51 assemble v. 集合,聚集 97-6-62 assign v. 分派,指派(职务,任务) 90-1-59 attribute v. 归因于 91-6-69 93-1-53 base v. 建立在……的基础上 91-6-64 bewilder v. 迷惑,弄糊涂 98-6-48 01-6-49 breed v. 培育,养育 98-1-53 cling v. 坚守,抱紧 97-1-48 coincide v. 相同,相一致 91-6-58 collaborate v. 合著,合作 98-6-54 collide v. 互撞,碰撞 97-1-63 commence v. 开始 95-1-57 99-1-41 compensate v. 补偿,赔偿 00-6-69 98-1-43 complement v. 与……结合,补充 98-6-46 comply v. 遵守 95-6-57 98-1-44 99-6-32 conceive v. 想出,设想 96-6-56 00-1-52 concern v. 涉及 90-1-60 condense v. 压缩,浓缩 97-1-62 conflict v. 冲突,战争 99-1-47 conform v. 符合,遵守,适应00-6-63 01-1-54 confront v. 面对,面临 96-6-54 conserve v. 保护,保存 01-1-58 consolidate v. 巩固 99-6-35


A abase[]vt.降低;贬低 例句A man who use bad language will only abase himself.说脏话者只会自贬身分。搭配abase oneself屈服,自贬 助记a(处于…状态)+base(底)→使处于底层→贬低 abash[]vt.使羞愧;使困窘 例句He refused to abash himself in the eyes of others.他不愿在他人面前被贬低。abate[]vi.减少;减轻;缓和;(法令等)被废除 例句The ship sailed when the storm abated.这船在暴风雨减弱时起航。abbreviate[]vt.缩短;缩写;简略;简化

例句The United States of America is commonly abbreviated to U.S.A.. 美利坚合众国常被缩略为U.S.A.。 abdomen[]n.腹,下腹(胸部到腿部的部分) 例句He felt a great deal of pain in his abdomen.他感觉到腹部非常痛。助记dome圆屋顶;肚子也是圆的 aberrant[]adj.不循常规的,不走正路的

例句His aberrant behavior at the party shocked everyone.他在晚会上的异常举止令所有人感到震惊。 派生aberration(n.失常) 助记ab+errant(脱离正途的)→异常的 abhor[]vt.憎恨;厌恶 例句They abhor all forms of racial discrimination.他们憎恶任何形式的种族歧视。词组abhor sth./to do sth.憎恶做某事 abide[]vi.遵守;坚持 vt.忍受


大学英语六级高频核心词汇accelerate v. 加速 affection n. 喜爱 accessible a. 可接近的,可进入的 acknowledge v. 感谢 acquire v. 学会 address v. 向……讲话 alert a. 活跃的b. 机警的c. 外国的 allocate a. 准许b. 位于c. 分配 appeal v. 有吸引力 applicable a. 适用的 assess v. 估价 assumption n. 假定 abnormal a. 不正常的 abolish v. 废除

absurd a. 荒唐的 accommodate v. 提供膳宿 addict v. 上瘾>I’m ~ed to computer games. Please save me! acquaint v. 使熟悉> Are you ~ed with that MM? adhere to v. 遵守>Adhere to your own principle adverse a. 不利的,有害的>Adverse circumstances can test a person’s wisdom and courage。aggravate v. 加重>Smoking ~s cold. alleviate v. 减轻>No one can ~ my pain。 alternate v./a 交替(的) >a day of ~ sunshine and rain /Day and night ~ amplify v. 扩大(声音)> anonymous a. 匿名的I received an ~ letter。 applaud v. 鼓掌;赞许> I ~ your suggestion。 apt a. 易于>One is ~ to make mistakes if given too much pressure。 array n. 陈列,一系列>the ~of fruit and vegetables in the supermarket arrogant a. 傲慢的> An ~ man is a self-important person。


2015华南师范大学考博英语历年真题 一、招考介绍 从整体上看,由于博士生招生形势的不断发展各院校博士生入学考试的难度越来越大,对考生的外语水平要求也越来越高,特别是听、说能力。攻读博士学位的学生,一方面应该具备坚实的专业理论基础和扎实的科研能力,另一方面还应该具备较高水平的外语能力。 二、华南师范大学考博英语题型 英语题型介绍: Part1:词汇和结构15分30道题 Part2:完型20分20题 Part3:阅读理解25分5篇25个小题 Part4:翻译25分英译汉10分汉译英15分 Part5:写作15分 三、考博英语必备参考书 育明考博教研部主编,河北大学出版社出版的《考博英语真题解析》和《考博词汇》是考博人必备的两本书。在当当网,亚马逊和全国各大书店均有销售,也可以联系我们直接购买。 四、联系导师 在初步定好考博学校之后,就要和所报考院校中意的老师取得联系,询问是否有招生名额,能否报考,这是我们考博成功的关键第一步。 大多数考生会在九月中下旬与导师取得联系。因为太早,学校里面直博名额什么的还没有确定,报考的导师也不清楚是否有名额;太晚的话,怕别的学生比你早联系就不好了。一般情况下,导师对一个学生很中意的话,后来联系的学生,导师一般也不会答应其报考了。在此说点题外话,联系导师的过程中,如果读研期间的导师有关系,可以尽量利用。如果没有,也没关系,凭着自己的本事也是可以和考博导师很好的沟通的,这就要看自己了。 通常跟导师初次联系,都是发邮件。导师回复邮件的情况一般有几种: (1)、欢迎报考。这种答复最笼统,说明不了问题。我们可以接着努力和老师多沟通,看看具体的进展,避免出现初试之后却没有名额的情况。


中国农业大学考博英语必备词汇集锦 ability15[E5biliti]n.①能力,智能;②才能,才干 achieve12[E5tFi:v]v.①完成,实现;②达到,达成,获得 analogy2[E5nAlEdVi]n.比拟,类比 analytical1[7AnE5litikEl] a.分析的,分解的 argue19[5B:gju:]v.①争论,辩论;②认为,主张,论证;③说服aspect8[5Aspekt]n.①样子,外表,面貌;②(问题等的)方面 assess4[E5ses]v.估价,评价 attitude14[5Atitju:d]n.①(to,towards)态度,看法;②姿势author69[5C:WE]n.①作者;②创始人 available18[E5veilEbl]a.①可用的,可得到的;②可以见到的,随时可来的 average17[5AvEridV]n.平均(数);a.①平均的;②普通的,一般的;v.平均,均分 bias7[5baiEs]n./v.(使有)偏见,偏心,偏袒 capacity8[kE5pAsiti]n.①容量,容积;②能量,能力;③接受力;④生产力 capture4[5kAptFE]n.捕获,俘虏;v.①吸引(注意);②记录;③俘虏characteristic8[7kAriktE5ristik]a.(of)特有的,独特的;n.特征,特性 coincidence2[kEu5insidEns]n.①巧合,巧事;②一致,符合 column2[5kClEm]n.①圆柱,柱状物;②列;③(报刊中的)专栏component4[kEm5pEunEnt]n.①组成部分;②成分;③部件;a.组成的,合成的 concept15[5kCnsept]n.概念,观念,思想


O 基础词汇 oak [] n. 橡树 【例句】We planned to floor our room with oak. 我们计划用橡木材料给房间铺地板。 【助记】音形均近似于acorn橡树果,橡子,oak本身就是结橡树果acorn的。 oat [] n. 燕麦 【例句】Oats is a crop grown mainly in cool climate. 燕麦是一种主要在气候凉爽地区种植的庄稼。 oatmeal [] n. 燕麦片;燕麦粥 【例句】This oatmeal lumps if you don't stir it well. 假若你不好好搅动,这麦片粥会结块的。 obesity [] n. 过度肥胖 【例句】Obesity is a problem for many people in western countries. 西方国家很多人都有过度肥胖的问题。 obey [] v. 服从,听从

【例句】They refused to obey. 他们拒绝服从。 object 1[] n. 物,物体;目的,目标;宾语;对象 【派生】objective adj. 客观的;目标的;宾格的 objective n. 目的;目标;[光] 物镜;宾格 object 2 [] v. 反对,不赞成 【例句】I object to the plan on the grounds that it is too expensive. 我反对该项计画,理由是花费太大。 【词组】object to sth. /doing sth. 反对做某事 【助记】ob(前,朝)+ject(扔)→朝…扔→反对 objection [] n. 反对,异议;反对的理由 【例句】He has a strong objection to getting up early. 他强烈反对早起。 objective 1[] adj. 客观的,公正的;外界的,真实的


英语六级考试听力高频词汇 以下30个词汇都是我的老师精心整理出来的,都是常出现于大学英语六级考试听力题里的高频词汇,希望能对大家的英语学习有所帮助,谢谢大家的支持,希望大家多多提出宝贵意见,以便于我们一起更好的交流与进步。 以下单词均有多种含义,给出的只是最为常见的,未做标注的即为依具体语境而定。 〔.schedule 时间表 2. skip 跳,略过 3. make sen se 讲得通,有意义 4. fall shorts of on e's expectation 出乎某人的意料 5. cater to 迎合,款待 6. supervisor 监督者,管理者 7. speak highly of 评价高

8. a millio n thi ngs to do 许多事情要做 9. discou nt 折扣 10. co undn't have played worse/could n't agree more 玩得不能再差一点了/不能再多同意一点了 11.1 un dersta nd the way you feel 我了解你的感受 12. go in one ear and out the other 一个耳朵听另一个耳朵冒出 来 13. distractio ns 分心 14.1 wish I could help 但愿我能帮助 15. submit 屈从,忍受 16. staff/stuff n.全体职员vt.为…配备人员/材料 17. register 登记,注册 18. deadli ne 最后期限 19. be nefit 受益

20. Are you kiddi ng 你在开玩笑吗 21. credit 信用,信誉 22.otherwise 否则 23. budget your money 预算开支 24. put in(a lot hours) 花费,支出 25.it's up to you 取决于你,由你决定 26. deserve(ho nor) 应受,应得,值得 27. ma intenance man 维修工 28. stack of papers 很多文件 29.out of the way(remote) 30.do with/do without abno rmal a. 异常的,反常的 abolish vt.废止 absurd a.荒唐


2015北京师范大学考博英语真题词汇速成法 词汇体系 ?第一部分→上帝造人→身体部位及人物关系?第二部分→上帝造人→人的行为动作 ?第三部分→精神世界→思维活动 ?→情感活动 ?第四部分→人与自然→自然动态 ?→自然万物 ?第五部分→人与社会→管理阶层 ?→社会行为 第一部分身体部位及人物关系 (一)眼 spec, spect, spic, spise看 respect respectable adj. 值得尊敬的 Tommasini regards Gilbert as an artist who is ___ C A. influential B. modest C. respectable D. talented (2011. Text 1-22) respectful a. 恭敬的,尊敬的 disrespectful a. 无礼的 respective a. 各自的 respectively ad. 各自地 retrospect n.回顾,追溯vt.回顾,追忆vi. 回顾,追溯,回想 ….raising a child can bring happiness in retrospect…..(2011 text 4) prospect n. 前途;预期vt.(for)勘探,勘察 The prospect seems remote. (2010. Text 1). a. 预期的,未来的 expect expectation n. 期待;预期;指望 Art provides a balance between expectation and reality. (2006 Text 4-40 B) Expected adj. 预期的;预料的 …the work is not what you expected. You decide to quit. (2005 Writing). n. 期待,期望 unexpected adj. 意外的,想不到的 inspect inspection n. 视察,检查


考博英语词汇解答技巧 考博英语词汇解答技巧 一、动词 动词及短语动词是博士生入学英语考试词汇部分的一个重要测试项目。该项目对考生的测试点包括:1)动词的认知能力和辨别能力;2)动词用法的掌握程度;3)动词搭配关系的熟练程度。据初步统计在硕士研究生入学考试5500 个词汇中,大约有五分之一是动词及动词词组。 因此,掌握好这批词汇直接关系到能否通过博士生入学英语词汇部分的考试。 在动词部分中,考生首先应该具备较好的认知能力,即遇见一个动词后,能够较快地确定它的前两个或前三个词义。如:evolve v.,第一个词义是“使发展”,第二个词义是“使进化”,第三个词义是“推论”。在考试中,检查考生这一能力的题是比较多的;考生应该能够根据上下文确定动词的有关词义。在具备认知能力的基础上,考生还需掌握这些词汇的基本用法。如:forbid v. 后面不能用to smoke,只能用动词+ing 的形式,即smoking;Occur v. (发生),只能用于主动语态,不能以被动的形式出现。最后,还要熟悉动词的基本搭配关系。如:concentrate 和associate两个动词,其后面的介词一般只能是on和with。 以下是按照上面三种情况出现的词汇题: 1. The diplomatic relations between the two countries have ____. A. ticked away B. gone out C. broken off D. rung up 2.The Constitution also provides that the organ of state must practice democratic centralism. A. supplies B. specifies C. presents D. withhold 3.As a result, they had to ___ answering their letter by three days. A. decide B. refrain C. surpass D. delay 第一句表示“外交关系终止”需用动词词组“break off"。 第二句中的 "provide",第一个词义是“提供”或“供应”,第二个词义是“规定”。 四个选择项中,“specify” 含有“规定”的意思,因此B 是正确答案。第三句中只有“delay”一词的后面可以采用动名词,所以应该选择D。 考生在平时复习时,可以有意识地按照以上三点记忆动词和短语动词。在准备动词词汇部分 时,考生还需注意以下几点。 1. 不规则动词的词形变化: 有一定数量的动词,其过去式和过去分词与原形不同。这部分词汇在测试中起到较强的干扰作用。在5500词汇中类似动词较多,以下仅举部分例子: 动词原形过去式过去分词 bear


reservation n.贮存,贮藏,预订 一.名词 illusion n.错觉,假象 ingredient n.成分 hospitality n.友好好客 pastime n.消遣,娱乐 revenue n.税收,岁入 routine 常规,惯例,例行公事 scorn n.轻蔑,鄙视 insight n.理解,洞察力 inspection n.检查,视察 instinct n.本能,直觉 integrity n.正直,诚实 intuition n.直觉 shortage n.短缺,不足 smash n.打碎,粉碎 stability n.稳定(性),稳固 stack n.堆,一堆 lease n.租约,契约 legislation n.立法,法律 limitation n.局限性缺点 loyalty n.忠诚,忠心 luxury n.奢侈,豪华 manifestation n.表现(形式) mechanism n.机械装置 minority n.少数 standard n.标准 surface n.表面 temperament n.气质,性格 threshold n.开端,入口 tolerance n.容忍,忍耐力 transaction 处理,办理,交易 trend n.倾向,趋势 misfortune n.不幸,灾难 morality n.道德,美德 notion n.概念,观念,理解 obligation (法律上或道义上)责任 occasion n.场合 transition n.过渡,转变 variation n.变化,变动 warehouse n.货仓 way n.方式 opponent n.敌人,对手 ornament n.装饰,装饰品 admiration n.欣赏 access n.入口,通路,接触 accommodation n.住宿,膳宿 acknowledgement 承认感谢致谢 pattern n.模式 advocate n.提倡者,拥护者 allowance n.津贴 penalty n.制裁,惩罚 pension n.养老金 ambition n.野心,雄心 analogy n.相似,模拟,类比 anticipation n.预期,期望 appreciation n.感谢,感激 array n.陈列,一系列 assurance n.保证 personality n.人格,人性 pledge n.保证,誓言 position n.位置,职位,职务 predecessor 前任,原有的事物 premise n.前提,假设 prescription n.处方 blame n.责任 blunder n.错误,大错 budget n.预算 preservation n.保护,防护 prestige n.威信,威望 priority n.优先(权) capability n.能力,才能 cash n.现金 prestige n.威信,威望 prospect n.前景,可能性 rate n.速度 circulation n. (书报等的)发行量 commitment n.承诺,许诺 compensation n.补偿,赔偿 consideration n.考虑 distinction n.区分辨别 emergency n.紧急情况 encouragement n.鼓励 ration n.比率 reflection n.反映,表现 recession n. (经济)衰退不景气;撤退,退出 reputation n.名声,声望

考博英语 词汇精讲

考博英语词汇精讲 主讲: 马振旗 加强大纲词汇的记忆,不同场合的搭配,深度词义的记忆,提高语法知识,做真题,无非就是考三点:近似词、近义词和词组 词汇解题思路:1)提炼主干;2)搭配关系;3)句子结构;4)词汇辨析;5)一词多义 1)提炼主干 A)化繁为简,分清结构 B)分析成分,确定词性 C)理顺逻辑,辨析词义 After his uncle died, the young man ______ the beautiful estate with which he changed from a poor man to a wealthy noble. A. inhabited B. inherited C. inhibited D. interested 2)搭配关系 A)背词不搭配,受累又白费。(深度记词,活学活用) B)全句谓语是中心,前思后想看动宾 I _____ a lot of knowledge from my trip to Africa. A. learn B. study C. obtain D. achieve 1. Blue, yellow and red are _____ colors. A. critical B. essential C. primary(原色) D. necessary

2. All All her hard work ______ in the end, and she finally passed the exam. A. showed off 显耀 B. paid off C. left off离开 D. kept off阻止 3. The opportunity to explore and play and the encouragement to do so can _____ the performance of many children. A. withhold B. prevent C. enhance D. justify 3)句子结构 A)简单 B)并列 a) 同义b) 递进 c) 反义 In 1991, while(尽管) the economies of industrialized countries met an economic ______, the economies of developing countries were growing very fast. A. revival复苏 B. repression压迫 C. recession衰退 D. recovery恢复 C)复合(状语从句) a) 时间b) 地点c) 条件 d) 比较e) 让步f) 方式 g) 原因h) 目的i) 结果 I don’t think you’ll change his mind; once he’s decided on something, he tends to ______ it. A. stick to B. give up C. comply with符合 D. put off 4)词汇辨析(考试主要部分) 1)近义 It is estimated that, currently, about 50,000 species become ______ every year. A. extinct灭绝 B. instinct直接 C. distinct区分 D. intense剧烈


考博英语词汇语法题考前恶补、 全真模拟试题 1. Although ______ Spanish, he attended the course. A. he was knowing B. he is knowing C. having a knowledge of D. knows 2. You ______th at letter to James. However, you didn’t. A. ought to write B. ought to have written C. should write D. should be writing 3. Joseph was very lucky ______ with his life; he almost did not get out of the room. A. to escape B. to have escaped C. to escaping D. to be escaping 4. Bread and butter ______liked by Westerners. A. is B. are C. were D. be 5. The back garden of our house contains a lawn, ______very pleasant to sit on in summer. A. which is B. which it is C. it is D. where it is 6. He set up in business ______ his own and was very successful. A. in B. of C. on D. by 7. John’s score on the test is the highest in the class; he ______last night. A. must study B. should have studied C. must have studied D. is sure to study 8. Frank almost never received any education, ______? A. would he B. did he C. didn’t he D. wouldn’t he 9. Even if his letter ______ tomorrow, it ______too late to do anything. A. will arrive...is B. should arrive...were C. arrives...will be D. arrives...would be 10. We can hear ______from the back of the room. A. just as good B. just as easy C. just as well D. easily as well 11. To obtain a satisfactory result, one must apply two ______of paint on a clean surface. A. coats B. levels C. times D. courses 12. The small mountain village was ______ by the snow for more than one month. A. cut back B. cut out C. cut off D. cut away 13. Miss Green was ______ $100 for driving after drinking. A. fined B. charged C. punished D. posed 14. Modern ______ perhaps causes more problems than it solves. A. technique B. technology C. tactics D. tendency 15. Mary tiptoed over and took the clock away because she hated to hear it ______ when she was trying to go to sleep. A. sounding B. ringing C. ticking D. humming 16. Under this ______ pressure some of the rocks even became liquid. A. intensive B. weighty C. intense D. bulky 17. Of course, most immigrants did not get rich overnight, but the ______of them were eventually able to improve upon their former standard of living. A. maximum B. minority C. majority D. minimum 18. Nancy was surprised that they have ______. They seemed to be a happy couple. A. split up B. broken down C. fallen through D. knocked out


考博英语作文常用词汇【六篇】 【第一篇:教育类】 培养cultivate 课余的extracurricular 填鸭式duck-stuffing 文凭热diploma craze 教学改革educational reform 学术的academic 创新学习innovative learning 高等教育higher education 假毕业证/文凭fake certificate/diploma 考研热the craze for graduate school 贫困学生poverty-stricken students 全体教员faculty 深造further one’s study 素质教育quality education 德才兼备possess political integrity and professional ability 提高学生身心素质improve the health and psychological quality 适应社会的改变adjust to the social changes quickly 努力获得精神文明make efforts to seek cultural and ideological progress 【第二篇:文化类】

碰撞crash 多样性diversity 原创原始的original 少数民族minority 有启发的revealing 极具魅力的charming 壮丽辉煌的splendid 谈话节目talk show 英语热English fever 文化和文明culture and civilization 博大精深的great and profound 融合交汇integration and interaction 中西合璧a combination of Chinese and Western elements 【第三篇:伦理道德类】 伦理ethics,moral principle 道德moral,morality 老年人aged father, senior citizens, old and helpless parents, elderly people, the old 逃避责任shirk the duty, shun the responsibilities 虐待mistreatment, be ill-treated, be neglected, be reduced to utter poverty 中国文化传统美德traditional virtue of Chinese culture


一.名词 hospitality n.友好好客 pastime n. 消遣,娱乐 revenue n. 税收,岁入 routine 常规,惯例,例行公事 scorn n. 轻蔑,鄙视 shortage n. 短缺,不足 smash n. 打碎,粉碎 stability n.稳定(性),稳固 stack n. 堆,一堆 standard n. 标准 surface n. 表面 temperament n. 气质,性格 threshold n. 开端,入口 tolerance n. 容忍,忍耐力 transaction 处理,办理,交易 trend n. 倾向,趋势 transition n. 过渡,转变 variation n. 变化,变动 warehouse n. 货仓 way n. 方式 access n. 入口,通路,接触 accommodation n. 住宿,膳宿 acknowledgement承认感谢致谢 pattern n. 模式 penalty n. 制裁,惩罚 pension n. 养老金 personality n. 人格,人性 pledge n. 保证,誓言 position n. 位置,职位,职务 predecessor 前任,原有的事物 premise n. 前提,假设 prescription n. 处方 preservation n. 保护,防护 prestige n. 威信,威望 priority n. 优先(权) prestige n. 威信,威望 prospect n. 前景,可能性 rate n. 速度 ration n. 比率 reflection n. 反映,表现 recession n. (经济)衰退不景气;撤退,退出 reputation n. 名声,声望 reservation n. 贮存,贮藏,预订 illusion n. 错觉,假象 ingredient n. 成分 insight n. 理解,洞察力 inspection n. 检查,视察 instinct n. 本能,直觉 integrity n. 正直,诚实 intuition n. 直觉 lease n. 租约,契约 legislation n. 立法,法律limitation n. 局限性缺点 loyalty n. 忠诚,忠心 luxury n. 奢侈,豪华 manifestation n. 表现(形式) mechanism n. 机械装置 minority n. 少数 misfortune n. 不幸,灾难 morality n. 道德,美德 notion n. 概念,观念,理解 obligation (法律上或道义上)责任 occasion n. 场合 opponent n. 敌人,对手ornament n. 装饰,装饰品 admiration n. 欣赏 advocate n. 提倡者,拥护者 allowance n. 津贴 ambition n. 野心,雄心 analogy n. 相似,模拟,类比 anticipation n. 预期,期望 appreciation n. 感谢,感激 array n. 陈列,一系列assurance n. 保证 blame n. 责任 blunder n. 错误,大错 budget n. 预算 capability n. 能力,才能 cash n. 现金 circulation n. (书报等的)发行量 commitment n. 承诺,许诺 compensation n. 补偿,赔偿 consideration n. 考虑 distinction n. 区分辨别 emergency n. 紧急情况 encouragement n. 鼓励

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