当前位置:文档之家› 5319高中一年级英语上册单元测试卷



Unit 2 English Around the World

第一部分:听力(共二节, 满分30分)

第一节 (共 5 小题; 每小题 1.5 分, 满分 7.5分)

听下面 5 段对话, 每段对话后有一个小题, 从题中所给的A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项, 并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后, 你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。

1.What time does the train leave ?

A.At 12: 00 .

B.At 11:45 .

C.At 11:30.

2.What is the man going to do tonight ?

A.To a birthday party.

B.To visit Jane.

C.To the theatre.

3.How much can the woman save if she buys three shirts ?

A.3 dollars.

B.6 dollars.

C.5 dollars. 4.Who is coming to visit the family ?

A.The man's mother.

B.The woman's mother.

C.The child's mother.

5. How many radios will Jessie have in his family ?




第二节(共15小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分22.5分)

听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题, 从每题所给的A 、 B 、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项, 并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前, 你将有时间阅读各个小题, 每小题5秒钟; 听完后, 各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料, 回答第6~7题。

6.Who can speak French ?

A.The man.

B.The woman.


7.What does the man think of the job that the woman offers ?

A. Disappointing.

B. Boring.

C. Interesting.

听第7段材料, 回答第8~11题。

8.Which is CORRECT ?

A. Janice called Allison.

B.Allison called Janice.

C.James called Allison.


o got the two

ticket s for


National Women's Volleyball match ?

A. Janice.


C.Not mentioned.

10.What time are they going to meet at the entrance to the Capital Stadium ?

A. 6∶40 . B .6∶20. C.7∶20.

听第8段材料, 回答第11~13题。

11.Why is it easier for the woman to learn English ?

The national park is a favorite place for 17 in summer, especially on a hot summer

afternoon like today. 18 here were built around the lake one hundred years ago, so in this park people can get a 19 of houses of all shapes and styles and colors. In late autumn and winter, this park is the best place for an 20 .

A.She often talks to English people.

B.She speaks two languages already.

C.She always does her homework right after class.

12.Which of the following is suggested by the woman as a good way to learn English?

A.Reading newspapers.

B.Talking to Foreigners.

C.Both A and B.

13.Why is it difficult for the man to learn English?

A.He doesn't do homework on time.

B.There are no native English speakers around him.

C.He is too shy to speak English.

听第9段材料, 回答第14~16题。

14.What kind of people do they NOT need?

A.Those who have no experience in office work.

B.Those who know no foreign language.

C.Those who want to work only 30 hours a week.

15.What kind of people will probably get a higher pay?

A.Those who are well educated.

B.Those who can speak a second language.

C.Those who have much experience.

16.What's the relationship between the two speaker?

A.Interviewer and Interviewee.

B.Boss and Secretary.


听第10段材料, 回答第17~20题。

17.Who do you suppose is speaking?

A.A tourist guide.

B.A bus driver.

C.The head of a tourist group.

18.What's the weather like?

A. Comfortable.



19.What do people enjoy doing in the national park in late autumn and winter?

A.Going for a walk.

B.Driving around the lake.

C.Taking photos.

20.How long are the tourists supposed to stay in the park?

A.65 minutes.

B.110 minutes.

C.3 hours.

选做题:听第10段材料, 用恰当的词填空, 完成第17~20题。

第二部分英语知识运用(共三节, 满分55分)

第一节单元要点, 选择最佳答案填空。10分

21.She prefers a(n)________trip that she took with two friends to Jiuzhaigou.

A. independent

B. global

C. equal

D. deserted

22. How much does that new business________a month?

A.bring out

B.bring on

C.bring in

D.bring up

23. ________smoking does great harm to health.

A.Majority of doctors believe

B.Majority of doctors believes

C.The majority of doctors believes

D.The majority of doctors believe

24.-May I come in?

-Come in and sit down. _______ .

A.It's very kind of you

B.Make yourself at home

C.Help yourself

D.Please do

25.-They used to be good friends but now they are like strangers.


桃李小学2013-2015学年第一学期期末测试卷 一年级英语 听力部分 听老师读单词,将单词与图片用直线连接起来。(20 分) pencil book dog panda bird ?、听读音,涂色(20分) 、听、看图判断或“X”(20分) () () () () () 四、请小朋友们听音看图选择正确的答案并将正确的答案填写在前面的括号里。(16分) ( )1. I am a boy. A. B. )'s a ruler. A. B.

)3. How many It s seve n. A. B. ( )4. It ' s a window. A. B. 笔试部分 一、Look and match.看图连线。(12 分) This is a window . It ' s nine. This is a mon key . It ' s a car.

( )4、别人给你说: 呢 二、情景反应。(根据提示,选出正确的答案)(12分) A Thank you! ( )1、早上你在路上见到了lin gli ng ,与她打 招呼说: ____________ A . Hello , lingling ! B 、Goodbye, lin gli ng ! ( )2、你问别人“你几岁了”应该说什么呢 A、How are you B 、How old are you ( )3、周末你见到了你的奶奶,你想问她最近 好不好,你应该怎么问Happybirthday!你应该说什么B 、How are you !

A、I ' m fine ! B 、How are you !


一年级上册英语期末考试试卷分析(人教版) 期末过后,每个学校都会要求老师做好试卷分析,为本次考试做好总结,下面是搜集整理的一年级英语试卷分析,大家来看看吧!想了解更多精彩内容请及时关注我们! 一、试题的特点 根据小学生的生理和心理发展需求,小学阶段英语课程的目的是激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养他们英语学习的积极态度,使他们形成初步用英语进行简单日常交流的能力,为进一步学习打下基础,在试卷的问题设计上,增加了对学生阅读理解能力和活用语言能力的考查。 二、总体分析: 小学英语教学评价的主要目的是激励学生的学习兴趣和积极性,因此,此次其中试卷出题思路非常明确。通过考试的形式来检测小学生的学习兴趣、学习习惯和对所学知识的掌握程度。 由于一年级学生刚刚开始接触英语,因此本卷中全部试题为听力题。听力测试旨在考查学生听音、辨音及听力理解和快速反应能力。满分为100分,共九大块内容,分别为:一、听音标号;二、听音选择,将A、B字母添入括号里;三、听音,连线;四、听音选择;五、听音,圈词;六、听音涂色;七、单项选择;八、看图连线;九、数数连线。整体来看,得分 就率较高的是第一、二、三、六题,失分较多的是第四、五题。 一年级大约280人,按每题总题数计算正确率,考试具体数据见下表: 题号 I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX 应对题数 2800 1400 840 2800 1680 1120 1680 1120 2800 实对题数 2755 1385 840 2741 1609 1120 1662 1100 2783 正确率 98.4% 98.9% 100% 97.89% 95.8% 100% 98.92% 98.2% 99.4% 三、问题分析 第一题,听音标号。大部分同学掌握得较好,能准确地排出顺序。不过我发现个别同学在答题的过程中,Stand up和Sit down发生了混淆,因此,在今后的教学中,我要注 意帮助他们对相近的词进行区别。 第二题主要是考察学生们对句子的认读情况。从卷面来看,学生们对单个单词的认读掌握得较好,但对句子的选择不是很准确。


1-英语单元测试题一 一、语音。根据所给音素写出单词。(5分) / ′p??stkɑ:d / / ′rest?r?nt / / dress / /′r??li / / ?n′d??I / / stri:t / / draIv / /′ɡri:t??/ /′ble?/ /′?p?r?/ 二、单项选择。(15分) 1、It’s seven o’clock、 I _______ in bed、 A、 lie B、 lies C、 am lying D、 are lying 2、He’s _______ some presents、 A、 shop B、 shopping C、 shops for D、 shopping for 3、 _______ your presents drinking tea? A、 Do B、 Can C、 Are C、 Be

4、 What is the old man _______? A、 do B、 does C、 doing D、 to do 5、 Listen! Someone _______ in the next room、 A、 sing B、 singing C、 is singing D、 are singing 6、–Are they writing postcards? –No, _______、 A、 they are B、they aren’t C、 they do D、they don’t 7、 The Smiths _______ sitting at the table、 A、 is B、 am C、 are D、 be 8、–Is Lily doing her homework? –No, she _______、She is _______ a letter、


四年级英语单元测试卷 Name: Class: Grade: 一、听音,标号。 10分 ()()()()()二、听音,判断。10分 () 1.On Monday, Dad usually gets up early. () 2.On Tuesday, Dan never has history class. () 3.Dan and Katie always do sports on Friday. () 4.Dan doesn’t have a piano lesson. () 5.They usually relax at home on Saturday. 三、听音,圈出你所听到的单词 10分 1.My grandma likes working/walking in the garden. 2.What time do you leave/live home? 3.She is riding/reading in the park. 4.They often wash/watch the news at night. 5.It’s very cold/cloudy today. 四、听音填空10分 The Clarks _________ get up at __________ to seven in the _________. Dan and Katie go to ___________. Their father goes to work. Dan and Katie ___________ have lunch at _____________ past twelve. They often come home at four in the _______________. They often do their ____________ in the __________. They ____________ watch TV. And then , they go to bed.


阳光小学一年级英语期中试题 1、light 灯 2、bed 门 3、door床 4、box房间 5、room箱子 二.选择(15 分) ()1、在书包里面 _____the schoolbag A、in B、under ()2、在床上 _____thebed A、onB、in ( )3、在台灯旁边 _____thelight A、onB、near ( )4、在门后面

_____ thedoor A、on B、behind ()5、在桌子下面 _____thedesk A、near B、under 三.连线、(15分) 1、I’mhungry!给您。 2、Here youare、我渴了! 3、I’m thirsty!我想吃鱼肉。 4、Iwant fish、谢谢您。 5、Thank you! 我饿了! 四.选出正确得汉语意思、(15分) ( )1、rice A、米饭B、鱼 ()2、noodles A、面条B、椅子 ( )3、vegetable A、门B、蔬菜 ()4、chicken A、灯B、鸡肉

( )5、egg A、床B、鸡蛋 五.连线、(10分) 1、Eh 2、H e 3、M t 4、T m 5、S s 六。选出正确得英文单词、(15分) ()1、飞机A、plane B、chair ()2、球A、desk B、ball ()3、火车A、trainB、rice ()4、小汽车A、box B、car ()5、玩具熊A、bear B、e gg 七。判断、 ( 15 分) 1、chair椅子() 2、desk桌子() 3、blackboard火车()


译林四年级英语下册期中综合复习题 一、英汉互译。(10分) 1. 两门学科 2. Welcome back to school 3. 今天下午 4. Nice to see you too 5.体育课时间 6. go to the playground 7.上一节美术课8. our new timetable 9.多少节数学课10.like Music and Science 二、单项选择题。(10分) ( ) 1. How many _______do you have this term(学期)?We have five. A. subject B. a subject C. subjects D. an subject ( ) 2. It’s time _______ Enlish. Let’s go to the classroom(教室). A. at B. for C. in D. on ( ) 3. What lessons do you have this morning? We ____ Chinese, Maths and Music. A. do B. have C are D is ( ) 4. A: Do you have _____ PE lessons this week(星期)? B: Yes, I do. A. any B some C a D an ( ) 5.The Science book is _______ the bedroom, ________ the chair. A on; in B in; on C at; on D in; in ( ) 6. __________ a timetable for you.A. Here B. Here’s C .Here are D.It is ( ) 7.Art and Science ________ fun.Ais B am C are D not ( ) 8.A: How much is the Art book? B: _____________ A It’s five. B They’re four yuan. C. It’s four yuan. D. They are four ( ) 9.—What ________ do you like? —I like English.It is fun. A. subject B. subjects C. a subject D. an subject ( ) 10. —Here are _______ English book and ______ Art book for you. — Thank you. A.an; a B.a; an C. a; a D.an, an 三、搭配题。选择相应的答句,将序号填在题前括号类。(10分) ( )1. Look at my English book. I like English. A. Nice to see you too. ( )2. Would you like a timetable? B. Six. ( )3. Do you like PE? C. Chinese. ( )4. Dad, where’s my football? D.It’s nine yuan. ( )5. Nice to see you, Bobby. E. Yes, please. ( )6. What subject do you like? F. I’d like two Maths books. ( )7. Can I help you? G. No, I don’t. ( )8. How many subbjects do you have? H. Let’s go to the playground. ( )9. How much is the Maths book? I. It’s in your bedroom. ( )10. It’s time for PE. J.Me too. 四、连词成句。(10分,每题2分) 1. you what do subjects like (?) _________________________________________________ 2. subjects many have do you how (?) _________________________________________________ 3. three I this lessons have morning (.) _________________________________________________ 4.do what this lessons have you afternoon (?) _________________________________________________ 5. an how is book much English (?) _________________________________________________ 五、根据情景,选择合适的句子。(5分) ( )1. 你有一本美术书,你说: A. I have an Art. B. I have a Art book. C. I have an Art book. ( )2. 当你问别人有多少门学科时,你说: A. What sbujects do you like? B. How many subjects do you have? C. What sbujects do you have? ( )3. 当你们开学刚到班时,老师会说: A. Welcome back to school. B. Nice to see you. C. Nice to meet you. ( )4. 当你询问两本科学书的价钱时,你说: 第1 页共5 页


小学一年级英语期末考试试卷 二、划出下列单词中的元音字母: uncle balloon mouth leaf sing ?三、正确抄写下列单词: bicycle father jump three butterfly ?四、问答句编号 1.How old are you today? No, he hasnt. 2.Have you got a balloon? She has got a taro. 3.What do you like to eat? I like to eat peaches. 4.What has she got? No, I have got a ball. 5.Has he got a swing? Im five. ?根据实际情况回答问题: 1.Whats your name? 2.How are you? 3. How old are you? 4.How many books? (4) 5.Happy New Year!

6.Happy birthday. 7.Whats your father? 8.Whats your mother? 9.Are you a pupil? 10. Are you a teacher? 11. Is your father a doctor? 12. Is your mother a nurse? 13. Do you like meat? 14. Is it blue? (No) 15. What colour is your bag? 16. What do you see? (a butterfly) 17. Is he a policeman? (no) 18. Is she a nurse? (yes) 19. Say hello to your mother. 20. Say goodbye to your teacher. 21. Come with me. 22. What is this? ( apple) 23. What is that?(kite) 24. What do you like to eat? 25. Good morning. 26. Good afternoon. 27. Hello , Im Mary.


初一英语第一单元测试题 一、单项选择:(20分) ( ) 1. You must go to bed ____10 o’clock in the evening. A. on B. for C. at ( ) 2. The girl doesn’t___ home at 4:30. A. goes to B. go to C. go ( ) 3. He ___ to study Chinese at 7:00 pm every day. A.begin B. begines C. begins ( ) 4. Sometimes she watches TV___ Sundays. A. in B. on C. at ( ) 5. He can___ English. A. speaks B. speaking C. speak ( ) 6. They usually__ a walk after lunch. A. take B. takes C. taking ( ) 7. Is it difficult__ maths? A. to learn B. learn C. learning ( ) 8. We learn English by___ and ___. A.reading, writing B. read, write C. reading, write ( ) 9. Peter often takes a walk ___ his parents. A. to B. and C. with ( ) 10. Can you tell me___ email? A. to B. by C. at ( ) 11.She goes to bed___ 9:20. A. at about B. about at C. in about ( ) 12. Kate is a good girl at home. We should learn ___ her. A. off B. from C. and ( ) 13. I often play __ piano on Sundays? A. the B. / C. a ( ) 14. He is ___ Canada. A. of B. with C. from ( ) 15. I usually go to bed ___ ten __ Saturday evening. A. at, on B. at, in C. on, in ( ) 16. Please tell me something ___ you. A. in B. at C. about ( ) 17. My mum usually reads stories __ me. A. two B. to C. too ( ) 18. I____ cakes but my friend__ them. A. like, don’t like B. doesn’t like, likes C. like, doesn’t like ( ) 19. I don’t __breakfast at 9:00 in the morning. A. has B. having C. have ( ) 20.My mother is ____ English teacher. A. a B. an C. the 二、用所给词的正确形式填空:(10分) 1. I’m happy_____________ (go) to the park with you. 2. How about___________ (play) basketball on Sunday? 3. School________ (be) over at 5:20. 4. He has six_____________ (class) a day. 5. Tom usually learns English by__________ .(sing) 6. Can you tell________ ( I ) how to learn English? 7. She often helps her mother____________ (do) the housework. 8. Mike_____________ (do not) like reading. 9. My parents always let me____________ (clean ) the floor every day. 10. Best_________ (wish) for you. 11. Mary ______(go) to the beach with her friends. 12.His grandma usually ___________(read book) at night. 13. She always _______(have) lunch at 12:00 at noon. 三、句型转换:(20分) (每空1分,连词成句2分) 1. Mike gets up at six every day.(变否定句) Mike______ ______ up at six every day. 2. My sister often reads books on Saturdays.(变一般疑问句) _________ ________sister often________ books on Saturdays? 3. Do you see a film on Sundays?(作否定回答) _______, I _______. 4. I usually have dinner at 7: 00 in the evening. (划线部分提问) _______ _______ _______ you usually have dinner? 5. Tom and I usually do our homework on Sundays.(划线部分提问) _______ _______ you and Tom usually_____ on Sundays? 否定句:Tom and I ______ _____ our homework on Sundays. 6.watch TV, I, often, on Sundays( . ) (连词成句) —————————————————— 7. Rose cleans the floor On Saturdays. (划线部分提问) _________ _______ Rose _________ on Saturdays? 8. practises, at, she, English, home(.) (连词成句) ____________________________________ 9. I have breakfast at 7:30 in the morning.(改为否定句) I ______ ______ ______ at 7:30 in the morning. 10. She speaks English. (一般疑问句) _____ ______ ______ English? 11. His friends often does their homework in his home.(划线部分提问) ______ ______ his friends _____ _____ in his home? 12. We watch TV at 8:00 pm.(划线部分提问) _____ ____ ____ you ____ ______? 初一英语第二单元测试题 一、单项选择:(20分)


听力部分 一、听录音,给下列图片标序号。(20分)二、听录音,给下列句子排序号。(20分) (1) ()Hello. (你好!) ( ) What’s your name? (你叫什么名字?) ()I’m Miss Wu. (我是吴老师。) ( ) Good morning! (早上好!) ()My name is Bill. (我叫比尔。) (2) ()It’s yellow.(黄色。) ()Oh, a bird! (噢,一只鸟!) ()A dog!(一条狗!) ( ) What colour is it? (它是什么颜色?) ()It’s black. (黑色。) 三、听录音,选出你所听到的句子,在括号内打“√”。 (20分) 1. A. I have a book.(我有一本书。) ( ) B. I have a ruler.(我有一把尺子。) ( ) 2. A. It’s a bird. (是只鸟。) ( ) B. It’s yellow.(是黄色。) ( ) 3. A. Good morning.(早上好。) ( ) B. Goodbye! (再见!) ( ) 4. A. Stand up! (起立!) ( ) B. Sit down, please.(请坐下。) ( ) 5. A. Touch your ear. (摸你的耳朵。) ( ) B. This is my nose. (这是我的鼻子。) ( )

6. A. Good afternoon. (下午好。) ( ) B. Bye.(再见!) ( ) 7. A. Show me your pencil. (出示你的铅笔。) ( ) B. I have a pencil. (我有一只铅笔。) ( ) 8. A. Act like a monkey. (模仿猴子动作。) ( ) B. It’s a tiger. ( 是只老虎。) ( ) 9. A. Show me five. (出示“5”。) ( ) B. Show me six.(出示“6”。) ( ) 10. A. Yes, I do. (是的,我喜欢。) ( ) B. No, I don’t. ( 不,我不喜欢。) ( ) 四、听录音,选择最恰当的答句,在括号内打“√”。(20分) 1. Good morning!(早上好!) ( ) Goodbye! (再见!) ( ) 2. This is my mouth. (这是我的嘴。) ( ) This is my nose. ( 这是我的鼻子。) ( ) 3. This is my eye. (这是我的眼睛。) ( ) Hi! I’m Lily. (你好,我是莉莉。) ( ) 4. I’m Billy. (我是比尔。) ( ) It’s a cat. (是小猫。) ( ) 5. It’s a bird. (是只鸟。) ( ) Nine.(九只。) ( ) 6. It’s red. (是红色) ( ) It’s a pencil. (是铅笔。) ( ) 7. Yes, I do.(是的,我喜欢。) ( ) Three. (三个。) ( ) 8. Thank you. (谢谢。) ( ) Good afternoon. (下午好。) ( ) 9. Bye. (再见。) ( ) Hello. (你好。) ( ) 10. I have a ruler. (我有一把尺子。) ( ) This is my eye. (这是我的眼睛。) ( )


让每一名前来学习的孩子受到最系统、最有效、最全面的辅导 中心简介: 金钥匙教育中心是一家专门从事学生学习能力开发和学习兴趣培养,具有丰富教学管理经验的大型家教服务机构。自2001年创办以来,接收了上万名前来学习的学生,特别是中高考教育辅导成绩非常显著,使每一名来中心学习的学生都能从不同的角度得到知识上的收获。中心汇集数百名北京一线教师及百余名拥有丰富教学经验的中青年专职教师。秉承“个性化管理、全方位服务”的办学理念,为每一位学员提供全方位的个性化辅导。中心授课教师以其深厚的文化功底,成功的教学方法和辅导技巧,赢得了广大家长、学生和社会各界人士的普遍赞誉。 办学理念: 中心秉承“个性化管理、全方位服务”的办学理念,由心理咨询老师、专职班主任、文理科老师及教学辅导老师组成专业化教育梯队,对学生进行有针对性的教学辅导,量身度造多种优质的教学方法,让学员“鱼”、“渔”双收。使学生既牢固掌握知识,又学会自我调控,扫除学习上和心理上的障碍。 教学目标:

中心实行一对一个性化辅导,结合多年课外辅导经验提出:“适合自己的才是最好的”这一个性化口号。为每一位学员精心选派最适合的教师。为“让每一个前来学习的孩子接受、最系统、最有效、最完善的教育。”这一教学目标实现而不懈努力! 教学特色: 1、计划性强:为孩子量身定做辅导计划,让孩子享受最系统的辅导; 2、针对性强:针对孩子的薄弱点进行定点授课,直指目标。让孩子享受最有效的辅导; 3、选择性强:选择与孩子性格最适合的教师,用教师自身的教学风格吸引孩子,影响孩子,使孩子学习性格品质全面成长。让孩子接受最完善的辅导。 金钥匙教育注重学习兴趣的激发,在传授知识的同时,树立学生学习的信心,培养学生顽强的意志品质、沉着冷静的心理素质和积极健康的生活心态,规范学生学习习惯,培养学习能力,从而全面提高学生的学习品质。所有教学过程都在中心教务的监控下,根据学生的原有基础,制定科学切实有效的教学计划,建立定期信息反馈机制,层层落实,定期评测,具体安排授课时间和教学进程以及教学深浅难易程度。 金钥匙教育自开办以来,一直与重点中学进行教学合作,从而能准确把握中高考命题趋势;拥有一支教学经验丰富的师资队伍,聘请特高级一线教师任教,确保教学质量。另有大批高、中级优秀教师,精于一对一个性化辅导。全程跟踪监控学习中心教学部要求授课老师每次上课前认真备写教案,满自然周要对学生做周测试,满一个月要对学习主体进行测评,每周要与家长和学生电话沟通。学习中心检查月总结和教学效果,并认真听取家长和学生对授课老师的反馈信息,以便及时调整教学计划,努力提高教学水平。 金钥匙教育的“四大目标”和“五大特色”是: 四大目标:高三和初三----- 专项串讲技巧点拨高分定夺。 高二和初二------ 查缺补漏规律总结超前提分。 高一和初一----- 知识衔接同步加强夯实基础。 小学 ----- 培养兴趣强化训练抢跑领先。 五大特色:一、全方位学科能力测评,制定个性化教学方案。 二、心理解压、咨询辅导,调整心态、跟进教学。 三、一对一因材施教,针对性选派优秀骨干教师。 四、学习管理师同步跟进沟通、协同家庭教育进程。 五、教学部定期检测诊断分析、建立个人提分档案专业教师团队。


人教版四年级英语下册单元测试题全套及答案(含期中期末试题,共8套) 人教版四年级英语下册第一单元测试题及答案 (附:本单元知识小结) Unit 1My school 满分:100分时间:60分钟得分: 听力部分 一、听录音,选出单词。(10分) ()1.A.one B.first C.fast ()2.A.second B.two C.end ()3.A.next B.at C.next to ()4.A.play B.ground C.playground ()5.A.class https://www.doczj.com/doc/e37589902.html,puter C.room 二、听录音,给下列图片排序。(10分) ()()()) () 三、听录音,判断下列句子与内容是(T)否(F)相符。(10分) ()1.The library is next to the art room. ()2.This is our classroom. ()3.The teacher’s office is on the third floor. ()4.We don’t have a library. ()5.It’s time for lunch. 四、听录音,选择合适的答语。(10分) ()1.A.It’s our classroom. B.It’s next to the art room. C.Yes, it is. ()2.A.No, it isn’t. B.No, it is. C.It’s a library. ()3.A.It’s an art room. B.Yes, it is. C.Yes, we do. ()4.A.I don’t know. B.Forty-five students C.Fifty teachers. ()5.A.She is ten. B.She is from the UK. C.She is in the computer room. 笔试部分 五、从下列单词中选出不同类的一项。(10分) ()1.A.library B.second C.teachers’ office ()2.A.classroom B.playground C.forty ()3.A.three B.first C.second ()https://www.doczj.com/doc/e37589902.html,puter https://www.doczj.com/doc/e37589902.html, C.floor


2015-2016學年第一學期一年級英語月考測試卷 班級_______ 姓名________ 分數___________ 聽力部分 (60%) 一、聽錄音,判斷圖片與聽到の內容相符の打“√”不相符の打“X”。(10分) 12345()()()()()二、聽錄音,圈出你所聽到の單詞對應の數字。(8分) 1.2. 3.4. 三、聽錄音,圈出你所聽到の單詞. (12分) 1. A. face B. mouth 2. A. monkey B. tiger 3. A. pencil B.pen 4. A. book B. ruler 5. A. dog B.cat 6. A. eye B.ear 四、聽錄音,圈出正確の圖片。(20%)

五、聽錄音給下列句子用數字1 、2、3、4、5排順序。(10分) ()Show me your schoolbag. ( ) This is a tiger. . ( ) Touch your ear . ( ) It’s a monkey . ( ) I have a nose .

筆試部分(40%) 一、單詞連連看。(10分) five four one ten two 二、請把正確の選項填在括弧內。(10分) ( )1.What’s thi s? A It is a cat. B It is a pen. ( )2.How many birds are there? A It is a bird. B Four .

( )3.Show me your pencil. A B ( )4.This is my A ear B eye ( )5.早上見到同學應該說: A Good morning ! B Good afternoon ! 三、給下列單詞分類,只填寫序號。(10分) 1.tiger 2.nose 3.pencil 4.eye 5.bird 6.ruler 7.monkey 8.face 9.schoolbag 10.dog 文具類:() 五官類:() 動物類:() 四、計算下列算式,只寫數字。(10分) 例如:one + one = ( 2 ) 1.two + eight = () 2.five + three = ( ) 3.six + four =() 4.seven + one = () 5.three + two =()


小学教育资料 姓名:__________________ 班级:__________________

人教版一年级英语试题 一、看图回答问题 1. Where is the supermarket? __________________________________ Where is the cinema? __________________________________ Where is the bank? __________________________________ Is there a post office near the school? __________________________________ Is the hospital far from the bank? __________________________________ 2. Where is the KFC? __________________________________ Where is the park? __________________________________ Where is the cinema? __________________________________ 3. How can I get to the bookstore? __________________________________ How can I get to the park? __________________________________ 4. How can I get to the park?


七年级下册英语单元测试卷(Unit1-2) Class Name Ⅰ. 用所给首字母完成单词(10分) ()1. If you want to go shopping, you can go to the s________.()2. If you want to read or borrow some books, you can go to the l______. ()3. Sydney is the capital city of A ()4. If you are h______, you can have some eggs . ()5. If you are tired, you can go to the g_______ to take a walk.()6. It’s too late now. There is no bus here. You c an take a t________ instead. ()7. Look! Your classroom is so d_______. Please clean them.()8. If you want to go to Beijing by plane, you must go to the a________ first. ()9. There is not a pay phone in the n_________. () l do you speak? I speak English. II.根据括号内的汉语完成句子。(10分) 1. There is a bank (在…对面) the park. 2.Excuse me, is there a restaurant in (在附近地区)? 3.Some animals (喜欢吃)leaves(叶子). 4.Are (有一些) oranges on the table? I want one? 5.Where does his pen pals (来自 )? Canada. 6.My ________ _________(最喜欢的科目) is math. 7.______ _ (谢谢) your letter and photos. 8. My parents live (在加拿大) 9. You can (坐出租车) there if you don’t want to walk. 10. Please (写信给)出me soon。 III.用所给动词的正确时态填空。(10分) 1.We (have)nine classes every day. 2.They (do not)play soccer on Friday. 3.My brother (eat)breakfast at home. 4.What time your brother (go) to s chool? She (go) to school at 8:00 am.. 5. He (do)homework at school. 6. He can (swim). 7.Let’s(speak) French.


第二学期四年级英语第一单元检测题 时间:40分钟分值:100分 ()(1) A. light B. fan C. board D. canteen ()(2) A. computer B. garden C. library D. playground ()(3) A. fans B. lights C. computers D. board ()(4) A. desk B. beautiful C. chair D. board ( ) (5) A. teacher`s office B.teacher C. father D. aunt 三、选择合适的答案 ( )1. The teachers’ office is on the ________ floor. A. first B. one C. two ( )2. Is that the gym?__________ A. Yes, that is. B. No, that isn’t. C. No, it isn’t. ( )3. _________ is the art room? It’s on the second floor. A. What B. Where C. How ( )4. ________ you have a toy car? Yes, I do. A. Are B. Is C. Do ( )5. ________. Where’s the library? A. Excuse me B. Thank you C. Nice to meet you ( )6.Go to the ________ and read a book. A. Art room B .library C. music room ( ) 7. This is _______ computer. A. my B. me C.I ( )8. The library is _____ the second floor. A. on B. at C. in

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