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Susan was a woman who hated animals. She never wanted to keep any pets at home. To her, all animals were dirty and boring. Susan could never understand why people would like to have cats or dogs in the house. It was so stupid!

Last month Susan's daughter, Penny, came home from school with a mouse in a box. Susan was very angry. But Penny said that it was her homework. Her teacher asked each student to take care of an animal and learn to get along with it. Susan had to say yes.

It was fun for Penny at the beginning, but then she got lazy and forgot to do her homework. It became Susan's homework. She gave it food and water every day and found that the mouse was in fact not dirty. She even talked to it! It was not boring or stupid! Now Susan is having a good time with “her” mouse. She named it Nini. And she is going to buy another one to make a pair.

( )36. A. sometimes ( )37. A. interesting B. usually

B. wise

C. never

C. right

D. always

D. boring

( )38. A. why B. how C. where D. when

( )39. A. cousin B. daughter C. brother D. son

( )40. A. happy B. sad C. angry D. excited

( )41. A. classmates B. teacher C. friends D. headmaster

( )42. A. yes B. no C. thanks D. goodbye

( )43. A. and B. so C. or D. but

( )44. A. talked B. listened C. got D. went

( )45. A. other B. the other C. another D. others


What comes to your mind when you hear the word “twins”? Born on the same day? Looking almost the same? Or having the same hobbies? Well, I have a twin brother who was born on a different day from me. We do not look very much alike and we are always interested in different things.

Twelve years ago, my brother, Wayne, was born at eleven fifty-eight on the night of May 28. Five minutes later, I was born—on May 29. Since the time we were born, I have always been heavier and stronger than Wayne, so people usually think I am the older brother.

But Wayne is always than I. He loves reading and learns many things quickly. He knows a lot about animals, although he does not spend much time with our dogs and birds. He knows a lot about bicycles, but never likes to ride bikes as much as I do.

Though we are very different, I love my brother very much. I hope both of us can have a happy life in the future

( )56. Which is most likely the picture of the twins in the reading?

A. B. C. D.

( )57 What do we know about the twins?

A. They are twelve years old.

B. They have the same interest

C. They were born on the same day.

D. They both want to be teachers in the future. ( )58. Which of the following words maybe filled into the blank?

A. quicker

B. fatter

C. shorter

D. cleverer

( )59. like(s) ride bikes.

A. Both the writer and his twin brother

B. Only the writer

C. Only the writer’s brother

D. None of the brothers

( )60. Which is true about the writer?

A. He has several pets.

B. He is the older one of the twins.

C. He does not enjoy riding a bicycle.

D. He does not like to stay with his brother. CAADB

If your child is about to go to a new school, you can be sure that she will experience some anxiety(忧虑)about 36 to do in the new place. Here are some 37 ideas you can tell them: ?Pay attention to your classmates instead of 38 uneasy because you don’t know them.

This way, you will 39 who shares your interests about school subjects, sports, and

so on.

?Don’t be afraid to 40 a conversation like this: “Hi. I’m Julie Thomas, and I have 41 started at this school. I noticed that you really like math class. So do I. What 42 things

do you like to do?”

?Take an active part 43 after-class activities. These activities, 44 sports and clubs, are an excellent way 45 more people and make you feel easy at school.

( )36. A. who B. what C. that D. which

( )37. A. helpful B. learning C. careful D. lucky

( )38. A. enjoying B. feeling C. breaking D. accepting

( )39. A. get out B. find out C. look out D. take out

( )40. A. finish B. end C. begin D. cause

( )41. A. ever B. almost C. never D. just

( )42. A. else B. other C. another D. the other

( )43. A. at B. in C. on D. with

( )44. A.as well B. such as C. as D. so as

( )45. A. chat B. to chat C. know D. to know

36-40BABBC 41-45DBBBD

A few months ago my father and I visited Singapore, one of the most beautiful cities in Asia.

The city of Singapore is famous for its business and other activities. There are many places of interest such as the Tiger Balm Garden and Raffles Museum. There are also many important centers of learning such as the University of Singapore and the Science center. Being a famous city, hundreds of people do business or go sightseeing. Most tourists like the sights of the city.

During my stay in Singapore, I went out every day with my father to see the beautiful and

interesting places and things in the city. One day we went to the Tiger Balm Garden where I saw many animals. We spent about half of the day visiting this place.

Every night, I went around the city and visited some of the parks. I also visited a few of the cinemas.

I enjoyed every moment of stay in the city of Singapore.

https://www.doczj.com/doc/e613389836.html, 62. famous 63. such 64. learning 65. hundreds 66. tourists 67. went 68. spent 69. visited 70. enjoyed

Last month Jim brought a baby cat home from the pet shop. She is beautiful with gray and white hair. Jim gave her the name Popo. He and his family love her very much and often talk to her. Popo is very and afraid of strangers. Every time Jim brings his friends home, she will hide herself. It takes time to make friends with Popo. But when she sees you as a friend, she will be happy to be with you all the time. Popo often lies quietly next to Jim when he is home. Sometimes she sits by the window looking at the flowers in the garden.

The family is always busy, and it is not easy for them to get together. But since they got Popo, they have tried to spend time together playing with their little girl, who has become the center of their family life.

( )51. What colour is Jim’s baby cat?

A. Gray and white.

B. Black and blue.

C. White and black.

D. Green and blue.

( )52. Which of the following is the missing word in the blank?

A. brave

B. beautiful

C. shy

D. small

( )53. What does the cat do when Jim’s friends come?

A. She meets them.

B. She hides himself.

C. She runs away.

D. She rushes to them.

( )54. What can we learn from the reading?

A.Flowers make a house more beautiful.

B.Keeping a pet helps a family get together.

C.We should be friendly to people who visit us.

D.It takes time to make friends with people who love cats.

( )55. Which is true about the little girl in the reading?

A.She loves to hide herself when playing.

B.She cannot be quiet when Jim is around.

C.She does not feel comfotable with strangers.

D.She was found by Jim when she got lost on the streety

Dear New Mom,

You should teach your children manners as soon as your children understand what you're saying. When your children do something right, let them know. When your children do something wrong, gently tell them how they should do best and why.

Here are some basic manners for children.

1.Waiting for their turn and not interrupting other people when they are speaking. Tell them to wait until someone finishes speaking, and then ask questions.

2.Always greet someone when they come over to your house. You can teach your children to shake hands with grown-ups who come over, but it's not necessary to shake hands with other children. Your children should always say "hello" or "hi" when someone comes to your home so that the guest feels welcome.

4.Say "Please" and "Thank you" often. And say "You're welcome" to reply others’ “Thank you”.

5.After playing a game, no matter what is the result, be pleasant. If your children win, tell them not to show off (炫耀), but to be kind. If they lose, tell them do not get mad and tell the other children that they did a good game or speak well of them.


Dr. Dave ( )56. A new mom should teach her children manners when the children w as

A. born

B. not older than one

C. about seven years old

D. ten years old.

( )57. What does the underlined word “interrupting” mean in the passage?

A. 妨碍

B. 喧哗

C. 打断

D. 破坏

( )58.If a child loses a game, what shouldn’t his/ her mother do?

A.Tell him or her to be happy.

B.Tell him or her the result is not important.

C.Tell him or her not to get angry.

D.Tell him/her that he/she is not so good as other children.

( )59. Which child is good-mannered?

A.A boy who asks a question when a man is speaking.

B.A girl who says “hi” when a guest leaves.

C.A boy who gets angry when he loses a game.

D.A boy who says “thank you” when some one helps him.

( )60. Why does David write the letter?

A.Tell new moms why they teach children manners.

B.Tell new moms what manners children should know.

C.Tell new moms who should teach children manners.

D.Tell new moms what are manners.

Hi Brenda,

How are you doing? I am on a holiday in Hollaya with my p 71 . We have been here for two days. Yesterday we went to a restaurant and tried calas. They were very delicious. We ate too much of them and we didn’t want to eat dinner.

Today my parents took me to visit Anita, my mother’s classmate in high s chool. She moved to Hollaya about 10 years ago when she got married. She was very nice, and she showed us around the city. In the evening, we went to a theater to see a modern dance show.

Tomorrow we’re going shopping. I’ll tell you more l ater.

All the best


71. parents 72. for 73. restaurant 74. delicious 75. took 76. school 77. years 78. showed 79. evening 80. . later

There is a big superarket near Nadine’s house. It’s the 1 to her house and also the cheapest one. So she likes 2 there very much.

One day, Nadine 3 a piece of beef from the supermarket. When she got home she found it smelled bad. So she walked back to the 4 with the beef.

She went up to the shop assistant who 5 the beef to her. She asked him to smell the beef himself, but he said that it smelled 6 and give it back to her. She told him to call the manager.

A minute 7 , the manager came out. He smelled the beef. It was really bad. The manager said sorry to Nadine and told her that the shop assitant couldn’t smell anything8 he had a bad cold. He ased another shop assistant to 9 another piece of beef for Nadine. She thanked the manager and said that the supermarket had 10 service. The she went back home happily.

( )1. A. closest B. farthest C. closer D. farther

( )2. A. fishing B. cycling C. shopping D. swimming

( )3. A. learned B. bought C. showed D. borrowed

( )4. A. restaurant B. supermarket C. hospital D. bank

( )5. A. sent B. gave C. bought D. sold

( )6. A. bad B. terrible C. good D. OK

( )7. A. later B. ago C. after D. before

( )8. A. after B. before C. while D. because

( )9. A. feed B. get C. make D. send

( )10. A. lazy B. friendly C. sick D. unfriendly


north much weather plan arrive temperature famous because last also

Today’s Weather

The first typhooon of this year is coming fast form the Green Sea. It will not arrive here until tomorrow. However, strong winds and heavy rains are here already.

It is quite windy in Greenton. People can’t see the city’s famous bright sun today because the rain is going to last all day. Greenton’s t emperature today is 21-24 ℃.

Ferilla is also windy and rainy. Its beautiful beaches are closed because of the typhoon. People who want to have a vacation there will have to change their plans. The city’s temperature today is 20-24℃

The weather in Coco Town will be good today, just like yesterday, because it is on the north side of White Mountains, and the mountains block most of the wind. The temperature in Coco Town is 25-29℃.

1. arrive

2. heavy

3. famous

4. last

5. temperature

6. because

7. plans

8. weahter

9. north 10. most

Last week, we had a great time on a field trip to the San Diego Zoo. My school is in Vista California so our trip took an hour. Visiting the zoo was worth the long ride each way.

Before we went on the trip, we read a book called Watching Gorillas with Jane Goodall. Most of my friends liked the gorilla exhibit the best because of the book. It’s like an amazing African rain forest. We saw gorillas, waterfalls, and beautiful plants, and we also heard a recording of the sounds of a real rain forest. We watched the gorillas sitting near the waterfall.

I liked the gorillas, but I liked the polar bears even better. We looked through a big window and watch the polar bears swim in the cold water. Our guide told us many interesting facts about polar bears. She said that most of them live far north, in places like Alaska, Canada, Greenland, and Russia. One bear as we watched the bears, swam right up to the glass. I won’t forget the day that I came face to face with a huge polar bear!

( )1. A. and B. so C. but D. or

( )2. A. read B. wrote C. bought D. sold

( )3. A. one B. none C. most D. few

( )4. A. felt B. smelt C. made D. heard

( )5. A. on B. under C. in D. near

( )6. A. worse B. better C. badly D. well

( )7. A. fly B. run C. jump D. swim

( )8. A. guide B. friend C. driver D. nurse

( )9. A. us B. you C. it D. them

( )10. A. remember B. hope C. foget D. miss


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