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贵州省贵阳市2019 年中考英语试卷

一、单项选择(共15 小题;每小题 1 分,共15 分)

1.Learning is lifelong journey because every day brings something new.


B. a

C. the

2.—Dad, my bike is broken. I use yours?

—Sure! It's in the backyard.

A. Must

B. Should

C. May

3.The People's Republic of China was founded October 1st, 1949. We'll celebrate its 70th anniversary this year.


B. on

C. at

4.Volunteering the world warmer. Even small things can make a big difference.


B. makes

C. was making

5.Wang Yangming is a great educationalist developed most of his thoughts in Xiuwen.


B. what

C. who

6.To live a low-carbon life, we must remember the lights when we leave the room.

A.to turn off

B. turning off

C. not to turn off

7.—Ed, do you like The Readers hosted by Dong Qing?

—Yes. I watch every week.

A. one

B. it

C. them

8.The UN set October 16th as World Food Day to tell people to value food care more about the hunger problem.


B. so

C. and

9.The Meitan Tea Museum, a famous building in Guizhou, in the shape of a giant teapot.

A.will be built

B. should be built

C. was built

10.Everyone wants to win in the contest. But I think is to learn something and have fun.

A.the most important

B. important

C. more important

11.Today, all the erhu masters play and praise Erquan Yingyue. It one of China's national treasures.


B. became

C. has become

12.There are 24 solar terms in a year. Grain Rain often starts in April, the month of the year.


B. fourth

C. fifth

13.—Yan Ning is one of 25 foreign associates (院士) in the US National Academy of Sciences.

—excellent she is!

A. What an

B. What

C. How

14.Johnny made up his mind to give up smoking. He is thinking about .

A. how he can make it

B. how can he make it

C. how will he make it

15.Our eyesight will become poorer and poorer we keep playing with phones.

A. though

B. unless

C. if

二、情景交际(共两节,共10 分)



A.How was it?

B.Did you enjoy it?

C.But we couldn't understand it.

D.We drank tea and watched an opera.

E.I hope to understand more next time.

F.But the actors and actresses were excellent.

A: Ling and I went to Lao She Teahouse last night.


A: It was great! You know, I wanted to see the Beijing Opera, so she took me there.

B: Did you understand the opera?

A: No, it was difficult to understand the words.

B: How long did you stay?

A: We planned to watch for an hour, but in the end, we stayed for three hour.


A: Yes, it was interesting—that's the main thing. I heard that the teahouse was named after Lao She. B: Yes. He's a great writer. He's especially famous for his play Teahouse.

三、完形填空(共15 小题;每小题 1 分,共15 分)


Many young people have trouble communicating with their parents. There are some 1 to help solve problem.

First, make a list of the things you and your parents 2 about most. With each of these things, try to find an answer acceptable to both you and your parents. It is no good for you to require

3 to go your way. You have to be ready to change a little if you want them to change.

Second, talk to your parents when it is convenient for them. Remember that to work long hours and this can make them 4 , so be patient with them.

Third, listen to what your parents have to say. How can you 5 them to listen to you if you are not ready to listen to them? In addition, your parents were once 6 like you, so they understand your situation better than you expect.

Finally, if you do not get a satisfactory result, try not to get too angry. Talk with your parents and find out their 7 . Part of growing up is learning to live with these kinds of disagreements, and learning to understand another persons way of looking at things.

With a little hard work, you can learn to communicate better with your parents.

1.A. abilities B. suggestions C. tasks

2.A. disagree B. worry C. talk

3.A. everything B. nothing C. something

4.A. excited B. angry C. tired

5.A. order B. expect C. invite

6.A. young B. brave C. confident

7.A. reasons B. hobbies C. secrets


A boy named Jack was well-down in his hometown because he couldn't hear anything. He was born d eaf. Although people 1 him a lot, they also treated him much differently than other people. The other children worried they might 2 him while playing together. Adults acted like he was unable to understand them, as if he was a baby.

However, this year, people got to understand Jack a little better. On Jack's birthday, everyone in town would 3 earplugs (耳塞) so that they couldn't hear anything either. This day came to be known as the Day of Silence. People became aware of how difficult life could be when you can't hear anything. T hey also

4 that Jack had many skills.

On that day, no one thought of Jack as just a deaf person People saw a whole 5 side of him. They paid more attention to what he said. They were also surprised by his smartness and ability to find a solution to nearly any 6 that he faced. They realized that he had always been like that, and that he simply needed to communicate with others in a different way. In the end, he w as

7 just like any other little boy.

On the Day of Silence, people came to know Jack's true 8 . They learned that although most of us are different from each other-sometimes in big ways—we are still mostly the same in our hearts and minds.

1.A. missed B. liked C. refused

2.A. lose B. control C. hurt

3.A. wear B. buy C. bring

4.A. promise B. imagined C. learned

5.A. new B. wrong C. crazy

6.A. choice B. problem C. chance

7.A. hardly B. partly C. really

8.A. friend B. nature C. level

四、阅读理解(共10 小题;每小题 2 分,共20 分)

20.阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C 三个选项中,选出最佳选项。

Many people love travelling to different countries, but if you plan to go abroad, you should know how to behave in different situations around the world.

Most travelers enjoy meeting new people, but sometimes you can be rude without saying anything. In Russia, you should never shake hands in a doorway, and if you're travelling in Thailand, never touch people's heads or point your feet at people. When the Japanese meet new people, they like giving business cards-but you should read the card carefully, not just put it in your pocket.

In most countries in Europe people expect a lot of eye contact when you talk to them, but in many Asian countries a lot of eye contact seems unfriendly. And in South America people usually stand quite close to each other when they talk, but in countries like the USA you need to give people more personal space. Also, it's rude to interrupt Japanese people while they are talking to you. You must wait until they finish before you start speaking.

In restaurants in China you can leave a bit of food on your plate, it's OK to start smoking before other people finish eating, which you mustn't do in the UK. When in India, remember to eat with your right hand. Also avoid leaving empty bottles on the dinner table in Russia--that's bad luck.

When you're travelling in Asia, if someone invites you to his or her home, don't forget to take off your shoes when you arrive. And if you visit an Arab family's home, don't admire anything valuable because your host will feel he should give it to you as a present.

With so much to think about, it's not surprising that many people prefer going on holiday in their own countries- or you might just decide to stay at home.

(1)Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A.We can admire anything valuable in an Arab family's home.

B.In China, people cannot smoke before other people finish eating.

C.In Russia, it's impolite to shake hands with people in a doorway.

(2)What does the underlined word "interrupt" mean in Chinese?


B. 打断

C. 附和

(3)What is the correct order of the subheadings (小标题) from Paragraph 2 to Paragraph 5?

①Eating out

②In the home

③Body language

④Face-to-face communication

A. ②③④①

B. ④①②③

C. ③④①②

(4)What does the writer want to tell us?

A.Practice makes perfect.

B.Where there is a will, there is a way.

C.When in Rome, do as the Romans do.

(5)What is the best title for the passage?

A.Culture Shock

B. Table Manners

C. Public Rules

21.阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C 三个选项中,选出最佳选项。

What will the world of the future be like? There are plenty of people who are happy to give their opinion of what we will be doing in 2050. Here are two predictions about the world of tomorrow.

When we dream about the future, many like to think of owning a personal flying car. The advantages are obvious. This technology would allow total freedom of movement. We could fly at 480 km per hour, avoiding traffic lights and busy roads. However, some people believe there will be problems with traffic control. If the cars become popular, there is likely to be air traffic jam. Another big problem is mechanical failure. What will happen if the cars stop working? These are problems we must expect if flying cars become a reality.

Three-dimensional printing is another new technology with exciting possibilities. 3D printers are used to build an object with liquid plastic.

They build the object layer by layer until it is complete. Car companies already use 3D printers to make

life-size models of car parts, and medical companies use the technology to make man-made body parts. As we move into the future, 3D printing will revolutionize the way we shop, the way we manufacture and the way we treat sick people. The disadvantage is that such equipment will be extremely expensive.

So in the future, we might be able to fly to work or print out new shoes. Although there are some problems to solve before this will be possible, we can certainly dream of a world where technology makes life easier and safer for millions of people.

(1)What is the passage mainly about?

A.Environmental protection.

B. The world of tomorrow.

C. Advantages of technology.

(2)What do we learn from the passage?

A.Some people think technology development may bring new problems

B.3D printing can bring great changes to our life and its equipment is cheap.

C.The flying cars won't bring air traffic jam even when they become p opular.

(3)What is the correct structure of the passage? (P1=Paragraph1)

A. B. C.

(4)What does the underlined word "they" refer to?

A.Car companies.

B. 3D print.

C. Body parts.

(5)We can infer that the writer about the future life with technology.

A.doesn't care

B. feels hopeful

C. feels disappointed

五、任务型阅读(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,共10 分)


A.Try getting a group of friends or family together.

B.This could be fast walking or cycling on a flat road.

How much physical activity do you do in a week? Are you getting enough exercise? For example, people who exercise regularly are less likely to suffer from many diseases. Regular exercise reduces the risk of early death by 30%. It also improves your sleep quality.

Today, most adults are much less active than in the past because our jobs are far less physical than the work our grandparents used to do. This lack of regular physical activity means people burn fewer calories than in the past, so we need to do something to consume (消耗) our energy. Experts think adults need to do 2. 5 hours of moderate exercise per week.

Exercise can be expensive, but it doesn't have to be. Team sports such as football can be cheap because all the players share the cost of the field. It can also be very social.

If you don't want to spend any money, try one of the following activities. Go for a run. The only equipment you need is a pair of running shoes. If you take the bus, try getting off one stop early and walking the extra distance. Go to the park. You can play different kinds of games there. This is a great way to involve family members and friends.

In short, there are many easy ways of keeping fit. If we all recognize the value of doing this, we will live longer and be healthier.

六、根据语境,用所给词的适当形式填空(共 5 小题;每小题 1 分,共 5 分)

23.Nothing is a waste if we have a (create) mind.

24.The best things in life (be) free, like smiles, love and good memories.

25.The (able) won't feel that lonely if everyone can do something to help them.

26.China has made great (achieve) since it opened its doors to the outside world.

27.Guiyang is developing so (quick) that more and more graduates choose to work.

七、选词填空(共5 小题;每小题1 分,共5 分)


get up in fact is good at take in a symbol of around the world

(1)Scientists are working together to find a cure for AIDS.

(2)Everyone something, but some people are truly talented.

(3)It's very hard for the climbers to air as they get near the top of Qomolangma.

(4)The dragon plays an important part in Chinese festivals. It is the Chinese nation.

(5), many countries hope to build trade relations with China because of the "Belt and Road".

八、阅读表达(共两节,共20 分)


Can you imagine a sea of sand three times bigger than India? This is the Sahara Desert, the largest desert in the world. It covers 11 countries in North Africa and is over 9 million square kilometers.

In the Sahara, temperatures are very different during the day and at night. It is much hotter during the day than at night. During the day, the hottest time is between 2 p. m. and 4 p. m.-when temperatures rise to 33℃. But it is very cold at night, the coldest time is at 4 am, when temperatures fall to -1℃.

Because of the extreme temperatures in the desert, it is a very difficult place to survive (幸存). Marco Rivera, our survival expert, has some tips.

Take warm clothes and a blanket. You will need a hat, long trousers and a thick sweater to keep you warm at

night. During the day, cover your body, head and face. Clothes protect you from the sun and keep water in your body. You will also need a warm blanket at night. It can get cold rapidly. When the temperature drops, it can be a shock and make you feel even colder.

Try to drink some water at least once every hour. You need your water to last as long as possible. Drink only what you need. If you eat, you will get thirsty and your water will run out soon. You can eat a little, but only to stop you from feeling very hungry. Eat a small amount of food slowly.

It's important to stay out of the sun during the day. Make a hole under your car and lie there. This will keep you cool and help you sleep. Find a warm place to sleep at night. A small place near a tree or a rock will be the warmest. But be careful before you decide where to sleep. Dangerous animals like snakes also like to sleep in these places. Look carefully for animals before you lie down.

(1)The Sahara, the world's largest desert, is more than in size.

(2)In the Sahara. The between the day and the night is pretty big.

(3)In Paragraph 4, Marco Rivera tells us are necessary for our survival in the Sahara.

(4)We should at least once every hour and try to make our water last longer in the Sahara.

(5)In the Sahara, we should stay out of the sun during the day and find to sleep at night.


History is still a compulsory (必修的) subject at lower levels and pupils still choose to study it at higher levels. However, there is an outgoing discussion about whether schools should continue to teach history. This passage will deal with the arguments that oppose and support teaching history in school, concluding that we should teach history, because the value of the subject goes beyond the classroom.

First of all, many pupils suggest that history is one of the less interesting school subjects and that governments should spend the time and money on subjects that are more useful. Some people argue that math and English are should spend the money on more important so we can have a society with a good basic education. Other people say that teaching science, as this can move a country forward and benefit the economy. However, when we teach history, we are just looking back at the past. The economic benefits of this area are less obvious.

On the other hand, there are several reasons why it is a good idea to teach history. Teaching history is important because students should be able to understand the background to current issues in the news. This will create better-informed citizens. Another reason is that it helps pupils to understand the culture and background of the society they live in. In addition to learning about the past, history teaching can help students to think for themselves. Finally, it also improves pupils' reading and writing skills, which can help them become better students.

In conclusion, though there are clearly arguments on both sides, it seems to me that we should of the classes.

I would say the teaching of history helps to create well-educated generation.

九、回答问题(共 5 个小题;每小题 2 分,共10 分)


(1)What problem did you have with your schoolwork?

(2)Who did you talk to about the problem?

(3)What advice did you get?

(4)How did you deal with the problem?

(5)What's your plan for your future?

十、书面表达(共10 分)




①What problem did you have with your schoolwork?

②Who did you talk to about the problem?

③What advice did you get?

④How did you deal with the problem?

⑤What's your plan for your future?


(3)邮件不少于80 词,开头与结尾已给出,不计入字数;


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