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小王子英文读书笔记"Little Prince" is about to tell a story of alien children to live in a very small planet, that planet there is only one him, he has to take care of the planet, he is the planet the little prince, grown up, he went to other planets travel, has encountered all sorts of people (aliens)。 Finally he came to the author encountered on Earth, and then died here

Look at this book, adults should not ripe to look at the mentality, to the point of view of your heart to understand it. the Little Prince has a pure heart and a rich imagination.

When the little prince left his planet, on the road, when a king, and that King would just like to control all rational, this is not like us? Especially when the teacher, like to go to other people, because order that other people can find themselves high up above and become a king, others only obeys.

The second encounter is love are people who love to be admired him, praise him anything except hear, in

fact, we ourselves do they not? Others as long as one to praise himself, we do not carried away on it? Through this we can easily become conceited person, but also easy for the offensive.

There drunkard, but also a businessman, even to light lamps and geographer, I think those people is equivalent to our portrayal of the real world, love the order, and love to be admired, I would like to re-occupy the possession, finally left with nothing ……

I think the Little Prince This book is a family book, in this book, I can feel that for whom fame for modern day busy round, but not know they have a deep impact on the younger generation, small Prince did not understand why adults want to do that? Like all children have the same do not know. So I felt, how many more to understand the needs of children, and is no longer a random perfunctory, more children to learn about the ideas, interests, rather than restraint.

I am prince from an early age I learned one thing, the really important things, the eyes are invisible. Really important things is to look at motives.

小王子英文读书笔记in order to enrich my summer

vacation, which the extracurricular reading, my mother bought me a book titled the little prince is. i was wondering, what is the prince to man? a: i cant wait to get books and read it.

see the introduction section, i just know, this book in the east and west are very famous, adults and children are like books. no wonder the teacher told us to buy the book. this book is about the little one lives in only one room, the planet for his roses watering everyday. later, he left the planet, travel, saw many strange people, in order to develop their horizons, and he came to the desert, he met an airplane pilots of broken. prince offered to help him, and he forged a deep friendship, in the book describes the prince since leaving, he missed his star rose to leave earth, he tried every way, even a little snake bites, and since then pilot never saw his wonderful description, etc.

reading this book, i finally understood the purity of heart. like the prince deeply in love with him, in order not to let the rose flower, he was still please sheep eats sheep pilot drew a mask, for him, as he rose, if not just like all planets are lost. this is how

sincere feelings! still say that fox, even little left, it will forever remember him.

this story has many implication, tell us, not deceive, also dont puffed up, also do not have meaning in the waste of time and money, we should maintain the balance of baby mindset to finally, earnestly do every thing. ...

i like the book, read a book, i learned that many human reason, also increased my knowledge, and maybe i know the original adults will have many do wrong. the grown-ups do every thing, all is not correct, and so we see things should go to watch it, just like the teacher to our request, and we hope that the child in the growth process, always keep a pure heart, to treat every thing, to find something we really must find in study, therefore, we should also with the same attitude to study hard, pursuing ideal goal.


英语小王子读后感1000字 导语:小王子:他是个孩子,有淡黄而柔软的头发,会在月光下晕眩出朦胧的温柔,他的睫毛很长,纤细而秀美,他的眼睛淡蓝色,浸透着淡淡的忧郁。他天真、幼稚,可又纯洁、真诚,他特别有天份,他凭直觉行事,感觉灵敏,他能够透过事物的表面发现其实质。以下是聘才XX为大家搜索整理的,欢迎大家阅读。 英语小王子读后感1000字 A hat frightening? If you see it as a snake to swallow the elephant? In this full of utilitarian world, the big people's eyes Forever only the number of children has long been the world, they have overlooked. It has already lost a child-like purity gone? In order to find the answer to that question, I won the "Little Prince." "Little Prince" is a clear spiritual books, is an adult fairy tale written for adults, is a book about life and the lives of the fable. As the book said, the water on the heart is beneficial. And "Little Prince" on the water like a thorough clarification of people feel warmth and tranquility. The story of the little prince of life with a


小王子读后感英文版5篇范文 小王子这本书是法国的安东尼·德·圣艾修伯里写的,安东尼·德·圣艾修伯里写的这本小王子是在1943年出版的,下面是小编收集整理的小王子读后感英文版5篇,希望对你有所帮助! Today, I read the little prince. Mom said it's a very good book. Let me read it carefully. I read it very seriously.The little prince's planet is almost the same as a house. He has a beautiful rose on his planet. The little prince and the roses were annoyed and went to other planets. For example, crazy planet, alcoholic planet, desert planet... Finally, the little prince came to our earth. He met a fox, and he became a friend of the fox. The fox asked if there was any chicken on his planet. The little prince said nothing. The fox allowed the little prince to tame it, because the fox wanted to make the world different. The little prince tamed it. Then the fox asked the little prince what he was going to do on earth. The little prince said he was having trouble with roses. The fox gave the little prince a special gift, which is a sentence: "only by heart can we see clearly the essence of things. It's the time, energy and emotion you give your rose that makes him so important. The little prince took this sentence and silently carried it on the back. Finally, he was responsible for his own rose and went back to his own planet.After reading the story, I was very moved. I feel that the little prince is a kindhearted, brave and responsible person. I want to learn from the little prince, and also be a good and brave man. During the summer vacation, I read a book called little prince. I want to deeply thank the author of this book, because he let me learn a lot in the change of the prince's life. When he was a child, he loved life and loved his beautiful rose; he loved fantasy and had a pure and good heart; he could see things and see the nature behind things... These qualities of the little prince make me like this extraordinary little child fairy.Growth is an inevitable process for a person to experience. On the way of growth, the little prince slowly learned to be silent and endure pain. The Little Prince changed his mind and learned to deceive himself and deceive others. Gradually, he lost the childlike innocence of his childhood, the once incomparable innocence and good heart, and became a mediocre, hypocritical adult who lost faith in life.Is this the so-called growth? Of course not! No matter how old we are and how much life strikes us, we all have to keep a good and pure mind at all times. We must learn to experience life and enjoy the beauty of life. In this way, we can grow healthily.Let's keep a childlike innocence, let our life and the world be full of sunshine.


篇一:《小王子》读书报告 《小王子》读书报告 ? 简介:《小王子》,即寒假所读书目,其作者名为埃克苏佩里,生于法国里昂,是法国第一代飞行员,正如他的职业,这本书中也充满了天马行空的想象。本书是上世纪流传最广的一篇童话,虽说是童话,却不止是为儿童所写。用作者的话来说,此书献给孩子们,以及所有曾经是孩子的大人们。 梗概:作者先是简介了自己的童年,由于成年人的影响,作者放弃了绘画,转成飞行员。一次不幸的失事却有幸结识了一位来自外星的小王子,在八天的相处中得知小王子与他的星球上唯一一朵玫瑰花相爱着,却闹了矛盾离开了自己的星球,进行了一次星际旅行,走过若干星球后最终来到了地球。最后尽管再多不舍,小王子依然选择了离开。 详述:我们所要追求的东西,肉眼往往视而不见,而要靠心灵去寻找。 ——埃克苏佩里《小王子》 说要献给孩子,因为全篇充满着天真烂漫的想象,小王子独自生活在一颗小星球上,星球上的活火山被当做灶台使用,死火山则被当作板凳来坐。小王子似乎可以与一切生命对话,甚至与自己照顾的话儿相爱了。他的星际旅行也充满了趣味。理性而自大的孤独的国王、爱听奉承话的虚荣者、为忘记喝酒带来的羞愧而嗜酒的酒鬼、贪得无厌的生意人、为守指令而不得休息的守灯人、只坐办公室不愿勘察而一无所知的地理学家……当然,最为童真的还是小王子的问题——如孩子般打破沙锅问到底。献给大人们的理由就远不止这些了。仔细品读之后会发现,本作与《格列佛游记》在写法上有着异曲同工之妙,只是较之没那么多政治味道罢了。全书似乎都在对成年人发出埋怨与批评。从最初不能理解作者的绘画并扼杀其理想开始,后来便以小王子的星际旅行按上述顺序依次对各类“古里古怪”的成年人进行了批判。指出了成年人的自大、虚荣、自制力差、贪婪、懒惰等一系列诟病。这些描述初看令人捧腹,细读后却愈发引人深思。 国王说,我相信我的星球上有一只爱叫的老鼠,我偶尔判它死刑。不过,每次我都必须赦免它,因为,这是唯一的一只老鼠,得对它宽大点。 爱慕虚荣的人说,我是这个星球上最帅,最会穿衣服,最有钱,而且是最聪明的人。可是,这里只有他一个人。 酒鬼说,他喝酒为了忘却,忘却一切羞耻,而羞耻的内容恰恰是因为喝酒。商人说,他数星星数了44年,这些天上的星星都属于他,拥有这些星星,他就会变得富有,而富有,又会买更多的星星。我不能摘星星,没关系,我可以把它们的数目写在一张纸上,然后锁在抽屉里。 灯夫说,行星一年转得比一年快,现在每分钟转一圈,我连一秒钟的休息时间都没有,每分钟我就要点一次灯,熄一次灯。 尽管书中只描述了六个人,却几乎囊括了全部的成年人,而这分类都出自一个孩子,即小王子的视角。小王子身上也体现了孩子特有的许多最本真最善良的品性。在前面六个星球的星际旅行中,尽管每个星球上的人都做着些毫无意义的事,小王子却很敏锐地发现,国王、虚荣者、酒鬼、生意人关心的都是他们自己,唯有守灯人一直关心着自己的工作,也因此让小王子觉得只有守灯人不那么荒唐可笑。这无疑向我们传达了一种早已被大多数大人抛弃了的价值取向,也就是舍己为人,尽管守灯人的星? ? ? 球上也只有他一个人,但那一明一灭的灯,却因守灯人变得如花儿般美妙。在与生意人的交谈中,小王子又用他的视角向我们解释了什么是占有。所谓的占有不是向生意人那样,将自己数过的星星的数目写到纸上再存到抽屉里,占有更多的还是一份责任。就像小王子占有了他的火山,那他就有为火山清理火山口的责任;小王子占有了一朵花,那他就有照顾这朵花的责任。想必成年人们从来都是只想着拥有,从未考虑过这份责任吧。后来小王子在地球


小王子英文版读后感 "The Little Prince" is a clear book, as clear as the water. It’s writes for adults, teenagers and children. It is a book about life and the lives of the fable. As the book said, the water on the heart is beneficial. And "Little Prince" can make people feel warm and fresh. The story is about a boy. He lives on a small planet. He is the only person of the planet. He is a lonely prince. Fortunately, a beautiful rose came in his life. They loved each other. But a little argument separated them. He left the planet which he lives, starts traveling. He went to many planets and met many different people. He likes to watch the sunset when he was sad. He found that people wanted happiness, but always pushed away happiness rudely. During his years in prison, Nelson Mandela's reputation grew steadily. He was widely accepted as the most significant black leader in South Africa and became a potent (强有力的)symbol of resistance as the anti-apartheid movement gathered strength. He consistently(一贯地) refused to compromise his


小王子笔记三年级学生笔记10篇 《小王子》这本书的故事一个个都十分的有趣又生动,是很多小学生喜欢的书。下面是小编为大家整理的小王子读书笔记三年级笔记10篇,供大家参考! 小王子读书笔记200字 《小王子》是一篇短篇小说,篇幅短小,语言朴实但一字一句都富有哲理。小王子在沙漠的玫瑰园旁见到了狐狸。聪明的狐狸要求小王子驯养他,他使小王子明白什么是生活的本质。狐狸还告诉小王子:用心去看才看得清楚;是分离让小王子更思念他的玫瑰;爱就是职责。 在作者与小王子的交流中,我发现小王子不仅仅纯真而且还很有爱心。他和他花儿之间的爱,他和狐狸之间的爱,以及和作者之间患难见真情的爱! 总而言之,小王子的故事告诉了我世界上是需要情谊和友爱的。我们就应相互热爱,要像小王子口中的火山一样,燃烧着 读书笔记小王子400字 有一个男孩儿,他有一头金黄的头发,问他什么他从不回答。总之,只要是这么一个小男孩儿,你们准会猜出他是谁了。没错,他就是小王子。 小王子是一个来自其他星球的孩子。一天,小王子决定离开星球。他先后访问了六个行星,而他拜访的第七个星球是地球。小王子降落的地方是撒哈拉沙漠。之后,小王子遇到一只小狐狸,小王子驯服了小狐狸,和他交上了朋友。小狐狸把自己心中的秘密"人只能用心灵去观察,去感受。要明白,光靠肉眼,是不可能看到本质的东西的";作为礼物,送给小王子。小王子想回到自己的行星,回到他魂牵梦绕的家,于是他便回到了之前在撒哈拉降落的地点。在那里,他碰到了因飞机故障而降落在撒哈拉的飞行员,并与之进行了心与心的

交流。最后,小王子在蛇的帮忙下死去,心灵重新回到他的小行星上。 这本书天真中略带伤感,一句"人只能用心灵去观察,去感受。要明白,光靠肉眼,是不可能看到本质的东西的";,道尽了真理。 生命这种东西,是奇妙的,你绝对看不透。他的外表是否是美丽或是丑陋。这并不代表什么,只有内涵所发出的那种潜质美才是最真实而又美丽的。 小王子读书笔记200字 读了《小王子》这本书,书中讲的是一个从B612号小行星来的王子,去了7个星球旅行,在旅行中他遇到了各种不同的人:要别人服从自己命令的国王;要别人崇拜自己的爱虚荣的人;为忘记自己难为情而喝酒的酒鬼;为占有星星而毫不停息的商人;还有个奇怪的点灯人和一位地理学家,最后小王子来到了地球。在地球上他先遇到了一条蛇,蛇告诉小王子,它会帮忙他回到他的星球,然后他遇到了狐狸,并且驯养了它,之后小王子又在沙漠中遇到了因飞机发生事故而落在沙漠里的飞行员,他与飞行员一齐在沙漠里生存,最后小王子想回家了,就让毒蛇咬死自己,就这样小王子回到了自己的星球。这就是我的读书笔记。 小王子读书笔记李家钧 有一天,妈妈在报纸上看到《小王子》这部音乐剧即将要上演,她高兴地告诉了我这个消息。妈妈马上去排了好长的队买了四张门票,准备邀请我的好朋友毕其功和他的妈妈一起来看这部音乐剧。 7月22日这天,我们吃好了晚饭,就赶去东方艺术中心,当我坐定音乐剧就开始了。音乐剧讲的是:飞行员的飞机坠落在撒哈拉大沙漠,他在沙漠里碰到了小王子。小王子要他给自己画一只绵羊,然后,小王子给他讲述自己经过的地方看到的人:他经过B325星球看到了国王、去B326星球看到了自负的人、去了B327星球看到了酒鬼、又去B328星球看到了商人、去B329号星球看到了点灯人,最后一个是去B330星球看到了地理学家。最后,小王子回家了。 这个音乐剧告诉我们一个道理:美好的事物就在你身边,你一定要用心来体会。 读小王子笔记 这几天我读了《小王子》这本书。书中写的是这样的资料:在六年前,因为他的飞机出了故障,在沙漠中遇到了我,于是我们有缘认识了对方。他是小王五,他来自B——612星球,之后我们在一齐,在小王子身上学到了好多有用的东西,最后小王子走了,回到自己的星球,那里只有三座火山和玫瑰花。 之后,小王子又去了下一个星球,在这个星球上,住着一个酒鬼,小王子问他,他也不回答什么,小王子一路走过来,而直到他来到地球,他碰到了小狐狸,并且在小狐狸的要求下驯养了她。最后,小王子发现自己无法回去,他在降临地球的地方反复徘徊,并且深深想念着他的玫瑰花。


小王子英语读书报告 小王子英语读书报告 篇一: 《小王子》读书报告《小王子》读书报告 ? 简介: 《小王子》,即寒假所读书目,其作者名为埃克苏佩里,生于法国里昂,是法国第一代飞行员,正如他的职业,这本书中也充满了天马行空的想象。本书是上世纪流传最广的一篇童话,虽说是童话,却不止是为儿童所写。用作者的话来说,此书献给孩子们,以及所有曾经是孩子的大人们。梗概: 作者先是简介了自己的童年,由于成年人的影响,作者放弃了绘画,转成飞行员。一次不幸的失事却有幸结识了一位来自外星的小王子,在八天的相处中得知小王子与他的星球上唯一一朵玫瑰花相爱着,却闹了矛盾离开了自己的星球,进行了一次星际旅行,走过若干星球后最终来到了地球。最后尽管再多不舍,小王子依然选择了离开。详述: 我们所要追求的东西,肉眼往往视而不见,而要靠心灵去寻找。——埃克苏佩里《小王子》说要献给孩子,因为全篇充满着天真烂漫的想象,小王子独自生活在一颗小星球上,星球上的活火山被当做灶台使用,死火山则被当作板凳来坐。小王子似乎可以与一切生命对话,甚至与自己照顾的话儿相爱了。他的星际旅行也充满了趣味。理性而自大的孤独的国王、爱听奉承话的虚荣者、为忘记喝酒带来的羞愧而嗜酒的酒鬼、贪得无厌的生意人、为守指令而不得休息的守灯人、只坐办公室不愿勘察而一无所知的地理学家……当然,最为童真的还是小王子的问题——如孩子般打破沙锅问到底。献给大人们的理由就远不止这些了。仔细品读之后会发现,本作与《格列佛游记》在写法上有着异曲同工之妙,只是较之没那么多政治味道罢了。全书似乎都在对成年人发出埋怨与批评。从最初不能理解作者的绘画并扼杀其理想开始,后来便以小王子的星际旅行按上述顺序依次对各类“古里古怪”的成年人进行了批判。指出了成年人的自大、虚荣、自制力差、贪婪、懒惰等一系列诟病。这些描述初看令人捧腹,细读后却愈发引


《小王子》优秀读书笔记精选 孩时的我们最爱看的是童话,那里有我们心中想往,美好的,纯洁的。完美的《一千零一夜》,《安徒生童话》,《伊所淤言》,最初的时候总是缠着妈妈读给我听,渐渐的就自己捧着书陷入其中。突然有一天听说了评论很好的《小王子》,就这样看了起来。 小王子是忧郁的,是纯洁的,是向往美好的,同时又是那么愤事嫉俗,他对外面世界不理解同时又孩子般的对外面充满好奇.这个世界不存在他想要的答案,真也是他死去的原因,他的死是对于整个世界的拒绝,记得在前面他曾说过他喜欢看落日,他说人么总是感到苦闷的时候看落日,他的一天总是有那么多对这个世界的不满第一次小王子踏上的星球里面住着一个国王,实际上是政治权利的象征而那个整天数星星的人指的的是狭隘自私、贪婪的商人。而那个电灯者则是指社会中朴实勤奋的劳动人民。每一个角色都反映着社会的一种现象。其实我们可以看出,作者其实是借以小王子的纯真善良与美好,将它所接触到的种种揭示出来,从而让读者能够看到日常生活中熟视无睹的无意识的强制力量和背后的冷酷与虚无,这一冰冷的方式就是把这些处于不同生活的人,单独的搁置于一个互相无联系的地方。但是童话中就是童话,有很多地方是不符合现实的,比如说很多星球很小只有一个人,国王的华丽的花底花黑袍沾满了整个星球,或许这是在象征着什么,可是在与实际结合中总有那么多的不符合。当然这些问题本身就

不值得探讨的,整部书的意义和价值在于它所包含的寓言以及关于它对沉陷于俗务和繁忙之中的人的嘲讽。 小王子一步一步地去看,去寻找,他发现一个人同时可以是忠实的,又是懒惰的。因此就有了更多的不理解,与对这个世界的不满。在地球上,小王子看见了很多和他那里一样的花,一开始他感到失望,他觉得他的花不是独一无二的,不能让他成为像一个王子,可是当他碰到狐狸时,狐狸的话让他懂得了,每个人都有属于自己的那一朵玫瑰花。这似乎象征着爱情,是唯一的绝对的。在整篇小说中,小王子和花的对话让我感到最温暖,最美好。 小王子最后的结局是凄凉的,作者写道一道黄光闪过,他轻轻得像一棵树一样倒在地上,大概由于沙地的缘故,连一点响声都没有。最终还是被蛇在半分钟结束了生命。蛇最终还是邪恶的,尽管小王子曾与它谈过心。这让我想到了农夫与蛇的故事,有些东西的本质最终怎样也无法改变。 这是我全部的读后的感想,在某些地方或许我们与小王子是相似的,我们也有着忧伤,可是我们并不愤世嫉俗,我们热爱生命热爱这个世界,对生活充满了美好的向往。 《小王子》优秀读书笔记(二) 封闭的思维慢慢开启,开始学会关注那些未知的世界时,才发现自己原来是多么的封闭,我们把自己封锁在属于成年人的世界里已经太久。接触《小王子》,让我重新找到了那份单纯中的美丽,孩子的世界里,永远不乏爱与真善美。


小王子英语读后感及翻译 《小王子》是法国作家安托万·德·圣·埃克苏佩里于1942年写成的著名儿童文学短篇小说。下面就是小编整理的小王子英语读后感及翻译,一起来看一下吧。 小王子英语读后感: "It's like a flower.". If you fall in love with a flower growing on a star, then at night you look at the sky and feel sweet and happy, and all the stars seem to be in bloom." When I first read "Little Prince", I was attracted by his fresh writing style and pure world at high school. Now six years later, read the "Little Prince", can not help but again and again to tears, and palpitation for Prince's mind be sad, moved by his pure and persistent love, for his innocence and mourning gradually to disappear. As the author of St. Erik Marcus Paley said in the preface, he put the fairy tale "to Leon? Wirth, when he was a boy" This is an adult fairy tale, which belongs to the once innocence adult's fairy tale, the children can not understand the little prince biting sadness and heavy.


《小王子》读书报告 一、基本信息 作者:安托万.德.圣埃克苏佩里 著作名称:《小王子》 二、著作简介 《小王子》,其作者名为埃克苏佩里,生于法国里昂,是法国第一代飞行员,正如他的职业,这本书中也充满了天马行空的想象。本书是上世纪流传最广的一篇童话,虽说是童话,却不止是为儿童所写。用作者的话来说,此书献给孩子们,以及所有曾经是孩子的大人们。三、报告主体 所有大人最初都是小孩子 ——《小王子》读后有感第一次读《小王子》,是读书时候的好友当做生日礼物送给我的一本中英文对照版的精装版书,里面有漂亮的插画,优雅的排版,可惜当时就只是懵懵懂懂的看了一遍,并没有读懂,就觉得有些索然无味。 很多年后的现在偶然一天在书店里看到了这本书,便又重新拿起阅读了一遍,突然发现能了解作者在说什么了。关于那座玫瑰花砌成的房子和那条吞了大象的蛇,关于小王子的旅行和那只狐狸,关于驯养和被驯养。 就如书的扉页所写的那样,献给曾经是孩子的大人。所有的大人都曾经是小孩子,只是很少有人记得罢了。所以,当你能读懂这本书的时候,你已经不再是个小孩子了,现实的世界把你打磨的那么好,不管你心里愿意不愿意—你无可奈何的,毫无选择的被长大了。 说回这本书,小王子是一颗小小星球上的王子,住在一个跟他身体差不多大的星球上,在过去很长的时间里,他唯一的乐趣就是观赏夕阳沉落的晚景。事实上,在小王子有限的生活里,有很多对他很重要的事情,比如保护他最喜欢的花不被猴面包树吃掉,仔细疏通星球上仅有的三座火山,还有就是辛勤的拔掉能造成悲剧的猴面包树幼苗。 小王子的世界实在太小了,用他的话来说就是“就算直线跑,也跑不了多远。”有时一天连看四十三次日落也会让他忧郁,终于在和他的花儿闹了别扭之后,小王子决定拜访其他星球。特别是,他想要一只绵羊,有了这只绵羊,就能帮他吃掉总在捅娄子的猴面包树,保护好他那世上独一无二的花。有时候,自己也和小王子一样,天真的以为只要解决了眼下的问题,一切就都会变好,结果却是一波未平一波又起。毕竟,绵羊也是会吃花的,而花也会利用身上的刺来保护自己,绵羊和花的战争永远都存在,无法否认它或者试图去解决它。


小王子500字英语读后感 导语:《小王子》是法国作家安托万?德?圣?埃克苏佩里于1942年写成的著名儿童文学短篇小说。本书的主人公是来自外星球的小王子。书中以一位飞行员作为故事叙述者,讲述了小王子从自己星球出发前往地球的过程中,所经历的各种历险。下面是小编小王子500字英语读后感,希望对大家有所帮助 篇一:小王子英语读后感 After Reading The Little Prince The little prince is a fairy tales for abult. The book was written to a grown-up.His name is Leon Werth. Thelanguage in this book is facetious. The little Prince lived in Asteroid B-612, The little Prince’s was delightful, helanghde and he wangtde a sheep. He had flower, The flower was very beautiful, He loved she very much, sheperfumed his planet and lit up hislife. But the flower was very proud and she liked telling lies,So the little prince, clespite all the good will of his love, had soon come to mistrust her. He had taken seriously certain in consequential remarks and had grown very unhappy. So he decide to leave his planet. He went to the vicinity of


《小王子》的英语读后感 Title: The Little Prince Author: Antoine de St-Exupery Main Characters: The little prince,the pilot,the rose,the fox,the snake,etc。 Despite I’ve not in my childhood yet,I still prefer reading fairy-tale stories。The tales,which accompany with me in my old days,often make me think of some precious experience and sensation which only belong to children。This summer I’ve review this kind of tale,which was published in 1940。It’s the world-famous fairy-tale by the French author,Antoine de St-Exupery,The Little Prince。 As many other fairy-tales,the outline of The Little Prince is not very complex。“I”,the narrator of the story,is a pilot whose plane has something wrong and lands in the Sahara。In this occasion,the pilot makes the acquaintance of the little prince,a little boy from another planet,the Asteroid B612。The little prince has escaped from his tiny planet,because he has some quarrel with a rose,which grows on his planet。In that case he left his own planet and took an exploration at some neighbor asteroids。 On his all-alone journey,the little prince meets different kinds ————来源网络搜集整理,仅供个人学习查参考


《小王子》读后感3篇 《小王子》这部童话情节跌宕起伏,富有哲理和意趣,《小王子》的故事简单,文字素淡。接下来是的《小王子》,希望对您有所帮助。 生命这种东西,是奇妙的,你绝对看不透。他的外表是否是美丽或是丑陋。这并不代表什么,只有内涵所发出的那种潜质美才是最真实而又美丽的。是的,无论是房子、星星、还是沙漠,都是因为看不见的某个东西而显得美丽,的确是如此。这种东西你绝对看不透,你也不用去看透,只有这样才是最纯粹的感受。 每一次读《小王子》,都被这种孩子式的看待世界的态度感动,多么天真、幼稚,可又多么纯洁、真诚。在现实生活中,我们整天忙忙碌碌,像一群群没有灵魂的苍蝇,喧闹着,躁动着,听不到灵魂深处真诚的低语。时光流逝,童年远去,我们渐渐长大,岁月带走了许许多多的记忆,也消蚀了心底曾经拥有的那份童稚的纯真。 我们沉溺于人世浮华,专注于利益法则,我们不顾心灵的沉重的桎梏,可是愈如此,愈体验到人生意义的虚无。读大学时,我看了不少现代派的作品,里面充满了欲望、异化和梦魇,这些对世界险恶真实的写照,看得人心里充满了卑琐失望。但是,每次读一遍《小王子》,就好像在清水中洗了个澡一般,心又重新变得剔透明亮了。 我一直有所坚信,我们都是追求幸福的孩子…… 《小王子》是作家安东尼·德·圣—埃克苏佩里于1942写成的着名法国儿童文学短篇小说。虽然是儿童文学作品,如今已经是成人

的我阅读起来,同样是那么爱不释手,它拥有那种让人无法察觉的力量在控制着我们内心的伤感区域,他的文字简单朴实,但是其中却散发着独特的魅力。 小王子是一个超凡脱俗的仙童,他住在一颗只比他大一丁点儿的小行星上。陪伴他的是一朵他非常喜爱的小玫瑰花。但小玫瑰花的虚荣心伤害了小王子对她的感情。小王子告别小行星,开始了遨游太空的旅行。他先后访问了六个行星,各种见闻使他陷入忧伤,他感到大人们荒唐可笑、太不正常。只有在其中一个点灯人的星球上,小王子才找到一个可以作为朋友的人。但点灯人的天地又十分狭小,除了点灯人和他自己,不能容下第二个人。 在地理学家的指点下,孤单的小王子来到人类居住的地球。小王子发现人类缺乏想象力,只知像鹦鹉那样重复别人讲过的话。小王子这时越来越思念自己星球上的那枝小玫瑰。后来,小王子遇到一只小狐狸,小王子征服了小狐狸,与它结成了亲密的朋友。小狐狸把自己心中的秘密——肉眼看不见事物的本质,只有用心灵才能洞察一切——作为礼物,送给小王子。用这个秘密,小王子在撒哈拉大沙漠与遇险的飞行员一起找到了生命的泉水。最后,小王子在蛇的帮助下死去,心灵重新回到他的B612号小行星上。 《小王子》这部童话情节跌宕起伏,富有哲理和意趣,《小王子》的故事简单,文字素淡。我很轻松地就读了两遍,没有丝毫的倦意。童话也许就是对平淡生活的一种恩赐,他让你轻松地阅读,同时在轻松间也给予你一些东西,比如生活的纯真与美好,比如简单与清


I have read some books this term. The one which impressed me most is . I brought this book last term.The book consists of three versions: French, Chinese and English. I read Chinese version first, which made my second read in English much easier. I’m not going to talk about the fairy tale’s writing skills, writing style and what philosophy it contains. Instead, I will pick out several sentences which moved me a lot and then show my feeling. In part 4, there is “Not everyone has had a friend.” And later, in part 17, there’s “It’s also lonely with people.”The two sentences nearly have the same meaning. A true friend is of a lifetime. You may say that: “I have a lot of friends, and we always play together and chat together……”But in fact, friends are not those whom you always stay with. Friends can be away from your daily life, can be out of connection for a long time, but they understand what you do and what you say all the time. You never feel embarrassed when you stay with your friends and even say no words. In part 8, the little prince: “He had taken seriously certain inconsequential remarks and had grown very unhappy.” It’s the same to us. We are too concerned about what others say to do what we really want to. Nowadays, we seems to care more about other people than ourselves. When you have bought a dress you thought was beautiful, someone says that: “ Oh, it is not suitable for you.” Guess what, you will


《The Little Prince》book review “Love at the first sight Just one look from your eyes Just one word from your mouth My heart was yours My every dream I felt joy I felt pain I am so afraid of losing you Stars may fall And the storm will come You will be in my mind forever Though I know it is time for farewell Here I stand with trembling heart Here I stand with sparkles in my eyes” This lyric is so charming and moving that I cannot help to listen to it again and again . When I finished read “The Little Prince”it magically appeared in my mind . It is so proper to use the lyric to describe the relationship between the little prince and his rose or with his fox. He fall in love with the rose at the first sight , then a romantic story happened. Today I do not want to talk about the topic “the children and the grown-ups” as everyone know ,I just want to share my opinion about the two different loves in the novel which is the rose’s immature love and

The Little Prince小王子读后感

The Little Prince小王子读后感 It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential isinvisible to the eye.—The Little Prince This book mainly tells us the experience ofa prince from a tiny planet, who traveled to many other planets and finallycame to the earth and met the pilot in a desert. When I was in high school, Iread this book for the first time. At that time, I could hardly understand it,but I felt that the little prince is a sad child. His words always touch myheart. I read this book again after several years of work and have a betterunderstanding of it. After reading the little prince, I feel thatI have experienced the real life in the fairy tale. This book uses severalshort and profound stories to depict the good and evil, sincerity and hypocrisy,interests and innocence, vanity and jealousy, love and tolerance of humannature. Love is not possession but freedom.Theuniverse is a big world, everyone's heart is a small world, in the littleprince's world, everything is so simple and pure.Although the rose was a littlemelodramatic, I am very

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