当前位置:文档之家› 化学专业英语(马永祥版)第一课的英文翻译





元素这一术语指的是,由单一种类的原子所组成的纯物质。对化学家来说“类”是由其原子序数指定的,因为这是个决定了它的化学行为的属性。目前,所有的原子从Z = 1,Z = 107都为人所知了;共有107种化学元素。每个化学元素被赋予一个名称和一个特定的符号。对于大多数的元素来说符号是简单的英文名称的缩写,由一个或两个字母组成,例如:

氧==O 氮== N氖==Ne镁==Mg








除氢元素——一种气体元素外,IA族的元素组成了碱金属族。它们是非常活泼的金属,它们从未在自然界中以单质状态被发现。然而,它们的化合物是广泛分布的。碱金属族的所有成员,只能形成具有1 +价的离子。与此相反,IB族的元素铜,银,和金的元素相对来说是惰性的。它们和碱金属是相似的,因为它们在化合物中以1 +的离子存在。但是,和大多数过渡元素具有的特性一样,它们形成也能形成其它价的离子。

IIA族的元素就是通常所说的碱土金属。它们离子的特征价态是2 +。

这些金属,尤其是组中的最后两个元素,几乎和碱金属一样活泼。IIB 组元素,锌,镉,和汞比那些IIA的元素活性低,但比邻近的IB族元素活泼。它们的特征离子价态也是2 +。

除硼以外,第IIIA族元素也相当活泼的金属。铝与空气反应后是惰性的,但这一表现源于这一事实:在金属表面形成了一个薄的,不可见的铝的氧化膜,该膜保护大部分金属不会进一步氧化。IIIA族的金属形成3 +价的离子。IIIB族由金属钪,钇,镧和锕组成。








01 THE ELEMENTS AND THE PERIODIC TABLE 01 元素和元素周期表 The number of protons in the nucleus of an atom is referred to as the atomic number, or proton number, Z. The number of electrons in an electrically neutral atom is also equal to the atomic number, Z. The total mass of an atom is determined very nearly by the total number of protons and neutrons in its nucleus. This total is called the mass number, A. The number of neutrons in an atom, the neutron number, is given by the quantity A-Z. 质子的数量在一个原子的核被称为原子序数,或质子数、周淑金、电子的数量在一个电中性原子也等于原子序数松山机场的总质量的原子做出很近的总数的质子和中子在它的核心。这个总数被称为大量胡逸舟、中子的数量在一个原子,中子数,给出了a - z的数量。 The term element refers to, a pure substance with atoms all of a single kind. T o the chemist the "kind" of atom is specified by its atomic number, since this is the property that determines its chemical behavior. At present all the atoms from Z = 1 to Z = 107 are known; there are 107 chemical elements. Each chemical element has been given a name and a distinctive symbol. For most elements the symbol is simply the abbreviated form of the English name consisting of one or two letters, for example: 这个术语是指元素,一个纯物质与原子组成一个单一的善良。在药房“客气”原子的原子数来确定它,因为它的性质是决定其化学行为。目前所有原子和Z = 1 a到Z = 107是知道的;有107种化学元素。每一种化学元素起了一个名字和独特的象征。对于大多数元素都仅仅是一个象征的英文名称缩写形式,一个或两个字母组成,例如: oxygen==O nitrogen == N neon==Ne magnesium == Mg


01.THE ELEMENTS AND THE PERIODIC TABLE 01元素和元素周期 表。 The number of protons in the nucleus of an atom is referred to as the atomic number, or proton number, Z. The number of electrons in an electrically neutral atom is also equal to the atomic number, Z. The total mass of an atom is determined very nearly by the total number of protons and neutrons in its nucleus. This total is called the mass number, A. The number of neutrons in an atom, the neutron number, is given by the quantity A-Z. 原子核中的质子数的原子称为原子序数,或质子数,卓电子数的电中性的原子也等于原子序数Z,总质量的原子是非常接近的总数量的质子和中子在原子核。这被称为质量数,这个数的原子中的中子,中子数,给出了所有的数量 The term element refers to, a pure substance with atoms all of a single kind. To the chemist the "kind" of atom is specified by its atomic number, since this is the property that determines its chemical behavior. At present all the atoms from Z = 1 to Z = 107 are known; there are 107 chemical elements. Each chemical element has been given a name and a distinctive symbol. For most elements the symbol is simply the abbreviated form of

《化学工程与工艺专业英语》课文翻译 完整版

Unit 1 Chemical Industry 化学工业 1.Origins of the Chemical Industry Although the use of chemicals dates back to the ancient civilizations, the evolution of what we know as the modern chemical industry started much more recently. It may be considered to have begun during the Industrial Revolution, about 1800, and developed to provide chemicals roe use by other industries. Examples are alkali for soapmaking, bleaching powder for cotton, and silica and sodium carbonate for glassmaking. It will be noted that these are all inorganic chemicals. The organic chemicals industry started in the 1860s with the exploitation of William Henry Perkin‘s discovery if the first synthetic dyestuff—mauve. At the start of the twentieth century the emphasis on research on the applied aspects of chemistry in Germany had paid off handsomely, and by 1914 had resulted in the German chemical industry having 75% of the world market in chemicals. This was based on the discovery of new dyestuffs plus the development of both the contact process for sulphuric acid and the Haber process for ammonia. The later required a major technological breakthrough that of being able to carry out chemical reactions under conditions of very high pressure for the first time. The experience gained with this was to stand Germany in good stead, particularly with the rapidly increased demand for nitrogen-based compounds (ammonium salts for fertilizers and nitric acid for explosives manufacture) with the outbreak of world warⅠin 1914. This initiated profound changes which continued during the inter-war years (1918-1939). 1.化学工业的起源 尽管化学品的使用可以追溯到古代文明时代,我们所谓的现代化学工业的发展却是非常近代(才开始的)。可以认为它起源于工业革命其间,大约在1800年,并发展成为为其它工业部门提供化学原料的产业。比如制肥皂所用的碱,棉布生产所用的漂白粉,玻璃制造业所用的硅及Na2CO3. 我们会注意到所有这些都是无机物。有机化学工业的开始是在十九世纪六十年代以William Henry Perkin 发现第一种合成染料—苯胺紫并加以开发利用为标志的。20世纪初,德国花费大量资金用于实用化学方面的重点研究,到1914年,德国的化学工业在世界化学产品市场上占有75%的份额。这要归因于新染料的发现以及硫酸的接触法生产和氨的哈伯生产工艺的发展。而后者需要较大的技术突破使得化学反应第一次可以在非常高的压力条件下进行。这方面所取得的成绩对德国很有帮助。特别是由于1914年第一次世界大仗的爆发,对以氮为基础的化合物的需求飞速增长。这种深刻的改变一直持续到战后(1918-1939)。 date bake to/from: 回溯到 dated: 过时的,陈旧的 stand sb. in good stead: 对。。。很有帮助


第二章科技英语构词法 词是构成句子的要素,对词意理解的好坏直接关系到翻译的质量。 所谓构词法即词的构成方法,即词在结构上的规律。科技英语构词特点是外来语多(很多来自希腊语和拉丁语);第二个特点是构词方法多,除了非科技英语中常用的三种构词法—转化、派生及合成法外,还普遍采用压缩法、混成法、符号法和字母象形法。 2.1转化法(Conversion) 由一种词类转化成另一种词类,叫转化法。例如: water(n.水)→water(v.浇水) charge(n.电荷) →charge(v.充电) yield(n.产率) →yield(v.生成) dry(a.干的) →dry(v.烘干) slow(a.慢的) →slow(v.减慢) back(ad.在后、向后) →back(v.使后退、倒车) square(n.正方形) →square(a.正方形的) 2.2派生法(Derivation) 通过加前、后缀构成一新词。派生法是化工类科技英语中最常用的构词法。 例如“烷烃”就是用前缀(如拉丁或希腊前缀)表示分子中碳原子数再加上“-ane”作词尾构成的。若将词尾变成“-ane”、“-yne”、“-ol”、“-al”、“-yl”,则分别表示“烯”、“炔”、“醇”、“醛”、“基”、等。依此类推,从而构成千成种化学物质名词。常遇到这样的情况,许多化学化工名词在字典上查不到,全若掌握这种构词法,能过其前、后缀分别代表的意思,合在一起即是该词的意义。下面通过表1举例说明。需要注意的是,表中物质的数目词头除前四个另有名称外,其它均为表上的数目词头。 本书附录为化学化工专业常用词根及前后缀。此外还可参阅《英汉化学化工词汇》(第三版)附录中的“英汉对照有机基名表”、“西文化学名词中常用的数止词头”及“英汉对照有机词尾表”。 据估计,知道一个前缀可帮助人们认识450个英语单词。一名科技工作者至少要知道近50个前缀和30个后缀。这对扩大科技词汇量,增强自由阅读能力,提高翻译质量和加快翻译速度都是大有裨益的。 2.3合成法(Composition) 由两个或更多的词合成一个词,叫合成法。有时需加连字符。 如副词+过去分词well-known 著名的 名词+名词carbon steel 碳钢 rust-resistance 防锈 名词+过去分词computer-oriented 研制计算机的 介词+名词by-product 副产物 动词+副词makeup 化妆品 check-up 检查 形容词+名词atomic weight 原子量 periodic table 周期表 动词+代词+副词pick-me-up 兴奋剂 副词+介词+名词out-of-door 户外 2.4压缩法(Shortening) (1)只取词头字母 这种方法在科技英语中较常用。

化学工程与工艺专业英语Unit 2

Unit 2 Research and Development 研究和开发 Research and development, or R&D as it is commonly referred to, is an activity which is carried out by all sectors of manufacturing industry but its extent varies considerably, as we will see shortly. Let us first understand, or at least get a feel for, what the terms mean. Although the distinction between research and development is not always clear-cut, and there is often considerable overlap, we will attempt to separate them. In simple terms research can be thought of as the activity which produces new ideas and knowledge whereas development is putting those ideas into practice as new process and products. To illustrate this with an example, predicting the structure of a new molecule which would have a specific biological activity and synthesizing it could be seen as research whereas testing it and developing it to the point where it could be marketed as a new drug could be described as the development part. 研究和开发,或通常所称R&D是制造业各个部门都要进行的一项活动。我们马上可以看到,它的内容变化很大。我们首先了解或先感觉一下这个词的含义。尽管研究和开发的定义总是分得不很清楚,而且有许多重叠的部分,我们还是要试着把它们区分开来。简单说来,研究是产生新思想和新知识的活动,而开发则是把这些思想贯彻到实践中得到新工艺和新产品的行为。可以用一个例子来描述这一点,预测一个有特殊生物活性的分子结构并合成它可以看成是研究而测试它并把它发展到可以作为一种新药推向市场这一阶段则看作开发部分。 1.Fundamental Research and Applied Research In industry the primary reason for carting out R&D is economic and is to strengthen and improve the company?s position and profitability. The purpose of R&D is to generate and provide information and knowledge to reduce uncertainty, solve problems and to provide better data on which management can base decisions. Specific projects cover a wide range of activities and time scales, from a few months to 20 years. 1.基础研究和应用研究 在工业上进行研究和开发最主要的原因是经济利益方面,是为了加强公司的地位,提高公司的利润。R&D的目的是做出并提供信息和知识以减低不确定性,解决问题,以及向管理层提供更好的数据以便他们能据此做出决定。特别的项目涵盖很大的活动范围和时间范围,从几个月到20年。 We can pick out a number of areas of R&D activity in the following paragraphs but if we were to start with those which were to spring to the mind of the academic, rather than the industrial, chemist then these would be basic, fundamental (background) or exploratory research and the synthesis of new compounds. This is also labeled “blue skies” research. 我们可以在后面的段落里举出大量的R&D活动。但是如果我们举出的点子来源于研究院而不是工业化学家的头脑,这就是基础的或探索性的研究 Fundamental research is typically associated with university research. It may be carried out for its own intrinsic interest and it will add to the total knowledge base but no immediate applications of it in the “real world” well be apparent. Note that it will provide a valuable


仅供参考 Introduction to Organic Chemistry 1. Sources of Organic Compounds The major sources of organic chemicals are coal, petroleum, and agricultural products. Both coal and petroleum were formed through the geologic processes of changing animal and plant remains into carbon-containing residues. About one-third of all organic chemicals are derived from coal and about one-half from the petroleum industry 有机化合物的来源 有机化学药品的主要来源是煤、石油和农产品。动植物的遗体通过地质作用变成含碳残基然后形成煤和石油。三分之一的所有有机化合物品是从煤中得到的,一般来自于石油工业。 2. The Methods and Objectives of Organic Chemistry Because of the tremendous number of organic compounds known, and of the many more being synthesized daily, the study of organic chemistry is not the study of individual compounds, it is the study of groups or families of compounds all closely related to each other. Obviously, the former approach would be prohibitive[prE5hibitiv]. Once the structural relationships of certain typical members of a particular group or family of compounds are understood, these structural features are understood for any one of the many members of the family, even though some may not be known compounds. 因为已知的有机化合物的数目庞大,而且还在逐日合成更多的品种,所以有机化学不是研究单个的化合物,而是把彼此密切相关的化合物按类或族来研究。显然,以前的方法是不可取的,一旦典型的一类特殊化合物被认识,这些结构特征将适用于这类化合物,甚至是一些未知的化合物, For each group or family of compounds often called homologous series of compounds, structural features are important. In studying organic chemistry, it is not enough to know the identities of the elements and how many atoms of each element are present in a given molecule. More importantly, the order in which these atoms are linked together to form


1 Unit5元素周期表 As our picture of the atom becomes more detailed 随着我们对原子的描述越来越详尽,我们发现我们陷入了进退两难之境。有超过100多中元素要处理,我们怎么能记的住所有的信息?有一种方法就是使用元素周期表。这个周期表包含元素的所有信息。它记录了元素中所含的质子数和电子数,它能让我们算出大多数元素的同位素的中子数。它甚至有各个元素原子的电子怎么排列。最神奇的是,周期表是在人们不知道原子中存在质子、中子和电子的情况下发明的。Not long after Dalton presented his model for atom( )在道尔顿提出他的原子模型(原子是是一个不可分割的粒子,其质量决定了它的身份)不久,化学家门开始根据原子的质量将原子列表。在制定像这些元素表时候,他们观察到在元素中的格局分布。例如,人们可以清楚的看到在具体间隔的元素有着相似的性质。在当时知道的大约60种元素中,第二个和第九个表现出相似的性质,第三个和第十个,第四个和第十一个等都具有相似的性质。 In 1869,Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev,a Russian chemist, 在1869年,Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev ,一个俄罗斯的化学家,发表了他的元素周期表。Mendeleev通过考虑原子重量和元素的某些特性的周期性准备了他的周期表。这些元素的排列顺序先是按原子质量的增加,,一些情况中, Mendeleev把稍微重写的元素放在轻的那个前面.他这样做只是为了同一列中的元素能具有相似的性质.例如,他把碲(原子质量为128)防在碘(原子质量为127)前面因为碲性质上和硫磺和硒相似, 而碘和氯和溴相似. Mendeleev left a number of gaps in his table.Instead of Mendeleev在他的周期表中留下了一些空白。他非但没有将那些空白看成是缺憾,反而大胆的预测还存在着仍未被发现的元素。更进一步,他甚至预测出那些一些缺失元素的性质出来。在接下来的几年里,随着新元素的发现,里面的许多空格都被填满。这些性质也和Mendeleev所预测的极为接近。这巨大创新的预计值导致了Mendeleev的周期表为人们所接受。 It is known that properties of an element depend mainly on the number of electrons in the outermost energy level of the atoms of the element. 我们现在所知道的元素的性质主要取决于元素原子最外层能量能级的电子数。钠原子最外层能量能级(第三层)有一个电子,锂原子最外层能量能级(第二层)有一个电子。钠和锂的化学性质相似。氦原子和氖原子外层能级上是满的,这两种都是惰性气体,也就是他们不容易进行化学反应。很明显,有着相同电子结构(电子分布)的元素的不仅有着相似的化学性质,而且某些结构也表现比其他元素稳定(不那么活泼) In Mendeleev’s table,the elements were arranged by atomic weights for 在Mendeleev的表中,元素大部分是按照原子数来排列的,这个排列揭示了化学性质的周期性。因为电子数决定元素的化学性质,电子数也应该(现在也确实)决定周期表的顺序。在现代的周期表中,元素是根据原子质量来排列的。记住,这个数字表示了在元素的中性原子中的质子数和电子数。现在的周期表是按照原子数的递增排列,Mendeleev的周期表是按照原子质量的递增排列,彼此平行是由于原子量的增加。只有在一些情况下(Mendeleev注释的那样)重量和顺序不符合。因为原子质量是质子和中子质量的加和,故原子量并不完全随原子序数的增加而增加。原子序数低的原子的中子数有可能比原子序数高的原

《化学工程与工艺专业英语》课文翻译Unit 21 Chemical Industry and Environment

Unit 21 Chemical Industry and Environment 化学工业与环境 How can we reduce the amount of waste that is produced? And how we close the loop by redirecting spent materials and products into programs of recycling? All of these questions must be answered through careful research in the coming years as we strive to keep civilization in balance with nature. 我们怎样才能减少产生废物的数量?我们怎样才能使废弃物质和商品纳入循环使用的程序?所有这些问题必须要在未来的几年里通过仔细的研究得到解决,这样我们才能保持文明与自然的平衡。 1.Atmospheric Chemistry Coal-burning power plants, as well as some natural processes, deliver sulfur compounds to the stratosphere, where oxidation produces sulfuric acid particles that reflect away some of the incoming visible solar radiation. In the troposphere, nitrogen oxides produced by the combustion of fossil fuels combine with many organic molecules under the influence of sunlight to produce urban smog. The volatile hydrocarbon isoprene, well known as a building block of synthetic rubber, is also produced naturally in forests. And the chlorofluorocarbons, better known as CFCs, are inert in automobile air conditioners and home refrigerators but come apart under ultraviolet bombardment in the mid-stratosphere with devastating effect on the earth’s stratospheric ozone layer. The globally averaged atmospheric concentration of stratospheric ozone itself is only 3 parts in 10 million, but it has played a crucial protective role in the development of all biological life through its absorption of potentially harmful shout-wavelength solar ultraviolet radiation. 1.大气化学 燃煤发电厂像一些自然过程一样,也会释放硫化合物到大气层中,在那里氧化作用产生硫酸颗粒能反射入射进来的可见太阳辐射。在对流层,化石燃料燃烧所产生的氮氧化物在阳光的影响下与许多有机物分子结合产生都市烟雾。挥发的碳氢化合物异戊二烯,也就是众所周知的合成橡胶的结构单元,可以在森林中天然产生含氯氟烃。我们所熟悉的CFCs,在汽车空调和家用冰箱里是惰性的,但在中平流层内在紫外线的照射下回发生分解从而对地球大气臭氧层造成破坏,全球大气层中臭氧的平均浓度只有3ppm,但它对所有生命体的生长发育都起了关键的保护作用,因为是它吸收了太阳光线中有害的短波紫外辐射。 During the past 20 years, public attention has been focused on ways that mankind has caused changes in the atmosphere: acid rain, stratospheric zone depletion, greenhouse warming, and the increased oxidizing capacity of the atmosphere. We have known for generations that human activity has affected the nearby surroundings, but only gradually have we noticed such effects as acid rain on a regional then on an intercontinental scale. With the problem of ozone depletion and concerns about global warming, we have now truly entered an era of global change, but the underlying scientific facts have not yet been fully established. 在过去的二十年中,公众的注意力集中在人类对大气层的改变:酸雨、平流层臭氧空洞、温室现象,以及大气的氧化能力增强,前几代人已经知道,人类的活动会对邻近的环境造成影响,但意识到像酸雨这样的效应将由局部扩展到洲际范围则是慢慢发现的。随着臭氧空洞问题的出现,考虑到对全球的威胁,我们已真正进入到全球话改变的时代,但是基本的


Unit 1 The RootsofChemistry I.Comprehension. 1。C 2. B3.D 4. C 5. B II。Make asentence out of each item by rearranging the wordsin brackets. 1.Thepurification of anorganic compoundis usually a matter of considerabledifficulty, and itis necessary to employ various methods for thispurpose。 2.Science is an ever-increasing body ofaccumulated and systematized knowledge and isalsoan activity bywhic hknowledge isgenerated。 3.Life,after all, is only chemistry,in fact, a small example of c hemistry observed onasingle mundane planet。 4.Peopleare made of molecules; someof themolecules in p eople are rather simple whereas othersarehighly complex。 5.Chemistry isever presentin ourlives from birth todeathbecause without chemistrythere isneither life nor death. 6.Mathematics appears to be almost as humankindand al so permeatesall aspects of human life, although manyof us are notfully awareofthis. III。Translation. 1.(a)chemicalprocess (b) natural science(c)the techni que of distillation 2.Itis theatoms that makeupiron, water,oxygen and the like/andso on/andsoforth/and otherwise. 3.Chemistry hasa very long history, infact,human a ctivity in chemistrygoes back to prerecorded times/predating recorded times. 4.According to/Fromthe evaporation ofwater,people know /realized that liquidscan turn/be/changeinto gases undercertain conditions/circumstance/environment。 5.Youmustknow the propertiesofthe materialbefore y ou use it. IV.Translation 化学是三种基础自然科学之一,另外两种是物理和生物.自从宇宙大爆炸以来,化学过程持续进行,甚至地球上生命的出现可能也是化学过程的结果。人们也许认为生命是三步进化的最终结果,第一步非常快,其余两步相当慢.这三步


精心整理一、元素和单质的命名 “元素”和“单质”的英文意思都是“element”,有时为了区别,在强调“单质”时可用“freeelement”。因此,单质的英文名称与元素的英文名称是一样的。下面给出的既是元素的名称,同时又是单质的名称。 或用后缀-ous表示低价,-ic表示高价。 如FeO:iron(II)oxide或ferrous oxideFe2O3:iron(III)oxide或ferric oxide Cu2O:copper(I)oxide或cuprous oxide CuO:copper(II)oxide或cupric oxide 2.化合物负电荷部分的读法: 2.1二元化合物: 常见的二元化合物有卤化物,氧化物,硫化物,氮化物,磷化物,碳化物,金属氢化物等,命名时需要使用后缀-ide, 如:fluoride,chloride,bromide,iodide,oxide,sulfide,nitride,phosphide,carbide,hydride;OH-的名称也是用后缀-ide:hydroxide, 非金属氢化物不用此后缀,而是将其看成其它二元化合物(见2。2);非最低价的二元化合

物还要加前缀,如O22-:peroxideO2-:superoxide 举例:NaF:sodiumfluoride AlCl3:aluminiumchloride Mg2N3:magnesiumnitride Ag2S:silversulfide CaC2:calciumcarbide Fe(OH)2:iron(II)hydroxide 有些物质常用俗称,如NOnitricoxideN2Onitrousoxide 2.2非金属氢化物 除了水和氨气使用俗称water,ammonia以外,其它的非金属氢化物都用系统名称,命名规则根据化学式的写法不同而有所不同。对于卤族和氧族氢化物,H在化学式中写在前面,因此将其看成另一元素的二元化合物。 举例:HFhydrogenfluorideHClhydrogenchloride HBrhydrogenbromideHIhydrogeniodide CH4 H 高某酸 举例: H HPO3 正盐:根据化学式从左往右分别读出阳离子和阴离子的名称。 如FeSO4iron(II)sulfateKMnO4potassiumpermanganate 酸式盐:同正盐的读法,酸根中的H读做hydrogen,氢原子的个数用前缀表示。 如NaHCO3:sodiumhydrogencarbonate或sodiumbicarbonate NaH2PO4:sodiumdihydrogenphosphate 复盐:同正盐的读法,并且阳离子按英文名称的第一个字母顺序读。 如KNaCO3:potassiumsodiumcarbonate NaNH4HPO4:ammoniumsodiumhydrogenphosphate 水合盐:结晶水读做water或hydrate 如AlCl3.6H2O:aluminumchloride6-water或aluminumchloridehexahydrate AlK(SO4)212H2Oaluminiumpotassiumsulphate12-water


04.GROUPS IIIB—VIIIB ELEMENTS Group I-B includes the elements scandium, yttrium, lanthanum, and actinium1, and the two rare-earth series of fourteen elements each2—the lanthanide and actinide series. The principal source of these elements is the high gravity river and beach sands built up by a water-sorting process during long periods of geologic time. Monazite sand, which contains a mixture of rare earth phosphates, and an yttrium silicate in a heavy sand are now commercial sources of a number of these scarce elements. B组包括元素钪,钇,镧,和actinium1,和2稀土系列十四each2镧系和锕系元素的系列。这些元素的主要来源是重力高与海滩砂建立起来的water-sorting过程在漫长的地质年代。独居石砂,其中包含一个混合稀土磷酸盐,和一个钇硅酸盐在沉沙现在商业来源的一些这些稀有元素。 Separation of the elements is a difficult chemical operation. The solubilities of their compounds are so nearly alike that a separation by fractional crystallization is laborious and time-consuming. In recent years, ion exchange resins in high columns have proved effective. When certain acids are allowed to flow down slowly through a column containing a resin to which ions of Group III B metals are adsorbed, ions are successively released from the resin3. The resulting solution is removed from the bottom of the column or tower in bands or sections. Successive

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