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Craziest Food Festivals sounds like a joke topic, but once you start looking into it, you’ll realize they’re everywhere — the crazier, the better.

1. Bibimbap Festival

In the South Korean town of Jeonjuloves, their “mixed rice” dish is a hearty serve of rice topped with raw beef, a rainbow of vegetables, a raw egg and gochujang sauce so much. They take four days out of October to celebrate it.

Like any festival there’s music, e ntertainment and magic, but making it that little bit different is the bibimbap that’s whipped(搅拌) up in a big bowl by dozens of chefs and served to over 400 people.

2. Waikiki Spam Jam

Who knew this canned meat had so much love? Well, it turns out that a can of Spam is the go-to item in Hawaii, along with a grass skirt and garland(花环). The people of Hawaii love Spam

so much that they even spend a day in May giving out the best Spam, a type of cheap canned meat made mainly from pork.

3. Bessieres Easter Egg Festival

At Easter time, for those in the French town of Bessieres it’s all about an egg far less sweet.

Here they celebrate the holiday by getting dozens of chefs to make one large omelette(煎蛋卷)—15,000 eggs strong — for the townsfolk(市民).

4. Potato Days Festival

This festival actually takes place in Barnesville, Minnesota, the US. Over the last Friday and Saturday in August the town celebrates its potato-growing skills by hosting potato picking and peeling contests, as well as a Miss Tater Tot pageant(盛典) for five- and six-year-old girls.

1. What makes Bibimbap festival special?

A. They take four days to celebrate it.

B. The mixed rice is rich in many vegetables.

C. There’s music, entertainment and magic during the festival.

D. The rice dish needs to be mixed in one big bowl by dozens of chefs together.

2. What do we know about Waikiki Spam Jam ?

A. The spam is the most favorite for Hawaii people.

B. People spend one day to prepare the Jam.

C. The Jam isn’t affordable for the plain townsfolk.

D. The Jam is mainly made from raw beef.

3. If you have time in August, you can go to ______.

A. Bibimbap Festival

B. Waikiki Spam Jam

C. Bessieres Easter Egg Festival

D. Potato Days Festival

【答案】1-3 DAD


1.细节理解题。根据Bibimbap Festival部分最后一句可知,和其他任何节日一样,石锅拌饭节也有音乐、娱乐活动和魔术表演,但它的特别之处在于它的拌饭需要几十个厨师一起在一个大碗里搅拌。故D项正确。

2.细节理解题。根据Waikiki Spam Jam部分中的“Well, it turns out that a can of Spam is the go-to item in Hawaii, along with a grass skirt and garland.”可知,事实证明,在夏威夷,午餐


3.细节理解题。根据Potato Days Festival部分中的“Over the last Friday and Saturday in August the town celebrates its potato-growing skills by hosting potato picking and peeling contests, as well as a Miss Tater Tot pageant for five- and six-year-old girls.”可知,在八月的最后一个周五和周六,该镇会举办土豆采摘和削皮比赛来庆祝当地的土豆种植技术,同时还为5岁和6岁的女孩举办了一场“土豆小姐”选美比赛。由此可知,如果在八月有时间,你可以去在巴恩斯维尔举办的土豆节。故D项正确。


My daughter Kelly is a cautious person. She needs to warm up to situations, and is hesitant to try new things. But this has been a year of firsts for my girl that has filled her with a new sense of confidence. This year she moved to lap lane in swimming where she was preparing for a swim team. This year she learned to ride a bike without training wheels. And this year she completed her first kids’ triathlon(三项全能).

On Saturday, with a thunderstorm coming soon and my son’s birthday party later in the day, we all went out in the dark of the morning for Kelly to participate in her first triathlon. We practiced transitions from swim to bike to run with her, we got all the equipment she’d need, and we kept talking about the race. But as we waited the two hours for the older kids to finish before her turn, she held my leg a little harder and told me she loved me too many times. She was nervous but trying to keep it together.

And then it was her turn. From the second she jumped into the water, my heart soared. My daughter transformed into the most confident human being I had ever seen. She dominated that swim, crushed that bike ride and ran to the finish with the biggest smile on her face.

I can honestly say that I never felt so proud of someone in my entire life. It wasn’t because she did a sport or anything like that. It was because she was afraid of something and conquered that fear wit h confidence and a fire I hadn’t seen before.

I kept looking at her with smile. She might be wearing the finalist medal but I felt like I won that day. I won the chance to see my girl shine.

4. What can we learn from Paragraph 2?

A. The race began in the early morning.

B. Kelly prepared for her brother’s birthday party.

C. Kelly was eager for her turn in the race.

D. The whole family gave Kelly support.

5. Seeing Kelly’s performance in the race, the author felt _________.

A. worried and hesitant

B. excited and proud

C. anxious and uneasy

D. curious and concerned

6. In Paragraph 4, the underlined word “conquered” probably means_________.

A. to succeed in dealing with or control something

B. to take control of an area and its people by force

C. to become very popular or successful in a place

D. to defeat someone especially in a competition

7. In the ending paragraphs the author felt like “I won that day” because Kelly ___________.

A. expressed love to her

B. won the gold medal

C. overcame the fear

D. took part in the sport

【答案】4-7 DBAC







The earliest known copy of Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa— thought to have been painted at the same time as the original masterpiece —has been discovered at the Prado Museum in Madrid, Spain. The work offers art-lovers an attractive clue to what the model for the world’s most famous painting really looked like. Controllers of the museum found the picture hidden beneath layers of paints during restoration work on a picture initially thought to have been a later replica(exact copy) of the Mona Lisa.

The restored version shows the same woman that Leonardo depicted(描画), against a landscape similar to that shown in the background of the original, which now hangs in the Louvre in Paris. And while the features of Leonardo’s Mona Lisa have been dulled by centuries of dirt and layers of cracked paints—which are unlikely ever to be removed —in the recently-rediscovered copy, she appears fresher-faced and younger than her better-known “twin”.

News of the find was revealed at a meeting at London’s National Gallery, linked to its “Leonardo da Vinci: Painter at the Court of Milan” exhibition. “This sensational(轰动的) find will transform our understanding of the world’s most famous picture,” the Art Newspaper reported, adding that the clues found on the Madrid version suggest that the original and the copy were begun at the same time and painted next to each other, as the work went on.

Miguel Falomir, manager of Italian painting at the Prado, told reporters that expert analysis suggested a strong link between Leonardo and the artist who painted the copy. “The painting was done in the painter’s own workshop,” he said. “It is absolutely consistent with Leonardo’s work, but Leonard o didn’t actually do any work on it himself.”

8. Which of the following is TRUE about the new version of the Mona Lisa?

A. It was a restored version by Leonardo.

B. It was painted much later than the original version.

C. It is better preserved than the original one.

D. It has been dulled by layers of cracked paints.

9. We can learn from the third paragraph that ________.

A. the new version of the Mona Lisa went on display at a meeting.

B. there would be two versions of the Mona Lisa at the exhibition.

C. Leonardo was made to paint with another painter meanwhile.

D. the new finding affects the understanding of the original version.

10. What can we infer from the text?

A. The artist painted the copy in his home.

B. The artist who painted the copy must have been Leonardo’s student.

C. The artist finished painting the copy under Leonardo’s guidance.

D. The artist who painted the copy had close relation with Leonardo.

11. What is the main idea of the text?

A. The Prado Museum has discovered the earliest copy of the Mona Lisa.

B. The Prado Museum restored the earliest copy of the Mona Lisa.

C. The Prado Museum displayed the recently-rediscovered copy of the Mona Lisa in Spain.

D. The Prado Museum offers art-lovers a better understanding of Leonardo.

【答案】8-11 CDDA


8.细节理解题。根据第二段中的“in the recently-rediscovered copy, she appears fresher-faced and younger than her better-known “twin””可知,与收藏在卢浮宫略显晦暗的《蒙娜丽莎》“本尊”相比,该画作中的蒙娜丽莎面色清晰红润,即它比原版的保存得更好。故选C。

9.细节理解题。由第三段的“This sensational find will transform our understanding of the world’s most famous picture”可知,这一新发现将加深世界艺术爱好者对达芬奇“真迹”——《蒙娜丽莎》的理解。即这一新发现影响了对原始版本的理解。故选D。

10.推理判断题。结合最后一段的“expert analysis suggested a strong link between Leonardo and the artist who painted the copy”可推知,该画作者与达芬奇的关系密切。故选D。



We’ve all been there: in a lift, in line at the bank or on an airplane, surrounded by people who are, like us, deeply focused on their smartphones or, worse, struggling with the uncomfortable silence.

What’s the problem? It’s possible that we all have compromised conversational intelligence. It’s more likely that none of us start a conversation because it’s awkward a nd challenging, or we think it’s annoying and unnecessary. But the next time you find yourself among strangers, consider that small talk is worth the trouble. Experts say it’s an invaluable social practice that results in big benefits.

Dismissing small tal k as unimportant is easy, but we can’t forget that deep relationships wouldn’t even exist if it weren’t for casual conversation. Small talk is the grease(润滑剂) for social communication, says Bernardo Carducci, director of the Shyness Research Institute at Indiana University Southeast. “Almost every great love story and each big business deal begins with small talk,” he explains. “The key to successful small talk is learning how to connect with others, not just communicate with them.”

In a 2014 study, Elizabeth Dunn, associate professor of psychology at UBC, invited people on their way into a coffee shop. One group was asked to seek out an interaction(互动) with its waiter; the other, to speak only when necessary. The results showed that those who chatted with their server reported significantly higher positive feelings and a better coffee shop experience. “It’s not that talking to the waiter is better than talking to your husband,”says Dunn. “But interactions with peripheral(边缘的) members of our social network matter for our well-being also.”

Dunn believes that people who reach out to strangers feel a significantly greater sense of belonging, a bond with others. Carducci believes developing such a sense of belonging starts with small talk. “Small talk is the basis of good manners,” he says.

12. What phenomenon is described in the first paragraph?

A. Addiction to smartphones.

B. Inappropriate behaviours in public places.

C. Absence of communication between strangers.

D. Impatience with slow service.

13. What is important for successful small talk according to Carducci?

A. Showing good manners .

B. Relating to other people.

C. Focusing on a topic.

D. Making business deals.

4. What does the coffee-shop study suggest about small talk?

A. It improves family relationships.

B. It raises people’s confidence.

C. It matters as much as a formal talk.

D. It makes people feel good.

15. What is the best title for the text?

A. Conversation Counts

B. Ways of Making Small Talk

C. Benefits of Small Talk

D. Uncomfortable Silence

【答案】12-15 CBDC




14.推理判断题。根据第四段的调查结果可知,那些与服务员聊天的人,有显著的积极情绪和更好的咖啡店体验。由此可知,D项符合题意。A项:闲聊改善了家庭关系。B项:闲聊提高了人们的信心。C项:闲聊和正式谈话一样重要。D项:闲聊让人感觉很好。故选D 项。




Do you know how to be realistic? It is important to be realistic. In order to be realistic, you must understand yourself and the world around you. 16 You still need to challenge yourself, but if you have tried something several times, then you need to accept that maybe you can’t do it. Keep yourself firmly on the ground and read on.

17 Try new things and do your best at them, but if you find that it is something you can’ t do after many tries, accept the failures and be realistic.

Explain to others that you are being realistic in your approach. When you hit the wall, back off. You can’t continue to bang your head against the wall. 18 Some people don’t accept them, but they are there.

Challenge yourself. You need to try before you can be realistic and say, “I can’t do that.” No one ever got anywhere without trying. 19 Sometimes you need to find the one that works for you.

Follow what you believe. People may tell you that you can do something if you try hard enough, and sometimes they are right. But if you know that you can’t do it, follow what you believe.

See what is there. You don’t need to analyze everything. Don’t look below the surface. 20 Always expect what you know to be realistic. Don’t look for miracles.

A. Everyone has limitations.

B. Approach life realistically.

C. Just take everything at face value.

D. You can be realistic and just go with the flow.

E. Many things can be achieved in different ways.

F. Understand what you can do and what you can’t.

G. You must be able to see exactly what you are capable of.

【答案】16-20 GFAEC







20.空格前一句“Don’t look below the surface.”告诉我们不要多考虑表面以下的内容。只要关注表面价值即可。故C项符合上下文语境。




The concept of solitude(独处) in the digital world is almost non-existent. In the world of digital technology, e-mail, social networking and online video games, information is meant to be 21 . Solitude can be hard to discover once it has been given up. In this respect, new technologies have 22 our culture.

The desire to be connected has brought solitude to a(n) 23 as we’ve known it. People have become so 24 in the world of networks and connections that one can often be contacted even if they’d rather not be. Today we can talk, text, e-mail, chat and blog, not only from our 25, but from our mobile phones as well.

Most developed nations have become 26 on digital technology simply because they’ve grown accustomed to it, and at this point not 27 it would make them an outsider. 28 , many jobs and careers require people to be 29 . From this point of view, technology has changed the culture of work. Being reachable might feel like a 30 to those who may not want to be able to be contacted at all times. I suppose the positive side is that solitude is still

possible for anyone who really wants it. Computers can be 31 and mobile phones can be turned off. The ability to be “connected” and “on” has many 32 . Travelers have ended up 33 on mountains, and mobile phones have saved countless lives. However, they can also make people feel 34 and forced to answer unwanted calls or turn to unwanted texts.

Attitudes towards our connectedness as a society 35 across generations. Some find today’s technology a gift. Others consider it a curse. Regardless of anyone’s view on the subject, it’s hard to imagine what life would be like without daily advancements in technology.

21. A. updated B. received C. shared D. collected

22. A. expanded B. shaped C. retained D. promoted

23. A. mission B. orbit C. end D. desire

24. A. powerful B. intelligent C. concerned D. reachable

25. A. media B. computers C. headsets D. monitors

26. A. tough B. hard C. keen D. dependent

27. A. finding B. using C. attending D. consuming

28. A. Also B. Instead C. Otherwise D. Somehow

29. A. connected B. trained C. recommended D. interested

30. A. pleasure B. benefit C. burden D. disappointment

31. A. put off B. shut down C. taken over D. set up

32. A. aspects B. weaknesses C. advantages D. exceptions

33. A. packed B. lost C. survived D. floated

34. A. trapped B. attempted C. confused D. committed

35. A. vary B. arise C. spread D. exist

【答案】21-25 CBCDB 26-30 DBAAC 31-35 BCBAA


21.考查动词。A. updated:更新;B. received:接收;C. shared:分享;D. collected:收集。根据上一句可知,独处这一概念在数码世界几乎不存在,信息的传播在于分享。故C选项


22.考查动词。A. expanded:扩张;B. shaped:塑造;C. retained:保持;D. promoted:促进。句意:从这方面来说,新科技塑造了我们的文化。故B选项正确。

23.考查名词。A. mission:任务;B. orbit:轨道;C. end:结束;D. desire:渴望。句意:渴望联系使独处消失了。bring an end to:使……结束。故C选项正确。

24.考查形容词。A. powerful:强有力的;B. intelligent:有才智的;C. concerned:担心的;

D. reachable:可到达的。句意:在网络交织的世界里,人们已经变得如此随处可及。故D 选项正确。

25.考查名词。A. media:媒体;B. computers:电脑;C. headsets:耳机;D. monitors:监视器。句意:今天,我们不仅可以通过电脑还可以通过手机进行交流、编辑短信、发邮件、聊天和写博客。故B选项正确。

26.考查形容词。A. tough:困难的;B. hard:辛苦的;C. keen:渴望的;D. dependent:依靠的。句意:大多数发达国家已经依赖于数码技术,仅仅因为习惯于此。be dependent on:对……依赖。故D选项正确。

27.考查动词。A. finding:发现;B. using:使用;C. attending:参加;D. consuming:消耗。句意:这个时候,不使用数码技术将会使他们成为局外人。故B选项正确。

28.考查副词。A. Also:而且;B. Instead:相反;C. Otherwise:否则;D. Somehow:不知何故,不知怎地。句意:而且,许多工作和职业需要人们相互联系。表示递进,故A选项正确。

29.考查动词。A. connected:连接,联系;B. trained:训练;C. recommended:推荐;D. interested:使感兴趣。此处表示联系,故A选项正确。

30.考查名词。A. pleasure:乐事;B. benefit:益事;C. burden:负担;D. disappointment:令人失望的事。句意:对那些可能不想总是能够被打扰的人来说,随时随地能被联系上可能感觉像个负担。故C选项正确。

31.考查动词短语。A. put off:推迟;B. shut down:关闭(与该空后turn off一致);C. taken over:接管;D. set up:设立。句意:电脑可以关机,手机也是。故B选项正确。

32.考查名词。A. aspects:方面;B. weaknesses:弱点;C. advantages:优势(与该空后disadvantage相对);D. exceptions:例外。句意:能够被联系上既有优势也有弊端。故C选项正确。

33.考查形容词。A. packed:充满……的;B. lost:迷路的;C. survived:幸存的;D. floated:

浮动的。句意:旅行者最后在大山里迷路了。end up done/adj./doing:以……告终(为结局)。故B选项正确。

34.考查形容词。A. trapped:被困的,受限制的;B. attempted:企图的;C. confused:困惑的;D. committed:效忠的。句意:手机也会使人们感到受困。故A选项正确。

35.考查动词。A. vary:变化,呈多样化;B. arise:(问题)出现;C. spread:散步,蔓延;

D. exist:存在。句意:对于我们被连接成一个社会,不同代际的人态度不一。故A选项正确。





The novel coronavirus(冠状病毒) outbreak is a major public 36 (emergent). The fast-spreading virus has reached most parts of the world and has proven a most difficult one to control. We 37 (see) anything like this since the 38 (found) of the People’s Republic. This is a crisis, and also a test. We have seen positive signs thanks 39 the hard work we have done. It is clear 40 the central leadership has made wise judgments on fighting the disease and taken timely and effective 41 (measure).

In the face of the battle, the central government 42 (lead) by President Xi has been active and determined in decision-making and coordination. The people of China have stood together and helped each other in these hard times, 43 perfect example of our strong national spirit. Through every test we have risen again, 44 (strong) than before.”

With the joint efforts of 45 (it) 1.4 billion people, China is fighting a determined battle against the coronavirus. The final victory belongs to us.


36. emergency 37. have not seen 38. founding/foundation 39. to 40. that

41. measures 42. led 43. a 44. stronger 45. its



37.考查时态。句意:自从中华人民共和国成立以来,我们从未见过这样的事情。根据下文的时间状语since可知,句子用现在完成时,主语是复数,根据语境,用否定式,故填have not seen。


39.考查固定短语。thanks to(多亏;由于)是固定短语,故填to。




43.考查冠词。“63 perfect example of our strong national spirit”是同位语,解释说明上文内容,example是可数名词,perfect以辅音因素开头,故填a。

44.考查形容词比较级。根据下文的than before可知,用比较级,故填stronger。








The Most Meaningful Thing I Did


The Most Meaningful Thing I Did

The most meaningful thing I did was that I went to a nursing home to do voluntary work last summer holiday. Getting everything ready, I went to the nursing home with my best friend. Upon arriving there, we started to clean the floor and help the elder wash clothes. The elder felt happy and shared many wonderful stories with us.

The experience made me realize that old people need our care and we should spend more time staying with them. From then on, I decided to do voluntary work more often and I learned a lesson that elders are treasures.



Arthur was messy. He didn’t try to make messes, but he didn’t try to clean up much, either. There were always small pieces of food on the table when he was done eating. His socks never made it into the hamper(洗衣篮). And he only picked up his toys when Mom threatened to throw them away. Most days, Mom followed Arthur around the house and cleaned up after him. She brushed the crumbs(碎屑) into her hand and threw them away after meals. She picked up his socks and made sure they got washed, dried and folded neatly before going back in the drawer. She often picked up his toys when he left them to do something else.

One day, Mom asked Arthur to pick up his toy trains. “Not right now,” Arthur said. He was reading a comic book. The trains had been on the living room floor since the morning.

“You know what, Arthur? I’m not going to ask you again. I’m done cleaning today.” And with that. Mom put her feet up on the sofa and picked up a book to read.

At dinner time, Arthur noticed that there was a big pile of crumbs at his place at the table. Mom’s spot was nice and clean. Arthur didn’t like the crumbs very much. After dinner, Arthur’s feet felt cold. He went to his room and opened his drawer, but the drawer was empty. “Mom, where are my socks?” Arthur called.

“There weren’t any socks in your hamper, so I didn’t wash them,” Mom said. Arthur felt unhappy. Now his feet would be cold, unless he wanted to wear dirty socks from the floor. He decided to stay barefoot.

When it was time for bed, Arthur said good night to Mom and turned to go upstairs. Arthur stepped right on his toy train in his bare feet. “Ouch!” cried Arthur. “That really hurt!”Paragraph 1:

However Mom was still reading and said nothing.

_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________

_______________________________________________________________________________ _______

Paragraph 2:

“Mom?” said Arthur. “Tomorrow can you show me how to do the washing so I can wash my socks?”

_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________【答案】

Paragraph 1:

However, Mom was still reading and said nothing. Arthur wasn’t sure whether she had heard him or not so he called for help again, but still Mom didn’t come. Then Arthur realized maybe it was he that could solve his problem at that very moment. He quietly picked up the toy train and put it in the box. It only took a minute for him to put the toy away, and now he wouldn’t have to worry about hurting his feet again.

Paragraph 2

“Mom?” said Arthur. “Tomorrow can you show me how to do the laundry so I can wash my socks?” “Of course,” said Mom. “It’s nice to see you begin to learn to take care of yourself. I

am always here to do whatever I can to help you become a more independent boy.” Arthur felt better. He didn’t want to wait until the next laundry day to have clean socks again. Maybe being neat wasn’t so hard after all


延边第二中学2017-2018学年度第二学期第二次阶段检测 高一英语试卷 注意事项:答案必须写在答题卡上,答在试卷上无效。本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分,本试卷满分120分。考试时间90分钟。 第Ⅰ卷(选择题共70分) 第一节:阅读理解(共20小题,每小题2分,满分40分) 阅读下列短文, A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑 A Our neighbour’s son was getting married at an out-of-town church, and my husband and I were invited. We immediately rushed out to a store, and I bought a nice pink dress with a jacket. The dress was a little tight, but I had a month to go before the June 30 wedding and I would lose a few pounds. June 29 came and, of c ourse, I hadn’t lost a single pound; in fact I had gained two. But I figured a nice new girdle (紧身内衣)would cure everything. So on our way out of the city we stopped once again at the store. I ran in and told the clerk I needed a large-size girdle. The shop assistant found the box with the described girdle marked "LG", and asked if I would like to try it on. “Oh, no, a large will fit just right. I needn’t try it on.” The next morning was rather hot, so I waited to get dressed until about 45 minutes before time to go. I opened the box only to find a new girdle in a small size. Since it was too late to


高一英语12月月考试卷 注意:1-75题填涂在答题卡上,从76开始做在答题卷上。考试时间110分钟。 听力部分:(共20分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. When is Betty leaving for Guangzhou? A. Next Thursday evening. B. This Thursday evening. C. Next Tuesday evening. 2. Which season was it when the conversation took place? A. Spring. B. Winter. C. Summer. 3. When was the fire put out? A. At 1:00. B. At 4:00. C. At 3:00. 4.When will the woman go to dinner? A. Next Saturday. B. Next Sunday. C. On the man’s birthday. 5. What does the man think of the exam? A. It wasn't too difficult. B. It was too easy. C. It was very difficult. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听下面一段对话,回答第6~8题。 6. Where are Kate and Torn? A. In Kate's office. B. In Tom’s house. C. In a classroom. 7. Why did Tom come in? A. He worked there. B. He wanted to talk to Kate. C. He wanted to have a letter typed. 8. What was Jane doing at that time? A. She was taking a rest. B. She was preparing for an exam. C. She was taking an exam. 听下面一段对话,回答9~11题。 9.How much did the woman’s package post cost? A. $10.80. B. $5.90. C. $5.94. 10.Which way did the woman get to mail her package? A. First class. B. A cheaper way. C. An expensive way. 11. Where did they have a talk? A. At a post office. B. At a railway station. C. At New York airport. 听下面一段对话,回答第12~14题。 12.Where did they have a dinner that night?


2012—2013学年度第二学期高一期末考试 英语试卷 满分:150分时间:120分钟 第一卷:选择题(共三个部分,满分120分) 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节:(共5小题:每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. What does the man want to do? A. To write a check. B. To cook dinner. C. To read the newspaper. 2. When will the film probably start? A. At 12: 15. B. At 12: 30. C. At 12: 45. 3. How did the man hear about the accident? A. From Mary. B. In the newspaper. C. On the television. 4. What can we learn from the conversation? A. The man is free on Tuesday evening. B. The man is free on Wednesday afternoon. C. The woman is busy on Tuesday evening. 5. What is the man dissatisfied with about the hotel? A. The awful dinner. B. The dirty room. C. The noisy environment. 第二节(共15 小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听下面一段对话,回答第6和第7两个小题。 6. How many times a day should the man take the medicine? A. Twice. B. Three times. C. Four times. 7. What shouldn't the man do these days? A. Smoke. B. Drink wine. C. Overwork. 听下面一段对话,回答第8和第9两个小题。 8. What can we learn from the conversation? A. The fridge doesn't work. 高一英语期末考试卷第1 页(共15 页)


高一第一次月考 英语试卷 1.本试卷分第一卷(选择题)和第二卷(非选择题)两部分,共150分;考试时间120分钟。 2.本试卷各试题答案必须在答题纸上规定的答题区域内作答,否则无效。 第一卷 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一篇。 1. Where does the conversation most probably take place? A. In a classroom. B. In a restaurant. C. In a bookstore. 2. What does the woman think of the man’s paper? A. It is not complete. B. The handwriting is very poor. C. Some parts of it aren’t well written. 3. How long will Tom wait there? A. For 6 hours. B. For 2 hours. C. For 3 hours. 4. What will they do? A. They will go to the Mediterranean by train. B. They will go to Hawaii for their holiday. C. They will go to Hawaii by plane. 5. How many floors does the man have to walk to Mr Johnson’s office? A. 3. B. 4. C. 6. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍. 听第6段材料,回答第6--7题。 6. What’s wrong with the woman? A. She has a bad cold. B. She has her legs broken. C. She can’t walk. 7. How long does the woman have to stay in bed? A. For one week. B. For two weeks. C. For three days. 听第7段材料,回答第8—9题。 8. Why dose Ann want to move out of her apartment? A. Because it’s too expensive. B. Because the neighborhood is noisy. C. Because it’s too far from her school. 9. How much does Ann want to spend on rent? A. About $50 a month B. About $150 a month. C. About $250 a month. 听第8段材料,回答第10—12题。 10. Where does the man want to go? A. Zhongshan Park. B. Qingdao Park C. Zhanshan Temple. 11. Which bus dose the man have to take? A. No. 206 Bus B. No. 226 Bus. C. No.260 Bus. 12.How many stops will the man go through? A. Two. B.Three. C. Five. 听第9段材料,回答第13—16题。 13. Where does the girl want to go with her father? A. To the park. B. To the cinema. C. To the swimming pool. 14. Who are they going with? A. The girl’s mother. B. The girl’s aunt. C. The girl’s elder brother. 15. When does the film start? A. At 3 am. B. At 3 pm. C. At 11 am. 16. What will they do later? A. They will eat some food. B. They will go to the beach. C. They will meet the girl’s aunt 听第10段材料,回答第17—20题。 17. Why did Steven Jobs drop out of college?


高一英语上学期第二次月考试题 一、阅读理解(本大题共15小题,共8.0分) A Opera at Music Hall:1243 Elm Street.The season runs June through August,with additional performances in March and September.The Opera honors enjoy the Artsmembership discounts.Phone:241﹣2742. Chamber Orchestra:The Orchestra plays at Memorial Hall at 1406 Elm Street,which offers several concerts from March through June.Call 723﹣1182 for more information. Symphony Orchestra:At Music Hall and Riverbend.For ticket sales,call 381﹣3300.Regular season runs September through May at Music Hall and in summer at Riverbend. College Conservatory of Music (CCM):Performances are on the main campus(校园)of the university,usually at Patricia Cobbett https://www.doczj.com/doc/eb1338926.html,M organizes a variety of events,including performances by the well﹣known LaSalle Quartet,CCM's Philharmonic Orchestra,and various groups of musicians presenting Baroque through modern music.Students with I.D cards can attend the events for free.A free schedule of events for each term is available by calling the box office at 556﹣4183 Riverbend Music Theater:6295 Kellogg https://www.doczj.com/doc/eb1338926.html,rge outdoor theater with the closest seats under cover (piece difference).Big name shows all summer long! Phone:232﹣6220. 1.Which number should you call if you want to see an opera? A. 241﹣2742. B. 723﹣1182. C. 381﹣3300. D. 232﹣6220. 2.When can you go to a concert by Chamber Orchestra? A. February. B. May. C. August. D. November. 3.Where can student go for free performances with their I.D.cards? A. Music Hall. B. Memorial Hall. C. Patricia Cobbett Theater. D. Riverbend Music Theater. 4.How is Riverbend Music Theater different from the other places? A. It has seats in the open air. B. It gives shows all year round. C. It offers membership discounts. D. It presents famous musical works. B The British are famous as animal lovers, and in a nation of about 60 million people, there are about 27 million pets! The most popular pets are dogs and cats. Many British people say that the main reason they have a pet is to keep them company (陪伴他们). According to a recent report, 60% of people who live on their own have a pet as company. A lot of pet owners treat their pet just like one of the


华胜实验2019—2020学年度第二学期月考 高一英语(满分100分) 姓名:_______班级:________ 一.根据句意及括号内的汉语提示,用单词的适当形式填空。(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分) 1.The Great Wall of China is one of the greatest man-made_____________(工程)in the world. 2.During the first three months,Li Mei certainly_____________(经历)cultural shock when she was in London. 3.My husband and I went to a store to buy some___________(家具)for our new house yesterday. 4.On my_____________(以前的)visits to China,I only visited three cities—Beijing,Chengdu and Xi’an. 5.She walked_________(穿过)the floor and lay down on the bed. 6.They believed_________(古代的)Greece and Rome were sources of learning. 7.It_________(发生)to me that I hadn’t seen her for months. 8.There are various kinds of natural__________(灾难)all over the world. 9.The most__________(暴力的)tornado have winds of more than400kilometers per hour. 10.The astonishing__________(相似)between my brother and my first-born son surprises me. 二.根据句意用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分) 11.The CN Tower,_____________(locate)in the city of Toronto,Canada,is famous in the world. 12.On that day,the President met some_____________(represent)and talked about many problems with them. 13.Born in_____________(poor),Andrew Jackson finally became a wealthy lawyer. 14.Don’t eat those_____________(pollute)fish,for they must be bad for our health. 15.We should slow down the__________(develop)of the company. 16.The kind old lady offered food to the poor__________(home)stranger. 17.It’s____________(fortune)that children in developing countries can’t get education. 18.A car accident happened yesterday.____________(Luck),no one was hurt. 19.The_________(terrify)hurricane lasted for two days.


高一英语期末试卷 第I卷 (共75分) I. 单项填空(共20小题, 20分) 1. Three score and eight is ________ . A. 68 B. 58 C. 48 D. 38 2. The students in that class often help ________ . A. each other B. one other C. one after another D. each one 3. There are ________ many bikes of the same color that I could hardly pick out mine from them . A. very B. quite C. so D. such 4. The passengers should wait in ________ when they want to get on the plane . A. this way B. line C. danger D. hope 5. The gestures (手势) are _______ both by Chinese and foreigners as _______ the same meaning . A. accepted ; having B. accepted ; to have C. received ; having D. received ; to have 6. he _______ the importance to master a foreign language in our work . A. pointed out B. work out C. pointed to D. turned to 7. ---_____ it be Li Ping who broke the glass ? --- No. It ______ be Wu Dong who did it . A. Can , must B. Must , Can C. Must , Must D. May , need


高一英语上第一次月考试卷(带答案) 高一月考英语试题 (满分120,时间100分钟) 第Ⅰ卷 第一部分:听力理解(略) 第二部分:阅读理解(共两节20小题,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题,每小题2分,共30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 As the father of a student, I have experienced first hand what a great teacher is. My son was in the 4th grade last year, and he had a teacher called Miss Green. I believe that when he is an adult he will surely look back on her as the best teacher he has ever had. My son has attention deficit disorder(注意力缺损症) that makes it a little more difficult for him to learn. She was able to change her teaching methods for him so that he could keep up with the rest of the class. As a result, he got straight As on many subjects. She regarded her class as a family and they even had their own class song. She would often have them sing it to encourage them and develop a team spirit for them. When she saw that they were no longer listening carefully to what she was teaching, she would have them close their textbooks, stand up all around the room and throw around a small football. This helped them clear their minds and then focus on the lesson again. Besides, she was


高一第2次月考 英语 (总分:150分考试时间:120分钟) 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题.每段对话仅读一遍。 1. When does the train leave for Chicago? A. At 9:10 a.m. B. At 9:20 a.m. C. At 9:40 a.m. 2. What sport does the man like most? A. Jogging. B. Swimming. C. Basketball. 3. What will the speakers have? A. A salad. B. Hamburgers. C. Meatballs. 4. How many people will play poker? A. Six. B. Five. C. Four. 5. Why will the woman buy the white car? A. Its appearance is cool. B. It’s more comfortable. C. It’s environmentally friendly. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6. Whom did the woman buy the sweater for? A. A friend. B. A family member. C. Herself. 7. What will the woman do next? A. Talk to the manager. B. Show the receipt. C. Leave the store. 听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。


第二部分:英语知识运用(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 21. My father is enthusiastic about operas and ___ to the theatre once a week. A. went B. goes C. will go D. is going 22. When spring ____, the snow ____ and it will become warm. A. came; will disappear B. came; disappears C. comes; will disappear D. comes; disappears 23. It was a ____ party; people got ____ soon and began to leave one by one. A. boring; bored B. boring; boring C. bored; boring D. bored; bored 24. —Hi, Mark. ____ —I’m fine. Everything is going well. A. So what? B. And what? C. How are things being done? D. How are you 25. I am very impressed ____ the kindness and romance of Frenchmen. A. with B. of C. on D. about 26. He did everything with a full heart. ____, he was always successful. A. By the way B. On one hand C. As a result D. At the start 27. He always tries his best to do everything by himself because he hates __ others. A. to be troubled B. being troubled C. troubling D. trouble 28. Many people would rather ____ successful in business than ____ to improve themselves. A. to become; learn B. become; learn C. becoming; learning D. become; learning 29. She likes ____ but she doesn’t like ____ now, because there are too many people in the pool. A. swimming; to swim B. swim; to swim C. swimming; swimming D. to swim; swimming 30.They stopped ___ information on the Internet for the boy when he came to ask some more questions about the Olympics. A. to look for B. looking for C. look for D. looked for 31. I think I heard somebody _____ next door. Who could it be? A. to cry B. crying C. being crying D. be cried 32. —When should we leave for Paris? —____. Any time is OK with me. A. You have the choice B. It’s up to you C. I don’t care D. Never mind


学习资料专题 吉林省长春外国语学校2017-2018学年高一英语下学期第一次月考试 题 第Ⅰ卷 I. 听力(共两节,满分 20 分) 第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1分,满分5分) 听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. What are the speakers probably talking about? A. The car. B. The building. C. The lift. 2. What happened to the woman? A. She hit the man. B. She parked in the wrong place. C. She can't find the park. 3. What can we learn from the conversation? A. The man worries about his teacher. B. The woman failed to pass the exam again. C. The man didn't work hard enough. 4. Where does the conversation probably take place? A. In a shop. B. In a restaurant. C. In a hotel. 5. Why are they nervous? A. Because the result of the exams is coming out soon. B. Because there is going to be an important exam. C. Because they all failed the exams. 第二节:(共 15 小题;每小题 1分,满分 15 分)


高一下学期英语第二次月考试卷 一、阅读理解 1. 阅读理解 Plan your 2020 vacation. The followingfour places are your fantastic destinations. You can enjoy a completelydifferent experience. Panama Costa Rica and the Caribbean oftenenjoy much more popularity than Panama, but visitors should consider the centreAmerican country if they want a” less-crowded paradise”. The travelsite states,” Here, horses are still the primary means of transportationand local fishermen serve fresh seafood and fruit from their home kitchens forroughly $ 6 a plate.” Israel If you’relooking for a once-in-a-lifetime experience, National Geographic Travel saysvisitors should head to Jerusalem to celebrate Easter with thousands ofpilgrims . If the crowds get too huge, visitorsare told to take a boat ride to K ing Herod’s 2000-year-old Masada fortress or set off on a peaceful morning boatride across the sea of Galilee. Svalbard If you’re a fan of winter activities, butare in need of some sun, then perhaps a trip to Svalbard is a good choice. NationalGeographi c Travel notes,” The Norwegian archipelago of Svalbard is locatedabout 620 miles south of the


翰林学校2017-2018第一学年高一英语第一次月考试题 (共四大题,满分100分,考试时间120分钟) 一. 单项填空从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(每题1分,共 15分) ( )1. The sea was _______ at the beg inning of our voyage. But after a while a storm was coming. A. quiet B. calm C. sile nt D. still ( )2. Tom is able to lift the heavy box to the truck. He is full of ______ . A. stre ngth B. force C. en ergy D. power ( )3. She soon ______ h erself and stopped crying. A. got back B. ren ewed C. found D. recovered ( )4. These coun tries have _______ too many wars. A. got through B. gone through C. looked through D. run through ( )5. He asked us _______ we saw the lost cat or not. A. that B. what C. which D. whether ( )6. They hurried into the room to see ______ with their baby. A. what the matter was B. what was the matter C. what matter it was D. what matter was it ( )7. I ' m sorry to have broken your glasses. I mean I didn __________ . ' t do it _ A. for pleasure B. on purpose C. in retur n D. in deed ( )8. The soldiers saved a lot of people in that area. The people there are very ______ to them. A. tha nk B. happy C. grateful D. grate ( )9. Tom is playi ng hide-a nd-seek. Do you know his _____ place? A. hidde n B. hide C. hidi ng D. hid ( )10. The stude nts in my class ______ fifty-four. A. add up to B. add to C. add up D. add in ( )11. The Tita nic sank on its first ______ , and a great many people lost their lives. A. travel B. voyage C. trip D. journey ( )1 2. I ' ll come _____ to the point —your work isn ' t good eno ugh. A. straightly B. right C. straight D. direct ( )13. The stude nts _____ busily whe n the teacher went to get a book she _______ in the office. A. had writte n; has left B. were writi ng; has left C. had writte n; had left D. were writi ng; had left

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