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air envelope 大气层

an encounter action 遭遇战

antitrust law 反托拉斯法

assembly line 装配线

as-yet-unexploited 尚未开发利用的

at one stroke 一笔,一举

at stake 存亡攸关,危若累卵

average out 达到平均数,最终得到平衡

bargain on doing sth. 商定做某事

be at a disadvantage 处于不利地位

be at issue 在争论中,不和的;待裁决的

be priced out of (价格太高而)被排挤出

black hole 【天】黑洞

blind spot 【物】盲点,【无】静区

bona fides [拉]诚意,善意

call for 要求

capitalize on the opponent’s mistake 利用对手的错误capitalize on 利用

cash in on 靠…赚钱,趁机利用

center on 集中于

clerical supplies 文具供应

cling to 坚持,墨守;依靠,依恋

closed-circuit television 闭路电视

compound interest 复利(即以本和利为基础的利率)

daylight saving time 夏时制

delve(into) 深入探究,钻研

digital audiotape 数字音带

dote on 溺爱,过分喜爱

draw in 收(网),引诱;天近黄昏;紧缩开支

draw on 戴上(手套);吸收,利用,凭靠;向…支取

ecological systems 生态系统

fall into a rut 陷入陈规,落入俗套

fly by (一架或几架飞机)在低空飞过指定地点,飞越;宇宙飞船飞近天体fool around 闲荡,干蠢事(或无用,琐碎的事)

free market 自由竞争的市场

get by 通过,走过;勉强混过

get through 到达;办完,花光;通过;打通(电话)

give rise to 引起,发生

give way to 让位于…

government intervention 政府干预

hit show 风行一时的演出

housing start 楼房破土动工

import relief 进口援助(设置壁桑以保护民族工业)

in full bloom 全盛时期

in kind 以货代款,以实物(援助等)

in sb’s favor 对某人有利;得某人欢心

in so far as 在…的限度内,在…的范围内

laissez-faire caplitalism 自由资本主义

lay off 解雇;(临时)解雇期;关闭;停止活动

list price 标价

live show 现场表演

look to 指望

make allowances 留出余地,体谅

make(both) ends meet 使收支相抵,量入为出;靠微薄收入为生mark up 涨价

mark down 降价

more often than not 经常,时常(=often)

more than ever 尤其

on pain of death (违者)以死论处

other than 除了

pass up [俚]放弃,拒绝机会

play off 使暴露弱点,使出丑;把…假装

prime-time ratings 黄金时间收视率

prior to 在…之前

processed food 腌制食品

pull away 脱身,离开;脱出

purchasing price 买价

put away 把…收起来,放好;储存

recruiting agent 征兵员

resort to 求助,凭借;诉诸

roller coaster 娱乐场的环形滑车道

rule of thumb 单凭经验来做的方法,比较简单有效的方法shut off 关掉(煤气等);切断,使隔绝,脱离

side effect 副作用

simple interest 单利

sluggish economy 萧条的经济

speculative fever 投机热

speed velocity 速度

status quo ante [拉]原状,以前的状态

status quo [拉]现状

abscisic acid n. 【生化】脱落酸

abscissa n. 横坐标

acridine n. 【化】氮蒽

acrylic a. 【化】丙烯酸;丙烯酸衍生物的

adrenal a. 肾上腺的,肾上附近的

aerobe n. 需氧生物

aerobic a. 有氧代谢的

aerosol n. 烟雾;【化】气溶,烟雾剂

algebra n. 代数

amino acid n. 【生】氨基酸

amphetamine n. 【药】氨基丙苯,苯基丙,安非他明anaerobe n. 厌氧微生物

anaerobic a. 厌氧的

anopheles n. 【动】疟蚊属

antipsychotic a. 抑制精神的;n. 安定药

binary a. 二,双,复;【化】二元的;【数】二进制的

biota n. 生物区系

bipedalism n. 二足类

brandling n. (作钓饵用的)一种红纹◎球?

broccoli n. 硬花球花椰菜,花ジ世?

bubonic a. 构迪傺椎?

budworm n.芽虫

carcinogen n.【医】致癌物,诱癌物

cardiopulmonary a.心肺的

cardiovascular a.【医】心血管的

caries n.[拉] 【医】龋还茄?

carpal n.【解】腕骨;腕的

charge n.【物】电荷

chiaroscuro n.(绘画中的)明暗对照法;用明暗对照法绘的图画chlorofluorocarbon n.含确 ?

cholesterol n.【生化】胆固醇

chordate n.脊索动物

circadian a.【生】生理节奏的

coleslaw n.酸卷心菜丝

coriander n.【植芫荽,香菜

coronary angiography n.【医】冠状血管照相术cytokinin n.【生】细胞分裂素

cytology n.细胞学

cytoplasm n.【生】细胞质

diapir n.【地】挤入构造

dopamine n.【生化】多巴胺electromagnetic a.电磁的

encephalitis n.脑炎

endorphin n.【生化】内腓肽

ethylene n.【化】乙烯,次乙基

eukaryotic a.【生】真核细胞的;真核生物的fallout n.【原】微粒回降;放射性尘埃follicle n.【解】小囊,滤泡,卵泡formaldehyde n.【化】甲醛

gel n.【物】【化】凝胶【体】,冻胶;v.胶化gibberellin n.【生化】赤霉素

gingivitis n.【医】(齿)龈炎

glycerol n.【化】甘油

haberdashery n.(总称)男子服饰用品;缝纫用品hadron n.【物】强子(一种基本粒子)

helium n.【化】氦

hemoglobin n.【生化】血红蛋白

hydrocarbon n.【化】烃,碳氢化合物hypertherm n.【医】人工发热器

hypothalamus n.【生】视下丘

hysterectomy n.【医】子宫切除术

ibuprofen n.布洛芬(镇痛药)

improper fraction 假分数

indomethacin n.消炎痛

intracellular a.细胞内部的

ion n.【物】离子

iridium n.【化】铱

isotope n.【化】同位素

jasper n.【矿】碧玉;墨绿色

kelp n.海草,巨藻;海草灰(从呵提取碘)lepidopter n.(昆虫)鳞翅目

leprosy n.【医】麻风病

leucine n.【生化】白氨酸

leukemia n.【医】白血病

lipid n.【化】类脂化合物

lipoprotein n.脂蛋白,oipo脂肪的

logotype n.【印】连合活字;广告等用的标识

lymph n.【医】淋巴,淋巴液;(淋巴液似的)浆,苗lymphatic a.【医】(含)淋巴的;淋巴腺的;(思想行动)迟缓的lymphocyte n.【解】淋巴细胞

lysis n.【医】(病的)渐退;消散;【生化】细胞溶解

macaque n.猕猴,恒河猴;短尾猴

macrophage n.【生】巨噬细胞

matrix n.【数】矩阵;模子

methane n.甲烷,沼气

migraine n.[法] 【医】周期性偏头痛

mitochondria n.(mitochondrion的复数)【生】线粒体morphogenetic a.形态基因的

morphological a.形态(学)的;【语】词法的,形态的

mouflon n.摩弗伦羊(南欧产的一种野生羊)

neurogenesis n.神经发生(形式)

neuroleptic a.抑制精神的,安定的

neuron n.【物】中子

neuron n.神经元,神经细胞

nightshade n.茄属植物(有毒)

nitric a.(含)氮的nitric acid硝酸

novocaine n.奴佛卜因(一种麻醉药)

nucleotide n.【生化】核苷酸

number lines 数轴

obstetrical a.产科(学)的,助产的

ocher n.【矿】赭石;(黄)褐色

ohydrate metabolism 糖类代谢作用

oligosaccharide n.寡糖素

organelle n.【生】细胞器

orthogenetic a.【生】直向演化的;直生现象的

osprey n.【动】鹗,鱼鹰;白色装饰羽毛paleoclimatologist n.古生物气象学家

paleontologist n.古生物学家

parallax n.【物】【天】视差;【天】周年(日)视差parameter n.【数】参;【物】参量

pelvic a.【解】骨盆的

peptide n.【生化】肽,缩氨酸

periwinkle n.【植】常春花

phagocytosis n.【医】吞噬(细胞),噬菌作用

phosphate n.磷酸盐,磷酸酯;phosphate fertilizer磷肥

photon n.【物】光子;【医】见光度

pituitary a.【解】脑垂体的;粘液的

plasma n.【解】血浆,淋巴液;【生】原生质;【物】等离子区

Pleistocene n./a.【地】更新世(的)

plutonium n.【化】钚

polymorph n.多形体;【化】多晶形物

potassium n.【化】钾

prokaryotic a.【生】原核生物的

prostaglandin n.【生化】前列腺素

prostatectomy n.【医】前列腺切除术

prosthetic a.【医】修复术的,弥补性的;prosthetic hand假手protoplasm n.原生质,原浆;细胞质

pseudomer n.【化】假导构体

psychotherapy n.【医】心理疗法,精神疗法

pterosaur n.翼龙

pulsar n.【天】脉冲星

radiometric a.公制辐射仪的

rem n.人体伦琴当量

rheumatoid a.风湿病的,类风湿病的

rhinovirus n.鼻病毒

ribosome n.【生化】核糖体

schistosomiasis n.【医】血吸虫病,裂体吸虫病schizophrenia n.【医】精神分裂症

seltzer n.一种矿泉水;苏打水

serotonin n.血清素

silicone n.【化】硅酮,聚硅酮

sinusitis n.【医】窦炎(sinus窦)

snapdragon n.【植】金鱼草属植物;金鱼草

stratosphere n.【天】平流层

strep throat n.【医】脓毒性咽喉炎

streptomycin n.【药】链霉素

sulphate n.【化】酸盐;vt.用硫酸处理

synthetase n.【生化】合成酶

tamarind n.【植】罗望子树;罗望子果(味酸,常做清凉轻泻剂用)tektite n.【地】熔融石

terra-cotta n.赤土,赤陶;一种带褐色的柑子

thyroid a.【解】甲状腺的;n.甲状腺

tonsillectomy n.【医】遍桃体切除术

tortillas n.(墨西哥人用以代替面包的)未经发酵的玉米饼

trichotomy n.三分法(尤指神学中将人性分为肉体,灵魂,精神三部分)tryptophan n.【生化】色氨酸

typology n.【语】类型学;象征论

tyrosine n.【生化】氨酸

uranium n.【化】铀

varicose a.【医】静脉曲张的;治疗静脉曲张用的

vector n.【数】矢量,向量;飞机航线;动力;干劲

vinyl n.【化】乙烯基,塑料

white dwarf n.【天】白矮星

woodchuck n.【动】土拨鼠

Unit 2测试卷 (满分150分,考试时间100分钟) Part Two Vocabulary and Grammar(第二部分词汇和语法) V. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案)(共20分) ( )31. Don’t tell______.It’s between you and me. A) someone else B) else someone C) anyone else D) else anyone ( )32. We plan to be volunteers in the nursing home during the______holiday. A) three days B) three-days C) three day’s D) three-day ( )33. Every evening Millie sits______in the sofa, watching her favorite TV play. A) comfortable B) comfortably C) most comfortable D) more comfortable ( )34.______warm and rainy weather it was last November in Shanghai! A) What B) How C) What a D) What an ( )35. Keep practicing singing every day,______your singing skills won’t be improv ed. A) and B) so C)for D) or ( )36. Don’t tell Jenny______to do next. Let her work out a plan herself. A) who B) which C)what D) where ( )37. Before you start this task, you______realize its importance. A) may B) can C) ought to D) would ( )38. You can recognize Hebe easily______she is the taller of the twin sisters. A) although B) because C) if D) while ( )39. He was watching TV______his son was doing his homework. A) while B) when C) during D) after ( )40.1 finished______the last chapter of the book yesterday. A) read B) reading C) to reading D) to read

GMAT备考:《经济学人》The Economist 常用词汇总结(8) 141、富有价格弹性(Price elastic) 如果需求的价格弹性大于1,那么商品的需求就是富有价格弹性。 142、需求的价格弹性(Price elasticity of demand) 需求的价格弹性是指价格变化1%导致的需求量变化的百分比(习惯上通常以正数表示)。 143、供给的价格弹性(Price elasticity of supply) 供给的价格弹性是指价格变化1%导致的供给量变化的百分比。 144、最低限价(Price floor) 最低限价是指政府对某种商品所规定的。例如,联邦农业计划规定了小麦和玉米的。 145、缺乏价格弹性(Price inelastic) 如果需求的价格弹性小于1,那么商品的需求就是缺乏价格弹性。 146、价格( Price leader) 价格是指在寡头垄断的行业中制定价格并且其他厂商愿意

跟随的厂商。 147、价格系统(Price system) 在价格系统下,商品和服务都有一个价格,在纯粹的资本主义经济中价格执行一个经济系统的基本职能(决定生产什么、怎样生产、每个人应该得到多少以及一个国家的增长率应该是多少)。 148、委托--代理问题(Principal-agent problem) 由于经理或工人可能会追求自己的目标,即便这样做会减少企业所有者的利润,从而导致了委托--代理问题。经理或工人是为所有者工作的代理人,所有者是委托人。 149、囚犯困境(Prisoner`s dilemma) 囚犯困境是指这样一种情形,此时两个人(或厂商)合作要比不合作好,但是每个人都觉得不合作符合他的利益,因此每个人的状况都要坏于如果他们合作时的境况。 150、私人成本(Private cost) 私人成本是指单个使用者为了能够使用某一资源而带来的费用。

Unit 6 n. 名词 _________ /ilektris?ti/ 电;电能 _________ /stail/ 样式; 款式 _________ /pr?d?ekt/ 项目;工程 _________ /ple??(r)/ 高兴;愉快 _________ /websait/ 网站 _________ /pai?ni?/ 先锋;先驱 _________ /frid?/ 冰箱 _________ /smel/ 气味 _________ /daut/ 疑惑;疑问 _________ /biskit/ 饼干 _________ /kuki/ 曲奇饼干 _________ /instrum?nt/ 器械;器;工具_________ /k?st?m?(r)/ 顾客;客户_________ /k?neidi?n/ 加拿大/人的 _________ /p?:(r)p?s/ 目的;目标 _________ /hi?r?u/ 英雄;男主角 (pl.)_________ _________ /?:(r)θkweik/ 地震 _________ /ba:skit/ 篮;筐 _________ /list/ 名单;清单 _________ /bel/ 铃,钟(声) v. 动词 _________ 列表;列清单 _________ /daut/ v. 怀疑_________ /men?n/ 提到;说到 _________ /b?i l/ 煮沸;烧开 _________ /smel/ 发出气味;闻到 (过去式及分词)_________ _________ /tr?nsleit/ 翻译 _________ /l?k/, /la:k/ 锁上;锁住 _________ /divaid/ 分开;分散 _________ /ri?/发出钟声或铃声 (过去式及分词)_________ adj. adv. 形容词、副词 _________ /deili/ 每日的;日常的 _________ /ni?li/, /nirli/ 几乎;差不多 _________ /s?d?n/ 突然(的) (副词)_________ _________ /sau?(r)/ 酸的;有酸味的 _________ /krispi/ 脆的;酥脆的 Phrases 短语 _________ 偶然;意外地 _________ 突然; 猛地 _________ 把??分开 _________ 发生;出现 _________ 错误地;无意中 _________ 钦佩; _________把..... 翻译成 _________ 足够薄 _________ 毫无疑问;的确 Unit 6 n. 名词 _________ /ilektris?ti/ 电;电能 _________ /stail/ 样式; 款式 _________ /pr?d?ekt/ 项目;工程 _________ /ple??(r)/ 高兴;愉快 _________ /websait/ 网站 _________ /pai?ni?/ 先锋;先驱 _________ /frid?/ 冰箱 _________ /smel/ 气味 _________ /daut/ 疑惑;疑问 _________ /biskit/ 饼干 _________ /kuki/ 曲奇饼干 _________ /instrum?nt/ 器械;器;工具 _________ /k?st?m?(r)/ 顾客;客户 _________ /k?neidi?n/ 加拿大/人的 _________ /p?:(r)p?s/ 目的;目标 _________ /hi?r?u/ 英雄;男主角 (pl.)_________ _________ /?:(r)θkweik/ 地震 _________ /ba:skit/ 篮;筐 _________ /list/ 名单;清单 _________ /bel/ 铃,钟(声) v. 动词 _________ 列表;列清单 _________ /daut/ v. 怀疑 _________ /men?n/ 提到;说到 _________ /b?i l/ 煮沸;烧开 _________ /smel/ 发出气味;闻到 (过去式及分词)_________ _________ /tr?nsleit/ 翻译 _________ /l?k/, /la:k/ 锁上;锁住 _________ /divaid/ 分开;分散 _________ /ri?/发出钟声或铃声 (过去式及分词)_________ adj. adv. 形容词、副词 _________ /deili/ 每日的;日常的 _________ /ni?li/, /nirli/ 几乎;差不多 _________ /s?d?n/ 突然(的) (副词)_________ _________ /sau?(r)/ 酸的;有酸味的 _________ /krispi/ 脆的;酥脆的 Phrases 短语 _________ 偶然;意外地 _________ 突然; 猛地 _________ 把??分开 _________ 发生;出现 _________ 错误地;无意中 _________ 钦佩; _________把..... 翻译成 _________ 足够薄 _________ 毫无疑问;的确

GMAT词汇精选 List 1 单词释义 abdicate v.放弃,丢弃 abolish v.取消,废除 absorb v.吸收;同化 accelerate v.加速,促进 accommodate v.供给(某人)住宿;使适应;考虑accord v.同意,一致;n.协议 accrue vi.自然增长,自然产生 accumulate v.积累;堆积 acquire v.取得,获得 activate v.使活动,激活 adapt v.(使)适合,适应 addict v.使上瘾,使入迷 adhere v.粘附;遵守,坚持 adjust v.调节,改变…以适应 administer v.管理,执行;用药 admit v.承认;准许…进入 advocate v.提倡,支持 afflict v.使痛苦,折磨 allege v.断言,宣称 alleviate v.减轻,缓和 allocate v.分配;分派 allude v.间接提到,暗指 ally v.(使)结盟 alter v.改变,变更 alternate v.交替,轮流 amass v.积聚 List 2 单词释义 amend v.修订;改进 amplify v.增强(声音等);详述 animate v.绘制(动画片) antedate v.早于,先于 anticipate v.预见,预期 appliance n.用具,用品 appoint v.任命,指派 apportion v.(按比例或计划)分配 approve v.赞成;批准,认可 approximate v.接近 array v.排列;n.大批 articulate v.清楚地表达

A. 请根据括号中的中文提示、英文释义或句意,写出句中所缺单词,使句子通顺。 1. Andrew often __________ (碰) our books onto the floor when he walks past our desks. 2. When the teacher came into the classroom, our monitor spoke in a loud __________ (嗓音),“Stand up!” 3. Mary is _________ (having good manners) to everyone and all of us like her. 4. Zhao Benshan ’s performance was very __________ (full of humour) and the audience couldn ’t help laughing. 5. I believe what she says because she is an _____________ girl. B. 请根据句意从方框中选择合适的单词,并用其适当形式填空,使句子通顺。 6. Her bright __________ eyes make her look really pretty and kind. 7. Many students dream of being great ____________ like Phelps when they grow up. 8. Kate has a good sense of humour. I never feel ___________ with her. 9. Can I have a glass of water? I'm really ___________. 10. The _____________ of the building is about 120 meters. C. 请根据句意从方框中选择合适的动词,并用其适当时态填空,使句子通顺。 11. Tony says he ____________ us a message as soon as he arrives in Sichuan. 12. —What are you doing there, Betty? —I am fitting some small flowering plants between the large bushes. 13. Our parents always ___________ too much about the marks when we were young. 14. The English song ____________ very nice. Can you guess who is singing? 15. We ___________ the topic “Believe in yourself ” at last. Keys: 1. knocks 2. voice 3. polite 4. humorous 5. honest 6. smiling 7. swimmers 8. bored 9. thirsty 10. height 11. will send 12. am fitting 13. cared 14. sounds 15. chose

态度词分类说明 一、文章中的态度词 --负态度 *Verb: fail to, ignore, overlook, neglect, overestimate, underestimate, exaggerate, misrepresent, misinterpret, obscure, reexamine, reinterpret, reconsider, should be expanded, can not explain, based only on…, awaits further study, remain to be answered, remain unresolved *Adj./Adv.: Curiously, problematic, disappointed, inadequate, imprecise, unwarranted, premature, untenable(站不住脚的),unhappily, unfortunately,(表遗憾),unreliable, negligible, not the whole explanation, no reason to do, be careful about=be wary of , not adequate, undermined, not yet…researched/studied/explored, unworthy, aridly(沉闷地,无趣地),woefully(悲伤地, 不幸地),disappointed, inadequate, imprecise, unwarranted, premature, fanciful=fantastic (稀奇古怪的), cavalier(傲慢的),discouraging, disproved, misleading, problematic, unpleasant, shocking, misplaced, erroneously, impractical, willy-nilly(不管愿意不愿意,不容分辨的),unreliable, unconvincing, dubious(可疑的, 不确定的), unclear, weak, curiously, precipitously(急躁地,突然地), na?ve, puzzling, deficient(缺乏的, 不足的, 不完善的), curse, bitter, careless *Noun: Omission, critique, rush, litter value, revision, disagreement, danger **虚拟语气: Would be+正态度词,would have further strengthened *引号 负评价(/引用/强调) -正态度词 * Verb: prove, confirm, benefit, support, impressed with, make it possible * Adj./Adv.: cogent, valid, exciting, rightly, enlightening, pioneering, feasible, successful, valuable * Noun: success, one way out of dilemma ***注意:significant, ideal—中性词 二、选项中的态度词 * 三类极端词—不太可能为正确选项 1.过褒:adulatory (拍马屁),fervent(炙热的),fanatical(狂热的) 2.过贬:angry, envious(嫉恨的),indignant(愤恨的),insincere (虚假/不真实的),ironic, dogmatic(教条的), condemnation(强烈谴责),derision(嘲弄),defiance(蔑视),scornful(鄙夷),cynical(愤世嫉俗),spiteful(痛恨的),callous(无情的),offensive, reproach, stilted(僵硬的)

GMAT阅读高频词汇汇总 GGMAT阅读高频词汇汇总,本文对GMAT阅读的核心词汇进行汇总,希望考生掌握核心词汇,助力备考GMAT。 希望考生熟知GMAT阅读核心词汇汇总中的内容,提高备考效率。 according to, accurate, adapt, adaptability, adaptable, adaptation, adequate, admittedly, aggregate, alternative, analogous, analogously, analysis, analyze, approach, approximate, arbitrarily, arbitrary, arguably, argue, argument, assume, assumption. balanced, basis, behavior, belief, cascading, categorize, cause, characteristic, commensurately, compare, comparison, compatible, competing, complex, complexity, concede, conceive, conceivably, conclude, conclusion, condition, conditional, conditionally, consequence, consequently, consider, consideration, consistent, consistently, contrary, in contrast, controversy, controversial, converse, conversely, convincing, convincingly, corollary, corrective, correspondingly, counteract, counterproductive, critical, criticism, criticize, cumulative, decidedly, deduce, deduction, define, definition, demonstrably, demonstrate, design, despite, determination, determine, detrimental, discernible, discover, discuss, discussion, disputable, dispute, distinct, distinguish, domain, due to. eliminate, entail, entity, environment, equally, equivalence, equivalent, establish, estimate, evaluate, evaluation, event, evidence, examination, examine, except, exception, exhibit, exhibition, exist, existential, experience, experiment, explain, explanation, explicit, exponential, failure, familiar, feasible, footnote, granted, guarantee, hence, hypothesis, hypothesize, hypothetical, idea, identical, illogical, impact, implication, implicit, implies, imply, incompatible., inconsistent, increase, in addition to, in fact, in order to, in particular, in response to, in the guise of, indeed, indicates, indisputable, indisputably, induce, induction, inextricably, infeasible, infer, inform, insight, insightful, instability, instead, intangible, intensify, intensified, interpret, interpretation, intractable, investigate, investigation. justification, justify, knowledge, likelihood, likely, limitation, limited, logical, magnitude, matched, maximize, maximum, measure, measurement, method, minimize, minimum, mitigate, model, moreover, multiple, nearly, necessary, negative, negatively, negligible, nevertheless, numerical, notable, notwithstanding, novel, observation, observe, offset, on the other hand, optimum, otherwise, ostensibly, outweigh, overestimate, paradigm, particular, particularly, parameter, pattern, penultimate, percent, percentage, permanently, pertinent, phase, phenomenon, positive, positively, possibility, possible, possibly, potentially, predict, previously, primarily, primary, probability, probable, probably, problem, problematic, process, propensity, proves. rationale, reason, reasoning, recently, redesign, reduce, redundant, regardless of, relation, relative, relatively, reliability, require, requirement, requires, research, respective, respectively, result, reveal, rigorous, rigorously, riskier, salient, science, severe, severity, significantly, similarly, simultaneous, since, specific, specifically, specified, specify, speculate, speculative, stable, stability, still, stipulate, strengthen, strictly, structure, structured, study, subsequent, subsequently, substantially, success, successive, sufficient, sufficiently, suggest, summarize, suppose, supposition, susceptibility, susceptible, systemic, tangible, technique, temporarily, theoretical, theories, theory, therefore, thus, tractable, tradeoff, traditional, truth, ultimately, unconditional, undeniably, underestimate,

杰志教育·英语科·语法选择+阅读理解 Marco Polo ( 马可·波罗 ) By West Lake in the city of Hangzhou, there is a small statue of a traveler. His name was Marco Polo who was1western people who wrote book about the East. Marco Polo grew 2in the city of Venice,in present-day Italy.31271, when he was 17 years old, he set 4 on a journey to Asia with his father and uncle, and did not return home 5 24 years later. His travels took him across Asia, along the Silk Road and throughout China. He loved Hangzhou 6 much that he described it as 7 “finest city in the world”. When Polo finally returned to Venice, there was a war and he was in prison, he told the stories of his travels8 another man there. This man wrote the stories down in a book9 The Travels of Marco Polo . Because of the10descriptions of Asian life in the book, Polo’ s travels soon became well known in Europe. The stories gave many Europeans their first look at the life and11of the people in Asia. Polo told of many amazing things12were unknown to Europe, such as paper money. He13about China’ s development, with itslarge cities and systems of communication. His book made Europeans more and more interested14 the East. It also influenced many15explorers,including Christopher Columbus. Polo died in 1324. His l ast words were:“ I did not tell half of what I saw. 语法选择 1.A. first B. the first C. a D. one 2.A. up B. out C. down D. on 3.A. On B. At C. By D. In 4.A. up B. off C. down D. sail 5.A. until B. till C. by D. to 6.A. so B. such C. too D. quite 7.A. a B. an C. the D. / 8.A. for B. at C. on D. to 9.A. call B. called C. calls D. to call 10.A. interest B. interesting C. interested D. interests 11.A. cultural B. culturally C. culture D. culturing 12.A. what B. which C. why D. when 13.A. also wrote B. wrote also C. also write D. write also 14.A. on B. in C. at D. for 15.A. other B. another C. the other D. others 阅读理解 1.How old was Marco Polo when he died? A. 69 B. 70 C. 71 D. 72 2.When did Marco polo return home after his travel? A. 1254 B. 1271 C. 1295 D. 1324 笔记区( Note Zone ): ”

Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note 基础知识默写篇 一、分层单词 写作词汇 1. n.(戏剧)一场;现场;场面;景色 2. vt.发现;认出 n.斑点;污点;地点 3. vi.&vt.认为;说明;总计有 n.说明;理由;计算;账目 4. vt.& vi.寻找;探索;寻求 5. n.反面;对立面 adj.相反的;相违的 6. n.礼貌;举止;方式 7. adv. 真正地;确实;实在 阅读词汇 1.novel n.&adj. 2.adventure n. 3.phrase n. 4.author n. 5.wander vi. 6.businessman n. 7.stare vi. 8.fault n. 9.embassy n. 10.envelope n. 11.dessert n. 12.amount n. 13.scream vi.& n. 14.genuine adj.

15.rag n. 16.bow vi.& n. 17.birthplace n. 18.passage n. 19.steak n. 20.barber n. 拓展词汇 1. vt.& vi.许可;允许;准许 n.通行证;许可证;执照→ n.许可;允许 2. n.耐性;忍耐→adj.有耐心的 n.病人→adv. 耐心地 3. adj.难以置信的→ v.相信;信任→ n.信念;信仰 4. adj.粗鲁的;无礼的→adv. 无礼地→ n.粗鲁;无礼 二、高频短语 1. 抚养;培养;教育;提出 2. 凝视;盯着看 3. 是……的原因;解释 4. 与此相反;正相反 5. 前进;(用于祈使句)可以;往下说 6. 偶然;无意中;不小心 7. 许多;大量 8. 冒险 9. 衣衫褴褛 10. 关于;至于 11. 发自内心 三、经典句型 1.Well, towards nightfall I (发现我自己被……刮到海上去)a strong wind. 2.The next morning (我正感到绝望,就在这时)I was spotted by a ship. 3. (事实是)I earned my passage by working as an unpaid hand, which accounts for my appearance. 4.Well, (众所周知)Americans like to eat a lot. 5.You must come (在任何您想来的时候)and have (任何您想吃的东西). 基础知识默写篇 一、分层单词 写作词汇 1.scene 2.spot 3.account 4.seek 5.contrary 6.manner 7.indeed 阅读词汇

P11-12页 1.Embryo胚胎 ●in embryo在酝酿[考虑, 计划]中,初期, 萌芽时期 2.Emerge出现,浮现 ●Submerge陷入,淹没 ●new leaders who may emerge.可能出现的新领导者们 3.Emission散发,发射,发射物,【医】遗精 ●the emission of heat from a fire从火炉中发出的热 4.Emit发射(光热,味等) ●She emitted her small strange laugh她发出了她的小而奇怪 的笑声 ●emit an opinion.表达一个观点 ●The sun emits light.太阳发光。 5.Empirical经验的,实证的 ●Empire帝国 ●empirical laws.约定俗成的法律

6.Employ雇佣,运用,利用 ●Employ natural resource使用自然资源 ●in the employ of受...雇用 ●in sb.'s employ受...雇用 ●out of employ失业 ●employ oneself in从事于, 时间花在... ●employ oneself on从事于, 时间花在... ●employ oneself doing从事于, 时间花在... ●employ... as把...用作 7.Encompass包围,围绕 8.Encounter遭遇,遇到 ●encountered an old friend on the street.在街上偶然遇见一 位老友 ●an unexpected encounter不期而遇 ●encounter group病友谈心治疗小组(美国现代的精神治疗方法, 由患者互相畅谈内心感情) ●encounter,skirmish,brush这三个词都是军事术语。 ●encounter 可以用作动词或名词,意思是“遭遇战”,即两军不期 而遇所发生的战斗 It was a bloody encounter between the two armies.这是

九年级英语专项练习---单词拼写部分(Unit 1-9) 九年级英语专项练习---单词拼写部分(Unit 1-9) Name____________ 1. Do you study English by l__________ to tapes? 2. Reading a_________ can help practice p_______________. 3. He thinks English grammar is boring, but I feel d_____________. 4. I cannot understand what he said, because he speaks too q_________, I hope he can speak s_________. 5. I don't know how to p__________ these English words. 6. Don’t l________ at others’ m___________, it will h__________ their feelings. 7.

---Sorry to trouble you? ---It doesn’t m___________. 8. L_______ on, I r_________ the i____________ of learning English. 9. To i__________ your vocabulary, you should read English newspapers and magazines more often. 10. I am a__________ to speak in front of others because I am shy. 11. You can’t pass the exam u_________ you study hard. 12. My English is not good enough, and I often have t________ making c__________ sentences. 13. Doing lots of listening practice is one of the s_________ of becoming a good language l_________. 14. He is a s_________ and he has been in the army for three years.

中考九年级全册-核心词汇变形归纳(附随堂练习) 中考核心词汇变形归纳-九年级全册 absent adj.缺席;不在→absence n.缺席,缺乏;没有 advantage n.优点;有利条件→ disadvantage (反义词)不利条件;缺点 behave v.表现;行为→behaviour n.行为;举止★ bank n.银行→banker n.银行家 burn v. 着火;燃烧→burnt (过去式/过去分词) believe v.相信;认为→belief n.相信;信仰→believa ble adj.可相信的;可信任的★center n.中心→central adj.中心的;中央的★ chemistry n.化学→chemical adj.化学的;与化学有关的 chopstick n.筷子→chopsticks (pl.) choose v.选择;挑选→choice n.选择;挑选★→chose (过去式)→chosen(过去分词) custom n.风俗;习俗→customer n.顾客;客户★ create v.创造;创建→created (过去式/过去分词)→cr eative adj.有创造力的,创造性的★discover v.发现→discovery n.发现;发觉★ direct v.指挥;导演→director n.导演;部门负责人 exact adj.精确的→exactly adv.确切地;精确地★ energy n.能量→energetic adj.精力充沛的;充满活力的 educate v.教育→education n.教育→educational adj.教育的;有教育意义的★express v.表达;表示→expression n.表情;表示;表达方式 electricity n.电力;电流→electronic adj.电子的;电子设备的

GMAT数学词汇大全Algebra & arithmetic terms: Absolute value 绝对值 Add (addition) 加 Average value 算术平均值 Algebra 代数 Algebraic expression 代数式 Arithmetic mean 算术平均值 Arithmetic progression (sequence)等差数列Approximate 近似 Abscissa 横坐标 Ordinate 纵坐标 Binomial 二项式 Common factor 公因子 Common multiple 公倍数 Common divisor 公约数 Simple fraction Common fraction 简分数 Complex fraction 繁分数 Common logarithm 常用对数 Common ratio 公比 Complex number 复数 Complex conjugate 复共轭 Composite number 合数 Prime number 质数 Consecutive number 连续整数 Consecutive even(odd) integer 连续偶(奇)数Cross multiply 交叉相乘

Coefficient 系数 Complete quadratic equation 完全二次方程Complementary function 余函数 Constant 常数 Coordinate system 坐标系 Decimal 小数 Decimal point 小数点 Decimal fraction 纯小数 Decimal arithmetic 十进制运算 Decimal system/decimal scale 十进制Denominator 分母 Difference 差 Direct proportion 正比 Divide 除 Divided evenly 被整除 Differential 微分 Distinct 不同的 Dividend 被除数,红利 Division 除法 Division sign 除号 Divisor 因子,除数 Divisible 可被整除的 Equivalent fractions 等值分数 Equivalent equation 等价方程式Equivalence relation 等价关系 Even integer/number 偶数 Exponent 指数,幂 Equation 方程 Equation of the first degree 一次方程

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