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Filial Piety between China and Western Countries

Filial Piety between China and Western Countries
Filial Piety between China and Western Countries


Filial Piety between China and

Western Countries


Abstract (1)

Key words (1)

I. Introduction (1)

II. Filial Piety and Friendship (3)

2.1 Filial Piety (3)

2.2 Friendship (4)

2.2.1 Parents' Responsibility to Children (4)

2.2.2 Children’s Responsibility to Parents...................... . (6)

III. Reasons for the Differences (7)

IV. How to Treat the Differences (9)

4.1 Individual (10)

4.2 Society (12)

V. Conclusion (14)

References (15)


关键词:孝;无违;孝顺;友谊; 尊敬

Abstract: As everyone knows, the main Chinese family relationship is Xiao (filial piety). Filial piety means "being courteous and obedient to elders",and stress

“no disobey”.For centuries, filial piety has guided the attitude and actions of

parental care in China. In western countries, sons and daughters love and respect

their parents more or less. It is the main characteristics from western countries,

which stress friendship, on relationships between parents and children. Filial

piety culture finds a good place for the elder, having the society respect and care

of them; but it limits the youth’s development in a certain aspect. Friendship of

different generations in western countries maintains youth’s rights well. In

nowadays society, we Chinese should continue develop our traditional filial

piety culture and absorb good things of western friendship so that our society be

more feeling and reasonable.

Key words: filial piety; no disobey; courteous and obedient; friendship;respect I.Introduction

As everyone knows, the main Chinese family relationship is Xiao (filial piety). In modern time, as for this traditional relationship, there has been partly changed in contrast to old times. Friendship in Western family affected much Chinese family in some aspects. Is it good or bad for a family? Some people said that our family relationship is new. All the members are friends, and we talk freely. Some said that it is necessary for parents and children to respect each other. While most parents said that we should pay more attention to Chinese traditional Xiao (filial piety) .In this communicative world, what should we do to build a new family relationship? To solve this problem, we should make it clear that of the two cultures’ main differences and background. Then we may know how to treat the


In a certain sense, traditional Chinese culture is a culture of Xiao (filial piety). Traditional Chinese society is laying foundation on filial piety. So filial piety is one of the most important cultural phenomenons, which distinguishes Chinese culture from Roman culture. Filial piety plays an important role in traditional Chinese society and culture. Hegel said that, China is based on such kind of morality. Dr. Sun Yat-sen pointed out that, in his The Three Principles Of The People, Nationalism,the filial piety in Filial Piety Classic is all-inclusive. The most civilized country now is not as complete as China when talking about the two words. What he said shows that filial piety is not only a moral conception but also a kind of culture connoted in religion, philosophy, politics, law, education, folk custom, art, etc.

In western countries, sons and daughters love and respect their parents more or less. But strictly speaking, that is not real filial piety. Because filial piety, as we said above, is one of the most important characteristics, which distinguish Chinese culture from western culture. It has plentiful synthetic cultural meaning, not just as simple as loving and respecting parents. American Arthur Henderson Smith said, “When talk about Chinese characteristics; we have to talk about Xiao (filial piety). And expounding Xiao is very difficult. This word in Chinese is so different form anything we are used to that we cannot translate it correctly in English.”([美] 阿瑟·亨德森·史密斯:《中国人的性格》延边大学出版社) He also said, “ Relationships in western families tend to desalinate. So we westerners should pay more attention to Chinese filial piety. Respecting the elder is good general mood of society, but we westerners haven’t been changed by it .In western countries, children choose their own way on which they can develop themselves very well, without worrying about their parents. Social habits like this are unmoral in China.” ([美] 阿瑟·亨德森·史密斯:《中国人的性格》延边大学出版社) Mr. Smith told people to pay attention to filial piety, he also pointed out that there is no filial piety in western culture, there even are something contrary. For example grown-up children will leave their family to live their own life. That is contrary to Chinese filial piety in which people are told that they shouldn’t go out to live without their parents.

II.Filial piety and friendship

2.1 Filial piety

Filial piety was an integral part of Chinese culture and therefore was embraced by three of China's main religions: Confucianism, Buddhism, and Daoism. Among the three, Confucianism, with its well-documented social hierarchy, supported the ideals of filial piety the most. Buddhism and Daoism also supported filial piety in some of their texts, but had monastic systems that prevented monks and nuns from being filial children.

The term filial piety refers to the extreme respect that Chinese children are supposed to show their parents. It involves many different things including taking care of the parents, burying them properly after death, bringing honor to the family, and having a male heir to carry on the family name. Practicing these ideals is a very important part of Chinese culture. Therefore, one would expect that filial piety would be incorporated into the major religions of China as it has been.

According to Confucius, respect to one's father while he is alive is a given - something that even animals do. But, to be a filial child, one must respect his parents even after their death. Confucius goes on to cite further specific examples of what a filial son should do for his parents. Among them, children should never offend their parents, never speak badly of them, not travel far away without purpose, always be conscious of their parents age, and protect them whenever necessary. These things were not all that was required of a filial child.

The concept of filial piety was exhibited in other Confucian texts as well, such as the Book of Rewards and Punishments. Although this text was technically a popular religious text, rather than a Confucian one, it highlighted many Confucian ideals, such as filial piety. It describes good, virtuous people seeking immortality as those who "exhibit loyalty to their ruler, filial piety to their parents, true friendship to their older brothers". Contrarily, those who are evil "insult their ruler and their parents behind their backs". According to this text, it is impossible to be a good, virtuous person without showing respect for one's parents. The inclusion of filial piety in this popular religious work also helps to show how widespread the belief in filial piety was in China. Although it received a great deal of support and promotion from Confucianism, filial piety was not limited to Confucians -- it was a widespread part of Chinese culture.

Although many Buddhist and Taoist texts support the idea of filial piety, their monastic intuitions lie in direct opposition to one of the main responsibilities of a filial child -- having a male heir in order to carry on the family name. Precepts of a daoist say, "All those who choose to leave their families and homes should join a Taoist monastery, for it is a place where the body may find rest. Both Taoist and Buddhist monks were required to leave their parents behind to live a cloistered life, an action that certainly does

not concur with the concept of filial piety. Furthermore, they are required to remain celibate and can therefore not have any children. Without having children, one cannot have a male heir to carry on the family name. Because having a male heir is a core component of filial piety, a Buddhist or Taoist monk cannot be a filial son.

2.2 Friendship

2.2.1 Parents' Responsibility to children

When can you adore my family as the Abel type family and at the same time when can your children become one with mine? This is the problem. To do so, you should give them the education of heaven. Teaching them, you should be an example first. You should be a dutiful son first. When you yourselves become devoted sons and daughters following the rules of heaven, the relationship of traditional filial piety of heaven will be established.

From that position you have to teach your sons and daughters the moral way to live for the Will and become loyal subjects of the Heavenly Kingdom. You have to become the parents who can get hold of your children's hands letting them drink the tears you shed, teaching them that the country they are living in is not their real nation; rather, that they are a people without a nation, but that there is a nation which they will have to serve.

Just as you can hear the breath of a baby in your embrace, you have to come close to them, teaching them from the position where they can shed tears worrying about heaven together with you. You have to teach them to become filial sons and daughters, just as their father is filial, and to be loyal subjects just as their father has written the history of struggle, working for the nation even in the face of great persecution. I have, until now, made it the absolute purpose of my life to worry about how I can leave this tradition to you.

Parents cannot force their children to be filial, teaching them to be dutiful. The thought of being filial should come from the heart. Therefore, it cannot come true over night. It should influence them for a long time. What does the word “influence” mean? A father should show a good model of himself in his daily life to his son. You should be a specialist to practice such things.

What are you going to tell your children? You should now teach and show your children, husbands and wives, how to take over the tradition in its official aspects, recollecting the past. So children themselves ... This is not something they can learn in school. In order to inherit the tradition they should show off and give the things they learned from school to their parents.If you understand that, the flowers of love will bloom.

A family of love will come true.

Parents should be a good example following the Will. You should show children a life of faith such as praying, and serving in your house as seriously as other Christians. And you should make them realize how important the pledge ceremony is. During this time you should teach children as parents with the Will as well as perform the ceremony. Parents should practice something first, for the sake of educating the children.

As children look at the parents centering on the Will, and the principle, they know their parents ignore what the headquarters directs and don't live as it says. But if they force the children to live following the fundamental truth, their children will laugh at them. Considering that kind of problem, you cannot avoid taking a new took at reality.

We should love and harmonize with each other and have to be able to give and sacrifice first, making such love a rule to keep. As the subject of love is Abel, he gives it to the object first. That is the origin of love.

We should love and harmonize with each other and have to be able to give and sacrifice first, making such kind of love a rule to keep. As the subject of love is Abel, he gives it to the object first. That is the origin of love.

What do babies like most after they were born? Of course they like eating. They like drinking mother's milk. But they aren't always fond of drinking milk. They like not only drinking it but also watching mother. In fact, they are drinking for the purpose of looking at mom. Therefore, a mother doesn't think it is a waste of time to breast her babies. A relation is made like that. A mother misses her baby because she gives to it infinitely. As she gives it her life and earnestness, she treats the baby with an absolute relation so it would obey her as much as she loves it.

A great mother educates her children to persist in whatever difficult positions arise in order to be good people who affect the world. Because they know the principle of heaven, the goodness of mothers never fail.

Even though a mother stays where she is all of her children come into her arms. It is possible within love. No matter what difficulties parents have, if they embrace their beloved children in their arms, they gain power. They should lose power in such hardships but they get stronger. As a result, they feel joy in that action. They are weary and exhausted but gain strength made from love.

When you see your sons and daughters you should be mothers who can pray to God for them lest they should be unlucky and banished from the parents. "God, I know the grievous heart you felt when you lost Adam and Eve so, please never allow these children to be like them. As those children can't indemnify, if they have to be forgiven please, let me take the responsibility for them."

Husbands should tell the children that their mother is a person to be much more respected than any other great men's wives in history. And she is different from other mothers in loving the world and the country. You should also teach them that their mother is living in a small and poor house but that she is the best mother in the world. Every member of the family should give their whole mind to the mother. Children should consider their mother as the greatest woman and sing a song for the mother wishing her the blessing of God. The husband should also offer a fervent prayer for his wife. When those things are done, a new historical tradition will come into being. Do you understand?

The husband who has a wife that loves her children should be thankful to her.

Who has to take the responsibility to bring them up and shelter them? A father should do that.

2.2.2 Children’s responsibility to parents

The New Testament binds a great responsibility on children when it says in Ephesians 6, verses 1-3, "Children obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right. Honor thy father and mother; (which is the first commandment with promise;) that it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth". The key words are "honor" and "obey". There is no time limitation on this. God does not free a child from this responsibility simply because he has now gone to college or is married. A child in the earliest years of adulthood makes a tragic mistake by neglecting his parents.

It is necessary that we say something about the word "obey". Children are to obey their parents "in the Lord". One must never forget that his allegiance to God comes before any man. That includes government, companions and parents. The early apostles expressed it well when they were commanded not to preach in the name of Christ. They responded by saying in Acts 5, verse 29, "We ought to obey God rather than men".

The term "obey your parents" indicates that the parents have laid down some laws or provided some instruction to guide the children. This is what is meant by the wise man when he said in Proverbs 22, verse 6, "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old he will not depart from it". It is understood then that the law is to be obeyed by the child is that which will make him a fine, decent, responsible person. Children beyond the parents’ death should revere instructions of parents. No time limit then on "Children obey your parents in the Lord" Ephesians 6:1. The other word that stands out so predominantly in the children's responsibility to their parents is the word "honor". The Bible says in Ephesians 6, verse 2, "Honor thy father and mother".

This responsibility deals with the child's attitude and respect toward parents. Webster's New World Dictionary says of the word honor, it is "High regard of great

respect given". "Something done or given as a token of respect". The home for centuries has provided an environment for one to learn all of the ABC's of Christian living. It is in the home that seeds of character can be sown and given an opportunity to flourish. The great principles of God are to be taught, practiced and cultivated in the home. The child who has learned to honor parents can then effectively show high regard toward his fellow man. He later can easily show respect for a companion and his own children.

It is important that we pause to say that parents have the responsibility to provide the proper atmosphere in the home so that the child can develop an appreciation for law and order given by parents. Such an environment will cause children to rise up and call their parents "blessed". The example of parents set in honoring and loving one another is far-reaching in the heart and life-pattern of the child. Remember, in order to manifest honor towards others, you must respect yourself.

Christ provides us with an example in all things. Having returned from the visit to the city of Jerusalem at the age of 12, the Bible says that Christ, "was subject unto them: but his mother kept all these sayings in her heart. And Jesus increased in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and man" Luke 2, verses 51,52. Christ was obedient to his parents. His affection and respect for his mother was manifested from the cross. He was concerned about her care and well-being. He gave this responsibility to the beloved Apostle John (John 19:25-27). You shall always be children in the eyes of your parents and in the eyes of the Lord. Your response to the commandment, "Obey your parents" and "Honor thy father and thy mother", will be a pretty good yardstick measuring how well you will obey your Lord and give Him honor through faithful worship.

The child's responsibility is a lifetime achievement, an achievement that will be richly blessed in all walks of life. In the words of Ephesians Chapter 6, it is the first commandment with promise.

III.Reasons for the differences

In Xiao And Chinese Culture, the author explained as follows.

Firstly, results from the differences between clan-standard and individual-standard. Chen Duxiu pointed out this during The May 4th Period.(陈独秀:《东西民族根本思想及差异》,《新青年》第1卷第4号)

In China, clan makes the standard of action. Chinese is a patriarchal society. A basic trait of this kind of society is that family has the same structure with the country. Every aspect of the societal life is included in the patriarchal system, such as politics, economy, morality and education. Rulers ruled the whole country by ruling clans. In such a society,

rulers paid more attention to maintaining the peace and harmony of clans. That was not only because stable clans were the basis of a stable country, but also because the country was a larger clan. Rulers could run the country well only when the household was managed. So the most important ethic aim was to maintain the clans’ peace and harmony. Filial piety, as the ethic basis of the patriarchal estate system, played a significant role in maintaining clans’ unity and continuance.

Western culture came from Aegean Sea area. Greek Peninsula was mountainous. It is dry in summer. It was hard to conduct agricultural produce. Inhabitants there, limited by the living conditions, devoted themselves to developing handicraft industry and business in early days. People gathered in some city-states to live, floating and moving frequently. In addition to some political cause, western society was separated from clan society completely. It didn’t come from patriarchal system like China and had no clannish color in the mind. Western family formed simply. Generally, it was a nuclear family taking the couple as the center. Family members had their own properties. P arents’ property could be given to either the children or others according to their will. Western family was looser than Chinese. Family has not so much binding force to its members. For these causes, western people participate in public activities under i ndividual’s name. Individual was the standard of their ethical and cultural conception.

Secondly, results from the differences between integration and fraction of generations. Chinese filial piety aims to maintain clans’stability. It stresses inevitably integration of generations. Western culture values men’s freedom and equality. It certainly stresses fraction of generations. So-called “integration of generations” is a conception that stresses unanimity, harmony and unity between generations. It is the basic spirit of filial piety. People should respect and wait upon parents, and be obedient to them. If they don’t do like this, they would be required as unfilial son or daughter. The “integration”is conservative and unequal. As we mentioned above, filial piety stressed the later generations’ subordination to elder generations. In ancient China, we could say that there was no “generation gap”. Who dare to think and do things different from the elder to defy them?

Western family is nuclear family in which there are only parents and children. Relationships between generations are relatively simple. They needn’t to be responsible to each other. In Shanxi University, there was a foreign teacher. She was over seventy. She had been in the university as a teacher twice, without others. She said she had three children. Relationships between them were good. Her children were leading their own life in America while she was in China. And her mother was a ninety-year-old woman who

was living in an elder’s house. It was not strange for them. But in China, people may think that it is treasonable and heretical. Western education emphasizes freedom. Parents teach children, when they are very young, how to do their own things, such as eating, and washing and making decisions. They guide children to walk on their own way. Mr. Fei Xiaotong thought that this kind of love needed repay. “Repay’ means “be a winner”. He said, love to children was not free. Children could find smile on parents’ faces unless they gain prizes in competitions. Children in America understand that, when they were very young, parents won’t love you because you were their children. Children had no rights to gain love from parents. Love was trophy. (费孝通:《美国与美国人》三联书店) Thirdly, results from the difference between youth-supreme and elder-supreme. There is an important difference between western countries and China. Who is supreme, youth or elder? As everyone knows, the youth is supreme in America and the older in China. Being aged could result in two problems, old in spirit and rich in experience. Different social and culture patterns have different values. For example, American pay more attention to “old in spirit”, while Chinese pay more attention to “rich in experience”.Different values result from different choices. America is considered as children’s heaven, youth’s battlefield and elder’s tomb. And China is called children’s playground, youth’s training place, middle age’s workroom and elder’s kingdom. “Elder’s kingdom”and “children’s heaven”illustrate the different values between China and western countries well. American anthropologist Xu Langguang said, when he compares the two different life styles between China and America, no country in the world attach such importance to children as America. Compared with America, unexaggeratedly speaking, China paid less attention to children before 1949. He said that if an American person is proud of so many protect-children associations in his country, Chinese would have the same pride that filial piety is the highest ideal in their ancient national cultural heritage. ([美] 许琅光:《美国人与中国人:两种生活方式的比较》华夏出版社) American anthropologist Magret put forward the conceptions of “Qianyu culture ”,“Bingyu culture”and “Houyu culture”. “Qianyu culture ”means that younger generations learn from elder generations; “Bingyu culture”means the learning of youth or elder occur in the same generation; “Houyu culture”means elder learn from youth.([美]玛格丽特:《文化与承诺——一项有关代沟问题的研究》,河北人民出版社) In fact, “Qianyu culture ” is a kind of youth culture. So people said the Chinese tradition was a culture of respecting before and elder, while western culture was a culture of paying more attention to the future and youth’s creativity. Certainly, this kind of difference has its own reason, such as natural geographic circumstances, economic patterns, and cultural tradition and so on.

IV.How to treat the differences

Filial piety and friendship, the differences of generations’ relationships between China and western countries exist objectively. Then, in today’s society, which is of highly integration of globe economy, policy and culture, how should we treat the differences? How to conduct trans-cultural communication? We need think about these questions when we are dealing with today’s relationship of different generations.

We couldn’t say which is right or which is wrong. Every existing national culture has its own cause. So it’s certainly reasonable and unperfected. World in the future will enter an era of multi-culture. It should be the basic principle of today’s multi-cultural communication that seeking common ground on major issues while reserve differences on minor ones, learning from each other to make up deficiencies, promoting each other, developing to gather.

Filial piety finds a good place for the elder, having the society respect and care of them. The tradition of respecting the elder maintained social harmony and development. Eying from this angle, filial piety is good. But it has conservatives and inequality of controlling youth. It does badly for social development from some aspect.

Friendship of different generations in western countries maintains youth’s rights well. It faces the future, paying more attention to youth’s freedom and equality, respecting youth’s choice of life, creativity and personality. It promotes social progress and individual characteristic liberation. But it doesn’t find a good place for the elder, making them lonely in their rest years. Mr. Nan Huaijin thought that it was the biggest loophole of western cultural system and social custom.(南怀谨:《亦就亦新的一代》复旦大学出版社) In fact, it was just a stand point and opinion of a Chinese scholar, maybe western people don’t think so. Compared with Mr. Nan Huaijin, what Mr. Fei Xiaotong said seemed to be more convincing. He said, if a society doesn’t find a good place for the elder, everyone’s heart would be hung in the air, Please think about that: if you know one day you will be isolated and consigned to limbo, and the day is approaching to you day by day, could you set your mind to your life? And if a man considers being old as misfortune, I think, he couldn’t live his life well. (费孝通:《美国与美国人》三联书店)

4.1 individual

As the country's economy gallops along, urban Chinese are less likely to cherish the traditional notion of filial piety.

Instead, they are prone to take the Western approach to a welfare society, according to a three-year, seven-city survey conducted by the City University of Hong Kong.

As many as 95 percent of the respondents expect the government to take up responsibility for supporting the elder; and 87 per cent agree with the idea that the burden should fall on society as a whole rather than individual families.

Alex Kwan, who took charge of the study, deplores the eroding of traditional intergenerational bonds. Improving living standards are obviously a major factor, he says, because the survey found cities on the economic leading edge like Shanghai, Guangzhou and Hong Kong lag behind in ethics education and filial piety.

On the contrary, cities like Beijing and Nanjing, where families are more closely knit, ranked higher in terms of filial loyalty, says the professor of the department of applied social studies.

While most people still "respect" their parents and grandparents, they tend to equate economic assistance with love. "When asked how they would show their love for their old folks, many simply said they would send their parents to old homes. Others said they would give money. But supporting your parents is not the same as raising pets. You have to have the right attitude," says Kwan.

His research found that Hongkongers are more ready to provide means for their parents. But across the board, only 2 per cent of the sampled urbanites said they would be ready to "take care of the psychological health of their parents."

A nationwide poll in 2000 found that heads of households of 20 per cent of the 340 million families in China were 65 or older. Of this number, 22.83 per cent were empty nesters. This put the total number of empty nesters aged 65 or over at 23.4 million.

The over-65ers in China's cities comprise empty-nesters at over 30 per cent, and they will go up to 80 per cent by 2010, predict some experts. And they will need love and care from their children more than ever.

Professor Kwan says the ageing of the population and changing attitudes towards marriage are among factors, other than economic growth, that have come into play. Many young people prefer not to have kids or cohabitate without marriage, therefore it is hard for them to understand how the older generations feel, Kwan observes.

Kwan says the ageing of the population and changing attitudes towards marriage are among factors, other than economic growth, that have come into play.

Not surprisingly, the middle-aged, who have children of their own, take their filial duties more seriously. Another group that stood out in the study is married women.


中国各城市的古称谓及得名由来 华北和东北: 天津——意为“天子的津渡”,明代永乐帝朱棣在这里率领大军渡过海河南下推翻建文帝 邯郸——城市名押an韵,邯郸意为“邯山至此而尽”,郸同单,“单”意思是山脉的尽头,邯郸是中国沿用最古老的地名之一 秦皇岛——秦始皇求仙入海之岛,秦皇岛是中国唯一用古代帝王称号来命名的城市 太原——取“广大的平原”之意 大同——取自“天下大同之地”,“大同”是古代政治上的最高理想 长治——长治古称上党,明代在此地设置长治县,取“长治久安”之意 赤峰——得名于城东北的褐色孤峰 包头——包头由蒙古语“包克图”演化而来,意思是“有鹿的地方”,包头由此别称为鹿城乌海——乌达与海勃湾的合称 大连——大连旧称青泥洼,青泥洼大部分都是山东移民,在山东有一种很流行的事物叫做褡裢,大连就是由褡裢演变而来,另一说大连来自俄语“达里尼” 阜新——取“物阜民丰,焕然一新”之意 盘锦——盘山和锦州各取一字而成,也取“盘根错节,锦上添花”之意 本溪——本溪得名于境内的本溪湖,本溪湖古称杯犀湖,杯犀湖因“湖底上阔下窄,状如犀牛之角”而得名,清代雍正年间因杯犀湖名称过雅又难写难辨,故取其谐音改称为本溪湖 长春——意为“长年春色的城市”,东北的春天是非常寒冷的,以长春命名城市说明了该城的气候特点是寒冷占据主导

吉林——吉林全称吉林乌拉,满语意思是“沿江的城市”,吉林市是中国唯一省市同名的城市 佳木斯——佳木斯清代又称“嘉木寺”,在满语是“驿丞”的意思,因为佳木斯在古代地处松花江通往黑龙江江口的驿道 华东: 烟台——意为“狼烟升起的炮台” 青岛——因岛上“山岩耸秀,林木蓊郁”而得名,且与“琴岛”谐音 威海——明代在此地设威海卫,取“威震东海”之意 日照——取“日出初光先照”之意 淄博——淄川与博山的合称 莱芜——莱是植物名,俗称灰菜,芜指田野荒芜,古时这里是一片荒凉的地方,故名莱芜菏泽——城市名押e韵,菏山与雷泽的合称,菏泽也是中国沿用最古老的地名之一 合肥——因东淝河与南淝河在此汇合而得名 蚌埠——意为“盛产蚌珠的港埠”,蚌埠由此别称为珠城 宿迁——春秋时为钟吾子国,后宿国迁都于此,宿迁由此得名 连云港——意为“在连岛与云台山之间的港湾”,云台山是江苏省的最高峰 镇江——唐代为镇海军节度使的驻地,到了宋代因地理环境的变化,此地距大海较远,故而更名为镇江,取“镇守长江”之意 无锡——先秦锡山产锡,至汉朝锡尽,故名无锡 上海——得名于松江(即苏州河)的一条支流上海浦,上海意为“通向大海的地方” 金华——意为“金星与婺女争华之地” 宁波——宁波古称明州,宁波得名于“海定则波宁”


古今名人名字的由来含义 姓名是中华文化的脉承之一,它是人们以血脉传承为根基的社会人文标识。历史上名字起得好的名人,人也惊艳,名也惊艳。下面让我们一起品味中国的名字艺术。 1、子,神国公嘉的后代,公嘉字文。我国古人有的以祖先的“字”为姓,如公子牙字叔,他的子就叫叔得臣。子也是近这种式为姓的。故姓。 为什么人们叫子为“老二”呢?原来,子的父亲叔梁纥,是国的一个将军,他原有九个女儿和一个儿子。这仅有的一个儿子是个瘸子。在当时男尊女卑的情况下,叔梁纥当然很不满意。于是,他就和妻子一起到曲阜东南的尼丘山求天神另赐一子。后来,果然又生下了子,叙梁纥以为这是在尼丘山上求来的,就给他取名为丘,字仲尼。“仲”字是排行,表示“第二”的意思,因为子是叔梁纥的第二个儿子,所以人们又叫子为“老二”。 2、白,相传白到七岁时还没有正式的名字。原因是他在“抓”时,抓了《诗经》这本书,这不但喜坏了他父亲,而且也难坏了他父亲。他想:如果儿子长大成了诗人,若没有一个叫得响的好名字岂不遗憾?于是,越往诗人的名声面想,越发对儿子取名之事慎之又慎了,故此一拖多年没有定名。这年春天,白一家在家院中游玩,他父亲想作一首春日的七绝诗,有意考考儿子的本事。他咏了两句:“春风送暖百花开,迎春绽金它先来”后就说:“后面的诗句我想不出来了,由你们母子二人续上吧。”白的母亲想了一会道:“火烧杏林红霞

落”,她的话音刚落,白就用手指树,脱白说道:“花怒放一树白。”他父亲听后,连声叫好,忽然心里一动:这句诗的头一个字不正是自家的姓吗?这最后一个“白”字不正说出了花圣洁高雅吗?于是,他当即决定儿子的名字就叫白。 3、,1896年9月,日本青年宫崎滔天、平山,经过多曲折,在日本横滨中国革命志士少白的寓所,见到了文。文谈及革命时,其慷慨激昂之情,犹如深山虎啸。他俩被文的革命热情、见识和抱负深深感动,决心帮助文,并为他的生命安全担忧,劝他暂时留驻日本。 文同意后,宫崎和平山就陪同文找旅馆。他们绕过日比谷公园,路过候爵府邸,来到“对鹤馆”旅馆,并由平山替文代笔登记。当时,文处于流亡之中,不便公开姓名身份。填写什么好呢?平山执笔踌躇一番,忽然想起刚才走过候爵府时看见的那块牌匾,于是就在旅馆簿上写下了“”两字。但按日本习俗,只是个姓,还得有一个适当的名字才好,平山又踌躇起来了。正在这时,文接过登记簿,在“”两字下面添上了一个“樵”字,笑着对平山说:“我是中国的山樵。”这就是名字的由来。 4、迅,著名史学家候外庐同志在一篇文章中,对迅之所以取名迅,作了如下解释:一般人把迅字解释为“快迅”,是不确切的。迅字《尔雅?释兽》云:“牝狼,其子激,绝有力,迅。”注云:“狼子绝有力者,曰迅。”“缴”即激,从犬言兽性,从水言水性。都是激烈的意思。迅的,取自迅的母亲的姓。迅,古义的狼子。迅的字义可理解为牝狼一个有勇力的儿子。迅为什么要以狼子自居?他曾说过自己甘做封建制


记忆各省简称 京津沪渝直辖市蒙宁新藏桂自治 一国两制台港澳东北三省黑吉辽 冀鲁晋归华北苏浙皖赣在华东 湘鄂豫归华中华南还有粤闽琼 川滇黔归西南西北还有陕甘青 记忆我国的行政区域省份名称 两湖两广两河山五江云贵福吉安 四西二宁青甘陕海内台北上重天 香港澳门和台湾爱我祖国好河山 第1句:湖南,湖北,广东,广西,河南,河北,山东,山西 第2句:新疆,黑龙江,江西,浙江,江苏,云南,贵州,福建,吉林,安徽第3句:四川,西藏,宁夏,辽宁,青海,甘肃,陕西 第4句:海南,内蒙古,台湾,北京,上海,重庆,天津


中国各省简称的由来 一、四个直辖市 1、北京(京)北京有据可查的第一个名称为“蓟”,是春秋战国时燕国的都城。辽金是将北京作为陪都,称为燕京。金灭辽后,迁都于此,称中都。元代改称大都。明成祖朱棣从南京迁都于此,改称“北京”。名称一直沿用至今。1949年设为直辖市。取全称中的“京”字作为简称。 2、天津(津)唐宋以前,天津称为直沽。金代形成集市称“直沽寨”。元代设津海镇,这是天津建城的开始。明永乐2年(1404年)筑城设卫,始称天津卫,取“天子经过的渡口”之意。1949年设为直辖市。取全称中的“津”字作为简称。 3、上海(沪)上海之称始于宋代,当时上海已成为我国的一个新兴贸易港口,那时的上海地区有十八大浦,其中一条叫上海浦,它的西岸设有上海镇。1292年,上海改镇为县。这是上海这一名称的由来。1949年,上海设为直辖市。古时,上海地区的渔民发明了一种竹编的捕鱼工具“扈”,当时还没有上海这一地名,因此,这一带被称为“沪渎”,故上海简称“沪”。春秋战国时上海是楚春申君黄歇封邑的一部分,故上海别称“申”。 4、重庆(渝)重庆古称“巴”。秦时称江州。隋称渝州。北宋称恭州。重庆之名始于1190年,因南宋光宗赵敦先封恭王,后登帝位,遂将恭州升为


中国各省名称的由来 我国幅员辽阔,人口众多,具有悠久的历史文化。各个省(直辖市)名称和别称的由来源远流长,各具特色,读来使人对祖国的秀丽山川倍感亲切。 一、四个直辖市 1、北京(京) 北京有据可查的第一个名称为“蓟”,是春秋战国时燕国的都城。辽金是将北京作为陪都,称为燕京。金灭辽后,迁都于此,称中都。元代改称大都。明成祖朱棣登基后,从南京迁都于此,改称当时的“北平”为“北京”,意与南京相对之意,名称一直沿用至今。 取全称中的“京”字作为简称。 2、天津(津) 唐宋以前,天津称为直沽。金代形成集市称“直沽寨”。元代设津海镇,这是天津建城的开始。明永乐2年(1404年)筑城设卫,始称天津卫,取“天子经过的渡口”之意。1949年设为直辖市。 取全称中的“津”字作为简称。 3、上海(沪)

上海之称始于宋代,当时上海已成为我国的一个新兴贸易港口,那时的上海地区有十八大浦,其中一条叫上海浦,它的西岸设有上海镇。1292年,上海改镇为县。这是上海这一名称的由来。1949年,上海设为直辖市。 古时,上海地区的渔民发明了一种竹编的捕鱼工具“扈”,当时还没有上海这一地名,因此,这一带被称为“沪渎”,故上海简称“沪”。春秋战国时上海是楚春申君黄歇封邑的一部分,故上海别称“申”。 4、重庆(渝) 重庆古称“巴”。秦时称江州。隋称渝州。北宋称恭州。重庆之名始于1190年,因南宋光宗赵敦先封恭王,后登帝位,遂将恭州升为重庆府,取“双重喜庆”之意。1997年,重庆设为直辖市。 隋时,嘉陵江称渝水,重庆因位于嘉陵江畔而置渝州,故重庆简称“渝”。 二、五个自治区 1、内蒙古自治区(内蒙古) 蒙古原为部落名,始见于唐代记载。1206年,成吉思汗统一蒙古各部,建立蒙古国。元灭后,蒙古族退居塞北。明清形成内、外蒙古之称。晚清以后,泛指大漠以南、长城以北、东起哲里木盟、西至套西厄鲁特所以盟旗为内蒙古。 取全称中“内蒙古”三字作为简称。 2、维吾尔自治区(新) 辖区古称西域。西汉设西域都护府。东汉魏晋改都护为长史。唐代设伊、西、庭三州和安西、北庭两个都护府。17世纪中叶以后,清朝平定了准噶尔部叛乱,在天山南北设伊犁将军。清光绪10年(1884年),改为新疆省,意为“故土新归”。1955年,设新疆维吾尔自治区。 取全称中的“新”字作为简称。 3、西藏自治区(藏)


一、四个直辖市 1、北京(京) 北京有据可查的第一个名称为“蓟”,是春秋战国时燕国的都城。辽金是将北京作为陪都,称为燕京。金灭辽后,迁都于此,称中都。元代改称大都。明成祖朱棣从南京迁都于此,改称“北京”。名称一直沿用至今。1949年设为直辖市。 取全称中的“京”字作为简称。 2、天津(津) 唐宋以前,天津称为直沽。金代形成集市称“直沽寨”。元代设津海镇,这是天津建城的开始。明永乐2年(1404年)筑城设卫,始称天津卫,取“天子经过的渡口”之意。1949年设为直辖市。 取全称中的“津”字作为简称。 3、上海(沪) 上海之称始于宋代,当时上海已成为我国的一个新兴贸易港口,那时的上海地区有十八大浦,其中一条叫上海浦,它的西岸设有上海镇。1292年,上海改镇为县。这是上海这一名称的由来。1949年,上海设为直辖市。 古时,上海地区的渔民发明了一种竹编的捕鱼工具“扈”,当时还没有上海这一地名,因此,这一带被称为“沪渎”,故上海简称“沪”。春秋战国时上海是楚春申君黄歇封邑的一部分,故上海别称“申”。 4、重庆(渝) 重庆古称“巴”。秦时称江州。隋称渝州。北宋称恭州。重庆之名始于1190年,因南宋光宗赵敦先封恭王,后登帝位,遂将恭州升为重庆府,取“双重喜庆”之意。1997年,重庆设为直辖市。 隋时,嘉陵江称渝水,重庆因位于嘉陵江畔而置渝州,故重庆简称“渝”。 二、五个自治区

1、内蒙古自治区(内蒙古) 蒙古原为部落名,始见于唐代记载。1206年,成吉思汗统一蒙古各部,建立蒙古国。元灭后,蒙古族退居塞北。明清形成内、外蒙古之称。晚清以后,泛指大漠以南、长城以北、东起哲里木盟、西至套西厄鲁特所以盟旗为内蒙古。 取全称中“内蒙古”三字作为简称。 2、维吾尔自治区(新) 辖区古称西域。西汉设西域都护府。东汉魏晋改都护为长史。唐代设伊、西、庭三州和安西、北庭两个都护府。17世纪中叶以后,清朝平定了准噶尔部叛乱,在天山南北设伊犁将军。清光绪10年(1884年),改为新疆省,意为“故土新归”。1955年,设新疆维吾尔自治区。 取全称中的“新”字作为简称。 3、西藏自治区(藏) 元时称西藏地区为“乌思藏”。“乌思”是藏语“中央”的意思,“藏”是“圣洁”的意思。明代设立两个都指挥使司。清代称西藏东部为“康”(喀木),中部为“卫”,西部日喀则一带为“藏”(包括阿里),因其在中国西部,故称西藏。1965年设立西藏自治区。 取全称中的“藏”字作为简称。另一说认为简称源于故称“乌思藏”。 4、宁夏回族自治区(宁) 公元5世纪处,匈奴贵族赫连勃勃自以为是夏后氏后裔,故将建立的割据政权定国号为“夏”。宋代,党项族拓拔氏首领李元昊称帝,定都兴庆府(今银川),立国号“夏”,创立文字,建西夏王朝。13世纪,元灭西夏,取“平定西夏永远安宁”之意,在这里设宁夏行省,始有宁夏之名。1958年设宁夏回族自治区。 取全称中的“宁”字作为简称。 5、广西壮族自治区(桂) 宋设广南西路,简称广西路,“广西”一名产生。元设广西两江道。明设广西省。1958年设广西僮族自治区,1965年改为广西壮族自治区。


北京(京)天津(津)上海(沪)重庆(渝)内蒙古自治区(内蒙古)维吾尔自治区(新)西藏自治区(藏)宁夏回族自治区(宁)广西壮族自治区(桂)香港特别行政区(港)澳门特别行政区(澳)黑龙江省(黑)吉林省(吉)辽宁省(辽)河北省(冀)山西省(晋)青海省(青)山东省(鲁)河南省(豫)江苏省(苏)安徽省(皖)浙江省(浙)福建省(闽)江西省(赣)湖南省(湘)湖北省(鄂)广东省(粤)台湾省(台)海南省(琼)甘肃省(甘或陇)陕西省(陕或秦)四川省(川或蜀)贵州省(贵或黔)云南省(云或滇)dian 华东:山东、江苏、江西、安徽、浙江、上海 华南:湖南、广东、广西、福建 华北:北京、天津、河北、内蒙、山西 西南:云南、贵州、四川、重庆、西藏 西北:陕西、甘肃、宁夏、新疆、青海 中国各省份简称的由来 四个直辖市 1、北京(京)北京有据可查的第一个名称为“蓟”(ji),是春秋战国时燕国的都城。辽金是将北京作为陪都,称为燕京。金灭辽后,迁都于此,

称中都。元代改称大都。明成祖朱棣从南京迁都于此,改称“北京”。名称一直沿用至今。1949 年设为直辖市。取全称中的“京”字作为简称。 2、天津(津)唐宋以前,天津称为直沽。金代形成集市称“直沽寨”。元代设津海镇,这是天津建城的开始。明永乐 2 年(1404 年)筑城设卫,始称天津卫,取“天子经过的渡口”之意。1949 年设为直辖市。取全称中的“津”字作为简称。 3、上海(沪)上海之称始于宋代,当时上海已成为我国的一个新兴贸易港口,那时的上海地区有十八大浦,其中一条叫上海浦,它的西岸设有上海镇。1292 年,上海改镇为县。这是上海这一名称的由来。1949 年,上海设为直辖市。古时,上海地区的渔民发明了一种竹编的捕鱼工具“扈”,当时还没有上海这一地名,因此,这一带被称为“沪渎”,故上海简称“沪”。春秋战国时上海是楚春申君黄歇封邑的一部分,故上海别称“申”。 4、重庆(渝)重庆古称“巴”。秦时称江州。隋称渝州。北宋称恭州。重庆之名始于1190 年,因南宋光宗赵敦先封恭王,后登帝位,遂将恭州升为重庆府,取“双重喜庆”之意。1997 年,重庆设为直辖市。隋时,嘉陵江称渝水,重庆因位于嘉陵江畔而置渝州,故重庆简称“渝”。 五个自治区 1、内蒙古自治区(内蒙古)(呼和浩特市) 蒙古原为部落名,始见于唐代记载。1206 年,成吉思汗统一蒙古各部,建立蒙古国。元灭后,蒙古族退居塞北。明清形成内、外蒙古之称。晚清以后,泛指大漠以南、长城以北、东起哲里木盟、西至套西厄鲁特所以盟旗为内蒙古。取全称中“内蒙古”三字作为简称。


《名字的由来》 名字的由来作文(一): 名字的由来350字 中国的孩子习惯跟父同姓,我父亲姓滕,所以我也姓滕。我的名字是我在妈妈肚子里5个月的时候就取好了,是爸爸给我取的。远航是在2000年冬天那时正下着茫茫的大雪,我父母在温暖的小屋里看电视,他们看见广阔的大海上有一艘轮船,轮船上正飘着鲜红的中国五星红旗,站着威武的中国海军。这时爸爸突然就有了一个想法,说不管我们的孩子是男孩还是女孩,都叫远航。妈妈也觉得这个名字既好听又有好处,从此我就叫了滕远航。 我的爸爸妈妈期望我驾驶大轮船向大海前进。我期望我是一名海上特站队的队长,能够保卫国家,我不会辜负父母对我的期望。不论怎样我必须会努力去大海完成父母的心愿。 你此刻明白我的名字有什么秘密了吧,你们也说说你们的名字有什么秘密吧。 名字的由来作文(二): 名字的由来300字 我叫郑逸豪。郑是姓爸爸的姓,逸是飘逸的逸,英俊潇洒的意思。豪是英雄豪杰的豪,又勇敢又机智的意思。 我的名字还有其他三个。一是小马虎,因为我做事、写字、考试等都很马虎,十分容易犯大大小小的错误,所以爸爸常常严厉地批评我是个小马虎。 二是小憨憨,因为我的脸蛋胖乎乎的,说话的样貌憨憨的,做事情也懒洋洋的,所以妈妈常常摸着我的脸蛋,亲昵地叫我小憨憨。 三是旺崽小毛头,这是我姐姐给我起的名字,因为我小时候头上的头发可稀少啦,姐姐就把我的头发比喻成几根毛,所以我就有了这个小毛头这个绰号。 我的秘密已经告诉你们了,你们可千万别拿我的三个名字来开我的玩笑哦。 名字的由来作文(三): 名字的来历350字 小名字大好处 每个人都有自我的名字,每个名字都代表不一样的好处,都有一个动人的故


中国分4个直辖市,5个自治区,2个特别行政区,24个省,简称如下:直辖市: 北京[京] 天津[津] 上海[沪] 重庆[渝] 自治区: 宁夏[宁] 西藏[藏] 广西[桂] 新疆[新] 内蒙古 特别行政区: 香港[港] 澳门[澳] 省份: 黑龙江[黑] 云南[滇|云] 吉林[吉] 安徽[皖] 山东[鲁] 山西[晋] 广东[粤] 广西[桂] 江苏[苏] 江西[赣] 河北[冀] 河南[豫] 浙江[浙] 海南[琼] 湖北[鄂] 湖南[湘] 甘肃[甘|陇] 福建[闽] 四川[川|蜀]

贵州[黔|贵] 辽宁[辽] 陕西[陕|秦] 青海[青] 台湾[台] 各省省名的来由: 江西:以江南的西部得名。唐属江南西道,后设江西观察使,为江西得名的开始;宋置江南西路,简称江西路;元设江西行省及江西湖东道;明置江西省,后改江西布政使司;清改江西省,省名至今未变。 山东:以在太行山之东而得名。唐大部分属河南道;宋设京东路,后分京东东、西路;金更名山东东、西路,为山东得名的开始;元设山东东西道;明置山东省,后改山东布政使司;清改山东省,省名至今未变。 山西:以在太行山之西而行名。唐大部分属河东道;宋设河东路;金分河东北、南路;元设山西河东道,为山西得名的开始;明置山西省,后改山西布政使司;清改山西省,省名至今未变。 河南:以在黄河之南而得名。西汉即有河南郡,为河南得名的开始。唐大部分属都畿道和河南道;宋设京畿路和京西北路;金改南京路;元设河南江北省和河南江北道;明置河南省,后改河南布政使司;清改河南省,省名至今未变。 河北:以在黄河之北而得名。唐大部分属河北道,为河北得名的开始。宋设河北路,后分河北东、西路;金分河北东路设大名府路;元设燕南赵北道;明设北平省,后废省,所有府和直隶州直属中央,称北直隶;清改直隶省;1929年民国改河北省,省名至今未变。 湖南:以在洞庭湖之南而得名。唐属江南西道和黔中道,后设湖南观察使,为湖南得名的开始;宋称湖南路;元设岭北湖南道;明属湖广省,后改省为湖广布政使司;清分湖广省置湖南省,省名至今未变。 湖北:以在洞庭湖之北而得名。唐属江南东道、淮南道和山南东道;宋荆湖北路,简称湖北路,为湖北得名的开始;元设江南湖北道;明属湖广省,后改为省为湖广布政使司;清分湖广省置湖北省,省名至今未变。 广东:以广南东路简称得名。唐属岭南道;宋以旧广州辖地置广南东路,简称广东路,为广得名的开始;元设海北广东道;明置广东省,后改广东布政使司;清改广东省,省名至今未变。


中国省份名称、简称、省会及其简称的由来 一、四个直辖市: 1、北京(京)——北京 北京据可查的第一个名称为“蓟”,是春秋战国时燕国的都城。辽金将北京作为陪都,称为燕京。金灭辽后,迁都于此,称中都。元代改称大都。明成祖朱棣从南京迁都于此,改称“北京”。名称一直沿用至今。1949年设为直辖市。取全称中的“京”字作为简称。 2、天津(津)——天津 唐宋以前,天津称为直沽。金代形成集市称“直沽寨”。元代设津海镇,这是天津建城的开始。明永乐2年(1404年)筑城设卫,始称天津卫,取“天子经过的渡口”之意。1949年设为直辖市。取全称中的“津”字作为简称。 3、上海(沪)——上海 上海之称始于宋代,当时上海已成为我国的一个新兴贸易港口,那时的上海地区有十八大浦,其中一条叫上海浦,它的西岸设有上海镇。1292年,上海改镇为县。这是上海这一名称的由来。1949年,上海设为直辖市。古时,上海地区的渔民发明了一种竹编的捕鱼工具“扈”,当时还没有上海这一

地名,因此,这一带被称为“沪渎”,故上海简称“沪”。春秋战国时上海是楚春申君黄歇封邑的一部分,故上海别称“申”。 4、重庆(渝)——重庆 重庆古称“巴”。秦时称江州。隋称渝州。北宋称恭州。重庆之名始于1190年,因南宋光宗赵敦先封恭王,后登帝位,遂将恭州升为重庆府,取“双重喜庆”之意。1997年,重庆设为直辖市。隋时,嘉陵江称渝水,重庆因位于嘉陵江畔而置渝州,故重庆简称“渝”。 二、五个自治区 1、内蒙古自治区(内蒙古或蒙)——呼和浩特 蒙古原为部落名,始见于唐代记载。1206年,成吉思汗统一蒙古各部,建立蒙古国。元灭后,蒙古族退居塞北。明清形成内、外蒙古之称。晚清以后,泛指大漠以南、长城以北、东起哲里木盟、西至套西厄鲁特所以盟旗为内蒙古。取全称中“内蒙古”三字作为简称。 2、新疆维吾尔自治区(新)——乌鲁木齐


一、中国共有省级行政区34个,具体为: 2个特别行政区:香港、澳门。 4个直辖市:北京、上海、天津、重庆。 23个省:河北、山西、陕西、山东、河南、辽宁、吉林、黑龙江、江苏、浙江、安徽、江西、福建、湖北、湖南、四川、贵州、云南、广 东、海南、甘肃、青海、台湾。 5个自治区:内蒙古、新疆、西藏、广西、宁夏。 二、各市省会目录 1.北京市北京 2.天津市天津 3.上海市上海 4.重庆市重庆 5.河北省石家庄 6.山西省太原 7.陕西省西安 8.山东省济南 9.河南省郑州 10.辽宁省沈阳 11.吉林省长春 12.黑龙江省哈尔滨 13.江苏省南京 14.浙江省杭州 15.安徽省合肥 16.江西省南昌 17.福建省福州 18.湖北省武汉 19.湖南省长沙 20.四川省成都 21.贵州省贵阳 22.云南省昆明 23.广东省广州 24.海南省海口 25.甘肃省兰州 26.青海省西宁 27.台湾省台北 28.内蒙古自治区呼和浩特 29.新疆维吾尔自治区乌鲁木齐 30.西藏自治区拉萨 31.广西壮族自治区南宁 32.宁夏回族自治区银川 33.香港特别行政区香港 34.澳门特别行政区澳门

三、5 - 32省会的地级市与县级市 5.河北省(11个地级市、22个县级市): 11个地级市:石家庄市、唐山市、秦皇岛市、邯郸市、邢台市、保定市、张家口市、承德市、沧州市、廊坊市、衡水市。 22个县级市:辛集市、藁城市、晋州市、新乐市、鹿泉市、遵化市、迁安市、武安市、南宫市、沙河市、涿州市、定州市、安国市、高碑店市、泊头市、任丘市、黄骅市、河间市、霸州市、三河市、冀州市、深州市。 6、山西省城市(11个地级市、11个县级市) 11个地级市:太原、大同、朔州、阳泉、长治、晋城、忻州、晋中、临汾、运城、吕梁 11个县级市:古交、潞城、高平、原平、介休、侯马、霍州、永济、河津、孝义、汾阳 7.陕西省(10个地级市、3个县级市): 10个地级市:西安市、铜川市、宝鸡市、咸阳市、渭南市、延安市、汉中市、榆林市、安康市、商洛市。 3个县级市:兴平市、韩城市、华阴市。 8.山东省(17个地级市、31个县级市): 17个地级市:济南市、青岛市、淄博市、枣庄市、东营市、烟台市、潍坊市、济宁市、泰安市、威海市、日照市、莱芜市、临沂市、德州市、聊城市、滨州市、菏泽市。 31个县级市:章丘市、胶南市、胶州市、平度市、莱西市、即墨市、滕州市、龙口市、莱阳市、莱州市、招远市、蓬莱市、栖霞市、海阳市、青州市、诸城市、寿光市、安丘市、高密市、昌邑市、曲阜市、兖州市、邹城市、新泰市、肥城市、乳山市、文登市、荣成市、乐陵市、禹城市、临清市。 9.河南省(17个地级市、21个县级市): 17个地级市:郑州市、开封市、洛阳市、平顶山市、安阳市、鹤壁市、新乡市、焦作市、濮阳市、许昌市、漯河市、三门峡市、南阳市、商丘市、信阳市、周口市、驻马店市。 21个县级市:巩义市、新郑市、新密市、登封市、荥阳市、中牟县、偃师市、汝州市、舞钢市、林州市、卫辉市、辉县市、沁阳市、孟州市、禹州市、长葛市、义马市、灵宝市、邓州市、永城市、项城市、济源市。 10.辽宁省(14个地级市、17个县级市): 14个地级市:沈阳市、大连市、鞍山市、抚顺市、本溪市、丹东市、锦州市、营口市、阜新市、辽阳市、盘锦市、铁岭市、朝阳市、葫芦岛市。 17个县级市:新民市、瓦房店市、普兰店市、庄河市、海城市、东港市、凤城市、凌海市、北镇市、大石桥市、盖州市、灯塔市、调兵山市、开原市、凌源市、北票市、兴城市 11.吉林省(8个地级市、1个州、20个县级市): 8个地级市:长春市、吉林市、四平市、辽源市、通化市、白山市、松原市、白城市。 1个州:延边朝鲜族自治州。 20个县级市:九台市、榆树市、德惠市、舒兰市、桦甸市、蛟河市、磐石市、公主岭市、双辽市、梅河口市、集安市、临江市、大安市、洮南市、延吉市、图们市、敦化市、龙井市、


中国历史各朝代名称来历 我国历史悠久,朝代更零星纷繁。每朝的创建者要首手办的第一件事就是确立国号(朝代名称)。国号就是一个国家的称号。《史记·五帝本纪》:“自黄帝至舜禹,皆同姓而异其国号,以章明德。” 朝代的名称是由什么决定呢?大致有五个来由:由部族、部落联盟的名称而来,来自创建者原有卦号、爵位;源于创建者原始所或政权统治的区域;源于宗族关系;寓意吉祥。具体说: w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m 夏:据传禹曾受卦于夏伯,因用以称其政权为“夏”。另据历史学家范文澜先生说,禹的儿子启西迁大夏(山西南部汾浍一带)后,才称“夏”。 商:相传商(今河南商丘南)的始祖契曾帮助禹治水有功而受卦于商,以后就以“商”来称其部落(或部族)。汤灭夏后,就以“商”作为国名。后盘庚迁殷(今河南安阳西北)后,又以"殷"或"殷商"并称。 周:周部落到古公檀父时,迁居于周原(今陕西岐山)。武王灭殷以后,就以“周”为朝代名。周前期建都于镐(今陕西西安西南),后来平王东迁洛邑(今河南洛阳),因在镐的东方,就有“西周”和“东周”的称号。 秦:据《史记》记载,本为古部落,其首领非子为周孝王羊马有成绩,被周孝王赐姓为“嬴”,并赐给了一小块土地(今甘肃天水县,另说是陇西谷名)。后来襄又救周有功被封为诸侯,秦始皇统一六国,始建秦国。 汉:项羽封刘邦为汉王,以后刘邦击败项羽,统一中国,国号称“汉”。汉朝前期都长安,后期都洛阳,故从都城上有“西汉”和“东汉”,从时间上有“前汉”和“后汉”之分。 魏:汉献帝曾封曹操为“魏公”、“魏王”爵位,曹丕代汉后便称“魏”以皇室姓曹,历史上又称“曹魏”。 蜀:刘备以四川为活动地区,蜀指四川,其政权称“蜀”。历史上也称“蜀汉”。汉指东汉的继续。 吴:孙权活动于长江下游一带,历史上曾建吴国,曹魏曾封孙权为“吴王”,故史称“孙吴”;又以地位在东,也称“东吴”。 晋:司马昭逼魏帝封他为“晋公”,灭蜀后进爵为晋王。后来他的儿子司炎继承他的爵位,逼令魏帝退位,自立为皇帝,国号“晋”。 隋:隋文帝杨坚之父杨忠,曾被北周封为“随国公”。隋文帝后袭用此卦爵,称为“随朝”。他认为随有走的意思,恐不祥改为“隋”。 唐:唐高祖李渊的祖父李虎,佐周有功,被追卦为“唐国公”,爵位传至李渊。太原起兵后,李渊称“唐王”,后废杨广建唐朝。 辽:辽原称“契丹”,改“辽”是因居于辽河上游之故。 宋:后周恭帝继位后,命赵匡胤为归德节度史,归德军驻宋州(今河南商丘),赵匡胤为宋州节度使。故陈桥兵变后,发迹在宋州,国号曰“宋”。 西夏:拓拔思恭占据夏州(今山西横山县),建国时以夏州得名,称“大夏”。因其在西方,宋人称“西夏”。 金:金都城上京会宁(今黑龙江阿城南),位于按出虎水(今阿什河),相传其水产金,女真语“金”为“按出虎”。 元:据《元史》记载:“元”的命名,是元世祖忽必烈定的。是取《易经》上“大哉乾元”句中的“元”,有大、首等意思。但也有人认为与蒙古人的风俗与图腾有关,有的认为与佛教有关。 明:朱元璋是元末起义军之一,是继承郭子兴而发展起来的,郭子兴属于白莲教组织。白莲


重庆绝对是个好名字! 从意思来看:双重喜庆! 从结构来看:千里为重,广大为庆,千里广大,是为重庆! 单从地名来讲,重庆主城及各区县的名字也都是各有特色的,每一个区县都有着非常 隽永的名字,词旨优美、意味深长。 重庆: 三千多年前,巴人都江州(重庆),即江中之岛。以后又称巴郡,南北朝时,巴郡改为楚州。隋文帝开皇元年(581年),以渝水(嘉陵江古称)绕城,改楚州为渝州。这就是重庆简称“渝”的来历。北宋徽宗崇宁元年(1102年),因渝人赵谂叛诛事,朝廷虑“渝”有“变” 之意,改渝州为恭州。孝宗淳熙十六年(1189年),皇子赵接踵于正月封恭王,二月受内禅即帝位,自诩“双重喜庆”,遂将恭州升格命名为重庆府。 渝北: 重庆古称渝州(因嘉陵江古称渝水),以位于重庆城区北部得名。 江北: 以位于长江、嘉陵江之北得名。 渝中: 重庆古称渝州(因嘉陵江古称渝水),以位于重庆城区中部得名。 南岸: 以其位于重庆市区长江南岸得名。 巴南: 巴南区的前身是千年历史名邑巴县。早在3000多年前的商代,巴人就在此繁衍生息,立国建都。秦代置巴郡,南朝齐代置垫江县,北周时改称巴县并沿袭至1995年。1995年经国务院批准撤县建区,成立巴南区。“巴”由来,据《巴县志》:“巴之得名,以阆白二水曲 折如巴字。”最初巴既是地名,又是族名。另一说,古代巴人崇拜蛇,巴字宛如蛇形,以此造字。 沙坪坝: 1939年建置重庆市沙磁区,1950年建置为重庆市第三区,1955年正式定名为沙坪坝区。九龙坡: 据说南宋光宗在重庆即位当皇帝时,天上飞来九条龙,盘踞在一高坡上,后来这高坡就被人们称为“九龙坡”

大渡口: 清朝道光、光绪年间,有一士绅在长江以北设义渡,该渡口为沿江数十里渡口之首,大渡口由此而得名。 璧山: “川中有一孤山,西、北二面险峻,东南面稍平,土人号为重璧山,至德二年置县,因山为名”。还有一说:因境内有山形似玉璧,故名。 北碚: 因有巨石伸入嘉陵江中,曰碚,又因在渝州之北,故名北碚。 南川: 南川之名始于元世祖时期。南川者南江之别名也。南江在綦,而其一源出自南川,遂以南川之名名其发源县。 万州: 长江在蜀中的各支流汇集于此,东出夔门。以“万川毕汇”、“万商毕集”得名。杜甫有 诗云“众水会涪万,瞿塘争一门”。 奉节: 唐贞观23年,因旌表蜀丞相诸葛亮奉昭烈皇帝刘备“托孤寄命,临大节而不可夺”的品质 ,改名奉节县(奉公守节)。(“朝辞白帝彩云间,千里江陵一日还”。诗城夔州,不用 多说,“长江三峡的起点”就够有意境~) 云阳: 北周更县名为云安。宋开宝六年(973年)升县为军。宋熙宁四年(1041年)升云安监为安义县。八年(1075年)撤安义县,户口归属云安县。宋末,云安军废。元代至元十五年(1278年)复立云安军,属夔州路。至元二十年(1283年)改军为州,名云阳州。明洪武六年(1373年)降州为县,名云阳县至今。因位于长江之北,古有“北阴南阳”、“水北为阳”之说,故名。 巫溪: 远在唐虞,即以"巫"称。以巫咸为首的"十巫升降"于巫山(巫溪沿岸诸山原本巫山),以采"百药";巫咸民赖盐业而兴,"百谷所聚"。春秋时,巴联秦楚灭庸,得巫盐;战国时,楚取巴巫盐立巫郡,后秦取楚巫郡立巫县。史载万顷池(今巫溪红池坝)即为春申君故居。 巫山:


一、四个直辖市 1、北京(京)北京 北京有据可查的第一个名称为“蓟”,是春秋战国时燕国的都城。辽金是将北京作为陪都,称为燕京。金灭辽后,迁都于此,称中都。元代改称大都。明成祖朱棣从南京迁都于此,改称“北京”。名称一直沿用至今。1949年设为直辖市。 取全称中的“京”字作为简称。 2、天津(津)天津 唐宋以前,天津称为直沽。金代形成集市称“直沽寨”。元代设津海镇,这是天津建城的开始。明永乐2年(1404年)筑城设卫,始称天津卫,取“天子经过的渡口”之意。1949年设为直辖市。 取全称中的“津”字作为简称。 3、上海(沪)上海 上海之称始于宋代,当时上海已成为我国的一个新兴贸易港口,那时的上海地区有十八大浦,其中一条叫上海浦,它的西岸设有上海镇。1292年,上海改镇为县。这是上海这一名称的由来。1949年,上海设为直辖市。 古时,上海地区的渔民发明了一种竹编的捕鱼工具“扈”,当时还没有上海这一地名,因此,这一带被称为“沪渎”,故上海简称“沪”。春秋战国时上海是楚春申君黄歇封邑的一部分,故上海别称“申”。 4、重庆(渝)重庆 重庆古称“巴”。秦时称江州。隋称渝州。北宋称恭州。重庆之名始于1190年,因南宋光宗赵敦先封恭王,后登帝位,遂将恭州升为重庆府,取“双重喜庆”之意。1997年,重庆设为直辖市。 隋时,嘉陵江称渝水,重庆因位于嘉陵江畔而置渝州,故重庆简称“渝”。 二、五个自治区 1、内蒙古自治区(内蒙古)呼和浩特 蒙古原为部落名,始见于唐代记载。1206年,成吉思汗统一蒙古各部,建立蒙古国。元灭后,蒙古族退居塞北。明清形成内、外蒙古之称。晚清以后,泛指大漠以南、长城以北、东起哲里木盟、西至套西厄鲁特所以盟旗为内蒙古。


一、 HanselandGretel______(live)nearaforestwithhisfatherandstepmother.Oneyear,theweather______(be)sodry thatnofood_____(grow).Thewifetoldherhusbandthatunlesshe________(leave)hischildren______(die)inthe forest,thewholefamilywoulddie.Gretel_________(hear)thattheirstepmotherplanned________(kill)herandh erbrother.ButHanselhadaplan________(save)himselfandhissister.Hewenttogetsomewhitestonesbeforehew enttobedthatnight.Thenextday,thewife_________(send)thechildrentotheforest.Hansel___________(drop)t https://www.doczj.com/doc/ec12125923.html,terthatnight,they________(see)thestonesbecauseoftheshiningmoon.Thestones__ ace)forthisistheHimalayas.TheHimalayasrunalongthe______________(southwest)partofChina.Ofallthem ountains,Qomolangma________(rise)thehighestandis____________(famous).Itis8,844.43metershighands oisverydangerous________(climb).Thickcloudscoverthetopandsnow__________(fall)veryhard.Evenmore serious_______(difficulty)includefreezingweatherconditionsandheavystorms.Itisalsoveryhard_____(take) inairasyougetnearthetop. Thefirstpeople_____(reach)thetopwereTenzingNorgayandEdmundHillaryonMay29,1953.ThefirstChi neseteam__(do)soinI960,whilethefirstwoman_____(succeed)wasJunkoTabeifromJapanin1975. Whydosomanyclimbersrisktheir_____(life)?Oneofthemain_______(reason)isbecausepeoplewant______(c hallenge)themselvesinthefaceofdifficulties. Thespiritoftheseclimbers_____(show)usthatweshouldnevergiveup____(try)toachieveourdreams.Itals


中国18个朝代名字由来 中国历史悠久,朝代更迭不断。夏商与西周,唐宋元明清,说起朝代名称小学生都能朗朗上口,但是大家能不能很清楚的说出这些朝代名字怎么来的呢? 每朝的创建者要首手办的第一件事就是确立国号(朝代名称)。国号就是一个国家的称号。名不正言不顺,确立了国号就名正了,代表一个新的国朝从此诞生。同时这也是有说法的:《史记五帝本纪》曰:“自黄帝至舜禹,皆同姓而异其国号,以章明德。 那么国号由什么决定呢?一般来说大致有五个来由:由部族、部落联盟的名称而来;来自创建者原有卦号、爵位;源于创建者原始所或政权统治的区域;源于宗族关系;寓意吉祥。 接下来我们来看看中国历史上具体的国号及其由来: 1、夏 这一称谓的来源有十种说法,其中一种观点是“夏”为夏族图腾的象形字。也有一种说法据传禹曾受封于夏伯,因用以称其政权为“夏”。另据历史学家范文澜先生说,禹的儿子启西迁大夏(山西南部汾浍一带)后,才称“夏”。 2、商 相传商(今河南商丘南)的始祖契曾帮助禹治水有功而受封于商,以后就以“商”来称其部落(或部族)。汤灭夏后,就以“商”作为国名。后盘庚迁殷(今河南安阳西北)后,又以“殷”或“殷商”并称。 3、周

周部落到古公亶父时,迁居于周原(今陕西岐山)。武王灭殷以后,就以“周”为朝代名。周前期建都于镐(今陕西西安西南),后来平王东迁洛邑(今河南洛阳),因在镐的东方,就有“西周”和“东周”的称号。 4、秦 秦朝的国号来自于地名。早期的秦人由于给周王室养马有功,被周孝王封在秦地,秦成了他们的正式族称。周幽王时期犬戎攻入镐京,秦襄公因为保卫周王室有功,正式被封为诸侯国,秦成为国号。秦始皇统一六国,始建秦朝。 5、汉 项羽封刘邦为汉王,以后刘邦击败项羽,统一中国,国号称“汉”。汉朝前期都长安,后期都洛阳,故从都城上有“西汉”和“东汉”,从时间上有“前汉”和“后汉”之分。 6、魏 汉献帝曾封曹操为“魏公”、“魏王”爵位,曹丕代汉后便称“魏”。以皇室姓曹,历史上又称“曹魏”。 7、蜀 刘备以四川为活动地区,蜀指四川,其政权帮称“蜀”。历史上也称“蜀汉”。汉指东汉的继续。 8、吴 孙权活动于长江下游一带,历史上曾建吴国,曹魏曾封孙权为“吴王”,故史称“孙吴”;又以地位在东,也称“东吴”。 9、晋


浙江省各(市)县名字的由来 整理:光明人家 2009.8.31 杭州市:杭州古称钱唐。隋朝开皇九年(589年)废钱唐郡,置杭州,杭州之名首次在历史上出现。南宋建炎三年(1129年),高宗南渡至杭州,升杭州为临安府。绍兴八年(1138年)南宋正式定都临安,历时140余年。民国元年(1912年)以原钱塘、仁和县地并置杭县。民国十六年(1927年),析出杭县城区设杭州市,杭州置市始此。 上城区:南宋皇城居南,后习惯以南为上,故名。1949年置上城区。 下城区:1949年建下城区,在故皇城北,以南为上北为下习称得名。 西湖区:以境内有西湖而得名 滨江区:位于钱塘江南岸,以濒临钱塘江而得名 江干区:因地处钱塘江北岸,故名江干。 拱墅区:以境内有拱宸桥、湖墅而得名。 萧山区:因县治西部有萧山而得名。《汉书·地理志》余暨县名之下已有记载,其来历是当年越王勾践被吴王夫差战败,率剩下兵卒停留于此,四顾萧然,故称此山为萧然山,亦名萧山。 余杭区:《太平寰宇记》卷93杭州余杭县引《郡国志》云:夏禹东去,舍舟船登陆于此,乃以为名。 建德市:建德县名因封建德侯而来,取建功立德之义。 富阳市:古称富春,东晋太元十九年(394),为避简文帝生母太后郑阿春讳,更名为富阳,富阳之名始于此。 临安市:据《太平寰宇记》卷93杭州临安县:“临安山,县取此为名。” 桐庐县:《方舆胜览》卷5建德府《山川》载:桐君山“在桐庐。有人采药结庐桐木下,人问其姓,指桐木示之,因山名桐君,郡曰桐庐”。 淳安县:明《嘉靖淳安县志》卷1《风俗》称:“兹邑旧以淳而易安得名” 宁波市:宁波古称为“鄞”,春秋时为越国境地,秦时属会稽郡的鄞、贸阝、句章三县,唐时称明州。公元821年,明州州治迁到三江口,并筑内城,标志着宁波建城之始。明洪武十四年(公元1381年),取“海定则波宁”之义,改称宁波,一直沿用至今。 江北区:因地处甬江、余姚江北,故名。 海曙区:因区内有一座建于唐代的鼓楼——“海曙楼”而得名。 江东区:因地处奉化江、甬江东岸,故名。 北仑区:因北仑港得名,北仑港是以港中一小岛北仑岛而命名。 镇海区:唐元和四年(公元809年),在鄮东甬江口建望海镇,为镇海建制之始。后梁开平三年(公元909年)改望海镇为望海县,未几改为定海县。清康熙二十六年(公元1688年)定海县改名镇海县。


中国各省份的简称 北京市京 天津市津 上海市沪别称申 重庆市渝 河北省冀石家庄 山西省晋太原 辽宁省辽沈阳 吉林省吉长春 黑龙江省黑哈尔滨 江苏省苏南京 浙江省浙杭州 安徽省皖合肥 福建省闽福州 江西省赣南昌 山东省鲁济南 河南省豫郑州 湖北省鄂武汉 湖南省湘长沙 广东省粤广州 海南省琼海口 四川省川成都 贵州省黔或贵贵阳 云南省滇或云昆明 陕西省陕或秦西安 甘肃省甘或陇兰州 青海省青西宁 西藏自治区藏拉萨 广西壮族自治区桂南宁 内蒙古自治区内蒙古呼和浩特 宁夏回族自治区宁银川 新疆维吾尔自治区新乌鲁木齐 香港特别行政区香港岛、九龙、“新界”本土及离岛四部分 澳门地区简称澳,1999年12月20MACAO MACAU,别名濠江、濠海、濠镜、马交、濠澳、香山澳等 台湾省台台北 一、四个直辖市:

1、北京(京)——北京 北京据可查的第一个名称为“蓟”,是春秋战国时燕国的都城。辽金将北京作为陪都,称为燕京。金灭辽后,迁都于此,称中都。元代改称大都。明成祖朱棣从南京迁都于此,改称“北京”。名称一直沿用至今。1949年设为直辖市。取全称中的“京”字作为简称。 2、天津(津)——天津 唐宋以前,天津称为直沽。金代形成集市称“直沽寨”。元代设津海镇,这是天津建城的开始。明永乐2年(1404年)筑城设卫,始称天津卫,取“天子经过的渡口”之意。1949年设为直辖市。取全称中的“津”字作为简称。 3、上海(沪)——上海 上海之称始于宋代,当时上海已成为我国的一个新兴贸易港口,那时的上海地区有十八大浦,其中一条叫上海浦,它的西岸设有上海镇。1292年,上海改镇为县。这是上海这一名称的由来。1949年,上海设为直辖市。古时,上海地区的渔民发明了一种竹编的捕鱼工具“扈”,当时还没有上海这一地名,因此,这一带被称为“沪渎”,故上海简称“沪”。春秋战

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