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【走向高考】2015春高考英语一轮复习 专题6 定语从句

【走向高考】2015春高考英语一轮复习 专题6 定语从句
【走向高考】2015春高考英语一轮复习 专题6 定语从句

【2015春走向高考】高三英语一轮复习专题6 定语从句


1.The Gate of Fortune, from ________ top visitors can enjoy a wonderful sea view, will attract lots of tourists.


2.At the end of the joke she gave a horse laugh ________ could be heard a street away.


3.—We were surprised to hear that the reason ________ she gave for her absence was ________ her mother was ill.

—Yes, we saw her mother was at the supermarket that morning.

答案:that/which;that句意为:——我们很惊讶地听到她为她的缺席给出的原因是她妈妈病了。——是的,我们今早在超级市场看见她妈了。the reason作先行词,且关系词在从句中充当give的宾语,故填that/which;第二空考查the reason... is that这一常用句型,that引导表语从句。

4.In our class there are 46 students of ________ half wear glasses.


5.Life is like an onion, ________ sometimes makes you weep when you try to open it.


6.Parents should pay attention to the cases ________ their children have difficulty ________(adapt) to new surroundings.

答案:where; (in)adapting句意为:父母应该关注孩子们对适应周围环境有困难这件事。句型have difficulty (in) doing sth.做某事有困难。case作先行词引导定语从句时,若从句中不缺主语和宾语,一般用关系副词where。

7.What the separatists did on Mar. 1st in Kunming was extremely violent, ________ will only add to the importance the country attaches to the unity of all ethnic groups.


8.(2014·湖南长沙重点中学第七次月考)—When did he come back last night?

—It was at 8 o'clock ________ I was watching a documentary on TV.

答案:when分析句式结构可知,空格处引导定语从句,句中先行词为8 o'clock,在定语从句中作时间状语,故用关系副词when。句意为:——昨晚他什么时候回来的?——8点钟,当时我正在看一部电视纪录片。

9.I'll ask the teacher about the subjunctive mood ________ I'm very puzzled about; and that's also ________ most of our classmates have doubt.

答案:that/which; where句意为:我会向老师询问让我非常困惑的虚拟语气,这也是我们大部分同学疑惑的地方。第一空引导定语从句,先行词为the subjunctive mood,在从句中充当about的宾语,关系词用that/which。第二空引导表语从句,where在表语从句中充当地点状语。

10.Lee Min-ho, ________ music and films are loved by many teenagers, was invited to perform

in the 2014 Spring Festival Gala.

答案:whose句意为:李敏镐的音乐和电影被许多年轻人喜欢,他被邀请在2014年的春晚上表演。whose引导定语从句,修饰music and films。

11.Now their relationship has reached a stage ________ one would do anything for the other.


12.The Charles Dickens Museum in Doughty Street is the only one of his London homes to survive, ________ he wrote Oliver Twist.

答案:where句意为:位于道蒂街的查尔斯·狄更斯博物馆是他在伦敦仅存的住处,他在那儿写了《雾都孤儿》。where引导非限制性定语从句,并在从句中充当地点状语。13.Sixty-six Chinese athletes attended the 2014 Winter Olympics, three ________ whom won gold medals.


14.Great changes have taken place in that school. It is no longer ________ it was 20 years ago, ________ it was so poorly equipped.

答案:what; when句意为:学校发生了巨大的改变,不再像二十年前一样缺乏设备。第一空考查表语从句引导词,在从句中充当表语,用what。第二空考查定语从句引导词,先行词为20 years ago,且关系词在从句中充当时间状语,应用when。

15.A lot of language learning, ________ has been discovered, is happening in the first year of life, so parents should talk much to their children during that period.

答案:as句意为:根据研究表明,大部分语言的学习都发生在新生命的第一年,所以父母们在那个时期要多多和他们的孩子谈话。as可以引导非限制性定语从句,as引导的从句位置比较灵活,可以放在句首、句中或句尾,故本题用as,指代a lot of language learning is happening in the first year of life。


1.This is the hospital when her sister had an operation.

2.The whole city, 75% of its factories and buildings were gone, lay in ruins.

3.Can you think of some cases in that drivers obviously knew the traffic rules but didn't obey them?

4.There are two lakes, where cover nearly one thousand square kilometers.

5.The yellow house which windows face south is the place where I spent my childhood. 6.Everyone has periods in their lives that everything seems very hard.

7.John once talked to his mom about the people and cities which he had visited abroad. 8.Those which were trapped under the ruins finally got rescued.

9.The couple will fly to France for their honeymoon on their first stop, which they plan to stay for three days.

10.I gave that boy so difficult a math problem which he couldn't work out.

答案:1.when改为where 2.its改为whose 3.that改为which

4.where改为which 5.which改为whose 6.that改为when或during which7.which改为that8.which改为who9.which改为where或在其前加in10.which改为as


昆明理工大学2010年硕士研究生招生入学考试试题(A卷) 考试科目代码:818 考试科目名称:汽车理论 试题适用招生专业:080204 车辆工程 考生答题须知 1.所有题目(包括填空、选择、图表等类型题目)答题答案必须做在考点发给的答题纸上,做在本试题册上无效。请考生务必在答题纸上写清题号。 2.评卷时不评阅本试题册,答题如有做在本试题册上而影响成绩的,后果由考生自己负责。 3.答题时一律使用蓝、黑色墨水笔或圆珠笔作答(画图可用铅笔),用其它笔答题不给分。 4.答题时不准使用涂改液等具有明显标记的涂改用品。 一、填空题:(每空1分,本题共计15分) 1、汽车的动力装置参数系指(1)和(2)。 2、人体对振动的反应取决于振动的(1)(2)(3)和(4)四个因素。 3、设车身—车轮二自由度汽车模型,其车身部分固有频率f0=2Hz。它行驶在波长λ=5m的水泥接缝路面上,求引起车身部分共振时的车速Va =(1)(km/h);该汽车车轮部分的固有频率f t=10Hz,在沙石路面上常用车速为30km/h。问由于车轮部分共振时,车轮对路面作用的动载荷所形成的搓板路的波长λ=(2)m 。 4、平直硬路面上产生滚动阻力的原因是轮胎的(1)。 5、美国测得某汽车的复合工况燃油经济性为:16MPG,则该车在同样的复合工况下百公里油耗是(1)(L/100Km)。 6、地面制动力取决于两个摩擦副的摩擦力:一个是(1)和(2) 之间的摩擦力,一个是(3)和(4)之间的摩擦力。 7、操纵稳定性良好的汽车应具有(1)转向特性。 二、名词解释题:(每个3分,本题共计15分) 1、角阶跃输入 2、充分发出的平均减速度MFDD 3、制动效能 4、轮胎拖距 5、最高车速 三、简答题:(每小题5分,本题共计30分) 1、影响滚动阻力系数的因素有哪些? 2、影响轮胎侧偏刚度的因素有哪些? 3、现代轿车采取了哪些措施来降低空气阻力系数C D? 4、汽车制动距离的定义是什么?影响制动距离的因素有哪些? 5、写出汽车的各行驶阻力及其计算公式。 6、机械变速器的传动比如何分配?这种分配有哪些优点? 第 1 页共 2 页


江苏省溧阳市2015高考英语单项选择训练(9)及答案 江苏省2015高考英语课时作业及解析09 Ⅰ.单项填空 1.He felt very sad that though he worked very _______indeed,he was not able to jump _____. A.hardly;high B.hard;high C.hardly;highly D.hard;highly 答案B[有些考生可能会认为动词后面应用副词修饰,而形容词后面加-ly就成副词了,于是错选A、C或D。其实,hard和high都既可作形容词,也可作副词。hard作形容词时意为“坚硬的;难懂的”,作副词时,意为“努力地;猛烈地”;而hardly是副词,意为“几乎不”;high作形容词时,意为“高的,有……高度的”,作副词时意为“在高处,向高处”; 而highly是副词,意为“高度地”,表示抽象意义。根据句子语境可知,正确答案为B。] 2.The case is being looked into;a team consisting of top Chinese police officers will leave for Japan soon to ________the truth. A.uncover B.recover C.indicate D.represent 答案A[句意:这个案子正在调查中,由中国高级警官组成的调查团很快将赴日本揭开事实真相。uncover“揭露”;recover“恢复”;indicate“指示”;represent“代表,象征”。故选A项。] 3.By the time my friend gets to Australia next Sunday,I________for America. A.will have left B.might have left C.will leave D.am leaving 答案A [考查动词的时态。句意:当我的朋友下周日到达澳大利亚时,我也已经离开去了美国。by the time用作连词,引导时间状语从句,意为“到……时候”,当它引导的从句的时态用一般现在时时,主句的时态通常用将来完成时。此处指到下周日“我”将已经去了美国,故用将来完成时。] 4.________money is concerned,I always try to be very careful. A.Where B.When C.Why D.How 答案A[句意:凡是涉及钱的地方,我总是尽量小心谨慎。where...is concerned=as far as...is concerned“就……而言”。] 5.—Why did you refuse to move into the office? —Because it was really in a poor ________and dirty. A.form B.situation C.shape D.state 答案D[in any form/shape“某事物的任何形式”;in the shape/form of“以……的形式”;in a situation“处于……的境地;陷入……的状况”;in a poor state“处于糟糕、混乱或不整洁 的状态”。句意:——你为什么拒绝搬进办公室?——因为它真的很破很脏。]


定语从句(1) 一、概念 1) 定语从句:在主从复合句中用作定语的从句叫定语从句。定语从句一般紧接在先行词后面,但as引导的修饰全句的定语从句可以放在句首。 2) 先行词:被定语从句修饰的成份。先行词可以为一个词,短语,或整个主句。 3)关系词:引导定语从句的词叫关系词,分为关系代词和关系副词。 关系词的作用: (1) 引导定语从句,连接主句和从句,相当于一个连词; (2) 必在从句中作某个句子成份(可以做主语,宾语,表语,定语,状语); 常用的关系代词: that、which、 who、whom、whose、as 、but 1. that多指物,有时也指人。在从句中作主语或宾语,有时作表语,作宾语时常省略。 2. which指物,在从句中作主语或宾语,作宾语时常省略。 3. who指人,在从句中作主语或宾语。 4. whom指人,在从句中作宾语,在口语及非正式文体中常省略。 5. whose可指人,也可指物,在从句中作定语。 6. as指人或物,在从句中作主语或宾语。当先行词被the same,as,such等修饰时,多用as 引导。 7. but文语, 置于否定词之后=that/who…not…, "没有……不……", 在从句中作主语,宾语。 二、关系代词引导的定语从句 1) which, that 它们所代替的先行词是事物的名词或代词,在从句中可作主语、宾语等,例如: A prosperity which / that had never been seen before appears in the countryside.(which / that在句中作宾语) The package (which / that) you are carrying is about to come unwrapped. (which / that 在句中作宾语) 2) who, whom, that 这些词代替的先行词是人的名词或代词,在从句中所起作用如下: Is he the man who/that wants to see you?(who/that在从句中作主语) He is the man whom/ that I saw yesterday.(whom/that在从句中作宾语) 3) whose 用来指人或物,(只用作定语,若指物,它还可以同of which互换),例如: Please pass me the book whose (of which) cover is green. 4) 关系代词that和which (1) 不用that的情况: a) 在引导非限定性定语从句时 (错)The tree, that is four hundred years old, is very famous here. b) 介词后不能用 We depend on the land from which we get our food. (2) 只能用that作为定语从句的关系代词的情况 a) 在不定代词,如:anything, nothing, everything, all, much, few, any, little等作先行词时,只用that,不用which。


高考核心词汇大全 口诀:英语高考变化大,词汇越来越称霸;标准要求三千五,八百词汇是关卡; 字形词义熟练记,保证考场是赢家。 一、语法角度归纳词汇: 1.只能接动名词,而不能接不定式作宾语: 口诀:想要动词接动名词,建议避免冒险;介意错过训练;厌恶推迟完成;承认逃脱抵抗;考虑保持忍受;宽恕想象享受。suggest, avoid, risk, mind, miss, practise, dislike, delay, finish, admit, escape, resist, consider, keep, stand, imagine, forgive, enjoy 2.只能接不定式,而不能接动名词作宾语: 口诀:打算将来负担起一切,就得尝试失败,拒绝假装努力。要学会选择,决心设法完成计划。 父母会同意提供帮助,要承诺达到他们的期望要求。want, intend, mean, afford, attempt, fail, refuse, pretend, learn, choose, decide, determine, manage, plan, agree, offer, help, promise, hope, wish, expect, ask Want动词接不定势,父母will hope or wish or expect to agree to offer to help to do sth or ask to do sth, and intend to afford to do sth, 就得attempt to fail to do sth, and refuse to pretend to do sth, 要learn to choose to do sth. 并且decide or determine to manage to do a plan. 3.既可接动名词也可接不定式作宾语,意义不同: 口诀:go on 表继续,doing 同一事,to do 另一个; regret,forget , remember, 接doing 表做过,跟to do 要做; mean doing 意味着,mean to do 打算做; try doing 试着做,try to do设法做 拓展:try one’s best to do 尽力做某事,记得这个固定搭配的意思,有助于区别上面两个的意思。 4.既可接动名词也可接不定式作宾语,意义相同: need, require, want, deserve + doing / to be done (需要做) be worth doing, be worthy of being done, be worthy to be done


高中英语定语从句讲解及练习 定语从句是高中重点知识,也是高考常考点,大家也不容易掌握,这篇文章主要教你关系代词引导的定语从句 关系副词引导的定语从句判断关系代词与关系副词限制性和非限制性定语从句等内容,有例题讲解定语从句在句中做定语,修饰一个名词或代词,被修饰的名词词组或代词即先行词。定语从句通常出现在先行词之后,由关系词(关系代词或关系副词)引出。 关系代词有:who, whom, whose, that, which等。 关系副词有:when, where, why等。 18.1 关系代词引导的定语从句 关系代词所代替的先行词是人或物的名词或代词,并在句中充当主语、宾语、定语等成分。关系代词在定语从句中作主语时,从句谓语动词的人称和数要和先行词保持一致。 1)who, whom, that 这些词代替的先行词是人的名词或代词,在从句中作主语和宾语。例如: Is he the man who/that wants to see you? 他就是你想见的人吗?(who/that在从句中作主语) He is the man whom/ that I saw yesterday. 他就是我昨天见的那个人。(whom/that在从句中作宾语) 2)whose 用来指人或物,(只用作定语, 若指物,它还可以同of which互换)。例如: They rushed over to help the man whose car had broken down.那人车坏了,大家都跑过去帮忙。 Please pass me the book whose (of which)cover is green.请递给我那本绿皮的书。 3)which, that所代替的先行词是事物的名词或代词,在从句中可作主语、宾语等。例如: A prosperity which / that had never been seen before appears in the countryside. 农村出现了前所未有的繁荣。(which / that在句中作宾语) The package (which / that)you are carrying is about to come unwrapped. 你拿的包快散了。(which / that在句中作宾语) 18.2 关系副词引导的定语从句 关系副词可代替的先行词是时间、地点或理由的名词,在从句中作状语。 1)关系副词when, where, why的含义相当于\"介词+ which\"结构,因此常常和\"介词+ which\"结构交替使用。例如: There are occasions when (on which)one must yield.任何人都有不得不屈服的时候。 Beijing is the place where(in which)I was born.北京是我的出生地。 Is this the reason why (for which)he refused our offer?这就是他拒绝我们帮助他的理由吗? 2)that代替关系副词,可以用于表示时间、地点、方式、理由的名词后取代when, where, why和\"介+which\"引导的定语从句,在口语中that常被省略。例如: His father died the year (that / when / in which)he was born.他父亲在他出生那年逝世了。 He is unlikely to find the place (that / where / in which)he lived forty years ago. 他不大可能找到他四十年前居住过的地方。 18.3 判断关系代词与关系副词 方法一:用关系代词,还是关系副词完全取决于从句中的谓语动词。及物动词后面无宾语,就必须要求用关系代词;而不及物动词则要求用关系副词。例如: This is the mountain village where I stayed last year. 这是我去年呆过的山村。 I'll never forget the days when I worked together with you.我永远不会忘记与你共事的日子。 判断改错: (错)This is the mountain village where I visited last year. (错)I will never forget the days when I spent in the countryside. (对)This is the mountain village (which)I visited last year. (对)I'll never forget the days (which)I spent in the countryside. 习惯上总把表地点或时间的名词与关系副词where, when联系在一起。此两题错在关系词的误用上。 方法二:准确判断先行词在定语从句中的成分(主、谓、宾、定、状),也能正确选择出关系代词/关


2015江苏高考英语卷单项解析 21. The number of smokers, _________ is reported, has dropped by 17 percent in just one year. A. it B. which C. what D. as [解析]:正确答案:D。本题考察as引导的非限定性定语从句。本题的意思是“抽烟的人数,正如所报道的,在短短的一年时间内已经下降了百分之十七。”对于句子结构理解稍微薄弱的同学可能会选A。如果选A,应当是:It is reported that the number of smokers has dropped by 17 percent in just one year. 如果选C,应当是:What is reported is that the number of smokers has dropped by 17 percent in just one year. 22. Schools should be lively places where individuals are encouraged to ___________ to their greatest potential. A. accelerate B. improve C. perform D. develop [解析]:正确答案:D。本题考察学生动词词汇量。“学校应该是一个充满生机的地方,在这里每个个体(学生)都被鼓励充分发展,最大限度的激发前能。”A选项“加速,加快”,常见的短语accelerate the pace of…; B选项“改进,提高”;C选项“表现,表演,执行”;D 选项“发展,开发”。 23. –Jim, can you work this Sunday? --____________? I’ve been working for two weeks on end. A. Why me B. Why not C. What if D. So what [解析]:正确答案A。本题为情境对话。“——Jim,本周日你能辛苦一下(加班)吗?——为什么是我?我已经连续工作两周了。”B选项用语回答对方的提议,相当于good idea “好主意,这个想法好。”C选项完整的说法是“What should I do if…”“要是…该怎么办?”;D选项,表示一种不屑一顾的语气,“那又怎么样呢”。 24. Much time __________ sitting at a desk, office workers are generally troubled by health problems. A. being spent B. having spent C. spent D. spending [解析]:正确答案C。本题考察非谓语动词的用法。题目意思为“大量的时间被用来坐办公室,因此工作人员通常被一些健康问题所困绕。”选项A和C表达被动的意思;选项B和D表达主动的意思。本题前后两句话表达一种因果关系,没有A选项所表达的正在的意思。25. ____________ Li Bai, a great Chinese poet, was born is known to the public, but some won’t accept it. A. That B. Why C. Where D. How [解析]:正确答案C。本题考察名词性从句引导词。根据题目的意思“伟大的诗人李白出生于何地事众人皆知,但是仍有一些人不愿意接受这个说法。”此语境中包含了where引导的主语从句。 26. It is so cold that you can’t go outside _________ fully covered in thick clothes. A. If B. unless C. once D. when [解析]:正确答案B。本题考察从属连词引导的状语从句。本题意思为“外头非常冷如果不裹一件厚实点的衣服千万别出去。”选项B unless= if…not,符合题意。 27. The university started some new language programs to _____________ the country’s Silk Road Economic Belt. A. apply to B. cater for C. appeal to D. hunt for [解析]:正确答案B。本题考察动词词组。“这所大学开设了新的语言项目以迎合国家丝绸


第 1 页 共 78 页 姓名: 报考专业: 准考证号码: 密封线内不要写题 2019年全国硕士研究生招生考试初试自命题试题 科目名称:汽车理论( A 卷 B 卷)科目代码:823 考试时间: 3小时 满分 150分 可使用的常用工具:□无 计算器 □直尺 □圆规(请在使用工具前打√) 注意:所有答题内容必须写在答题纸上,写在试题或草稿纸上的一律无效;考完后试题随答题纸交回。 一、解释下列术语(共 5 小题,每小题 3 分,共 15 分) 1. 汽车动力性 2. 制动器制动力分配系数 3. 临界减速度 4. 静态储备系数 5. 中性转向特性 二、填空题(共 10 小题,每小题 2 分,共 20 分) 1. 道路阻力系数指 ( )。 2. 汽车直线行驶状况下,充分发挥驱动力所要求的最低附着系数称为( )。 3. 评价汽车燃油经济性的百公里油耗有等速百公里油耗与( )百公里油耗。 4. 对挡位较少的变速器,通常高挡位相邻两挡的传动比间隔比低挡位的( )。 5. 在道路上实测的制动距离比理论计算的制动距离( )。 6. 车轮抱死后的利用附着系数等于( )。 7. 当侧偏角为零时,轮胎受到的地面侧向反力为( )。 8. 汽车在转向盘角阶跃输入下的稳态响应是( )行驶状态。 9. 汽车平顺性主要研究由( )引起的汽车振动问题。 10. 评价汽车平顺性的车身振动加速度要进行轴加权和( )加权。 三、判断题(共 10 小题,每小题 2 分,共 20 分。正确的打“√”,错误的打“×”) 1. 汽车制动过程中,车轮的滚动半径是变化的。 ( ) 2. 在水平道路上,当驱动力大于滚动阻力与空气阻力之和时,汽车加速行驶。


2015高考英语单项选择(2)及答案(武汉市) 单项填空 1.(2014·南京名校阶段考试)—I wonder if I could make a living by writing. —________? A.Who cares B.How dare you C.For what D.Why not take a chance 2.(2014·山西太原部分中学高三统一检测)It came as________shock that ________fire broke out in Shanghai yesterday,killing at least 5 people. A.a;a B.a;/ C./;a D.the;the 3.(2014·湖南师大附中一模)The first successful space walk in 2013 is an important historical________in Chinese history. A.event B.matter C.affair D.incident 4.(2014·江苏两校联考)According to the agreement,you________be fined if you fail to meet the goal. A.will B.must C.might D.shall 5.(2014·山东实验中学二模)You can never be________careful,the road is icy and slippery. A.very B.too C.quite D.rather 6.(2014·海口质检)I re ceived his mother’s phone call at ten.Only then did I know that he was badly________in an accident the day before yesterday. A.hurt B.injured C.harmed D.wounded 7.You are so depen dent that I’m afraid you can’t adjust yourself to________alone for a time. A.leave B.leaving C.be left D.being left 8.(2013·福建六校二模)His best movie,________won several awards,was about the life of Gandhi. A.it B.that C.where D.which 9.The rescue team has saved more than ten people________under the collapsed buildings since the earthquake occurred in Ya’an. A.trapping B.to be trapped C.trapped D.having trapped 10.The space suits can be adjusted so that the team can reproduce different levels of gravity as if they________in space.


1、某汽车在横向坡度为θ的硬路面上作半径为R的转向行驶,假定路面的附着系数ψ为常数,h为车身质心离地面的垂直高度,试求: 1.该车不发生侧滑所允许的最大车速v1; 2.该车不发生侧翻所允许的最大车速v2。(14分) 3.第三问是新加的和坡度有关具体忘了 2、 3、画受力图求出单质量系统的位移幅频特性,分析阻尼系数和频率比对幅频特 性的影响。(8分){考的但质量具体差不多看好06年二(2)第六章就差不多了} 4、证明传动系齿轮变速器等比级数分配 5、燃油经济性实验{多工况燃油经济性计算,定义,实验设备,步骤,好像还有 评价指标} 二、简答题 具体回忆不起来了,有操纵稳定性定义,平顺性定义还有他们评价,abs防抱死理论依据和滑移率,在以制动强度z为横坐标,利用附着系数ψ为纵坐标的利用附着系数与制动强度的关系曲线中,为什么应选取在对角线上方的曲线作为汽车利用附着系数曲线?还有第一章部分重点图 (总之简答题都是以前真题知识的改变,基本知识没变,第七章没有考) 三、计算 1、第一个题是汽车设计制动的一个题,估计今年不会出现这种情况了 2、某汽车为了节油,采用拖挂运输,其主车(4×2后驱动)总重50KN,前后 轴垂直重量分别为20 KN、30 KN,挂车总重40 KN。主车最高档(4档)为直接档,该档最大驱动力F t=4 KN,变速器第3、2、1档传动比分别为1.61、 2.56、4.2,路面平直,滚动阻力系数f=0.06,不计空气阻力。问:当路面附 着系数ψ=0.23和ψ=0.4时,该车在哪些档位能正常行驶?(15分){和这个题类似只不过传动比是画图给出来的} 3、第五章常考题型似乎只和07第一个计算数据不一样,最后一问是提出改善转 向特性的三种方法好像


高考英语定语从句知识点知识点总复习含答案(1) 一、选择题 1.The man took out a knife and made a mark ____ his sword was dropped, confusing the passengers on board. A.from where B.what C.on which D.where 2.The book tells stories of the earthquake through the eyes of those lives were affected A.whose B.that C.who D.which 3.The president of Harvard pioneered the elective system______ students were able to choose their own courses of study. A.on which B.about which C.to which D.by which 4.5G is an exciting mobile technology, ________ will give a massive boost to smart cities and vehicles. A.where B.when C.that D.which 5.—How did you find your way here? —It was by following the travel brochure _____ the route is clearly clarified. A.that B.how C.where D.which 6.My brother bought a telescope, ______ he could study the star in the night sky. A.of which B.through which C.in which D.on which 7.Liberty, equality, and fraternity are the ideals _______ human beings have been fighting. A.to which B.against which C.with which D.for which 8.Companies should understand the risks _______ they are exposed and monitor their control environments adequately. A.on which B.in which C.to which D.with which 9.All of us were so excited at the news ____we’ll go abroad for holidays ___we jumped with joy. A.that; that B.what; and then C.what; that D.which; so 10.She brought with her three friends,none of ________ I had ever met before. A.them B.who C.whom D.these 11.People often turn to china https://www.doczj.com/doc/ec12325332.html,_____they’ll find valuable information regardin g everything they’ll be or are going through. A.which B.where C.when D.why 12.Try to be a responsible school by not allowing anyone to attend class, ________ has had a fever. A.who B.which C.as D.that 13.Allen is good at seizing every opportunity ____ he thinks he can show his best self to others. A.when B.that C.where D.which 14.We won’t forget the heroes ________ lost their lives while fighting against a forest fire. A.who B.whose C.when D.why 15.You were really between a rock and a hard place ______ you had to choose between your career and your relationship. A.when B.where C.before D.until


第三节题组练习 1 (2017·福建泉州质检) Beijing Opera roles require performers to paint 1.________(they) faces in patterns and colors to represent different character types and 2.________(quality).In Beijing Opera,facial painting can be quite complex.However,in the 3.________(begin),only three colors were used—red,white,and black.Now,many other colors,such 4.________ yellow,purple,blue and green,are used for facial painting. Red is a color for brave and loyal characters.Guan Yu,a general from the Three Kingdoms Period (A.D.220-280),is a good example of this kind of character.He is famous 5.________ being very loyal to his emperor,Liu Bei. White highlights all 6.________ is bad in human nature.It 7.________(suggest) dishonesty and betrayal(背叛).One of the typical white-faced characters is Cao Cao,a 8.________(power) and cruel prime minister from the Three Kingdoms Period. Black face paint is 9.________(usual) used for someone who is fierce and violent.One typical example is General Zhang Fei from the classic novel,Romance of the Three Kingdoms. All these different colors are used in Beijing Opera facial painting 10.________(provide) a clear picture of each character. 语篇解读京剧的角色需要表演者画脸,而脸谱的颜色以红色、白色和黑色为主。本文介绍了这三种颜色所代表的意义。


高中英语定语从句经典习题 1. Mary lives in the room, the door _____ opens east. A. of it B. of which C. of that D. whose 2. The engineer _____ my father is talking has just come from abroad. A. with whom B. with who C. with which D. that 3. He lives in a hotel, _____ is only five minutes’ walk from here. A. that B. which C. in which D. where 4. Is there anything _____ I can do for you? . A. which B. who C. as D. that 5. The speaker will tell us about some writers and their works _____are known to us. A. which B. that C. as D. who 6. This is the reason _____ they are all against the plan. A. which B. that C. why D. what 7. It was not until late in the evening _____ the traveler found a hotel. A. which B. that C. as D. where 8. I didn’t like the way _____ she spoke to me. A. which B. that C. how D. as 9. This is _____ I can do for you right now. A. which B. that C. what D. as 10. It was at our college library _____ I borrowed the novel. A. which B. in which C. that D. where 11. I have seen trees, _____ open at sunrise and close at sunset. A. which the leaves B. of which leaves C. whose leaves D. its leaves


江苏省溧阳市2015高考英语单项选择训练(2)及答案 江苏省2015高考英语一轮课时作业及解析02 Ⅰ.单项填空 1. I don't believe we've met before,________I must say you do look familiar. A.therefore B.although C.since D.unless 答案B [考查状语从句。句意:尽管我必须说你的确看起来面熟,但我认为我们没见过面。此处为让步状语从句,故用although引导。] 2.After five hours on your feet,you ________a break. A.conserve B.deserve C.observe D.reserve 答案B[conserve保存;deserve值得;应该;observe观察;遵守;reserve 保留。由句意“站了五个小时后,你应该休息一下。”可知,B项正确。] 3.The reason________he told me________he was late is an excuse. A.why;that B.that;why C.which;that D.that;which 答案B [解析:句意:他告诉我的为什么他会迟到的原因完全是个借口。本句的主干是:the reason is an excuse。其中的he told me是定语从句,省略了在定语从句中作宾语的引导词which或that;其中的he was late也是定语从句,也修饰先行词the reason。引导词可以用that,for which,why或者不填,在定语从句中作原因状语。] 4.—I have heard that John wrote a long letter to the president. —His uncle insisted that he ________it. A.did B.had done C.do D.would do 答案C[句中的insist意为“坚持要求”之意,因此宾语从句应用虚拟语气 形式,故C为正确答案。] 5.The growing speed of a plant is influenced by a number of factors,________are beyond our control. A.most of them B.most of which C.most of what D.most of that 答案B[句意:植物的生长速度受诸多因素的影响,绝大多数的因素是我 们控制不了的。which引导非限制性定语从句,且作介词of的宾语。] 6.Last week,only two people came to look at the house,________wanted to buy it. A.none of them B.both of them


一、概念解释(选其中8题,计20分) 1 旋转质量换算系数 2 汽车动力性及评价指标 3 滑动率 4 附着圆 5 汽车动力因数 6 等速行驶燃料经济特性 7 汽车通过性几何参数 8 特征车速 9 汽车(转向特性)的瞬态响应 10 制动力系数 11 侧偏现象 12 汽车动力装置参数 13 I曲线 二、写出表达式、画图说明、计算,并简单说明(选择其中4道题,计20分) 1 写出汽车燃料消耗方程式(要求有结构、使用参数。注意符号说明)。 2 画图并说明地面制动力、制动器制动力、附着力三者关系。 3 逐项列出图解计算等速燃料消耗量的步骤。 4 用隔离方法分析全轮驱动汽车加速行驶时整车受力分析图,并列出平衡方程。 5 汽车质量(空载和满载)对其固有振动频率和振幅的影响,并写出表达式。 6 画图并说明最小传动比的选取原则。 7 写出各种可以绘制I曲线方程及方程组(注意符号意义)。 三、叙述题(选择其中4道题,计20分) 1 从制动侧滑受力分析和试验,可以得出哪些结论? 2 侧偏时汽车具有几种转向特性?表征参数有哪些? 3 影响滚动阻力系数的因素。 4 试用驱动力-行驶阻力平衡图分析汽车的最大加速度。 5 如何根据发动机负荷特性计算汽车等速行驶燃料经济性? 6 汽车制动过程大致可以分为几个时间阶段,从中可可得出哪些结论? 7 影响汽车制动器热衰退性的主要因素是什么? 8 解释汽车加速阻力,并写出它的表达式。 9 试用汽车的牵引平衡或者动力特性分析汽车的动力性。 10 述汽车制动力与车轮印迹的关系。 四、分析题(选择其中5道题,计20分) 1分析等速百公里油耗曲线的变化规律,如何利用它来分析比较汽车的燃料经济性?

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